Main Content
1. Cold Bones
1. MainMenu (An Iniquitous Inclination)
2. Groundhog
2. JacksLetter (Miroirs II Oiseaux Tristes)
3. FinalDayCopSelection (No Good Theme Master 2)
3. Tooth For A Tooth
4. Redman
4. TacticsPrepState (Animal Horror)
5. Old Habits
5. TacticsAlertState (Temporary Suicide)
6. An Iniquitous Inclination
6. Assault (Consolation Prize)
7. A Nordic Travail
7. FinalBattle (Wrong Side of the Grave)
8. Credits (Careless Love)
8. From The Old
9. Contrition
9. RADIO01 (The Stoic)
10. RADIO02 (Snus)
10. Zeitgeist
11. In From The Cold
11. RADIO03 (Contrition)
12. RADIO04 (From The Old)
12. The Stoic
13. RADIO05 (Groundhog)
13. Snus
14. Attrition
14. RADIO06 (A Nordic Travail)
15. RADIO07 (OGRE Clusterfunk Bass Ventura)
15. Värdelös
16. Animal Horror
16. RADIO08 (Zeitgeist)
17. RADIO09 (Tooth for a Tooth)
17. Temporary Suicide
18. Consolation Prize
18. RADIO10 (Cinereous Mire Murken Mists)
19. RADIO11 (Jagged)
19. Wrong Side Of The Grave
20. RADIO12 (Step Aside)
20. Step Aside
21. Jagged
21. RADIO13 (In From The Cold)
22. Lightweight
22. RADIO14 (Old Habits)
23. Exhale
23. RADIO15 (Freeweights Lightweight)
24. Bass Ventura
24. RADIO16 (OGRE The Ghost Archetype)
25. RADIO17 (Attrition)
25. The Ghost Archetype
26. RADIO18 (Cold Bones)
26. Red Green
27. Murken Mists
27. RADIO19 (Shep and Me Red Green)
28. Careless Love
28. RADIO20 (OGRE Exhale)
29. RADIO21 (Redman)
30. String Quartet No. 1 In A Major, I Moderato Allegro
31. Back In Business
32. White Russian
33. Clarinet Sugar
34. Don't You Leave Me Here
35. Sweet Ginger Green
36. Careless Love
42. SFX Alternative Click #19154
44. SFX BlackJackCardEnter1
45. SFX BlackJackCardEnter2
46. SFX BlackJackCardExit
47. SFX Car Crash
48. SFX Card Click
49. SFX Card Enter
52. SFX Card Select
53. SFX CarterCompetitionSlideIn
54. SFX CarterCompetitionSlideOut
55. SFX CartersTotal
56. SFX CarterWins
57. SFX Changing Date
58. SFX CircusElectricity
59. SFX CircusFuelBarrel
60. SFX City Skyline
62. SFX CiviliansLive
66. SFX Click #49263
67. SFX ColdOpenAmbush
68. SFX CompetitionClash
69. SFX CompetitionClick
70. SFX CompetitionTotal
71. SFX CopsDead
72. SFX CopTurn
73. SFX CopTurnAll
74. SFX Court Order
75. SFX Cover Highlight
77. SFX Cover Move
78. SFX Cover Open
79. SFX Cover Select
80. SFX Curtains
81. SFX EnemyTurn
82. SFX EnemyTurnAll
83. SFX FalseAlarm
84. SFX FuneralFree
85. SFX FuneralPaid
86. SFX Gang Close
87. SFX Illegal Money
88. SFX InfluencerUnlock
89. SFX JacksTotal
90. SFX JackWins
93. SFX Lamp Noise #29585
94. SFX LampOff
95. SFX LampOn
96. SFX Light Hitting Spirits
97. SFX LightBulbBurst
98. SFX Locker Room
99. SFX LotsOfTabs
100. SFX MovePaper
101. SFX MugSlide
102. SFX NeedleStart
103. SFX Newspaper Drop 1
104. SFX Newspaper Drop 2
105. SFX Newspaper Drop 3
106. SFX Old Call Sound
109. SFX Old Card Exit
110. SFX Old Card Pick
111. SFX Old Card Put
113. SFX Old Click
114. SFX Old Police Car Departs 2
115. SFX Old Select
116. SFX Old Window Close
117. SFX Old Window Open
118. SFX Paper
119. SFX PerkUnlocked
120. SFX Phone Ring
121. SFX Police Car Arrives 1
122. SFX Police Car Arrives 2
123. SFX Police Car Departs 1
124. SFX Police Car Departs 2
125. SFX Police Car Departs 3
126. SFX Police Car Departs 4
128. SFX PoliceRadioEffect Long #19216
129. SFX PoliceRadioEffect Short
130. SFX ReceiveLoot
137. SFX Select #51579
138. SFX SellStuff
140. SFX SGO #78054
141. SFX SniperMiss 1
142. SFX SniperMiss 2
143. SFX SniperMiss 3
144. SFX SniperMiss 4
145. SFX SniperMiss 5
146. SFX SniperPinPoint 1
147. SFX SniperPinPoint 2
148. SFX SniperPinPoint 3
149. SFX SniperShot 1
150. SFX SniperShot 2
151. SFX SniperShot 3
152. SFX SniperShot 4
153. SFX Snow Ambient
154. SFX Snow L1
155. SFX Snow L2
156. SFX Snow L3
157. SFX Snow L4
158. SFX Snow R1
159. SFX Snow R2
160. SFX Snow R3
161. SFX Snow R4
162. SFX SpendLoot
163. SFX SpendMoney
164. SFX SpendTab
165. SFX Spirit Dies
166. SFX Spirit Sucking Soul
167. SFX Spirites Game Over
168. SFX Spirits Announcing Goal
169. SFX Spirits Background
170. SFX Step L1
171. SFX Step L2
172. SFX Step L3
173. SFX Step L4
174. SFX Step L5
175. SFX Step R1
176. SFX Step R2
177. SFX Step R3
178. SFX Step R4
179. SFX Step R5
180. SFX SuspectArrested
181. SFX SuspectDead
182. SFX SuspectEscaped
183. SFX Tab2
184. SFX Tab3
185. SFX TabOnTable
186. SFX TabsScreen Minus
187. SFX TabsScreen Pickup Glass
188. SFX TabsScreen Plus
189. SFX TabsScreen PutDown Glass
190. SFX TabTouch1
191. SFX TabTouch2
192. SFX TabTouch3
193. SFX TacticsAlarmed
194. SFX TacticsBaton
195. SFX TacticsBreakDoor
196. SFX TacticsBreakWindow
197. SFX TacticsBulletHit
198. SFX TacticsChooseDestination
199. SFX TacticsCircusExplosion
200. SFX TacticsClick
201. SFX TacticsCountdown
202. SFX TacticsDefeat
204. SFX TacticsEnemySuspicious
205. SFX TacticsenEnemyDiscovered
206. SFX TacticsExplosion
207. SFX TacticsGrenade
208. SFX TacticsGunshot
209. SFX TacticsHandcuffs
210. SFX TacticsKnife
211. SFX TacticsOpenWindow
212. SFX TacticsPepperSpray
213. SFX TacticsPerkUsed
214. SFX TacticsReload
215. SFX TacticsRifleShot
216. SFX TacticsSelect
217. SFX TacticsShocker
218. SFX TacticsSilencedGunshot
219. SFX TacticsSiren
220. SFX TacticsSniperCock
221. SFX TacticsSniperShot
222. SFX TacticsTakeCover
223. SFX TacticsTaser
225. SFX TacticsVictory #27139
226. SFX Tortures Background
227. SFX Tortures Battery
228. SFX Tortures FemaleScreaming
229. SFX Tortures FreezerRoom
230. SFX Tortures Gas
231. SFX Tortures Headphones
232. SFX Tortures Injection
233. SFX Tortures MaleScreaming
234. SFX Tortures MorgueBox
235. SFX Tortures ShitBarrel
236. SFX Tortures Stove
237. SFX Tortures Toolbox
238. SFX TuningRadio
240. SFX TurnSwipe
241. SFX TurnSwipe2
242. SFX TutorialSlide
243. SFX TutorialSlideOut
244. SFX TvNoise
247. SFX UICardPick #34210
250. SFX UICardPut #51412
251. SFX UIProfessionalityDown
252. SFX UIProfessionalityUp
253. SFX UISkillPoint
254. SFX UITacticalMap
255. SFX UIWindowClose
258. SFX UIWindowOpen #32028
260. SFX Wind #19111
261. SFX Writing
262. SFX ZipEnter
263. Voices 100. SY
264. Voices 101. SZ
265. Voices 36. S01 audio
266. Voices 38. S02
267. Voices 39. S03 1
268. Voices 40. S03 2
269. Voices 41. S04 1 audio
270. Voices 42. S04 1bp1
271. Voices 43. S04 1bp2
272. Voices 44. S04 2
273. Voices 45. S4 1a2
274. Voices 46. S05 audio
275. Voices 47. S05b
276. Voices 48. S06 1
277. Voices 49. S06 2
278. Voices 5 10
279. Voices 5 10C
280. Voices 5 11
281. Voices 5 11C
282. Voices 5 12
283. Voices 5 12C
284. Voices 5 13
285. Voices 5 13C
286. Voices 5 14
287. Voices 5 14C
288. Voices 5 15
289. Voices 5 15C
290. Voices 5 16
291. Voices 5 16C
292. Voices 5 17
293. Voices 5 17C
294. Voices 5 18
295. Voices 5 18C
296. Voices 5 19
297. Voices 5 19C
298. Voices 5 20
299. Voices 5 20C
300. Voices 5 21
301. Voices 5 21C
302. Voices 5 22
303. Voices 5 22C
304. Voices 5 23
305. Voices 5 23C
306. Voices 5 24
307. Voices 5 24C
308. Voices 5 25
309. Voices 5 25C
310. Voices 5 26
311. Voices 5 26C
312. Voices 5 27
313. Voices 5 27C
314. Voices 5 28
315. Voices 5 28C
316. Voices 5 29
317. Voices 5 29C
318. Voices 5 30
319. Voices 5 30C
320. Voices 5 31
321. Voices 5 31C
322. Voices 5 32
323. Voices 5 32C
324. Voices 5 33
325. Voices 5 33C
326. Voices 5 34
327. Voices 5 34C
328. Voices 5 35
329. Voices 5 35C
330. Voices 5 36
331. Voices 5 36C
332. Voices 5 37
333. Voices 5 37C
334. Voices 5 38
335. Voices 5 38C
336. Voices 5 39
337. Voices 5 39C
338. Voices 5 40
339. Voices 5 40C
340. Voices 5 41
341. Voices 5 41C
342. Voices 5 42
343. Voices 5 42C
344. Voices 5 43
345. Voices 5 43C
346. Voices 5 44
347. Voices 5 44C
348. Voices 5 45
349. Voices 5 45C
350. Voices 5 46
351. Voices 5 46C
352. Voices 5 47
353. Voices 5 47C
354. Voices 5 48
355. Voices 5 48C
356. Voices 5 49
357. Voices 5 49C
358. Voices 5 50
359. Voices 5 50C
360. Voices 5 51
361. Voices 5 51C
362. Voices 5 52
363. Voices 5 52C
364. Voices 5 53
365. Voices 5 53C
366. Voices 5 54
367. Voices 5 54C
368. Voices 5 55
369. Voices 5 55C
370. Voices 5 56
371. Voices 5 56C
372. Voices 5 57
373. Voices 5 57C
374. Voices 5 58
375. Voices 5 58C
376. Voices 5 59
377. Voices 5 59C
378. Voices 5 60
379. Voices 5 60C
380. Voices 5 61
381. Voices 5 61C
382. Voices 5 62
383. Voices 5 62C
384. Voices 5 63
385. Voices 5 63C
386. Voices 5 64
387. Voices 5 64C
388. Voices 5 65
389. Voices 5 65C
390. Voices 5 66
391. Voices 5 66C
392. Voices 5 67
393. Voices 5 67C
394. Voices 5 68
395. Voices 5 68C
396. Voices 5 69
397. Voices 5 69C
398. Voices 5 70
399. Voices 5 70C
400. Voices 5 71
401. Voices 5 71C
402. Voices 5 72
403. Voices 5 72C
404. Voices 5 73
405. Voices 5 73C
406. Voices 5 74
407. Voices 5 74C
408. Voices 5 75
409. Voices 5 75C
410. Voices 5 76
411. Voices 5 76C
412. Voices 5 77
413. Voices 5 77C
414. Voices 50. S07
415. Voices 51. S08
416. Voices 52. S09
417. Voices 53. S10
418. Voices 54. S11
419. Voices 55. S12
420. Voices 56. S13 audio
421. Voices 57. S14
422. Voices 58. S15
423. Voices 59. S16p1
424. Voices 60. S16p2
425. Voices 61. S17 1
426. Voices 62. S17 2
427. Voices 63. S18
428. Voices 64. S19
429. Voices 65. S20 1
430. Voices 66. S20 2
431. Voices 67. S21
432. Voices 68. S22
433. Voices 69. S23
434. Voices 70. S23 2 audio
435. Voices 71. S24
436. Voices 72. S25
437. Voices 73. S26
438. Voices 74. S27
439. Voices 75. S28
440. Voices 76. S29
441. Voices 77. S30
442. Voices 78. S31
443. Voices 79. S32 1 On Old Map
444. Voices 80. S32 1
445. Voices 81. S32 2
446. Voices 82. S32 3 audio
447. Voices 83. S33
448. Voices 84. S34
449. Voices 85. S35 1
450. Voices 86. S35 2
451. Voices 87. S36
452. Voices 88. S37
453. Voices 89. S37 2 audio
454. Voices 90. S38
455. Voices 91. S39
456. Voices 92. S40
457. Voices 93. S41 audio
458. Voices 94. SL A
459. Voices 95. SL B
460. Voices 96. SL C
461. Voices 97. SL D
462. Voices 98. SL E
463. Voices 99. SX
464. Voices AlarmState Female 1
465. Voices AlarmState Female 2
466. Voices AlarmState Female 3
467. Voices AlarmState Female 4
468. Voices AlarmState Male 1
469. Voices Confirmation Female 1
470. Voices Confirmation Female 2
471. Voices Confirmation Female 3
472. Voices Confirmation Female 4
473. Voices Confirmation Female 5
474. Voices Confirmation Male 1
475. Voices Confirmation Male 2
476. Voices Confirmation Male 3
477. Voices CopEvacuated Female 1
478. Voices CopEvacuated Female 2
479. Voices CopEvacuated Female 3
480. Voices CopEvacuated Female 4
481. Voices CopEvacuated Male 1
482. Voices Dispatcher1
483. Voices Dispatcher2
484. Voices Dispatcher3
485. Voices Dispatcher4
486. Voices Dispatcher5
487. Voices EnemySpotted Female 1
488. Voices EnemySpotted Female 2
489. Voices EnemySpotted Female 3
490. Voices EnemySpotted Female 4
491. Voices EnemySpotted Female 5
492. Voices EnemySpotted Male 1
493. Voices EnemySpotted Male 2
494. Voices EnemySpotted Male 3
495. Voices Freeze Female 1
496. Voices Freeze Female 2
497. Voices Freeze Female 3
498. Voices Freeze Female 4
499. Voices Freeze Female 5
500. Voices Freeze Male 1
501. Voices Freeze Male 2
502. Voices Freeze Male 3
503. Voices Freeze Male 4
504. Voices HeavyLosses Female 1
505. Voices HeavyLosses Female 2
506. Voices HeavyLosses Female 3
507. Voices HeavyLosses Female 4
508. Voices HeavyLosses Female 5
509. Voices HeavyLosses Male 1
510. Voices HeavyLosses Male 2
511. Voices HeavyLosses Male 3
512. Voices HeavyLosses Male 4
513. Voices HeavyLosses Male 5
514. Voices Interrogate Female 1
515. Voices Interrogate Female 2
516. Voices Interrogate Female 3
517. Voices Interrogate Female 4
518. Voices Interrogate Female 5
519. Voices Interrogate Male 1
520. Voices Interrogate Male 2
521. Voices Interrogate Male 3
522. Voices Interrogate Male 4
523. Voices Interrogate Male 5
524. Voices Investigation
525. Voices OrderToSurrender Female 1
526. Voices OrderToSurrender Female 2
527. Voices OrderToSurrender Female 3
528. Voices OrderToSurrender Female 4
529. Voices OrderToSurrender Male 1
530. Voices OrderToSurrender Male 2
531. Voices OrderToSurrender Male 3
532. Voices OrderToSurrender Male 4
533. Voices Postpone Female 1
534. Voices Postpone Female 2
535. Voices Postpone Female 3
536. Voices Postpone Female 4
537. Voices Postpone Female 5
538. Voices Postpone Male 1
539. Voices Postpone Male 2
540. Voices Postpone Male 3
541. Voices Postpone Male 4
542. Voices Postpone Male 5
543. Voices Refuse Female 1
544. Voices Refuse Female 2
545. Voices Refuse Female 3
546. Voices Refuse Male 1
547. Voices Refuse Male 2
548. Voices Refuse Male 3
549. Voices TrapBombSpotted Female 1
550. Voices TrapBombSpotted Female 2
551. Voices TrapBombSpotted Female 3
552. Voices TrapBombSpotted Female 4
553. Voices TrapBombSpotted Female 5
554. Voices TrapBombSpotted Male 1
555. Voices Triangulation Female 1
556. Voices Triangulation Female 2
557. Voices Triangulation Female 3
558. Voices Triangulation Female 4
559. Voices Triangulation Male 1
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