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A few huh
A hundred and seventy five yards
A little high
Aah! you poked me again
Absolutely sir
Aerobics with Richard Simmons #workout #aerobics #gym #yoga #pilates #porky pig #richard simmons #space jam
Ah but a very nice dinette set
Ah she's obviously nuts about me
Ahem you want to play a little one on one doll
All right
All right (2)
All right (3)
All right (4)
All right all right
All right all right let's go team
All right baby gotta go i'll call you later okay love you bye
All right basketball it is
All right dress in the hallway okay
All right goodbye man
All right gotta go
All right he's okay
All right here we go now you gotta smile you reach in for the ball and then you smile okay
All right how about we go out and kick some alien butt huh let's go how about it ready
All right just one
All right let's slow down son don't you think you ought to get a little sleep first
All right not bad for the first half but we gotta keep this up
All right see you
All right super
All right the party's over get in the spaceship
All right troops it is for us to choose a battlefield that affords us
All right we need to score two points
All right we're right back in this game come on now let's play tough defense
All right you irascible bunny
All right you pesky rabbit i've got you now
All right you're gonna have to listen to mike on this guys listen up
All the way from moron mountain the monstars
An exciting kind of guy who could maybe even perform at half time
An exhilarating team sport currently growing rapidly in popularity is basketball
An obsession a burning desire
And as such are the exclusive property and trademark of warner bros inc
And at point guard standing 3 foot 3 4 feet if you include the ears
And does he hop around like this
And i'd look pretty stupid if you don't show up
And it climbed up my back and into my brain
And now the player coach of the tune squad
And once i've done all that I want to play baseball just like you dad
And one whopper headache for elmer fudd
And there's an important strategic question I need to ask you
And this girl 5 feet nothing blocked my shot
And we've scheduled a 12 lead stress test and neurological battery to include eeg reflex tests
And when you're finished with that I suppose you're gonna fly huh
And you think this is good
And you'll always lose
Anything anything
Anything you need
Are there any other areas besides basketball where you find yourself unable to perform
Are these the best seats like them yes can see everything from here very good
Are we there yet
Are we there yet (2)
Are you listening did you hear him did you hear him that little brat is right
Are you okay
Are you sure
Are you talking to me
At 6 foot 6 from north carolina his royal airness michael jordan
At least you guys are still tall i'm nothing now just another short guy
At power forward the quackster of the courts daffy duck
At small forward standing a scintillating 3 foot 2
Aw anybody could do that doc even you
Aw do we have to
Aw it was nothing
Back off let the doctor take a look
Bacteria light that can travel faster than the speed of light
Bad dog git
Bad dog!
Bad old putty tat
Baseball bat get this guy a tennis racquet
Baseball now that's a sport
Basketball (2)
Be the ball be the ball
Because i've followed your whole career and I think you're still the greatest athlete that's ever lived
Because you got a baseball game tomorrow
Been getting your butts kicked haven't you
Belly flop
Big man pancake
Big shiny new things yeah
Bottoms up
Bugs (2)
Bugs bunny
Bugs bunny (2)
Bugs Bunny Huge Kiss #kiss #love #happy #love you #come here #tinder
Bugs Bunny Kiss #kiss #bugs bunny #easter bunny #space jam #smooch #muah #michael jordan
But I love my mama
But i'm gonna take this opportunity to retire from the game of basketball
But i'm not tired
But i've been in this situation many times before
But mommy I don't want to go to school today I want to stay home and bake cookies with you
But that's all right you can call me sherm if you want to
But then they show up and they ain't so little they're huge
But uh didn't you forget something
But what if we win
Bye bye
Bye bye (2)
Can anyone lend me a pair of sneakers
Can I go home now
Can we ask you a favor mr bunny
Can you keep it down i'm trying to hit this ball
Can't we talk this over
Careful pat
Catch feather head
Cedric that was in new york 3000 miles away
Chicken and collard greens
Chicken and what
Choke artists
Close to the pin
Close to the pin for dinner sounds good i'll go close to the pin
Co captain of the tune squad the doctor of delight bugs bunny
Come back here you screwy rodent
Come here
Come here (2)
Come here come here for a second sit right here
Come on
Come on (2)
Come on and slam #basketball #play #lets play #hoop #song
Come on charles get off of him
Come on charles touch it
Come on come on come on baby come on
Come on come on i'm open i'm op !
Come on come on we gotta find michael's basketball stuff
Come on dog no not today dog get off me your breath
Come on give us a break
Come on guys keep your head up got a whole other half to play
Come on guys no pain no gain
Come on let's go inside
Come on michael it's game time
Come on mike lighten up
Come on patrick it's showtime
Come on show me something come on show me something
Come on stan don't hug me please
Come on we're okay you're okay come on let's go
Come to papa
Coming through
Cool (2)
Cool shoes
Correction we're looney tunes
Could I have a sip please
Couldn't sleep pops
Crush them
Curve ball don't swing don't swing
Daddy daddy!
Dang where'd they go
Did everyone get mad at you
Did we get everything
Diminutive ain't they
Do my best
Do we have a deal
Do we have to
Do we have to? #rather not #objection #deny #refusal #dont want to #do we have to #monstars #space jam
Do you want to win or not
Doc you think that's a good ide
Doesn't bother you it doesn't bother me
Doll on the court bugs
Don't be embarrassed just face it you guys stink
Don't bring me here anymore all right
Don't bring me here anymore all right (2)
Don't ever call me doll
Don't ever call me doll (2)
Don't kid me
Don't lose that confidence okay paws and wings in here all right yes!
Don't move a muscle
Don't touch that man
Don't try this at home
Don't worry about it
Don't worry i'll get you another one
Down beethoven
Eh guys
Eh I don't know if you guys are looney enough
Eh I think we might need a little bit of help
Eh mike
Eh nice kaboom wile e
Eh not so fast doc
Eh we'll fix your timing
Eh what's up doc
Eh you were expecting maybe the easter bunny
Eh, you were expecting maybe the Easter Bunny? #space jam #michael jordan #bugs bunny #looney tunes #easter bunny #rabbit #bunny #easter
Everybody get up, it's time to slam now #michael jordan #quad city djs #get ready #lets go #gametime
Eww smelly #stinky #stench #smelly #pungent #odor #fart
Exactly you've got a baseball game in five minutes
Excuse me oh so sorry excuse me
Excuse me uh sorry
Fastball outside corner swing
Feed me feed me
Feed you feed me!
Feeding time boys
Finished great speech and all doc you had them riveted
Flexing #muscles #strong #steroids #protein shake #muscular #body builder #flexing
From the nba!
Get back on defense let's go get back on defense man
Get down
Get inside his ball
Get it
Get off me charles
Get off of him before I cook you
Get off of him charles come on
Get off the tee
Get out of the way
Get the looney tunes bring them here
Get the rabbit get the girl
Get your hanes on lace up your nikes grab your wheaties and your gatorade and we'll pick up a big mac on the way to the ballpark
Getting pretty good son go ahead shoot till you miss
Girls come on over hurry up hurry
Give it to me charles
Give them a chance to defend themselves
Go get the doctor
Go monstars! go monstars! go monstars!
Going down
Going up
Good cut michael good cut
Good deal boss
Good game
Good i'm gonna need a good meal tonight
Good idea
Good job mike good job buddy good try good hustle
Good shot larry that's nice
Good try
Got it
Great shot
Guard him guard him i'll smother him i'll be all over him like a cheap suit i'll be on him like stink on rice
Guys let's just go out and have fun
Guys we gotta get dressed we got a game in five minutes
Guys we suck
Guys who are skilled but never really thought about a professional career before
Ha ha nice shot!
Ha ha yes
Ha not a cent
Had it in you all the time didn't you
Half time
Hang on
Hanging on hanging on
Has anyone here ever played basketball
Hat about we raise the stakes a little bit
Have you seen him where is this guy is he around
He ain't buying it
He is not washed up
He just never learns
He went two for five lost 32 points in his average
He's a baseball player yeah boss a baseball player
He's batting what
He's big he's good he's mine
He's bigger than we used to be
He's the one I want for moron mountain
Hello a little surprise for you my friends
Hello eh my name is bugs
Hello mr swackhammer
Here you go bugs
Here you go take him
Here's how I see it
Here's how it's done in the professional ranks
Hey (2)
Hey baby how you doing you watching tv
Hey bring it on dude
Hey can I play
Hey coach listen you got any more secret stuff I think it's starting to wear off
Hey come here
Hey everybody look at your hero now
Hey hey
Hey hey come on get back on defense
Hey hey!
Hey I caught it
Hey I washed them after every game
Hey if you get good enough you can do anything you want to michael
Hey it's basketball
Hey jeff you okay
Hey little pig boo
Hey maybe nothing's wrong with us
Hey michael why don't you stay play some three on three with us
Hey nice playing with you
Hey nice talking to you
Hey no problem
Hey perhaps I could be of some assistance
Hey someone's killing someone
Hey wait for me hold your horses
Hey what do you think we are stupid
Hey where you going
Hey you see this uh kind of chunky fellow over here
Hey! down in front
Hi dad
Hi mr jordan
Hi my name is lola bunny
High Five #high five #slap hands #space jam
Hit it good
Hmm bugs bunny bugs bunny
Hmm interesting
Hmm me neither
Hmm now let's see what we got inside here
Hold on there mr looney tune
Hold up right here
Holy putty tat
Honey will you just let me watch the game barkley's killing us
How about we challenge them to a spelling bee
How did he do that
How do I get out of here the door doesn't work
How was your game
How you doing
How'd he do that
I ain't going out like that
I also see michael jordan being sucked down a golf hole by furry creatures
I always try hard my mom says try your best at everything you do
I am here to personally guarantee that no one will ever bother you
I can handle that rock again
I can't i'm helping my friends in their basketball game
I could have been a contender
I couldn't help it
I didn't do anything
I didn't know dan aykroyd was in this picture
I didn't say that you did muggsy
I don't hear it what is it
I don't know as a kid I was a pitcher I think that would be kind of hard for me to pitch so i'm gonna play the outfield
I don't know man
I don't know where you are michael but wherever you are you obviously enjoy being there more than spending time with me
I don't play basketball anymore
I don't play basketball anymore (2)
I don't play defense #bill murray #no defense #basketball #bad defender
I don't think you should have done that doc
I don't want to talk
I feel so insignificant
I found the shorts
I got it I got his talent
I got it I got it
I got it I got it I got it I got the ball I got the ball yipe!
I got it you got it yeah baby
I gotta take you back you got baseball practice
I hate to be the bearer of bad news your airness but if you don't find a fifth player your team will forfeit the game
I have coach
I have faith in my team
I hope this baseball thing was a good idea
I just feel at this particular time that I reached the pinnacle of my basketball career and I must retire
I knew that
I knew that (2)
I know I missed it
I know man
I know we're down
I love basketball I always loved basketball do you love basketball
I mean we're talking about a huge fine here
I mean you look good when you strike out man when I strike out it looks nasty man at least you look good man good looking
I promise i'll never swear again i'll never get another technical i'll never trash talk
I really enjoyed playing with you guys
I say I resemble that remark
I say let's go in that way
I say we get a ladder wait till the old lady's out of the room then grab that little bird
I see aliens little aliens from outer space they forced their way inside your bodies
I smell something
I stunk up the place
I tell you he's going down
I think that's fair yeah
I think we should qui forfeit
I think you should open up your stance a little it might make you more aggressive at the plate
I told you not to swing
I understand
I want to play at north carolina
I want to play on a championship team then I want to play in the nba
I want you to make sure that nobody bothers michael I want him to be the happiest player in the world
I wet myself
I wish I was in the land of cott
I wore them under my chicago bulls uniform every game
I yeah go on
I'd like to but I have to ice down my knees right away okay they're starting to go
I'd like to try out for the team
I'll do anything michael anything
I'll never go out with madonna again
I'll take some of that
I'll take that thank you
I'll uh be with you in a second folks after I finish with nature boy here
I'm a cheerleader
I'm an elk shoot me
I'm going this way i'm going left i'm going left
I'm gonna give us both twos back there we weren't in any kind of emotional state to putt
I'm gonna go out on top undefeated and untied that's the way it's gonna be
I'm gonna regret this
I'm here
I'm here to make your life easier want me to drive you somewhere I will drive you anywhere
I'm open i'm open
I'm ready coach all right
I'm really sorry it took so long
I'm right behind you pal
I'm set to take it to the rack jack
I'm sorry I forgot it's a classic
I'm sure he's fine I think he just had to get away from that stan character
I'm uh i'm fixing a divot
I've been mri'd ekg'd x rayed laser beamed
I've got other skills I could go back and work on the farm
I've told you if i've told you once I told you a thousand thousand thousand thousand times
If somebody gets injured we could see a lot of minutes
If this were a union job i
If we win you give the nba players their talent back
If you need anything done around the house i'd be more than happy to help you out
If you win you get me
In a shocking development five nba players have been placed on the disabled list in the last 24 hours all suffering from the same mysterious ailment
In there
Is everything okay
Is it safe
Is that all
Is this the only thing on tv
Is this your man
It didn't wear off it was just water
It gave me my powers back
It is alive
It smells like a spy
It was a good shot
It was another career day for michael jordan at barons field this afternoon
It wasn't a dream it really happened
It wasn't just here in new york
It's a classic but it's got a few peccadilloes hold on just a second
It's a crying shame we gotta get new agents we're getting screwed
It's a fast paced razzle dazzle game that requires quick wits and even faster reflexes
It's a hall of fame shot
It's a nice house
It's air jordan
It's because i'm white isn't it
It's coming from over here
It's gut check time
It's hard enough as it is mike
It's in the rule book #policies #rules #instructions #rule book #regulations
It's in the rule book it is okay it is in the rule book
It's michael
It's open!
It's seven fifty seven fifty quarter past 7
It's smoking too man you need to get that checked
It's stan mike
It's stan stan podolak
It's the boss
Jeez it's getting so a guy can't even get himself wet around here
Jock Jams
Just a few more tests gentlemen test for electrolyte levels glucose cbcs rbcs etcetera
Just a sec there read them and weep
Just asking
Just get out of my way
Just gotta start looking for some more dominant players in places they never looked before
Just how did you get here anyway
Just look at the ball visualize where you want it to go
Just one more shot
Just take the picture all right
Ladies and gentlemen michael jordan
Ladies and gentlemen the starting lineup for the tune squad
Larry nothing but the bottom of the cup
Larry please
Larry that could have been me
Larry you feel that the nba has to face reality don't you
Larry's not white larry's clear
Leave the baseball player alone man he doesn't play basketball anymore
Lemony fresh
Let him in open up open
Let me help let me help I can help I can help let me help
Let me show you something
Let's do it you the duck
Let's do some drills
Let's face it this baseball
Let's get him out of here
Let's get out of here dad this stinks
Let's go
Let's go!
Let's look upstairs
Let's play some basketball
Let's see if I remember how to do this
Let's see what you got chump
Let's teach them a lesson
Let's try some acupuncture
Listen after meeting with team owners I have decided that until we can guarantee the health and safety of our nba players there will be no more basketball this season
Listen how is this for a new team name the ducks
Listen I didn't get dragged down here just to get my butt whipped by a bunch of ugly monstars
Listen it's a man's game and you can't play
Lola lola heads up
Look at me look at me and listen
Look at muggsy handle the rock handle it baby
Look at our facilities
Look at that look at that spin
Look I want to help but I haven't played basketball in a long time
Look it's charles barkley
Look it's the chubby boy
Look who's finally ready to play
Looks good in that uniform looks great can't teach that can't teach it
Looks like a basketball player to me
Looks like I retired just in time
Looks like stan just had a close encounter with a bug zapper
Looney enough
Looney thank you
Looney that's it that's the word I was looking for looney
M j ! m j !
Make them
Man i'm fine I am fine
May I remind you sir that physical violence is patently against the rules
Maybe that's why he can't sleep at night
Maybe you're chicken
Me oh boy i'm ready I can do this
Me oh yeah i'm fine are you okay
Me too
Mess you're worried about a little mess there's nothing here a little spit shine wouldn't fix
Michael do you hear them they don't think you can play the game anymore
Michael do you know what time it is
Michael I know golf is your sport but not here
Michael over here over here over here i'm open
Michael you know that your friends are cartoon characters
Michael! is it really you oh!
Michael's the greatest ever
Mike I gotta ask you something
Mike i'm open!
Mike michael
Mm smells good in here what you cooking
Monstars the monstars
Moron mountain here we come
Move it mister
Mr commissioner we've got the place sealed off
Mr jordan are you okay
Mr jordan i'm stan podolak
Mr murray something's really been bugging me
My bad
My clothes don't fit
My poor little cranium
My timing's all off
Never mind
Never seen one of these before
New ones
Nice butt
Nice digs
Nice outfit daffy
Nice puppy how's about a bone
Nice shot
Nice shot larry
Nice shot mr j
Nice shot mr larry
Nice shot mr murray
No (2)
No (3)
No come help us man
No come on
No dice
No fooling
No I don't think so
No I mean I didn't think you guys really needed it I mean you're so tough you're competitive
No larry's white so what
No no I played you too many minutes
No no i'm gonna retire right now that's all there is to it
No no no!
No problem happy to do it man
No seriously
No sweat
No way coach we can't go in the locker room oh man
No way jose
No way we'll find someone
No worse everyone was real nice about it
Nope never heard of him
Nope nothing in here
Not bad not bad
Not real eh if I weren't real could I do this
Not today
Not you you idiot
Now if mike is gone the nba is gonna need some new people
Now let me see I must be very very close
Now let's all play fair here
Now spread out and search the place
Now uh what are we looking at here we got a small race of invading aliens
Now we take you live to the forum in los angeles where the lakers are refusing to take the court
Now you still tight with david stern I mean a phone call from you
Oh boy oh boy all right
Oh brother
Oh brother here I am in the peak of my form playing second banana to some sort of a harebrain
Oh bugs thank you
Oh don't say it
Oh fear clutches my breast
Oh god he's pathetic isn't he yeah
Oh he's fixing a divot!
Oh he's not back from his other game
Oh I got it
Oh i'm stan podolak mr jordan i'm the barons' new publicist
Oh jeez
Oh look at that looks like something from star trek
Oh look is that michael
Oh man that felt good
Oh my
Oh my (2)
Oh my bugs! bugs!
Oh no i'm fine thanks
Oh oh that's good oh yes
Oh oh this is nice this is a nice house that is a beauty what is that colonial
Oh okay fair is fair
Oh one of his shoes
Oh shh
Oh stop this cartoon we've got an emergency cartoon character union meeting to go to
Oh uh look out for that first step doc it's a real lulu
Oh yeah
Oh yeah let's hear the story
Oh yeah who says says who why
Okay birdie
Okay bunny gather up your tune pals
Okay cool
Okay go get him
Okay i'll check
Okay let's analyze the competition
Okay let's go
Okay let's go bulls
Okay little fella you my friend or are you my enemy you are my friend right you are my ally you are my associate my personal assistant you are my weapon
Okay okay now which one of you maroons has ever played basketball before
Okay ready to go
Okay take this
Okay we need a fifth player
Okay we need something
Okay where's the ball
Okay you're gonna walk around with a bad game for the rest of your career
One small step for moi one giant leap for moron mountain
One thing though
Ooh I tought I taw I did I did see michael jordan
Ooh she's hot
Ooh that's gotta hurt
Ooh the kids are here
Ooh this will be good
Ooh you're all covered with drool baby
Oops (2)
Or maybe I could go back to the jungle and be a missionary again
Ow get your feet out of my nose
Pardon me
Pardon me mr jordan uh can I have your auto your john hancock please
Pardon me sorry
Pass me the ball bugs
Pat you want your talent back you don't have any other choice just touch it
Perhaps I could be of some assistance #bill murray #support #assistance #to the rescue #problem solver #helper
Piece of pie pork chop some sorbet perhaps
Play along
Please what kind of mickey mouse organization would name their team the ducks
Podolak podolak come here
Precisely sir altitude
Producer's a friend of mine just had a teamster come and drop me off
Put your mom on the phone
Quiet they're looking
Quiet! ladies and gentlemen please quiet!
Ready let's go
Ready yes
Ready? Let's go
Really nice shot mr bird
Red light
Right (2)
Right (3)
Right and i'm a shakespearean actor
Right man we got them
Right right right
Say ah
Say does he have uh great big long ears like this
Say we could have a bowling tournament
Secret stuff
Secret stuff (2)
She was wide open
She's looking again close it up tightly
Shh everyone's sleeping
Shh okay let's go in this way
Shoo shoo
Shut up
Shut up (2)
Shut up you little bug get away from me powwow
Sir just noticing sir they're from earth what if they can't come
Sit down chuck
Sleeping #snoozing #sleeping #fell asleep #snoring #boring
Slider don't swing
Small arms short legs not very fast tiny little guys can't jump high
So he needs his special underwear
So like where are we going
So sue me it's just a suggestion
So that's what happened to those guys
So what do you say we go for a little spin
So what's the big emergency
Somebody steal the ball get it to me and i'll score before the time runs out
Someone is gonna have to go to my house and pick up my basketball gear
Something for y'all to shoot at
Something wacky
Sorry (2)
Sorry (3)
Sorry (4)
Sorry (5)
Sorry again
Sorry break out you shouldn't even be here be gone wannabe be gone
Sorry I didn't mean to
Spacey kiss #kiss #romance #bugs bunny #love #hearts #space jam
Speaking of toys you know all those mugs and t shirts and lunch boxes with our pictures on them
Special delivery
Spit shine!
Stan give me the ball
Standing 2 foot 4 the wonder from down under the tazmanian devil
Stay out of trouble
Step aside babe let a star do this
Still can't find anything wrong with us
Stop the music top duck coming through
Strike three!
Suffering succotash
Suffering succotash (2)
Sweetheart I thought you'd get better seats this year
Ten seconds to go
Thank god you're all right oh! I was so worried
Thank you thank you
Thank you thank you (2)
Thanks bill now you get to live your dream let's go
Thanks bugs
Thanks for autographing that basketball for my kid i'm a hero now
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