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Ah have you and wriggle already met
And what did we learn
Are all dragons this heavy
Be good and i'll let you burn down a building or two
Beware of dragon
Careful with that or you'll get zapped
Cool legal what does it breathe air
Demolition dragon
Did you get into the sugar again
Do I know how to accessorize
Don't mess with this dragon
Don't mind us
Don't worry i'll keep you out of trouble
Dragon snipe
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon Trainer Tristana - League of Legends Sound
Dragon up close
Dragons are just cheating
Extra crispy coming right up
Feeling a little nervous
Finally clothing that's supposed to burn
Fire beats armor
Fire solves most problems
Flying fry
From the sky
Get cooked
Get that one
Good luck controlling this dragon
Ha ha
Had a great time to be you right now
He doesn't fire just the best
He doesn't like towers
He likes his food well done
He's got space issues
He's just going through a phase I think
Here we are
Hey no chewing on me
Hold on to your harness
How about a little fire scarecrow
I broke you out of that egg and I can stuff you back in
I know I know i'm going
I really hope that was your stomach
I think we got their attention
I think you're gonna like this
I was never worried
I'll bet you like this cape don't you
I'll keep you safe
I've got a dragon and i'm not afraid to use him
Is it just me or did you get scarier
Is there anything you don't eat
It's scary what comes out of you
Just how much bigger are you gonna get
Just try to get between us
Just what you need a taste for blood
Keep dreaming buddy
Keep your distance
Last week good good whisper
Let's find you a snack
Let's have some fun
Lift off
Light a fire under him
Like you weren't squirmy enough already
Look at
Maybe for the bad guys
Met my dragon
Miss us
My dragon
My dragon will eat you
My god stop him but I won't
Need some fire
No look at me like that it seemed like a good idea at the time
No no don't do that
No right you deserve it huh up
No such thing is dragon resistant
Not a word
Not that I think were gonna die or anything
Not the biggest dragon but the best
Now we're cooking
Oh look chicken flambe
Oh this is so not the time
Oh will eat later stop pouting
Pretty cool there have you seen my dragon
Raining fire
Ready aim not at me
Ready play dead good
Regal speak close enough
Regal territory
Regular proved
Regular says hi
Reviews flame retardant as a challenge
Roast him
Scratch your tummy later
Show me what you can do
Smoke him out
Someone 's on their best behavior
Stay alert
Take it down wriggle
Tell me you don't have fleas
That was fast
That wasn't exactly how that was supposed to go
That's why
The fire means he likes you
There you go hello help
This is a dragon hello
This is no time for molting
This will look out for both of us
Time for a little snack break up huh
Trick rollover every time
Uh I don't like this
Warm up time
Watch my back
Watch the horns and the teeth and a tail
We are so starting obedience training
We make a pretty great pair don't we rumble just me and this dragon
We'll see if they can hurt us now
We're in this together wriggle
Well look at your little arms
Well you made him angry
When do dragon start flying
When you get bigger you're carrying me
Where to next
Who wants to live some eyebrows
Who's a good wriggle that's right you are
Who's got the flame spitter now
Why are you slimy
Yeah I feel a bit safer too