A couple was drowning. from The Guardian (2006)
A dart game to settle the tab? That's the date we can't break? from The Guardian (2006)
A drunken celebration gone wrong? from The Guardian (2006)
A friend of mine once suggested fishing. from The Guardian (2006)
A hundred bucks says she shuts you down in less than a minute. from The Guardian (2006)
A last hope for all those who have been left behind. from The Guardian (2006)
A nightmare. People burning in their beds. from The Guardian (2006)
A pretty damn good life, if you ask me. from The Guardian (2006)
About what I said earlier, about you being old and washed up and that. from The Guardian (2006)
Again! from The Guardian (2006)
Ah. from The Guardian (2006)
Ah... It's so the guy behind me knows what place he's coming in. from The Guardian (2006)
Airman Fischer's coming in late yeah! from The Guardian (2006)
Airman Fischer's coming in late, yeah! from The Guardian (2006)
All I'm asking is that you go down there for a few months. from The Guardian (2006)
All right, boys, let's go eat. from The Guardian (2006)
All right, come on. Get in the basket. from The Guardian (2006)
All right, I got 'em. from The Guardian (2006)
All right, I see where I want. from The Guardian (2006)
All right, knock it off. from The Guardian (2006)
All right, look. I'm gonna help you out here. from The Guardian (2006)
All right, now you. from The Guardian (2006)
All right, now. Three letters. from The Guardian (2006)
All right, on your back. from The Guardian (2006)
All right, sit down. Have a beer. from The Guardian (2006)
All right, take the stick. from The Guardian (2006)
All right, that's it. Time out. from The Guardian (2006)
All right. from The Guardian (2006)
All right. from The Guardian (2006)
All right. from The Guardian (2006)
All right. from The Guardian (2006)
All right. A hundred bucks says I close in less than a minute. from The Guardian (2006)
All right. All right. from The Guardian (2006)
All right. Fine, you're dismissed. from The Guardian (2006)
All right. Now it's just like that when you're in the water. from The Guardian (2006)
All right... You call it, swimmer. from The Guardian (2006)
All saying, "Save me, save me." They're looking for a miracle. from The Guardian (2006)
All saying, "Save me, save me." They're looking for a miracle. from The Guardian (2006)
All saying, "Save me, save me". from The Guardian (2006)
All those saves... from The Guardian (2006)
All together, uh, I don't know. Ten weeks first time, from The Guardian (2006)
Along the bottom of the pool, down and back. from The Guardian (2006)
Along with these. I... from The Guardian (2006)
Alright, I'm gonna lower you down, all right? from The Guardian (2006)
Although, to be fair, it's pretty lame. from The Guardian (2006)
Am I right? from The Guardian (2006)
And always wanting more. from The Guardian (2006)
And always wanting more. from The Guardian (2006)
And as hard as I can, for as long as I can. from The Guardian (2006)
And can be detected by infrared miles out. from The Guardian (2006)
And danced, sang, sweat and screwed my way through from The Guardian (2006)
And destroys His good work with winds that rip houses off the ground, from The Guardian (2006)
And how's that? from The Guardian (2006)
And I didn't. But, um... from The Guardian (2006)
And if I can't answer that for me, I'm certainly not going to try and answer it for you. from The Guardian (2006)
And let the waves take you down to the boat. from The Guardian (2006)
And maybe we can get a hobby. Both of us. from The Guardian (2006)
And pay attention to what you really have down there. from The Guardian (2006)
And the attrition rate at this school is well over 50 percent. from The Guardian (2006)
And the sea takes the rest. from The Guardian (2006)
And the stand team arrives here next Tuesday. from The Guardian (2006)
And there is no greater calling in the world than that. from The Guardian (2006)
And they're having a big reception. from The Guardian (2006)
And we can have meaningless sex immediately afterwards. from The Guardian (2006)
And you may have killed your wife, sir! from The Guardian (2006)
And... and to our gal, Lindsey. from The Guardian (2006)
Approach a drowning victim in high seas. from The Guardian (2006)
Are gonna determine whether you live or die. from The Guardian (2006)
Are you a coroner? from The Guardian (2006)
Are you crazy? That's a command to get up! from The Guardian (2006)
Are you ok? What happened? I mean, I waited for two hours. from The Guardian (2006)
Are you ready? from The Guardian (2006)
Aren't you gonna answer that? from The Guardian (2006)
As a rescue swimmer, you need to look down from The Guardian (2006)
As it turns out, not a half bad teacher. from The Guardian (2006)
As it turns out, not a half bad teacher. from The Guardian (2006)
As you can see the crew on the deck in a relatively manageable hoisting position. from The Guardian (2006)
At 24 years old, you have to become that miracle. from The Guardian (2006)
At 24 years old, you have to find a way to be that miracle. from The Guardian (2006)
At least they can't say we quit. from The Guardian (2006)
Attaboy. from The Guardian (2006)
Aye, aye, Senior Chief. from The Guardian (2006)
Aye, aye, Senior Chief. from The Guardian (2006)
Aye, aye, Senior Chief. from The Guardian (2006)
Aye, aye, Senior Chief. Class 5506, form it up! from The Guardian (2006)
Aye, aye, Senior Chief. Let's go, out of the water. from The Guardian (2006)
Aye, aye, Senior. from The Guardian (2006)
Aye, captain. from The Guardian (2006)
Back off. from The Guardian (2006)
Basket is going out of the cabin door. from The Guardian (2006)
Basket is in the water. from The Guardian (2006)
Basket is on its way up. from The Guardian (2006)
Basket is outside the cabin, going down. from The Guardian (2006)
Be advised, we are RTB at this time. from The Guardian (2006)
Be there in 20 minutes. Requesting ambulance on scene when we land. from The Guardian (2006)
Because pronouncing people dead is not part of our job description. from The Guardian (2006)
Because you still have the ability to think. Say it. from The Guardian (2006)
Before you go, I gotta know one thing. from The Guardian (2006)
Before you leave that helicopter... from The Guardian (2006)
Ben looks him dead in the eye and you know what he said? from The Guardian (2006)
Ben Randall always said life is about making choices. from The Guardian (2006)
Ben Randall got every one of those people off, except for this one guy... from The Guardian (2006)
Ben, would you care to address the class? from The Guardian (2006)
Best of luck. from The Guardian (2006)
Better learn to swim against the current, not with it. from The Guardian (2006)
Big as day and still alive. from The Guardian (2006)
Big swim champ, offer to every Ivy League, you give it all up from The Guardian (2006)
Bingo. We're at bingo. Gotta go. from The Guardian (2006)
Blow it. from The Guardian (2006)
Boarder, right 15. from The Guardian (2006)
Both swimmers coming out. Both swimmers in sight. from The Guardian (2006)
Bring it on in. All right. from The Guardian (2006)
But he didn't let go. from The Guardian (2006)
But he still thinks he can cook. from The Guardian (2006)
But I found my answer a couple weeks later. from The Guardian (2006)
But I never made it this far. from The Guardian (2006)
But I've laid under thousands of skies with sunny days. Yeah. from The Guardian (2006)
But it didn't matter, because we have all been trained the same way. from The Guardian (2006)
But it didn't matter, because... from The Guardian (2006)
But it is close, in a very safe place. from The Guardian (2006)
But it is one you will have to make as a rescue swimmer. from The Guardian (2006)
But nothing acute, nothing new. from The Guardian (2006)
But our program has been proven to work. from The Guardian (2006)
But suddenly... from The Guardian (2006)
But the body of Senior Chief Ben Randall was never found. from The Guardian (2006)
But there's some here who aren't interested in that victim. from The Guardian (2006)
But this, of course, is only a legend. from The Guardian (2006)
But we're not building up ice. from The Guardian (2006)
But what if it happens again? What then? from The Guardian (2006)
But when it comes down to it, you will choose yourself over them every time. from The Guardian (2006)
But you don't think you can make it. from The Guardian (2006)
But you know what I see when I look at it? from The Guardian (2006)
By the time I got there, the husband was from The Guardian (2006)
Cabin door closing. from The Guardian (2006)
Cabin door is open and locked. from The Guardian (2006)
Cabin door is open and locked. from The Guardian (2006)
Cabin door open and locked. from The Guardian (2006)
Cable's free. They got a fray right here. It's still good. from The Guardian (2006)
Cable's starting to burst. The cable. Hold, hold. from The Guardian (2006)
Can I... see you tomorrow night? from The Guardian (2006)
Can you die from chlorine poisoning? from The Guardian (2006)
Can you open these up for me? from The Guardian (2006)
Captain, Airman Fischer. I just have one question. from The Guardian (2006)
Captain, I'm a rescue swimmer. I'm here to help you out. from The Guardian (2006)
Captain! Captain! from The Guardian (2006)
Captain's down below. One other man on deck. from The Guardian (2006)
Case in point, this vessel's trapped in pancake ice in the Bering Sea. from The Guardian (2006)
Cash? What cash? from The Guardian (2006)
Checking swimmer. from The Guardian (2006)
Checklist complete. Swimmer's coming out. from The Guardian (2006)
Checklist part two. Swimmer's getting ready. from The Guardian (2006)
Chief Skinner, they're all yours. from The Guardian (2006)
Chief! Get me out of here! from The Guardian (2006)
Class 5506, ooh rah, Hodge. On three... from The Guardian (2006)
Class 5506, will you come find me if I am lost? from The Guardian (2006)
Class leader, you are done. Form it up in the shallow end. from The Guardian (2006)
Class winner, right here. from The Guardian (2006)
Class, turn around and greet Senior Chief Ben Randall. from The Guardian (2006)
Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley ten miles southwest of Ashlock. from The Guardian (2006)
Coast Guard helo, do you copy? from The Guardian (2006)
Coast Guard helo, this is rescue swimmer one, do you copy? from The Guardian (2006)
Come in, rescue swimmer one. 6008, do you read me? from The Guardian (2006)
Come on, Carl. We gotta go, now! from The Guardian (2006)
Come on, Jake. from The Guardian (2006)
Come on, Jake. Be there. from The Guardian (2006)
Come on, you're hurting me. Man, get off. from The Guardian (2006)
Come on! Lean and rest. from The Guardian (2006)
Come on. Come on! from The Guardian (2006)
Come on. I'll show you around. from The Guardian (2006)
Come on. You're all fighting for seconds. Just first loser. from The Guardian (2006)
Computer says winds at 60 85 knots. from The Guardian (2006)
Congratulations, Jake. Make us proud up there. from The Guardian (2006)
Copy that. from The Guardian (2006)
Crew said that she went under. They thought you'd lost her. from The Guardian (2006)
D O R. Drop on request. from The Guardian (2006)
Deploy up top. from The Guardian (2006)
Didn't promote you to a desk when you turned 40 like everybody else. from The Guardian (2006)
Dislocated his shoulder, tore every tendon in his hand. from The Guardian (2006)
Do a rescue checklist part two for a harness deployment on the rescue swimmer. from The Guardian (2006)
Do you have a death wish or are you just shit stupid? from The Guardian (2006)
Do you hear me? Do you hear me? from The Guardian (2006)
Does this class understand? from The Guardian (2006)
Does this mean you're not gonna fail me? from The Guardian (2006)
Doggone it. from The Guardian (2006)
Don't have a ready for pickup signal. from The Guardian (2006)
Don't need no land, don't need no trees! from The Guardian (2006)
Don't need no land. Don't need no trees. from The Guardian (2006)
Don't quit on me. from The Guardian (2006)
Don't worry. Don't worry. from The Guardian (2006)
Don't worry. No, no. They'll get him. from The Guardian (2006)
Don't you leave me! from The Guardian (2006)
Dragging his wife under, just... from The Guardian (2006)
Drop in. from The Guardian (2006)
Each one is more fiendishly clever than the last. from The Guardian (2006)
Ease it back. Hold. The basket is in the water. from The Guardian (2006)
Easy forward. from The Guardian (2006)
Easy, Chief. from The Guardian (2006)
Eight feet deep in the deep end? from The Guardian (2006)
Emotional bond. from The Guardian (2006)
En route to Cold Bay. Should be on scene three, four hours. from The Guardian (2006)
Evening, ma'am. Can I buy you a drink? from The Guardian (2006)
Every 18 weeks a new bunch of you guys comes in from The Guardian (2006)
Every 18 weeks a new bunch of you guys comes in from The Guardian (2006)
Everybody now is going to pay for your potty mouth. from The Guardian (2006)
Everyone in this place is retired Navy. from The Guardian (2006)
Exactly. She just wants to live. from The Guardian (2006)
File through the front door. First row followed by the second. from The Guardian (2006)
Find your rack. Quit wasting my time. from The Guardian (2006)
Finished now? from The Guardian (2006)
First lesson in physics, people. Muscle does not float. from The Guardian (2006)
Fisch, why are you here, Fisch? from The Guardian (2006)
Fisch? from The Guardian (2006)
Fischer is our high school swim champ. from The Guardian (2006)
Fischer, you're hurting me, man. Fischer, get off me, man. from The Guardian (2006)
Five minutes. from The Guardian (2006)
Five minutes. from The Guardian (2006)
Flare! We got a live one here, we got a live one. from The Guardian (2006)
Follow two flights and patter up the hall. from The Guardian (2006)
For a single man in its history. from The Guardian (2006)
For the love of God, you could have been killed. from The Guardian (2006)
For what? Backing up a buddy in a bar? from The Guardian (2006)
Frank. from The Guardian (2006)
Get back in PT formation. PT formation. from The Guardian (2006)
Get dressed. from The Guardian (2006)
Get him out of the pool. We're done for the day. from The Guardian (2006)
Get it off! Move! from The Guardian (2006)
Get me out of here! from The Guardian (2006)
Get our swimmer down there. from The Guardian (2006)
Get out! Get out! What's wrong with you? Sit there and shut up. from The Guardian (2006)
Get out! Get out! What's wrong with you? Sit there and shut up. from The Guardian (2006)
Get the maintenance chief on the line. I wanna know what he thinks about this. from The Guardian (2006)
Get their gear off. from The Guardian (2006)
Gettin' old, that's earned. from The Guardian (2006)
Getting old ain't bad, man. from The Guardian (2006)
Give me something else, Senior Chief! from The Guardian (2006)
Give me that shoulder. from The Guardian (2006)
Give me your hand. from The Guardian (2006)
Give you boys time for a smoke and some pillow talk. from The Guardian (2006)
Glad to know you know where a free meal is. from The Guardian (2006)
Go ahead. from The Guardian (2006)
Go out there and do great things. from The Guardian (2006)
Go! Move your ass! Let's move it! Get it going! from The Guardian (2006)
God help you if you ain't, boy. from The Guardian (2006)
God, I think you just broke my nose. from The Guardian (2006)
Goldfish. from The Guardian (2006)
Good for you. from The Guardian (2006)
Good morning, class. from The Guardian (2006)
Goodbye. from The Guardian (2006)
Granted. from The Guardian (2006)
Great. They're angrier and drunker. from The Guardian (2006)
Guess that was a lucky punch. from The Guardian (2006)
Guess who goes out. That's right, we do. from The Guardian (2006)
Hanging from the cargo net. from The Guardian (2006)
Have a seat. from The Guardian (2006)
He fell right into the debris. Lost swimmer. from The Guardian (2006)
He hit a log. from The Guardian (2006)
He is a fisher of men. from The Guardian (2006)
He is known as The Guardian. from The Guardian (2006)
He just fell. He just fell. Randall fell. from The Guardian (2006)
He just let go. from The Guardian (2006)
He knows that I'm better than he was. from The Guardian (2006)
He never had much of a bedside manner. He's a water dog, Jake. from The Guardian (2006)
He never had much of a bedside manner. He's a water dog, Jake. from The Guardian (2006)
He never let go. from The Guardian (2006)
He said he would hold on until help arrived. from The Guardian (2006)
He was about 80, 90 feet up, sir. He didn't come up. from The Guardian (2006)
He was with me the whole time. from The Guardian (2006)
He's a fisher of men. from The Guardian (2006)
He's cutting through those waves pretty good. from The Guardian (2006)
He's destroying you! from The Guardian (2006)
He's good. from The Guardian (2006)
He's got a compound fracture of his right radius. from The Guardian (2006)
He's had scholarships to every lvy League. from The Guardian (2006)
He's hanging with this man's life in his hands, and the winch jams. from The Guardian (2006)
He's just got a head laceration! from The Guardian (2006)
He's putting the survivor in the basket. from The Guardian (2006)
He's right. Not that chair. from The Guardian (2006)
He's standing on a distant beach somewhere with a fishing pole in his hand. from The Guardian (2006)
He's standing right behind you in the back of the room. from The Guardian (2006)
Heavy debris in the water. Commencing cover search. from The Guardian (2006)
Helen, if you're there, just pick up. We need to talk. from The Guardian (2006)
Helen, it's Ben. Jesus, that was weird. from The Guardian (2006)
Helen, it's Ben. Jesus, that was weird. from The Guardian (2006)
Hell, I've always been old, Ben. from The Guardian (2006)
Hello, I'm a rescue swimmer! from The Guardian (2006)
Help him out. Get out of the way. from The Guardian (2006)
Help him up. from The Guardian (2006)
Help me. from The Guardian (2006)
Help me. Help me, please. from The Guardian (2006)
Help! from The Guardian (2006)
Help! from The Guardian (2006)
Here in Kodiak if that's what you want. from The Guardian (2006)
Here we go. from The Guardian (2006)
Here we go. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey, I need you to keep talking to him. Keep talking to him. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey, man, what are you doing? from The Guardian (2006)
Hey, pay attention. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey, Senior Chief. Good to see you. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey, there was a question I wanted to ask you back in school. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey, uh, I want to, uh, apologize to you. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey, wait, don't you have a date with your girl from the wedding? from The Guardian (2006)
Hey, you. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey, Z, where you going? from The Guardian (2006)
Hey. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey. Hey, when do I get that phone call? from The Guardian (2006)
Hey. Hey. Hey. Ease up. Ease up. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey. I know you're tired, ok? I know you feel tired right now. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey. That's his bunk. from The Guardian (2006)
Hey. That's my stuff, man. from The Guardian (2006)
Hi. You've reached Helen. Leave a message. from The Guardian (2006)
Hmm. Guess they didn't know you were gonna flunk out of "A" School. from The Guardian (2006)
Hodge is our triple repeat. from The Guardian (2006)
Hodge, get yourself to the side of the pool. from The Guardian (2006)
Hodge, over here. from The Guardian (2006)
Hodge, you've been here before. They'll come back, right? from The Guardian (2006)
Hodge! from The Guardian (2006)
Hodge. Where are you from, Hodge? from The Guardian (2006)
Hold it there, hold. We're bringing them up. from The Guardian (2006)
Hold on, Carl. from The Guardian (2006)
Hold on, Carl. Here we go. I've got you. from The Guardian (2006)
Hold on, Jake. from The Guardian (2006)
Hold on. from The Guardian (2006)
Hold position. Steady. Hold. from The Guardian (2006)
Hold, I have a failed cable, failed cable. from The Guardian (2006)
Honey, you better keep it down in here, ok? from The Guardian (2006)
Hook is going down. Let's go port right 40. Halfway down. from The Guardian (2006)
How did Emily Thomas become a school teacher? from The Guardian (2006)
How did this make you... from The Guardian (2006)
How does Jake Fischer become a guy who wants to jump out of helicopters? from The Guardian (2006)
How many guys you got on here and is anybody injured? from The Guardian (2006)
How many times we had this conversation, huh? from The Guardian (2006)
How much time you got left? from The Guardian (2006)
However, you also get the chance to save lives. from The Guardian (2006)
Huh? from The Guardian (2006)
Huh...? from The Guardian (2006)
Hurry up! from The Guardian (2006)
Hurry up! Let's move, people, hurry up! from The Guardian (2006)
I ain't sending you fishing for bodies. Not in this. from The Guardian (2006)
I am fully prepared from The Guardian (2006)
I am having a hard time figuring you out, Fischer. from The Guardian (2006)
I am, Senior Chief. from The Guardian (2006)
I ask myself every day why I was the one that survived. from The Guardian (2006)
I believe there are some from The Guardian (2006)
I believe you would. from The Guardian (2006)
I can fix this. Just... from The Guardian (2006)
I can see that. from The Guardian (2006)
I can... from The Guardian (2006)
I can... I can fix this. All right? I... from The Guardian (2006)
I can't believe you got here. from The Guardian (2006)
I can't believe you got here. from The Guardian (2006)
I can't believe... from The Guardian (2006)
I can't do casual. from The Guardian (2006)
I can't feel my legs. I'm serious. from The Guardian (2006)
I can't. Get your ass out of the pool, let's go. from The Guardian (2006)
I can't. I can't lose two. from The Guardian (2006)
I care about one thing only. from The Guardian (2006)
I checked all the locks on the doors. I can't get it loose. They're stuck. from The Guardian (2006)
I didn't know my pilot, my co pilot or my flight mechanic. from The Guardian (2006)
I didn't think you were serious. from The Guardian (2006)
I don't care who you are, from The Guardian (2006)
I don't feel comfortable now, talking to women. from The Guardian (2006)
I don't give a shit what you read, or who you talked to. from The Guardian (2006)
I don't give a shit. A beer's a beer. from The Guardian (2006)
I don't know about you guys, but I feel good. from The Guardian (2006)
I don't know about you, but I could use a fucking drink. from The Guardian (2006)
I don't know anyone who can stay alive from The Guardian (2006)
I don't know what I can say that I haven't said already. from The Guardian (2006)
I don't know. I apologized to you. I just thought that... from The Guardian (2006)
I don't see him. Flash light, hover lights. from The Guardian (2006)
I don't swim so good. from The Guardian (2006)
I don't think it'll be a problem sliding in. from The Guardian (2006)
I doubt knuckleheads like yourself are gonna defend it. from The Guardian (2006)
I drop from the helo and swing from the cable! from The Guardian (2006)
I drop from the helo and swing from the cable! from The Guardian (2006)
I got a few wrinkles here and there, from The Guardian (2006)
I got the vessel in sight. Two o'clock, about 50 meters. from The Guardian (2006)
I gotta get to work. from The Guardian (2006)
I guess that just makes it all go away, huh? from The Guardian (2006)
I guess you just know everything, then. from The Guardian (2006)
I guess... I can't sleep. from The Guardian (2006)
I had a case a while back, you know. from The Guardian (2006)
I had a... from The Guardian (2006)
I have high hopes for this class. from The Guardian (2006)
I have high hopes for you. from The Guardian (2006)
I have me under control. from The Guardian (2006)
I have parent teacher conferences all week. from The Guardian (2006)
I have parent teacher conferences tomorrow. from The Guardian (2006)
I have the ready for pickup signal. from The Guardian (2006)
I have the ready for pickup signal. from The Guardian (2006)
I heard a rumor you were gonna be teaching here in town. from The Guardian (2006)
I just don't get it. from The Guardian (2006)
I killed a couple guys and had to get out of Dodge. from The Guardian (2006)
I know I get a phone call. When do I get my phone call? from The Guardian (2006)
I know what it's like to lose a team. from The Guardian (2006)
I know where you're at, Jake. from The Guardian (2006)
I know. from The Guardian (2006)
I know. I see the problem. from The Guardian (2006)
I lied to you. from The Guardian (2006)
I live here. I work here. from The Guardian (2006)
I look and feel this way, from The Guardian (2006)
I mean, it's like, I own them all. from The Guardian (2006)
I mean, today I broke every one of his records. from The Guardian (2006)
I mean, you set records in a pool? from The Guardian (2006)
I must owe somebody money. from The Guardian (2006)
I need a swimmer. from The Guardian (2006)
I need the table. from The Guardian (2006)
I need you to keep your eyes open, ok? All right? All right? from The Guardian (2006)
I promised her I'd go. from The Guardian (2006)
I read the report, Jake. Your blood alcohol was zip that night. from The Guardian (2006)
I repeat, the boat's going down fast. Eight minutes to bingo. from The Guardian (2006)
I repeat, we're abandoning ship. from The Guardian (2006)
I repeat, we're abandoning ship. from The Guardian (2006)
I said get off me! from The Guardian (2006)
I said one breath, Sunkist, let's go. from The Guardian (2006)
I say again, we are are leaving a rescue swimmer on scene. from The Guardian (2006)
I see someone fast enough who's gonna get there first. from The Guardian (2006)
I see someone strong enough who's gonna last. I see someone... from The Guardian (2006)
I should have given you your space. from The Guardian (2006)
I signed them. from The Guardian (2006)
I spoke with your coach, Jake. from The Guardian (2006)
I sure as hell hope you paid attention in class, Speedboat. from The Guardian (2006)
I swear you get better with age. from The Guardian (2006)
I take the first one I come to. from The Guardian (2006)
I think maybe you deserve a pass. from The Guardian (2006)
I think the problem's gonna be coming back out. from The Guardian (2006)
I think there's an opening on my buoy tender. from The Guardian (2006)
I think we need another brick. Bring it in. from The Guardian (2006)
I think you'd better leave. from The Guardian (2006)
I thought we agreed to keep this casual. from The Guardian (2006)
I thought you were going fishing. from The Guardian (2006)
I tried to free the clutch and it got stuck. from The Guardian (2006)
I want a C 130 over that crash site now. from The Guardian (2006)
I want all of you to think about that. from The Guardian (2006)
I want him to know he's not alone. from The Guardian (2006)
I want him with me. All right, he's good to go. from The Guardian (2006)
I want to apologize for the phone calls, Helen. from The Guardian (2006)
I want you right here, class leaders. The rest of you dress down. from The Guardian (2006)
I want you to have it, along with... from The Guardian (2006)
I want you to sign them in front of me. from The Guardian (2006)
I want you to start being a member of this team. from The Guardian (2006)
I was never gonna make it, anyway. Skinner's right. I panic every time. from The Guardian (2006)
I was proud of you. from The Guardian (2006)
I was real sorry to hear about your crew. from The Guardian (2006)
I was rolling. I didn't mean to put you on the spot up there. from The Guardian (2006)
I wasn't aware we were working as a team, Senior Chief. from The Guardian (2006)
I will fail you. Understood? from The Guardian (2006)
I won't let go! from The Guardian (2006)
I would never take your chair. from The Guardian (2006)
I wouldn't do that to somebody. from The Guardian (2006)
I wouldn't venture to say what would impress you, Senior Chief. from The Guardian (2006)
I'd like to hear about it. from The Guardian (2006)
I'll be right back. from The Guardian (2006)
I'll follow with the other one right behind you. from The Guardian (2006)
I'll have to take that money back. I wouldn't feel right... from The Guardian (2006)
I'll put in a word for you, huh? from The Guardian (2006)
I'll show you how it's done. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm a Coast Guard rescue swimmer here to help you, son. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm a Coast Guard rescue swimmer. I'm here to help you. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm a guy. I can do casual. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm a guy. I can do casual. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm a rescue swimmer at heart. Born, bred and water fed. Ooh rah! from The Guardian (2006)
I'm a rescue swimmer, yes, I am! from The Guardian (2006)
I'm a rescue swimmer, yes, I am! from The Guardian (2006)
I'm actually not that cold anymore, Senior Chief. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm almost submerged. You gotta get the door open! from The Guardian (2006)
I'm Captain William Hadley, C.O. of Kodiak air station. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm Captain William Hadley, C.O. of Kodiak air station. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm definitely not coming back twice. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm from Teaneck, New Jersey, Senior Chief. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm going down. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm going in. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm gonna go with stupid this time. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm guessing there was a flip for designated driver. You lost. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm here to exceed your expectations, Senior Chief. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm here to pull your ass out of this jam! from The Guardian (2006)
I'm here to pull your ass out of this jam! from The Guardian (2006)
I'm here to save lives, Senior Chief. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm hooking into you. We're only gonna get one shot at this. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm in the engine room and the hull of the boat is filling up! from The Guardian (2006)
I'm in! from The Guardian (2006)
I'm in. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm just a public school guy, so, uh... from The Guardian (2006)
I'm late. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm not a nameless drowning victim. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm not a rescue swimmer anymore, Helen. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm not gonna. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm not Tarzan! I'm just willing and able! from The Guardian (2006)
I'm not your priest, but if I was, I think... from The Guardian (2006)
I'm not your teacher anymore, Jake. I'm just your fellow swimmer. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm really glad you're still here. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm really gonna miss that guy. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm serious. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm so sick of records. Go get him. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm sorry, Helen. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm there myself. from The Guardian (2006)
I'm way over it, Senior Chief. This is... from The Guardian (2006)
I've already spoken to command there. from The Guardian (2006)
I've always been good to you, haven't I? from The Guardian (2006)
I've been trying to peel the layers back on you for a while now and I... from The Guardian (2006)
I've got four guys. This guy's got a broken leg. from The Guardian (2006)
I've got one down below. I'm gonna go down there. from The Guardian (2006)
I've got you. You're ok now. from The Guardian (2006)
If he's such a stud, what's he doing here? from The Guardian (2006)
If I did not think you were ready, I would not put you in the Bering Sea. from The Guardian (2006)
If I feel that you will fail them, from The Guardian (2006)
If I get kicked out of here, I'm not coming back. from The Guardian (2006)
If my muscles ache it's because I've used them. from The Guardian (2006)
If someone has a problem with that idea, from The Guardian (2006)
If that ain't the karmic wheel spinning, I don't know what is. from The Guardian (2006)
If you both surface, you both fail. from The Guardian (2006)
If you cannot survive in a warm pool of water, you've no business here. from The Guardian (2006)
If you had a dog, it'd be run over. from The Guardian (2006)
If you make a mistake, just fess up to it, from The Guardian (2006)
If you need air, you may surface. One breath. from The Guardian (2006)
If you ordered a steak, I'd imagine a cow would be involved. from The Guardian (2006)
In a mildly hypothermic state. from The Guardian (2006)
In it for the glory, maybe a few chicks, am I right? from The Guardian (2006)
In the end, by making his... he helped me make mine. from The Guardian (2006)
In the history of the United States Coast Guard. from The Guardian (2006)
Is it what someone did when they were alive? from The Guardian (2006)
Is that him? from The Guardian (2006)
Is that right? from The Guardian (2006)
Is the attitude in which you enter the water. from The Guardian (2006)
Is there a reason why you're not breathing? from The Guardian (2006)
Is there...? ls there anything you'd like to say to me? from The Guardian (2006)
Is this how it's gonna be, sir? from The Guardian (2006)
Is your leg jammed in here, or is it just...? from The Guardian (2006)
It could have happened to anyone. from The Guardian (2006)
It doesn't have to be messy, Ben. from The Guardian (2006)
It happens, Ben. from The Guardian (2006)
It just makes it an accident. At least that's how it reads. from The Guardian (2006)
It looks like they're leaving together. from The Guardian (2006)
It means you're alive. I'm not gonna let go. from The Guardian (2006)
It took me a long time to understand that... from The Guardian (2006)
It took me, um... from The Guardian (2006)
It will be your class. You will be in charge. from The Guardian (2006)
It will impair your night vision. from The Guardian (2006)
It will light up a 50 foot swath of water, from The Guardian (2006)
It won't happen again, Senior Chief! from The Guardian (2006)
It's 'cause I walked up 'em every night to lay next to a man who loved me. from The Guardian (2006)
It's 20 minutes to the base. The man's screaming. from The Guardian (2006)
It's a good thing I'm just asking for a dance, then. from The Guardian (2006)
It's a terrible responsibility, from The Guardian (2006)
It's all my fault, Senior Chief. Hodge had nothing to do with it. from The Guardian (2006)
It's been around for 200 years. from The Guardian (2006)
It's clean, simple for both of us. We don't have kids. from The Guardian (2006)
It's filling up, Senior Chief! from The Guardian (2006)
It's gonna be a basket pick up here. from The Guardian (2006)
It's hard for me to walk up them steps now. from The Guardian (2006)
It's not 200, but it's not... from The Guardian (2006)
It's not a matter of if this thing is going down, but when. from The Guardian (2006)
It's ok, sir. from The Guardian (2006)
It's ok... I like the top better anyway. from The Guardian (2006)
It's one dinner. What's it gonna hurt? from The Guardian (2006)
It's over. Just... sign them. from The Guardian (2006)
It's probably different for everybody, Jake. from The Guardian (2006)
It's right there. Right side, nobody on board. from The Guardian (2006)
It's the whole leg. from The Guardian (2006)
It's time for me to rescue myself. from The Guardian (2006)
It's too late, Ben. from The Guardian (2006)
It's very important that you understand your limitations. from The Guardian (2006)
Jacob Fischer, Kodiak, Alaska. from The Guardian (2006)
Jake, he's gone! from The Guardian (2006)
Jake! from The Guardian (2006)
Jake! from The Guardian (2006)
Jake! Jake! Jake! from The Guardian (2006)
Jake! Jake! Jake! from The Guardian (2006)
Jake. from The Guardian (2006)
Jake's got him. Jake's got him. We gotta get them up. from The Guardian (2006)
Jesus Christ. from The Guardian (2006)
Jesus, how much more of that stuff do you think I got in me? from The Guardian (2006)
Just casual. from The Guardian (2006)
Just get me down. The right hand corner. from The Guardian (2006)
Just let me go. from The Guardian (2006)
Just let me go. from The Guardian (2006)
Just one steak. What is...? from The Guardian (2006)
Keep it together. Let's move. from The Guardian (2006)
Keeps the sea out of your mouth. from The Guardian (2006)
Kenneth Weatherly, Clearwater, Florida. from The Guardian (2006)
Kind of simple for me, though. I just... from The Guardian (2006)
Kodiak Ops, 6096, we're on scene. from The Guardian (2006)
Kodiak Ops, Kodiak Ops, Rescue 6028. from The Guardian (2006)
Kodiak Ops, Kodiak Ops, this is 6034. from The Guardian (2006)
Kodiak Ops, Rescue 6034. from The Guardian (2006)
Kodiak Ops, this is 6030. from The Guardian (2006)
Kodiak, this is Coast Guard 6096. from The Guardian (2006)
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the rock. from The Guardian (2006)
Ladies and gentlemen, your graduates. from The Guardian (2006)
Lean and rest! Together as one! from The Guardian (2006)
Leave a message. from The Guardian (2006)
Let go, you're drowning her! from The Guardian (2006)
Let go! from The Guardian (2006)
Let me ask you a question before we start bleeding. from The Guardian (2006)
Let me ask you something, seriously. Is it too soon for me to ask her out? from The Guardian (2006)
Let me just... from The Guardian (2006)
Let me put it this way. It was the... from The Guardian (2006)
Let's do it, 5506. from The Guardian (2006)
Let's get that squared away now. Put those books away. from The Guardian (2006)
Let's go, let's go. Keep it together. Look tight. from The Guardian (2006)
Let's go, let's go. Keep it together. Look tight. from The Guardian (2006)
Let's go, out of the water. Hurry up, let's go. from The Guardian (2006)
Let's go! from The Guardian (2006)
Let's go! from The Guardian (2006)
Let's go! from The Guardian (2006)
Let's go! Let's go! from The Guardian (2006)
Let's go. from The Guardian (2006)
Let's go. from The Guardian (2006)
Let's go. from The Guardian (2006)
Let's go. Let's get a beer. from The Guardian (2006)
Let's move it now! Let's move it out! from The Guardian (2006)
Let's move. from The Guardian (2006)
Lieutenant. from The Guardian (2006)
Lighten up on yourself, man. from The Guardian (2006)
Like Hell, Ben. from The Guardian (2006)
Like what? from The Guardian (2006)
Like you did on the first day in the pool. from The Guardian (2006)
Like you did yesterday, on missing muster. from The Guardian (2006)
Limitations without understanding are gonna get you killed. from The Guardian (2006)
Listen. from The Guardian (2006)
Load check complete. Swimmer's going out the door. from The Guardian (2006)
Lock it in. from The Guardian (2006)
Lock it up! from The Guardian (2006)
Look at that. from The Guardian (2006)
Look at this. "Freshman leads team to state title." from The Guardian (2006)
Look, I don't want any trouble, ok? from The Guardian (2006)
Look, we all know that you're a legend and all, from The Guardian (2006)
Look, we'll... We'll go away, all right? Just us. from The Guardian (2006)
Looking right. Looking center. Looking left. from The Guardian (2006)
Looking to score with the local talent. from The Guardian (2006)
Looking to score with the local talent. from The Guardian (2006)
Lost swimmer. from The Guardian (2006)
Lost swimmer. Lost swimmer. He saw the cable coming apart. from The Guardian (2006)
Lower me down! from The Guardian (2006)
Luck my ass. from The Guardian (2006)
Lucky guess. from The Guardian (2006)
Lyons, relax, man. from The Guardian (2006)
Lyons? He was one of our top candidates. from The Guardian (2006)
Ma'am, I'm a Coast Guard rescue swimmer. I'm here to help you. from The Guardian (2006)
Ma'am, I'm sorry, but if nobody comes in 20 minutes, from The Guardian (2006)
Maggie is hot tonight. from The Guardian (2006)
Make it three. from The Guardian (2006)
Make sure she's hot. from The Guardian (2006)
Man is in the basket. from The Guardian (2006)
Man, are we glad to see you! from The Guardian (2006)
Man, I got bigger problems than you. from The Guardian (2006)
Many survivors claim to have felt his gripping hands beneath them, from The Guardian (2006)
Mark in known position. from The Guardian (2006)
Mark. Mark. Right side. Debris in water. from The Guardian (2006)
Matthew Stokes, Savannah, Georgia. from The Guardian (2006)
Maybe he's just trying to push you to be better. from The Guardian (2006)
Maybe. from The Guardian (2006)
Maybe... Maybe I should be the one to move out. from The Guardian (2006)
Mayday, mayday, mayday. from The Guardian (2006)
Mayday, mayday, mayday. from The Guardian (2006)
Mayday, mayday, mayday. from The Guardian (2006)
Mayday. Mayday. Mayday. from The Guardian (2006)
Medical ship, caught on fire. from The Guardian (2006)
Meet me there next Friday around eight? from The Guardian (2006)
Mmm hmm. from The Guardian (2006)
Mmm hmm. from The Guardian (2006)
Monitor the radio, sir. No flare, strobe or anything. from The Guardian (2006)
Mostly what we see is old fractures in the arms, also in the leg. from The Guardian (2006)
Move, move, move, move! from The Guardian (2006)
Must be happy hour. from The Guardian (2006)
Must be nice to go out on a date, yeah! from The Guardian (2006)
Must be nice to go out on a date, yeah! from The Guardian (2006)
My baby. from The Guardian (2006)
My bull riding career was going down the drain. from The Guardian (2006)
My day was all right. from The Guardian (2006)
My intention is to narrow that gap. from The Guardian (2006)
My sister's best friend is getting married from The Guardian (2006)
Negative, swimmer one. We need you topside, ASAP. from The Guardian (2006)
Never stare directly into the flame, people. from The Guardian (2006)
Next scenario, Petty Officer Watson. from The Guardian (2006)
No attachments. Just casual. from The Guardian (2006)
No flowers. from The Guardian (2006)
No matter what happens out there, you stay together. from The Guardian (2006)
No sign of kayakers. I'm taking her down. from The Guardian (2006)
No way. You have got to be kidding me. from The Guardian (2006)
No, I did not. from The Guardian (2006)
No, I think there's been enough talk for one day. from The Guardian (2006)
No, I'm having a drink near you. Entirely different thing. from The Guardian (2006)
No, it doesn't make it all right. from The Guardian (2006)
No, no, no. I'm talking about like a real date. from The Guardian (2006)
No, you don't get it. from The Guardian (2006)
No, you're not going. We're starting to have fun. from The Guardian (2006)
No. Circuit breakers are in so it has failed, from The Guardian (2006)
No. It's personal with me. from The Guardian (2006)
No... No, no, no, no, no. from The Guardian (2006)
Nobody really appreciates us until they need us. from The Guardian (2006)
Not all of them. from The Guardian (2006)
Not from the cabin to the tarmac. We never stop. from The Guardian (2006)
Not to me. Not like that. from The Guardian (2006)
Now imagine yourself trapped in between two thousand pound pieces of ice, from The Guardian (2006)
Now you gotta talk to her. You gotta go make a move. from The Guardian (2006)
Now, I've drawn a map, with a complex set of clues. from The Guardian (2006)
Now! from The Guardian (2006)
Of course you didn't, Ben. How could you think I was? from The Guardian (2006)
Officer Watson is gonna talk a little bit more about that. from The Guardian (2006)
Oh, ah, oh, ah, ay! from The Guardian (2006)
Oh, amazing. Not only does he come back in great shape, from The Guardian (2006)
Oh, gee. I'm sorry saving lives doesn't jibe with our social cal... from The Guardian (2006)
Oh, God, there they are. Stop the car. from The Guardian (2006)
Oh, gosh. from The Guardian (2006)
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that he was so qualified. from The Guardian (2006)
Oh, man. from The Guardian (2006)
Oh, my goodness, look at this. from The Guardian (2006)
Oh, we're not going home. from The Guardian (2006)
Oh, yeah. They're coming. from The Guardian (2006)
Oh! from The Guardian (2006)
Oh. Absolutely. from The Guardian (2006)
Ok, cable free, cable free. from The Guardian (2006)
Ok, guys. High tides coming in and we've got six to eight foot rollers coming from the north. from The Guardian (2006)
Ok, he's putting the man in the basket. from The Guardian (2006)
Ok, honey. But when God Himself reaches down from heaven... from The Guardian (2006)
Ok, honey. She called me honey. from The Guardian (2006)
Ok, if we have to put you in, we're gonna get you in upswell, from The Guardian (2006)
Ok, one dance. from The Guardian (2006)
Ok, that's better. from The Guardian (2006)
Ok. from The Guardian (2006)
Ok. from The Guardian (2006)
On my whistle, drop your gear into the pool and pair up. from The Guardian (2006)
On your feet. from The Guardian (2006)
One by one I want you to hand them to me. from The Guardian (2006)
One more, and you're gone. from The Guardian (2006)
One steak is not gonna forge some kind of a lasting from The Guardian (2006)
One's holding the flare. No other movement. from The Guardian (2006)
Only number I kept track of. from The Guardian (2006)
Ooh rah, Chief Skinner. from The Guardian (2006)
Ooh rah! from The Guardian (2006)
Ooh rah! from The Guardian (2006)
Ooh rah! from The Guardian (2006)
Ooh rah! from The Guardian (2006)
Ooh rah! from The Guardian (2006)
Ooh rah. from The Guardian (2006)
Ooh rah. from The Guardian (2006)
Ooh rah. from The Guardian (2006)
Ooh. Check it out. She's staring at you. from The Guardian (2006)
Oops. from The Guardian (2006)
Or how they're remembered after they're gone? from The Guardian (2006)
Or take that "A" School opening I'm offering you. from The Guardian (2006)
Or the weakest one in the group and then I swim as fast, from The Guardian (2006)
Or their son, or their best friend? You know about that? from The Guardian (2006)
Or walk out of here with me and split the cash. from The Guardian (2006)
Out in the water there's work for me. from The Guardian (2006)
Out of the 39,000 men and women who make up the US Coast Guard, from The Guardian (2006)
Out of the pool, Fischer, let's move. from The Guardian (2006)
Outstanding. from The Guardian (2006)