Main Content
1. Opening‎
2. Clickbait (Splash Session Demo)‎
3. Clickbait‎
4. Headhammer‎
5. Triple Dip‎
6. Paintsc****r‎
7. Splattack!‎
8. Sea Me Now‎
9. Sandy Side Up‎
10. Candy Coated Rocks‎
11. Tentacle to the Metal‎
12. Ska BLAM‎!
13. Three Horn Circus‎
14. Rockagilly Blues‎
15. Ripstop & Go‎
16. Aquasonic‎
17. Slopping Spree‎
18. No Quarters‎
19. Shifting Stars
20. No Plan Survives
21. Now or Never!‎
22. Rinse Repeat‎
23. Learning Curve‎
24. What's Your Style
25. Splatsville - 1st Time‎
26. Anarchy Splatcast‎
27. Welcome to Splatsville!‎
28. Dripping with Style‎
29. The Shoal‎
30. Sinkopated‎
31. Drip Feed‎
32. Heliocentri City‎
33. Fuzzy Dazzler‎
34. Blop Bop‎
35. Gilded Cage‎
36. Dressed to Krill‎
37. Slick Moves‎
38. Belly Flop‎
39. Gillty‎
40. Pour It On‎
41. Pop 'n' Schlock‎
42. Clashing Colors‎
43. Dorsal Slicer‎
44. Happy Little Workers 24 7 Mix‎
45. Salmon Run Next Wave Opening‎
46. Surge & Submerge‎
47. Deluge Dirge‎
48. Fishing Frenzy‎
49. Frothy Waters‎
50. Frantic Aspic‎
51. Clear!‎
52. That's a Wrap!‎
53. Clear
54. Toxic Anoxic‎
55. Clear! - King Salmonid
56. Not Bad (Do Better)‎
57. Tableturf - Level Select‎
58. Tableturf - Deck Selection‎
59. Tableturf - Main Theme‎
60. Tableturf - Now or Never!‎
61. Tableturf - Win!‎
62. Tableturf - Lose...‎
63. Tableturf - Card List‎
64. Inkopolis Plaza - 1st Time‎
65. Welcome to Inkopolis‎ Plaza
66. Lookin' Fresh
67. Inkopolis Square - 1st Time
68. Inkopolis Square Tour
69. New You
70. Anarchy Splatfest (Splatfest)
71. Anarchy Poisons‎
72. City of Color (2023)‎
73. Color Pulse (2024)
74. Soak & Stomp‎
75. Opening (Splatfest)‎
76. Tricolor Opening (Splatfest)‎
77. Fins in the Air‎
78. Till Depth Do We Part‎
79. Liquid Sunshine‎
80. Big Betrayal‎
81. Suffer No Fools
82. Now or Never! (Splatfest)‎
83. Victory (Splatfest)‎
84. Defeat (Splatfest)‎
85. Anarchy Rainbow‎
86. Tomorrow's Nostalgia Today‎
87. We're So Back
88. Daybreaker Anthem‎
89. Maritime Memory (After Fest Mix)
90. Into the Light (After Fest Mix)
91. Anarchy Poisons (Splatoween)‎
92. Deepers Creepers‎
93. Anarchy Rainbow (Splatoween)‎
94. Anarchy Poisons (FrostyFest)‎
95. Yule Tide‎
96. Anarchy Rainbow (FrostyFest)‎
97. Anarchy Poisons (SpringFest)
98. Meadowlark
99. Anarchy Rainbow (SpringFest)
100. Anarchy Splatcast (Big Run)‎
101. Bait & Click (Mutation)‎
102. Bait & Click‎
103. Cap'n Cuttlefish‎
104. The Crater‎
105. Crater Eighters Routine‎
106. Crater Mission Clear!‎
107. I'm Octavio (F34RME Remix)‎
108. Deep Cut Looms‎
109. Meet the New Squidbeak Splatoon‎
110. Sandcastles‎
111. Sudden Depth‎
112. Two Shadows in the Sun
113. Dead Sea‎
114. Whirlpool Tune
115. Hyper Diver
116. Coastline in the Morning Mist‎
117. Nine Out of Tension‎
118. Underwater Neon‎
119. Flop to It‎
120. Octoling Rendezvous‎
121. Offshore at Dusk‎
122. Smoke and Mirrors‎
123. Ride or Fry‎
124. With Flying Colors‎
125. Seep & Destroy‎
126. Marine Machines‎
127. #35 Caught‎
128. Don't Flinch‎
129. Alterna Mission Clear!‎
130. Deep Cut's Theme‎
131. Test Noise‎
132. Surprise and Shine‎
133. Alterna Boss Clear!‎
134. Combining the Treasures‎
135. So Smooth‎
136. Thrilling Corporate News‎
137. In Filtration
138. Hide & Sleek‎
139. Smeared Canvas
140. Mr. Grizz Appears‎
141. Rocket Launch‎
142. Dehydrated Gramps 1‎
143. Dehydrated Gramps 2‎
144. Go, Agent 3!‎
145. Bear With Me
146. Calamari Inkantation 3MIX‎
147. Rise of the Mammalians Game Over‎
148. Return to Earth‎
149. Wave Goodbye‎
150. mY dEAR‎
151. Lil' Buddy - Calamari Inkantation‎
152. Lil' Buddy - Grizzco‎
153. #0.1 style
154. Leaving with Pearl
155. #12.2 awakened
156. Foyer Battle
157. Foyer (Tutorial)
158. Meeting Acht‎
159. Elevator (Tutorial)
160. demol1sh
161. jest1ng
162. rout1nes
163. souven1r
164. j1tters
165. Stage Clear! (Tutorial)
166. Unnatural‎
167. Boss Buildup‎
168. Unconscience
169. Stage Clear! (Boss)
170. Marina Saved!
171. Order
172. Order Attacks!
173. Nintendo Presents‎
174. Origin of Order
175. A World of Perfect Order‎
176. Determination‎
177. Order Sector
178. Foyer
179. Elevator (1F 9F)
180. Stage Clear! (1F 9F)
181. Elevator (11F 19F)
182. demoli2h
183. je2ting
184. routine2
185. 2ouvenir
186. jitter2
187. Vending Machine Floor
188. Stage Clear! (11F 19F)
189. Encountering a Boss 1
190. Encountering a Boss 2
191. CΘld StΘrage (Medley)
192. EchΘ Θnslaught (Medley)
193. 0ctΘpticΘn (Medley)
194. Elevator (21F 29F)
195. d3molish
196. j3sting
197. routin3s
198. souv3nir
199. jitt3rs
200. Stage Clear! (21F 29F)
201. Elevator (Order Floor)
202. Order Buildup
203. Grayscaling
204. New World Order
205. Agent 8's Vibe
206. Spectrum Obligato ~ Ebb & Flow
207. Short Order
208. Elevator to the Sky
209. Smollusk's Theme
210. Results - Splatted..
211. Results - Clear!
212. #47 onward
213. Order Sector (Post Game)
214. Foyer (Post Game)
215. Final Boss Rematch
216. Smollusk Explains
217. Boot Screen‎
218. Splatsville - Ammo Knights‎
219. Splatsville - Naut Couture‎
220. Splatsville - Man o' Wardrobe‎
221. Splatsville - Crush Station‎
222. Splatsville - Hotlantis‎
223. Splatsville - Lobby‎
224. Splatsville - Lobby (Splatfest)‎
225. Splatsville - Lobby (Splatoween)‎
226. Splatsville - Lobby (FrostyFest)‎
227. Splatsville - Lobby (SpringFest)
228. Splatsville - The Shoal‎
229. Splatsville - Grizzco‎
230. Splatsville - Crater‎
231. Splatsville - Alterna‎
232. Splatsville - Anarchy Splatcast‎
233. Splatsville - Tableturf‎
234. Splatsville - Backstreets‎
235. Splatsville - Backstreets 2‎
236. Splatsville - Backstreets (Splatfest)‎
237. Splatsville - Cheapsweets‎
238. Splatsville - Drinks‎
239. Splatsville - Electronics‎
240. Splatsville - Post Office‎
241. Splatsville - Resturant‎
242. Splatsville - Seag****s‎
243. Splatsville - Shooting Range‎
244. Splatsville - Steamed Buns‎
245. Splatsville - Tea‎
246. Splatsville - Toys‎
247. Splattack (Guitar Solo)‎
248. Inkopolis Plaza - Lobby (Stereo)‎‎
249. Inkopolis Plaza - Lobby (Left)‎
250. Inkopolis Plaza - Lobby (Right)‎
251. Inkopolis Plaza - Lobby (Subwoofer)‎
252. Inkopolis Plaza - Lobby (Behind the Speakers)‎
253. Inkopolis Plaza - Grizzco‎
254. Inkopolis Plaza - The Shoal‎
255. Inkopolis Plaza - Speaker A‎
256. Inkopolis Plaza - Speaker B‎
257. Inkopolis Plaza - Speaker D‎
258. Inkopolis Plaza - Speaker E‎
259. Inkopolis Plaza - Speaker F‎
260. Inkopolis Plaza - Speaker G‎
261. Inkopolis Plaza - Speaker H‎
262. Inkopolis Plaza - Speaker I‎
263. Inkopolis Plaza - Speaker J‎
264. Inkopolis Plaza - Speaker K‎
265. Inkopolis Plaza - Speaker L‎
266. Inkopolis Plaza - Speaker M‎
267. Inkopolis Plaza - Train Jingle A‎
268. Inkopolis Plaza - Train Jingle B‎
269. Inkopolis Plaza - City of Color (Lobby, Stereo)
270. Inkopolis Plaza - City of Color (Lobby, Left)‎
271. Inkopolis Plaza - City of Color (Lobby, Right)‎
272. Inkopolis Plaza - City of Color (Lobby, Subwoofer)‎
273. Inkopolis Plaza - City of Color (Lobby, Behind the Speakers)‎
274. Inkopolis Square - Lobby (Stereo)
275. Inkopolis Square - Lobby (Left)
276. Inkopolis Square - Lobby (Right)
277. Inkopolis Square - Lobby (Subwoofer)
278. Inkopolis Square - Lobby (Behind the Speakers)
279. Inkopolis Square - Lobby (Splatfest, Stereo)
280. Inkopolis Square - Lobby (Splatfest, Left)
281. Inkopolis Square - Lobby (Splatfest, Right)
282. Inkopolis Square - Lobby (Splatfest, Subwoofer)
283. Inkopolis Square - Lobby (Splatfest, Behind the Speakers)
284. Inkopolis Square - Speaker E
285. Inkopolis Square - Speaker H
286. Inkopolis Square - Speaker O
287. Inkopolis Square - Speaker R
288. Inkopolis Square - Speaker S
289. Inkopolis Square - Speaker T
290. Inkopolis Square - Speaker U
291. Inkopolis Square - Speaker V
292. Inkopolis Square - Speaker X
293. Inkopolis Square - Speaker Y
294. Big Run (Inkopolis Square)
295. SFX - Matchmaking‎
296. Fanfare - Level Up!‎
297. Get Item Jingle
298. Get Item Jingle 2
299. SFX - Gear Cleaned‎
300. SFX - Ability Get‎
301. SFX - Boss Incoming‎
302. SFX - Boss Salmonid Incoming‎
303. SFX - Wipeout...‎
304. Super Chump Theme
305. SFX - Communication Error
306. Maps - Bell‎
307. Maps - Mahi Mahi Resort (What's Your Style)
308. Maps - Water Level Lowering‎
309. Maps - Robo ROM en Theme Song‎
310. Maps - Horns!‎
311. Maps - Airport PA 1
312. Maps - Airport PA 2
313. Maps - Moving Things
314. Clickbait (Splash Session Demo) (Phase 1)‎
315. Clickbait (Splash Session Demo) (Phase 1, Guitars & Bass)‎
316. Clickbait (Splash Session Demo) (Phase 1, Drums)‎
317. Clickbait (Splash Session Demo) (Phase 2, Intensity 1)‎
318. Clickbait (Splash Session Demo) (Phase 2, Intensity 2)‎
319. Clickbait (Splash Session Demo) (Phase 2, Intensity 3)‎
320. Clickbait (Splash Session Demo) (Phase 3)‎
321. Clickbait (Match Edit)‎
322. Clickbait (Demo)‎
323. Tower Control A (Loop)‎
324. Tower Control A (Complete)‎
325. Tower Control B (Loop)‎
326. Tower Control B (Complete)‎
327. Rinse Repeat (Phase 1)‎
328. Rinse Repeat (Phase 2)‎
329. Learning Curve (Phase 1)‎
330. Learning Curve (Phase 2)‎
331. What's Your Style (Player Editor)‎
332. What's Your Style (Lil' Buddy)‎
333. What's Your Style (Player Editor, Data Transfer)‎
334. What's Your Style (Lil' Buddy, Data Transfer‎
335. Dripping with Style (Ammo Knights)‎
336. Dripping with Style (Naut Couture)‎
337. Dripping with Style (Man o' Wardrobe)‎
338. Dripping with Style (Crush Station)‎
339. Dripping with Style (Hotlantis)‎
340. The Shoal (Normal)‎
341. The Shoal (Reverb)‎
342. Lobby - Lobby Terminal‎
343. Lobby - Bar
344. Lobby - Crab 'n' Go
345. Lobby - Crab 'n' Go (Splatoween)‎
346. Lobby - Crab 'n' Go (FrostyFest)‎
347. Lobby - Crab 'n' Go (SpringFest)
348. Happy Little Workers 24 7 Mix (Normal)‎
349. Happy Little Workers 24 7 Mix (Reverb)‎
350. Salmon Run - Level MAX
351. Deluge Dirge (Normal)
352. Deluge Dirge (Downtime)
353. Fishing Frenzy (Normal)
354. Fishing Frenzy (Downtime)
355. Frothy Waters (Normal)‎
356. Frothy Waters (Complete!)‎
357. Frantic Aspic (Normal)
358. Frantic Aspic (Downtime)
359. Not Bad (Do Better) (Normal)‎
360. Not Bad (Do Better) (Reverb)‎
361. Salmon Run - Fish Stick Song‎
362. Tableturf - Redeal‎
363. Tableturf - Get Card Pack‎
364. Tableturf - Upgrade‎
365. Lookin' Fresh (Ammo Knights)‎
366. Lookin' Fresh (Cooler Heads)‎
367. Lookin' Fresh (Jelly Fresh)‎
368. Lookin' Fresh (Shrimp Kicks)‎
369. Lookin' Fresh (Hotlantis)‎
370. New You (Weapons)
371. New You (Headgear)
372. New You (Clothing)
373. New You (Shoes)
374. New You (Hotlantis)
375. Title Screen (Splatfest)‎
376. Title Screen (Splatfest Day 1, Inkopolis Plaza)
377. Title Screen (Splatfest Day 1, Inkopolis Square)‎
378. Anarchy Splatcast (Normal)‎
379. Anarchy Splatcast (Outro)‎
380. Anarchy Splatcast - Splatfest Choices‎
381. Anarchy Splatcast (Splatfest, Normal)‎
382. Anarchy Splatcast (Splatfest, Outro)‎
383. Anarchy Splatcast (Splatfest, Outro, Inkopolis Plaza)
384. Anarchy Splatcast (Splatfest Day 1, Outro, Inkopolis Square)
385. Anarchy Splatcast (Splatfest Day 2, Outro, Inkopolis Square)
386. Anarchy Splatcast (FrostyFest, Outro)‎
387. Anarchy Splatcast (SpringFest, Outro)‎‎
388. Anarchy Splatcast - Fanfare‎
389. Anarchy Splatcast - Sneak Peek Results‎
390. Anarchy Splatcast - Points‎
391. Anarchy Splatcast - Final Points‎
392. Anarchy Splatcast - Final Results‎
393. Anarchy Poisons (Base)‎
394. Anarchy Poisons (Bird Mix)‎
395. Anarchy Poisons (Snake Mix)‎
396. Anarchy Poisons (Boar Mix)‎
397. City of Color (Instrumental)
398. City of Color (Callie)
399. City of Color (Marie)
400. 10x Match‎
401. 100x Match‎
402. 333x Match‎
403. Soak & Stomp (Day 1)‎
404. Soak & Stomp (Day 2)‎
405. Victory (Splatfest, Phase 1)‎
406. Victory (Splatfest, Phase 2)‎
407. Defeat (Splatfest, Phase 1)‎
408. Defeat (Splatfest, Phase 2)‎
409. Anarchy Rainbow (Earbuds)‎
410. Title Screen (Splatfest Day 2, Inkopolis Plaza)
411. Title Screen (Splatfest Day 2, Inkopolis Square)‎
412. Tomorrow's Nostalgia Today (Instrumental)
413. Tomorrow's Nostalgia Today (Callie)
414. Tomorrow's Nostalgia Today (Marie)
415. Title Screen (After Splatfest)‎
416. Daybreaker Anthem (Extended)‎
417. Title Screen (Splatoween)‎
418. Anarchy Poisons (Base, Splatoween)‎
419. Anarchy Poisons (Bird Mix, Splatoween)‎
420. Deepers Creepers (Day 1)‎
421. Deepers Creepers (Day 2)‎
422. Opening (Splatoween)‎
423. Tricolor Opening (Splatoween)‎
424. Victory (Splatoween)‎
425. Victory (Splatoween, Phase 1)‎
427. Defeat (Splatoween)‎
428. Defeat (Splatoween, Phase 1)‎
430. Title Screen (FrostyFest)‎
431. Anarchy Poisons (Base, FrostyFest)‎
432. Anarchy Poisons (Bird Mix, FrostyFest)‎
433. Anarchy Poisons (Snake Mix, FrostyFest)‎
434. Opening (FrostyFest)‎
435. Tricolor Opening (FrostyFest)‎
437. Victory (FrostyFest, Phase 1)‎
438. Victory (FrostyFest, Phase 2)‎
439. Defeat (FrostyFest)‎
440. Defeat (FrostyFest, Phase 1)‎
442. Title Screen (SpringFest)
443. Anarchy Poisons (Base, SpringFest)
444. Opening (SpringFest)
445. Tricolor Opening (SpringFest)
447. Victory! (SpringFest, Phase 1)
448. Victory! (SpringFest, Phase 2)
450. Defeat (SpringFest, Phase 1)
451. Defeat (SpringFest, Phase 2)
453. Victory (Team Shiver, Phase 1)‎
454. Victory (Team Shiver, Phase 2)‎
455. Defeat (Team Shiver)‎
456. Defeat (Team Shiver, Phase 1)‎
458. Victory (Team Frye)‎
459. Victory (Team Frye, Phase 1)‎
461. Defeat (Team Frye)‎
462. Defeat (Team Frye, Phase 1)‎
464. Victory (Team Big Man)‎
465. Victory (Team Big Man, Phase 1)‎
468. Defeat (Team Big Man, Phase 1)‎
469. Defeat (Team Big Man, Phase 2)‎
470. Title Screen (Big Run)‎
471. Bait & Click (Mutation)‎
472. Bait & Click (Mutation) (Reverb)‎
473. Big Run Announcement
474. Hazard Level MAX!!
475. Bait & Click (Normal)
476. Bait & Click (Downtime)
477. Crater Eighters Routine (Kettle)‎
478. Crater Eighters Routine (Normal)‎
479. Crater Eighters Routine (Spotted)‎
480. Sandcastles (Phase 1)‎
481. Sandcastles (Phase 2)‎
482. Sandcastles (Phase 3)‎
483. Sandcastles (Phase 4)‎
484. Sandcastles (Get Disc for Phase 2)‎
485. Sandcastles (Get Disc for Phase 3)‎
486. Sandcastles (Get Disc for Phase 4)‎
487. Sudden Depth (Phase 1)‎
488. Sudden Depth (Phase 2)‎
489. Sudden Depth (Phase 3)‎
490. Sudden Depth (Phase 4)‎
491. Sudden Depth (Get Disc for Phase 2)‎
492. Sudden Depth (Get Disc for Phase 3)‎
493. Sudden Depth (Get Disc for Phase 4)‎
494. Two Shadows in the Sun (Phase 1)‎
495. Two Shadows in the Sun (Phase 2)‎
496. Two Shadows in the Sun (Phase 3)‎
497. Two Shadows in the Sun (Phase 4)‎
498. Two Shadows in the Sun (Get Disc for Phase 2)‎
499. Two Shadows in the Sun (Get Disc for Phase 3)‎
500. Two Shadows in the Sun (Get Disc for Phase 4)‎
501. Dead Sea (Phase 1)‎
502. Dead Sea (Phase 2)‎
503. Dead Sea (Phase 3)‎
504. Dead Sea (Phase 4)‎
505. Dead Sea (Get Disc for Phase 2)‎
506. Dead Sea (Get Disc for Phase 3)‎
507. Dead Sea (Get Disc for Phase 4)‎
508. Whirlpool Tune (Phase 1)‎
509. Whirlpool Tune (Phase 2)‎
510. Whirlpool Tune (Phase 3)‎
511. Whirlpool Tune (Phase 4)‎
512. Whirlpool Tune (Get Disc for Phase 2)‎
513. Whirlpool Tune (Get Disc for Phase 3)‎
514. Whirlpool Tune (Get Disc for Phase 4)‎
515. Hyper Diver (Phase 1)‎
516. Hyper Diver (Phase 2)‎
517. Hyper Diver (Phase 3)‎
518. Hyper Diver (Phase 4)‎
519. Hyper Diver (Get Disc for Phase 2)‎
520. Hyper Diver (Get Disc for Phase 3)‎
521. Hyper Diver (Get Disc for Phase 4)‎
522. Nine Out of Tension (Kettle)‎
523. Nine Out of Tension (Normal)‎
524. Nine Out of Tension (Spotted)‎
525. Underwater Neon (Kettle)‎
526. Underwater Neon (Normal)‎
527. Underwater Neon (Spotted)‎
528. Flop to It (Kettle)‎
529. Flop to It (Normal)‎
530. Flop to It (Spotted)‎
531. Octoling Rendezvous (Kettle)‎
532. Octoling Rendezvous (Normal)‎
533. Octoling Rendezvous (Spotted)‎
534. Smoke and Mirrors (Kettle)‎
535. Smoke and Mirrors (Normal)‎
536. Smoke and Mirrors (Spotted)‎
537. Ride or Fry (Kettle)‎
538. Ride or Fry (Normal)‎
539. Ride or Fry (Spotted)‎
540. With Flying Colors (Kettle)‎
541. With Flying Colors (Normal)‎
542. With Flying Colors (Spotted)‎
543. Seep & Destroy (Kettle)‎
544. Seep & Destroy (Normal)‎
545. Seep & Destroy (Spotted)‎
546. Marine Machines (Kettle)‎
547. Marine Machines (Normal)‎
548. Marine Machines (Spotted)‎
549. #35 Caught (Kettle)‎
550. #35 Caught (Normal)‎
551. #35 Caught (Spotted)‎
552. Don't Flinch (Kettle)‎
553. Don't Flinch (Normal)‎
554. Don't Flinch (Spotted)‎
555. Deep Cut's Theme (Intro)‎
556. Deep Cut's Theme (Loop)‎
557. Surprise and Shine (Kettle)‎
558. Surprise and Shine (Phase 1)‎
559. Surprise and Shine (Phase 2)‎
560. Surprise and Shine (Phase 3)‎
561. Thrilling Corporate News (Phase 1)‎
562. Thrilling Corporate News (Phase 2)‎
563. Thrilling Corporate News (Loading 1)‎
564. Thrilling Corporate News (Phase 3)‎
565. Thrilling Corporate News (Phase 4)‎
566. Thrilling Corporate News (Loading 2)‎
567. Thrilling Corporate News (Phase 5)‎
568. In Filtration (Normal)
569. In Filtration (Spotted)
570. In Filtration (Reverb)
571. In Filtration (Jukebox)‎
572. Hide & Sleek (Normal)‎
573. Hide & Sleek (Spotted)‎
574. Hide & Sleek (Reverb)‎
575. Hide & Sleek (Jukebox)‎
576. Smeared Canvas (Normal)‎
577. Smeared Canvas (Spotted)‎
578. Smeared Canvas (Complete!)‎
579. Smeared Canvas (Complete, Spotted)‎
580. Smeared Canvas (Reverb)‎
581. Smeared Canvas (Jukebox)‎
582. Bear With Me (Phase 1)‎
583. Bear With Me (Phase 2)‎
584. Bear With Me (Phase 3)‎
585. Calamari Inkantation 3MIX (No Intro)‎
586. Alterna - Selection‎
587. Alterna - Skill Available‎
588. Alterna - Skill Unlock‎
589. Alterna - Super Jump Select‎
590. Alterna - Staff Roll Select‎
591. O.R.C.A. Startup‎
592. O.R.C.A. Loading 1‎
593. O.R.C.A. Loading 2‎
594. O.R.C.A. Announcement 1‎
595. O.R.C.A. Announcement 2‎
596. O.R.C.A. Announcement 3‎
597. O.R.C.A. Announcement 4‎
598. O.R.C.A. Announcement 5‎
599. O.R.C.A. Announcement 6‎
600. O.R.C.A. Announcement 7‎
601. Sheldrone Launch‎
602. Fanfare - Get Alterna Item‎
603. Fanfare - Get Disk‎
604. Fanfare - Staff Roll‎
605. Muck Warfare (Earbuds)
606. #0.1 style (Bass)
607. #0.1 style (Treble)
608. #0.1 style (Player Transfer)
609. Pearl Disc Scratch
610. Foyer (Tutorial, Ambience)
611. Foyer (Tutorial) (Tones)
612. Elevator Loading 1
613. Elevator Loading 2
614. Elevator Loading 3
615. Elevator Loading 4
616. Elevator 1 (Intro)
617. Elevator 1
618. Elevator 2 (Intro)
619. Elevator 2
620. Elevator 3 (Intro)
621. Elevator 3
622. Elevator 4 (Intro)
623. Elevator 4
624. Elevator 5 (Intro)
625. Elevator 5
626. Acht's Headphones
627. SFX - Corrupted Marina 1
628. SFX - Corrupted Marina 2
629. Order Sector (Normal)
630. Order Sector (8 Bit Shapes)
631. Order Sector (8 Bit Shapes Layer)
632. Foyer (Normal)
633. Foyer (Tension)
634. Foyer (Shapes Layer)
635. Foyer (Synth Tap Layer)
636. Foyer (Normal + Shapes)
637. Foyer (Normal + Synth Tap)
638. Foyer (Normal Mix)
639. Foyer (Tension + Shapes)
640. Foyer (Tension + Synth Tap)
641. Foyer (Full Mix)
642. CΘld StΘrage (Level Entrance)
643. CΘld StΘrage (Phase 1)
644. CΘld StΘrage (Phase 2)
645. CΘld SΘrage (Phase 3)
646. CΘld StΘrage (Outro)‎
647. CΘld StΘrage (Jukebox)
648. EchΘ Θnslaught (Intro)
649. EchΘ Θnslaught
650. EchΘ Θnslaught (Outro)‎
651. ΘctΘpticΘn (Intro)
652. ΘctΘpticΘn (Phase 1)
653. ΘctΘpticΘn (Phase 2)
654. ΘctΘpticΘn (Phase 3)
655. ΘctΘpticΘn (Outro)‎
656. ΘctΘpticΘn (Jukebox)
657. New World Order (Intro)
658. Agent 8's Vibe (Glockenspiel)
659. Agent 8's Vibe (Synth)
660. Agent 8's Vibe (Buildup)
661. Spectrum Obligato (Intro)
662. Spectrum Obligato (Killer Pearl 5.1)
663. SFX - Killer Pearl 5.1
664. SFX - Killer Pearl 5.1 (ver. 2)
665. Spectrum Obligato (Main Loop)
666. Spectrum Obligato (Ebb & Flow)
667. Spectrum Obligato (Outro)
668. Spectrum Obligato ~ Ebb & Flow (Out of Order) (Jukebox)
669. Get Jingle
670. Get Jingle (Post Game)
671. Get Jingle - Key
672. Get Jingle - Stuff
673. Order Sector (Post Game) (Normal)
674. Order Sector (Post Game) (Shapes Layer)
675. Order Sector (Post Game) (Singing, Music Box Layer)
676. Order Sector (Post Game) (Shapes)
677. Order Sector (Post Game) (Singing)
678. Order Sector (Post Game) (Full Mix)
679. Foyer (Post Game) (Normal)
680. Foyer (Post Game) (Inside the Isocahedron Layer)
681. Foyer (Post Game) (Shapes Layer)
682. Foyer (Post Game) (Inside the Isocahedron)
683. Foyer (Post Game) (Shapes)
684. Foyer (Post Game) (Full Mix)
685. SFX - Enemy Wail 5.1
686. SFX - Bell Chime
687. SFX - Keyboard Clacking
688. Ambience - Machinery
689. Opening (Splatoon 1)‎
690. Splattack!‎
691. Ink or Sink‎
692. Seaskape‎
693. Kraken Up‎
694. Metalopod‎
695. Shellfie‎
696. Split & Splat‎
697. Hooked‎
698. Sucker Punch‎
699. Now or Never! (Splatoon 1)‎
700. Inkopolis Plaza News (Splatoon 1)‎
701. Lobby (Splatoon 1)‎
702. City of Color (Splatoon 1)‎
703. Ink Me Up‎
704. Now or Never! (Splatoon 1, Splatfest)‎
705. Bomb Rush Blush‎ (Splatoon 1)
706. Calamari Inkantation (Splatoon 1)‎
707. Maritime Memory‎
708. Opening (Splatoon 2)‎
709. Inkoming!‎
710. Rip Entry‎
711. Undertow‎
712. Don't Slip‎
713. Endolphin Surge‎
714. Shipwreckin'‎
715. Fins & Fiddles‎
716. Seafoam Shanty‎
717. Broken Coral‎
718. Riptide Rupture‎
719. Blitz It!‎
720. Wave Prism‎
721. Seasick‎
722. Kinetosis‎
723. Chopscrewery‎
724. Entropical‎
725. Now or Never! (Splatoon 2)‎
726. Inkopolis Square News
728. Without a Dop Doubt (Night)‎
729. Without a Dop Doubt (Holiday)‎
730. Color Pulse
731. Ebb & Flow
732. Acid Hues
733. Muck Warfare
734. Now or Never! (Splatoon 2, Splatfest)
735. Bomb Rush Blush (Splatoon 2)
736. Tidal Rush
737. Spicy Calamari Inkantation
738. Fresh Start
739. Nasty Majesty
740. Shark Bytes
741. Fly Octo Fly ~ Ebb & Flow
742. Into the Light
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