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Game of Thrones - Season 2 Game of Thrones - Season 2: A Game of Intrigue and Power Year: 2012 If there is one television

Game of Thrones - Season 2

Game of Thrones - Season 2: A Game of Intrigue and Power

Year: 2012

If there is one television show that has captivated viewers worldwide with its intricate storytelling, unforgettable characters, and epic battles, it is undoubtedly Game of Thrones. Season 2 of this sensational series takes audiences even deeper into the treacherous and blood-soaked world of Westeros. Prepare to be enthralled by a magnificent cast ensemble and a gripping storyline that will leave you craving for more.

The cast of Game of Thrones - Season 2 is nothing short of stellar. Led by the multi-talented and charismatic actors, this ensemble perfectly brings to life the complex characters created by author George R.R. Martin. At the heart of the story is Peter Dinklage, who delivers an award-winning performance as Tyrion Lannister, the cunning and sharp-witted dwarf known for his sharp tongue and cunning intellect. Lena Headey flawlessly portrays the ruthless Cersei Lannister, a character that simultaneously evokes awe and loathing.

Other notable cast members include Kit Harington as Jon Snow, the brooding and honorable member of the Night's Watch, and Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen, the exiled princess with a thirst for power and dragons by her side. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau brings charm and complexity to the role of Jamie Lannister, the handsome yet morally ambiguous knight. The ensemble is filled with exceptional talent, including Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner, Iain Glen, and many more, each delivering performances that make their characters memorable and emotionally resonant.

Season 2 takes the already intricate plot and expands it in fascinating ways. As the fierce struggle for the Iron Throne intensifies, alliances are formed and broken, and loyalties are tested. The War of the Five Kings rages on, with Stannis Baratheon (Stephen Dillane) and his mysterious priestess Melisandre (Carice van Houten) bringing the threat of dark magic. Meanwhile, Robb Stark (Richard Madden) tries to lead his forces to victory and avenge his father's death, all while navigating the complexities of love and duty.

In this season, the world of Game of Thrones expands beyond the Seven Kingdoms, delving into the city of Qarth, where Daenerys Targaryen seeks support to reclaim her birthright. This new location adds a rich layer to the already intricate narrative, introducing new characters and political intrigues.

The soundscape of Game of Thrones - Season 2 is a symphony of tension, triumph, and tragedy. Ramin Djawadi's masterful score perfectly enhances the atmosphere, from the iconic main theme to emotionally charged musical moments that bring key scenes to life. The music evokes a range of emotions, from the thunderous drums of battle to delicate orchestrations that capture the quieter moments of introspection.

You can dive into the world of Game of Thrones - Season 2, playing and downloading these incredible sounds here. Relive the intensity and immerse yourself in the captivating melodies that have become synonymous with this iconic series.

As viewers embark on this journey through the dangers and deceptions of Westeros, they will be enthralled by the intricate storytelling, exceptional performances, and the unforgettable world that is Game of Thrones. Season 2 continues the legacy of this groundbreaking show, captivating the imagination and leaving viewers eagerly awaiting what lies ahead.

Experience the gripping tales of power, betrayal, and honor. Immerse yourself in the world of Game of Thrones - Season 2, where no one is safe, and everyone is playing the game of thrones.

*Play and download the sounds of Game of Thrones - Season 2 here, and get ready to be transported to a world like no other.*
A betting man would go with dead.
A betting man would go with dead.
A bit corpsey, yes.
A bit.
A blasted ruin
A blasted ruin.
A boy becomes a girl.
A boy becomes a girl.
A boy could make a friend.
A boy could make a friend.
A brave choice, Your Grace.
A brave choice, Your Grace.
A captive knight has a right to know his captor's identity.
A captive Knight has a right to know his captor's identity.
A champion of light and life.
A cloak slows you down in a fight,
A coin of great value.
A common superstition.
A couple of years older than you.
A cripple?
A cripple?
A cup of wine to honor the one true god.
A dancing king, prancing down his bloodstained halls
A dancing king, prancing down his bloodstained halls
A day will come when you think you're safe and happy
A day will come when you think you're safe and happy,
A dead king, a city under siege.
A debt that must be paid.
A debt that must be paid.
A demonstration?
A demonstration?
A dog doesn't need courage to chase off rats.
A dog doesn't need courage to chase off rats.
A dumb cunt who killed the only two Starks in Winterfell.
A dumb cunt who killed the only two Starks in Winterfell.
A fact you seem to have forgotten.
A few more days won't help.
A few weeks, Your Grace.
A fine dinner, my lord.
A fire.
A flayed man none.
A girl and her friends will walk through the gate at midnight.
A girl and her friends will walk through the gate at midnight.
A girl at the edge of the world is the least of our problems.
A girl at the edge of the world is the least of our problems.
A girl cannot tell a man when exactly he must do a thing.
A girl cannot tell a man when exactly he must do a thing.
A girl cannot tell a man when exactly he must do a thing.
A girl gives a man his own name?
A girl gives a man his own name?
A girl has named a second name.
A girl has named a second name.
A girl keeps her mouth closed.
A girl keeps her mouth closed.
A girl lacks honor.
A girl lacks honor.
A girl owes one more name.
A girl owes one more name.
A girl says nothing.
A girl says nothing.
A girl whose brother is in open rebellion against the throne as we speak.
A girl will obey.
A girl will obey.
A girl will obey.
A good act does not wash out the bad,
A good king.
A good king.
A good ram will batter it down in minutes
A good ram will batter it down in minutes,
A harmless courtesy, Your Grace.
A high place in court, a knighthood,
A house of ghosts, Khaleesi. lt is known.
A king doesn't discuss battle plans with stupid girls.
A king must keep his word.
A king, a priest and a rich man.
A knight.
A lesson I've tried to teach my son.
A lie. Take it out.
A lion still has claws
A little cramped, perhaps, but you don't need much room, do you?
A lovely thing l once acquired from a Lysene pleasure house.
A maester's duties become more urgent
A man pardon woman of honor.
A man can fight! Free us!
A man can go kill himself.
A man can go kill himself.
A man cannot make a thing happen before its time.
A man cannot make a thing happen before its time.
A man chops off your fingers and you fall in love with him.
A man does not choose his companions.
A man does not drink for a day and a night.
A man has a thirst.
A man has duties as well.
A man has patrol duty.
A man has said.
A man has said.
A man is good or he is evil.
A man is what others say he is and no more.
A man is what others say he is and no more.
A man must ask forgiveness.
A man needs a name.
A man needs a name.
A man owes three.
A man owes three.
A man pays his debts.
A man pays his debts.
A man ran over.
A man ran over.
A man tried to kill me. I want his name and I want his head.
A man tried to kill me. l want his name and l want his head.
A man will do what must be done.
A man will do what must be done.
A man.
A member of the Kingsguard?
A message some other way.
A million men could have marched on these walls,
A million men could have marched on these walls,
A minute of your time?
A minute of your time?
A minute, an hour, a month.
A minute, an hour, a month.
A mockingbird.
A more impressive prize than a few fishermen's daughters.
A more painful death for your little cunt.
A most highborn plumber
A most highborn plumber.
A mother does not flee without her children.
A mother should be with her children.
A mother should be with her children.
A painter who only used red.
A painter who only used red.
A painter.
A painter.
A prayer almost.
A precious thing like you will look very, very good.
A promise that somewhere on the sea,
A prospect that once delighted you,
A prospect that once delighted you,
A rare substance.
A rare substance.
A raven arrived from the citadel this morning, Your Grace.
A raven flew in this morning from Castle Black.
A red salmon.
A red salmon.
A roof would be welcome.
A savage from the Summer Isles,
A shadow in the shape of a man.
A shadow in the shape of a man.
A ship now, would you?
A ship with a good captain.
A ship with a good captain.
A ship?
A single drop in a cup of wine
A slice of cake
A sound ship with a good captain.
A sound ship with a good captain.
A stonemason who could read?
A stonemason who could read?
A stonemason.
A stonemason.
A student of history, are you?
A student of history, are you?
A title. A birthright.
A title. A birthright.
A token of Tyrion Lannister's goodwill.
A touch of mercy is a virtue, Your Grace. Too much
A touch of mercy is a virtue, Your Grace. Too much...
A trick I never learned, I'm afraid.
A very wealthy patron, he offered me a tremendous amount of money
A weak man who nearly destroyed our house and name.
A weak man who nearly destroyed our house and name.
A woman of noble birth is always called a lady.
A woman of noble birth is always called a lady.
A woman's kind of courage.
A woman's kind of courage.
A word, Your Grace?
Able young bodies and skilled laborers?
About a boy of modest means
About magical people who could live
About time you did something.
According to the Commander,
According to your new friend
According to your new friend who earned your trust by cutting his hand?
Accounts differ.
Across a thousand, thousand seasons
Aegon and his sisters.
Aegon and his sisters.
Aegon Targaryen changed the rules.
Aegon Targaryen changed the rules.
Afraid l'd embarrass our family in front of the Family.
Afraid l'd embarrass our family in front of the Family.
After all the things you have seen, this is your question?
After all, here I am,
After he crushed you.
After I have forgotten my mother's face.
After l have forgotten my mother's face.
After negotiations went sour.
After negotiations went sour.
After Stannis and Robb Stark are defeated.
After Stannis and Robb Stark are defeated.
After Stannis lands his force.
After Stannis lands his force.
After that, I will leave for Winterfell.
After that, l sat Jaime down for four hours every day until he learned.
After that, l sat Jaime down for four hours every day until he learned.
After that, l will leave for Winterfell.
After the dragons died, wildfire was the key
After the dragons died, wildfire was the key to the Targaryen power.
After the Lannisters and the Starks, the Tyrells command the largest host.
After the Lannisters and the Starks, the Tyrells command the largest host.
After the long summer,
After the slaughter, the northmen feasted on
After we interrogate 'em, we usually just...
After your new father killed him.
Again and again and again
Again and again and again,
Again, only temporary.
Again, pull!
Against my brother and sister are true,
Aggar and Gelmarr,
Ah, a conqueror.
Ah, a conqueror.
Ah, lavender oil.
Ah, the late King Renly.
Ah, the late King Renly.
Ah, Varys.
Ah, you must be this fire priestess we hear so much about.
All along the northern coast.
All because of a war you started.
All because of a war you started.
All hail the King.
All hail the King.
All his past crimes are forgiven.
All I have to do?
All I need is a ship.
All l did, l did for House Lannister.
All l have to do?
All l need is a ship.
All my brother's bannermen have come to my side.
All my brother's bannermen have come to my side.
All my life men like you have sneered at me.
All my life men like you have sneered at me.
All of them
All of these tents look the same to me.
All of you should do as he commands.
All of you should do as he commands.
All of you.
All of you.
All our lives are in danger.
All right, all right. Enough.
All right, all right. Enough. Even torturing you is boring.
All right, get up!
All right, have it your way,
All right, up, lad.
All right, what's the truth?
All right, what's the truth?
All right!
All right!
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All six were abandoned.
All that you have dreamed is within your reach!
All the birds in the sky and the beasts in the sea,
All the competitors were done. I was the last one out there.
All the competitors were done. l was the last one out there.
All the might of the Stormlands and the Reach.
All the other wildlings for a hundred leagues have disappeared.
All the stags will bow. All the wolves will bow.
All the way from Qarth beyond the Red Waste.
All the way from Qarth beyond the Red Waste.
All the wounded men.
All the wounded men.
All these kings fighting for the throne,
All those that deny that are my foes.
All through the long night.
All through the long night.
All we ask is the chance to see for ourselves.
All who travel too close to the doom must have protection.
All who travel too close to the doom must have protection.
All wildlings are liars and savages with no loyalty to anything or anyone.
All wildlings are liars and savages with no loyalty to anything or anyone.
All without learning how to curtsy.
All you lot from south of the Wall, you're Southerners.
All you men were named in the light of the Seven!
ALL: Aye!
ALL: Aye!
All? Let us say half.
Allow me to return the favor.
Allowing you into her chamber
Along with much else.
Although, some say the beauty most desired
Always been a great romantic, my nephew.
Always has been.
Always has been.
Always treated me like scum.
Always. Your lord father, ask him.
Am I fighting someone?
Am l fighting someone?
Among them, but not one of them.
Among them, but not one of them.
Amory Lorch.
Amory Lorch.
AMORY: Round up any survivors.
An anointed Knight, yes.
An encumbrance, don't you think?
An History of the Great Sieges of Westeros.
An inspiration for the troops.
An inspiration for the troops.
An order from your future king.
An uncommon name here. An old name in Volantis.
An uncommon name here. An old name in Volantis.
An upstart and a charlatan?
An upstart and a charlatan?
And a lot better than you.
And a million men would have been repelled.
And a million men would have been repelled.
And a nice bowl of raspberries, too?
And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.
And all his pots of wildfire didn't help him, did they?
And all his pots of wildfire didn't help him, did they?
And all my life I've been knocking men like you into the dust.
And all my life l've been knocking men like you into the dust.
And all of them young and bold like your Knight of Flowers?
And all our Northern sons.
And all our Northern sons.
And all the shit found its way to the sea.
And all the shit found its way to the sea.
And all who study these mysteries try their hand at spells.
And all you want
And another for the feast.
And are you not a lord at my command?
And armies both.
And Arya, just as wild as ever.
And Arya...
And as long as he keeps winning battles,
And as long as he keeps winning battles, they'll keep believing he is King in the North.
And asked me to see that you got it.
And asked which one of them proposed to keep him out.
And asked which one of them proposed to keep him out.
And at my table
And at my table
And Baratheons fight each other.
And because I believe in justice.
And because l believe in justice.
And because you're my cousin,
And because you're my cousin, l might even let you wake from that sleep.
And before l knew what was where, his... his...
And behind the door?
And behind the door?
And better yet, a queen's legs.
And burn cities to the ground.
And cisterns in Casterly Rock.
And correct me if I'm wrong, most pirates don't grow old.
And counsel in times of war.
And cried out.
And crippled mine.
And crippled mine.
And crow of how my courage inspired them,
And cum and garlic and rum.
And declared himself King of the lron lslands.
And declared himself King of the lron lslands.
And declared this great summer
And destroy those who have wronged me.
And do their killing when it's dark.
And do their killing when it's dark.
And do you believe them?
And do you believe them?
And don't fight for his kingdoms.
And drink shade of the evening.
And drink shade of the evening.
And eat me out of pigs.
And even if he would, what would we do with her?
And even if l did, even if by some miracle l slipped through the lines and made it home,
And every one of us is better than you.
And everywhere l go, people tell me about the true gods.
And far too beautiful.
And far too beautiful.
And find them a safe home.
And finding out that the dream
And finding out that the dream
And fire is power.
And fire is power.
And for that, l consider myself very,
And friends may talk in secret, yes?
And fuck you bloody.
And gag him!
And gag him!
And gather the harvest before the crops turn.
And give my life for yours if it comes to that.
And good brown ale.
And hang you for a traitor.
And hard men rule the world.
And Harrenhal,
And Harrenhal.
And have you thought about...
And have you thought about...
And he assures me that their crimes against the realm
And he has company.
And he is only a pretender.
And he is the new commander of the City Watch.
And he knows which gates are weakest.
And he knows which gates are weakest.
And he only protects those who serve him.
And he pushed me out of the way.
And he pushed me out of the way.
And he spread me legs and ruined.
And he started pressing on my brother's chest
And he started pressing on my brother's chest
And he was dead.
And he was dead.
And he will make me king of the lron lslands once again.
And he would have let a thousand men **** me if it had got him the crown.
And he would have let a thousand men **** me if it had got him the crown.
And he's got nothing to do all day but pick wings off flies.
And heard things,
And her brother Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer.
And her dragons in accordance with the law.
And here l am, with no regrets.
And here l am, with no regrets.
And here we are.
And here we are.
And higher born than my grandfather.
And higher born than my grandfather.
And how am I supposed to prove myself by pillaging
And how am l supposed to prove myself by pillaging piss poor fishing villages?
And how did you accomplish this marked drop in thievery?
And how did you accomplish this marked drop in thievery?
And how did you accomplish this marked drop in thievery?
And how did you get all of this?
And how did you get all of this? Did someone give it to you?
And how do I get the ship?
And how do I know you haven't killed her already?
And how do l get the ship?
And how do l know you haven't killed her already?
And how do you feel about that?
And how long we stood.
And how many ships has the Lord of Light got in his fleet?
And I am still speaking.
And I couldn't bear to tell them what it had been like squiring for you,
And I couldn't leave.
And I declare upon the honor of my house that my beloved brother Robert...
And I don't blame her at all for you.
And I don't think it worked.
And I don't think it worked.
And I have faith in my captain.
And I know that our enemies hate each other almost as much as they hate us.
And I know you love them, but you didn't grow them in your womb.
And I like your nose.
And I remember being on the field after it was over.
And I say father raised you to have too much respect for money.
And I screamed at him
And I see this one staring too long,
And I shook him
And I think that when the time comes,
And I was always aware.
And I was sold to some stranger like a horse
And I was taught to smile
And I will grant you your old seat in the council.
And I will hunt you down, drag you back here in chains,
And I will keep Winterfell.
And I would present him with a baby.
And I'll be taking your head home along with that bastard boy.
And I'll shove that stick up your bunghole
And I'm afraid the masons today are not fit to carry their fathers' hammers.
And I'm all that stands between you and your beloved king
And I'm no better than a savage
And I'm no lord, merely a humble merchant.
And I'm sure if those same spies snuck into our own encampments,
And I've always done my duty.
And I've been pissing in front of you and everything.
And I've never known you to hide from the truth
And if he dies,
And if he dies,
And if I'd listened to that advice
And if l did, l would not share his strategies with you.
And if l'd listened to that advice outside the gates of Qarth,
And if Qarth is the wealthiest city in Essos
And if Qarth is the wealthiest city in Essos...
And if Renly wasn't a king, I wasn't a queen.
And if Renly wasn't a king, l wasn't a queen.
And if Stannis does attack the Mud Gate,
And if Stannis does attack the mud gate,
And if the city should fall?
And if the entire city wants Joffrey dead...
And if the entire city wants Joffrey dead...
And if the king listens to what I say,
And if the ship goes down, I go with her.
And if Theon found out, he'd hang them.
And if Theon found out, he'd hang them.
And if this is a dream...
And if we don't drown at the bottom of Blackwater Bay,
And if we stay in Qarth, we'll die.
And if we stay in Qarth, we'll die.
And in return for my son's loyalty?
And in return for my son's loyalty?
And in what those you trust have seen.
And intelligent, like yourself.
And it can all be mine?
And it can all be mine?
And it seems the Grand Maester has found his way into a black cell?
And it shall be yours.
And it will all be worth it
And it's all for the good of the realm.
And it's four less fingernails to clean.
And it's not just thieves, My Lord.
And it's only 50 yards from the water.
And it's only 50 yards from the water.
And it's you I should trust, Ser Jorah?
And it's you l should trust, Ser Jorah?
And keep you safe from all harm.
And keep you warm.
And keep you warm.
And know this, boy.
And know this, boy.
And l am not.
And l can pledge my love to the King in sight of the gods.
And l can't take King's Landing without the men he's stolen.
And l chose not to answer.
And l couldn't bear to tell them what it had been like squiring for you,
And l couldn't leave.
And l didn't want to want it, but oh, l did!
And l don't have time to answer a thousand questions
And l don't think it worked.
And l fixed the heel on this one.
And l judge every trade on its merits.
And l judge every trade on its merits.
And l just stood there,
And l keep on paddling.
And l like it.
And l promise you,
And l remember being on the field after it was over.
And l remember when my father was a king
And l said, lf the gods wanted us to have dignity,
And l say Father raised you to have too much respect for money.
And l screamed at him and l shook him.
And l suppose you want me to broker this agreement?
And l tell him the story of how we meet.
And l think that when the time comes, you will not hold me back.
And l think you remember all of them.
And l thought that we were done, but he said,
And l thought we were friends.
And l want you to answer it at the same time.
And l was always aware.
And l will hunt you down, drag you back here in chains and hang you for a traitor.
And l will keep Winterfell.
And l will love you from this day until my last day.
And l will take what is mine.
And l will take what is mine.
And l would again.
And l would present him with a baby.
And l'd read to her.
And l'm all that stands between you and your beloved king.
And l'm sure if those same spies snuck into our own encampments,
And l've always done my duty.
And l've never known you to hide from the truth.
And life would be just under the righteous hand
And lock you in a bedchamber until you remembered
And Margaery...
And Margaery...
And may the gods bless you and yours.
And may the Gods bless you and yours.
And me after him.
And met many women,
And met many women,
And mine are long and sharp, my lord
And Mother and brother are south.
And my bannerman would receive a raven with a message,
And my enemies, as some of my bannermen are fond of mentioning.
And my enemies, as some of my bannermen are fond of mentioning.
And my grandfather's stupidity in the field of battle
And my mother, my brother and l lived with him above our shop?
And my mother, my brother and l lived with him above our shop?
And my sister.
And my sister.
And Ned Stark always said 500 men could hold Winterfell against 1 0,000.
And Ned Stark always said 500 men could hold Winterfell against 1 0,000.
And Ned Stark always said 500 men could hold Winterfell against 1 0,000.
And not a soul to hear
And now he wishes he did.
And now he wishes he did. Gut him.
And now he's gone.
And now he's King beyond the Wall.
And now I'm sailing right at them.
And now I've struck a king.
And now l've struck a king.
And now that you're a woman,
And now that you've decorated your walls
And now that you've decorated your walls with the bodies of the Stark boys,
And now you curse me because l've come home.
And now you want to send my eldest son to the battlefield to die.
And now you want to send my eldest son to the battlefield to die.
And offer it to the father if he would let my sons
And on and on it goes.
And on the night of the your wedding,
And once I've got them, the pampered little shits...
And once it's nicked,
And once l've got them, the pampered little shits...
And one night you just wouldn't shut up,
And one night, you just wouldn't shut up,
And one of these explains how to beat him?
And one of these explains how to beat him?
And one to Deepwood Motte to my sister.
And one to Deepwood Motte to my sister.
And one to Deepwood Motte to my sister.
And only death may pay for life.
And only death may pay for life.
And our children will be Princes and Princesses.
And our children will be princes and princesses.
And passed them off as the little lords?
And passed them off as the little lords?
And paved his path to our door.
And perhaps that treason should be punished
And perhaps that treason should be punished
And potatoes. Some salted beef, I believe.
And potatoes. Some salted beef, l believe.
And Qarth still stands.
And Qhorin Halfhand is the greatest ranger alive.
And Qhorin Halfhand is the greatest ranger alive.
And quicker.
And quite impossible for foreigners to pronounce.
And recite Valyrian poetry.
And Renly ain't dead.
And Rickon had the same dream.
And Rickon, too? The little one?
And Rickon, too? The little one?
And Rickon, too? The little one?
And running, but...
And saw l was surrounded.
And say the words.
And scatter them to the winds
And scatter them to the winds before they can march on the Wall.
And see what selling your dragons would buy me I cannot buy already?
And see what selling your dragons would buy me l cannot buy already?
And seeing as you betrayed the last Hand of the King,
And she bled to death?
And she's devoted to me.
And she's given you nothing,
And shit.
And show him what you've done.
And since you can't talk about it without blushing,
And since you can't talk about it without blushing,
And sing and please.
And singing.
And so did the country.
And so he spoke, and so he spoke
And started following this king beyond the Wall.
And still can't believe you're real.
And taste my uncle's blood.
And teach you how to do yourjob.
And that henceforth
And that I shall ask no service of you
And that is what would be in store for me with one of Walder Frey's daughters,
And that l shall ask no service of you that might bring you dishonor.
And that means you don't have to do everything yourself.
And that means you don't have to do everything yourself.
And that no matter how many women you have,
And that sword shall be Lightbringer.
And that we simply must accept it.
And that we simply must accept it.
And the best way to stop them
And the birds were singing.
And the birds were singing.
And the brighter the flame, the darker they are.
And the Children of the Forest forgotten.
And the Copper King offers me a single ship
And the Copper King offers me a single ship
And the court to ride west to safety.
And the crown must forge new alliances.
And the cub said,
And the dent in your shield when you handed it back to me.
And the dent in your shield when you handed it back to me.
And the gold catches the light,
And the gold catches the light, so you're nice and easy to spot at night.
And the heir to Pyke and the lron lslands.
And the man cradled his head and told him to be calm.
And the man cradled his head and told him to be calm.
And the man will do the rest.
And the man will do the rest.
And the men guarding the walls,
And the moment I learn which tent is mine,
And the mountains blow in the wind like leaves.
And the only parent l have left has no right to call anyone reckless.
And the other night after I left her,
And the other night, after l left her, she went to meet him.
And the remains of all those who died in his service must also be returned.
And the secret is you dry the stones, and then you
And the secret is you dry the stones, and then you break them with a mallet.
And the thing about you that l find so interesting
And the water came flowing over the walls...
And the water came flowing over the walls...
And the wolf at my doorstep.
And the wording of this oath?
And the wording of this oath?
And their army, should we need it.
And their glory than the charwomen scrubbing their floors.
And then
And then every wound he suffers she'll suffer, too.
And then every wound he suffers, she'll suffer, too.
And then every wound he suffers, she'll suffer, too.
And then I saw him
And then I'll take his head myself.
And then l felt it, right up against me backside like a club.
And then l saw him...
And then l'll take his head myself.
And then Lord Stark came a few weeks before he died.
And then there will be nowhere to hide.
And then there will be nowhere to hide.
And then to go back home to your real father...
And then we got older and the wrestling...
And then when you're finished, you sprinkle them over the piecrust.
And then when you're finished, you sprinkle them over the piecrust.
And then you made it through the lines.
And then you made it through the lines.
And then...
And Theon, l want him brought to me alive.
And Theon, l want him brought to me alive.
And these alliances must often be sealed in matrimony.
And they are strongest in yours.
And they are the only children I will ever have.
And they are the only children l will ever have.
And they left me with my little brother.
And they left me with my little brother.
And they repaid me with treachery.
And they want the same for you.
And they want the same for you.
And they won't run away when we hit back.
And they're at the gates.
And think they insult you.
And this is what l get, crying.
And this man worked on a fishing boat.
And this man worked on a fishing boat.
And this one wasn't making me any money.
And this Stannis has the smallest army.
And those in the center make room for them, willingly or otherwise.
And those in the center make room for them, willingly or otherwise.
And those tales have taken root deep inside of me.
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