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Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005) "Good Night, and Good Luck." is a critically acclaimed film directed by George Clooney in

Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005)

"Good Night, and Good Luck." is a critically acclaimed film directed by George Clooney in 2005. The movie revolves around the real-life events and characters involved in the inspiring story of Edward R. Murrow, a respected journalist, and his fight against Senator Joseph McCarthy's anti-communist campaign in the 1950s. The cast includes renowned actors such as David Strathairn, George Clooney, Robert Downey Jr., and Patricia Clarkson, who deliver stellar performances. With its captivating black and white cinematography and sharp dialogue, the film masterfully portrays the battle for truth and freedom of expression during a turbulent period in American history. To immerse yourself in the sounds of this powerful drama, you can play and download the soundtrack here.
A board was called and heard his case.
A few weeks ago there occurred a few obscure notices in the newspapers...
A great many people liked it, some didn't...
A kid named Milo Radulovich.
Actually, I've given a lot of thought to it...
Ah, it's...
Alcoa won't pay for the ads.
Alcoa, the aluminum company of America...
All right, go ahead. Hi, Mary.
All right, Leo. Turn it off.
All right.
All right. McCarthy interrupting his wedding trip...
All the ad guys on the 3rd floor watched the show.
Although Mrs. Moss offered to testify...
Am I simply stating to CBS that I'm not a Communist?
And a week or two later, the time normally used by Steve Allen...
And before I answered him, I turned and looked over my shoulder...
And he asked what was going on with McCarthy.
And he does not fear that because that enemy...
And he must recover over the desert air of Arizona.
And I am compelled by the fact...
And I answered the phone, it was Howard calling from London.
And I make no claim to leadership.
And I want to assure you...
And I would also argue that never saying no is not the same as not censoring.
And I've never been into a courtroom in my life.
And if I did, I beg your pardon.
And if that be true, there are an awful lot of Communists in the USA.
And if there are any historians about 50 or 100 years from now...
And if what I say is responsible...
And it won't be a weekly program and it won't be Tuesday nights.
And Mr. Cohn nods his head at me.
And pan, camera one.
And the American Civil Liberties Union holds in its files...
And the dedication so reads.
And wait till you hear the bleeding hearts...
And we probably won't either. But nobody'll stop you.
And we read the transcript. We've not been allowed to see the footage.
And we're gonna go right at him.
And we're out.
And will you say good night to your family for us?
And you have one characteristic that's rather encouraging to me...
And you're trying him in the press?
And, also, something about Air Force regulation 35 62...
And, it seems to us, Fred Friendly and myself...
And, prior to that time, had you been a cafeteria worker?
Annie Lee Moss.
Any ideas?
Any man who says, 'I will protect and honor a General'...
Are my children going to be asked to denounce me?
Are they going to be judged on what their father was labeled?
Are they going to be judged on what their father was labeled?
Are they going to have to explain to their friends, etc...
Are they going to have to explain to their friends, etc...
Are we gonna make it, Fred?
Are you interested?
Are you now or have you ever been...
Argument could be made, for the greater good.
As I read his statement, I...
As you can imagine, Fred and I aren't very friendly. No pun intended.
At home with Ben Franklin. His electricity awards.
At the end it was recommended that he be severed from the Air Force...
At the end of this discourse a few people may accuse this reporter...
Back to work, guys! We got a lot of work to do.
Back to work, guys! We got a lot of work to do.
Based on audience research studies...
Because a report on Senator McCarthy is by definition controversial...
Because everyone in this country...
But Editorial will not jeopardize the hundreds of employees...
But even if they are right, what have they got to lose?
But he's wrong 100% of the time when he oversteps people's civil liberties.
But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it...
But it was different then. We were all on the same side.
But legally, if we air this, are we leaking closed hearing testimony?
But still in its heart there lie beauties concealed.
But the elaborate structure of networks...
But they say, Oh...
But to make these statements as we've got corroborating evidence...
But unless we get up off our fat surpluses...
But we believe too that this case illustrates the urgent need...
But you're a pinko.
But, at least we got our facts straight, and it was brief.
Can I have an outlet satellite, please?
Can we hold all the calls, please?
Can you take this?
Cassius was right.
CBS News, See It Now all belong to you, Bill.
Chairman Mao...
Chairman. Did you begin work at the General Accounting Office in...
Charges were in a sealed envelope, nobody saw them.
Close the door.
Could you take a look at this and sign it for me, please?
Couple things. Case before the Supreme Court...
Did you finish your closing piece?
Did you know the most trusted man in America is Milton Berle?
Did you know the word gullible isn't in the dictionary?
Did you not want the appearance of defending a known Communist?
Do me a favor...
Do they have an axe to grind? Is it you, sir?
Do you know the timing on the first piece?
Do you know the...
Do you think this book did considerable harm?
Do you understand the position you're putting us in?
Does he get the right to face his accuser?
Don Hollenbeck, a graduate of the demised pinko publication PM...
Don't kid yourself. It's Reed Harris thanking us for mentioning him.
Don't tell Paley, he'll fire me.
Each day, oblivious to time, weather, and the state of the world...
Earlier, the Senator asked, Upon what meat does this our Caesar feed?.
Ed, I think I should excuse myself.
Ed, I've got Tuesday night programming that's number one.
Eddie! Palmer! Look at who did the interviews and any speeches.
Edward R. Murrow's television program on Senator Joseph R. McCarthy...
Even though that iniquity be proved and in this case it was not.
Every time you light a cigarette for me, I know you're lying.
Everybody knew.
Everyone knows.
Everyone of your boys needs to be clean. Do you understand? No ties.
Excuse me, Mr. Friendly. Mr. Murrow, Mr. Paley's on the line for you.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me. Mr. Friendly, there's a Colonel Anderson to see you?
Excuse me. Mr. Murrow! McCarthy wants April 6th.
Feel like a Scotch?
Fellas! Listen up! Everyone!
Finally we can tell everyone the truth.
Fine. If Charlie shoots it, we get to see it first. We should offer.
Fine. If Charlie shoots it, we get to see it first. We should offer.
For example, the Institute of International Education...
For the record, let's consider briefly some of the Senator's charges.
For TV so often plagued by timidity and hesitation...
Frank, hold on.
Fred signed it. Murrow signed it.
Fred, I'll need you for a moment.
Fred, you're speaking beyond your competence.
Fred! McCarthy wants William Buckley to do his rebuttal.
Freddy, we're a hit. Right up there with Howdy Dowdy!
Funny thing, Freddy!
Get him out of the booth!
Get me copies from any newspaper...
Go after Joe Kennedy. We'll pay for it.
Good evening.
Good evening. Mr. Edward R. Murrow, Educational Director of the CBS...
Good night, and good luck.
Good night, and good luck.
Good night, and good luck.
Good night, and good luck.
Good show, Mr. Murrow!
Good work, Joe, Charlie.
Got a good review in the New York Times. Jack Gould.
Got some very good news.
Got to be in Philadelphia this morning.
Great job!
Great show!
Had he looked three lines earlier in Shakespeare's Caesar...
Have a seat.
Have you checked your facts? Are you on safe ground?
Have you ever attended any Communist meetings?
Have you ever handled coded messages?
Have you ever seen any spy films? You don't hand me a classified folder!
Have you ever subscribed to The Daily Worker?
Have you given much thought to getting married and settling down?
Having searched my conscience and my files...
He also worked occasionally on See It Now.
He can walk upright and meet his friend or his enemy.
He claimed, but offered no proof...
He did the 11 p.m. News over some of these stations.
He didn't create this situation of fear...
He doesn't amount to that much in the newsroom.
He had been sick lately and he died this morning.
He is dead. He was a socialist, I am not.
He is not, in my opinion, a security risk. Full stop.
He is the host of our enormously popular show Person to Person...
He jumped beautifully, but he neglected to check first...
He just won't have Christmas presents for his kids this year.
He said it 17 months ago in Milwaukee.
He started with us all...
He then proceeded through an equally...
He threw stones at giants.
He was a civilized individual...
He was only convicted of perjury. You corrected everything else.
He'll fire both of us, Shirley.
He'll lose.
He's going to come after me. There's nothing more he can do.
He's gonna bet that a Senator trumps a newsman.
He's on his way to the control room.
He's still sorry about it, just as I am.
Hello, Mr. Hollenbeck. Mr. Murrow...
Here now is Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, junior Senator from Wisconsin.
Here! Here!
Here's a thought.
Hewitt, too. Anyone in that room. You make no mistake...
Hey, Joe! Shirley!
Hey, Joe! What's all this Radulovich junk you're putting out?
Hey, Johnny!
His own words, that's what we need.
Hold the calls till after the show. Thank you.
Hollenbeck was what most astute students of CBS's strange...
Honey, the Alsops and Herb Block...
How much are the ads?
How's Janet?
How's your wife?
However, counsel will question you about your own activities also.
However, in this case...
I already did. How do you think we got that review?
I already put them on his desk. Can you just make sure that...
I am today much more interested...
I began by saying that our history will be what we make it.
I believe that our faith, our conviction...
I believed 20 years ago and I believe today...
I can't defeat them both.
I can't for the life of me find any justification for this.
I can't talk to you now. I have to get this film back to New York.
I can't tie it to the Eisenhower in the back of the train piece.
I can't. What the hell is he doing there?
I didn't ask that, Mr. Chairman!
I didn't even really know about it until after the divorce.
I didn't know who to give this information to, Paley or Murrow.
I didn't think I was.
I didn't think that...
I do not agree with his political ideas.
I do not know that they have been listed so, sir.
I don't know whether all of you have seen what I just saw...
I don't know why. I was in the office on Friday.
I don't like to try people by hearsay evidence.
I don't need an answer now.
I don't need to tell you how careful we have to be.
I don't think it's what either of us wants.
I don't think we can take that chance.
I don't want to mean that this new fashion is not chic.
I don't want you to get paranoid, they're talking to everybody.
I feel that my activities, be what they may...
I fight to keep the license...
I got such a hangover to go along with the ulcer.
I had many offers of attorneys...
I have decided that it is consistent...
I have no further questions of this witness at this time.
I have some new notes that go with the Tito footage for Fred.
I have to ask you something, Ed. It's about O'Brian.
I have to go back to Mr. Paley and Alcoa, who sponsors your show...
I have worked with CBS for more than 19 years.
I hold on to affiliates who wanted entertainment from us.
I hope so. You tell me.
I just came by to tell you how great the Lieutenant piece was.
I know this was in 1932.
I know you two are married.
I know. All of the reporters have signed this.
I love Jack Gould!
I may need it a little quicker than that!
I prefer it one on each end, let it run through.
I put you in your country house, and I put your son through school!
I require no lectures from the junior Senator from Wisconsin...
I said no.
I see, absolutely, that this is a chain reaction.
I see.
I see. While in the Pentagon, since 1950...
I should have told you sooner, Ed, I'm sorry.
I simply cannot accept that there are, on every story...
I think everybody could use a Scotch.
I think no comment.
I think that says it all. Just that picture of McCarthy not...
I think you guys go too far.
I thought it was a joke, but there's a lot of pressure.
I used to...
I want to ask you a question, but I don't want you to answer it.
I want to some day find the perfect mate...
I want you to consider it.
I wanted you to know that...
I was extremely shocked when I heard that Secretary Stevens...
I was never a member of the IWW, never applied for membership.
I was reading about lovely young Princess Margaret...
I would argue that everyone censors, including you.
I would argue that this network...
I would argue that we have done very well by one another.
I'd like to get the witnesses here and try them...
I'll check with Campbell in Legal.
I'll put it on a kinescope, push through the end.
I'll see you at the office.
I'll see you.
I'll talk to Mr. Paley.
I'm a pinko. I slant the news.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to excuse myself, I've got...
I'm afraid that's the price you have to be willing to pay.
I'm asking you to consider making this decision a little easier.
I'm busy bringing down the network tonight, Bill.
I'm just waiting for him to say my wife left me too.
I'm not defending her. If she's a Communist, I want her exposed.
I'm not telling you anything you don't know. The thing is...
I'm responsible for a lot more than 5 goddamn reporters. Let it go.
I'm taking your program from a half an hour to an hour.
I've got a great story about Hoover.
I've got New York Times reports. McCarthy asserts he has...
I've searched my conscience.
If Aaron's mother went to a group fundraiser in 1932, he's out.
If he goes too far, the Senate will investigate him...
If I am being judged on my relatives...
If I am giving comfort to our enemies, I ought not to be in the Senate.
If I could express it in what's in my heart now...
If I don't sign it, they'll fire me.
If none of us had ever read a dangerous book...
If she saw how good you look right now, she'd be back.
If the Senator feels that we have done violence to his words or pictures...
If the thing is let stand as it, the first recommendation...
If the thing is let stand as it, the first recommendation...
If this fight against Communism...
If we are to do this, Ed and I need you to be straight with us.
If we go on as we are...
If you agree with him, you're gonna hate the piece.
If you don't sign this, are you and I a target?
If you don't, you'll love it.
If you have anything to say, say it through your client.
If you try Kent with that in mind, I think you'll agree...
If, on the other hand, Mr. Murrow...
In 10 seconds.
In all the 32 years that I have been a practicing attorney in Detroit...
In an obviously gloating mood, Hollenbeck...
In complete humility...
In the last analysis, the Senator was perched on the television high dive...
In the next few weeks I have to lay off a couple of people.
Is he being brought before the Committee?
Is he gonna debate himself? We just used his words!
Is he gonna debate himself? We just used his words!
Is it defending Annie Lee Moss as not being a Communist?
Is that tonight?
Is this the start? Are you taking sides?
Isn't it?
It can illuminate and it can even inspire.
It can't stand alone, but it might be a nice companion piece.
It doesn't matter.
It is my desire, if not my duty, to try to talk to you journeymen...
It is necessary to investigate before legislating...
It may progress better as a Person to Person.
It occurs to me we might not get away with this one.
It was crusading journalism of high responsibility and courage.
It was the work of an honest reporter. Don Hollenbeck.
It would be nice if this guy isn't a Commie.
It'd be more powerful. Cut Kennedy?
It's 4 minutes, but we can cut it down.
It's been very pleasant.
It's got to be there. If you can't find it, I can't write about it.
It's just a little poke with a stick, see what happens.
It's just a thought.
It's missing the voice over on the last piece.
It's nice there.
It's Shakespeare.
It's the front page of the New York Times.
It's the Junior Senator calling collect.
It's Williams for Jack Thompson.
Its publication...
Joe McCarthy said that they have a spy in the Pentagon...
Joe McCarthy said that they have a spy in the Pentagon...
Joe, file it for me. I'll see the Mundt piece later.
Joe... Shirley...
John! Jesse! Go through the HUAC hearings.
Johnny! Johnny! We know what it's going to be.
Just don't read the papers. Or don't read O'Brian, anyway.
Just tell them what you know.
Just think about it.
Keep it down, please. It's a little loud.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Last week, Senator McCarthy appeared on this program...
Last week's episode we did for less than 50,000 dollars.
Let me ask you this:
Let me see this.
Let us dream to the extent of saying that on a given Sunday night...
Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You've done enough.
Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You've done enough.
Let's do our first show about the downfall of television.
Let's follow up on that. Hoover speaks on Benjamin Franklin.
Let's go through this one more time. Palmer!
Let's send Joe and Charlie down there, see if he's any good on camera.
Let's walk very carefully through these next few moments.
Lieutenant Radulovich was asked to resign in August. He declined.
Mack is on a plane from Dexter right now with the last interviews.
Make sure you know that I swap with those two pieces of parents.
May he rest in peace.
May I finish? It's national security!
May I tell you something about yourself...
May I tell you something about yourself...
May we get your full name for the record, please?
Maybe nobody watched.
Maybe they liked the transcript, and want to compliment us on it.
Maybe they should wait till they get more footage.
McCarthy going to the Eisenhower dinner?
McCarthy leaving the hearing after 7 questions...
McCarthy will self destruct, Cohn, all of them.
Member Delbert Clark? No longer with us.
Member of the International Workers, sponsored educational trips to Moscow...
Milko, anything you care to say on that subject?
Milo Radulovich.
Most of that report consisted of words and pictures of the Senator.
Mr. Friendly wants the phones on.
Mr. Murrow said on this program and I quote...
Mr. Murrow, by his own admission, was a member of the IWW...
Mr. Paley will see you now.
Mr. Paley...
Mrs. Moss, let me say for the record, for your information...
Mrs. Wershba...
Murrow's been a Communist sympathizer since the 1930's.
My argument was if you just show the images of McCarthy...
My ex was a... I wouldn't say she was a Communist...
Name me another wife...
Natalie send some flowers over there from us.
Natalie, I need a booth with a live mic.
Next week, we'll take you to Beverly Hills, California...
No matter who he is or who she is.
No one familiar with the history of this country...
No pun elocuted.
No sooner is he done chastising the other committee members for wanting...
No, he hasn't called.
No, it would have to be 2 weeks at the earliest...
No, no. You're interviewing Rin Tin Tin!
No, sir, never.
No, sir. I didn't subscribe to it and I wouldn't pay for it.
No, sir. I don't even know what the dues are...
No, thanks, Jack. Bye.
No. Just that he wanted to talk to you in his office.
Not at any time have I been a member of the Communist Party...
Not Frank Stanton. You.
Not if we're playing bridge.
Not me, you. I told them I didn't want to do the story.
Not much of an obit.
Not once you give it all away. It's no good then.
Now back to Ed Murrow.
Now ordinarily, I wouldn't take time out from the important work at hand...
Now we know how they're gonna come at us.
Now what is the show?
Now, over the past 4 years, he has made repeated attacks upon me...
Of all leading filter cigarettes, Kent filters best.
Of course, neither Joe McCarthy nor Edward R. Murrow...
Often operating as a one man committee, he has traveled far...
Oh, yeah. I like it like that.
Okay, fellas, here we go.
Okay, that's enough. That's enough, Leo.
Okay. Here we go.
Okay. I guess not.
On one thing the Senator has been consistent.
One month ago tonight we presented a report on Senator Joseph R. McCarthy.
One of the best programs I ever heard was called CBS Views The Press.
Or you, Colonel Jenkins? Do you know the contents of that sealed envelope?
Otherwise, it is merely wires and lights...
Our mass media reflect this.
Our reporter, Joe Wershba, cameraman, Charlie Mack.
Our working thesis tonight is this quotation:
Palmer, cut it at 2:30.
Palmer, you kidding?
Pan, camera 1.
Pays the bills. How are you, Don?
People want to enjoy themselves. They don't want a civics lesson.
Perhaps you will permit me to read a few sentences...
Please, don't insult me.
Protected them from what? In the name of what? What would we be preserving?
Radulovich... Guys! Radulovich has been reinstated.
Ready on camera 1.
Really? You should teach journalism. You and Mr. Friendly.
Right away. Yes, sir.
Rob a bank. Mug an old lady. Do something.
Secretary of Agriculture? Good idea! Can they do it by this week?
See if you can contact him and get the shot. He wants to do the story. Joe!
See, you should have worn a dress!
Segregation, exploitation of migrant workers...
Senate's investigating McCarthy.
Senator McCarthy said today that he would demand equal free television...
Senator, may we not drop this? We know he belonged to the Lawyer's Guild.
Send the New York Times a bottle of Scotch.
She neither defends nor explains her political activities.
She's already lost her job. She's been suspended because of this action.
She's fine. Her fundraiser got rained on, so...
She's fine. We're getting ready to move.
Shirley, it's okay. Go ahead, finish it.
Should I turn the phones back on, Mr. Williams?
Sign it.
Since he made no reference to any statements of fact that we made...
So before you take any steps that cannot be undone...
So before you take any steps that cannot be undone...
So in our heart...
So on.
So on. So on...
So you want to forego the standards you've stuck to for 15 years...
Special announcement from the Secretary of the Air Force!
Stevenson had charged that the Senator made demagoguery and deceit...
Tell John I left 5 seconds extra leader.
Than to transmit them? Did you transmit codes?
Thank you, dear.
Thank you, John.
Thank you, sir. Then tell us who delivered the documents to you!
Thank you. Dr. Stanton would like to have a drink with you.
Thanks, Ed.
That is the language of our statute of treason, rather strong language.
That was Mr. Murrow's and television's triumph...
That's a good idea. You should get the Cincinnati Inquirer.
That's not my question.
That's not what I asked for.
The actions of the junior Senator from Wisconsin...
The Air Force hasn't gone on the record.
The American people realize that this cannot be made a fight...
The answer is there's no reservation about telling the whole truth.
The answer is yes.
The answer is yes.
The Army's charging that McCarthy and Cohn exercised undue pressure...
The Attorney General's list does not and never has listed...
The blue one. They haven't gone after the Alsops or Herb Block.
The CBS has been in a lengthy clean house of Lefties mood.
The CBS lawyers wanna talk to you.
The Chair will rule that the comment of Mr. Cohn...
The Committee cannot convene for several days...
The company has subscribed fully to my integrity and responsibility...
The content of what we're doing is more important...
The fact of newscaster Don Hollenbeck's suicide yesterday...
The fact that there's 3 Annie Lee Moss's in the phone book.
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.
The fee is 50,000 dollars.
The other side's been represented rather well for the last 2 years.
The police said it was suicide... gas.
The problem isn't simply that you've lost your sponsor.
The program was no less an indictment of those who wish...
The program... Hold on!
The questions is:
The Reed Harris hearing demonstrates one of the Senator's techniques.
The sale of that book was so abysmally small...
The Senate's investigating McCarthy.
The Senator added this reporter's name to a long list of individuals...
The Senator charged that Professor Harold Laski...
The Senator sought the opportunity after 3 weeks...
The story you are going to run tomorrow is without merit.
The worst offenders on lesser levels...
Then I guess it's time.
Then it's not McCarthy.
There are 2 Robert Halls, one's colored, one's white.
There you go. Harold E. Talbott, Secretary from the Air Force.
There's a commercial in the booth. What shall I do?
There's a Knickerbocker game tonight. I've got front row seats.
There's a story here in the Detroit News, Dexter, Michigan.
There's not much there.
These are very dangerous waters you are attempting to navigate.
They find that it makes good sense to smoke Kent and good smoking, too.
They simply claimed that she had the right to meet her accusers face to face.
They simply claimed that she had the right to meet her accusers face to face.
They'll have equal time to defend themselves.
They'll hurt us with it.
They're gonna allow each side to call witnesses...
They're gonna think you like it!
This goes at the top of the Roy Campanella piece.
This instrument can teach.
This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy's methods...
This is the back of the house and that's Liberace's bedroom.
This is the front and nobody knows how many people have seen that view.
This is the sister, Margaret Radulovich Fishman.
This is the town of Dexter, Michigan. Population 1500.
This means something.
This statue is at the end of Ann Arbor Street erected by...
This was yesterday morning, they're saying it's...
To Jack Gould!
To those who say, People wouldn't look, they wouldn't be interested...
Turn the phones on! Turn the pho...
Twice he said...
Two attractive people alone in the copy room!
Uh huh. Lee, thanks very much for letting us come and visit you.
Uh oh!
Uh, you both are aware that there's a policy at CBS...
Uh... Can you shed any light upon that?
Uh... Now, Mrs. Markward, who was working for the FBI...
Until then, good night, and good luck.
Was it hearsay, rumor, gossip, slander...
Watch it all the way to the end, it's worth it.
We agreed.
We applaud that statement...
We are all in this together, if the Senate wants to investigate...
We are currently wealthy, fat, comfortable, and complacent.
We are only important...
We are proud because from the beginning of this nation...
We are rather curious, however, to know how you suddenly...
We believe the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father.
We can deny our heritage and our history...
We can't say we were surprised at Murrow's Hate McCarthy telecast...
We didn't have time to sync the voice over out.
We do not know.
We don't make the news, we report the news.
We got the film.
We have a built in allergy to unpleasant or disturbing information.
We have corroboration of that testimony by another...
We have had no hearing at all. We have had no day in court.
We have no show for Tuesday, fellows. So get out there and make some news.
We have some footage of the empty chair.
We have the Habeas Corpus Act and we respect it.
We have the testimony of Mrs. Markward, the undercover agent for the FBI...
We have the testimony that you are, and have been, a Communist.
We have told the Air Force that we will provide facilities...
We labeled it as controversial.
We lost the telecine, but we'll make it.
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.
We must remember always that accusation is not proof...
We need to know, for the good of the piece...
We placed no restrictions on the manner of the presentation of his reply...
We proclaim ourselves, indeed as we are...
We propose to examine, in so far as we can...
We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason...
We'll certainly find another sponsor.
We're covered, Bill.
We're giving them the information up front...
We're gonna go with the story, because the terror is in this room.
We're gonna have to do the voice over live.
We're having better luck with Mr. Benjamin Franklin...
We're making some significant cuts across the board.
We're much better sticking out the Constitutional issues.
We're not going after O'Brian. I will not take on McCarthy and Hearst.
We're not going to look back...
We're not wrong.
We've got the footage, we need to contact him.
We've got to hit McCarthy before he comes after Ed.
We've got to let that guy have it.
Well, I think that's a compliment to American intelligence.
Well, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck.
Well, see, I rest my case.
Well, that's new.
Well, we might as well go down swinging.
What did the General tell you yesterday?
What do you want to do, Bill?
What if we're wrong?
What is it really saying? Is it a civil liberties issue or censorship?
What time is your train?
What would you say if I told you...
Whatever happens in this area of the relationship...
Who are the people? Are they elected? Are they appointed?
Who are you promising this to? CBS?
Why don't you just fire me, Bill?
Will it be ready?
With Alcoa, See It Now still loses money.
With all due respect, you have been invited to participate in this piece...
Would anything happen...
Would the corporate image of their respective sponsors be damaged?
Would the shareholders rise up in their wrath and complain?
Wouldn't you guess that those who have seen the contents of that envelope...
Write your closing.
Yep, got a call from the office of Senator Morse this morning...
Yes, 'tis but a violet...
Yes, I had.
Yes, Mr. Paley.
Yes, sir, the second he calls. If you're in a meeting, shall I?
Yes, sir.
Yes! Give me a half an hour.
Yes. Now would be a good time for that.
You bet.
You can go back to the publisher...
You can't strike these statements made by counsel here as to evidence...
You have been told what the rule is.
You know how many shows you're going to have to do...
You know the Civil Liberties Union has been listed...
You let me know if I can help.
You lose, what happens? 5 guys find themselves out of work.
You owe me 5 shows.
You promise to be a loyal American?
You said Corporate would not interfere with Editorial...
You should have told me about this before it went so far down the road!
You tell her that if you see her, will you?
You will notice that neither Senator McClellan or Senator Symington...
You worried?
You wouldn't know it.
You, too.
You'd never know.
You're getting good at this!
You're gonna get audited this year.
You're supposed to slip it into my briefcase!
You've decided on this and you're presenting it as fact.
You've never paid any dues, payment...
Your interests are wide, from world affairs and science...
Your show airs tomorrow. How can we possibly approve and check...
2 and a half minutes on the end piece.
2 minutes to air, fellas.
5 seconds! I got it! Palmer, where's Joe? Have you seen Joe?
5, 4, 3, 2.
64,000 Dollar Question brings in over 80,000 in sponsors...
99% of the time he's wrong about those he's marked as Communists.
2 minutes to air! There's not supposed to be a commercial!
3,000. I'll split it with Fred.
10 seconds. You fellas, ready? Okay.
74, 76, 47. Thank you. Murrayville 3, 1 2 7 6.
A Colonel. There were two of them. That makes a General.
A real ladies' man! Well, they're in love.
Agreed? The woman is not a Communist spy.
All of them? Just get O'Brian!
Also get me the Washington Post! What's going on?
And then what happens? He sits in the back row. Right.
As long as he talks fast because... He will talk fast.
At last! The Times. The Times...
Bill, it's time. Show our cards. My cards.
But he chose to read it. We're not misquoting him.
But Stevens is going after him and it looks like Joe Welch. Yeah.
Call it editorializing, if you'd like. It is editorializing.
Can I get some coffee first? Come on! Get me some coffee!
Can I give this to him? I'd love it! I have copies!
Chairman. Uh... Cohn.
Charlie going with you? Uh huh.
Charlie said he dropped... Shirley, can I see you a minute?
Check again. Charlie said he dropped it off.
Chicago. Couple other pieces I think we should include.
Could you give us a moment? Sure.
Did everyone know? Pretty much.
Did Millie give it to you? I wanna read the book.
Did you get the changes? Edward Murrow, Person to Person...
Did you know Joe and Shirley were married? Sure.
Do you know if they were secret, top secret, confidential? No, sir.
Does Paley read him? Bill Paley's not gonna do anything.
East Coast or West Coast? Yeah. Kansas City, Cincinnati...
First? Good.
Fred, we still have a meeting! We're gonna go to talk to Thompson.
Go on, read O'Brian! I don't have it.
Good evening, Lee. Good evening, Ed.
Good news, huh? Congratulations!
Good news, huh? Congratulations!
Good night, Ed. Good night, Lee.
Got a second source? There isn't, but this is coming out in 2 hours.
Got it. Oh. Here.
He hated it. Yeah. What's his beef?
He leaves. It's all over the headlines, all over the country.
He wants me to lay a few people off. I'm sure he does.
He's a hell of a writer. Yes, he is.
He's a Jew. Don't tell him that, he loves Christmas.
He's gonna add a joke. Charlie, loan me your lighter.
He's in the bullpen. Why? What's going on? Jess!
Hello, Ed. Bill... Sit over here, will you?
Hello, Jimmy. Fred, congratulations! Thank you.
Hey, Don! Ed!
Hey, watch my drink! Yeah.
Hey, your ring! Uh!
His sister? He told them to take a hike.
Home of a friend. No, it's not an obit piece.
How are you? Fine, thank you. Swell. Yeah.
How does a Scotch sound? Scotch sounds good.
How old was he? 53. Sudden illness.
How's the Post? Pretty good!
I believe he's waiting for you. Just call him! Fine.
I certainly will. Thanks a lot.
I did you, I think, no personal injury, Mr. Cohn. No, sir.
I don't know. Let's think about it.
I got to call you back. Joe!
I have no idea. I don't keep the Senator's calendar for him! Really?
I know this hurts you, Mr. Welch. Senator, I think it hurts you, too.
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