A cannon ball is the best ice breaker from Tristana - League of Legends
Abandoned gunner never turns tail unless it's to taunt you from Tristana - League of Legends
Ah from Tristana - League of Legends
Airmail from Tristana - League of Legends
All the risk and none of the consequences i'm sold from Tristana - League of Legends
Almost from Tristana - League of Legends
Any landing you can walk away from from Tristana - League of Legends
Anyone ever tell you you're a little clingy from Tristana - League of Legends
Back to base from Tristana - League of Legends
Back to the action from Tristana - League of Legends
Blast him from Tristana - League of Legends
Blunstone pie intense time so bad oh god oh shoarma from Tristana - League of Legends
Bombs away from Tristana - League of Legends
Boomer says hi from Tristana - League of Legends
Bring on the bad guys from Tristana - League of Legends
Bringing down the house from Tristana - League of Legends
Calling back from Tristana - League of Legends
Can't touch this from Tristana - League of Legends
Can't wait to tell the recruits about that one from Tristana - League of Legends
Can't wait to try this out from Tristana - League of Legends
Cannon fodder from Tristana - League of Legends
Canon ball from Tristana - League of Legends
Cheap from Tristana - League of Legends
Check the kick on this sucker from Tristana - League of Legends
Clean sweep from Tristana - League of Legends
Clocks ticking from Tristana - League of Legends
Cortana from Tristana - League of Legends
Didn't see that coming did you from Tristana - League of Legends
Direct hit from Tristana - League of Legends
Do you sell earplugs too from Tristana - League of Legends
Does this make me royalty from Tristana - League of Legends
Don't let up from Tristana - League of Legends
Double time from Tristana - League of Legends
Dropping like flies from Tristana - League of Legends
Engaging from Tristana - League of Legends
Eyes on the enemy rumble from Tristana - League of Legends
Eyes open from Tristana - League of Legends
Fire at will from Tristana - League of Legends
Fuck from Tristana - League of Legends
Full house from Tristana - League of Legends
Get in my way I dare ya from Tristana - League of Legends
Get jumped from Tristana - League of Legends
Gotta get back out there from Tristana - League of Legends
Ha from Tristana - League of Legends
Ha from Tristana - League of Legends
Ha from Tristana - League of Legends
Ha from Tristana - League of Legends
Ha ha from Tristana - League of Legends
Ha ha ha from Tristana - League of Legends
Ha ha ha from Tristana - League of Legends
Ha ha ha that was scary from Tristana - League of Legends
Here comes the boom from Tristana - League of Legends
Hey where'd you go from Tristana - League of Legends
Hold this from Tristana - League of Legends
How awesome you want some come on from Tristana - League of Legends
How's that for a bandle city beat down from Tristana - League of Legends
Huh from Tristana - League of Legends
I bravely volunteered to charge in recklessly from Tristana - League of Legends
I can eyeball it from Tristana - League of Legends
I dare you to dare me from Tristana - League of Legends
I don't take cover I take cover out from Tristana - League of Legends
I got this one from Tristana - League of Legends
I just need a point in the right direction from Tristana - League of Legends
I might just drop in from Tristana - League of Legends
I'm going in from Tristana - League of Legends
If it's worth shooting once it's probably worth shooting a lot from Tristana - League of Legends
If there's a sword for making things explode this is it from Tristana - League of Legends
Infinity anything is pretty awesome from Tristana - League of Legends
Is that a rocket in your pocket from Tristana - League of Legends
Is that gun full sized from Tristana - League of Legends
Is this blast proof from Tristana - League of Legends
It won't be so much a whisper as a deafening explosion from Tristana - League of Legends
Just passing through from Tristana - League of Legends
Keep em coming from Tristana - League of Legends
Leave it to me from Tristana - League of Legends
Let him come by land by sea or air center on in home when the battle got his blair from Tristana - League of Legends
Let me get in there from Tristana - League of Legends
Let's get in range from Tristana - League of Legends
Let's get this party started from Tristana - League of Legends
Let's see if this makes it through the first explosion from Tristana - League of Legends
Let's snares vines meet your worst nightmare from Tristana - League of Legends
Light em up from Tristana - League of Legends
Like all frontline from Tristana - League of Legends
Lookout below from Tristana - League of Legends
Maybe I cut that a little close maybe from Tristana - League of Legends
Mind the fuse from Tristana - League of Legends
More where that came from from Tristana - League of Legends
Need a breather from Tristana - League of Legends
No boy from Tristana - League of Legends
No slowing me down now from Tristana - League of Legends
Nope from Tristana - League of Legends
Not loaded and ready to rock it from Tristana - League of Legends
Nothing a little gunpowder won't fix from Tristana - League of Legends
Nothing like overkill from Tristana - League of Legends
Now we're cooking from Tristana - League of Legends
Now you see him now you don't from Tristana - League of Legends
Nysut rumble what do you call it from Tristana - League of Legends
Oh from Tristana - League of Legends
Oh from Tristana - League of Legends
Oh look i'm a shock trooper from Tristana - League of Legends
Oh that looks cool from Tristana - League of Legends
Oh veigar tell me all about your diabolical plan from Tristana - League of Legends
On lookout from Tristana - League of Legends
Once a bandel gunner always a bandel gunner from Tristana - League of Legends
Ooh aah from Tristana - League of Legends
Ooh I like to look at this baby from Tristana - League of Legends
Open over from Tristana - League of Legends
Or veigar you're cute when you're angry from Tristana - League of Legends
Orders are more like guidelines really from Tristana - League of Legends
Over there buster from Tristana - League of Legends
Perfect for cutting loose from Tristana - League of Legends
Pilot to bomba dear from Tristana - League of Legends
Play stuff from Tristana - League of Legends
Please allow my canon I to conflict resolve from Tristana - League of Legends
Point blank is the only blank I like from Tristana - League of Legends
Puff puff boom from Tristana - League of Legends
Ready aim fire from Tristana - League of Legends
Retreat from Tristana - League of Legends
Sandal gunners what you see sir just smoke in victory from Tristana - League of Legends
Score from Tristana - League of Legends
See ya from Tristana - League of Legends
Shannons versus armor cannons win from Tristana - League of Legends
Shortcut from Tristana - League of Legends
Some people like backup plans I like charge in plans from Tristana - League of Legends
Sometimes outnumbered never outgunned from Tristana - League of Legends
Splat from Tristana - League of Legends
Splat from Tristana - League of Legends
Splat from Tristana - League of Legends
Splat from Tristana - League of Legends
Split from Tristana - League of Legends
Split from Tristana - League of Legends
Staff from Tristana - League of Legends
Stuck am from Tristana - League of Legends
Super from Tristana - League of Legends
Surprise from Tristana - League of Legends
Sweet kind of gross but suites from Tristana - League of Legends
Tag from Tristana - League of Legends
Target freaking anaya lated from Tristana - League of Legends
Thanks for breaking my fall from Tristana - League of Legends
Thanks for coming from Tristana - League of Legends
They can keep the blood i'm thirsty for action from Tristana - League of Legends
They joined the wrong army from Tristana - League of Legends
Things are heating up from Tristana - League of Legends
This is my three hundred and fifty seven caliber handgun from Tristana - League of Legends
This will put a little zing on things from Tristana - League of Legends
Tick tock from Tristana - League of Legends
Time for some re arm and redeploy from Tristana - League of Legends
Time to fill up my dance card from Tristana - League of Legends
Time to live dangerously from Tristana - League of Legends
Timo are these mushrooms your rations or your ammo from Tristana - League of Legends
Tristana - League of Legends Sound from Tristana - League of Legends
Tristana - League of Legends Sound from Tristana - League of Legends
Tristana - League of Legends Sound from Tristana - League of Legends
Tristana - League of Legends Sound from Tristana - League of Legends
Tristana - League of Legends Sound from Tristana - League of Legends
Tristana - League of Legends Sound from Tristana - League of Legends
Try to keep up old timer from Tristana - League of Legends
Up and adam from Tristana - League of Legends
Walking tall from Tristana - League of Legends
War stories don't write themselves from Tristana - League of Legends
Watch the brush from Tristana - League of Legends
Watch this from Tristana - League of Legends
Watching our backs from Tristana - League of Legends
We've got this from Tristana - League of Legends
Weather from Tristana - League of Legends
Well from Tristana - League of Legends
Well I was never worried from Tristana - League of Legends
When you find the right gun you only need one from Tristana - League of Legends
Where is the action from Tristana - League of Legends
Who from Tristana - League of Legends
Who from Tristana - League of Legends
Who needs a fort from Tristana - League of Legends
Who wears a helmet from Tristana - League of Legends
Why do your exploding ziggs from Tristana - League of Legends
Winners don't duck from Tristana - League of Legends
Wow from Tristana - League of Legends
Xbox what's cooking from Tristana - League of Legends
Yeah from Tristana - League of Legends
Yeah from Tristana - League of Legends
Yeah from Tristana - League of Legends
Yeah from Tristana - League of Legends
Yeah from Tristana - League of Legends
Yeah from Tristana - League of Legends
Yep from Tristana - League of Legends
You don't hurt him if you don't hit him from Tristana - League of Legends
You look yeah from Tristana - League of Legends
You make it easy to be unimpressed from Tristana - League of Legends
You should try fanning out from Tristana - League of Legends
You think you can out shoot me from Tristana - League of Legends
You want to see the fireworks from Tristana - League of Legends
You're gonna need a bigger castle from Tristana - League of Legends
You're in trouble now from Tristana - League of Legends
You're not the only yordle who knows how to fly corky from Tristana - League of Legends
Z from Tristana - League of Legends