Main Content
A la jolla man clings to life at a university hospital after being viciously attacked by a pack of wild dogs in an abandoned pool
A real ice queen
A steak a big steak for him please
Absolutely my wild love tigress
Actually that's a point of pride i'm very proud of my mane of pubic hair thank you
After the fotomat was destroyed the bear scampered back into the woods
Afternoon delight
Afternoon delight (2)
All clear
All clear (2)
All right
All right deep down in my stomach with every inch of me I pure straight hate you
All right everyone I just got a call from network
All right gentlemen let's get a good position for the story
All right guys let's focus up
All right let's do my sign off and get out of here
All right let's do this
All right let's go
All right stop stop what you're doing right now
All right we're on
All right you go over there and see if you can get a shot i'll go this way
All right!
Also I don't know if you know moscow it's pretty cold you might wanna buy a coat
Am I right look at these guys
An ultrasound of ling wong the most famous panda in the world shows her baby is doing quite well
And everything started to move awfully fast after her big break
And I like to cut
And i'm ron burgundy
And i'm ron burgundy (2)
And i'm tits i'm ron burgundy
And i've shown you old man
And in san diego one anchorman was more man than the rest
And of course my friend baxter here
And ron and veronica didn't stay in san diego long
And some day we'll look back on this with much fondness yeah
And speaking of network word on the street is they're looking for a new anchor so ron
And suits so fine they made sinatra look like a hobo
And thanks for stopping by but mainly stay classy
And that of course was our newest reporter veronica corningstone
And that's it now let's do this
And the decision has been passed down to make veronica our co anchor
And the thought of lovin' you is getting so exciting
And the winner of the frog leaping contest was hoppy with a jump of seven feet ten inches
And then our children will form a family band
And there's going to be flutes playing and trombones and flowers and garlands of fresh herbs and we will dance till the sun rises
And they're still doing it today
And this is the moment the entire world has been waiting for
And we will tour the countryside and you won't be invited
And when you left the hurt was so deep
And you ate a whole wheel of cheese
And you know what the worst part about it is she's better than me
And your reporter in the field brian fantana
And your reporter in the field brian fantana (2)
Antony and cleopatra!
Anyhow what can I do you for
Anyone seen brick
Anyway i've become kind of famous for my signature catchphrase 'whammy!'
Apparently he wasn't too happy with his color prints
Are we what
Are you and champ having a good time today
Are you happy
Are you high or something did you see what happened
Are you just looking at things in the office and saying you love them
Are you ok how did you get down there
Are you ready for our rendez vous?
Are you saying there's a party in your pants and i'm invited
Are you sure ed
Area bank robbery in a daring early morning
Arnold cue one
As far as i'm concerned corningstone's fair game
As for the news team
As in gene tenace at the plate and whammy! whammy!
Back booth at charlie lancer's friday night
Bark twice if you're in milwaukee
Basically the biggest story of my career launching me to a level i've never known before
Baxter is that you baxter!
Bear fight!
Because I am good at three things fighting screwing and reading the news now i've already done one of those today so what's the other one gonna be
Because the only way to win is to be the best the very best
Believe me if there's one thing ron burgundy knows it's women
Besides i'm sure wes here is just upset over finishing second in the ratings again
Bite it! bite it! i'm gonna bite it! yes
Bob dylan once wrote the times they are a changin' ron burgundy had never heard that song so when he fell he fell hard
Boy he really likes that dog
Boy that escalated quickly I mean that really got out of hand fast
Brian fantana
Brian fantana (2)
Brian fantana went on to have great success as the host of the hit reality tv show intercourse island on the fox network
Brick before I let you go are you still having your celebrity golf tournament this summer
Brick can't sleep at night
Brick get back over here
Brick I thought this was a short cut
Brick killed a guy
Brick tamland is married with 11 children and is one of the top political advisors to the bush white house
Brick tamland weather
Burgundy and the ladies went out for a stroll huh
Burgundy of course was the foundation the rock
Burgundy! burgundy! burgundy!
But each member brought their own special something to the equation
But goddamn it do I respect you
But he's very cute no he's not he's hairy
But I also nicknamed my testes my left one is james westfall and my right one is dr kenneth noisewater
But in order to properly retell it i'm going to need some help from my co anchor miss veronica corningstone
But it's very important to me that I be viewed as a professional
But now I am too hurt I am shocked and offended and hurt
But soon with a simple act of littering everyone's life would change forever
But this is not a date
But while they're laughing and grab assing i'm chasing down leads and practicing my non regional diction
But you and I are mature adults we've both seen our share of pornographic materials
By the beard of zeus
Calm down breathe ron
Can you believe mantooth and the whole channel 9 evening news team
Can't think of anything to say now can you
Carry on my wayward son for there'll be peace when you are done
Champ come on
Champ here
Champ kind
Champ kind sports
Champ kind went on to be a commentator for the nfl but was later fired after being accused of sexual harassment by terry bradshaw
Champ you're trying to touch my breast aren't you
Champ's been a mess
Channel 4 news with five time emmy award winning anchor ron burgundy
Children grow up
Ching king is inside right now
Come again you know I don't speak spanish in english please
Come get a taste
Come hug me I know you want to
Come on give him a hand
Come on let's go! these people are about to pull you apart
Come on!
Come on! oh god! this is getting to be ri god damn diculous!
Como estan bitches spanish language news is here
Corningstone was a star
Count me down three
Damn it
Damn it (2)
Damn it get me a phone I can't believe i'm about to do this
Damn it who typed a question mark on the teleprompter
Damn it!
Damn that dude cleans up good
Darling I did the news and I nailed it I nailed it!
Darling i'm so glad you're all right
Darling! i've spent all day cleaning your emmys and preparing dinner in the nude
Did brian tell you to say this
Did I say that loud
Did you just throw a burrito out your window
Did you throw a trident
Directly from wypn in asheville north carolina
Discovered by the germans in 1904 they named it san diago which of course in german means a whale's vagina
Diversity means that times are changing and with that in mind
Do as the romans do
Do it it's the story you were born to tell
Do not look at me right now walking around the office
Do you even know what you just said
Do you know who I am
Do you really love the lamp or are you just saying it because you saw it
Does she tuck you in ronnie give you a little kiss on your forehead tell you everything's gonna be ok
Doesn't it mean saint diego
Don't act like you're not impressed
Don't cry don't cry he's not crying he's not crying don't cry in my
Don't cry please
Don't get me wrong I love the ladies they rev my engine but they don't belong in the news room!
Don't say anything just let it happen
Don't you feel better now
Don't you get it ron I want to be an anchor
Don't you know I would never say fuck fuck!
Don't you know I would never say the word fuck I would never fuckin' ever fuckin' say that! ever!
Dorothy mantooth is a saint! do you understand me dorothy mantooth is a saint!
Drinks are on tino tonight
Dump out
Easy compadre i'm your friend out here
Ed harken
Ed harken (2)
Ed harken (3)
Ed! hello!
Every news man in this city is laughing at us and I don't like it
Everyone just relax all right
Everyone on the floor as well
Everyone relax she's not going to take anyone's airtime
Everyone why are we all standing around let's go
Excuse me
Excuse me gentlemen
Excuse me is that sex panther you're wearing
Excuse me press excuse me i'm press thank you
Excuse me veronica
Excuse me what are you doing
Excuse me what are you doing (2)
Excusez moi numero two
Fan out let's go find harken
Fare thee well baxter you shall always be friend of the bears
Fine i'll try to eat one
Fire up ronnie
For all of us here at news center 4 i'm ron burgundy
For now why don't you just grab a desk in the bullpen
For the channel 4 news team i'm ron burgundy
For the last time anything you put on that prompter burgundy will read
Frame up two
From all of us at the world news center i'm veronica corningstone
From all of us here at channel 4 news i'm veronica corningstone and thanks for stopping by san diego
From the entire channel 4 news team i'm veronica corningstone
From there on out things just got worse for ron burgundy
Gentlemen there was a time when you called me your lead anchor
Gentlemen you look great
Get corningstone over there right away
Get down here as quickly as you can
Get it going ronnie
Get out here panda jerk
Get out just go we are through through! because of your actions you scorpion woman
Get your hands off him you bastards!
Go fuck yourself san diego
Go to the zoo flip off the monkeys
God no it smells like a used diaper filled with indian food excuse me
God you are so beautiful
Goddamn son of
Gonna find my baby gonna hold her tight gonna grab some afternoon delight
Good afternoon san diego
Good evening
Good evening i'm ron burgundy
Good evening i'm ron burgundy and this is what's happening in your world tonight
Good evening san diego i'm lead anchor veronica corningstone
Good evening san diego i'm veronica corningstone
Good luck lady
Good one
Great story compelling and rich
Guess what I do I know that one day veronica and I are going to get married on top of a mountain
Guys east harlem shakedown e flat
Guys it's me ron fellas!
Guys take it easy she's got feelings too
Harken will fire us if we talk to you
Have the courage to say something hello! hello!
Have you ever thought about fighting fire with fire
He had a voice that could make a wolverine purr
He is ready to do battle in the arena against the tiniest lion you've ever imagined
He said heinie
He took him he took him with his foot and he kicked him that's what he did
He wants me back but I can't do this without my news team
He was like a god walking amongst mere mortals
He'll be here
Helen said you needed to see me
Helen where's the party
Hell I need you i'm a mess without you I miss you so damn much I miss being with you I miss being near you I miss your laugh I miss your scent I miss your musk
Hello (2)
Hello (3)
Hello (4)
Hello edward
Hello evening news team
Hello everyone
Hello marco! polo!
Hello neighbor
Hello this is mike rithjin from the network
Hello this is ron hello who's there i'm talking hello who is this
Hello wes mantooth
Help (2)
Help (3)
Here are the stories we'll be chasing today
Here comes trouble
Here we go again every station it's the same
Here you are mr burgundy the chef made this special for you
Here's a story of a 103 year old woman out in chula vista who claims to have a recipe for the world's greatest meatloaf
Here's the thing I don't trust this chick
Hey aqualung!
Hey burgundy!
Hey come on! it's me papa burgundy all right
Hey everybody shut the hell up ron burgundy's on
Hey gang papa's home
Hey i'm riding a furry tractor
Hey lady in the red hat yeah
Hey lady why don't you go fetch me a sandwich
Hey leave the mothers out of this all right it's not necessary
Hey nut job quit the singing you're creeping out all the regulars
Hey ron
Hey ron (2)
Hey ron what's up
Hey sweet cheeks got an invite i'd like to extend your way
Hey where did you get those clothes at the toilet store
Hey you watch yourself mister
Hey you're making me look stupid
Hey! is she going to live with us because I am not cool with that
High pressure system
His name is nutty the squirrel and he's three years old
His name was ron burgundy
Hit them in the uvula
Hold on
Hold on hold on!
Hold on I wanna just say a few words you have always been a good friend always
Hold on veronica
Honestly i'm
Honey I am so glad you're home
Hope i'm not disturbing you but I saw you from across the party and
Hot pot of coffee!
How about that that squirrel can water ski
How are you you look awfully nice tonight maybe don't wear a bra next time
How did you do that actually i'm not even mad that's amazing
How do you lose your lead anchor
How does the hair look
How much time 30 30 seconds
How now brown cow
Howie got the shot
I am a damn good journalist and this cat show thing is grade a baloney
I am completely miserable san diego
I am full of it tonight
I ate a whole bunch of fiberglass insulation it wasn't cotton candy like that guy said
I believe I did
I believe it's jogging or yogging it might be a soft j i'm not sure but apparently you just run for an extended period of time it's supposed to be wild
I brian! it's ronnie!
I can barely lift my right arm 'cause I did so many I don't know if you heard me counting I did over a thousand
I can only speculate as to the sex of the panda but if I had to guess i'd say female
I can see you ron I can see you
I can't
I can't believe I cared for you
I can't believe that you said we were dating on the air
I can't believe this every news outlet in the world is looking for coverage on this
I can't believe you did this to me are you happy
I can't believe you did this to me you read my news
I can't find corningstone
I chose them as my replacement and they became the first mixed gender network news team
I could be wrong but I believe diversity is an old wooden ship that was used during the civil war era
I could come back later
I could do that
I dabble
I did not see that coming!
I did see that was a terrific little spill that's quite a raspberry
I don't
I don't I didn't understand one word you said are you ok
I don't know
I don't know a ned
I don't know her name what is it lanolin like sheep's wool
I don't know how to put this but i'm kind of a big deal
I don't know ron
I don't know ron that sounds kind of crazy
I don't know that was half a lifetime ago we're different people now
I don't know what it means
I don't know what to say I just I got excited
I don't know what we're yelling about!
I don't like the put downs
I don't remember
I don't usually do this but I felt compelled to tell you something
I don't want to die
I drank a lava lamp it wasn't lava
I even wrote it down in my diary veronica had a very funny joke today I laughed at it later that night
I forgive you
I frigging love you! I frigging love you back!
I got nothing all I can see is that blue curtain
I gotta fire you
I guess I have to take you at your word number two
I guess we'll go back to doing what I do best show off
I hate cats
I hate you
I hate you more
I hate you ron burgundy I hate you!
I hate you ron burgundy I hate you! (2)
I have been on some serious reports but nothing quite like this
I have no idea where he would have gotten a hold of german pornography
I have nothing left! nothing! i've been reduced to rubble!
I have some information that you can choose to use or not use up to you
I have something so magnificent to tell you
I have very little time to get to the gym so I have to sculpt my guns at the office
I immediately regret this decision
I just burned my tongue
I just can't believe what ron did to you
I just don't know if I can go through that again
I just want you all to know that I look forward to contributing to this news station's already sterling reputation
I just want you to know that if ron does not show up I am ready to go on
I just wanted to shout it from on top of a mountain but I didn't have a mountain I had a newsroom and a camera
I knew it! there's somebody in the bear pit
I know exactly what you mean
I know I love this city
I know it sounds harsh but god does not want her to live
I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes I have a nickname for my penis it's called the octagon
I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks
I liked your sign off line too
I look good I mean really good hey everyone come and see how good I look
I look like hell I got bags under my eyes
I love carpet
I love desk
I love lamp
I love lamp I love lamp
I love my life!
I love poetry and a glass of scotch
I love scotch scotchy scotch scotch here it goes down down into my belly
I make fart noises with my mouth
I mean come on ed it's bull crap!
I mean that's stupid
I mean think about what you're asking man
I mean where's your mommy someone's gotta change your diapers
I met her in the bathroom of a kmart and we made out for hours
I might be in trouble on that one
I need all of you to stop what you're doing and listen
I need to look at these tapes for a potential lead
I need to use this machine so I can watch a tape for a story
I pooped a cornish game hen
I pooped a hammer
I pooped a tape recorder
I read somewhere that their periods attract bears the bears can smell the menstruation
I realize that but sometimes you got to look in the mirror and say 'when in rome'
I said your hair looks stupid
I saw that
I still don't quite understand what it means
I tell you it don't get no better than this
I tell you what it's just not working
I think I was in love once
I think the best thing to do with this corningstone to keep her in line is bed her quick
I think you've got a story to report
I thought he was mr dependable
I thought you were kidding I thought it was a joke
I told you I wanted to be an anchor
I told you that
I tried to ask her out on a date
I tried to get an interview with him but they said no you can't do that he's a live bear he will literally rip your face off
I used to date a guy named hoppy in alabama he was quite a jumper too
I wanna lick you! I will lick you in front of everyone to show my joy
I want a shot of that panda being born
I want to be on you
I want to be on you (2)
I want to say something I want to put it out there and if you like it you can take it if you don't send it right back
I want you to fix my chopper before I stomp your goofy ass!
I was just speaking in generalities
I was just wondering if you knew when my office will be ready
I was like who was that guy
I wasn't expecting company
I will be in make up
I will have you know that I have more talent and more intelligence in my little finger than you do in your entire body sir
I will not eat cat poop
I will not eat cat poop!
I will not eat that!
I will not have my news room be divided
I will say one thing for her she does have a nice big old behind i'd like to put some barbecue sauce on that butt and just
I will smash your face into a car windshield then take your mother dorothy mantooth out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again
I will tell tales of your compassion
I woke up this morning and I shit a squirrel I mean it literally hell of it is damn thing's still alive
I would be surprised if the affiliates were concerned about the lack of an old wooden ship but nice try
I would like to extend to you an invitation to the pants party
I'd put brick on but unless he's tracking a storm front he's completely useless
I'll be down there and i'm going to look good
I'll be honest I don't think anyone knows what it means anymore
I'll eat the entire hunk of shit
I'll eat the shit! I don't care
I'll give this little cookie an hour before we're doing the no pants dance
I'll take a manhattan kick the vermouth with a pair of steel toed boots
I'll take you to foggy london town because you are what my little gentleman
I'll think about it
I'm a little embarrassed
I'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the eiffel tower out of metal and brawn that's what kind of man I am
I'm a professional and I would like to be able to do my job
I'm a professional doctor
I'm actually nervous
I'm actually taking them back right now taking them back to the pants store
I'm all about having fun you know get a couple of cocktails in me start a fire in someone's kitchen maybe go to sea world take my pants off
I'm all right
I'm bad I need to go to the principal's office
I'm brick tamland
I'm coming after you
I'm expressing my inner anguish through the majesty of song!
I'm friends with merlin olsen too he comes over on occasion
I'm getting another call
I'm getting some great stuff ms corningstone
I'm getting too old for this shit
I'm going to punch you in the ovary that's what i'm gonna do a straight shot right to the babymaker
I'm going to shoot you with a bb gun when you're not looking in the back of the head
I'm going to take a run at the new girl let the games begin
I'm going to walk I have a situation right now i'm trying to walk off
I'm gonna be honest with you that smells like pure gasoline
I'm gonna get you!
I'm gonna make a phone call here freshen this up
I'm gonna quit saying things when they crop up there in the old skull
I'm gonna straight up murder your ass
I'm gonna walk i'm gonna walk this situation off then I will see you later
I'm having a great time
I'm having very strong feelings for you mr burgundy
I'm here we can do the news now
I'm in a glass case of emotion
I'm just going to grab this shirt if you don't mind
I'm not a baby i'm a man I am an anchorman
I'm not hearing it right hold on
I'm not prepared I really am not prepared at all this is a surprise i'll tell you
I'm on right now I don't believe you
I'm pretty sure that's not love
I'm proud of you fellows you all kept your head on a swivel and that's what you gotta do when you find yourself in a vicious cock fight
I'm ron burgundy
I'm showing jeffrey my emmy tape
I'm sorry
I'm sorry (2)
I'm sorry all right
I'm sorry champ I think I ate your chocolate squirrel
I'm sorry I was trying to impress you
I'm sorry it's the it's the pleats it's actually an optical illusion it's the pattern on the pants it's not flattering in the crotchal region
I'm sorry!
I'm telling you she is a real ball buster
I'm telling you this corningstone business is hurting our rep
I'm telling you this lady has really crawled into ron's head
I'm the stylish one of the group
I'm veronica corningstone
I'm veronica corningstone for channel 4 news
I'm very aroused
I'm very happy for you
I'm very important I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany
I've been meaning to talk to you about that
I've been waiting to say this to you for a long time
I've got a big story for you and it's right here
I've got no damn lead anchor
I've got no heart because a she devil stole it
I've got to do the news
I've got to fire you
I've had a crush on you since I was a little girl let's go somewhere
I've had enough of you mantooth this is going to end right here right now
I've just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story
I've lost her
Ian would you like to go to a party in my pants
If I take one bite will you get me a steak if I take one bite of shit will you bring me a steak
If I were to give you some money out of my wallet would that ease the pain
If i'm going to do this i'll need my news team at my side
If you want to throw down fisticuffs fine i've got jack johnson and tom o'leary waiting for you right here
If you're going to have a fight don't forget channel 2 news with me lead anchor frank vitchard
In addition a lot of you have been hearing the affiliates complaining about a lack of diversity on the news team
In my travels I met one of your kind his name was katow jo we became friends
In other words ron burgundy was the balls
Is there an anchorman there
Is this ron
Is this wilt chamberlain
It did didn't it
It is anchorman not anchorlady and that is a scientific fact!
It is baloney
It is not baloney now go do your job missie
It is so awful
It jumped up a notch
It looks like ling wong the rare panda at the san diego zoo is pregnant
It looks like our broadcast last night received a two point ratings boost
It really does
It smells like bigfoot's dick!
It took my impending death for me to realize how much I need you
It was quite a show down here at the pet shack and just for today fashion curiosity did not kill the cat
It was supposed to be a joke! I mean it's still kind of funny but it's not
It was very hard for veronica but she was a pro and hung tough
It was wes mantooth I should have known
It's a fact it's the greatest city in the history of mankind
It's a formidable scent stings the nostrils in a good way
It's all right everyone we can do the news
It's all right I think it's all right my sweet chinchilla
It's always a long fall from the top isn't it
It's an old expression
It's boring but it's part of my life
It's channel 4 news at six o'clock
It's channel 4 news at six o'clock (2)
It's channel 4 news at six o'clock (3)
It's me ed
It's not a date
It's not important
It's probably not the same one probably not the same guy
It's quite pungent
It's ringing
It's so damn hot milk was a bad choice
It's terrible! she has beautiful eyes and her hair smells like cinnamon!
It's the deep burn it's so deep
It's the pancake breakfast we do it every month
It's very distracting
Jazz flute is for little fairy boys
Jesus she's terrifying
Just doing my workout tuesday's arms and back
Just get it done
Just go get someone please
Just start cleaning your desk and we'll pick you up in the morning
Just take it easy champ why don't you stop talking for a while
Just watch out for the guns they'll get you
Katow jo is my cousin go in peace
Keep a tight perimeter
Keep the cymbals splashy and let's take the bass line for a walk
Keeping that in mind i'd like to introduce the latest addition to the kvwn news team
Knights of columbus that hurts
Ladies and gentlemen can I please have your attention
Lady lady
Last time I looked in the dictionary my name is ron burgundy
Laughing enjoying our friendship
Lay low for a while because you're probably wanted for murder
Lay your weary head to rest don't you cry no more
Leave these people alone they mean you no harm
Let 'em work it out it's between the two of 'em
Let me get this over here
Let me just grab this
Let the games begin
Let's dance dick weed
Let's go
Let's go get 'em guys
Let's go to brian fantana live on the scene with a channel 4 news exclusive brian
Let's hold on let's count to ten all right that's a rash decision ok is this about something else
Let's make whoopee and then i'm gonna go drinking with the news team for two days
Like this you take it like this
Listen can I start over again
Listen everybody ling wong the panda is giving birth
Listen ron miss corningstone disappeared in the midst of the biggest story of the year
Listen sweetheart we were so worried about you and we waited as long as we could but
Listen to burgundy he's gone soft on us like some schoolboy bitch
Listen up the ratings just came in for last month we are number one we just grabbed every key demographic
Little ham and eggs coming at you hold on people hope you got your griddles
Look at that full moon butt!
Look drunky you've been coming in here every day stinking up the joint with your craziness what the hell is wrong with you
Look he's going to put corningstone on he's gonna put corningstone on!
Look I just got the call from harken
Look I report the news that's what I do
Look my plan was to ask you if I could squire you about town as one professional helping another because I know what it's like to be lonely in a new city
Look over here
Look the most glorious rainbow ever do me on it
Look they're following their mother it's instinct
Loud noises!
Lower your voice ron
Ma'am you will do the stories to which you are assigned
Magnificent you have hair like an angel
Make sure these guys don't party too much
Make way
Man that's hilarious
May I take your order
Maybe sit the next couple of plays out know what I mean
Mike rithnithin
More than anything in the world
Morning everyone
Mr burgundy
Mr burgundy (2)
Ms veronica corningstone
My alabaster doll
My best friend ever right
My god! what is that smell
My hands are tied
My motto's always been 'when it's right it's right' why wait until the middle of a cold dark night
My stomach's itchy
Network are they here
Network talent scout
Never ceases to amaze me
News team let's hunt news team!
News team! assemble!
News team! assemble! (2)
Nice clothes gentlemen I didn't know the salvation army was having a sale
Nice work everyone
No brick
No brick go stand over there
No brick my sweet brick
No buy new suits
No commercials no mercy
No eye contact!
No hold on it's clear now
No I can't say that I do
No I don't want to go to a party in your pants
No I was saying that if we continue seeing each other that we should keep it relatively quiet around the station
No I was talking to you not her
No it's just parent stuff it seems our youngest chris was on something called acid and was firing a bow and arrow into a crowd you know how kids are
No no I did it
No of course not
No ron don't
No ron i'm not!
No ron's coming
No she gets the special cologne it's called sex panther by odeon it's illegal in nine countries
No strictly professional doesn't mean we can't have fun
No that's very exciting
No that's what it means really
No the other thing love
No there's no way that's correct
No too many people died last year so we're not
No wait let me say something
No we're work associates I work at the station i'm a journalist
No you won't
No you're brick i'm brian
No! (2)
No! I had one bite
No! no!
No! no! no!
No! yes no! si!
Nobody talks about my city that way
Nope (2)
Not bad ms corningstone not bad at all
Not so fast you ingrates
Nothing to look at go back to work everyone
Now before we do this let's go over the ground rules
Now I am gonna go on and if you wanna try and stop me bring it on
Now i'll be number one
Now that's a hot lead
Now this is happening
Now you're putting the whole station in jeopardy
Of course
Of course I met a lady tonight this one was different I have to be honest quite different
Off the coast of tampa bay yesterday one lucky cameraman happened to catch an unusual aquatic daredevil
Oh baxter you are my little gentleman
Oh come on audrey
Oh did i
Oh god!
Oh god! (2)
Oh hi didn't see you there
Oh I almost forgot I won't be able to make it fellas veronica and I are trying this new fad called jogging
Oh i'm storming your castle on my steed my lady
Oh i've never heard of it it's wonderful though
Oh jeez
Oh look out next up it's whiskerus maximus
Oh ms corningstone
Oh my god! she said her first words!
Oh my god! we've got to do something
Oh no we woke up the momma
Oh ok this is a good guy
Oh please I am so hungry
Oh ron
Oh silly
Oh that tickles that tickles me come on
Oh there it is
Oh tino thank you thank you for letting me come in here i'm glad I can still get a good meal
Oh we're going there
Oh yeah
Oh you never have of course you haven't how stupid of me neither have i
Oh you're looking fantastic
Oh! by the hammer of thor!
Oh! great odin's raven
Oh! great odin's raven!
Oh! saint damien's beard!
Ok (2)
Ok (3)
Ok (4)
Ok and veronica corningstone she's just dying to quit her job so that she can take care of me and have babies
Ok bye bye
Ok I guess I could play a little ditty
Ok I understand have a nice day sir bye
Ok i'll get your sandwich
Ok let's finish it up
Ok well we will be honored if you would play jazz flute for us
Ok you know what that's uncalled for I can't work with this woman that's terrible
One slip and you're gone whammy
Or saving the woman I used to have familiar relations with
Ouch don't lose any more hair over it
Panda watch!
Papa's home there he is there's my little man you're ok
People call me the bri man
People know me
People seem to like me because i'm polite and i'm rarely late
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