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Maleficent (2014) Adventure Maleficent is a thrilling adventure film released in 2014. This captivating movie takes audiences

Maleficent (2014) Adventure

Maleficent is a thrilling adventure film released in 2014. This captivating movie takes audiences on a journey into the magical world of Sleeping Beauty, but from a unique perspective. It recounts the untold story of Maleficent, one of Disney's most iconic villains.

Directed by Robert Stromberg, Maleficent features an exceptional cast that breathes life into the beloved characters. Angelina Jolie delivers a mesmerizing performance in the titular role, portraying Maleficent's evolution from a powerful fairy betrayed by love to the protector of her enchanted forest. The film also stars Elle Fanning as Princess Aurora, Sharlto Copley as King Stefan, and Sam Riley as Diaval.

With its stunning visuals, heartfelt storytelling, and a score composed by James Newton Howard, Maleficent is a must-watch for fans of fantasy and adventure. The film has received critical acclaim for its fresh take on a classic tale and Jolie's remarkable portrayal of Maleficent's complex character.

If you want to immerse yourself in the world of Maleficent, you can play and download the captivating sounds of the movie here.
A bird, a wurm. I don't care anymore.
A grand celebration... for a baby.
A king does not take orders
A prince!
A sleep from which she will never awaken!
Ah, it's just a silly peasant girl.
Ah, you have done well, my son.
All manner of folk came to the christening.
Allegiance to me and to that cause...
Although I can't recall how I got here.
An enchantment, you say?
And all the fair people will be my friends.
And all was as it happened long ago.
And as the seasons changed
And at what lay beyond the fearsome wall of thorns.
And besides, they're hideous to look at.
And for a time, it seemed as if in them at least
And get them back to work now!
And her heart was bright.
And her name was
And her name was Maleficent.
And I am Thistletwit, Your Royals...
And I cannot keep you from it.
And I should know.
And I've become... hopelessly lost.
And in return for saving my life I am your servant.
And no magic. No magic?
And now I have lost you forever.
And on her 16th birthday
And on that day... I will be ready.
And she forgave Stefan, his folly and his ambition.
And she invited Aurora to see how the Moors had been once.
And she revelled in the sorrow
And sometimes wondered where Stefan might be.
And Stefan told us to take her back the day after her birthday.
And the flowers grew
And the years faded away.
And they needed neither king nor queen
And they never faltered.
And they were strong.
And thrown in the deepest dungeon in the castle.
And to show I bear no ill will
And took off her crown
And towards the temptations of the human kingdom.
And upon my death you will take the crown.
And very good with children.
And we will see how well you know it.
And you're just a girl, I think.
Are we going back to the Moors now?
Are you fully grown?
Are you Maleficent?
Are you thirsty?
As it will friendship slowly turned into something else.
As legend had predicted.
As long as I live.
As Maleficent had said
As the days went on, Stefan darkened...
As the years passed
Aurora did grow in grace and beauty.
Avenge me!
Be woken from her death sleep.
Because what I have done to you is unforgivable.
Before the sun sets on her 16th birthday
Beloved by all who meet her.
Bloated goat!
Bring her to me.
Bring me her head.
But I'll be 16 tomorrow.
But I'll have them back to work at first light.
But I'm on my way to King Stefan's castle
But it was not to be.
But it's her only chance, Your Majesty.
But it's time to say goodbye.
But one who was both hero and villain.
But only by...
But she was not just any girl.
But she was to learn.
But that was not all.
But there's been a... What?
But trusted in one another.
But we don't even know where to start!
Can you not see we're having a conversation?
Come here.
Come on, Diaval!
Come on.
Come on. Here you go.
Come out! Come out this instant!
Curious little beastie.
Defeated in battle.
Do all the fair people have wings?
Do it again.
Do you?
Don't do this.
Each of you swore
Even three of the fairies who sought
Except the time you accidentally fed me spiders.
Fairy godmother!
Far away from the lofty palace that she remembered not.
Faster, Diaval! Faster!
Father, it's me, Aurora!
Find the boy!
Fine, next time I'll turn you into a mealy wurm.
Fine! Ah, thank you.
For being such a clumsy fool.
For fear of the magical creatures that lurk within.
For I was the one they called Sleeping Beauty.
For in the other kingdom, the Moors
For now, it was again.
For she had never understood the greed and envy of men.
For sixteen years and a day.
For whom we have sacrificed the best years of our...
For you see, we are magic!
Forgive me.
Forgive me.
Further consumed by paranoia and vengeance.
Get ready.
Get ready.
Get them back to work without delay.
Go ahead. Turn me into whatever you want.
Go away. Go.
Go no further!
Go on. Go, go, go.
Good morning, Mr Shantuwell. I love your car.
Good morning. Good morning.
Goodbye, Phillip.
Goodbye... for now.
Goodnight, beastie.
Greedy, bloated goat!
Grow in grace and beauty.
Guards, hold!
Guards, hold!
Have you not worked it out yet?
Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight? Kiss her! Go on.
He did this to me
He told her it was true love's kiss.
Hello, Aurora.
Hello, Aurora.
Hello, beastie.
Hello, godmother.
Hello, Phillip.
Her wings!
His Royal Highness, King Stefan.
Hold the line!
How could you do that to me? You said, anything I need!
How could you?
How does it feel?
How quaint.
How wonderful!
Humans, here. I hope this isn't another war.
I beg you.
I believe he's just a boy.
I can hear you.
I can take care of myself.
I can take care of myself.
I can't do this without you, Diaval.
I could trust them.
I delivered it home, as I'm going to do for you.
I did not spend 16 years in this miserable hovel
I didn't throw it away.
I don't know.
I don't like children.
I had wings once. They were stolen from me.
I hate you. Beastie.
I know what you're doing.
I know who you are.
I know you're there.
I like you begging.
I must say I really felt quite distressed.
I need a horse.
I need to talk to you about something.
I need you, Diaval.
I promised the people one day
I remember you... pretty bird.
I revoke my curse!
I revoke the curse.
I revoke the curse.
I saved your life.
I saw that. We're starting again.
I see you're waiting for me to die.
I swear, no harm will come to you
I thought it worth the risk.
I told you.
I too shall bestow a gift on the child.
I understand.
I was so lost
I will choose a successor
I will not ask your forgiveness.
I wish for you the gift of beauty.
I wonder...
I... I can't remember her name.
I'll be happy here for the rest of my life.
I'll sleep in a tree and eat berries and black nuts.
I'm almost 16, godmother.
I'm almost 16. I need a life of my own.
I'm called Stefan. Who are you?
I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know where I am.
I'm going to tell my aunties tomorrow.
I'm here.
I'm leaving home.
I'm looking for a girl. Of course you are.
I'm Maleficent.
I'm not afraid.
I'm not doing anything.
I'm not sure about it. I barely know her. We've only met once.
I'm so happy we're leaving tomorrow.
I'm sorry to bother you
I'm sorry to have to tell you this.
I'm sorry, that was my fault. I rushed into...
I'm sorry, that was my fault. I rushed into...
I'm sorry.
I've always known you were close by.
I've always wanted to come...
I've known you since you were a little one.
If that is what you wish.
In a barn.
In a great tree on a great cliff in the Moors
In a world where you don't belong!
In hatred and revenge.
In King Stefan's castle.
In one kingdom lived folk like you and me
In the end, my kingdom was united.
In the woods. So, no more flying.
In their beds, Majesty.
Into a dragon.
Is it true?
Is that her? Is that Maleficent?
Is that you?
Is this to be my legacy?
It is.
It is... the wee hours.
It won't be long, but what then?
It's a demon!
It's a girl!
It's done.
It's everything I imagined it would be.
It's gonna to starve with those three looking after it.
It's her fate, anyway.
It's not right to steal, but we don't kill people for it.
It's not safe.
It's not your fight.
It's over.
It's so ugly you could almost feel sorry for it.
It's supposed to be true love's kiss!
It's that way.
It's the wee hours.
It's you!
Just go on then.
Kill her!
Kill the winged creature!
King Henry will stop at nothing.
King Stefan and the Queen have had a child.
King Stefan ordered his men
Leave me.
Let it be no more!
Let it be no more!
Let it be no more!
Let it be no more.
Let it be no more.
Listen well, all of you.
Lived every manner of strange and wonderful creature.
Lived one such spirit.
Lock her up in her room.
Long ago when Maleficent was but a child
Look at her.
Look, there's the baby! Love baby!
Looks dreadful.
Maleficent often wandered alone
Maleficent thought of how Stefan cast away his ring.
Maleficent, I've come to warn you.
Maleficent, please don't do this. I'm begging you.
Maleficent, the border guards...
Maybe she might be hungry.
Mine too.
My aunts said it was an evil fairy.
My father?
Never mind.
No flying? No, no.
No one is going to find us here.
No power on earth can change it!
No power on earth can change it.
No true love.
No, after her birthday.
No, Diaval. Yes!
No, he said, on her birthday.
No, I won't.
No, what we need is a proper disguise.
No! No! Don't do it!
No! We don't want your gift!
Not a wall, not Maleficent!
Not by a hero or a villain
Not even once.
Nothing could stop me.
Nothing is indestructible!
Now, there' ll be no questions asked. We are no longer fairies.
O, my God, it's a girl! It's a girl!
Of not receiving an invitation.
Of the wealth and beauty of their neighbours.
Oh, come on! That's funny!
Oh, dear.
Oh, I'm so excited!
Oh, it's just so beautiful!
Oh, look! The little beast is about to fall off the cliff.
Oh, no! What is it?
Oh, the king will have our heads!
Oh, yes, quick, put it here.
On, on, on! After, after!
On, on! After, after!
On. After.
On. After.
Once upon a time there were two kingdoms
One, two, three. Grow!
Only happy, all the days of your life.
Or a terrible villain might bring them together.
Our kingdoms have been unified.
Pay attention! We have to find Aurora!
Please, you have to trust me.
Prepare the net. Maleficent is coming.
Rose to become the protector of the Moors.
Royalty, nobility
Run, Aurora!
Secretly he entrusted the safety of the child
See here, young lady.
She claims to be the princess.
She is vanquished?
She was not the only one who wished to get through.
She will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel
She wondered at the world about her
She's always in a hurry with her big wings.
She's coming.
She's here, Sire.
She's only sleeping forever!
She's only sleeping, you say?
She's only sleeping.
She's trapped in an enchantment.
Shoot her!
Sire, she is not well.
Sire, your presence has been requested by the Queen.
So he would be king.
So I should tell this time and Thistletwit next time.
So that their hands might touch again.
So that you could ruin it on the last day!
So vast the discord between them
So you see, the story is not quite as you were told.
So, gather around, ladies.
So, how is life with the humans?
So, wake them up!
So, wake them up.
So, what do you do for fun?
So, your parents are farmers then?
Someday, you know, I'll live there. In the castle.
Sorry to disturb, Your Majesty.
Stay away from the princess! Yes, stay away!
Stefan and Maleficent became the most unlikely of friends.
Stefan gave Maleficent a gift.
Stefan shut himself behind the walls of his castle
Stefan's ambition called him away from Maleficent
Stop doing that.
Stop doing that.
Stop it!
Stop! Get back!
Suffered the touch of any human.
Suit yourself.
Sweet Aurora.
Sweet Aurora.
Sweet baby.
Tell me what?
That boy could be her only chance.
That boy is the answer!
That boy is the answer!
That her curse had brought.
That is was said only a great hero
That they might never be used
That were the worst of neighbours.
That's a lovely gift.
That's all I wish to say about it.
That's it.
That's not what I have to say to you.. I have a plan.
The border guards have found a human thief at the Pool of Jewels!
The fairies began their charge
The gentry and...
The most beautiful girl I have ever seen.
The mysterious Moors and no one dares to venture
The nurses are fearful that she won't make it through the night.
The old hatred between man and fairy had been forgotten.
The princess can
The wall cannot be burned.
The wheels were broken and burned
Then come out.
Then don't come.
Then feed her!
Then I will!
Then I'll see you soon. Very soon.
Then we can look after each other.
Then you will be afraid.
Then, why don't you?
There are rules, Flittle. I tell this time, you tell next time.
There is something I need to tell you.
There should be no guards at the gate. I want her to walk in...
There they are!
There you are. Why are you always hiding?
There you go.
There'll be a christening.
These are not just any old gifts.
They are dirty, vicious and they hunt birds!
They bring gifts for our daughter.
They brought you back a day too soon. I told those three idiots!
They could carry me above the clouds and into the headwinds.
They pulled the guards. He's waiting for you in there.
They said... that is was...
They say it 's to be a grand celebration.
They spoke of many things
They were forever discontent and envious
They're exhausted, Sire.
They're so beautiful.
This curse will last until the end of time!
This curse will last until the end of times
This is Diaval.
Thus did the young thief who had hoped to steal a jewel
To be a fairy creature without wings?
To be a worthy successor.
To foster peace and good will.
To hunt Maleficent down.
To raise Aurora in a snug little cottage in the woods.
To seize every spinning wheel in the kingdom.
To take the throne and care for my daughter.
Tomorrow is Aurora's 16th birthday.
True love does not exist.
True love's kiss, remember? It can break the spell.
True love's kiss, remember? It can break the spell.
True love's kiss?
Up, up.
Very much.
Very well.
Wait for me!
We are taking you back to your father without...
We are three peasant women, raising our orphan child
We found this girl at the gate.
We have to be big enough to look after this baby.
We have to keep looking.
We need a smaller baby.
We would take the Moors and it's treasures.
We'll see each other again.
We're running out of time! Go on!
Well, I'll be a mealy wurm gladly! Anything but a filthy, stinking...
Well, it was nice meeting you and once again my apologies
Well, someone is. It's not me.
Well, thank you very much.
Well, that might be how you feel. But... what about Aurora?
Well, we have to blend in, don't we?
Well, well.
Well? Well, I saw nothing.
What about the kiss?
What an awkward situation.
What are we going to do?
What colour were they?
What do I call? Diaval.
What do you mean?
What have you done to my beautiful south?
What is it?
What is this?
What? Fairy godmother.
What? You're cheating.
What's all the fuss about? The border guards...
What's wrong?
Whatever you need.
When I ascended to the throne
When I grow up, I'm going to live here in the Moors with you.
When the curse fails, Maleficent will come for me.
When were you going to tell me that I'm cursed?
Where are your workers?
Where do you live now?
Wherever I went, your shadow is always with me.
While his soldiers rode far and wide
While his soldiers rode far and wide
While Maleficent, the strongest of the fairies
Who among you is worthy?
Who is your father? King John of Ofsted.
Who would take her to a remote hideaway
Why have you come? My father sent me to see the king.
Why is she crying?
Why is she sleeping?
Why no.
Why'd you get to tell her? I want to tell her!
Wicked bird! Into a man.
With a vain and greedy king to rule over them.
With these two imbeciles... Hush!
Would you rather I let them beat you to death?
Yeah, but not a dog!
Yes, right.
Yes, you've heard. But we in the middle of nowhere.
You are no king to me!
You could live here now.
You didn't do it properly!
You don't have to wait until you're older.
You failed me.
You have done what others failed to do.
You have to give it back.
You have your Queen!
You look just like your mother.
You might take her for a girl.
You mock me.
You really shouldn't come back here, you know.
You stole what was left of my heart.
You told me my parents were dead.
You two are having a go at me and I will not tolerate...
You will not have the Moors. Not now, nor ever!
You're forgiven. That's good.
You're my fairy godmother.
You're not leaving tomorrow.
You're not offended?
You're the evilest in the world.
You've been very good to me.
You've been watching over me my whole life.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
Your ring! Iron burns fairies.
Your shadow. It's been following me ever since I was small.
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