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A female led society that was tested but the reason we don't discuss them.
A Ferrari think it's make you happy, has no value, nothing has value. Everything is just whatever.
A government their number one job. A lot of people out here, it still amazes me they believe the government care about them.
A headache for everybody has helped me realize.
A lot of people live. That is just absolutely depressing to me. Like, I couldn't imagine doing it. I'm not shitting on the normal guy. I'm saying you're a stronger man than me because of all the no...
A pimp is a positively inspirational, motivating person. A pimp.
A safe place unless you piss off the wrong boys, right?
About in the side. That's fucking hard work, yeah. I don't know. For many years. Hayden. Yeah.
Absolutely. Congratulations, but my time on the planet, I guarantee.
Accepted female promiscuity has always been frowned upon.
Actually, they must be scared of this man. It's it's it's absolutely and utterly the complete opposite.
After kickboxing, like you, you started a webcam business. 75 girls, yes. Let's talk about the webcam business, yes.
Aggravate you? Doesn't that show you that there's something about the world you do not understand?
All of it. When women come along and say ohh, we're, we're just as important, you are just as important. But you do have a completely different role. You fulfilled a different role in society and I...
All of South America, if you're flexing to live in a good life, you're risking your head chopped off.
All of them. And then the last 30 years you've come along and saying let's put women in charge.
All of this COVID lockdown garbage. They knew COVID was a scam.
All that? Well, yeah, I I trust him. No, you don't trust him. You just don't want to see the truth because you already know what he's doing.
All the people we can interact with via social media. So it can either ruin your life or it can make your life.
All the roads you see, all the buildings you see, everything around you. Men built.
All the way down the east of Europe, I I overheard them say something like they turn over.
All this kind of thing. So I had to make a big decision. And I remember when I first started making my money and my dad was still alive, the first thing I did with my money, the first thing I did w...
Always ends up back with the rich people. You can't stop making the rich richer.
Am I in good shape? Yeah. Am I rich? Yeah. Do I have good friends, good connections? Yeah. Do I do whatever I want? Am I free?
Am I sexist? Yes. Why? Because of my experiences of the world.
Am I successful? Am I competent? You know, am I achieving things? Am I? Am I? Am I respected?
Amazon. Their stock price went up 30%. Why? Because people getting stimulus checks. I spent it on Amazon. It all went to the rich guy.
Analyzing and understanding banks.
And a woman's mind? That was negative. I never taught her to do anything or be anything.
And after about 2 minutes of threatening DM, she chews Paul and he comes all over the place. So I mean you call that kind of thing it's a bit weird, but it's funny. Like who gives a shit, right? Th...
And after love and health, what can't money buy?
And all this other crap and we just destroyed them in 20 short years. Gonna chop your Dick off. I have nothing against that. I'm not anti-gay.
And an old dude would sit there and the old dude would say, what kind of guy do you like?
And and everyone's pretending that that's a good thing. I'm not saying it's not. I'm saying we don't know.
And angry by what I say. And then there's the people who say.
And any feminist will disagree with me. But I'll tell you something women are loyal to one thing on the planet.
And become rich and start paying girls thousands.
And came and did it and thought it was funny and talked to Paul and his bullshit. And a bunch of men in America fell in love with her and they didn't know her real name. And she made a bunch of money.
And change it to blue. So why are you not controlling your own? Mind it, sure, it's your asset.
And every single society since the dawn of human time.
And fighting feels the same for me. So for me, I thought, well, OK, I can't learn chess well enough without a coach.
And from what he taught me, we we're very he's a, he's a chess player.
And his relief checks? He gave out $1400.
And house, like slavery, is still here, my friends. Nothing's changed, right? Nothing's changed. And what they want is they want slaves, they want slaves. We're going to comply.
And how they end up getting 75 girls to work for you? Yeah, so.
And I can't find a coach in the UK who I trust to teach me chess, but I can find a coach who can teach me to.
And I guarantee there'll be a history class. There'll be a history class where the Chinese say, ah, do you remember when America just completely handed over to feminism?
And I guarantee you I would still label myself happy.
And I had 75 girls on the books. They weren't all working at once by it's 75 girls who would do like one shift a week, or three days a week, or seven days a week. 75 women worked for me at the peak...
And I had a really cute little waitress and I bought a very expensive coffee machine.
And I have fuck you money and you can't take it away. So I'll say what I want.
And I know that's like a pretty normal setup. If you're happy with that, absolutely congratulations and I don't look down on you.
And I mean all of us, I was very, very young. I don't think I was necessarily.
And I mean that like three or four times in your life, like a family member is gonna die.
And I remember my dad's lessons. My dad would have been furious.
And I said I've lived a very good life and I'm a multi millionaire, retired world champion kickboxer. I feel like you've missed.
And I think that fighting and chess are extremely similar to me. They they aligned, they fulfilled the same gaps in my psyche, right? People always say, how did you go from being a chess player?
And I think that what's what people really don't when I say this, people really don't believe it. They say, oh, but that means the girl doesn't really love you. I completely. That's not true.
And I thought, what's the point being the world champion if I can't buy lambos on the debit card, right? What's the point?
And I truly believe them. I will pass any lie detector test today that I'm the most content happy man in the world, because that's what I've decided that I've labeled myself as.
And I try and explain to them that. If you did what you believed was best at the time, hindsight's a bitch.
And I was like BMW she was. Because over there the average model was $200.00 a month. Having a BMW is a big deal.
And I was on my way. So I played chess for the early part of my life. And then at the age of 11, my mother and father split up. My mom took me back to Luton.
And I would rather live in a society which I see is on the way up.
And I'll open up directly next door to your #1 competitor in Romania.
And I'll tell you something now, and a lot of people comment on this about me. I didn't even realize how.
And I'm kind of racking my brain, and by absolute coincidence.
And I'm like, how can we get rich? You know what's amazing?
And I'm sitting there typing, and I'd type 1617 hours a day, but I'd pull in, let's say 3 grand a day.
And I'm trying to work out what I have that's worth money and the only thing I write down because I had a car. But what's that worth? Nothing.
And if a woman wants to be very, very successful in her life, no matter what, it is when she wants to be a gymnast.
And if she doesn't do it for money and she's not a slut, she's exceptionally hard to sleep with. A lot of these girls in book rested her 2526. They've got two men, three men, body counts.
And if you say that in a way that's calm and nice and cool and you come across nice, I don't wanna ruin your night or nothing, but you both drink and I'll leave you.
And if you took it all away from me now, I would start to make progress again. If you if I lost everything today back to flat 0 by tomorrow, I'd be making some progress. Even if I had one pound as ...
And in regards to keeping our employment, keeping our money coming in.
And in the cold light of the world and the brutal realities of life, efficiency wins.
And in the tribe in Africa, they had different names for the colors.
And it got to the point where it was easier if I just typed myself.
And it was a pretty happy environment overall. I had to do a lot of policing.
And it was saying they found this tribe in Africa.
And just you, you lose track sometimes. So for somebody to keep 75 girls.
And like, hmm, he looks tasty. And then Paul be like please don't eat, my friend.
And make the nice coffee instead, and I start to make a lot of money. And for about six months I was.
And making money online nowadays is far more popular than it was even eight years ago.
And Moldova I wouldn't go to because Moldova is probably the most hostile place I've ever been. I've been there three times and was attacked twice.
And nobody feels sorry for the casino owner.
And not provide safety and then want to police your Facebook comments? Why would I stay here?
And not sleep with the girls, etcetera. But that's when I learned my lessons, right.
And now she gets to drive a nice car and live in Spain for most of the year.
And of my brother to just go to his funeral. My dad know knew I loved him. I spoke to him every single day.
And one day I woke up and I literally just woke up. I looked at my bank.
And one of the main sponsors is this casino brand and this casino brand.
And pay their taxes and whatever kind of indoctrination.
And people say that they're gold diggers. I wouldn't say they're gold diggers. I would say that if a woman from.
And she genuinely, genuinely doesn't care anymore. She was like, OK, whatever, just make sure none of these bitches.
And so we'll call the police. Then she goes, no, no, she didn't want to call the police. Don't know why.
And start dragging money out the Internet. And for me, I mean this is a long time ago, right? This is about.
And that person does not want them in naked in another dude's house. Why would they, right?
And that twice similar stories happened to me in Moldova. So Moldovans are super, super.
And the and the Mao Dinasty, you have the Brazil and China, they never spoke.
And the beginning of my Cam empire was this tiny little apartment, me and my two girlfriends.
And the China and Russia aren't gonna conquer the world. Let's talk in 100 years.
And the girls there are 10 out of 10. They're fucking beautiful, but they're kind of trapped there.
And the man would go out there and risk his life and spend his time building the modern world.
And the men won't let us go there. So. But I respect them. I really respect them as men. If I were to meet those guys who jumped me, I'll shake his hand. But, like, I get it.
And the only thing they're loyal to is the man they want to have sex with.
And the police chief would call his mate, who's the fucking, I don't know. Fire inspector? Some Jackass? He'd come.
And the receptionist says the taxi now is gonna go back to them and say for a tip, they'll they'll tell them you're here. I'm here by myself. I'm here by myself. And she started really having like ...
And the second thing is, the man they're sleeping with is always like, hey, why the fuck you working for this guy? We could do this ourselves. You can do this yourself. Fuck him.
And the story is, and this is a completely true story. I'm sitting with my brother.
And the the the credit system and the money system.
And then Corona came. So I mean, I'm OK for money, of course, but then Corona came and shut me all down because they've closed everything.
And then I came up with this plan. I went to them one day and I said, look, how about this?
And then I knew by the time I came back, all the girls were gonna quit or leave and.
And then my dad died, of course. And then? I was supposed to go to his funeral, so I was going to have to get up and leave Romania, fly all the way to Alabama, stay in America for a few weeks.
And then quit. Every single one who stopped working for me ended up failing and begging for her job back 100%.
And then they go, Oh yeah, but what about they invest it? Invest it where?
And then what was scary is the hotel receptionist started to panic.
And there's two kinds of people. There's people who are jealous of me.
And these two kind of Blues had a different name. And what they're trying to say is if your brain is associated a name with something, it's very hard.
And they agreed. So I opened up next door to the competitor. And then.
And they didn't want there to be a party about them. Do you understand? I had girls come to me saying, look.
And they kind of looked at me, you know, typical Eastern European mafia. Imagine no fat bald cigar, exactly like you'd imagine them to be. And like, why do we need you?
And they live very good lives and that's my primary concern at the moment is the war room. So leave all your links and description also perfect.
And they obeyed us, and at the peak I was turning over.
And they obeyed us, and at the peak I was turning over.
And they'd be keeping 8 grand. I took two grand. They'd quit.
And they'd say, oh, I don't know, someone in shape who's rich and young. And I'm like, no, no.
And they're either programmed by you as a man, or the programmed by society.
And they're nice girls, so can't say anything bad about them. But they were not.
And they're not the government's kid. And this is what I was saying earlier about women being blank slates saying with children.
And they're there. And but the government cares about me. You gave me $1400. The government doesn't give a shit about you. The government is looking after its friends. The government gave all the s...
And this is really not revolutionary. What I say people, people going to be all in the comments going ohh his girls are sluts or his girls don't really love him.
And this is since the dawn of human time. Why did I fight?
And this is the thing that's interesting about it. When people hear this story and they say like a pimp, etcetera, people imagine me to be this exploitive.
And this is what people really don't yet understand. There's only one thing on the planet.
And to them they were completely different colors, but then they put like blue and yellow and they couldn't tell the difference.
And to threatening her to give you your money, that's just not real.
And we became business partners on a bunch of other things and now it is what it is. So I feel very, very safe there, 100%. Well, do you think the most beautiful girls in Europe Union are on this p...
And we fought again and without the big weight cup problem I knocked him out in the.
And we're sitting there and we looked on the thing and there was a flight back to Romania, which is generally safe.
And what happened is because the the the line for Starbucks for so long, the dudes would go out, just go get free coffee in there and then they gamble their fiber.
And what's really interesting is. He's gonna really piss the feminists off, but I'll tell you, it's the.
And what's really interesting to me is I now am getting quite big. I get recognized all the time. When I was in America, I got recognized on the street. I recognized on the street everywhere from I...
And when you have a party about a girl quitting, all the girls who stand around and laugh, ohh she's gonna end up asking for a job back.
And with discipline, my kid will know more than any kid in any public school.
And you go, OK, you are done.
And you had buckets and you took one bucket of money. Would you just take that bucket or would you run back and get another buy and run back and run? I couldn't stop. I couldn't sleep. I'd wake up ...
And you want to take a potshot at Tate, then fire forward. But I will set that up. But next time you're in the UK, I would love to talk to a feminist because I would save her life. A lot of people ...
And you'll give up your life for this thing. They can create from thin air as much as they want.
And. It's better if when I started, the girls worked for me. They loved me.
Approaching me like I have quite a big Instagram, I have like 3000 and I got blue tick and I've got.
Are no better than my woman who actually knows. In fact, let's say my woman who actually knows is smarter than them bimbos.
Are not slots. They're smart. The remaining girl wants to be a slot. She does it for me.
Are you happy with it all as you want? Obviously you said you want more, but.
Are you more confident going to sleep, seeing a man searching or a female surge?
As a whole are absolutely group thinkers. Females are sheep.
As long as that shit ain't happening to me, I am smiling. I you cannot depress me.
As long as you're happy, let's double standards on it. Why might like that though? Of course it's double standards. Of course it's double holy shit that I've done, but yeah.
As soon as you stop pushing forward. As soon as you go stagnant.
As though when you look at the corners, say you get the street because.
At 6:00 AM. So we just packed and bailed was like alright, well shit, let's get out of here.
Australia is a fucking penal colony. Fucked them.
Be a valuate every fucking completely completely and it's obviously a generalisation. But my point is in certain roles in society we trust females like with our kids and in other roles like danger ...
Be honest, OK? And this is the thing, and I'm gonna actually be completely honest here.
Beans on Toast, TV at Night 9 to 5.
Because a lot of them are working girls. Like, if you go to. Yeah, like if you go to Dubai or if you go to a brothel in Germany, there's a bunch of Romanian girls, right? So they think all Romanian...
Because all the problems I just described is all of Western Europe and America and Canada is all the same.
Because females are emotionally invested, I have no emotional investment.
Because females are emotionally invested, I have no emotional investment.
Because I had a little bit of money from fighting. But I wasn't balling. I wasn't rich, rich.
Because I was rich. Corona doesn't exist for the rich people. Soon as you pay 50 grand for a flight.
Because I'm a realist, and when you're a realist, you're sexist. There's no way you can be rooted in reality and not be sexist.
Because if he's making excuses, he doesn't want you to see something. And you know what that is? That's pussy.
Because it doesn't make you happy if you've seen any of them give it away, you've never seen a rich man give his money away.
Because my father was also a professional wrestler and had physicality, so you have like a bunch of dorks.
Because there's this, you can't get first class flights into Europe, so I'll just low cost carriers.
Because they knew Americans have come to this shithole country.
Because they won't let anyone go there and fucking fuck around with them or disrespect them or fuck their women or nothing.
Because we had a professional setup, because we had expertise. It's like a podcast, bro. You have a podcast somewhere to go. I could do a podcast.
Because when you, when you're the Patriarch of that kind of environment, you do have to do a lot of policing.
Behind a fucking till all day in the coal, in the in the heat.
Being a character look, when you've got the cars and stuff, is that an easier target for girls? Do it? Does that? Does that actually work?
Being led by men, I'm not. And it couldn't have been an idea that spread right 100% yeah cause you have Aztecs.
Big G but if he talks to some bitch one night while he's out drunk, you're gonna fucking pretend that that's the worst thing in the world.
Bollocks. I know plenty of people out there who are millionaires who have a loving family, a loving wife.
Branches of a casino it's it's there's no live dealers, it's just machines.
Bro, I couldn't do that. I couldn't do that day-to-day. I literally could not do that. And I thought.
Bro, this has been inside of me since as early as I can remember. I remember walking to sixth form college. I was 16.
Businesses I opened about. I wanted to open that business for a long time.
But All in all, there was no disrespect in the House. There was no arguments in house. I wouldn't tolerate a negative environment. That's bad for business. There's not gonna be any.
But because it was a card, these cars used to piss me off, so now I have to have them all every day. I don't even drive them.
But her man who who's banging her is like, I don't want you at that. Who's the fuck is this guy pimping you out? You're there with this dude.
But how to make money? How are you making money? How are you making money? How am I making money? How can we make money together? How's that guy making money? How's that coffee shop there making mo...
But I actually retired because one day I woke up and I looked at my life and I thought, I'm giving 7 hours a day to fight.
But I can't, right? So what's the best thing to do? To live without my father poor? Live without my father rich?
But I don't think, I don't think it needs to end, my friend. Why does it need to end? Why does it need to end? This is this is it like I've never, I think, one of the biggest mistakes a man can make.
But I think it's, I think it's the it's the journey, not the destination, right?
But I whooped his ass, right? And we submitted the video to the ISKA, the organization, and they demanded a rematch because it was so obvious I won.
But I'll tell you in my life experience, because this is how we view the world, right? We're all biased now. We're all biased based on our experiences, right?
But I'm not gonna fly some random bitch I've never met and put in a five star just for a bit of sex. I can't do that as a man because.
But I'm not happy. So don't work. Don't be jealous, bollocks.
But I'm still happy because I'm not distraught. There's a really interesting show I watched a long time ago and there was a documentary about colours.
But if I and then on top of that, the police want to give me a fine for not wearing a mask, it's a police state.
But it all came down. Makes a bit of sense where people think, hmm, yeah.
But it did alter my life project trajectory because I lost my chess coach.
But it really isn't. Because what's funny is this. I say this to girls all the time. Girls always say I'd never take that crap. I'd never put up with that because girls always say that.
But it's for your safety, because you might catch the common cold that's pimpin.
But no one has a plan and nothing good is going to happen on accident, right? I didn't become world champion on accident.
But now we're scared because the receptionist is panicking. This is 4 in the morning on a Saturday morning.
But that was a mistake, because when you have a bunch of girls working for you like that, the only way you can motivate them is with money.
But these girls are making good money. They're living a very good life.
But they gave the and I'll say I won because I did win. They gave the decision to the other guy. It was in France and it was in Paris and it was me against the French world champion. They gave it t...
But this is what I'm trying to do, is what I've always been trying to do. So I've never been satisfied to. To this day. I'm making more money now than I was making my Cam days. I'm still not happy.
But why is it gonna hurt people's feelings? I thought. This is what I mean. I don't think it does. Fuck, I don't think it does. I think I really. I don't think it does. I can tell you now.
But you're not going to be scaring a nice young 19 year old with a loving family at home.
By being mean to her, yeah. Because a lot of stuff online, I think they say like 80% of the girls are sexually abused and shit like that. So there's always going to be question marks or people doin...
By men. That, that, that. Let's cut the crap.
By the male LED societies, because the male lead societies are more efficient.
Called police on me any day and they didn't. They wanted to be with me because they genuinely, genuinely understood that their life was better if they obeyed.
Can this man pay for me? So yeah, they do respect money, but they're much harder to sleep with, so.
Can you teach me something? Those are the smart ones, right? If there's someone who has something I I want.
Climate to grow up in because you're growing up around all these.
Competent, yeah. Who was banging on it. And of course, who's flew through storms and.
Competing in the chess world. So I grew up in a very kind of strange world, and I was a professional chess player. I was on my path to being a professional chess player at the age of 5.
Completely be who you want to be and you don't let society program you.
Completely. So I wouldn't just go away. I'm going to take the man I was trying.
Corona came. I've through fighting and through these things. I have a very, very extensive network in Romania. I like to make this very clear.
County Durham anything. Fuck my life, you know? Instagram is depressing.
Debbie Downer around pissing everyone off because I'm not gonna smile on Cam.
Diamonds. That it doesn't mean anything. You have to be broke.
Did you understand what I mean? If I'm not distraught, I'm happy. So I never wake up and go. I'm unhappy today, I wake up and go on. I'm a little bit less happy today, but I'm happy.
Different experiences. I've been broke. I've been a millionaire.
Do you believe the lessons that society are putting inside of people today are good lessons?
Do you have kids? Do I have kids if I had kids?
Do you think that's what made you into the man you are today with women?
Do you understand what I mean? Because I'm not gonna read the hateful comment. What are you typing it for? I got shit to do. So, like, I'm driving a Bugatti, bro. I got shit to do. So you're gonna ...
Do you understand what I mean? There's something weird about it. They didn't like it. I buy a new car and they be like, fucking. Why is this guy? Why is he getting a?
Do you understand? I was like, no, I have to. So now when I push my Ferrari.
Do you understand? Like I try my very, very best to come in and say hello to everybody?
Does that make sense? So now when people say, Andrew, why do you have 17 supercars? Because I have 17. I have every brand you can fucking name. I have 17 cars. I have over $10 million of cars.
Does your dad have a comment, your mind and think, fuck me, I would give all this up just to spend another day with him 1000%.
Doesn't give a fox in how it is. Realistically, it's away.
Doesn't, you ain't gonna do anything. Doesn't cost you anything. You make money and it's just pissing your competitor off at worst case at noise #2 in the in the country, right?
Don't know, like then why would a woman work for a pimp as opposed to just do it by herself?
Don't you think that was the happiest period in human history? Look at the party, right? No one's on their phone.
Donating money? What's the worst thing you've seen? A man wanting to see? Worst? Yeah.
Dubai. But that's just one city. You get bored of the city. There's nowhere to go.
Eight years I'm still with to this to this day, so.
Even if I don't like him, I would think, well, he must know something that's useful to me.
Even though I was getting a miniscule cut for the amount of work I did for them, I was getting very small from these girls because these are the girls who didn't know romantic interest.
Ever message me cause and everyone knows she's the queen. She's with me all over Instagram. Everyone knows she's my main girl and she really genuinely doesn't care.
Every mistake I made in my life at the time, I thought I was doing the right thing.
Every other job out here besides my one.
Every single piece of trauma that's happened in my life has led me here.
Every single society that was successful since the dawn of human time was male lead.
Every single time a girl would fire, get fired or quit, we'd have a party.
Every woman who's with a fucking G already knows what he's doing. They just lie to themselves and pretend to be blind.
Everyone at the party, either at the party, they're talking to their friends if you want to be known.
Everyone expected me to lose and I won.
Everyone in here is a businessman. If they had a cute young waitress, a girl instead of a guy, they'd probably sell more coffee.
Everyone says men are. Everyone says women are complicated. Another not women are extremely simple.
Everyone understands you can't just leave it in the bank forever because of inflation. The value goes down because what happens when they print trillions of dollars from the sky?
Everyone was freaking out about masks. I had to fill in all these Home Office papers when I landed all this crap PCR test, blah blah.
Few years ago, past, we're kind of talking back and forth. They won't let me franchise with them. They're not interested.
Fighting is kind of weird, right? Every I think if you talk to any fighter, everyone who starts.
Fighting will make sure I never have to do that, if that makes sense. Did you ever think that sense of completion where you?
First I get the phone call and you just sit there and someone goes what's happened and you give a few words.
First thing I did so how much you get paid? She told me. I saw tripled it not.
Flipping burgers for minimum wage while we're taking thousands and thousands of dollars in an hour and I'm going to pay you $7.00 an hour.
For all the help I gave them the premises, the typing, because I by that time I had a room of typers.
For another $500 worth, this is a $1000 interaction.
For some that appears that a minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, then it wasn't even about privates like that. It was if if if you if you're a good girl and you're very good at the job and you'd get loy...
From the dawn of human time, a man's role has always been the capability for violence.
Fucking lions. Ohh. I've got enough enemies, brov. Sharks want me dead. I like every I've got enough enemies. Why am I gonna take my own power away?
Genuinely right. If you look at your life now and go, I'm quite happy with where I am.
Gets 10 people support 10 poor people's money or 20 poor people's money.
Girl slipping into DMS consistently with all the shit that you post on Instagram? Yeah, so. So I'll answer that question twice. First with girls.
Girls have no value. You can buy unlimited hookers. You can buy unlimited Bugattis. You can buy whatever you want.
Going out, getting hammered and banging Joe, whoever, they're not going to do that. They're not stupid like that.
Going out, getting hammered and banging Joe, whoever, they're not going to do that. They're not stupid like that.
Going to the moon, the City of London, the fucking Suez Canal, everything on the planet was built on.
Gone then and then you'll see them fail, right? So these girls will be working for me, making 10 grand a month.
Good. It's garbage, bro. It's bullshit. It's bullshit.
Good. See how we cut his fucking deck off? Well, this is, and I know and I understand that, but if if she were to say, look, he does what he does, but I really love him and he and I was like, does ...
Governmental control. They're making a bunch of money. They have healthy relationships with females.
Governments know what they're doing when trying to propagandize and and I think a lot of people do not understand yet because most people still live.
Great place, lovely. So, so from the age of 11 I grew up in Luton.
Half $1,000,000 a month is good, but $1,000,000 a month is better, and I also very very much understood that.
Having good friends messing around. I had girls who would paint pictures and paint and sell the painting. I had girls who played piano.
He doesn't have anything else, you know, all he has is money. And I say, well.
He got the girl to line up all the gummy bears and pretend they were him and all his friends.
He wants to keep the woman he loves, and he wants the woman he loves to be happy.
He's a logical man, right? Keep your business running, then come to the grave. Do it that.
He's an old dude, you have to say. I'm tired of these young guys messing me around. I need an older guy who's ready to settle down. I don't care if he has money, as long as he'll take care of me. B...
He's and he's literally about to come everywhere from this. Eventually she starts chewing his friend, eating his friend.
He's exploiting you because they don't want the fucking girl.
He's going to drive a fast car. He's gonna have a bunch of women. He's gonna want to have a bunch of money. He's gonna do whatever he wants, right? We all want to be free.
He's gonna fucking cheat anyway, so why hide it?
He's gonna make excuses say we're gonna swap phones for a week.
He's gonna say Ohh cause of work that no, no no, don't buy his shit.
He's odd. They can. They're good at detecting things.
He's the last guy. And he said please don't eat me. Please. I'll do anything. Please. I'll give you more money. Please don't me. Like I'm gonna eat you. I'm gonna eat you.
Her job becomes very simple if she works for a man I just perform.
Horrible evil man. Which is absolutely and utterly the complete opposite. I'm not trying to convince the Internet I'm a nice guy, right? Because I don't give a shit.
How are you using it? And I always say to people who come to me and say, like, because I had people say to me before that social media depresses them and I say.
How can I replace this thing I used to do all of the time I got you to replace it if I end up replacing the fight?
How do you recruit people for you? You're going to streets and pick girls. Tender the house. What was that? Just me and my brother were living our lives. We lived a very good life. We attracted fem...
How fortunate I am in my position to.
How many levels are there in the game is a good question. I would not consider myself at the top of the.
How old am I now? I'm 34, so I was about 28, so about 6-7 maybe eight years ago, right?
How the world actually works. And then I got really pissed off because I realized that money isn't real and it's all a scam and the banks are destroying us in real time with inflation and I still d...
How to fuck does that happen? Yeah. So I wasn't sleeping with most of I say up to 75. I was probably still only sleeping with five or six. I tried to go like very legit businessman with.
How would you feel if she came in with a man like you?
I accept all of it if I've made a mistake in the past.
I ain't got time for it. OI think I've gone too far with the socials, so that's that. But As for child lines and stuff, I think women.
I always had these aspirations. I've always kind of felt without sounding like a crazy conspiracy theorist. Even now to this day, I feel maybe correct me. You're a smart man, so maybe this will mak...
I am a realist. I am absolutely and utterly a realist. And if you're a realist, you're sexist.
I believe that certain roles suit females and certain roles suit males.
I believe women are better at some things and men are better at some things.
I benefit from working for this corporation. I benefit from working for this person.
I can be less happy some days than others.
I can tell you now, honestly and not really with with.
I can, I've I'm a I'm a massive advocate for love.
I can't be the customer. I can't pay for sex. I can't.
I can't go down. I won't enjoy that interaction. I can't do that.
I didn't wake up and someone go. How did you become world champion? I went.
I didn't want to live in Eastern Europe the way I live. You can't just rock up to Ukraine, start pushing a Lambo and fucking a bunch of girls and not have trouble.
I do not believe we're equal in all the same and we can be interchanged.
I do not want a female pilot flying me through a hurricane. I've seen enough female driving of all vehicles to know.
I don't know what I was trying to get to. I don't know where it was going to lead, but when I just look at the normal life.
I don't know, cause I've never run a porn business. I think of a girl turns to porn.
I don't know. I really do believe. I really do believe in.
I don't see any reason to be negative. I mean, I'm sure there's people who hate me. There's people gonna listen to this podcast and go this guy, he's full of shit.
I don't see it. Same in England. You look at London 10 years ago compared to London now. I can't wear a nice watch in London.
I don't think happiness as an index is a healthy.
I don't think the world has ever been equal. I think this whole idea.
I don't think they'll learn anything. Do you know how many fucking teachers I've seen pissed out of their minds, sucking cock and fucking corner on, on and on.
I don't want my daughter get tooth like that's why I try to make.
I don't want to go work for €300 a month. That's what I'm going to get.
I don't. I don't. I will not send my kids to school.
I found the tap, bro. If there was a golden tap, that unlimited money.
I fucked that bitch. Yeah, my clothes stink of perfume. I'm sorry. I don't even know her.
I get it. You're in casinos as well, yes. So in Romania I have 15.
I go hi, he goes. Ohh you come here to Bang Bang like what?
I got it was it was not as sexual as people think it was. It was very much like guys fell in love with them on the Internet. They're too long. Does it last?
I got it. Everyone knows it. You're about to have brain surgery and there's a 3% chance of success, 97% chance gonna fuck up. You're gonna die.
I had like four or five girls were full time professional typers. They were ugly, but they were smart. And then I had the pretty girls on the cameras, so I had like a professional setup.
I had this was before I got big big, so I had some money, but I spent all.
I have at least partially escaped the matrix I used to be talking about.
I have money. I don't need to stay here. So as soon as I realized I didn't need to stay here, then I started looking at the world, and you realized the world is small.
I have seen so many women fail to park and crash cars and do dumb shit.
I have to have them. I'm trying to conquer the earth, my friend. Maybe I'm crazy.
I have to leave. I'm sorry. I really have to leave. Please don't throw a party about like they're so scared of all the girls who used to know them. Like mocking them behind their back.
I have to try and make money, right? So this goes back into what I was saying earlier because people always say to me, how do you make money take you have to sit and genuinely think and analyze.
I I believe. OK, let me let me word it this way.
I I don't know. I was always looking for this secret. I was always looking for.
I I kind of feel like I've started to escape and corona as much as it's been.
I I people are just asinine. This is a low, very low IQ approach to the world. It's very low IQ to sit there and go. I'm jealous. I hate this guy. That's what a stupid person would do.
I I talk to people all the time like, oh, I'm unhappy, I'm depressed. And I'm like, stop saying it.
I just think I tell the truth. I I just think I've realized that cheating and hiding is too much fucking work.
I just try and just boop boop post and I think if you do it that way you can benefit from it right? But if you sit there and you find yourself wasting an hour.
I knew why I was there. The girl. Everyone understood the interaction, and the Moldovan men are just like, fuck you.
I know I can't fuck with the law, but at least they've given me my safety in the West. They're gonna they're gonna take all your freedom.
I know that's a bit cliche, but if you come across and you're genuinely confident and they can genuinely feel a vibe from you, that's not creepy.
I learned so many lessons from that period of my life about male, female dynamics.
I look at all the other human metrics and say where am I failing?
I love cars, right? But you know what? I'd be happy without any cars. Yeah, I'd be happy without any money, man. I, I, I really, I I would be happy that you always be like that, though.
I love the idea of being in love with the woman. I love the idea of her loving me. I just don't see why she only love one.
I made sure every single action she took benefited her, benefited her bank account at least.
I made them feel happy doing what they did they liked working for.
I made this big mistake two years ago and I lost my wife when I whatever.
I mean, a lot of people say they had aspirations of being the world title.
I mean, I didn't get into too much trouble or too much mischief, but I was certainly a bit.
I mean, I just want a world title fight. But I hadn't fought in six months. By time I paid all my back rent and paid my car payments. All that. I looked at my bank, I had like 3 Grand, 4 grand in t...
I need to get rich. I want to get rich. So I said to my coach, look, I'm going to take a couple months off and I'm going to focus purely on money.
I never even had to raise my voice. I was a positively inspirational and motivating person. I was a pimp.
I never exploited anybody. I never hit a girl. I never hurt nobody.
I never read the comments. I never scroll the discovery feed. I don't look at anyone else's shit.
I promote women to be the best they can possibly be. I'm a I'm no pimp.
I really believe in in spreading positivity as a whole. I do believe in that.
I really try and base.
I really try very very hard to put my Instagram picture up.
I refuse to do that. It doesn't make sense to me. You could the worst thing on Earth that could happen to a man could happen to me.
I said to my my boys, I was like, man, how did that guy get that car? And they're like, no, no, I was like, doesn't that annoy you?
I said, alright, go to your man right now and demand to see his phone.
I start getting loads of inboxes from girls who are not in Dubai.
I started having firing girls parties because what I wanted to do is I understood the psychology of women and women.
I think a man's role in this planet is also another thing that we need to redefine to some degree, right? I think a man's role on this planet has changed, but from the.
I think freedom is being destroyed in real time, even before Corona freedom is being destroyed.
I think he was from Scotland, just tipped it to her bank. 500 bucks.
I think I constantly wanted more, but I don't know if it's the end though.
I think it, I think it's it's it's simultaneously the biggest opportunity on the planet and ruined the world.
I think Putin's loyal, these big boys. No, Debbie, this is no, this is accepted over there. If you speak to a Russian girl, she's like, oh, he's rich, of course he has his fun, but I'm his wife.
I think that the West is on a serious moral and economic decline.
I think that's wrong. But with Cam, I genuinely had girls who worked for me who would like had a boyfriend for 10 years or only slept with two men in their lives.
I think, I think women are failing in their role. I think women are failing and that's down to the propaganda.
I thought about doing that again, so about two months later I flew on a private plane.
I tip massively, like I'm a very positive person. Like no one interacts with me and it's negative unless it's genuinely beef.
I try and be a realist, even if it's hard to be a realist if that man made her happy.
I wanna don't go too airy fairy, but from a karma perspective, I do believe in that if you're good to people in general.
I was 28 when I won my 4th world title.
I was having a conversation with someone the other day. They were talking about Joe Biden.
I was just a worker, Ant. I just did this, I was told. And then you went and you win again and you win again and you get a title shot. You win and before you know it.
I was like, OK, valid point. Well, I'm gonna find a reason for you to need me, right? So.
I was nothing but a philanthropist. I'm nothing but a feminist.
I was nothing. I took women who were getting exploited.
I was the state chess champion for Indiana, and I was the best ranked player under the age of 10.
I was walking down the street. Wrong place, wrong time. He stabbed me. In Romania, the chance of a random attack is 0.
I will work the same. How I feel has no impact on how I live my life.
I would refuse to admit that I'm not right. This is the life I've lived.
I would say either Russia or Moldova, but I would say if you're gonna, if you're watching this and you want to go to visit.
I wouldn't say happiness or contentment, but I was always looking to try and break out.
I wouldn't say on the podcast, but if you had a daughter, say yeah.
I'd get a lot more replies from DMS than now DM a girl now that look at my page and go.
I'd keep 80% of the money they made, so they basically worked for free. They worked for my love and attention.
I'd make their ass do their shifts and they'd make a bunch of money, right? So.
I'd replaced fighting, which I loved, with this, and this was my chance to escape the matrix.
I'll finish the buffet and I'll go to the chef and say that was that was amazing, very good. Who's who's ever complimented a buffet chef?
I'll give you a percentage of turnover, not profits. Even if it makes no money, you're making money cause it's pure turnover.
I'll just block him from the website. Won't even do anything. She'll think I went mafia on his ass.
I'll lose all my money, but you're getting a percent of turnover.
I'll open up. I'll pay to open locations, so it costs you no money to be involved.
I'll take congratulations. I I would, I would genuinely say congratulations if you're happy with that.
I'm a complete phone addict. I live on my phone. I'm always texting all the time on my phone. There's always something going on.
I'm a massive advocate for men and women being in love with each other. I'm not one of them evil predators or one of them Playboys who thinks women are just for sex. Not at all.
I'm a shit pimp, so you talk about the levels of pimping everything above me.
I'm alive and there's a whole bunch of people out here in the world today who are not gonna be breathing by the end of it. And there's a whole bunch of people out here in the world today are gonna ...
I'm at the very top echelon of society. If I need to speak to the Prime Minister, I can make that.
I'm disenfranchised with the West. I'm anti West.
I'm flying Wizz Air. I have a mask on. Excuse me, Sir, Sir, put the mask over your nose.
I'm giving up my entire life and I don't even know I'm going to live.
I'm going around the Internet and I saw in the corner.
I'm happy every day, right? Let's say happiness is a scale.
I'm happy. I'm very binary. Yes or no? One or zero.
I'm I'm a terrible pimp. All these other jobs out here are pimpin.
I'm I'm big and strong, but I'm already fighting. I can't think of anything else to do with that.
I'm just telling the truth. So the beginning of it was I messaged my 6 girlfriends and told them they're all coming to live with me and I had a job for them in London.
I'm just very honest. I don't think I'm any worse than most other men.
I'm like, this is the full circle, this is the universe giving me what I've always been manifesting.
I'm never happy, bro. This is how it goes, right? You're always chasing something else. But I do feel like to a degree.
I'm not anti transgender, I'm not anti any of these things.
I'm saying that the modern society we live in has been built.
I'm sophistic because I believe that females are weaker than men.
I'm. I'm a shit pimp. I'm terrible. All these businesses out here, they're the kings of Pimpin.
I've been a pimp, I've been a fighter. You know, I've done so many different things. And I really think that, like we said, it's the juxtaposition, it's the contrast that makes life interesting. I'...
I've been with you all. I'm starting a webcam business. I'm gonna get rich. Some of you are gonna come with me to the top of the mountain. Or if you pissed off, you can fucking fly.
I've been with you all. I'm starting a webcam business. I'm gonna get rich. Some of you are gonna come with me to the top of the mountain. Or if you pissed off, you can fucking fly.
I've labeled myself as happy. I've labeled myself as lucky. I'm labeled these things.
I've lived, I've lived a very, very eclectic life and I really believe that.
I've never done anything bad to anybody. I a lot of people, I go, Oh yeah, but you exploit your data.
I've slept 3 hours, that's enough. And wake the chicks up and put them back online. I couldn't get out of my brain because I saw that.
If a girl worked for me, she got 20% of the money. Do you think the person working for McDonald's gets 20% of the money? He rings.
If a man isn't free to say what he thinks in the way, he wants to say it.
If every single thing in life is a value exchange, every single thing in life, even friendships or value exchange, you think of who your best friend is, right?
If I fucked up the financial stability of the family and of my mother.
If I go to Dubai, it's a police state, but it's safe. I can wear $1,000,000 watch all day long.
If I have a woman who I truly love and I go out and fuck and I come back to her and I don't care about her and I only love my girl.
If I have a woman who I truly love and I go out and fuck and I come back to her and I don't care about her and I only love my girl.
If I wake up and I'm unhappy, I will do the exact same things as if I am happy, I will go to the gym the same.
If I were to put 7 hours a day into something else, what else could I achieve?
If I, a man can only cheat if he loves someone else.
If I'm at a hotel and I'm eating and it's a buffet, you know, like these buffet hotels.
If I'm going to live in a police state, I want at least to be provided with safety.
If if I if I, I could hate somebody, but I could disagree with every single element of what somebody says. But if I believe that, I can benefit from an interaction with that person.
If political correctness or hate speech or whatever, whatever. If a man can't even express himself the way he thinks it.
If she is a bad day online, she starts feeling self-conscious. I got my tits out and nobody paid attention to me.
If she knows she's special in other ways, then she doesn't give a fuck what you.
If unless I know you actually love me, then of course I'll take care of you. But if you're like, buy me this handbag. I'm like, fuck you.
If you don't like it, leave what's your opinion on equal rights? Women, men, 5050.
If you go to Russia, for example, when you're high volume, do you think these mafia guys in Russia are loyal?
If you move it down the scale right and you start looking at am I?
If you show a man how to make $1000 in an hour, he thinks I can make $18,000.
If you show a woman how to make $1000 in an hour, she'll think I can work 2 hours a week.
If you start to look at these indicators of your life, you're going to end up being happier.
If you want to be the best webcam girl in the world, you wanna make 50 grand a month.
If you're about to get on a plane and that plane is going to fly through a hurricane and there's a 5050 chance of it crashing and dying.
If you're gay and you can't have kids, why do you now believe it's your right to go to other people's kids and tell them how to think?
If you're not distraught. Then you're happy.
If you're sick, you don't call your boys when you're sick and bad. Or you're, you call you call a woman, right? Like there's a a very sacred interaction between men and women. I love the idea of fa...
If you've decided that the type of sex you want to have will prevent you from recreating from procreating, that's your decision.
Imagine being born as an oil shake. Money has no value.
In 99% of cases, if you show people respect, they show up.
In a normal job, told them they can put a bra on.
In fact, I would actually say I'm too over on socials. I think I put a lot of girls off.
In in space-time, because I refuse to comply with just the average.
Inept from a business perspective, like they are very beautiful.
Inside of the matrix. Right conditioning. It's conditional that they ask. Five years old, sat there, 65 retire. Yeah, shut up conditioning. Learn how. Because what happens is we don't use the right...
Instead of buy the coffee and the girl was always pretty, she was instructed to flirt with them.
Invest it in the stock stock market. That increases the stock price.
Is because they have no history, because they were annihilated and destroyed.
Is he free? You know, and what they do first is they restrict your speech, because if they restrict your speech.
Is it is it better for me to make friends with this person and try and learn from him?
Is just movie bullshit bro. And the industry that call it gorilla pimping, right? Gorilla pimping is when you scare a girl.
Is owned by three brothers and they have 400 locations from Estonia.
Is slaves. This is what this is. Slavery's not gone anywhere, right?
Is that coffee shop making money? I don't know. Do they sell cake? No. Why don't they sell cake?
Is that is that ever crossed your mind that you're broke and I'm not, and I may as well just buy one? Well, yeah, feminists. The reason I upset feminists so much is because the, the typical feminis...
Is the number one cause for depression, I think the number of people.
Is to judge his, to judge his life.
Is western. The Chinese aren't putting women in charge. The Russians aren't putting women in charge.
Is what you think. That's the only thing you can change in real time. You can be thinking of red.
Is wrong. It's completely wrong. They will work for for the same reason a woman will work, or a man or anybody will work for any other corporation.
Is. A Cam girl is is much more a therapist than she is a porn star.
Isn't it easier to know the bitch? Isn't it easier to at least suck her tits a bit and join in? Like, what's the point in pretending you're with a guy and pretending he's loyal and he's out doing w...
Isn't that #3? You know, like it's money is extremely important. Trying to save money doesn't matter as a coping mechanism.
Isn't that a happy period of history? You know, I think social media is the cause.
It doesn't matter whether a woman wants to be a lawyer or a house maker.
It is what it is. So I don't think I was particularly upset by it. I definitely wouldn't say I was traumatized by it.
It it can be that cool. I'm. I'm telling you, I can, I can assure you. Because I lived.
It really does depress people, but on top of that it is the biggest opportunity in the world.
It should be, yes. I agree with some of your things and I disagree with.
It was a Lamborghini or something, but it caused a shitstorm. What was that post?
It was basically the modern world without all this, this addiction. Because I'm absolutely addicted to my phone. I'm not gonna lie.
It was good. But you know, like, I don't ever feel like I'm satisfied. I never like, won the world title. Yes, I'm the champ now.
It was the best thing, I believe, at the time I thought it was the best thing to do.
It was the only thing that mattered because it ensures paternity. How else do you know that kid is yours before paternity test? Unless she was a virgin, the only way to be sure.
It's a coping mechanism that poor people have so they don't shoot themselves in the head.
It's a game, right? So it's never fear. It's safety.
It's a preservation strategy women can talk to you for a few seconds ago. Something wrong with.
It's accelerating to 200 miles an hour that you feel you don't feel once you're doing the speed.
It's all a fucking scam. All of it's a scam. And this is how the whole world has always worked and always will work.
It's all a scam and people inside of the matrix do not understand. It's all a scam, it's all a lie.
It's all a scam. Let me tell you something, man, when this corona thing was going on.
It's all fixed. Oh, this one crazy. This crazy customer found my real Facebook.
It's better for her to give away a percentage to not have to worry about all this shit out there in the world.
It's bullshit. I was doing this in London. A girl could have walked out the door any day.
It's fine if I do. I'm a man. If a woman sleeps with multiple people, that's cheating. That's absolutely unacceptable on every level.
It's going to be good for us. Well, I don't think it will be. And the problem is this whole women in charge crap.
It's insanity, and everyone knows this insanity, but we're not supposed to say it's insanity, right? And it's kind of interesting where?
It's just like, OK, next, next next. I've, I've, I was kind of always like that.
It's just pixels on the screen, bro. Like it's it's not like people imagine it to be. It's just like a 99% of Cam.
It's kind of hard to play the pity card. My business has gone under. Everyone's like, who gives a shit? Fuck you.
It's never been tested. We've never tested this new world.
It's normal. Completely normal. It's only in countries like America and England where a woman's gonna go. I would never take that. I'd never accept that.
It's not what he's got the balls to say it cause everybody's men are losing their balls. They certainly are. And I I also feel, I also feel compelled to say it because I'm in a fortunate situation ...
It's your ally. It's your friend. Why would you make an enemy out of the only thing you have control over?
Just consuming. I think it's it's an easy path to self destruction, I think. So how do you?
Just like fucking good pilot. I want that is such a politically correct answer. And it's a lie is that we all know you'd want a man to fly that plane. You would not want some woman to walk up the s...
Just like it's a lie, you just you just undesirable what you are.
Just to say, look my dear, I love you with all my heart. We're gonna be together forever.
Kick people's ass. So that's kind of how how it started. How did you end up going through the ranks and winning world titles?
Kind of like we're in the matrix. Like there's something missing. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Seriously feel in your gut.
Labels. What do you think about people? It's being identifying as pandas and fucking.
Lady boys. Yeah, exactly. You know, you start running out of places and and and then you start looking. And the only places to really live that I've enjoyed in my life are.
Leave the kids alone. You can be as transgender as you like. Don't come talk to my kid about it.
Less than having a girlfriend or whatever, if you've got.
Let it be a hoax are dumb. Ohh. I sat with a bunch of men. He was funny.
Let it be a hoax are dumb. Ohh. I slept with a bunch of men. He was funny.
Let me ask you another question, then, because you're Mr. Nonsexist. We have another.
Let me let me reword this. I think a man should have absolutely no interest in whether he's actually happy or not.
Let's say there's 100 poor people and the 100 poor people spend their money.
Let's talk about this. You give 100 people a $1400 check, right?
Like a blue one, kind of blue, another kind of blue, basically identical.
Like if I want to open a location, I send a picture on a WhatsApp group at a of a building and.
Like if there's a girl who genuinely loves me, of course I'll take care of her and I'll flyer.
Like it does. And it's not about the money to me. Of course I can afford it. It's just fuck, you don't deserve it.
Like me. People like me. So just, you know, just soon as you get money doesn't mean you lose your love of your family and shit. That's not true at all. Yeah, of course, yeah, of course. Ohh like wh...
Like no one analyzes anything, they just want to get rich.
Like this is a role. This is the normal gender roles, but this is. But these are the normal gender roles that got us here.
Like those are the two choices. I may as well do it, rich. I made the choice to miss his funeral.
Like we're all human, right? So you you can't deal with that many women, so then you have to motivate them with money. And if trying to motivate a woman with money, it's impossible because.
Like you got enemies, you got people on the streets with blades, you got bacterias.
Like you said, maybe I am. And I think if you let if you give a man true free reign.
Like, I was never a porn guy. I've never been watching porn or clicking on these things. And I talk to live girls.
Like, she can make so much money from showing her tits, whatever, but she makes the big money from making these guys. Like her being funny banter.
Like, why would it annoy me? Because we're going to school.
Line for Starbucks is going out the door. Starbucks is always busy.
Listen, if you're living a normal life and you scroll Instagram.
Little Mafia, more organisation. Yeah, but if you fuck with the wrong guy.
Living in this house, right? And they went on Cam together as a duo, as a team.
Look at the podcast we have right now. Look at what we're doing right now. Think of all the people we're gonna reach.
Lots of now I have money. Lots of people always ask me how do I get rich? And I say, when's the last time you talked about money?
Make them build things for money, but the government print all the money.
Make them work for free and build things. That's slavery.
Making sure we don't lose our social medias. Every single person has to censor themselves to some degree, and I try very, very best to skirt that line.
Making you money off of her tits.
Man, we can walk across there to that McDonald's and you can talk about explosion.
Many of them are still trying to conquer the world one way or another.
Marty two women had a couple of kids. Going these two or three holidays a year and they said to you it was happy.
Mclarens, lambos, all that shit. Do I get girls? Hit me up on Instagram.
Me and my brother, eight women living in one house, and all the women adored us.
Me and my brother, eight women living in one house, and all the women adored us.
Melt rocks, make swords and walk in random directions.
Men and women are not the same. We've never been the same. This new think idea that men and women are the same is complete garbage that's been invented, right for the longest period of human histor...
Men are not supposed to do that. We don't want to do that. Any man who sits there says I want to do that is lying.
Men are still out here building the modern world, but when they come home now, the girls like oh, why should I cook for you?
Men have never been faithful. Ever. Look at history. Every single king, every single Sultan had more than one woman. Look at the history. Read the bibles. All there.
Mental rigidity and these kind of things, right? And I get a lot of people messaging me and they're very like, look, I'm very depressed. I've been watching your videos and I wanna kind of think lik...
Money doesn't make you happy. Don't worry. Don't worry, I'll keep all the money.
More and more strict, you're living in a society where you have to be scared of the criminals, scared of the police, scared of the taxman.
More people have died from Miss Doctor's appointments for cancer diagnosis, and they did. Corona shut up. They don't want you safe. They've never cared about you being safe. They never will care ab...
My dad died when I was in Romania and I had just moved my business from London to Romania and I was in this apartment.
My friend should just go on Twitter. Something about Star Wars and.
My friend, I was top of the world and I ordered a Bugatti Chiron.
My girls can do that. So that that was the very beginning, that was the Eureka moment and I walked into my my brother's bedroom and I said.
My pilots weren't wearing masks when I landed at Biggin Hill Airport. The people who met me in the BMW.
My world views on brutal realism.
Never in any point in history was a woman with a bunch of men, and that was.
No mask, no PCR test, no Home Office paperwork.
No one was wearing a mask. Nobody had a mask on. No one asked me to fill in shit. You know why?
No way on God's green Earth is this man gonna settle down and marry me. He's just gonna fucking run around and bang everything that moves.
No, I was always driven as long as I as long as I felt like I was getting somewhere, I was happy.
No, they say money doesn't make you happy. You keep slaving away from minimum wage. I'll stay over here a millionaire.
No. Women only. Yeah. There you go then. So you do have a gender only, but so you do have a gender bias. Yeah. Yeah. So, so. So gender bias exists, right? Yeah. Gender, every pilot, every fucking. ...
Nobody. They stand there all day cooking all day. Some fucking Egyptian dude, right? Making very average food. And I'll eat his average ass food and go tell him good job and he will. His face will ...
Not even fucking close. Not it's not even close. I'd give up absolutely everything to be. But, you know, it's funny. I'll tell you a story about this funeral.
Not important. I didn't realize how overt it was until people tell me. People tell me all the time. I'm super nice to like, wait staff.
Not like I used to be able to. Like, London is not even safe at night most places. Now I'm risking getting stabbed to pay 60% taxes.
Not really. And they're all the dudes who are right now at home, nine to five. Couple blowjobs stood it up. I was never that guy. I was pissed off for weeks because I saw some dude in his Ferrari.
Now I don't do this anymore. I'm self-conscious. If she works for me and says I had a bad day online, I'd say no, no, that's not your fault. There's a huge football game on. Yeah, it's massive.
Now I'm sure there was probably at some point in history.
Now if you look at the roles of society, I believe men are still doing their job, but I don't know if women are doing their job.
Now there are trouble you. Then they trouble the ship muncher on the Wizz Air flow.
Now you work all day, you get money, and you spend all your money on a food.
Obviously I want to set you up Playboy with the feminist. I think will be very interesting chats with any feminists out there.
Of course I wish my father was alive, right? But if I'm happy with my life now and where it is, you have to accept every shitty day and every single lesson.
Of course. But if he could keep the woman he loves and keep her happy and have other women, he would.
Of of equal rights. I do believe we should have equal rights under the law.
Of that area, who already owns those expensive houses? Rich people.
Of the nine to five, just the normal monotony of day-to-day life. And and and I and. For a long time I thought fighting was my way out.
Offends her. Like you're using her tits? It's like grabbing a girl's tits. Who doesn't like you?
Ohh, you're a man. Pay for your entire life. Gonna push a Merc, you're gonna have this fucking.
One in world titles, are we still unsatisfied? There's always someone new to beat up, right?
One of the reasons I love living there so much is because.
Oops, you have to plan for it. So I said to Tristan, we need to discuss money, we need to plan this, and we need to workout a way.
Or 17 with my four friends and a Ferrari burnt past us.
Or a house maker. Or a webcam girl. Unless she has a man directing her, she's going to fuck it up.
Or he'll say we can do it together, even though they can't because there's a whole bunch of people think it's easy, right? It's not easy. You need equipment. You need.
Or leave a hateful comment on his YouTube what's gonna benefit my life?
Or Russia and Eastern Europe. So in Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe is very much.
Or societal programming they can instill inside of people to keep them doing that.
Or something really bad's going to happen and you're going to be devastated. And when you're distraught, you can't even talk. Like you know, when you're genuinely heartbroken, you can't even speak.
Or they should be. They absolutely should be obsessed with money. What do you say if a guy was working A9 to five?
Or webcam girl. Unless she has a man directing her, she's going to fuck it up.
Or whatever she wants to be. At some point, there's a man in charge telling her what to do.
Our parents are on council estates like we're trying to sc**** 20 pounds a week to to eat.
Out of fear. Never that whole, that whole view on it.
Paid what? Paid for one of them? That's about a million. Yeah, that just 4.2.
People fucking point their fingers and then they just jump back in their box so it's so easy to.
People try and pretend that this is evil and bad. The modern world.
Please don't eat my friend and he, she like but he looks good. Please, please, please don't. And you'd see him on camera. He's like jerking off. Please, please, please don't. And she'd like put him...
Please, can you buy some gummy bears? So she bought some gummy bears and the next day he said, OK, here's what I want you to do. And he took her private and he was paying $5 a minute for this. And ...
Political climate with all this corona etcetera, etcetera.
Protective of their people and their culture and then sometimes I walk through London and look at all the problems we have here and I have to respect them.
Public toilets on cocaine. I'm a teacher, huh? You ain't got shit to teach my kid.
Really. It's all a lie. Complete lie. There's no football game. She didn't do the best. She did shit. But like, yeah, you shouldn't worry about the office. Let's have a drink.
Relief funds bribes to listen, so we can't really open them.
Rich people. So now each one rich person who owns a business.
Ridiculous money, these three brothers, right? And I went to them and said they're sponsoring the show. So look, guys, I want to open some casinos. I want to get involved in this moneymaker.
Right, 'cause you'd win the world title, you fucker. Ring girl, she falls in love with you. You're the big millionaire in London. Of course she thinks. She thinks you live in the balling life here ...
Right, right. So what I started doing is me and the other girls.
Right, so I'm I own 10% of RXF, which is the Romanian UFC.
Right. And she's sitting there with her tits out and all the gummy bears, and she'd have to pick up one of the friends.
Right. Either it makes you feel happy, or he can help you with some things, or you help each other. Every single thing in life value exchange.
Right. I I can't do that in the West. Yeah. So we went and met with some Members of Parliament and they're like, well, it's not us, it's European Union directed.
Right. I want to be rich, but they have no plan to get rich. And I hope and a plan are very different things like explain this to people all the time. Everyone has a dream.
Right. I'm not saying that women should completely not really be slaves. I'm not saying that.
Right. If you did what you believed was best at the time, then what are you mad for?
Right. It's they're like human calculators. They're all a bit strange. And you.
Right. Like all they had to be MW, all they they might be mafia guys. They're gonna come here. They're gonna come after you.
Right. Of the people who you care about and they care about you.
Right. So I knew some very important guys in Romania.
Right. So it's never fear. It's the absolute complete opposite of fear. It's safety.
Right. So, but I wasn't tricking anyone. I was just saying, look, you can make a bunch of money.
Right. That's the old school pimp game, isn't it? I love this man.
Right. You either program your woman and program your children, or society will do it.
Right. You've decided that having sex with women isn't worth it for you.
Romania or Ukraine or Russia is going to be dating you. She is genuinely considering if there's a future for marriage and babies because they still have that element of society where women are resp...
Romania's I probably shouldn't say the Internet, but I'm going to Romania is completely corrupt from head to toe, right? So when?
Romantic interest in you. The idea of her?
Russia, Moldova. But so I'm saying that now because if any goes, all Russian women are gonna go over there. You're not gonna fucking slam nothing. Same night you're gonna be out. It's gonna be hard.
Scared of everything and I don't see what the benefit of living there is.
Shagging girls everywhere, yeah. Lamborghinis. Ferraris, yeah. Houses all around the world, yeah.
She can't fix it. If the taxman calls, she can't fix it.
She doesn't appreciate what Andrew did for her. Ha ha ha.
She feels happy I fixed the problem. You're a problem solver.
She knows she's those women who pretend to not know.
She's gonna call the police on you. You're gonna have trouble. You can't, you can't stay out of jail and do that shit. Maybe if you're a crack dealer or she's a crackhead and very, very bottom of t...
She's the only girl I sleep next to. I don't sleep. And when I say sleep, I mean like actually sleep. I don't sleep and hug other women. I just fuck other women sometimes.
Simultaneously, you know, I was watching American Pie the other day. Remember that movie American Pie?
Since the dawn of human time, it's been frowned at. Frowned upon, in fact.
Sitting around with your wife, couple blow jobs a month. Most. Some men are not. Some men are not satisfied with that. I know me as an individual. I could not be satisfied with that. That doesn't m...
Slotzilla. You just you just undesirable. That's what you are.
Smile when you want to smile. Say what you want, do what you want and and that's a very, very rare commodity in the modern world, that's extremely rare.
So a couple of times I get that kind of thing, but in general not really.
So a lot of people are labeling themselves and I I absolutely refuse.
So a lot of them, the male instinct to conquer Earth is financial. I think This is why men work so hard, is why men are so obsessed with money.
So a woman can't go around fucking people and pretend it's the same as a man running around fucking people. It's absolutely not the same if I a man can only cheat if he loves someone else.
So a woman can't go around fucking people and pretend it's the same as a man running around fucking people. It's absolutely not the same.
So are two of them left, two of them agreed to stay.
So Eastern Europe is a completely different way crime works. In England, crime can be very random.
So even with webcam, they'd feel safer working for me than they would by themselves.
So every time there was a girl who I wasn't sleeping with, she never lasted long.
So every time there was a girl who I wasn't sleeping with, she never lasted long.
So for me, I was under enormous pressure. I didn't think, oh, I have plenty of money now. It was the complete opposite. I wanted to work harder, more hours.
So from an animal perspective, a man's primary role.
So here's the problem. Here's what's interesting about it. So the most girls at any one point I had, I had four premises.
So how can it not be true? But you can condition them, and we keep seeing it too. Absolutely. I believe yourself that you're happy. Absolutely you can.
So I can't be a customer. So I'm a terrible sugar Daddy target because.
So I clicked on it and there's some chick there on a computer like hide and I was like.
So I did a deal with them to open them on the sly and pay bribes. So far I was open for like the first month.
So I did the right thing and I know my father, he's looking down on me, would be very, very proud of me because I made the logical decision.
So I don't think it's very much as much what you say as it is how you say it.
So I feel because I'm in this position, I'm compelled to say them because I have a unique opportunity.
So I grew up around professional chess players, which is kind of an unusual.
So I had very good friends there from fighting and I went to Romania.
So I have to provide value for these women for them to want to be with me. You can't just be some Jackass. People have this idea that, oh, you're a pimp. You just get these girls you say work, and ...
So I know it seems like extremely, you know, it seems extreme.
So I opened up this casino next door to my competitor and two doors down there's a Starbucks.
So I own a percentage of the Cage Fighting organization, and I'm sitting here and I do the commentary, the English commentary, some commentating.
So I retired my mom and I I had to make the choice whether I stay there and focus on the business or go to my dad's funeral.
So I think that if you're if you're on social media, you need to be very, very careful about.
So I try my very best to be free. What is free to you?
So I was really mad and I'm writing down. I was reading, I was watching some YouTube videos like financial advice and we're talking about assets, liabilities, etcetera, and I'm writing down all my ...
So I was trying to motivate them with money, but motivate with money doesn't work for two reasons.
So I would rather live in a society knowing that I have to respect certain people, but the chance of random violence is 0.
So I'll be in Dubai, I'll get a message Oh my God can't wait to go back to Dubai. And I'd be like well when are you coming she go. I'm in Rio. I'm just trying to find a way there. Me and my two fri...
So I'm a phone addict, so I know I've got the problem. But I was watching American Pie and I was thinking.
So I'm gonna go to war for you with my money because I'm right next door to your competitor. The location may not make money.
So I'm never unhappy, I'm happy always.
So I'm not gonna be mad at past me and every single bad thing that's happened to me.
So I've been paying 15 rents for a year and a half.
So if a government can create as much as they want of something from thin air.
So if you have no money, why can they? Why would they want a family?
So if you're happy with where you are currently, then you have to be happy for every bad thing that's ever happened to.
So it was a very happy interaction and and and and my girls just understood. Look, I'm fucking all of you.
So it's like arcade setup. Corona came and fucked that up.
So it's taking 20% of the money from them and they get 80% of the money.
So many lessons and I learned that women are loyal to the Dick. They want to suck and nothing else, and they're not even sex. Is either going to somebody else?
So me and my brother were walking down Kitchener, Moldova. It's two in the morning. We had these three girls with us.
So my coach said you have to train 7 * a week. OK, so I just obeyed.
So no poor person is going to take that money and just leave it in the bank. They're going to either spend it or invest it.
So now I had these four big promises, all these overheads, all these managers are going out of control. So I cut down to like a special forces team of around.
So now I had these four big promises. All these overheads, all these managers are out of control. So I cut down to like a special forces team of around.
So now I'm interested in her scared, the whole interaction we were only it was just reaction, right? We weren't really scared and once we're the taxi were like whatever.
So now we're going to the other end of the spectrum. I don't believe in unhappy.
So of course I would have rather if I if I could, if I could give all this up now to get my dad back. Of course I.
So of course there's things far more important than material things. I say this all the time because.
So OK, so I put a huge sign up, a massive sign up saying free coffee.
So right now I'm in the UK, but they can't stop me leaving because I'll use my American passport. I'm an American going home.
So society tells you to marry one woman and be loyal, right? And then you have me saying.
So someone pulled out and I had three days notice I'd lose 9K in three days.
So that it's kind of cool when they go. There's no flights. I'm like not for you, but the flights for me bro. So it it it's kind of I have I felt like I've semi escaped so I've I've kind of got the...
So that that's the story. So for anyone watching who doesn't know my story, I'm fighting. I became four time world champion.
So that was it as a whole. It was a very happy environment. There was, there was no slavery element. You're not gonna get a girl to to work 12 hours a day, six days a week.
So that's been exciting. But um, yeah, I own casinos as well as well in Romania and that was one of the.
So that's what I would consider fair. He was based at Chicksands in the UK. He met my mother.
So the four girls flew in. I sat them all down at a table. They're all like, who's this chick? Who's this chick?
So the four girls flew in. I sat them all down at a table. They're all like, who's this chick? Who's this chick?