Agent Bull, before I give you any sensitive information, I must ask you for the secret password. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Alright, salutations Sir James. It seems my clever brethren have taken control of the funhouse at the carnival. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
And I've got a weak bladder. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Are you done now? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Are you like coming up with biological experiments for the school food? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Aren't you afraid you'll get hurt? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
At least my mother doesn't hate me. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Be cool, Jimmy. I gotta yeah. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Bobby. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
But I was just hoping, Lois. Study. Honestly, I'm so scared. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
But why? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Can we find a washer? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Come here, it's not my fault. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Come on, help me out here please. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Come on, I have glasses. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Come on. Please, please, please. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Condiments are just so disgusting, you know. Especially mayonnaise. Yeah. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Could you guys keep it down? I can't concentrate. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Cover me. I'm going in. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Critics. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Did did we really win? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Did we lose again? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Did you break anything? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Did you ever, you know, cheat on a test? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Did you get a Boo Boo? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Do you really have to pee when you get nervous? I do. I get nervous. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Don't get caught with your pants down. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Don't get fresh with the homies. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Don't make me angry. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Don't you be fronting, yo. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Duh. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Even I think you're a loser. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Everybody hates you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Everyone at Bullworth is so mean. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Everyone on this team is special, yeah? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Fight. Get him. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
For me really thanks. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Funny pants. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Get lost, Mayo stain. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Give me 5 dude. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Go away, Jimmy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Go away, Jimmy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Go home to your mom. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Gosh, I can't believe Lola actually talked to me. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Greetings friend. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Greetings friend. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Greetings Jimmy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Greetings, ma'am. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Haha, you just lost the Algernon. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Happy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Have you ever gone to the washroom by yourself? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
He isn't a real fire. Ohh I'm scared. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
He makes me really, really, really angry. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
He stole it and I can't get it back. Ohh. Please help. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
He's such a lame old. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Heard him make him cry. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Hello Edna. Hello doctor watts. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Help me, Jimmy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Here it is. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Here, that's for you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Hey Jimmy, did you ever play grottos and gremlins? It's really keen. You can like, totally be a cool hero who kicks ass and stuff. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Hey, Jim. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Hey, Jimmy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Hey, petie. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Hey, who are there two people in that stall? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Hey, you want a soda? I'm parched. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Hi. I mean yo. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
How did I get mayonnaise on my pants? I never even eat that. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I always wondered what it be like to be big and tough and really stupid. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I can't believe anyone likes condiments. I mean, they're like snot or some. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I can't believe I'm actually fighting a child. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I can't believe you ran away from me. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I can't go in there. That's for girls. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I can't wait to tell my mom we won. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I changed my underwear today. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I didn't do anything. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I didn't mean anything really. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I didn't mean it. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I didn't want to do it. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I don't like you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I feel much better now. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I feel so good. Oh my God. Thank you. Ah ha ha ah. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I get to be on your team, Jimmy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I gotta go pee pee. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I have to go now. Bye. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I have to go. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I heard Jimmy is going to go to prison. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I hope I didn't scratch my glasses. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I mean, get real. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I really have to pee, but I'm scared. Will you please stand watch? Last time I went in there, they made me eat a urinal PUCO. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I really really, really really really have to go. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I think God's been messing around with Lola. I just can't believe that girl. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I think I might catch asthma. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I think I might get in trouble if I keep hanging out with you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I think I twisted something. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I think so. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I won't tell anyone. Just please leave me alone. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I wonder what Mom would. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'll be your friend. Anything you want. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'll be your Squire, Sir Jim. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'll get you Mayo, Steve. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm begging you, please don't hurt me. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm coming out to you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm glad I don't have to wear that. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm going to pretend I don't care. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm going to tell my mommy about this. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm gonna phone my mom and tell her about that. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm gonna tell on you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm like super impressed. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm not afraid of you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm not scared of you and your hair. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm out of here. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm sensitive, leave me alone. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm so angry. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm so clumsy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm so gonna hurt you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I'm too cool for you, Jimmy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I've already wet myself once this month. If I do it again, they'll never let me hear the end of it. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I've always been too afraid to. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
I've been thinking a lot about snails recently. They're slim. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
If my mommy was here, she would be so angry. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
If you were a real friend, you'd give me a present. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Is that what you guys are talking about, huh? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
It's a trap. It's a trap. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
It's all going to lose mustard stain. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Jimmy, I can't go with all that noise. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Jimmy, it's this way, I think. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Jimmy, you're going the wrong way. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Just because you're rich and good looking, jerk. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Just one. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Laughing from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Leave us alone, bully. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Let's go check. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Let's try not to lose this time, guys. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Like what I really want. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Lola told me she needs help with her homework. I think it's just a cover for her liking. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Look at me. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Look where you're going, Mr. loser head. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Looks like your homies took care of some lames for us. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Looser pants. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Lose her head. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Loser head. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Loser. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Loser. Yeah, you new boy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Maybe I don't wanna tell. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Mayo face from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Mind your own beeswax. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Mom says I have a real temper, you'll see. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Mom, hi. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Mommy calls me your precious Prince Algernon. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Mommy never would let. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Mommy told me to always wash my hands. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Moonwalk. Yeah. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
My mom calls me Prince Algee, she says. I'm really special. Like like a Prince, you know? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
My mom says I'll win. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
My mom says I'm really special. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
My mommy says that lots of kids pee in their bed and it's totally normal. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
No way, man. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
No, 2 bucks. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
No, but it'll do OK. Here's the deal. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
No, Lola, she's really hot and actually talked to me the other day. I think maybe she wants to be my girlfriend or something. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
No. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
No. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
No. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
No. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Not again. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Not this way. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Now you need my help. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Oh, oh. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Oh, that wasn't meant to be funny. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh come on, don't do this to me. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh critical. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh God I think I'm going to be sick. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh I really gotta go. But what if there's someone in there hole? I'll wait. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh Jimmy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh no not again. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh please like that's a new one. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh this will be fun. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh wow that sucks. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh yeah and you're so tough. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh yucky. Gross. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh, I have to tell my mommy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh, I was just joking, you know? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh, that's OK. I wasn't watching that anyway. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh, you're gonna be sorry. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ohh. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
OK, now all we gotta do is get back to the library. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
OK. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Pathetic loser. I'm not a pathetic loser, Mom says. I'm not. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Please don't be mean to me. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Please. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Poopy pants. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Pretty much. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
See you laters homies. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
See, guys? I told you we lose. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Sheesh, I thought I was whiny. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Sí. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Smelly head. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
So like that's anything special? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Sounds like a good idea for grottos and gremlins. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Stinky breath. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Stop. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Stupid hair haha. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Team nerd for the win. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Ted Thompson called me his little buddy. I think we might become friends. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Thanks, Jimmy. Here's the cash. I'll tell my mom that not everyone at bullworth is mean. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
That felt funny. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
That would never happen at home. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
That's enough running, algae. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
That's it I've had. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
That's like a science experiment gone wrong. Or some. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
That's like really lame, man. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
That's so loud. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
That's the wrong way. Can't you do anything right? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
The football team is going to be there this afternoon. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
The jocks keep their game sports drink in a cooler, go urinate in it and headset if you will. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
The washrooms are really yucky and scary. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
There's no lock in here. I can't go if I don't feel secure. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Think I'm gonna? Puke. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
This is my normal style of rapping bro who. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
This is so much fun. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
This isn't really very fun, Jimmy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Those guys are bad. Ohh we should go another way. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Timmy, why are you hitting me right now? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Um, I gotta go call my mommy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Um, it's, it's difficult because, you know, that's the thing, yeah. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Um, Jimmy, I gotta go. I really gotta pee. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Um, yeah. You see, the The thing is all. Yeah. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Umm, anyway. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Us help you? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Vomit from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Wanna be friends? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
We don't let you into our gang, Pete, because you're weird. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
We don't like you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
We. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Weirdo scare. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Well, thanks for all the help, Jimmy. Perhaps you could come over the observatory and play a game or two of grottos and gremlins with us sometime. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
What is that anyway? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
What is, as they say, up Jimmy? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
What is, as they say, up Jimmy? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Whine from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Whine 2 from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Who's pathetic now? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Why are you doing that? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Why do we always have to lose? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Why does this always happen to me? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Why would you get a tattoo? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Will be. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Will I get a Gold Star if I tell on someone? I better, because I'm gonna tell anyways. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Word up, Coolio. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Wow, you really showed them? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Wow. Thanks, Jimmy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Yeah, well, you're a big jerk. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Yeah. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Yeah. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Yo, Jimmy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You don't have a chance against Team new. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You guys are making me nervous. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You just bumped into me. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You really make me want to hit you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You should tell your mom. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You simple minded, noble foot soldier. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You think you're cool or something, huh? from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You won't like me when I'm angry. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're a complete loser head. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're gonna be sorry if I catch you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're just a big boy. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're just a loser anyway. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're just angry because you don't go to school. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're making me want to hurt you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're really gonna get it now. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're so mean. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're so naive. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're such a fraidy cat. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're such a new new head. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're such a number. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
You're worried about your reputation. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
Your mom probably hates you. from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
ああ。 from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
ああ。 from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
ああ。 from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
ああ。 from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
うん。 from Algie Soundboard (Bully)
ええええ。 おおう。 from Algie Soundboard (Bully)