A lot of times would ask me about occult things as though I were the guru. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
About whether or not you were somehow involved in these crimes. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
All simply means all. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Along with all other evidence, whether or not admitted at the first trial. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And an unnecessary act to throw the bicycles into the bayou. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And Daddy Terry would whip him from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And expect to get away with it. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And here we are, grown up now. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And I gotta get out there, and I gotta start searching. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And I saw it at probably the second time it was screened. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And I'll go on with mine the best I can. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And judges have the right to say, We're not gonna accept it from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And one time he had thrown him against the wall. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And pretty much, he wanted to kick me off his porch. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And said he would consider all this. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And say, I just had a hunch it was in the lake? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And screamed, 'Get out!' FRENCH: He said, Shh! Shh! from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And so I showed him the area of the tennis shoe. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And someone recognizing me and get up and go call their friends, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And that is when the prosecutor got a hold of him. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And that's what time it is. Now from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And that's when I took the cigarette butts out of the ashtray. Yeah. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And then say, Well, when will this actually lead to Damien being released? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And they started asking, could Stevie go to Michael's house? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And to sell that to a jury is unconscionable. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And try to freshly evaluate the evidence. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And we asked Rachael to start to investigate Terry. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And what he has done in the past, he's fed information to David, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
And you look inside there and there's not a soul in there. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Answer still unknown but, of course, we will continue... from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Anything even remotely connected to magic from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
As far as I remember, my dad never touched me sexually, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Because he knows I'm elected as a prosecutor from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Because I was like, Wait a minute. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Because we were actually afraid that if she got caught, he'd kill her from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Been a while. It has been a while from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
BRAGA: We knew what we really needed to make this deal, which is really only two points. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
But I wasn't looking forward to having to go to trial in this case, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
But it wasn't a holding pattern for Damien's chances of staying alive. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
But it's a very, very rare and unique kind of guilty plea from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
But that no one ever in Arkansas from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
But what he needs, he needs time on his hands. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Byers once referred to himself as the giant red herring of this case, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
BYERS: It was daily grind, fighting on the Internet with people, being in a place from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
BYERS: They take me back to the police station and said: from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
BYERS. It's almost more than I can believe, you know, what you just said to me. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
D'LESLl: When we talk about emotional or other problems your daughter has had, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
D'LESLl: You do not fly into rages? Correct. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Damien, Jason from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
DAMIEN: The cool, dark part of the year, it's my absolute favorite time of year. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Does that make it a Christian murder? It's a Bible? I mean, no, it's nuts. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Drawing, things like that. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Each time there's a delay. Let's get to it. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
ELLINGTON: I'm... I guess I'm kind of a shoot from the hip guy to start with. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Especially in the month of May. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Even when Paradise Lost 2 comes out, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Every now and then, I turn around, make sure, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Everybody's smiling, everybody's happy. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Everything else, when they told me I was leaving, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Everywhere, hundreds of them. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
FOGLEMAN: At some point did Damien invite you to some meeting? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
From their wrists to their ankles. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
FUDGE from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
GEISER: We started doing background on Terry. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Got a drink and were gonna go to the basement to play pool. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
He sucked the blood from the penis and the scrotum from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
He was in blue jeans and flannel top shirt on. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
He's a very quiet, to himself type of person. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
He's not actually board certified. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Hidden behind Jason Baldwin's house? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
His entire story was false? Jessie simply got confused. That's all from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
His medical testimony at the trial created a picture in the jury's mind from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
HUTCHESON: Damien looks down at those demon book things. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I ain't never felt the need to have to from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I am pleading guilty under North Carolina v. Alford in the Arkansas rules. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I don't look at the political aspirations, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I had hair removed. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I had to fiddle with it for 18 years and get beaten over the head by folks from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I just threw it all in the garbage and left it from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I just... You know, he knows it happened, he knows he did it. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I know he's guilty, you know. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I know they pled guilty. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I mean, all murder is horrible. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I mean, I'm closer to Jason Baldwin than I am to many people from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I mean, you win the lottery. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I never did like him, I mean... from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I really lost it, lost all touch with reality. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I remember that we had talked that night. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I saw him in Stevie's room. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I still think that. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I think it would have been quite daunting. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I think they went out in the woods. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I told him, I said, I'm surprised you didn't run into him because him and Michael just left from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I totally understand what you said, and why you said it, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I was not looking forward to that. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I'd turn around and do it all over again. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
I'm aware of the involvement of the people in this case. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
If I do an analysis like this, you may not like what I have to say. I'm not a hired gun. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
If you put all of these statements together, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
If you're a total... You know, total stranger. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
In general, a case with a confession, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
In her handwriting. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Into when we were writing to each other and I thought, That's not so bad. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Is that your story, or are you changing it? TERRY: No, we were. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
It might have been the other brother. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
It was a Buddhist ceremony, and we kind of wrote it ourselves and... from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
It was to raise money so they had money when they got out. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
It's gonna be tough for someone like him to confess. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
It's new evidence across the board that'll come? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
It's usually on average of like 15 to 20 years. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
JACKSON: And so getting Terry's DNA became a priority for us now, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
JACKSON: If you disregard the state's Satanic ritual theory, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
JACKSON: We were working with a private investigator, Rachael Geiser, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Jason and Jessie would spend their lives in prison. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Jerry Driver at the Marion Police Department. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Jessie, about what time was it from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
John Douglas said that this is most likely a personal cause killing. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Justice should be fair, it should be honorable, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Like you're trying to wring every second out of it that you can from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Look, every time I turn around. It's great. It's a great feeling. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
LORRI: Damien and I probably have 5000 letters from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
LORRI: We were trying to figure out alternate ways to get in touch with him. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
LORRI: When you first asked me about the letters, I got them out of storage, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Michael Hobbs Jr. Lives in a town called Mountain Home, Arkansas. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Might be the only teenager in Arkansas from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
MORIARTY: How did he get it? More important, when did he get it? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
My reaction was, if it is a case about innocence, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
No. Did you compete with Stevie from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Not 10 years more. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Nothing wrong with that. You have an informant, they tell you: from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Now eat that, drink that at the same time, isn't that crazy? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Now that was with police department's knowledge and consent. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Of the little boys that were killed. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Oh, the crime was committed and we know where the murder weapon is. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Okay, do you remember who went? Jessie, Freddy. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Okay. Has your son...? Has this ever happened before? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
On the other hand, when you have DNA testing, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Or something and Lorri and I would have a long two hour phone call. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Pam says she knows Stevie Branch had it until he died. Terry Hobbs says... from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
PAM: I know Stevie asked me about two weeks before he was murdered from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Pam's a speed bump. I'll put her that way from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Passed these statutes out of, quote, In response to nationwide concerns from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Pretty even keeled guy? Try to be. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Putting them together. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
R For the times They are a changin' a' from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
RAUPP: The harm is in the finality of a criminal judgment from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
REPORTER 2: They say the DNA matches victim Stevie Branch's stepfather, Terry Hobbs. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
REPORTER: The investigators are now filing in and the reporters are getting ready from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
REPORTER: The state is now trying to prove motive in this case, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
RIORDAN: If you ask me, the single greatest offense from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
RIORDAN: We would submit that the court is to consider the DNA evidence, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
See? I can't believe that this is still going on. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
She didn't want to tell at first, but she finally told me. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
She thinks I'm too wild. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
So one of our positions was the state is not making an offer. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
So that was news to me when I found out from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
So they kept leading him down the path from noon to 4:30, 5:30, 6:30. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
So we thought all this time that they already knew. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Some old woman was. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Someone sent me the new Stephen King book. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Specifically to interview his ex wife. And it raised some flags at that point. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Stevie, quit. I'm gonna tell you one more time, Stevie. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
STIDHAM: A lot of these folks, when we went back and visited with them, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
STIDHAM: I read the confession on the front page of the Memphis Commercial Appeal from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
STIDHAM: Judge Burnett appointed Phillip Wells to interview Mr. Misskelley from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Surely, they told him that they were down there. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Ten feet, ma'am. Back up. REPORTER 1: Okay. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Terry hated him. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Terry looked at me square in the eye and said calmly, 'It never happened from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
TERRY: I don't give a shit what happened 17 years ago. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Thank you. You too from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That doesn't go into a holding pattern. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That he freaked out, and the other two boys being there, um.. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That he's borderline mentally retarded. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That I just kind of got to hold myself here in this chair. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That I'm going crazy the way she did when Stevie died. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That make them look kind of like alligators. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That not only was Mr. Misskelley not in Robin Hood Hills from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That right must prevail. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That they are granted peace. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That this is not just about a person from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That was in the binding of one of the ligatures. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That we're then forwarding on to our DNA expert. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
That you've relied on in the past from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
The animating purpose of this statute from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
The children were submerged in water, which is an unnecessary act from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
The first time I heard about my DNA, it was just shock therapy, I think. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
The only thing I knew was what, you know... What I was told from another guy. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
The only thing that's not true about paragraph number 1O from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
The reason is that John Fogleman had been told how it got in the lake. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
There was a hair jammed in that knot from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
There was evidence of sexual mutilation to one of the victims. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
There's no evidence that, as the medical examiner testified, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
There's the baby killer. Talk to him from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
They don't have the right people in prison from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
They needed Mr. Misskelley to testify. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
They were already heading that way, and he said, Get back down to the house. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
They're trying to get Damien Echols off of death row from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
They've been a pawn in this the whole time. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
This appeared to be what we call a lust murder. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
This deal sucks, but we want their freedom. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Those jurors were scared to death from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Time to vamp up your wardrobe. Fall is coming from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
To introduce me to Damien from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Uh, I noticed that Damien, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Uh, would be your easier case from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Until somebody recognizes I am 100 percent innocent from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
VEDDER: I remember thinking that if we could get involved, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
We didn't want to show weakness in maintaining the judgment, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
We have information that you are involved in this crime from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
We really didn't know a whole lot about Stevie from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
We started making our pitches. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
We thought it was gonna be a plea. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
We'd intersperse lots of, you know, bowing, then kissing and hugging. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
We'd make a small breakthrough from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Weren't these boys sexually assaulted? Then they know what story to tell back from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
What's the West Memphis Three case? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Whatever punishment they get, they deserve. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
When are you gonna come to the house and say hi? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
When I started to write Devil's Knot, my friends said, Mara, they did it. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
When I was young, we were constantly on the move, constantly on the go. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
When we learned the case, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
When we were appointed by the court in 1993, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Where Baldwin lived. That search produced a knife. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Where's that guilt coming from? I don't know from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Who are forced to perform oral sex. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Who knew these boys well enough to kill them? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Why doesn't it mean anything to you? It just don't. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Y'all come back down here, and they all went in that direction from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
Yeah, that's where he was cut at. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
You have 90 seconds left on this call. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
You know what I mean? He wasn't... from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
You know, asking me some questions. You know, about the kids. from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
You know, damn, is this really real? from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
You know, he had a mishap in his underwear from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
You know, you might get something like say a common cold, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
You'd see an armadillo that fell in the water or got hit by a car, from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
♪ And accept that it soon You'll be drenched to the bone r from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
♪ Don't stand in the doorway Don't block up the hall a' from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
♪ What will I bring? a' from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
♪ Wherever you roam ♪ from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
⪠In the shadows of religion 4' from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
⪠That's all a' from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
⪠The color of a dream r from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard
⪠You hold on till tomorrow To see what it brings I from West of Memphis (2012) Soundboard