A smoker's a smoker when the chips are down. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
A worthy concern. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Ah from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Ah, this is great. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
All right, you son of a from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
All these years. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
All we're gonna do is have a nice little talk. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
And he's got four friends out there in the hall, from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
And here I was. expecting a skinny little bookworm. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
And I'm ready for war. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
And if there weren't so many people hereabout, from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
And if you'd shown up ten minutes earlier, we'd still have Jackie Boy's head. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
And Kevin's guts are lying all over the place. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
And make sure it's got a big trunk. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
And now he's dead and you're here to... from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
And that's the whole reason that I've been doing what I've been doing. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
And the before mentioned consequences of which I so recently made mention from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
And there's your own silence. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
And you're gonna spend the rest of your life in prison, from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Are you having a good time humiliating me like this for no damn reason at all? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Bastard! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Bastard! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Bastard. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Besides, from the sound of things, you might have to shoot somebody. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Besides, it's not what you came here for anyway, is it? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Bloody hell. It's the bullet from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
But as soon as they had me for a fall guy, they showed up, guns blazing. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
But first, we gotta get our hands on Jackie Boy's head from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
But I forgive you. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
But I'm out now. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
But there I was, just like before, scared and helpless. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
But you were a friend and more when I needed one. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Bye, Nancy. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Care for a smoke? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Claire? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Cold night like this, everybody's looking for somebody, stranger from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Connelly talks. They all talk. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Could know there's been a murder. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Could've become president. but he chose to serve God. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Damn it, Gail. Not right now. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Damn! It can't be! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Did they find her? Did they get to her? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Did you forget that cop car that trailed them here? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Disgraced, destroyed... from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Do yourself a favor, Jackie Boy, and get help, like a shrink. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Dwight, they got Gail! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Early retirement. Not my idea. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Eight years. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Eight years. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Eliminate me. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Enjoy the show. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Even thought I did once or twice. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Everybody knows what's coming, but they go through the motions anyway from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Everything up until the killing will be a gas from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Eyes to the stage, pilgrim. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
From seeing what Miho can do. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
From then on, it's the circus everybody wants it to be from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Gail? Unless there's something else you want me to do, from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Get that Beretta away from him somehow. and kill him. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Get the head! Get the head! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Getting sleepy. It's OK. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Go ahead. You're worse without 'em. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Goldie and the other six where are they? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Goldie. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Goldie. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Gone until you brought this unholy mess on us. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Hartigan was right about you. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Haven't seen you like this in a while. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
He could've been the first Roark to become the President of the United States, from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
He didn't just eat their bodies, from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
He even made his rotten brother a US senator without breaking a sweat. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
He might kill somebody if I don't stop him. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
He runs the tables over to the Triple Ace Club. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
He'll use all his power to get revenge on me. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Here he comes. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Hey, baby. Hey, baby. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Hey. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Hey. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
How could they have found out it was you writing all those letters to me? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
How many got paid off for the frame, Louie? Huh? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
How the hell did they find her? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Hurry up, will you? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I can't fathom these Americans always whining from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I can't lose you, not again from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I can't tell if Miho is alive or dead. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I could kick this damn door to splinters. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I cut myself shaving from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I do my best to keep my hand from shaking when I reach for it. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I followed them here to make sure he didn't hurt any of the girls from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I go blind. Not a sound. Nobody's that quiet. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I have suffered your kind before the dregs of Sin City. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I killed his only son. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I know it, baby. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I know it's pretty damn weird to eat people. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I look different, but I bet you can recognize my voice. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I love you, Nancy. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I love you. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I love you. Goldie. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I need a pair of handcuffs. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I say everything they want to hear. just the way they want to hear it. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I see a crazy calm. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I take away his weapon. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I told you to shut up. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I want you to set me up for a party from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I want you. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I'll be right out. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I'll bet he slapped you around something fierce. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I'll do what I can, but needless to say, you are good and screwed. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I'll get it, Claire. That'll be Marv. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I'm getting used to the idea. More and more. I'm liking the sound of it. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I'm glad to hear you're finally talkin' sense. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I'm not the only one on the force who smells it. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I'm thinking about Eileen's slow smile. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I'm your partner. They can kill me, too. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I've gotta know for sure. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
If I'm not back in 20 minutes, you get the hell outta here and don't Iook back. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
In too much of a hurry. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It all comes tumbling down like a pack of cards. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It couldn't be Goldie from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It was a farm boy named Kevin who killed Goldie, from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It was you, you bastard. You killed her. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It wasn't you losers who killed Goldie. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It's all right. Take a nice, slow breath. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It's got you hearing things. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It's got you smoking there, bud. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It's held for years, the shaky truce. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It's impossible. Nobody can sneak up on me. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It's just nerves making you say that, Nancy. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It's money in your pocket. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
It's over. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Jackie Boy. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Jackie Boy's head is so close to me from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Just late enough for Roark to get back to his US Senator daddy. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Just look at the heads on the wall. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Keep driving, Nancy. Keep driving and keep the car on the road! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Knows about the Roark family's farm and to stay away from it. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
L don't think he'll be bothering you again. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Let go of my coat, Bob. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Let it in. Let it fill your lungs. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Like saving my life, twice. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Maybe you won't let me visit, but I'll still write to you, Hartigan. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
McCarthy, you fool from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Mom still hasn't changed a thing in this room. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
My man will find a way. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
My temper you don't have to worry about. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
My warrior woman. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Never better. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
No air to breathe from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
No chance. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
No hope left. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
No more questions, Dallas. Do what I say. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
No reason at all to play it quiet. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
No satisfaction. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
No wonder I'm seeing things. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
No, it doesn't. Goldie worked the clergy. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
No! Let me stay close. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
No. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Nobody but me can keep this heap running. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Nose diving down the pipe. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Not as long as I'm alive. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Not for long. Not where we're headed. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Not for revenge. not because they deserve it. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Nothing can happen to me when I'm with you. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Nothing. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Now for Gladys. Sweet Gladys. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Oh, God, no! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
OK, OK, OK. I sounded off a little more than I should have. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Only the horrid. oily tar taste creeping up my nostrils from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Otherwise, all their own lies everything that runs Sin City from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Please? Let me stay close. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Quiet. There's a car coming. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Remains the property of the son of Senator Roark from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Rotten way to kill a man, but it's quiet. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Say something now. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
She must have shown you quite a time. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
She smells like angels ought to smell. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
She stayed in public places. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
She's saying you ain't got what it takes, Jack. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
She's telling me she wants me. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Should I take a nap while I'm doing all this waiting? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Showing up before anybody but me and the killer from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Sit on our hands while that Roark brat gets his sick thrills with victim number four. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
So does your face. Take off! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
So why this rotten feeling in my gut that something is awfully wrong? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
So you hit the saloons, the bad places, from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
So you were scared. weren't you. Goldie? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Somebody wanted you dead and you knew it. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Somebody! Jackie Boy, it's a regular African love fest in here! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Somehow the bastard is still alive, still staring at me from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Sometimes you can beat the odds with the careful choice of where to fight from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Son of a bitch! He kept smiling that damned smile from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Soon the corpse of Detective Rafferty will be in our possession, from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Stay conscious. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Sure, Becky, go home. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Sure, I'm just imagining that he's talking. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Take a deep breath, Hartigan. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Take it easy, Weevil. I'm here to do you a favor. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Taken it to the range a couple of times. Kicks like a mule. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Tearful, he swore to me that he felt the touch of God Almighty. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
That I'm not too proud to stuff into my own pockets. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
That's the Alamo, not the Amigo. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
The cops get a slice of the profits and free entertainment when they throw a party. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
The girls all know the score. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
The ladies are their own enforcers. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
The sirens I used to welcome the sound. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
The wind rises electric. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Then the damnedest thing happens. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Then they shave my head and fix me with a rubber diaper and get to it. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
There ain't no squaring it. Not this time. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
There's no place in this world for our kind of fire from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
There's still a chance, Nancy. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
There's wrong and there's wrong and then there's this. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
They even throw in a brew. It's the first I've had since back at Nancy's. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
They got what's left of that cop we killed from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
They run out back from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
They weren't police. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
They won't be watching the roads. Not yet, they won't! Get me a damn hardtop! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Tortured 'em first. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Troops, make yourself at home from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Try and keep it on the road, Nancy! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Turn around. Save yourself and your buddies a ton of grief. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Watch it, Jack! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
We gotta cut a deal from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
We packed it so tight. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
We're getting you out for time served, with no strings attached. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
We're gonna be taking you home really soon. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
We're out of time. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Well, you're driving with a busted tail light. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Well.. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
What has he done to Nancy? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
What if I'm wrong? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
What if I've finally turned into what they've always said I was gonna turn into? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
What the hell? Go out with a bang. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
What? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
When I refused to plead innocent. she did slug me from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Where else would one bullet buy us the fortune that we're getting for this? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Who's one fingerprint check away from the fast track to the gas chamber like I am. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Whose face is all purple and swollen up with bruises. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Why the kindness. Goldie? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
With all my heart. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Yeesh. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Yeesh. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You can't do a goddamn thing to me, Hartigan. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You crazy goddamn broad. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You don't know him from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You don't wanna be hittin' the streets dressed like that, honey. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You got me. Roark. You beat me. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You killed Goldie. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You killed me mates from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You know it's true. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You know who my father is! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You little bitch! You sold us out! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You shut the hell up. I'll make it. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You son of a bitch! Bastard! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You wasn't supposed to come down here, Wendy. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You would risk engender ating ill will on the part of our employers. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You wouldn't stand a chance. Get me a car. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You wouldn't stop. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You'll catch cold if you don't. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You'll scream! from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You're a saint. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You're gonna call up some of your friends who work the saloon. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You're thinking the whip was the worst I could do? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Your neck from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Your wife? from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
But I didn't know that. She was high class stuff. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
But the creep himself. he's gone. (siren blaring) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
He made me watch! Oh, Jesus. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I don't know what to do. You better stop. You're making him mad from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
I'm such an asshole. You should sit down. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
Watch it! (horn blaring) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
We'll go to war. Don't be stupid. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
You've been very quiet. (Nancy whimpers) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
... the wrong way. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
'cause you scared him so bad. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(beeping) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(chuckles) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(dog whimpers) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(girl) Yes. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(groans) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(grunts) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(gunfire) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(gunfire) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(gunshot through silencer) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(gunshot) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(gunshot) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(Hartigan) Roark. Give it up from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(he chokes) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(helicopter) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(Jackie Boy) There you go, lying about me again, from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(laughs) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(man) The night is hot as hell. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(Marv) Well, Padre, I don't want to keep you up all night, from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(siren blaring) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(sirens blaring) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(sirens blaring) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(sirens continue blaring) from Sin City (2005) Soundboard
(Wendy) She was my sister, so I'm in this one to the end. from Sin City (2005) Soundboard