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James Bond: Diamonds Are Forever (1971) "James Bond: Diamonds Are Forever" is a thrilling spy film released in 1971. Starring

James Bond: Diamonds Are Forever (1971)

"James Bond: Diamonds Are Forever" is a thrilling spy film released in 1971. Starring the iconic Sean Connery as James Bond, this movie takes us on a dangerous mission filled with intrigue and deceit. Bond is tasked with investigating a diamond smuggling operation, leading him to cross paths with the elegant yet lethal Blofeld, played by Charles Gray. Alongside Bond, we also meet the gorgeous Bond girls, Tiffany Case portrayed by Jill St. John, and Plenty O'Toole played by Lana Wood. This action-packed film promises breathtaking car chases, explosive confrontations, and heart-stopping moments. Immerse yourself in the world of espionage and download or play the sounds of "James Bond: Diamonds Are Forever" here for an unforgettable experience.
A committed idealist to peace.
A dentist is dead in South Africa. That little old lady in Amsterdam.
A diamond?
A drink?
A glowing tribute, Mr Kidd.
A happy selection, if I may say.
A little old lady dropped them by yesterday morning.
A little weird, but a terrific guy!
A mouse with sneakers on couldn't get through.
A rented car should do us fine for openers.
A simple set of tapes fed into a computer bank.
A vast supply of diamonds manipulated by an expert in light refraction.
A voice box, Mr Bond.
A weather balloon!
Abort it!
About six feet high, with a solar panel.
About us.
Absolutely. I feel much safer with this on.
Acquire the diamonds.
Actually, they're a gift from Willard Whyte, who is upstairs right now
Affected by the sight of a pretty body.
After all, I wouldn't know which one of you to kill.
After his death, volunteers were understandably rather scarce.
Ahead is one of the oldest bridges in Amsterdam.
Alert Strategic Air Command.
Alimentary, Dr Leiter.
All crew to Stage One.
All he really needs is a building.
All ready? Get set.
All recovery crew personnel, proceed to docking level and stand by.
All right, boys and girls! Here we go!
All right, Charlie. It's your turn to play hunchback.
All right, kiddies! Ready? Aim! Fire!
All right. I'll get the diamonds, you get the plane tickets.
All satellites are controlled by a coded tape.
All systems interlock.
All the things one wanted to say to one's brother... when it's all too late.
All yours, Bambi!
Although, for such a grand meal, I had rather expected a claret.
Amsterdam! Oh, how lovely!
An electromagnetic RPM controller.
An excellent question.
An insurance policy against any outside interference with my plans.
An international auction,
An obvious little notion. Thought it might come in handy.
And a miniature, transistorised version is installed in his neck.
And for dessert,
And for the government.
And guess who's giving breaststroke lessons.
And Hamilton... is right out here.
And here we have a big lady.
And how in the hell Blofeld got his hooks in him, I will never know!
And I'll bring you the real diamonds.
And I'm Thumper.
And I've smelt that aftershave before. And both times I've smelt a rat.
And if not, then with whom.
And if old Metz deserves his reputation,
And is believed to be part of a cruel, inhuman experiment.
And just to make sure you're not disturbed, I have a man upstairs.
And Miss Tiffany Case Jones has a lifetime reservation at another hotel.
And no one has seen him no one.
And none of the stones have reached the market.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
And obviously you're the hearty breakfast.
And one which will be hanging on the lips of the world quite soon.
And peace for the world.
And please
And search him again, just to make sure.
And since you're the one being watched, I'll get the diamonds, you get the car.
And that's all there is to it?
And there's not a damn thing we can do about it.
And there's so much left to do.
And these tapes? Large or small?
And this, presumably, is the control bank with the coded tape.
And we have a few suggestions.
And we've got till noon tomorrow to pay up?
And what the hell is my black wig doing in the pool?!
And which do you prefer?
And you came aboard presumably hoping to substitute this
And you want to know where they are, and whether I'm working alone or not.
And you're next.
And, Franks, for God's sakes, come up with something original.
Annie Oakley on the end!
Anyone seeing you in that outfit, Moneypenny,
Anyway, no matter. We both sound alike.
Are those military aircraft going to stand off forever?
Are you paying attention, 007?
Are you sure you know what you're doing?
Are you there?
As do the extensive amenities and social services we provide.
As La Rochefoucauld observed:
As usual, Mr Bond, you were absolutely right.
As you see, Mr Bond, the satellite is at present over
Ashes to ashes...
Ask Marie.
Ask me again in ten minutes' time.
Ask, and ye shall receive, Mrs Whistler.
Assuming he's still using your empire as a cover,
At 142 carats an ounce, that's an awful lot of ice. That won't be easy.
At a moment like this, I'm sure you'd rather be left alone, for reflection.
At depths of up to 3,000 feet.
At the moment I'm looking for Willard Whyte.
At the very least, you'll never get out of town alive.
Attention all personnel. Attention all personnel.
Bathosub to crane! Lower away!
Bathosub to crane. Commence lift.
Been aching to give it a try. You see,
Bitten by the bug.
Blofeld could be anywhere on this map.
Blofeld to Command Centre!
Blofeld to Command Centre!
Blow up your pants!
Boys and girls, here we go again. All you have to do is just take your gun...
British Intelligence, Mr Whyte. James Bond.
British Intelligence, Mr Whyte. James Bond.
But I can't help it.
But I... I don't understand!
But I'm two steps away from the slammer if they want me there.
But it is in need of some soft lighting.
But it's late, I'm tired,
But over the past two years, despite all our precautions, it's gone up alarmingly.
But somehow it seems to suit you.
But surely, sir, there's no need to bring in our section
But the nuclear powers, like all bullies, can only be intimidated by force.
But the principle is easy enough.
But the wine is quite excellent.
But then there would be no surprise, would there, madame?
But until Washington believes Whyte's a thief, that's the way it is.
But we do have our orders.
But where?
But why the hell does it always have to be 500 yards away from the nearest hatch?
But wrong pussy.
But, SeÚor Blofeld, this is a most delicate procedure.
By the way, where's yours?
By two sisters who wanted to visit each other every day.
Cab, lady?
Cai... Cai...
Calm yourself, Metz. This farcical show of force was only to be expected.
Can be seen in the paintings of our famous painter, Rembrandt.
Can find some way to amuse yourselves.
Can I tag along, Ernst?
Causes the rotation of the cylinders to stutter at the precise moment needed to...
Charlie One to Squadron. Ready all guns and proceed to target.
Checking radiation shields for replacement.
Checking radiation shields?
Circus Circus proudly presents
Come in, Larry. Larry?
Come in!
Come in!
Come in. Larry?
Come on, Bond. Get the hell off that rig.
Come on, lady, move it!
Come on, let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on! Let's hit that tunnel!
Come on! That's it!
Come up. Third floor.
Coming out. Coming out.
Command Centre, come in!
Command Centre.
Commence attack!
Commence attack!
Conceivably any size.
Could be.
Critics and material I don't need! I haven't changed my act in 40 years.
Cut him off.
Damn thing runs itself.
Damn you!
Death certificate, please, Mr Franks.
Definitely distinctive.
Destroy this, Metz.
Did you get him, Larry?
Do we know who his contacts are?
Do you see the top? The penthouse?
Doctor, there's no reason to run down the little people.
Don't tell him which direction we've taken!
Double jeopardy, Mr Bond.
Dr Metz... Willard Whyte for you.
Dr Tynan? Good evening.
Drop me off at the next corner. This is getting out of hand.
Eastern Airlines announce the arrival of flight 112 from Los Angeles,
Eight minutes and counting.
Eighty per cent of the world's diamonds come from mines in South Africa.
Even dentists.
Everybody point right at the clown. A winner every time!
Exactly, sir.
Exceptionally fine shot.
Explosives, oil, electronics, houses, aviation.
Felix, this is not the real White House, and he's not the president.
Fifty fifty split.
Fill it up, please.
First, I suspect you're wearin' a hog leg.
First... we're gonna have a ball.
Five minutes and counting.
Follow me to Customs, please.
For a lady.
For some time we've had our eyes on a smuggler Peter Franks.
Forget it, Curly! You had your chance and you blew it!
Franks. Peter Franks.
Fred, get the sheriff's office.
From Alaska to Florida.
From Felix or James?
From Maine to Oregon.
From six inches to a cassette.
From Texas to... Baja California.
From you, sir. I talked to you personally about it.
G Section may not be as important to the operation as you are,
G Section.
Gate 7.
Gee, I'm sorry. You should have given us a phone call.
Gentleman wants $10,000 credit with a $2,000 limit.
Gentlemen, Joshua.
Get him off that machine. That isn't a toy.
Get his gun.
Get out of that moon buggy!
Get set to hit the penthouse as soon as we find Whyte.
Get some lunch, Jerry. I'll take over.
Get the gun.
Get them on the radio, Blofeld!
Gimme an open line to SAC.
Give Maxwell his cue.
Give me five minutes to get up there and five minutes to find Whyte.
Give the gentleman 4,000.
God forbid something should go wrong over here, get outta here!
Good evening, 007.
Good evening, Miss Case.
Good evening, Mr Bond.
Good evening.
Good morning, gentlemen! The Acme Pollution Inspection.
Good morning, gentlemen.
Good morning, Sir Donald.
Good morning... Bambi.
Good night, Mr Bond.
Goodbye and good luck!
Hard ten. Ten's the number.
Hardest substance found in nature. They cut glass. Suggest marriage.
Hardly relaxing but... most satisfying.
Have you heard any talk about me
He certainly left with his tails between his legs.
He is heading for a better world, Mr Slumber.
He sent this for you.
He would have been me in a matter of days
He would have given him wings, Mr Kidd.
He's due to leave for Amsterdam.
Heart warming, Mr Wint.
Hello, Felix.
Hello, Felix.
Hello, WW.
Help yourself to a drink!
Her devotion to larceny versus my... incomparable charm.
Here for the first time, see Zambora, strangest girl ever born to live.
Here we are. What an eye! What an eye!
Here we have a little lady, here we have a little man,
Hey, Curly! What about my stamps?
Hey, lady, not through there. The other way.
Hey, listen.
Hey, what do you think you're doin'?!
Hey! I wanted high test!
Hi there, Mr Q. Are you having any luck?
Hi, Ernst.
Hi! I'm Plenty.
Hi. Sorry to bother you. I'm Klaus Hergersheimer.
Hit me.
Hold it! Don't go in there.
Hold it! Get your hands up.
Hong Kong.
How are things in G Section?
How clever you are, Mr Bond.
How did he get security clearance to work here in the first place?
How disappointing! I expected one head of state, at the very least.
How do you like me so far?
How everyone who touches those diamonds seems to... die.
How far does your expertise extend into the field of diamonds?
How kind of you, Mr Kidd.
How pretty! What a super place you have!
Howdy, son. We've been expectin' you.
However potentially painful they may be.
Humility is the worst form of conceit.
I call these girls my Acorns.
I can solve that little problem.
I can think of several things offhand but
I can vouch for that.
I can't very well help you and then stick around.
I deeply regret my threat to destroy a major city unless they give in,
I did it. I switched the tape in the machine.
I didn't know there was a pool down there.
I do hold the winning hand.
I do so enjoy our little visits, Mr Bond.
I do so hate martial music.
I don't believe you.
I don't care much for redheads. Terrible tempers.
I don't care much for redheads. Terrible tempers.
I don't dress for the hired help.
I don't mind the cockamamie machine breaking down twice a day.
I even recognised your voice just now.
I give up. I know the diamonds are in the body,
I got a brudder.
I got you now.
I guess I'm working for the good guys now,
I have a feeling this is the beginning of a wonderful relationship.
I haven't got anything in Baja!
I hear that the Hotel Tropicana is quite comfortable.
I hope you'll find everything in order.
I just saw James Bond in the casino.
I know a good tailor in Hong Kong.
I know in a relationship like ours, the girl's not supposed to be the one to ask.
I must verify.
I see it all now. You don't give a damn about peace!
I see you've met my friends, Bambi and Thumper.
I see.
I shall have to bring back some pictures of the canals for the children.
I shan't ask you politely next time.
I shan't be long, children. Joshua is going to read you a story.
I sincerely hope so.
I speak English.
I suppose a little gentle prodding is called for.
I suppose you killed him.
I tend to notice little things like that. Whether a girl is a blonde or a brunette.
I think Larry got him.
I think we ought to let Mr Bond carry the load from here on out.
I thought... you might be able to put in a good word.
I want the operation done tonight.
I want the real merchandise rather quickly.
I was born there, on the first floor,
I was just out walking my rat and I seem to have lost my way.
I was referring to the original vintage on which the sherry is based, sir.
I won't be long, darling.
I'd put something on over that bikini first, my dear.
I'd so dreaded the prospect of making this tedious journey alone.
I'll be the judge of that.
I'll bet you really missed something.
I'll get you some ice.
I'll take the full odds on the ten. 200 on the hard way.
I'm a little surprised, Bert. It's not like you to panic.
I'm afraid it's me. Sorry about that, old boy.
I'm afraid Mr Whyte has suddenly outgrown his usefulness.
I'm afraid you've caught me with more than my hands up.
I'm Bambi.
I'm being somewhat successful, thank you.
I'm cooperating, Mr Leiter.
I'm delighted to meet you, Miss Case.
I'm flattered.
I'm glad for your sake it wasn't Van Cleef and Arpels.
I'm joining you immediately.
I'm just popping upstairs for a moment.
I'm Mr Wint.
I'm not going to hurt you. Just open.
I'm on top of the situation.
I'm simply holding him in cold storage, so to speak.
I'm so happy you chose our half couch, hinged panel, slumber on casket.
I'm sorry. It won't take a moment but
I'm sure he did.
I'm sure I must've told you
I'm sure your brother would have appreciated it.
I'm very impressed.
I've been waiting a couple of days for you guys to deliver them.
I've come too far to have the aim of my crew
I've done rather well with it, too.
I've got to hand it to you, Q. Quite ingenious.
I've seen everything I need to see.
I've waited too long for this moment.
If at first you don't succeed, Mr Kidd...
If God had wanted man to fly...
If he ever finds out what I'm doin' to it, he'll be madder than hell.
If he's half the genius they say he is, we're in for real trouble.
If I were to break the news to anyone,
If only they were brains.
If they shut down operations before we discover them...
If we destroy Kansas, the world may not hear about it for years.
If you see a mad professor in a minibus, just smile!
If you will look to your left as we go down the Amstel, you can see...
If you'd come into my comfortable office, we will bring you the urn.
If you'd given the poor fellow a chance.
If you'd like to come in, Plenty.
If you're havin' a good time,
In a ring?
In any event, I'm sure you'll find it much more convenient
In my opinion, the most difficult part of a plastic transformation.
In order to form a more perfect union, sweetheart.
In the meantime, I'm sure you and Mrs Jones
Is for umbrella.
Is he dead?
Is hes married?
Is Mr Case not at home?
Is Superman giving you any trouble?
Is that who it was?
Is there some problem?
Is there something I can do for you?
Is there something we can do for you?
Isn't that nice?
It all seems so perfectly simple. I suppose one just presses that and out it pops.
It is believed the United States and the Soviet Union have assured each other
It just proves no one's indestructible.
It was built over 300 years ago
It was nothing, really!
It was right here.
It would be catastrophic for us
It would be to you first. You know that.
It would give them a chance for a fresh start.
It's a lot smoother ride in the front, Mr Franks.
It's a necessary precaution,
It's as if it had a will of its own.
It's Bert Saxby.
It's funny.
It's gone berserk!
It's lucky for me that I ran into you.
It's my own.
It's my wisdom teeth. I haven't had 'em out yet.
It's negative.
It's on the ridge, about ten miles out of town.
It's Peter Franks.
James, next time, pick a contact point when you're standing up.
James, there's something very important I've been meaning to ask you
Joe couldn't make it tonight.
Just enjoy yourself, James. I'm sure you know how.
Just get me the diamonds!
Just give me one second, lover.
Just once.
Just relax. I have a friend named Felix who can fix anything.
Just... checking on radiation shields.
Keep leaning on that tooter, Charlie, and you'll get a shot in the mouth!
Keep the temperature at precisely 80 degrees.
Kill him!
Killed one of the guards on the way up to London.
Killed one of the guards on the way up to London.
Klaus Hergersheimer. G Section.
La bombe surprise.
Lean over.
Let me assure you of our deepest condolences.
Let me have your glass.
Let me speak to Metz.
Let the captain know and I'll have him steam around in circles!
Let's get out of here first and I'll explain it to you en route.
Let's see your passport, Franks.
Letting me freeze my behind off at a blackjack table for two hours
Like any sensible animal, she's only threatening when threatened.
Like so many impotent beach boys.
Listen, Mr Q. I... I was wondering.
Look at that! And we have another winner!
Look, I've got one here. Lucky for you, I carry spares.
Lower away.
Lufthansa announce the arrival of flight LH450 from Amsterdam...
Lufthansa announce the departure of flight LH450 to Los Angeles.
M E... Will you please leave, you irritating man?
M's been trying to get in touch with you. That Peter Franks fellow's escaped.
Make you agree to perpetual blackmail.
Make yourself at home! I'll be out in a minute!
Making mud pies, 007?
Maxwell, James and I will head for the house.
May his soul rest in peace.
May I finally call you James?
May I have $5,000? No, make it $10,000.
Metz. How do you spell it?
Minus $5,000 for you... leaves me $45,000, and thank you very much.
Most are dug out of shafts of diamond bearing clay
Most thoughtful.
Mother nature's finest killer, Mr Wint.
Mouton Rothschild '55.
Mouton Rothschild is a claret.
Mr and Mrs Jones?
Mr Franks, I'm Morton Slumber.
Mr Franks. There's a message for you at Passport Control.
Mr Franks...
Mr Franks' credit's good.
Mr Saxby.
Mr Whyte is perfectly safe at his own summerhouse.
Mrs Whistler did want some pictures of the canals for the children.
My condolences, gentlemen.
My congratulations to you both.
My God!
My name is Bond. James Bond.
My name is Franks.
Named after your father, perhaps?
Naturally the security measures tend to ensure that loyalty,
Never mind about that.
Never mind James Bond. You get down to that house.
New shooter. Your shot, Mr F.
Next shooter is a lady. Ladies are lucky. For the lady.
Nice little company.
Nice place you have here.
Nice to see you haven't lost that fine mental edge, 007.
Nine minutes and counting.
No mistake, sir.
No security system is perfect.
No word yet from anyone!
No, don't tell me. You're St Peter?
No, I'm afraid a personal appearance is quite out of the question.
No, I'm afraid not.
No, more like even money.
No, no. Open wide.
No. But I heard of him. Everybody in our business has.
No. No problems at all.
No. The airport's too obvious.
Not a bit of it. Made one of these for the kids last Christmas.
Not quite.
Not to keep the usual duplicate microfilm records of the project.
Nothing so melodramatic.
Now get out!
Now hold it till I say go.
Now let me see. You are...?
Now then, if we're ready to begin the final journey...
Now we start the transformation.
Of course.
Of course.
Of the apparent nuclear accidents in North Dakota and Russia.
Oh, James!
Oh, Peter!
Oh, Willie.
Oh, yes. Amen.
Oh, yes. What were you about to ask me?
OK, folks. Stand clear of the doors. Here we go.
OK, lady, you win, you win.
OK, Professor.
OK. Stand clear of the doors. Here we go.
On a relatively simple smuggling matter.
On behalf of the CIA, welcome to America.
On behalf of the Whyte House, I wanna let you folks know
On the specific instructions and with the compliments of Mr Willard Whyte.
On your right, those beautiful old houses
One chance.
One hour for both of us to achieve Total disarmament
One is never too old to learn from a master, Mr Kidd.
One last break. Where are the real diamonds?
One minute and counting.
One more word, Metz, and I'll have you shot! Get back to your post!
One of our missiles just accidentally blew up in North Dakota.
One of us smells like a tart's handkerchief.
One win! She only had one win!
Only 12 minutes left.
Operation Passover, commence.
Operation Passover, commence.
Or is it his neck? I never can remember.
Or perhaps I should say elevator.
Our concern is that someone might dump them on the market to depress prices or...
Our little rendezvous?
Oysters Andaluz.
Passport, sir?
Paste! Glass! Where's the real stuff, Franks?
People say I have the body of Rock Hudson.
Perfect trajectory. All systems go. We expect to enter orbit right on the nose.
Perhaps I'd better give you a brief background into our problem.
Perhaps New York. All that smut and traffic.
Peter Franks, Jerry.
Peter Franks.
Pity about your liver, sir. It's an unusually fine Solera.
Playing Monopoly with real buildings.
Please accept my heartfelt condolences at this most difficult hour.
Please be very still, ladies and gentlemen.
Please don't get any foolish notions.
Please fasten your seat belts, and no smoking until airborne.
Please, be seated.
Point the gun. You know what to do.
Poor Plenty must have stumbled in here looking for you.
Power and breathing systems on.
Prepare my bathosub immediately.
Presidential news secretary John Fenner refused comment on a report
Pressure on the case when the desired symbols appear
Presumably I'm the condemned man,
Prime rib en jus.
Proceed to target.
Professor Dr Metz. Our shields are fine!
Providing the collars and cuffs match...
Put it back, Mr Bond.
Put it back... very carefully.
Q has just arrived with it. We'll be up with them in the morning.
Quarterback to Tight End.
Quite. I'll probably take in a show.
Really I am.
Refreshing to hear there's one subject you're not an expert on.
Relax! You've got a friend named Felix who can fix anything.
Relax. Make yourself comfortable.
Relaxing, I hope.
Release catch is open.
Reports of another nuclear accident in Red China are as yet unconfirmed.
Right again, Mr Bond.
Right idea, Mr Bond.
Right. Out, out.
Rio... Hong Kong...
Roger, Charlie One. Out.
Salade Utopia.
Say! You've played this game before!
Science was never my strong suit,
Search him from his toenails to the last follicle on his head. Then bring him to me.
See you around.
Send it to Vandenberg, sir.
Seven minutes and counting.
Seven, loser. The lucky lady craps out.
Several recent murders in South Africa have complicated matters.
Shady got his last night. They've missed me once.
Shady Tree!
Shady Tree!
She has taken a reasonable attitude.
She was captured near Nairobi, south Africa,
She's on her way. So far, so good.
Simply to provide you with one mock heroic moment.
Since we have not heard from them, they will hear from us.
Sir Donald has convinced the PM otherwise.
Sir Donald thinks someone's stockpiling.
Six minutes and counting.
Small world.
So far, so good. Keep going.
So far.
So get lost. See ya later.
So get lost. See ya later.
So I'd sit tight if I were you. There's no sense in looking for trouble.
So keep in mind those curtains is an exit.
So long, James! I'll wire M you're on your way home!
So long, James.
So long, James. Keep in touch.
So sorry to have ruined the line of your suit for nothing.
So that's it. Well, I'm sure you won't be alone.
So we wouldn't disturb Zambora from her transcendental state.
So you can inform your superiors and...
Someone sent their brain trust down to meet you.
Someone's voice patterns and resonance
Something about 20 years to life. Nothing important.
Sooner or later you'll have to talk.
Sorry about your fulsome friend.
Sorry about your fulsome friend.
Stage One alert, please.
Stamps? You ain't got no gas yet!
Stamps? You ain't got no gas yet!
Stand by to abort!
Star of South Africa.
Starlight Lounge to the left. Express to street level only, folks.
Still haven't found out.
Still the same old grind. You know.
Stop him, Harry!
Stop him!
Stop that! I've got friends in this town!
Stored in a small oral signature tape.
Strong enough to bury anything.
Such a pity. All that time and expense
Such a pity. I was dying to see how the operation turned out.
Supposed to be you. The next link in the pipeline.
Surely you haven't come to negotiate, Mr Bond?
Take her below and lock her up with Mr Bond.
Take him away and throw him in the brig.
Take something off. Enjoy the sun.
Talking about lines, which one did you use on Miss Case?
Target fixed! Commence countdown!
Tell him he's fired.
Tell Maxwell to hit the penthouse...
Tell Maxwell to stand by to hit the penthouse.
Tell me, Commander.
Tell me, what does he need to control that satellite?
Ten minutes and counting!
Ten... nine...
Than mountaineering about outside the Whyte House.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, gentlemen, for such a sterling service.
Thank you, Governor.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That an emergency meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is in session.
That door over there. You can park outside.
That I promise.
That looks fantastic! What's in it?
That missile is not a practical weapon.
That no offensive action has been taken by either nation.
That ridiculous contraption actually seems to work, Q.
That way!
That's 50,000 dollars!
That's a little cute, isn't it?
That's good thinking.
That's good. Right on over there.
That's most annoying.
That's quite a nice little nothing you're almost wearing. I approve.
That's rather potent. Not the cork your aftershave.
That's unbelievable!
That's very good thinking.
That's very kind of you.
That's why you're being paid 50 grand.
The Akbar Shah, 116 carats rough.
The Akbar Shah. 116 carats rough.
The arrangements have been impeccable
The car rental agency.
The children will be so thrilled.
The evening may not be a total loss after all.
The first laser beam was generated through a diamond.
The Flying Palacios!
The Great Powers flexing their military muscles
The ideal kidnap victim. No one's seen the man for five years.
The kind the government... runs.
The least we can expect from you now is a little plain, solid work.
The letter U
The limit on all the numbers, 250 on the eleven. Thank you very much.
The nose.
The one with the restful chartreuse curtains and Angel's Breath gold trim.
The piÈce de rÈsistance...
The power of that thing could be incredible.
The real diamonds.
The rest of your luggage has been cleared, Mr Franks. OK, fellas!
The scanners have gone crazy.
The scorpion.
The Skinny Bridge.
The stiff deceased back there.
The stupid fools must think Mr Bond has accomplished his mission.
The trick is, of course, to have the code.
The whole process, from start to finish, is subject to an airtight security system.
The whole process, from start to finish, is subject to an airtight security system.
The wolf being guarded by the three little pigs.
The word lobby begins with L.
The world's leading expert on laser refraction.
Then save the cute remarks until after you get the diamonds into Los Angeles.
There goes that son of a bitchin' saboteur!
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