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James Bond: Moonraker (1979) James Bond: Moonraker is a thrilling action film released in 1979, starring the iconic British

James Bond: Moonraker (1979)

James Bond: Moonraker is a thrilling action film released in 1979, starring the iconic British spy, James Bond, portrayed by Roger Moore. Directed by Lewis Gilbert, this gripping installment takes Bond on a mission to investigate the disappearance of a space shuttle. His journey leads him to the nefarious Hugo Drax, played by Michael Lonsdale, who plans to wipe out humanity and repopulate the Earth with his own perfect race.

With intense action sequences, exotic locations, and stunning special effects, Moonraker takes the beloved secret agent into space for the first time in the series. Alongside Bond, the film features stunning performances from Lois Chiles as Dr. Holly Goodhead, Bond's resourceful ally, and Richard Kiel as the unforgettable Jaws, Drax's henchman with metal teeth.

The movie's soundtrack, composed by John Barry, perfectly captures the electrifying atmosphere of the film, enhancing every adrenaline-pumping moment. If you're a fan of this captivating Bond adventure, you can now relive the excitement by playing and downloading the iconic sounds from Moonraker here.

Experience the thrill of space travel, espionage, and high-stakes action as you immerse yourself in the world of James Bond: Moonraker.
A few seconds more.
A minor crisis has been averted.
A pity you leave us. Such good sport.
A race of perfect physical specimens.
A subsidiary of the Drax Group, I believe.
A tall man and a short blonde woman.
A trifle overpowering, your scent.
A woman!
Activate laser. Prepare to destroy spacecraft.
Actually he brought it back from the River TapirapÈ.
Addressing the European Space Commission.
Addressing the European Space Commission.
Afternoon tea.
Ah, my dear Bond. This is Mademoiselle Deladier and La Signorina del Mateo.
Ah, now I do.
Ah, there you are, 007.
All crews to M5 segment.
All Moonrakers prepare to dock and continue radio silence.
All personnel to command satellite.
All personnel to command satellite.
All right, let's go.
All shuttles now docked. Execute station activation procedure.
All units shoot to kill.
All units: Start Operation Orchid.
Allow me to introduce you to the airlock chamber.
Allow me.
Am I too soon?
An apology will be made to the American government
An entire city in space...
And anyone not measuring up to your standards of physical perfection will be exterminated?
And I've got something to get him there. If 007 can be trusted to look after it.
And in distinguished company, all wearing gas masks!
And know that there is law and order in the heavens.
And not a soul about.
And re entering the atmosphere to land like any conventional aircraft.
And the human race as you know it will cease to exist.
And the treacherous Dr Goodhead.
Any higher, Mr Bond, my ears will pop.
Are you all right?
Are you going to show me around?
Are you referring to people or skills?
Are you training to be an astronaut?
As far as you're concerned, only winter.
As is the manner.
As this is the first joint venture between our two countries,
As you have discovered, I have improved upon sterility.
As you said, such good sport.
Assume preassigned stations.
Astronauts to launch pad.
At least I shall have the pleasure of putting you out of my misery.
Automatic firing system negative. Must be the heat.
Back to the shuttle, everybody!
Balls, Q?
Bang on time.
Because I needed it.
Because long term exposure to its pollen caused sterility?
Before you do that sir, have Q do an analysis of this.
Bolas, 007.
Bollinger! If it's '69, you were expecting me.
Boosters go.
Both, Mr Bond.
Bring that chain.
But I'd better have a look around.
But if any of you were thinking of taking it...
C and W... yes. Carlos and Wilmsberg. They are very big importers in Rio.
CAA retracted.
Capable of being launched into space
Check radar jamming system.
Coincident with your country's one contribution to Western civilisation.
Colonel Scott reports picking up two survivors
Colonel, get your men off! Your mission is completed.
Come now.
Come on, hang on to me.
Come on, quick!
Come on!
Come on! A 70 year old can take three Gs.
Come on.
Come on. The air vent!
Continental USA. Vandenberg.
Controls aren't responding.
Coordinate conversion programme.
Correct, Mr Bond.
Corridor 5 penetrated. Intruders advancing on command satellite.
Could this possibly be the moment for us to pool our resources?
Daily diary.
Desolated, Mr Bond.
Despite your efforts, my finely wrought dream approaches fulfilment.
Did I?
Did you find anything in there?
Difficult or not, it's something we have to do.
Docking release is jammed.
Don't talk to any strange men. I'll be back.
Don't we all?
Don't worry, they'll make it. It's only 100 miles to Earth.
Dr Goodhead reported their position.
Dr Goodhead, your desire to be America's first woman in space will soon be fulfilled.
Dr Goodhead!
Drax Air Freight.
Drax must have a radar jamming system.
Drax. One more thing.
Each capable of killing 100 million people.
Enjoy your flight.
Even in death my munificence is boundless.
Everything was done absolutely by hand.
Expel them!
Expel them.
Fairly deadly diary.
First there was a dream. Now there is reality.
First, a necklace of death about the Earth.
Five blue tipped armour piercing darts,
Five red tipped cyanide coated, causing death in 30 seconds.
Flight BA128 to Rio de Janeiro now boarding at Gate 7.
Franco, I'll call you where to meet me.
Fraser will get you to the airport.
Frederick Gray, what a surprise!
From their first day on Earth they will be able to look up
Funny you should say that. As a matter of fact, I was in a cable car and...
Get back, quick!
Gigahertz reflector efficiency.
Good God!
Good Lord!
Good morning, gentlemen.
Good morning, sir.
Gravity, normal conditions. Life support system, nominal.
Have you broken something?
Haven't we met before somewhere?
He's on his last leg.
Heady stuff!
Heartbroken, Mr Drax.
Here in the untainted cradle of the heavens
Here is a vase done by Lorenzo Graziati between 1850 and 1860. And over here...
Here we have a very early 17th century dish with an aquamarine medallion.
Here we have some of the rarest examples of the glassblower's art.
Here, give me the chain!
Hold them!
Holly Goodhead.
How can I sleep? Nothing but problems.
How do you do?
How fast does it go?
How we doing, Richard?
How would Oscar Wilde have put it?
Hydraulics activated.
I can't hold this course much longer. We'll break up at 200,000 feet.
I deliver perfection... and don't brag about it!:D
I did tell you not to talk to any strange men.
I didn't think there were any in space.
I discovered he had a crush on me.
I don't know but I'm sure we're better off out than in.
I don't know but I'm sure we're better off out than in.
I don't know if I trust you either.
I don't know what could have happened.
I don't know.
I don't think I'll ever fly with anyone else.
I fell out of an aeroplane without a parachute.
I have more important things on my mind.
I have more important things on my mind.
I have the three globes on the screen. We should have a visual in a minute.
I hope you know what you're doing, Bond. I've played bridge with Drax.
I hope your presence is a coincidence. I dislike being spied on.
I never learnt to read.
I only stopped to thank you for your hospitality.
I repeat, Moonraker 6 astro technicians, prepare to embark.
I still don't know if I trust you.
I suppose you're right, Holly. We would be better off working together.
I think he's attempting re entry, sir.
I think I can recall your mentioning it. 007...
I think you owe us an explanation, 007.
I took it from the laboratory. Tell him to exercise caution. It is lethal.
I'd heard Hugo Drax is obsessed with the conquest of space.
I'd like to pay it a discreet visit tonight.
I'll call him from my office.
I'll have to do what he says.
I'm fully trained on loan from NASA.
I'm honoured you were sent on so delicate a mission.
I'm Manuela. I work for Station VH. We have been asked to assist you.
I'm not planning on going anywhere.
I'm patching it to the White House and Buckingham Palace.
I'm sure Her Majesty will be fascinated!
I've checked Drax's warehouse. It's empty.
I've never been so humiliated in my life.
If we were visible from Earth, they'd investigate.
If you like, yes.
If you're trying to be ingratiating, don't bother.
If you're trying to be ingratiating, don't bother.
In range.
In the official version.
Initiate firing sequence.
Intruders attacking command module.
Is the shuttle made entirely here in California?
Is there a safe in here?
It could have its compensations.
It is therefore logical to seek out the best from each nation.
It simulates the gravity force you feel when shot into space.
It was built in California by Drax Industries.
It was their reverence for this lovely flower.
It's a breakdown on that phial of liquid you picked up in Venice.
It's a chemical formula of a plant.
It's a highly toxic nerve gas that has no effect on animals.
It's activated by nerve impulses from the wrist.
It's all right. We're on a prearranged flight programme.
It's entering Earth's atmosphere! James, this is our last chance.
It's hopeless. The corridor's blocked. They can't get to us.
It's jammed too.
It's stopped rotating.
James Bond.
James, no!
James, why don't you pour yourself a drink?
James! You look as though you've fallen off a mountain.
James. To my friends.
Jamming power supply and backup have failed, sir.
Jaws, Mr Bond must be cold after his swim.
Jaws, we can't disengage the release system is jammed. Can you help us?
Jaws! You obey me!
Just like that?
Just trust the RAF, sir.
Launch globe number one.
Launch globe number two.
Launch pad go.
Launch pre programme complete, sir.
Leaving you on your flying stud farm, conceiving your new master race?
Let me help you.
Let me present Countess Lubinski, Lady Victoria Devon Mr Bond.
Let's get a read out on those globes.
Let's see what cargo we have.
Let's try docking.
LH2, replenish.
Like this?
Look after Mr Bond.
Look there! Those are the astronaut trainees.
M thinks of everything.
Maintenance crew needed, section 3.
May I ask what you're doing in Venice?
May I press you to a cucumber sandwich?
May I see the formula?
Maybe you won't need it. That's not what I came for.
Meanwhile, how do you kill five hours in Rio if you don't samba?
Minus 20 seconds.
Miss Dufour will escort you to Dr Goodhead. Ask anything you like.
Moneypenny, Is 007 back from that African job?
Moonraker 1 on preset launch programme minus two minutes.
Moonraker 1, lift off.
Moonraker 1, SRB jettisoned?
Moonraker 2, go for orbit.
Moonraker 2, T minus 10...
Moonraker 3, confirm programme.
Moonraker 4 and 5 to M4 segment. Moonraker 2 to M5 segment.
Moonraker 5 ground crew stand down.
Moonraker 5 on preset launch programme minus 10.
Moonraker 5 ready for launch.
Moonraker 5, reset.
Moonraker 5, transfer orbital power.
Moonraker 6 astro technicians, prepare to embark.
Moonraker 6 cleared for launch. T minus 10 seconds.
Moonraker 6 technicians to M2 segment. Moonraker 1 and 3 to M1 segment.
Moonraker 6 technicians, commence operational sequence.
Moonraker 6, preset launch programme completed.
Moonraker 6, start launch sequence.
Moonraker 6, you are now in manual. Initiate docking sequence.
Moonraker launch programme now commencing.
Moonraker that's the answer. Its laser can track those globes and destroy them.
Most interesting.
Mr Bond, Dr Goodhead, I bid you farewell.
Mr Bond, sir.
Mr Bond, you defy all my attempts to plan an amusing death for you.
Mr Drax is financing the entire programme out of his own pocket.
Mr Drax will see Mr Bond in the drawing room, Miss Dufour.
My God! What's Bond doing?
My mother gave me a list of things not to do on a first date.
My name is Bond. James Bond. I'm looking for Dr Goodhead.
My name is Corinne Dufour.
Nearly tripping over your suitcase on the way out.
Neither did we, Colonel Scott. So what are you suggesting?
Neither war nor pestilence wiped out the race who built the city lying around us.
No doubt you have realised the splendour of my conception.
No slip ups or we're both in trouble.
No surprise. Since I arrived those planes have been taking off every two hours.
No, I own a number of subsidiaries worldwide, producing components.
No, I think you need some rest.
No, I'm just a humble pilot for the Drax Corporation.
No, nothing serious, but all merchandise is to be rerouted as from today.
No, Vassar.
No? What do you want, then?
Noah's Ark. This operation.
Not at all. I'm sure Mr Bond is eager to start his tour.
Not being English, I sometimes find your sense of humour difficult to follow.
Not socially. His name's Jaws. He kills people.
Not what I want to get stuck with tonight.
Not, of course, to animals or plant life. One must preserve the balance of nature.
Now I can believe it.
Now your arms.
Now, regarding a replacement for Chang. You have someone in mind?
Now, you have distracted me enough.
Number one platoon, EVA.
Number two straight ahead.
Observe, Mr Bond, your route from this world to the next.
Oh yes, well. If you can get him, of course...
Oh, really, Mr Bond! Take my gun a stray bird may fly over.
Oh, thank you, 007!
On behalf of the British government, I apologise.
One down, two to go.
One of my own Moonrakers developed a fault during assembly.
Only my tailor's heart.
Only this.
Open the cargo doors.
Orbital communicator, level 10. Zero gravity.
Orchidae nigra. A very rare orchid indeed.
Over here, we have something very, very interesting.
Over there.
Pad EPS, power on.
Pilots proceed from base to launch area.
Place him where he can be assured of warmth.
Play it again, Sam.
Please listen, General Gogol. We didn't put it there.
Please, go anywhere you wish.
Prepare to fire.
Problems, problems.
Range 10.
Range 15.
Really? Don't bother showing me the rest. If I get lost I'll take a cab.
Release the door lock. I'll see if I can operate it manually.
Remind me to do it more often.
Report intruders' progress throughout the station.
Right. OK.
Roll up your right sleeve.
See that some harm comes to him.
Seems to have an eye for a good investment!
Send the night porter up for my bags immediately, please.
Sergeant, round up your men!
Shuttle go.
So the shuttle was hijacked in mid air?
So there was a laboratory.
So why waste time working against each other?
Solar photon screen.
Something must have gone wrong with the controls.
Sorry about that.
SRB jettison.
Stand by to laser it.
Standard CIA equipment and they placed you with Drax. Correct?
Station 2, check coordinates, mode 4.
Straight on!
Strap it on your wrist.
Strap yourself in firmly.
Strap yourself in firmly.
Switching to manual.
T minus 10 seconds.
Take a giant step for mankind.
Take me round the world one more time.
Take the first landing!
TDRSS reports a launch, sir.
Tell me, do the initials C and W mean anything to you?
Thank God you're safe.
Thank you, but we're in great shape.
Thank you, no. Nothing at all.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That's amazing!
That's Drax in Moonraker 5.
That's for you to find out.
That's the scene of the crash.
That's to prevent you from knocking yourself out.
That's what I'd like to talk about. Dinner this evening?
That's what makes it more exciting.
That's what we're going to find out now that we're working together.
The animals went in two by two.
The conquest of space is an investment in the future of the human race, Mr Bond.
The Drax residence. Every stone brought from France.
The face is familiar.
The instructor will supervise the session. Enjoy yourself.
The laser's on automatic. Code 945 set.
The moment the pressure gets too much, release the button and the power's cut off.
The Moonraker shuttle was being flown over here on loan, on the back of a 747.
The President's Suite.
The space administration.
The speed is controlled from up there.
The truth is more disturbing, 007. Look at this.
The United States government is justifiably concerned.
Then a rebirth, a new world.
Then can you think of a reason for not having a drink afterwards?
There again, I keep forgetting you are more than just a beautiful woman.
There again, I keep forgetting you are more than just a beautiful woman.
There are no launches scheduled.
There are the laboratories, but not much is happening now.
There it is.
There it is.
There you are. You have a heart of gold.
There's no image on the radar scanner.
There's the warehouse.
They have a warehouse on Carioca Avenue.
They were working on something very secret, but everything's been moved.
They're coming into range of our Pacific tracking ship.
This doesn't look good at all.
This evening I'm giving my address.
This exquisite bowl was fashioned about 1520, over 450 years ago.
This glass handled sword, the only one of its kind in the world,
This is being issued as standard equipment.
This is it the Moonraker.
This is it the radar jamming system.
This is the centrifuge trainer.
This is the Drax estate. Everything you see belongs to Mr Drax.
This way, please, sir.
This way.
Those are the globes I saw in Venice with the nerve gas phials inside.
Those same seeds now yield death.
Three Gs is takeoff pressure. Most people pass out at seven.
To apologise in person for the loss of my space shuttle.
To lose one aircraft may be regarded as a misfortune.
To lose two seems like carelessness.
Tonight? I think you may find that a little difficult.
Trouble is, there's never a 70 year old around when you need one.
Units 4 and 7, man console as planned.
Unless you're a pheasant.
Up to 20 Gs, but that would be fatal.
Up to 20 Gs, but that would be fatal.
US spacecraft in laser range.
US spacecraft on course to intercept us.
US spacecraft, three minutes to intercept.
Very well, but if we don't hear from you in the next 12 hours
Vodka martini, shaken not stirred.
Was owned by General Menotti in the late 18th century...
We didn't pass anything on the way here, so let's try this way.
We have lift off.
We have lift off.
We have separation.
We have separation. Confirmed.
We should pass over England 15 minutes ahead of time.
We should see the last one soon.
We'll be in touch, General.
We'll have audiovisual within minutes from on board monitors.
We'll take action and hold you responsible for the consequences.
We're approaching the main complex.
We're coming up to second launch position.
We're converging.
We're free.
We're going the wrong way.
We're on parallel courses. We must be headed for a rendezvous in orbit.
We've acted already. We're sending up a vehicle to intercept.
We've been through it thoroughly, but there's no sign of Moonraker.
Welcome to Rio, Mr Bond.
Well done, James. You'd better get up there and fast.
Well, here's to us.
Well, Mr Bond, I guess we'd better get started.
Well, my dear fellow, your reputation precedes you.
What about that list of your mother's?
What are you doing?
What do you mean by that?
What exactly are you up to here, Drax?
What's that?
What's wrong?
When the station breaks up, they'll disintegrate. They're harmless.
When this rocket lifts off I will be leaving you in your own private crematorium.
When we've discovered why the Moonraker wasn't in that wreckage.
Where are you planning on going from here?
Where did you learn to fight like that? NASA?
Where do you suppose that radar jamming system is?
Where to?
Which crashed in the Yukon. Aircraft and shuttle destroyed.
Why indeed?
Why not try it?
Why not try it?
Why not?
Why not?
Why should I tell you anything?
Will be created a new super race,
Will pay deference to the ultimate dynasty which I alone have created.
With this load, that's good going.
Workshops, hangars, design and experimental blocks,
Would your feelings be shattered if I were to say information?
Wreckage strewn everywhere. That's the fuselage.
Yes, Doctor!
Yes, of course, Minister. Right away.
Yes, sir.
Yes, we're taking good care of him.
Yes, yes.
Yes. But I'd rather dance with you.
Yes. We were responsible for the safety of that shuttle.
You appear with the tedious inevitability of an unloved season.
You called for me, Mr Drax?
You delivered a shuttle to the US government, then you hijacked it. Why?
You don't believe me?
You don't have to worry. This is a chicken switch.
You don't want to lose time as well as a space shuttle, do you?
You go ahead. I'll be right back.
You go first. I'll turn off the lights.
You have all served in humble capacities in my terrestrial empire.
You have arrived at a propitious moment,
You have been selected as its progenitors like gods.
You just found her.
You know Frederick Gray, Minister of Defence.
You missed.
You must excuse me.
You must get them in the stores for Christmas!
You must go.
You presume a great deal, Mr Bond.
You see, my dear Bond, we're well able to protect ourselves against all enemies.
You think not? We shall see.
You were with Bond last night in my study. You showed him the safe.
You whetted my appetite for information.
You will leave immediately.
You'd better take two weeks' leave of absence.
You'd make a great saleswoman.
You'll find Dr Goodhead first on the right.
You're no sportsman. Why did you break off the encounter with my pet python?
You're so right, Mr Bond.
You're staying at the Danieli?
You've covered everything with our Italian friends?
Your dream, whatever sort of nightmare it is, hasn't a chance.
Your friend Chang just tried to kill me.
Your loyalty commands respect, Mr Bond.
Your man should be taken off the assignment. I'll see you at the consulate.
Your offspring will return to Earth and shape it in their image.
Your powers of observation do you credit, Mr Bond.
Your seed, like yourselves,
5, 4, 3, 2...
007 doesn't usually push the panic button unless it's something serious.
007! At last.
9, 8...
14th century.
18 carat.
50 globes, each releasing its nerve gas over a designated area,
Activate auxiliary power unit. APU activated.
Activate auxiliary power unit. APU activated.
Activate hydraulics. Hydraulics activated.
And why the orchids? The curse of a civilisation.
And you should go right in. Yes, Moneypenny.
Any thoughts on where you might go? I've always had a hankering to go to Rio.
Be careful. Yes, Q.
But the three launched will kill millions. Those must be destroyed.
Check airlock seals. ALS secure.
Commander. Minister, Q.
Control rockets? Yes, we're slowing down.
Cooling pumps? On.
Cooperation? Maybe.
Could I interest you in something? I'm tempted to say yes immediately,
Cute, isn't it? Magnificent.
DÈtente? Agreed.
Do you come with the suite? It depends who's renting it.
Do you want me? Mr Drax says to telephone him.
Don't shoot! Hold your fire.
everything. Very impressive.
External LH2 pressure? Confirmed, 42.5 psia.
External LH2 pressure? Confirmed.
External LO2 pressure? Confirmed, 21 psia.
Gas masks? We can't afford to take any chances.
Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Good morning, 007. Morning, sir.
Good morning, Moneypenny. James! Why are you so late?
Good. Have that ready for army day. Yes, sir.
Hang on, James. The thought had occurred to me.
He owns a lot. What he doesn't own, he doesn't want.
How's Scott doing? He put the globe launchers out of action.
I didn't. I'm terminating your employment.
I doubt if I'm in your class. You're too modest.
I might have guessed. Do you know him?
I think there's a way round the back. Good thinking.
If that's all, gentlemen? Just a minute. I have something for you.
Intruders have docked at satellite 7. Double the guard at every entrance.
Investigate immediately. Investigate number 28 immediately.
Is this it? Yes, sir.
It's become chilly since Venice. That was before you walked out on me.
It's getting hot. I'm coming in steep to get the last globe.
James? I think it may be time to go home.
Know which airport they operate from? S„o Pedro. Shall I take you there?
Ladies. I'll see you at lunch.
LH2 replenish. Status confirmed.
Life support? Normal.
Main engine start. Moonraker 2, lift off.
Moonraker 2, confirm PB. PB confirmed.
Moonraker 3. Moonraker 3, lift off.
Moonraker 4, launch programme. Moonraker 4, lift off.
Moonraker 5 crew. All systems go.
Mr Bond. Mr Drax.
Never mind. The other courtyard.
Number 3 globe ready for launching. Proceed!
Pressure on line? Confirmed.
Pressurise helium tanks. Helium flight pressure confirmed.
Q's come up with something. Splendid. Any news of Dr Goodhead?
Retract crew access arm. CAA retracted
Retract crew access arm. CAA retracted.
Side lobe gain. Check.
So California must be the place to start. I agree.
So nobody on Earth knows it's there. Right.
Sorry to have woken you. I was already awake.
Spectral response. Check.
Spin stabiliser correction factor. OK.
SRB, you will profile. Activated.
Switched off? Permanently. Now Earth can spot us.
Take care of yourself. And you.
Thank you for being so cooperative. A pleasure.
Thank you for the ride. Call on me if you need anything.
That's where the Moonraker is made? That's right.
The wings are beginning to glow. Just hold her steady.
This is where we leave you, Mr Bond. A little premature, isn't it?
Transfer orbital power. Internal power transferred.
Trust? Out of the question.
Understanding? Possibly.
Very astute of you. Not really. I have friends in low places.
We have audiovisual. Ah, at last!
We've got to find that shuttle. Yes, sir.
Welcome to California, Mr Bond. I like it already.
What about the others? I don't know. Let's see.
What do you know about Moonraker? What I read in the newspapers.
What is it? We're skipping on Earth's atmosphere.
What the hell are you doing here? Convalescing.
What the hell is that? It's the shuttle ignition!
What was that for? For saving my life.
What's Drax up to in that laboratory? Why don't you ask him yourself?
Where's Drax? He had to fly.
Where's M? In the office.
Who's in there? Q and the Minister of Defence.
Why didn't he buy the Eiffel Tower too? He did. He was refused an export permit.
Why were you following me? I was trying to meet you.
Yes, he's moving out. Where to?
Yes. How did you know? I like to keep abreast of things.
You seem to be right, 007. Thank you!
You think I had something to do with it? It had flashed across my mind.
You're just in time. Sit down. Thank you, sir.
You're leaving me your phone number? I don't see the point.
...1, go.
...2, 1.
...4, 3, 2...
...5, 4, 3...
...7, 6, 5...
...9, 8, 7, 6...
...and still nothing on the radar scanner.
...six, five...
...were taken over by Drax Industries.
'Fraid not. Right, Q.
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