Main Content
1. Star Cruiser
1. Star Cruiser
1. Star Cruiser
1. Star Cruiser (スタークルーザー) [OPM]
1. Welcome to the World of Star Cruiser
2. Space Boat
2. Space Boat (スペースボート) [OPM]
2. Star Cruiser
2. Star Cruiser (OPN)
2. Start
3. Battle Space
3. Battle Space (バトルスペース) [OPM]
3. Restaurant
3. Space Boat
3. Space Boat
4. Battle Space
4. Daisy
4. Daisy (ディージー) [OPM]
4. Desert Zone
4. Space Boat (OPN)
5. Bad News
5. Battle Space
5. Daisy
5. Space Flight
5. Space Flight (スペースフライト) [OPM]
6. Battle Space (OPN)
6. Space Fight
6. Space Fight (スペースファイト) [OPM]
6. Space Flight
6. Space Flight
7. Daisy
7. Red Zone
7. Red Zone (レッドゾーン) [OPM]
7. Space Fight
7. Space Fight
8. Daisy (OPN)
8. Protector
8. Red Zone
8. Shop
8. Shop (ショップ) [OPM]
9. Red Zone
9. Shop
9. Space Flight
9. The Great Red Spot
9. The Great Red Spot (大赤斑) [OPM]
10. Colony
10. June
10. June (ジューン) [OPM]
10. Space Flight (OPN)
10. The Great Red Spot
11. Desert Zone
11. Desert Zone (デザートゾーン) [OPM]
11. June
11. Space Fight
11. Spaceboat
12. Broker
12. Broker (ブローカー) [OPM]
12. Church
12. Desert Zone
12. Space Fight (OPN)
13. Broker
13. Federal Patrol Office
13. Inside the Base
13. Inside the Base (基地内部) [OPM]
13. Red Zone
14. Inside the Base
14. Red Zone (OPN)
14. Saturn
14. Saturn (土星) [OPM]
14. Warp Drive
15. Mid Boss
15. Mini Boss
15. Mini Boss (ミッドボス) [OPM]
15. Saturn
15. Shop
16. Bernard System
16. G Catapult
16. G Catapult (G-カタパルト) [OPM]
16. Mini Boss
16. Shop (OPN)
17. G Catapult
17. Mars
17. Mars (火星) [OPM]
17. The Great Red Spot
17. VOID Battleship
18. Big Boss
18. Mars
18. Rigil Kent System
18. Rigil Kent System (リジル=ケント星系) [OPM]
18. The Great Red Spot (OPN)
19. Bio Plant
19. Bio Plant (生体プラント) [OPM]
19. Game Over
19. June
19. Rigil Kent System
20. Bio Plant
20. Ending
20. June (OPN)
20. Sirius System
20. Sirius System (シリウス星系) [OPM]
21. Desert Zone
21. Requiem
21. Requiem (レクイエム) [OPM]
21. Sirius Star System
22. Barnard's Star
22. Barnard's Star (バーナード星系) [OPM]
22. Desert Zone (OPN)
22. Requiem
23. Barnard's Star
23. Broker
23. The Planet of Old New York
23. The Planet of Old New York (惑星オールドニューヨーク) [OPM]
24. Broker (OPN)
24. Hyperspace
24. Hyperspace (ハイパースペース) [OPM]
24. The Planet of Old New York
25. Hyperspace
25. Inside the Base
25. Warp Out
25. Warp Out (ワープアウト) [OPM]
26. Great Battleship VOID
26. Great Battleship VOID (VOID 大戦艦) [OPM]
26. Inside the Base (OPN)
26. Warp Out
27. Big Boss
27. Big Boss (ビッグボス) [OPM]
27. Great Battleship VOID
27. Saturn
28. Big Boss
28. Saturn (OPN)
28. To a Far Away Galaxy (遥かな宇宙へ) [OPM]
28. To the Distant Cosmos
29. Game Over
29. Game Over (ゲームオーバー) [OPM]
29. Mini Boss
29. To a Far Away Universe
30. Game Over
30. Mini Boss (OPN)
30. Nineteen
30. Nineteen [OPM]
31. G Catapult
31. Star Cruiser (スタークルーザー) [PSG]
32. G Catapult (OPN)
32. Space Boat (スペースボート) [PSG]
33. Battle Space (バトルスペース) [PSG]
33. Mars
34. Daisy (ディージー) [PSG]
34. Mars (OPN)
35. Rigil Kent System
35. Space Flight (スペースフライト) [PSG]
36. Rigil Kent System (OPN)
36. Space Fight (スペースファイト) [PSG]
37. Bio Plant
37. Red Zone (レッドゾーン) [PSG]
38. Bio Plant (OPN)
38. Shop (ショップ) [PSG]
39. Sirius System
39. The Great Red Spot (大赤斑) [PSG]
40. June (ジューン) [PSG]
40. Sirius System (OPN)
41. Desert Zone (デザートゾーン) [PSG]
41. Requiem
42. Broker (ブローカー) [PSG]
42. Requiem (OPN)
43. Barnard's Star
43. Inside the Base (基地内部) [PSG]
44. Barnard's Star (OPN)
44. Saturn (土星) [PSG]
45. Mini Boss (ミッドボス) [PSG]
45. The Planet of Old New York
46. G Catapult (G-カタパルト) [PSG]
46. The Planet of Old New York (OPN)
47. Hyperspace
47. Mars (火星) [PSG]
48. Hyperspace (OPN)
48. Rigil Kent System (リジル=ケント星系) [PSG]
49. Bio Plant (生体プラント) [PSG]
49. Warp Out
50. Sirius System (シリウス星系) [PSG]
50. Warp Out (OPN)
51. Great Battleship VOID
51. Requiem (レクイエム) [PSG]
52. Barnard's Star (バーナード星系) [PSG]
52. Great Battleship VOID (OPN)
53. Big Boss
53. The Planet of Old New York (惑星オールドニューヨーク) [PSG]
54. Big Boss (OPN)
54. Hyperspace (ハイパースペース) [PSG]
55. To the distant cosmos
55. Warp Out (ワープアウト) [PSG]
56. Great Battleship VOID (VOID 大戦艦) [PSG]
56. To the distant cosmos (OPN)
57. Big Boss (ビッグボス) [PSG]
57. Game Over
58. Game Over (OPN)
58. To a Far Away Galaxy (遥かな宇宙へ) [PSG]
59. Game Over (ゲームオーバー) [PSG]
59. Nineteen
60. Nineteen (OPN)
60. Nineteen [PSG]
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