Actually, I don't mind having one eye. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Ah, that's where it took him. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Almost there. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Always asking questions. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
And could easily be corrupted by those who controlled it. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
And engraved with strange shapes. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
And here we waited for the war to end. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
And take our guest, with you. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
And we wait for it to... to sleep. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Are better left where they lie. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Are... are we alone? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
But he could be anywhere out there. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
But he was still alive. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
But if you know where to look... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
But the fault is hardly his alone to bear. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
But this world is ours now. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
But we squandered our gifts, our intelligence. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
But where did it come from? Why is it hunting us? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Can I wait here? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Can't he see, his way only brings trouble... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Come on, then. Let's hear it, what's your... brilliant scheme? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Come on. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Come on. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Come on. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Come with me. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Come with me. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Didn't you hear him? They're trapped inside. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Dirty thing. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Down towards those three tall shapes. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Ever since you got here, everything has been unraveling. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Find them. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Fire! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Five! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Friend... friend? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Get away, Six! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Get in the can, go on. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Go back, to the first room! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Go back, to the source... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Go to the watch tower... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Go. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Governors are advised to pause, for a public address. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Grab on. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Grab the wire. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Greetings, Nine. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
He was always studying them. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
He was old, he was weak. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
He'll show you. The source. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
He's... uh, he's always drawing this. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Help me pull it down. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Help! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Help. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Here somewhere. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Here. Stop! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Hey! Over here! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Hold on. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
How dare you challenge me? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
How many times have I told you? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Huh? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Huh... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Huh... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I can't do it alone. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I can't let this happen to them. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I can't. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I didn't know. I'm sorry. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I knew we shouldn't have come. Why? Why did you do that? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I know enough, to leave their ancient evil to moulder. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I know what we need, right now. I know what's right. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I know where we can find answers. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I led us here... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I never thought... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I now know the truth! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I started this, and now I need to finish it. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I suggest you avoid making the same mistake. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I think it was made for it. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I thought...? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I was coming to tell you. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I wont allow you, to endanger us further. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I, who kept everyone safe all these years. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I'll search out a safer retreat. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I'm not gonna hurt you. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I'm not sure, exactly. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I'm sorry. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
If I don't make it back... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
If Two were here, he would have done a better job. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Is the beast. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Is this, what it was like? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It can be used against it. lower it to me. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It fit perfectly, into the machine. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It had such promise, my great machine. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It lacked a human soul. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It was chaos. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It was meant to be an instrument of progress. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It'll be okay. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It's alright. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It's done. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It's not safe here. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It's not. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It's only a cape. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It's taking them back to the machine. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It's the scientist. He's the source. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It's too late. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It's what we make of it. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Join me in repelling the iron fist of the machine. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Jump! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Keep running. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Keep up. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Leave it be I say. But you... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Let me try that again. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Let us praise this new technology. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Letting us know the glorious new era... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Like, Two, he always had to know, so much. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Look closely and remember... what you see. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Look what they've left us with. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Looking for answers. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Machines of peace. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Man and machine, attacked each other, with fire and metal. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Molded copper. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Need I remind you, on the outcome of your last heroic venture? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Never. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Nine... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No more hiding. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No, no, you can't be. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No, no! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No, no... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No! They're trapped! They're trapped inside. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No! Two! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No! We have rules! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No... I didn't. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
No... I need you here. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Not yet. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Nothing. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Now you can't be trusted. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Now you've awoke unimaginable, terror. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Now! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Of creation... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Of technological wizardry to the public. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Of wealth and prosperity for the state. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Oh, no! We can't! Not there. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Ohh... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Only sped us quicker to our doom. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Our new guest seems confused. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Our world is ending... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
People of our mighty state. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Perhaps I can help you teach some clarity. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Photo log in. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Please, we can't do this without you. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Please! No, no! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Quick, quick get in. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Rusty and hectic gathered, shiny pile of scrap. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Seven. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Six, come on! Get on the bridge. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Six? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
So many pointless questions... Probing, pushing. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
So, we stay hidden... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Some things in this world... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Sometimes fear... is the appropriate response. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Sometimes one must be sacrificed for the good of many. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Sometimes, one must be sacrificed. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Stand look out. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Subjugate them. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Take their belongings. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Thank you. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
That doesn't make any sense. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
That is why, I'm making each of you. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
That thing that woke the machine. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
That was the agreement our, chancellor failed to honor. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
The beast took him? That's the end of it. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
The cable! Pull it! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
The details, carved wood. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
The gas... killed, everything. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
The machine was born purely of my intellect. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
The machine, everybody! The machine! It's still alive! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
The only thing that remains now... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
The scientist. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
The shapes corresponded. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
The source... The source... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
The, beast. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Then it's too late. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
There will be more, wont there? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
There... that should hold. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
There's a gap ahead. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
There's nothing we can do. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
These ruins are full of riches. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
They all died because of me. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
They left us nothing. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
They're free now. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
They're gone. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
They're inside, they're inside! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
They're trapped, they're trapped! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
They've been hiding here, lost in the past. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
This is it! This is what wakened the machine. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
This is the sequence. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
To sanctuary. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
To the bridge! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
To the first room, where I woke. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Today begins a new era. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Today, the, chancellor presented the latest advancement... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Together, you and this device, shall protect the future. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Too many of us have already been lost. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Twins. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Two, collected his drawings. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Two, would be impressed. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Two! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Two! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Two? Where, out there? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Wait, wait, we have to get outta here. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Wait, wait. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Wait! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Wait. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Wait. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We can't. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We have rules. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We must try to find another safe place. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We need to figure out, what's going on. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We need to protect ourselves. Keep ourselves out of danger. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We should go back. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We'll find him. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We'll need a full barrel. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We're coming! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We're going after them! All of us. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We're going to need a map. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Welcome, to the age of the machine. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
What do you know about this? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
What do you know? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
What good does this useless rubbish do us? Forget it! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
What were you doing out there? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
What were you thinking? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
What's it going to do? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
What's this? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
What's this? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
When we woke in this world... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Where am I? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Where have you been hiding? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Which I now know, was not enough. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Why don't you finish, what you started... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Why was he out here alone? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Why would he bring him here? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
With me. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
With us. I never expected to see another one. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Wouldn't he have come for you? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Yes. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You are wrong. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You awakened, what? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You can't speak? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You don't even know what it is. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You don't send the oldest out to... Look... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You dropped this. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You know something. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You know, you're just like him. You forget to remember, to be scared. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You mustn't destroy it. Don't destroy it. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You... are all the pieces of my soul. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You're all that's left, of humanity. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You're nothing but a coward. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You're safe now. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You've finally decided to join the fight. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You've found it. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Your path takes us to catastrophe. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Eight? Wher... where's, Eight? That thing has them. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Friend. Friend. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Go back, go back. Back to where? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Guided by pointless queries. And you... are a blind man. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Hey... Wait! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
How? We have to find the source. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I have to see them. What? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I wonder where he has gone to? I was with him. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
I'm going in. I'm coming with you. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It didn't kill him? Quiet. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
It must be destroyed. No, no we can't. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Nine! Keep going, I'll find a way down. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Nine... Let him go. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Seven! Nine! from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Seven? I don't believe it. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Sub... What? You illiterate crimp... from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
They're coming. They're coming! Help. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We awakened, something. No, I awakened, something. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We can still save them. What? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We have to do it now! No, they need more time. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We have to go after them. What? from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
We need to destroy it. But there's still a chance. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
What if you're wrong? I'll show you how to use it. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Where are they? It's been too long. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Why was Two sent out, to begin with? I sent him. To scout. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
Why'd you listen to One? A group must have a leader. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
You've come back. I never left. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation
~?~? begin. from Nine (9) (2009) Animation