Ah. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
All out of cash. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
An one more group offended guess I'm just not a people person. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
And now you're all gonna pay. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Apparently I'm feeling a little psychotic this morning. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Are you going to sign this or will it be your surviving family members? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Are you storing cadavers in here? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Aw, that can't be good. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Billy Joe Bob from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Bite my ass from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Bless me father, for I have really sinned, really. I'm not kidding here. Big Sinner. Yep. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Bobo the space monkey. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Bull****' from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Butt sauce from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Can we all just get along? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Chicken from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Chuck Heston from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Close enough. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Close enough. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Come on hurry up. I know you got minorities to oppress. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Come on, hurry up. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Cool cash my check now. Maybe I'll go cash it myself in the vault. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Cousin of Johnny Joe, Billy Jimbo, Bob. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Crap. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Damn here I was, minding my own business, just enjoying my Second Amendment rights and you people have to freak out on me. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Damn it. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Damn that stings. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Damn, do all these people look alike or what? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Definitely some inbreeding going on here. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Did I ask for cheese? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Do all these people look alike or what? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Does my voice annoy you? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Does my voice annoy you? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Doesn't take a genius to guess what will happen the next time one of them sees me. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Don't crowd, there's plenty for everyone. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Don't these people have jobs? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Dude. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Excellent. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Excuse me while i push my entrails back in from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Fascinating. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Fuck you from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Gary Coleman's autobiography would have been more interesting. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Gee, I hope nobody is taping this. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Gee, that wasn't so awful. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Geez, I better get that looked at. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Geez, if the Sheriff turns out to be done not I'm going to kill everyone and then myself. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Get damn dirty apes. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Give me some money. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Glad to see my tax dollars aren't going to waste. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
God, what an awful stench from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Grand father of Jimmy Joe Billy Bob, cousin of Johnny Joe, Billy Jimbo, Bob. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Great, now my day is complete. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Great. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Groovy. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Guns don't kill people I do. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Happy ******* birthday. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Have a nice day. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Hello miss. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Here's some lead for you to recycle. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Hey Ayatollah, how about some service over here? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Hey Ayatollah. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Hey Chico, I need an alternator for an 87 Duff **** you. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Hey, I know you've fallen and you can't get up. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Hey, I'm just exercising my Second Amendment rights here. You ******* communist. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Hi there, would you like to sign my petition? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Hi there. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Hi there. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Hi. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Hm...! from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Hmm. All out of cash. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Holy **** from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Holy **** I'm not racist. These people really do all look alike. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
How about some service over here? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
How convenient. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
How much do you want for it? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
How would you like it if somebody called you a lunatic? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Huh... from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I am the law. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I can't buy that. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I definitely need more of that. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I definitely need to get this looked at. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I didn't expect that. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I don't even like video games. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I don't feel so good. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I don't think so. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I feel better already. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I feel better already. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I feel great. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I feel like sh** from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I guess I'm just not a people person. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I had Faith is system will set me free. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I hope the ***** appreciates the trouble I went to. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I knew it. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I knew it. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I know what you're thinking, but The funny thing is I don't even like video games. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I know you got minorities to oppress. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I need a bad touch Krotchy. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I need an alternator for an 87 Duff **** you. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I need some steaks for the psychotic friends network barbecue. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I need to buy some napalm. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I need to take a **** from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I regret nothing. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I suppose it would have been more politically correct to kill the women in the minorities first. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I think I'll need to keep an eye out for these folks there. Definitely hazardous to my health. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'd like a hot #2 to go. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'd like to cash this pitiful and embarrassing check please. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'll follow you home and kill your dog. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'm an equal opportunity lunatic. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'm bored already. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'm experiencing a sort of burning, itching, spewing kind of effect. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'm here to pay for this trumped up addition to some highway patrolman's retirement fund. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'm here to pick up my normal clothes. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'm not kidding here. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'm not racist. These people really do all look alike. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'm really going to bust if I don't take a **** immediately. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'm sorry, apparently I'm feeling a little psychotic this morning. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I'm sorry. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I've got a note that says there's a package for me. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I've got a note that says there's a package for me. Last names dude. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I've got stuff to do. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
I've really gotta take a leak. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
If you say so. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
It's been a while since I last confessed, hope I can remember everything. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
It's for my mother, I swear. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
It's uncle dad. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Jimbo, Bob from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Jobab, son of Billy Joe Bob. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Johnny Joe, Billy Jimbo Bob. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Johnny. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Just call me doctor euthanasia. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Just kidding. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Just sign the stupid petition. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Kevlar. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Last names dude. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Last names. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Let's see, yeah. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Little Johnny. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Look just sign the stupid petition. I've got stuff to do. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Man, what these game developers won't do for a buck. At least it's educational. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Maybe I should try to escape. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Medicare ain't covering that. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Mhmm! from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Mommy. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
More. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
My bad. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
My nads. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
My president is Chuck Heston. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
My president is Chuck Heston. Here's your rebate. It damn dirty apes. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
My spleens poking out. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
No jail can hold me. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
No problem. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
No problemo. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
No, really does the sound of my voice get on your nerves? It bugs me sometimes. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
No. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
No. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
None, right? from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2
Not a chance. from Postal Dude Sounds: Postal 2