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Milk (2008) "Milk" is not a movie, television show, or song. It is a biographical drama film released in 2008, directed by

Milk (2008) Soundboard

"Milk" is not a movie, television show, or song. It is a biographical drama film released in 2008, directed by Gus Van Sant, starring Sean Penn in the lead role. The film tells the inspirational and tragic story of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in California.

Set in the 1970s, "Milk" chronicles the life and political career of Harvey Milk, portrayed brilliantly by Sean Penn. Milk, who was also a prominent gay rights activist, became an influential figure in the LGBTQ+ community during a time when discrimination and prejudice against homosexuality were deeply rooted in society.

The film delves into Milk's personal and political struggles as he fights for equality and representation. Supported by his partner, Scott Smith (played by James Franco), and a diverse group of activists, including Cleve Jones (Emile Hirsch) and Anne Kronenberg (Alison Pill), Milk embarks on a campaign for a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

Through his passionate speeches and community organizing, Harvey Milk begins to change attitudes and challenge the status quo. He becomes a symbol of hope for the LGBTQ+ community and gains support from a wide range of individuals. However, Milk's fight for equal rights doesn't come without opposition.
Josh Brolin delivers a memorable performance as Dan White, a fellow supervisor who strongly opposes Milk's political agenda. The film explores the growing tension between Milk and White, culminating in a shocking and tragic event that would forever alter the course of LGBTQ+ history.

Gus Van Sant masterfully captures the era, emphasizing the cultural and social context of the time. The film effectively portrays the struggles faced by the LGBTQ+ community in their fight against discrimination, homophobia, and bigotry. The cinematography, costumes, and set designs transport the audience back to the vibrant yet turbulent era of the 1970s.

Sean Penn's portrayal of Harvey Milk earned him widespread acclaim, including the Academy Award for Best Actor. Penn perfectly captures Milk's charm, charisma, and unwavering determination. His transformation into the iconic figure is nothing short of remarkable, and his performance stands among the best in his career.

Beyond the remarkable performances, "Milk" also stands out for its authentic and heartfelt storytelling. The film not only sheds light on an important historical figure but also examines themes of identity, community, and the power of activism. It serves as a poignant reminder of the progress made in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights, while also underscoring the need for continued advocacy.

In addition to the stellar performances and compelling narrative, the film's soundtrack deserves mention. Composed by Danny Elfman, the score captures the emotional intensity and historical context of the story. The combination of Elfman's music with the powerful scenes creates a captivating and immersive experience for the audience.

If you are interested in experiencing the emotional journey of "Milk" for yourself, you can watch the film through various streaming platforms or purchase it on DVD or Blu-ray. Additionally, the film's soundtrack can be purchased and streamed through various music platforms. Given the film's critical success and cultural significance, it is highly recommended for anyone interested in LGBTQ+ history, activism, and moving storytelling.

In conclusion, "Milk" is a remarkable and poignant biographical drama that illuminates the inspiring life and tragic death of Harvey Milk. With stellar performances, powerful storytelling, and a standout soundtrack, the film succeeds in honoring Milk's legacy while highlighting the importance of activism and advocating for equal rights. "Milk" remains a significant film that continues to resonate with audiences, reminding us of the progress made in the fight against discrimination, while also urging us to keep pushing for a more inclusive and accepting society.
A bit over the top.
A campaign promise.
A city law protecting homosexuals
A woman who likes women. And that's odd, isn't it?
Against discrimination in jobs and housing
All I know is that we're getting a new supervisor today.
And all the bigots out there,
And I think that's only going to continue.
And it should not be allowed for the Gay Parade.
And Mrs. Bryant,
And the young people in Jackson, Mississippi,
And three of them have tried to commit suicide. And that's my fault,
And we are not going to let the John Briggs' or the Anita Bryants
And who are these so called gay leaders anyway?
And you were a police officer before that?
And you're over there celebrating a riot.
Angry people, such as yourselves,
Anita Bryant brought us together!
Any school employee who even supports a gay person will be fired
Are fucking bourgeois affectation.
Are we okay? Okay.
Are you going?
Are you guys always this paranoid?
Bidu Sayao herself.
Brothers and sisters, you must come out!
But come with us and be a prick. Fight City Hall. Fight the cops.
But decent art begs balance, right?
But I'm a little bit more selective about my clients than you are.
But there's gonna be riots if this thing passes.
But what we did hope for
But without hope, life is not worth living.
By design, Harvey.
Came out here to San Francisco, I bought The Advocate.
Can I come in now?
Can we talk to you for a minute?
Celebrating his election to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.
Child molestation, so let's just cut our odds down
Ciao, gang. Sleep tight.
Closed their doors.
Controversial woman overnight,
Could I leave some flyers for your customers?
Cute art student that I picked up at Toad Hall, who worked in the shop.
Dan White is just uneducated. We'll teach him.
Dan White will be fine.
Dan White.
Do you know a lot of homosexuals, Dan?
Dog mess is a hazard and on top of that, it's disgusting.
Dog shit.
Doggy doo is a real issue, George.
Eighty eight hundred sixty nine against repeal.
Even though the Castro was firmly our area by 1973, it wasn't safe for us.
Every gay lawyer, teacher, doctor, dog catcher.
Everybody has to come out
Everyone, the apartment is now off limits!
First order of business to come out of this office
For the sake of all the youngsters who've been scared
For your sake, for their sake.
Forty years old and I haven't done a thing I'm proud of.
From the base of the Statue of Liberty!
From Vietnam to diaper rash.
Fruit was walking home with his trick when he got jumped.
Gay rights now! Gay rights now!
Gay rights now! Gay rights now! Gay rights now!
Get organizers and fighters, not politicians. Come on, Jack.
Good night. Thank you.
Good or bad? Not great.
Happy birthday, dear Harvey
Harvard graduate, which nobody cared about in those days in the Castro.
Harvey Milk will have a dream journey
Harvey, Harvey!
Harvey, we're doing the final vote. We need to get you back.
Harvey, you better come down, there's going to be a riot.
HARVEY/ That's it? It's over? We're finished?
HARVEY/ The top gays in San Francisco were David Goodstein
He's trying to ignore us to death.
Hearing Anita Bryant on television,
Her group is crusading to repeal a new Dade County law,
Here, it's right here. We see it every day. It can't get us.
Hey, I like the way those pants fit! Where are you from, kid?
Hired openly gay drivers.
Hmm. And that would be at, let me guess, Ma Bell or AT & T?
Homosexuality is a question facing the voters of Eugene, Oregon tomorrow.
How are you, Lee? Fine, thank you.
How many signatures does he need to get on the ballot?
I began to open speeches with a line and it became kind of a signature
I believe that more than ever before, that there are evil forces
I don't even know who you are. You just showed up out of nowhere, Latino man.
I don't have to talk intelligently. I don't have to talk at all
I don't want you to go anywhere.
I hate the hair. You're not fooling anybody.
I have to be there to open for the dialogue,
I know Sacramento.
I mean, Anita Bryant has already said that the **** and Muslims are going to hell.
I mean, it's got no rhythm, no humor. It's insulting.
I mean, we're down here trying to help people on the streets. Where are they?
I needed to put a show on the road.
I promise.
I want you to know that I am proud of you.
I want you to take it now.
I was born of heterosexual parents,
I was thinking about a little shop.
I went to Spain last month.
I would want five, ten, a hundred, a thousand to rise.
I'd like that.
I'd like to challenge you to a public debate.
I'll make my decision on Monday.
I'm getting back to my party now.
I'm so sick of them. You should fire them.
If I make you a key,
If there is an air of dishonesty with this board and its members,
If we can get that new initiative on district elections to go through,
If you have something to discuss, Harvey,
In Barcelona, there was this memorial march
In Woodmere, New York,
In your statements here and all these newspapers and tonight,
Including himself.
Is gonna get behind Feinstein
Is he here? Can I see the mayor for a moment?
Is there a place for us in all this or are you all scared of girls?
Is there anyone else here from the board today, Dan?
It was frankly the most terrifying experience I've had in my life.
It's a very real possibility you see, because in San Francisco,
It's huge, Harvey.
It's just that Cleve and Anne,
It's like putting on a rock festival or staging a love in.
Jack was gone. I didn't have any time to mourn.
Jack. What?
Jim Rivaldo, a great mind.
John Briggs said this morning that Dade County, Oklahoma, and St. Paul, Minnesota
Just like the one that Anita shot down in Dade County.
Just one more. We can't let Rick Stokes take this one.
Kidding, everybody. He loves our kind. Spend away.
Let me remind you of something, you're up for re election.
Like the black community has black leaders that look out for their interests.
Long story.
More votes than ever!
Most California political leaders,
Mr. White, the mayor will see you now.
My father beat me when he found out.
My fellow degenerates,
No, I didn't.
No, it's no problem. It's good to see you, Dan
No, no, no. I asked the little boy downstairs to let me in.
No, no, no. Jack, no.
No, no. I know what it's like to live that life.
Nobody will ever beat you again.
Nobody works there. It's all about sex and drugs and more sex.
Now you need something from me.
Oh, give me a fucking break.
Oh, God, oh, God! Here we go, here we go. Harvey to the rescue.
Oh, good morning, Dan.
Oh, it's gonna pass anyway and you can't keep alienating yourself here, Dan.
Oh, yeah, how? Will you be sucking them off, Briggs?
Oh, you're just jealous it wasn't you out there.
Okay, Art.
Okay, disconnect the power arm!
Once and for all, let's break down the myths
One more minute.
Only two hours after the polls closed,
People need to know who it is that's being affected.
Please call. In fact, don't drive down there.
Plus, she's the right price,
Politics. Not the movement.
Press is covered. But we don't have a permit to march.
Proposition 6 is an affront to human rights
Put out a press release.
Queer as a three dollar bill man
Rip through a drag queen's scalp, but she kept on fighting.
Sanctuary, sanctuary! Harvey Milk!
Say there are already enough laws on the books to protect children.
See, I'm not going to be forced out of San Francisco
Silver, aye. Supervisor Milk?
Sir, in your drive for personal power,
So under the new ordinance, all dog owners who don't clean up their mess
So you replaced Scott with a lesbian?
So, please, no scenes, all right?
So, this means that the fight is coming here,
So, whether you like it or not,
So, who are they gonna replace Dan with?
Thank you, Harvey.
That goddamn lefty liberal, Don Horanzy?
That you're gonna get somewhere if you keep talking.
That's fucking insane.
That's our new campaign manager.
That's scary.
The Briggs initiative is polling at 75% for approval statewide.
The Castro.
The church organization that started the repeal action was celebrating victory
The fucking piss smell in the tenderloin.
The gay community has staged protests
The movement is the candidate. There is a difference
The us's.
The vote. I get it, Harvey.
The whole state isn't San Francisco, Harvey.
The whole world is watching. This is San Francisco we're losing. You ready?
There was Danny Nicoletta,
There's one in the bedroom.
They are today.
They probably wrote it. Look, think of it this way.
This is campaign literature.
This is not just jobs or issues, this is our lives we're fighting for.
This is over. Done
This is their lives that are on the line.
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
To find that they too have lost their civil rights!
To the needs of anybody, but those of their operator.
We can hear it, we can't really see too much,
We don't need a scene today, do we, Harvey?
We have vowed to fight back!
We need someone to manage things. A woman this time.
We need something populist.
We'll get some money rolling in here. Revitalize the neighborhood.
We're marching to Washington D.C.
We're taking this very seriously in my office.
We've been doing a lot about reaching out.
Well, the name of the game is six votes to get anything passed.
Well, you got one.
Well, you know what I think?
What do you think about that?
What do you want, me to support the queers against Prop 6, is that it?
What was it like to be a little queer in Phoenix?
What's wrong with the Castro?
When I come home to Jack, I don't have to talk politics,
When I got Coors beer out of the bars, the union boys gave me this.
Where are you from?
Where is everyone?
Where you going?
White, no. Supervisor Silver?
Who's he? You live together?
Why do they not bring these murderers to justice?
Why? Why are you turning on me like this?
Without a single mention of the word gay on the entire flyer.
Worry about gun control, not marijuana control.
Write me off anymore because of a ponytail. I like it.
Yeah, if they're friendly to our cause.
Yeah, sure.
Yeah, you should show him.
Yeah. Like, you know, I would like
You didn't bring up supervisor pay raises?
You don't have any right when they come to take away your rights!
You don't have to go up there.
You gotta be noticed, 'cause that's how it all works.
You have to fight.
You just get on a bus to the nearest biggest city.
You just had them pull me out of my big vote on the dog shit ordinance for this?
You know, Mr. Milk, we don't allow people who practice bestiality
You know, they always try and trick you but it never works.
You know, we pay taxes.
You make a statement.
You say that child molestation is not an issue.
You yourself had said that there's more molestation in the heterosexual group,
You'll be the first openly gay man elected to major office in the U.S.
You're so adorable.
You've got five other supervisors you can convince besides me.
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