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Milk (2008) "Milk" is a 2008 biographical film directed by Gus Van Sant. It tells the inspiring true story of Harvey Milk,

Milk (2008)

"Milk" is a 2008 biographical film directed by Gus Van Sant. It tells the inspiring true story of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in California. The film chronicles Milk's political career and his uncompromising fight for equal rights and representation for the LGBTQ+ community. Harvey Milk is portrayed with brilliance by Sean Penn, who delivers a deeply moving and Oscar-winning performance.

The cast also includes Emmy winner Josh Brolin, James Franco, Diego Luna, and Alison Pill, who bring to life the dynamic and diverse characters surrounding Milk. Their performances heartfully depict the challenges faced by individuals on the fringes of society during a pivotal time in American history.

The film's captivating screenplay, written by Dustin Lance Black, beautifully captures the struggles, triumphs, and relentless dedication of Harvey Milk, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in human rights and social justice.

Immerse yourself in the powerful soundtrack of "Milk" and relive the iconic moments with the ability to play and download these sounds here.
A big one. Sure.
A couple of years.
A cute political kid from Wisconsin, Dick Pabich.
A homosexual with power.
A Jew, perhaps, but I hope you'll forgive that.
A little bit up on the left.
A lot less lavish and a little more intimate.
A man has the right to change his mind. Give me some peace.
A message of hope has been sent to all those young people,
A powder blue pen to sign the city's first gay rights law.
A referendum to repeal gay rights protection.
A week ago,
A week later, the Teamsters union, for the very first time,
Across the entire state, no matter where they live.
Against gay rights activist comes to a vote there Tuesday.
All men are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights.
All of the us's showed up.
All right, lay off. He registered 120 voters last week.
All right? Starting here.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All the cash I need is in my back pocket.
All the gay money, the real money,
All the precincts have reported we've won 65% in LA County.
All we could hear was screaming and crunching and smashing.
All we know is he's our only witness and he said he can't identify the attackers.
ALL/ Happy birthday to you
Almost everything was done with an eye on the gay movement.
Also the straight people.
Always use the stairs.
An activist, a gay activist,
An invasion of the state into the private lives of California citizens. ' '
And a very important ally against Proposition 6.
And all the straight candidates they consider gay friendly. ' '
And asked me if I could get my people to help boycott Coors beer.
And besides, where's an ugly old man like me gonna find a handsome young man like that?
And Briggs won't answer our calls for a public debate.
And businesses should be good to their customers.
And Castro became destination number one.
And destroy the lies and distortions.
And his civil rights lawyer sidekick, Rick Stokes.
And how do you teach homosexuality?
And I can go to the neighborhood banks.
And I had to make sure that this city remains a decent place to raise him.
And I know you can't live on hope alone.
And I say
And I would like to have your magazine's endorsement.
And I would like to know how you, Senator Briggs,
And I'm not asking for anyone's acceptance. I don't have time.
And if somebody doesn't want to step out of the closet,
And if they don't recruit our children, they'd all just die away.
And if you ever heard a whistle, you would run to help.
And if you want real political power, if that's what you want,
And immediately Coors fell from number one and they caved.
And in Chinatown, they could elect a Chinese supervisor,
And in the Castro, they could choose between myself and Rick Stokes.
And in this city.
And it was about that time that someone first called me
And it wasn't only the gays who noticed what was happening.
And it's not about ego and it's not about power.
And let me in the side door, but she never showed up.
And makes them unfit for the classroom.
And nightmare to hell, a night of horror.
And no offense meant,
And not only in the Castro,
And of course, there was Dennis Peron,
And of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
And our next stop, Wichita, Kansas.
And right around the Castro.
And she's got bigger balls than anybody else in here.
And some new friends.
And somewhere along the line, Jim picked up a protégé,
And that with great respect to Supervisor White, I would like his remarks stricken.
And that's Harvey Milk,
And the Coors beer boycott had not been too successful.
And the cultural values of man have been vindicated.
And the potential witch hunt against you straight people.
And the reason we don't is because it is illegal.
And the San Francisco press as my witnesses,
And the seniors and the disabled.
And the thousands upon thousands just like him
And then this is Gordon Lau's office.
And then you're just gonna throw me to the wolves, is that it?
And these are kids that would be displaced from families.
And they killed Margo. But I knew it was going to happen.
And they know that there must be, that there should be a place
And they're not only involved, but they're committed.
And this time, not for supervisor, but for a bigger job,
And we can, we can,
And we got the Bay Guardian,
And we'll ask them what they want, what they need changed.
And we'll see what happens.
And with Anita and Briggs gaining strength, we were very pessimistic.
And with just the right amount of poetry,
And you are not sick,
And you are not wrong and God does not hate you.
And you are? I'm Dan White, City Supervisor.
And you guessed it.
And you want to be normal like anybody. More than anybody.
And you,
And you,
And you're scared of the cops?
And your law goes even further.
And, believe it or not, I don't have any plans.
Anita Bryant did not win tonight.
Anita Bryant said that it was gay people that brought the drought to California.
Anita Bryant was once known as an orange juice saleswoman.
Anita Bryant's coming for you!
Anita Bryant's coming for you!
Anita, you're a liar!
Anita, you're a liar! We'll set your hair on fire!
Anita, you're a liar! We'll set your hair on fire!
ANITA/ I do believe that it should be illegal.
Anne worked on a recycling campaign up north.
Anne, can you set Cleve up on mail?
Anne. Good to meet you.
Anybody want to buy me a drink?
Anytime you come here, I want you to wear the tightest jeans possible.
Are you going to be a supervisor for all the people?
Are you okay, Dan?
Are you okay, Harvey?
Are you on some uppers or something?
Are you registered to vote?
Are you staying up with me?
Art Agnos, who was part of their political machine.
As a human being then, pal,
As much as I'm sure you'd all like to watch,
As President of the Board of Supervisors,
At Duboce Park this afternoon to publicize the new law.
At least now you look gay.
At the last minute? What did I do?
Because I kept them hidden and quiet, because I was closeted and weak.
Because they want to encourage our children to join them.
Believe that Proposition 6 will help children learn how to accept people
Black skin and white in the police department.
Boards must prove a teacher's homosexuality adversely affects children
Boss Tweed or Mayor Daly.
Both Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk
Bring him the stage, guys.
Bring out the old, bring in the new.
But a lot's changed here since then, you know.
But by 1972, the Haight was boarded up. Drug filled, crime filled.
But don't tell me I got to accept it in mine.
But everywhere the Anitas go.
But firefighters, they're the true heroes.
But God knows we keep trying.
But I am running for office.
But I don't date guys over 40.
But I got my people to get all the Coors beer out of all the gay bars,
But I left my high heels at home.
But if it were true that children mimicked their teachers,
But if this thing passes, fight the hell back.
But it looks and sounds to you and to me
But it's not proper. It wouldn't be allowed for any other parade in San Francisco,
But only a few votes shy of my becoming the first big eared, cock sucking,
But people started hanging around our store.
But that wouldn't stop us.
But that's what they always say.
But these queens didn't run. No.
But they're compact and fast.
But we have to start with our street.
But what are you for?
But what I'm talking about is that we can change Phoenix.
But with more votes than ever before.
But you can't use the Castro just to cruise.
But you don't go and make them all first lady.
But you have an issue. See, that's your advantage.
But you have to be very careful, little Scotty san.
But, I'm living with this guy that... I don't know.
By splinter groups of social radicals, social deviants, and incorrigibles.
By taking out the homosexuals and keeping in the heterosexual groups.
By the votes from Dade to Eugene.
By the way, you can do better.
Cake? Yeah.
Call Briggs' office, tell him he can pick the audience, the town.
Cameras are rolling.
Can I have a moment with Harvey? Alone, please, Carol?
Can I just tell you...
Can you assemble a thousand people in an hour?
Can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to licking you,
Cannot be fired on the basis of sexual orientation.
Carol, friend.
Changing our morals from our religious background. And I don't want that.
Charles, I baptize you in the name of the Father
Checking the exposure.
City and County of San Francisco.
City and County of San Francisco.
Civil rights or civil war! Gay rights now!
Civil rights or civil war! Gay rights now!
Civil rights or civil war! Gay rights now!
Clearly, Scott.
Cleve Jones.
Cleve Jones. You're adorable.
Cleve, could you show Dick where there's a phone where he could speak in private?
Cleve's getting some people together in the Castro.
Come here. Just come here a minute.
Come in, sorry, sorry.
Come on, Jack. It's time to go.
Come on, let's go. Come on, I'm buying.
Come on, the crowd is leaving without us!
Come on, we just want to congratulate him.
Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Come out to your friends, if indeed they are your friends.
Come out to your neighbors, come out to your fellow workers.
Come out to your parents,
Come out, come out, wherever you are.
Congratulations to you. Looks like you're part of the machine now.
Congratulations, Harvey. Thank you, Mayor.
Congratulations. I'm sure you'll be the next President of the Board.
Cops are pulling people out of Toad Hall.
Corey Wares is an out gay teacher... Rick...
Dan and I are in bed together.
Dan White has been the vote on the board that has stood in our way.
Dan White is not gonna vote for this.
Dan White's got an issue!
Dan, come on in.
Dan, even Ronald Reagan is opposed to Proposition 6.
Dan, how's the baby?
Dan, I have had four relationships in my life.
Dan, I know you're upset about the psychiatric center.
Dan, if you want me to help you draft another version of it
Dan, it's more than an issue.
Dan, look, you made a decision.
Dan, there's a vote on the Police Desegregation Settlement.
Dan, we both have elections coming up. We can't do that.
Dan, you only need one more vote.
Danny? Yeah.
David was a rich old queen who had bought the biggest gay magazine, The Advocate.
David, we need one of our own in office.
Did all the jocks beat you up in gym class?
Did he hear you? What the fuck!
Did I wake you?
Did Jim call the press? You get out there with your camera.
Did you see the little place downstairs for rent?
Do it now.
Do it with me.
Do you even remember my name?
Do you think such diversity will cripple the board?
Does this mean, as many straights are concerned,
Doesn't anyone give a damn?
Doesn't that necessarily follow that you believe that
Don wanted me to congratulate you on what he says
Don't do that.
Don't do this. Well, I have a lot of pressure on me.
Don't let Cesar Chavez hear you calling him taco.
Don't move for a second.
Don't say anything.
Don't you have someone's laundry to do?
Down the stairs. Thank you. Thank you.
Duly noted. We will take a 10 minute recess before recording the vote.
During one of my early campaigns,
During such time as I hold the office of supervisor,
During such time as I hold the office of supervisor,
Equal rights in housing, employment and education,
Especially those concerned with the preservation of the American family.
Even if their customers are gay.
Even perhaps disguised as something good,
Every paper's calling Prop 6 the main event now.
Everyone over here, gather around.
Excuse me, David.
Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen.
Excuse me, yeah. Maybe you should volunteer for that, David.
Excuse me?
Excuse me.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Excuse me. You know what, you can argue with me,
Fight the people that made you come here to do what you do.
Finally. This better be good.
First ever newspaper endorsement.
For Channel Five news, I'm Mary Dilts.
For gay people that had died under Franco.
For God's sake, it's San Francisco!
For service to the Democratic party machine.
For something you're not gonna even win?
For the California State Assembly.
For the first time, it all came together.
For the sensitivities of all people and all their problems.
For us in this great country, in this world.
For you, politics is a game, a lark.
Former Supervisor Dan White says he wants to be called supervisor one more time.
Forty years ago, tonight,
Forty years old and I haven't done a thing I'm proud of.
From Governor Jerry Brown to former Governor Ronald Reagan,
Fuck that. Elections of any kind
Fuck, Harvey, it's poop, okay?
Fuck, yeah.
Gather most of the signatures to put Proposition 6 on today's ballot.
Gay rights now!
Gay rights now!
Gay rights now!
Gay rights now! Gay rights now!
Gay rights now! Gay rights now!
Gay rights now! Gay rights now!
Gay rights now! Gay rights now!
Gentlemen, Anne Kronenberg. A woman.
George, we need your help with Briggs.
Get everyone together at your place.
Get me Orange County.
Get the press to the marquee.
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free.
Go, go, go, go. I want to be with my newspaper.
God forbid, Dianne.
God puts it in a category of morality.
God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ has freed you from sin...
Gonna spend all this energy to make yourself a target?
Gonna win this time, Milk?
Good luck with all that.
Good luck.
Good night. Good night.
Good night. Whose jacket is this?
Gordon Lau, Carol Ruth Silver. It's the most liberal board in years. In history!
Great! Thanks.
Guys. Don't touch that.
Happy 48. Looks like you're gonna make it to 50 after all, Mr. Milk.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, old man.
Happy birthday!
Harvey Milk for supervisor! Excuse me, ma'am, are you registered to vote?
Harvey Milk, running for supervisor.
Harvey, a society can't exist without the family.
Harvey, are you going to come? You're gonna miss out?
Harvey, come on. Opera is so passé.
Harvey, David Goodstein is a publisher from The Advocate.
Harvey, Don Amador from LA.
Harvey, Harvey, Phil Burton is here.
Harvey, his audiences are intensely devout. You'll get killed.
Harvey, I can't believe it.
Harvey, I can't go back to my family, to my folks, to my district without this.
Harvey, I got to show you something.
Harvey, I love you.
Harvey, I think you got to see this.
Harvey, man!
Harvey, step back and quiet down.
Harvey, that could be really, really dangerous.
Harvey, we're like the Catholic church.
Harvey, what does Dan White do for you?
Harvey, you can't demand acceptance overnight.
Harvey, you have to eat.
Harvey, you should get to the stage.
Harvey! Harvey!
Harvey? Are you all right?
Harvey. Harvey, dinner. Have to get some union boys in there.
Harvey. He's got a house...
HARVEY/ In the past, and still now,
Have a good day.
Have been shot and killed.
Have said, Enough, enough, enough.
He called his California campaign against homosexual teachers the main event.
He filed a petition for a statewide referendum
He gets dragged into this closed door meeting at Police Association.
He intrigues me. I think he may be one of us.
He needs me.
He says polls show most of the people are still on his side.
He used to come into my shop. Are there any witnesses?
He was stabbed 15 times.
He wouldn't let me, so I came in this way.
He's getting much better. He's enrolling in classes on Monday, I hope.
He's likely the next Speaker of the House
He's officially filed to run against you.
He's running for the Board of Supervisors. Right. Thank you.
Hello, Dianne.
Hello, everyone.
Hello, Harvey, running late?
Hello, I'm Anita Bryant.
Hello. Hello, welcome to Mr. Goodstein's.
Hello. I'm Harvey Milk.
Hello. I'm Harvey Milk.
Hello. Oh, oh, but you had such a beautiful christening.
Help or take over? What about Scott?
Here, just lean on me.
Here, put out your hand.
Hey, call it what you will.
Hey, can I see you in my office for a minute?
Hey, Dan. Just got word.
Hey, Harv, committee meets at 9:30.
Hey, Harvey!
Hey, I got you a little something.
Hey, is anybody gonna pay the pizza guy or we're just gonna stare?
Hey, Lawrence, it's Cleve.
Hey, look at me.
Hey, Milk, good job on Coors.
Hey, Milk, good job on Coors.
Hey, wait a minute.
Hey, we're losing Wichita.
Hey, where do you stand on the Psychiatric Center
Hey, you guys.
Hey. Hey.
Hi, Dianne.
Hi, guys.
Hi, I'm Anita Bryant.
Hi, I'm Cleve.
Hi, Mr. White, this is Barbara Taylor from KCBS.
Hmm, now you tell me.
Homosexuality ought to be illegal?
Hope for a better place to come into if the pressures at home are too great.
Hope for a better tomorrow.
Hope for the worker who awakens from the American dream
How about a bottle of champagne?
How about you and I hit the bus stops?
How are you going to determine who's homosexual?
How are you going to determine who's homosexual?
How could we not stare?
How did I look?
How do you know she's not a plant for Rick Stokes?
How long were you a fireman, Dan?
How many careers are you willing to see destroyed?
How many lives, in your lust for power, will you destroy and when will it stop?
How many times did I have to listen to calls to Mom,
Hundreds of gay men were coming every week from all over the world.
Hurry up.
Hutch, aye. Supervisor White?
I actually thought we were gonna spend the rest of our lives together.
I am angry!
I am here tonight to say
I am not a candidate. I am part of a movement.
I appreciate that.
I ask for the movement to continue because it's not about personal gain,
I ask this,
I bought an ounce of pot.
I can have 15,000 people here in an hour,
I can't do another one.
I can't get my stories on page ten, you're getting page one?
I can't just dump Dan. He's got nothing going for him.
I can't say this because I'm a public official,
I can't. I can't walk, sir.
I cashed my last unemployment check yesterday.
I could have come back at 6:00 instead of 6:15.
I didn't know anyone down there and they're bad people.
I don't do losing, ever.
I don't do this enough, taking swift and unambiguous action
I don't know if I have another one in me.
I don't know, these boots are too big for me.
I don't like him.
I don't need your magazine's endorsement.
I don't think he heard you.
I don't think I'd be alive right now if it weren't for you.
I don't think my constituents would favor that, Harvey.
I don't think that State Assembly seats should be the reward
I don't think that's such a good idea.
I don't trade votes.
I don't wanna miss this.
I don't want to see one more thing that says fucking Assembly on it.
I faked a lung disease to get out of P.E.
I felt like I was young again, being at my first opera.
I fully realize that a person who stands for what I stand for,
I gave you a chance, Harvey, okay? I gave you a chance and you blew it!
I got a friend to put me on a bus to LA.
I got it from a friend.
I got to go and meet some friends. No, no, no.
I got to go, Don.
I had to do it! I had to do it! I had to do it!
I had to keep on... Keep on fighting.
I have a right to be at this parade, Mr. Mayor.
I have a Town Hall meeting tonight.
I have some things to do.
I have the union rank and file, I have the seniors.
I have told no lies today or to Supervisor White in the past.
I invited a few of the other Supes, too.
I just didn't want to die anymore.
I just found myself clawing over him, literally running to get him.
I just hope I'm more important than poop.
I just know how to cook one thing, but I make it good.
I just want to go, okay?
I just wanted to say that this is the most wonderful dinner I have ever had.
I keep telling you, it's not just about winning.
I knew you were going to say that.
I know how to get done what we all need done there.
I know you are angry.
I know. I know I'm not what you expected,
I like that.
I like that.
I love homosexuals, if you can believe that.
I love them enough to tell them the truth.
I love you all!
I love you. I love you.
I made a list of shops that were friendly to us and shops that weren't.
I mean, I thought you were a goddamn Republican.
I mean, I'm proud of you but you are hysterical.
I mean, if you can do it...
I mean, it'll be fun.
I mean, just look at the votes across this nation. The public is with me.
I mean, there's such a thing as a right to privacy.
I mean, who knows what they might have said to him in there.
I mean, you're being the hypocrite.
I mean...
I meant what I said. I'd like to work together.
I met your friend Don down here.
I miss you.
I need a change.
I need a change. I know.
I never got the details.
I ran into the bathroom to hide with some other people.
I really pissed off the political power houses
I saw a bullet, one of those big rubber bullets
I saw All My Children.
I spent more years in the closet than I care to remember.
I suppose I can wait tables.
I swear to God I'm gonna stab you with this fork.
I think it sounds great.
I think it's good. It's not great.
I think that if it were passed, it would be just what some people would need
I think you got to call the guy, 'cause I can't talk to that guy.
I think you need to find a new scene.
I thought you got out of politics.
I thought you were a goner, Paul.
I turned 18 and I voted today against Prop 6.
I use my money and my influence, in very subtle and quiet ways, to do what I can.
I want her to bring her fight to us.
I want to recruit you for the fight to preserve your democracy!
I want you right here with me.
I want you to know that my campaign is very interested
I want you to march them right up to the front doors of City Hall.
I want young people, I want women, I want fresh heads.
I was at work. Come on out, sweet pea.
I was sitting in a box, next to my lover.
I was telling Harvey we needed some tough dykes around here, so...
I was very discreet.
I was. Right here, same parish.
I watched TV here today, all day.
I went to the opera tonight. Guess who I went with.
I wish I had time to explain all the things that I did.
I worked for a financial institution in New York.
I would let him christen me if it means he's gonna vote for the Gay Rights Ordinance.
I would like it noted that I never promised
I would like to announce my candidacy for San Francisco City Supervisor!
I, Harvey Milk, do solemnly swear...
I'd like that too, Dan. Good.
I'd very much like to have a public debate with you.
I'll show you all the cruising spots,
I'll take it under consideration.
I'll tell my supporters to stay away.
I'm a businessman, Scott.
I'm afraid it's not in the interest of your safety,
I'm all right. I'll see you then.
I'm calling the police.
I'm coming in.
I'm going to get my picture in the papers, too.
I'm gonna vote against your queer law and I'm gonna get Quentin against it, too.
I'm Harvey Milk, sir. I'm running for supervisor.
I'm Harvey Milk. I'm running for supervisor.
I'm Harvey Milk. It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Briggs.
I'm Harvey Milk. Will you register here if you're not registered?
I'm Harvey.
I'm Harvey.
I'm in a wheelchair. I'm from Minnesota.
I'm interested in your reaction.
I'm just asking.
I'm just discreet. I know a lot of people.
I'm just saying that at this point, it looks like all the big guns,
I'm not an interloper.
I'm not gonna let those little Pacific Heights biddies
I'm not saying this as a supervisor, privacy is the enemy.
I'm on the ballot.
I'm part of that corporate establishment that,
I'm proposing a citywide ordinance
I'm Scott.
I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that.
I'm sorry, I just...
I'm sorry, sir, I read about you in the paper.
I'm sorry, sir, what?
I'm sorry. I can't talk right now.
I'm sorry. It's good to see you too, Harvey.
I'm still 39.
I'm very interested in the details of your argument.
I've been lobbied all week. Enough.
I've got my own issues. Okay.
I've got my own issues. Thank you.
I've learned a lot from watching you. I doubt that.
I've received information from the mayor's office
If a bullet should enter my brain, let it destroy every closet door.
If Dan shows up, just avoid him.
If I need the cash.
If I was speaking to a slightly hostile audience
If it's not an issue,
If their families don't love them for who they are,
If there's anyone in this room, right now,
If these are the only people we have to convince, the hippies and the gays,
If these people are going to live a life of such open homosexuality,
If they know, they know one of us.
If they see me, I could lose my job.
If they try to kill me, I'll get the sympathy vote.
If we had someone in government
If we lose this, it'll just be you and me again.
If we're going to beat Prop 6, we tell all of them to come out.
If we're gonna beat this thing,
If you allow one, just one human being
If you can't control them, we will.
If you clean up the dog shit in this town, you're the next mayor.
If you open those doors,
If you reappoint Dan White, you will lose the gay vote. They listen to me.
If you say anything about politics or the campaign,
II Trovatore, Verdi.
Imperial is 69% for so far.
In a fiercely heterosexual society.
In a gutter.
In anticipation of the vote,
In any political controversial issue.
In fact, I heard that you plan to publicly oppose them.
In Minnesota, in the Richmond,
In New York and other major cities across the country.
In Supervisor Milk's words, This really is the bottom line.
In taking care of seniors in the area.
In the Declaration of Independence it is written,
In the Democratic party by running against their man,
In the face of statewide criticism of his anti gay crusade.
In the polls.
In this movement, at this time,
In this town, you got to give them a reason for optimism, or you're cooked.
Including the ones who do it in our public schools.
Introduce an initiative for supervisor pay raises.
Introduce pay raises, 'cause I can't take care of my family on our salaries.
Is a citywide Gay Rights Ordinance,
Is equal to the percentage of child molestation?
Is gonna go right down Market Street,
Is he your boyfriend? Sort of.
Is it just me or is he cute?
Is it your will that Charles should be baptized in the faith of the church
Is that right? Mmm hmm.
Is that supposed to help?
Is that we could organize enough,
Is that what you're saying?
Is the best way to help us?
Is this all for you, Harvey? Are you this famous, baby?
Is your birthday party over?
Isn't it enough that we have to put up with Jack?
It doesn't matter so much about winning.
It doesn't matter, you just leave.
It is not illegal to be a homosexual in California.
It is. It is.
It just gets bigger and scarier.
It only attracts arsonists, rapists, that sort of thing, you know.
It was a key piece on my platform. Getting it out of my district.
It was fundamentalist Christians who helped Briggs
It was our area. Our own neighborhood.
It'll go down six to five if you vote to get rid of it.
It's a good one.
It's a total joke.
It's a youth campus, Harvey.
It's about the us's out there.
It's just a coward's response to a dangerous threat.
It's just a theory.
It's like French?
It's like you're channeling Anita and Briggs.
It's my duty to make this announcement.
It's not a good time for me, politically speaking.
It's not something that I wanna calm down about.
It's only 11:15.
It's so crowded. It's just so crowded.
It's too dangerous.
Jack, come on.
Jack, did you break in?
Jack, what is it?
Jackson, Mississippi.
Jerry. Hey, we're losing Wichita...
Jerry's not his trick, he's his lover.
Just a little shop with a little overhead.
Just a minute, I'll see if he's available.
Just as I'm sure you prefer the term Irish American instead of mick.
Just fine, Harvey.
Just get me permission to march them.
Just give me whatever is in the register at the end of the day.
Just kidding.
Just leave.
Just like Morris and Minnie Milk of Woodmere, New York.
Just waiting to unleash a fury that will eradicate
Keep eating all that cake, you're gonna be a fat ass by the time you're 50.
Keeps me out of trouble, out of the bars.
Kind of an eye for an eye law that is at work here,
Last week I got a phone call from Altoona, Pennsylvania.
Lau, aye. Supervisor Hutch?
Legislate bigotry in this state.
Let me guess, you think is the cause of all the evil in the world,
Let me just give you that. It's for Harvey Milk for supervisor, all right?
Let Rick Stokes take it.
Let's find out when they are going to announce.
Let's go inside.
Let's go, Scott. Yeah.
Let's let our tax money go to our protection, not our persecution.
Let's march the streets of San Francisco and share our anger!
Like New Year's Eve on Market Street.
Listen, Harvey,
Look at me.
Look outside, the sun's coming up.
Look, Harvey, what's with all this political activist crap?
Look, it's... I just... I don't know what time I'll be home.
Looks like a big win for us tonight. Congratulations, Mr. Milk.
Los Angeles or New York or San Francisco,
Love it or leave it!
Loves me
Machines run on oil and grease. They're dirty.
Madam President, I have ten ayes and one no.
Makes himself the target for someone who is insecure,
Maybe a little. Or not.
Maybe I should run for office and you can work for me.
Maybe the gays are taking over San Francisco?
Maybe we should just roll over and make it easier for Briggs to fuck us in the ass.
Maybe you should tell me the next time you go to the opera.
McConnely. Welcome to Castro Camera.
Me, too. I'll see you later.
Milk put his foot down to emphasize that the city intends to enforce,
Milk, aye.
Miss what?
Mmm hmm.
Morning, Harvey, I just resigned.
Move left! Move left!
Mr. McConnely, I just came by to see how business was doing.
Mr. Milk, I've been a social worker in this city for years.
Mr. Milk, Rick Stokes isn't pulling out.
My aide was supposed to come down here
My brochure's comments about social deviants
My brothers and sisters, we can come home again!
My dad doesn't know yet.
My folks are gonna take me to this place tomorrow. A hospital. To fix me.
My folks know already.
My friend at The Advocate says David Goodstein is backing him.
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