Add up those figures sir from Judge Judy Sounds
Alright from Judge Judy Sounds
And how much do you earn a year from Judge Judy Sounds
And how much do you earn a year? from Judge Judy Sounds
And then I will kill myself from Judge Judy Sounds
And you were incarcerated for a period of time, is that right? from Judge Judy Sounds
And you were incarcerated for a period of time. Is that right? from Judge Judy Sounds
Answer my question from Judge Judy Sounds
Anything else from Judge Judy Sounds
Anything else? from Judge Judy Sounds
Apologize from Judge Judy Sounds
Are we understanding each other? from Judge Judy Sounds
Are you a licensed daycare provider from Judge Judy Sounds
Are you a licensed daycare provider? from Judge Judy Sounds
Are you thick? from Judge Judy Sounds
Be quiet from Judge Judy Sounds
Be quiet unless I speak to you from Judge Judy Sounds
Because I believe that if you are married to this man from Judge Judy Sounds
Because it doesn't make sense from Judge Judy Sounds
Behave yourself from Judge Judy Sounds
Bye from Judge Judy Sounds
Call the police from Judge Judy Sounds
Can't dance from Judge Judy Sounds
Come on, grow up from Judge Judy Sounds
Considering the fact that you are in a great father from Judge Judy Sounds
Considering the fact that you weren't a great father from Judge Judy Sounds
Did you go to the police station from Judge Judy Sounds
Did you see a doctor from Judge Judy Sounds
Did you see a doctor? from Judge Judy Sounds
Did you seek medical treatment? from Judge Judy Sounds
Did you seek medical treatment? from Judge Judy Sounds
Do me a favor from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you go to school from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you go to school? from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you have a television set from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you have a television set? from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you listen at all from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you listen at all? from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you see a therapist from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you speak English? from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you take any other kind of medication? from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you take any prescribed medications sir? from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you understand that? from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you understand? from Judge Judy Sounds
Do you wanna be put out from Judge Judy Sounds
Don't answer me from Judge Judy Sounds
Don't ask me questions sir from Judge Judy Sounds
Don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining from Judge Judy Sounds
Don't shout out from Judge Judy Sounds
Don't sit in your car and honk from Judge Judy Sounds
Don't speak from Judge Judy Sounds
Don't speak over me from Judge Judy Sounds
Don't speak to me until I speak to you from Judge Judy Sounds
Don't speak, until I speak to you from Judge Judy Sounds
Don't talk back to me from Judge Judy Sounds
Don't try to get over on me from Judge Judy Sounds
Don't you feel ridiculous? from Judge Judy Sounds
Eat morons for breakfast from Judge Judy Sounds
Ever watched me on television from Judge Judy Sounds
Explain that to me from Judge Judy Sounds
Ey, fresh mouth from Judge Judy Sounds
Fed up of your nasty business from Judge Judy Sounds
Find something constructive from Judge Judy Sounds
Find something else to do from Judge Judy Sounds
Forget it from Judge Judy Sounds
Forget it from Judge Judy Sounds
Full of yourself from Judge Judy Sounds
Get a life from Judge Judy Sounds
Get a life you know get to get a real job from Judge Judy Sounds
Get a life, get a real job from Judge Judy Sounds
Get his license plate from Judge Judy Sounds
Get out of the car from Judge Judy Sounds
Get over it, get over it from Judge Judy Sounds
Get your head together from Judge Judy Sounds
Give me a break from Judge Judy Sounds
Go back to driving school from Judge Judy Sounds
Go fly a kite from Judge Judy Sounds
Good from Judge Judy Sounds
Good from Judge Judy Sounds
Good from Judge Judy Sounds
Good afternoon from Judge Judy Sounds
Good afternoon from Judge Judy Sounds
Good for you from Judge Judy Sounds
Good for you from Judge Judy Sounds
Good for you from Judge Judy Sounds
Good now ill hear u from Judge Judy Sounds
Goodbye from Judge Judy Sounds
Got experience making children from Judge Judy Sounds
Hahahahaha from Judge Judy Sounds
Hair on my neck from Judge Judy Sounds
Have I been respectful to you from Judge Judy Sounds
Have I been respectful to you? from Judge Judy Sounds
Have you had your Y chromosome tested from Judge Judy Sounds
He's a bum from Judge Judy Sounds
Hello from Judge Judy Sounds
Hello? from Judge Judy Sounds
Her bad behaviour from Judge Judy Sounds
Here I am from Judge Judy Sounds
Hes making it up as hes going along from Judge Judy Sounds
Hes picking on a kid from Judge Judy Sounds
How many hours a week from Judge Judy Sounds
How many hours a week? from Judge Judy Sounds
How many speeding violations have you had from Judge Judy Sounds
How many speeding violations have you had? from Judge Judy Sounds
How much do you earn from Judge Judy Sounds
How much to fix your car from Judge Judy Sounds
How old are you from Judge Judy Sounds
How old are you from Judge Judy Sounds
How old are you? from Judge Judy Sounds
How's that? from Judge Judy Sounds
Huh? from Judge Judy Sounds
Hustler from Judge Judy Sounds
I been in this busniess a long time from Judge Judy Sounds
I believe from Judge Judy Sounds
I didn't speak to you from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't believe a word you say, you're full of from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't believe that from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't believe you from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't believe you because you are a liar from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't believe you sit down from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't care if you don't believe it from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't care what you think from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't care, I don't care from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't give a rat's behind from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't give a rats behind from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't give a rats behind what you thinki from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't know what her problem is from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't know where your head is from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't know where your head is from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't like favors from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't think I'm finished torturing you yet from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't think i'm finished torturing you yet from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't wanna hear from you from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't wanna hear your voice from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't want to hear you from Judge Judy Sounds
I don't want to live in your house from Judge Judy Sounds
I doubt it sir from Judge Judy Sounds
I eat morons like you up for breakfast from Judge Judy Sounds
I eat morons like you up for breakfast from Judge Judy Sounds
I feel like a hamburger from Judge Judy Sounds
I got you from Judge Judy Sounds
I have limited patience with this from Judge Judy Sounds
I have so little fun from Judge Judy Sounds
I have the capacity to do that from Judge Judy Sounds
I havent started with you yet from Judge Judy Sounds
I listening to one person at a time from Judge Judy Sounds
I need milk and juice from Judge Judy Sounds
I run this show from Judge Judy Sounds
I said I will get to you from Judge Judy Sounds
I think you are a kanoodle from Judge Judy Sounds
I understand exactly the stupidity of what you did from Judge Judy Sounds
I understand that from Judge Judy Sounds
I want you to answer my question from Judge Judy Sounds
I want you to answer my question my question is from Judge Judy Sounds
I want you to speak slowly from Judge Judy Sounds
I want you to speak slowly speak clearly so that I can understand you from Judge Judy Sounds
I was being kind to you sir from Judge Judy Sounds
I was just wondering why you were laughing from Judge Judy Sounds
I was once wrong in 1947 from Judge Judy Sounds