A ball? People still go to balls? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
A donor. So technically Blake is not my son ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
A journalist. Wouldn't your mother be proud. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
About what happened back then. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
After college, very casually. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
After the party, I'll fly you home. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
All limestone. I know I may be in for a heartbreak ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
All right, I'm in here. Oh, but you're down the hall to the left. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
All right, that's You guys can stop now. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
All right, they're hot. I have very hot feet. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
All right. From the beginning. And don't leave out a thing. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
All right. Thank you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
All this happened over 30 years ago. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Always happy to have the Gray Lady represented. Any questions? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Am I the only sane one here? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And a good pilot. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And a guy who is terrific, and he wants to marry me ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And accomplished. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And Beau Burroughs. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And fat. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And generous. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And got her something old and something new and something from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And here she is. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And I couldn't breathe. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And I didn't exactly love your grandfather, God rest his pickled soul. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And I didn't pursue your granddaughter. She managed to come 500 miles ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And I don't look like him, I don't vote like him ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And I have spent so much of my life trying to figure out who I am ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And I just stood there. I just stood there and I let Jeff walk away. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And I never thought that I would long for that day until now. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And I smashed my head on the dashboard and cracked my skull ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And I'd like you to stay if you felt like you could. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And if she was, why would she come back? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And if you're gonna marry someone, it may as well be your best friend. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And let's just say that ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And that made you sterile. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And that's how the deepest, darkest secret of one Pasadena family ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And the movie. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And the second school of thought is ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And we both know that I sure as hell did not pursue you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And why has no one ever told me about this? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And with the Lindus boy too. Her best friend's son. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And you and my grandmother. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And you made a mistake. People make mistakes. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And you realize, when you did that ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
And, of course, the birth of both my daughters. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Annie, let me ask you a question. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Annie, this is Jeff, my boyfriend. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Annie? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Annie. Honey. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Annie. How ? Gosh, how are you feeling? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Any chance we can get controlling interest? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Apology accepted. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Are we through here? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Are you getting cold feet? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Are you okay? You've been awfully quiet. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Aren't you? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
As if things needed to get more complicated ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
As long as she was back. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
As something of a dilettante Che biographer, I have my own theory. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Asia, right. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
At some point I have to get back. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Baby, a guy like that wouldn't still be living in Pasadena. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Back to Pasadena to get married. I from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Be present. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Beau Burroughs. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Beau Burroughs. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Beau, you should not have come down here. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Beau, your 100 will be 2 billion in 18 months. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Because I am my mother's daughter. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Because I don't fit in with them. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Because she loved me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Before she married your father, she was just ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Before you and Mom got married ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Before you know it, you'll kick the Rams' butts. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Believe it or not, Chase Manhattan will continue to exist with or without me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Benjamin Braddock, Beau Burroughs: B. B. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Benjamin Braddock, Beau Burroughs. B. B. Get it? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Besides, it takes at least three years to even be competitive. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Best hangover remedy I know. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Between your mother and me? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Blake is not my biological son. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Blake. What ? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Blunt testicular ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Blunt testicular trauma. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Bow clip. Bow clip. Definitely bow clip, yeah. No, ribbon. Ribbon. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But don't they sort of un swell when you land? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But I do have questions that I would like to ask you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But I gotta give it to you, hell of a save. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But if you do come from Los Angeles, then chances are you come from from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But if you do come from Los Angeles, then you probably come from Pasadena. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But last night, it was ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But last night, it was ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But Mary Beth doesn't have a daughter. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But maybe not 30 years ago. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But once it's in the computer, it's ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But then, in 1967, the movie came out. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But we had something. And I can tell you this ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But you're still sterile, right? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
But you're such a great couple. Aren't they? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Bye. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Cabo. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Caleus Tech is the third multibillion dollar company ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Calm down. There is a simple explanation. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Can I ask you a question? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Champagne guy. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Charlie Webb. Why ? Why does that name sound familiar? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Che, as you know, was trained as a doctor. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Cheer you up? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
City soccer final, playing Pasadena Prep, tie score. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Come here. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Come here. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Come on, introduce me to the lucky guy. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Come on. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Come on. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Come, knock three times. This is gonna be great. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Cool. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Dad, can I ask you a question? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Dad, you are allowed to go the speed limit. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Daddy, this is Jeff. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Daddy, why didn't you just say something? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Dated a little. Beau was not the steady boyfriend type. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of God ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Did an enormous amount of drugs. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Did Mom have an affair in Cabo or not? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Did Mom sleep with someone before marrying Dad? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Did she ever tell you why she came back? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Did she go out with him? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Did that seduction scene really play like that in real life, or was that a ...? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Did you sleep with him? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Did you sleep with my mother? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Did you wear a condom? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Do you have a problem with commitment? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Do you know him? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Do you know how old that made me feel? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Do you remember any men she may have been associated with then? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Do you think Scott and Annie are gonna make it to Belize this time? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Don't believe everything you see in the movies. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Don't bring up guns or the death penalty ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Don't you say that. Now, I don't know what game we're playing ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Doodled Grandma. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Earl. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Engaged means something to me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Even if I don't know who the hell that is. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Even if we get an expansion team, it's still not the Rams. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Ever since we were little, we'd hold our breath as we drove through them. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Ever since, people in town have wondered ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Everyone's waiting in the limo. I can't go down there and ask from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Ex Beau. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Except for that freaky little baby toe of yours. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Excuse me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Face like a butt, I believe, is how he put it. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Fine. I'll hold. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
First we should break the house rules. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Five minutes with your feet over your head ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
For God's sake, Mrs. Robinson ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
For me, there's ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
For three days, all we did was swim and laugh ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
For what it's worth, I thought that Mrs. Robinson ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
For your father's sake, we never discussed this at family dinners. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Get in line, kid. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Ginny's been working so hard on the Junior League Charity Ball. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Go ahead. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Go find him. Stop being confused. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Go shit in your shoes. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
God ! from Rumor Has It... (2005)
God ! Blunt testicular trauma? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
God, this God, you know, it's just a great city, huh? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Good coffee. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Good morning. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Goodbye. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Goodbye. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Goodbye. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Gosh, I don't remember that. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Grab that special someone you love. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Grandma? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Guess who showed up stewed last week at the Hunt Club. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
He had at least one. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
He had lots of girlfriends. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
He used to describe revolution as a turn of the heart. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
He was 21, she was 42. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
He was a year ahead of us in prep. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
He was the big celebrity from that class. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
He's the best boyfriend I ever had. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hell of a save. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hello. You don't look like a lawyer. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Here they come. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Here. You're on hold. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hey, I have a great idea. Mixed doubles. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hey, I'm real sorry about your mom. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hey, Mr. H. Seen Sarah? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hey, Pops. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hey, there you are. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hi, Candace. Listen, can you tell me where he is? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hi, sweetheart. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hi. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hi. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hi. Hi, my name is Sarah Huttinger. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Hi. I have your phone. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Honey, sometimes I just think it's more important ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Honey, what happened on the plane? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
How about Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
How can a professional league ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
How can I help you? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
How come we've never talked like this before? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
How dare you? Sarah? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
How did you feel before Grandpa asked you to marry him? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
How divine. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
How well did you know Mom? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I am I'm a year older than she was when she died. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I am a sick woman. We have done a very sick, sick thing ! from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I apologize. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I bet my Aunt Mitsy knows. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I can go tell the pilot to turn the plane around. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I can live without you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I can't anymore. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I can't ask him. If he doesn't know, it would kill him. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I can't believe I'm married. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I can't believe you're married either. I really can't believe it. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I can't even say it. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I can't remember her. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I certainly hope so. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I didn't come here to tell you that I can't live without you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I didn't even know that she was engaged. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I didn't exactly graduate from college ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I didn't know where else to go. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I didn't mean to. I know. God, Jeff. I was so drunk. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I didn't pursue Jocelyn, I don't recall inviting her to Cabo. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I didn't understand a thing that happened, but I loved it. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I do. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't I just sort of ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't feel the conservative cause has been hurt. Twenty five ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't fit with anybody. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't have a car here, do I? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't know I don't know what's going on in your relationship, Sarah ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't know, I guess I feel that when you If you get married, that's it. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't know, I just, you know ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't know, Katharine. I haven't done the math. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't know. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't know. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't know. I don't know. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't know. I thought something might have happened to you ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't remember anything. That's not an excuse, but it's kind of an excuse. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't think Annie is expecting you to take the place of your mother. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't think we should announce our engagement and steal her thunder. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I don't want you to. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I drive like a crazy person ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I forgot my racket, and Jeff doesn't really from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I go out to break up the play, and just as his leg swung back, I dove. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I got this from very high up. AOL and Time Warner are talking merger. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I guess I could walk in and yell Hey, Dad, see if he turns around. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I had to go to two different stores. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I hate me right now. I'm I'm insane. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I have a question I would like to ask you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I have been to Pasadena before. I was stationed here during the war ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I have happiness staring me right in the face, and what do I do? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I have perfectly warm feet. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I have to pee. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I haven't heard from her. I'm starting to feel like something happened to her. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I hope that's not your father. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I invited him to your mom's wedding, but your grandmother pooh poohed it. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I just I came down here because I wanted to tell you something. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I just don't want to. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I just felt ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I kept thinking that I've ruined my life ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I know one thing, I'd take her to a Rams game if they were still in L.A. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I know the feeling. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I know there's nothing that I can say that will take away from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I know this must seem nuts to you, but life should be a little nuts. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I know we're good together. You're the only person I can be myself with. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I know. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I know. I gotta get back myself. I got this ball to go to. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I know. I'm saying, in case you get stuck. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I know. I'm sorry. I know, I did that. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I know. They used to make movies about real things, about people. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I like the way you think. Hang onto this one. He's a keeper. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I love you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I make it around the last defender, I'm flying down the field ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I mean, first, some people think that my attention span's too short ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I mean, I don't like tennis. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I mean, obviously I am very confused right now ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I mean, was she in love with this guy? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I mean, why? Why couldn't I say yes? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I mean, you have no idea how strange that feels. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I mean, you know, it's silky and shiny. You could be a good hair model. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I need to say something to you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I need you to go to the video store and get me a copy of The Graduate. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I never told you, when I was a kid ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I only drive slow, sweetheart, because you're in the car with me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I really need to reach him. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I spent the first night of my honeymoon in the Houston airport under sedation. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I stare right back at it. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I think he was talking about something he'd seen ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I think you might be my dad. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I thought he didn't have any children. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I threw up. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I told you never to call me that in public. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I wanna marry you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I want some adventure, you know? And from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I was also thinking ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I was born March 3rd, 1964 ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I was just off the 16th green in two, and he was buried in the bunker. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I was literally the poster boy for that sort of thing. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I was looking for my father. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I was only 4. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I was thinking more like a hot cup of tea. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I watched her drive away in this old wood paneled station wagon. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I wish the girls' mother was here. She always put me at ease. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I would appreciate if you would do the same. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I would like to make a toast to the happy couple. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I, of course, could not do that for her, so we used an alternative method. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'll be waiting in the car. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'll marry you next month, I'll marry you this week. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm afraid so. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm an alumna of the class of '82. Hi. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm into it. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm kidding. I'm kidding. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm looking for my fiancée. She's supposed to be with him. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm not afraid of flying. I love to fly. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm not gonna get stuck. I'm a lawyer, I talk for a living. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm not my mother, Beau. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm so excited. Aren't you excited? I'm so excited I could scream. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm sorry, but we've been asked to tell guests ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm sorry. I can't believe I just did that. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm sorry. I can't give out that information. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I called you a sick man. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm sorry. Just don't listen to anything ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm staying by myself, pretty much loafing the summer away ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm the most screwed up person in the world. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I'm tired of scared. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I've always wanted to. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I've been dealing with Ken Patterson on this. I've been pounding him. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I've got work. I've gotta go back. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I've never even met the guy. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
I've spent time with him. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
If the marriage implodes, divorce. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
If we have a daughter ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
If you don't wanna marry the guy, don't. If you do, do. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
If you go over and talk to him, you could close this thing in three minutes. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
If you shut the door, I understand, but I really hope that you don't. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
In fact, I think it's normal for you to feel horrible ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
In fact, she went MIA a week before the wedding. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
In Mexico, Cabo, the week before the wedding? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
In the name of God, I pronounce you husband and wife. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Is he adopted? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Is she happy to see me too? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Is that a yes? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Is that better? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Is that better? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Is that why you married him? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Is that your real hair color? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It all started on New Year's Eve, 1962 ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It didn't mean anything. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It doesn't mean I'll see how I feel, I don't know, I'm not sure. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It doesn't mean I'm gonna test the waters ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It doesn't mean maybe I'll get married. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It doesn't work that way, okay? You can't just walk in here now ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It has arrived. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It is always his fault. Of course it is. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It looked like she was crying. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It means you've fallen in love with the person ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It might as well have been Cabo 30 years ago. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It stops with me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It was nice meeting you, Mr. Burroughs. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It was nice meeting you, Ms. Huttinger. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It was nice to meet you, Mr. Burroughs. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It was really nice to meet you, Mr. Burroughs. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It was Richard Dreyfuss' first movie. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It was the strangest thing. I woke up and I looked over at Scott ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It was very nice meeting you, Ms. Huttinger. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It was, after all, only a book. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's actually kind of cute. It's charming. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's all special effects. All they do is blow things up. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's better than coffee and aspirin. Wanna try? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's Casablanca Night. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's crashing that I hate. I hate crashing. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's gonna be all right. Okay? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's gonna change the world. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's good. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's just a quick trip up to the Wine Country and back. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's just, when he asked me to marry him ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's like I'm possessed by this person who's terrified and just screwed up. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's my family, Jeff. We are the Robinsons. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's nice to know I still have loyal readers out there. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's not like we have a mother who helped her pick out her wedding dress. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's not that bad. I just Did I get any of that blue water on me? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's pretty good, right? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's the only time I can remember ever feeling really ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's wonderful catching up on old times. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
It's your turn. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Jeff, I'm so scared. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Jeff? First time in Pasadena? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Jeff. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Jesus. Could you have done any more shopping while we were here? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Joined an ashram. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Just because he's not sterile ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Just stop. I mean, this isn't about Sarah. And it isn't about Jocelyn, is it? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Just warm? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Katharine, I need some help. Annie's hysterical. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Katharine, my mother's mother. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce to you ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Ladies and gentlemen, the Internet revolution, it isn't coming. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Last night was pretty spectacular for me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Last night was pretty spectacular for me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Lawyer boy? Is it working out? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Let me tell you something about The Graduate that very few people know. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Let's Let's cheer you up, okay? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Life is short ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Like how he proposed to me last week and I said yes ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Listen, hey, if you need If you need my phone ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Listen, I hate to say this ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Listen, kiddo ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Lived abroad a while. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Look at that face. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Look, I realize it's a bit awkward, given, well, everything. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Lucky for us we were married the next week, so nobody noticed. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Maybe every girl in my family has to sleep with you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Maybe we're both just chasing ghosts. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Me too. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Mom always had the softest hands. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Morning. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Most people wait 10 years for a second honeymoon. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Mrs. Richelieu, are you trying to seduce me? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Ms. Huttinger. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
My arm Damn it. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
My drink needs freshening. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
My first wife, Cynthia, wanted to have children of her own. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
My junior year at prep, I was goalie on our soccer team. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
My mom had an affair before her marriage. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
My mom ran off to Cabo and had a fling a week before she was married ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
My parents had a house down there. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
My sister. My mother. My sister. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
My sister. She bounces. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Names were changed ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No man does. That's his. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No one was aware of the bride's little fling. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No one, that is, except her mother. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, but she has a homosexual son. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, God ! from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, I I heard it was Mary Beth ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, if I'm gonna do this, I have to do this on my own. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, it's me. It's me, it's all me. And And that. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, it's possible. Even if you used one, it is possible. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, Jeff, please. Just please listen to me! from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, Jeff, wait. Jeff, wait. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, no, you're not gonna get me there. I don't go to the movies anymore. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, no. I didn't come for an apology. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, no. Oh, no, no. No, that That Hey, that's okay. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, no. This man haunts my dreams. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, officer. The only man your mom ever had eyes for was your father. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, thanks. I was I just stopped by. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, that's a deal breaker. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, the Xanax is for my other granddaughter. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, they were closed. I wanna try again. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, today. I came home today. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No, what if it's true? If she had a fling and got pregnant ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No. It's good, it's good. We're good. It's ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No. She just went away. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
No. That Beau Burroughs. That's two R's. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Nobody comes from L.A. , everybody comes to L.A. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Nobody comes from Los Angeles ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Nope. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Not just any someone else, the woman's only daughter. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Not the groom, the other one. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Not yet. No, I'm kind of leading up to that. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Now I just Now I gotta deal with the fact ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Now, my dad still thinks that this is tremendous fun ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Now, this may not be the sort of thing ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Obviously your life's more complicated than you've let on. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Of course I won't. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Off. Oh, off, off. Yeah, I'm not here in a professional capacity. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, Dad. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, Daddy, I don't understand. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, did you remember to pack the binoculars, honey? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, don't get me started on that. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, God. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, God. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, God. No, God, come on, even I'm not that twisted. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, gosh. You know, don't get me wrong, Jeff is an amazing guy. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, I'm married, I'm married, I'm married. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, I'm so sorry. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, I'm sorry. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, I'm such a mess. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, it's so good to see you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, Jeff. I have your phone. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, Jeff. This is my from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, Jesus. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, no. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, no. No, no. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, really? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, really? I never heard that. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, yeah? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, yeah. Yeah, I know you. Beau Burroughs. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Oh, you're here, you're here, you're here! from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay, do you want the bow clip on the top or the ribbon on the bottom? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay, everyone, 1963 is right around the corner. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay, fine. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay, here. Take this. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay, how about the guy with the George Hamilton tan? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay, I will. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay, just wait. Wait a little bit. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay, that's enough. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay, who else? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay, you from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay. Okay. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay. Well, hello, Mr. Burroughs. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Okay. You know, everyone has always said ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
On a cold January night in the city of New York ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
On the other hand, he loves talking about the Civil War ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Once again, this could have been the end of the story. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
One condition. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Or The Importance of Being Earnest. I can't tell. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Otherwise, it's just a bunch of Thursdays, you know, strung together. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Outside. Now. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Pasadena, the number for a Beau Burroughs. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Playing the trombone. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Please just do it. Please. I'll meet you at the church. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Pretty much how it was. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Probably because I was pregnant with your mother. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Really? Yeah, they do. They get swollen. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Really. I have to be on the East Coast anyway. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Relax, it's gonna be fine. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Remember, I don't care who gives you away. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Right before the wedding. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Roger's one of the most powerful men in this conversation which has just ended. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Ruin her life? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Said an ex beau at a wedding was bad luck. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
San Francisco. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Sarah Huttinger, Roger McManus. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Sarah, could I have a word with you out at the car? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Sarah, I have an idea. You go with me? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Sarah, I'm I'm sorry, I can't be your father. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Sarah, Sarah, I'm sorry that this didn't occur to me before ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Sarah. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Sarah. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Scared? Of what? I mean, if I was scared, why would I be getting married? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Scott, this is my sister Sarah. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Scott's taking me to brunch at the Hunt Club, so I just wanted to say goodbye. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Security, maybe. I don't know. She never said. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
See ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Seriously. Titanic. They changed it a little. There's no boat, nothing sank ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Shall I get the cops? I'll get the cops. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She always looked so happy in pictures. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She apologized, she offered to tell me everything that happened ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She convinced herself she was adopted. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She did? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She found out she was pregnant and left the love of her life ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She had a fight with Jeff and she never got on the plane. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She married so young. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She really was. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She said that, while being with Beau was an adventure ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She wants to talk to me? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She was a good actress. Shame she gave it up. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She was a very beautiful woman. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
She was. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Since when did you become afraid of flying? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Six months later, the affair ended ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Skipping all the intimate details, of course ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So are we ...? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So are you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So drink up ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So he's speaking at this conference in San Francisco tonight. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So how's the journalistic career? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So I just landed. Where are you? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So inappropriate. I didn't I mean, I re from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So it's a coin toss between you and my father. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So now all I ever worry about is my immediate universe ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So when are you guys getting married? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So you're gonna just walk up to him and ask him point blank? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So you've read the book ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So, Aunt Mitsy, apparently Mom disappeared ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So, Ms. Huttinger, is this on the record or off? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So, what do you think? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So, what does this have to do with me? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So, what's going on out here? Lawn party? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
So, what's next? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Sometimes life is just Beau Burroughs! from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Son of a bitch. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Sorry about that. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Sorry. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Stay? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Sure. But let's Let's grab a bite to eat first. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Thank you very much. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Thank you, Grandma. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Thank you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Thank you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Thank you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Thanks. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Thanks. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Thanks. You don't look like a grandmother. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
That blue thing. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
That could have been the end of the story, but it wasn't. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
That moment when a patient decides, despite everything, to live. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
That someone in town, some family, were the real Robinsons. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
That sounds awful. No wonder you're so terrified. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
That was a revolution to Che. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
That wasn't I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
That's George Hamilton. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
That's her choice. It's fine. It's fine. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
That's my Annie. One smile, and the whole world melts. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
That's Pasadena. That's what happens when you give people everything ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
That's your mom and me in Our Town. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
The ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
The author was a classmate of the young man. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
The coming information revolution. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
The day I married Jocelyn. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
The following spring, a book was published. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
The Graduate. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
The guy you've been hiding? Earl Huttinger. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
The mystery of recovery. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
The one talking to the woman with the back cleavage? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
The point is, you shouldn't let yourself worry about this thing. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
The St. Louis Rams? What is that? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
The union of husband and wife in body, mind and spirit ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Then don't try. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Then marry me, Sarah, right now. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Then one morning I woke up and she was gone. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Then? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
There are certain moments in time ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
There are tunnels near Dodger Stadium. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
There he is with Charlie Webb. I forgot those two were friends. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
There it is! Based on the novel by Charles Webb. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
There's the alley that Bobby Miller told me I was ugly. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
There's where Sarah first learned how to ride a bike. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
They didn't waste much time getting pregnant. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
They do to this one. It's the biggest charity event of the year. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
They're still in the bag with all your shoes. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Things are never what they seem with the women in this family. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Thirty nine, to be exact. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
This conference is only for registered participants and the press. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
This is This is Beau Burroughs. He was a schoolmate of Jocelyn's. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
This is good. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
This is huge. It's the search engine to end all search engines. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
This is not normal. I mean, you know from Rumor Has It... (2005)
This is supposed to be his table, but I don't see him anywhere. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
This isn't The Graduate, this is Deliverance! from Rumor Has It... (2005)
This summer, I think I'm gonna go to Idaho and fish the Big Wood River. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
This your first Casablanca Night? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Those were probably the three happiest days of my life. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Three minutes. All right, three minutes. It's 49 percent for 75 mil. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
To Annie and Scott. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
To answer that, you'd have to know who I was. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
To overcome his suffering and will himself back to health. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Tomorrow I'm gonna go see my Aunt Mitsy. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Truth be known, I'd been struggling with that my whole life. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Two days ago I thought I had two happy daughters. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Very handsome. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Very inspirational. Thank you. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Virally, you could market it in stealth mode, or you can do both. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Vodka, rocks, please. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Wait, now your knee's in my from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Wait, wait, wait. You're there with him right now? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Wait. Aunt Mitsy, what book did you say that he wro ? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Wait. You ran away to a hedge? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Wanna have sex in the bathroom? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Was she happy? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
We are in Half Moon Bay. It's about a hour south of the city. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
We can't get Sterling roses for the centerpieces. What about pink or white? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
We had a little history together back in high school. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
We haven't We haven't really talked about that yet. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
We just secured the domain name Lobster.com. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
We were over the Gulf of Mexico on the way to Belize ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
We'll be drunk then, so I'll expect dirt. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
We're Yeah, we're okay. I guess it's from Rumor Has It... (2005)
We're in the city finals, tie score, this guy comes in all alone. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
We're making her favorite soup, tomato with crackers. Want some? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
We're talking about Sarah here, the one from New York. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
We've heard a lot today about revolution. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Welcome back. I thought you were coming home next week. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, actually, I write the The wedding announcements ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, did you sleep with a man who also slept with Mom and Grandma Katharine? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, do I even have a choice in the matter? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, for one thing, you left last night without saying goodbye. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, how ? How did that make you feel? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, how do you ? How do you know that? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, I don't know if they have to, but they certainly have. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, I guess I'd better go. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, I just realized that, you know, I'm from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, I wouldn't necessarily say ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, I wouldn't necessarily say ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, no, I hadn't thought of it. I feel very flattered ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, she broke up with her boyfriend. She needs something stronger. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, she just took off to think. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, there's two schools of thought on that one, John. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, why do you think that she went back? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, you know ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well, your parents didn't waste much time. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Well. Okay. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What am I supposed to do with that? I'm supposed to make it all right for you? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What are we standing here for? You wanna come in the house? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What are you two talking about in here? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What for? I got your mom, he didn't. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What I'm saying, Sarah What I'm trying to say, Sarah ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What kind of a big sister am I? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What kind of a maid of honor am I? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What movie are you living in now, Katharine? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What the hell were you thinking? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What was that? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What was the question? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What you told me last night about your life in New York ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What, they don't have sex in Pasadena? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What? Wait Wait just one So, what ? What are you ? What are you saying? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What? You've got to tell me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What's it doing in there? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
What's up? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
When did Katharine say your mom ...? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
When I saw you walk away last night, when I watched, it from Rumor Has It... (2005)
When you and Scott play tennis ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
When you guys go out to dinner? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
When you have a moment, could I speak to you? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
When you have a moment, could I speak to you? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
When your mom just showed up. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Where are we going? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Where are we? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Where are you? Everyone's ready to go to the church. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Which, in the winter of 1997 ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
White it is. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Who? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Whoa, Jesus. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Why are we so different? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Why did you come down here, Beau? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Why don't you come with me tonight. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Why don't you come with me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Why don't you just turn. Turn a little bit. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Why not? He's been everywhere else. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Why would I bring up Vietnam? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Why? Don't be scared. Whatever happens, it's gonna be fine. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Will you please call me when you find out? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Wine, good. You know, any travel anecdotes ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Winner, eight the hard way. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
With free agency the way it is today ... from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Words mean something to me. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Would you ? Would you mind giving me a ...? from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Wrong answer. from Rumor Has It... (2005)
Wrong movie. from Rumor Has It... (2005)