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Whip It (2009) Whip It is a 2009 coming-of-age sports comedy-drama film directed by Drew Barrymore and based on the novel

Whip It (2009) Soundboard

Whip It is a 2009 coming-of-age sports comedy-drama film directed by Drew Barrymore and based on the novel Derby Girl by Shauna Cross. The movie introduces audiences to the thrilling world of roller derby, where a group of fierce and independent women find empowerment, friendship, and self-discovery.

The protagonist of Whip It is Bliss Cavendar, played by Ellen Page, a small-town Texas girl who feels trapped in the pageant-driven society she lives in. Bliss is an intelligent, rebellious teenager who discovers roller derby and sees it as an opportunity to break free from societal expectations and unleash her pent-up frustration and energy.

Throughout the film, we see Bliss navigate her way through the world of roller derby, joining the Hurl Scouts team under the pseudonym "Babe Ruthless." The team is made up of a diverse group of wildly entertaining characters, including Maggie Mayhem (Kristen Wiig), Smashley Simpson (Drew Barrymore), Rosa Sparks (Eve), and Bloody Holly (Zoe Bell). Together, these women form an unbreakable bond and conquer the challenges they face both on and off the roller derby rink.

Whip It explores themes of female empowerment, self-acceptance, and the importance of finding and pursuing your passions. The film showcases the physical and emotional strength of its female characters, challenging stereotypes and celebrating non-conformity. It beautifully captures the thrill and adrenaline rush of roller derby, shining a spotlight on a sport that often goes unnoticed.

In addition to its inspiring message, Whip It boasts a rocking soundtrack that complements the film's energy and rebellious spirit. Some of the bands featured in the soundtrack include The Breeders, Peaches, Dolly Parton, and The Raveonettes. The music pulses through the film, adding to the excitement and intensity of the roller derby bouts.

If you're a fan of Whip It and want to experience the sounds of the film wherever you go, you're in luck! You can now play and download these exhilarating songs here [insert link]. Relive the rush and relish in the empowering vibes of the movie with just a click.

Whip It, with its stellar cast and compelling story, received positive reviews from both critics and audiences alike. Ellen Page's portrayal of Bliss Cavendar was particularly praised for its authenticity and relatability, capturing the conflicting emotions and growth of a young woman searching for her place in the world. Drew Barrymore's directorial debut was also applauded, showcasing her talent for capturing the essence of strong female characters and delivering a film that is entertaining and thought-provoking.

In conclusion, Whip It is a must-watch movie for anyone seeking an inspiring and thrilling story. It shines a light on the empowering world of roller derby, celebrating female strength, friendship, and the pursuit of individuality. With its energetic soundtrack and memorable performances, Whip It is a film that will leave you feeling invigorated and inspired. So, grab your skates and join Bliss Cavendar on her journey to self-discovery, with the sounds of Whip It accompanying you every step of the way.
A first in the history of the Hurl Scouts.
Air trombone, yeah.
All right, ladies. Let's roll.
ALL: One, two, three. Hurl Scouts
ALL: Seventeen?
Already forgotten, kiddo.
And being the worst team in the league, Lord knows they need them.
And I'm jonesing for an Austin fix
And it looks like this tour thing is actually gonna happen.
And last time I checked,
And now, also from Bodeen, Miss Bliss Cavendar.
And she makes it through Bitch and Cookie Flake
And she never gives up on me
And she's gonna go through with it? What an athlete.
And she's gotten the first seven points of the game.
And the Scouts, they go for another one,
And the Widows take the lead.
And then we can just... We can talk later. Okay, bye.
And they gotta go fast if they wanna get past the blockers
And they're going to the discotheque a go go
ANNOUNCER ON TV.. lt goes out of bounds near the 42 yard line.
As this space oddity continues,
At the Texas Roller Derby League
Babe and Maggie go for the whip, and it's effective.
Babe Ruthless.
Beating the crap out of each other?
Being nice and diplomatic
Bliss, show me something good.
Bliss, this may be time for Play Number 4.
BLISS: Marco. Polo.
BLISS: Oh, my God, it's him.
Bliss. Hey, Hot Tubs.
Bliss. Seriously. You guys have to hide.
BROOKE: Gorgeous. Just beautiful.
Bruises that won't heal
But no.
But that didn't exactly work out.
But the Scouts may have some tricks up their sleeves.
But there's not many girls who are both smart and pretty like you.
But wait a second, from out of nowhere,
But we are tied as we go into the halftime.
But y'all are gonna have to start calling me Dwayne now.
By her playing this roller derby.
Can I have one?
Careful, Pee Wee here might get the idea we actually win.
Coach Razor puts former figure skater Bloody Holly in the jammer position,
Come on, now.
Come on. Come on, Colby! Yeah.
Come on. Come on. Baby, do it. Do it.
Congratulations, you still suck.
Could you get me a washcloth?
Derby 1 01 , people
Did Razor just coach the other team or did my peyote just kick in?
Do you think they have an easy time finding a job?
Don't leave any holes for them to slip through, all right?
Earl, we just spent a Iot of money on a custom made gown,
EARL: We'll have to break through. SMASHLEY: I know.
EMCEE: Now, Miss Amber Black.
Eventually I'm gonna need you to make contact.
Feeling the heat Ruthless is bringing,
Fight Attendants are about to take on the sky.
Four blockers from each team are lined up on the track.
Get back out there and win it.
Getting Widows jammer Honey Suckit back for that rail check
Glad you're safe.
Go get you some.
Go, Babe Ruthless!
Good pageant, y'all.
Head to head, the teams' two top stars.
Hell hath no fury like a woman fouled.
Hello. Dropping my flyers off.
Her parents could sue the league, you guys.
Here she is, Number 22, the fastest thing on eight wheels, Babe Ruthless.
Hey, hey, you two. l need to see your lD
Hey, Oliver.
Hey, you calm down, little lady.
Hey. HOLLY: Hey, hey. Hey.
Hey. That move will get you tossed from a game
Hoping to ruin Babe's debut.
How about them Hurl Scouts?
How good lt could be
How long you gonna hold onto that grudge?
I don't know whether to break it up or break out the video camera.
I hope the medic is ready
I just wanted to return the gown
I kind of feel bad lying to them.
I know.
I like banana cream, but I like chocolate, too.
I really, really wanna hit somebody.
I won another one.
I'll tell you now My name is Young
I'll tell you what. The Holy Rollers have got to lay some hits on Ruthless
I'm gonna puke.
I'm happy.
I'm impressed
I'm looking for Maggie, Maggie Mayhem.
I've enjoyed the ever loving shit out of you. I hope you have, too
Iron Maven, ladies and gentlemen.
Is about to bag her some Honey. Hey
It is? Yeah.
It won't last.
It'll go by fast, you'll see.
It's roller derby, not cotillion.
JOHNNY: Coach Razor throws Ruthless in the jammer's seat
JOHNNY: It's the final seconds of the game.
JOHNNY: It's the second quarter and we have Manson Number 1
L am here for you,
L can't change what you're gonna do, can l?
L do support myself.
L don't need to do the triangle. I need to get up there and...
L don't. I better go.
L gave him everything.
L happen to be here in Bodeen on business craving some barbeque.
L like Birdman. He's nice.
L made my wish then to give it to you
L mean. don't you get it?
L wanna beat your ass on the track with my skates.
L want you to start being a lot... Ruthless.
L was thinking
L wasn't sure if she still wanted it
Ladies and gentlemen, that was a game changing down.
Ladies, just seeing you guys run the plays,
Late in the game
LBJ. Knock them out.
Let go. I'm your only friend.
Let's get those Holy Rollers.
Like a bathroom on wheels or something.
Look what Corbi did.
Look, I am in the middle of a deal here, okay?
Looking good, Barbie.
Looks like she's on her way to rookie of the year,
Looks like they're forming a wall. Kaboom!
Lt was the hottest day in August
Lt's like a wedding Let no man put asunder
MAGGIE.. Ruthless, it's the championship.
Maven, Maven, Maven?
Maven's heading up on the outside but it's real crowded in there.
Means more than any crown.
Men, hold on to your cookies, it's the Hurl Scouts.
My name is Young MO I like to rock mike well
No need to ever ask me twice
No official plans.
No way
No, but I mean, you know, we can watch together.
No, it's true.
No, no, no, not kind of, they do.
No, please, Bliss. Come on.
No, you don't.
No. My head is in the game.
Number 2, Smashley Simpson
Number 22 pulls it off again, earning another merit badge.
Oddly glorious.
Of all's inside of me
Oh, I can't. I gotta get home to my man.
Oh, I love it, Austin.
Oh, yeah
Okay, grab her wrists, hold on tight. Go.
Okay, no.
Okay. That was odd.
Once the jammer breaks through the pack,
Ooh, watch out, Tammy. No. No.
Or finding a husband?
Or getting a loan application?
Or LashBlast.
Or the next one.
Pash, come on.
Pash, this can't be happening.
PASH: Go, Babe Ruthless.
Pass a girl, get a point.
Pay particular attention to Play Number 3.
Pocket Rocket.
Probably not. I really wanna do this.
Razor Magee's Hurl Scouts have come in last place three years running.
RAZOR: Let's go, ladies. Skate.
ROSA: Me, too
Rumor has it that Ruthless blew away the judges in speed trials,
Ruthless gets out first.
She had to break away
She just climbed into our van,
Sheena is a punk rocker
Shouldn't... Shouldn't we, like, be practicing soon?
Skate fast, skate hard.
Slaya takes down Smashley.
Slithering through like a proverbial snake in the grass.
So don't sit so close
So please don't be too loud as you head out.
So that's why you never come out with us?
So you think that it's your destiny to get the best of me
So, are you ready for your big debut?
Taking it and never breaking it or even shaking it
Tammy, and Rachael, but here...
Tell everyone that I plan to go straight
Tell them I was brave
Ten feet behind them,
Thank you
Thank you.
That I'm gonna change my work schedule
That is for you, Razor! ...and picks up four for her team.
That Ivy League schools are looking for.
That makes the score 58 58,
That was illegal. What are you talking about?
That was scary
That's gonna be a hard one
That's gonna hurt tomorrow in a galaxy far, far away.
That's really kind of you.
The entire Rollers team is down as Ruthless flies through.
The game's tonight.
The Holy Rollers remain undefeated
The Hurl Scouts have finally won one
The last time I wore skates, they had Barbies on them.
The person I admire most
The winner today goes on to the big game.
Then a second whistle blows and the jammers take off.
There she is. All by herself.
There's still part of your face that doesn't have doodie on it.
They ain't playing scared, that's for sure.
They get to a certain age, they don't want you back there.
They say that I will get used to the change
Things are all gonna be great
Thirty four days crammed into a crappy van with four other dudes.
Those are the rules, you're not allowed to tell.
Threw on your shirt. She was an idiot.
Uh, the tiny town, right? Off of South 84?
Wait. Turn the music up
Walt, out of nowhere, Jackie Daniels...
We got a tie game here, folks.
We were heading for the sea
We're Number 2. We're Number 2.
We're the ones who score.
We've got two girls brawling on the track.
Well, I once tried out for the Olympics,
Well, our favorite Whole Foods checkout girl
Well, the Blue Bonnet pageant is right around the corner.
What are you all doing here? Are you... Hey, man.
What is that?
What is that?
What the hell was that?
What time is it?
What's fixed will always be broken
What's Hot Tubs? Yeah?
What's the name of that thing that if I eat it real fast, it's free?
When I say that I've lost my best friend
When I turn 28
When I turn 29
When I'll grow tired of you
When you came up behind me
Where the hell have you been?
Who's up for Lovejoy's later tonight? $2 pitchers. Beer?
Why don't I just cut school and hang out with you guys today?
WOMAN.. Roller derby is not a crime.
Would you be paying attention right now?
Yeah, I just had my... I had my birthday, so...
Yeah, if you like wayfaring Dickensian orphans.
Yeah, me, too.
Yeah, okay. Bye.
Yeah, that's why I like a good fondling, you know?
Yeah, they support the...
Yeah, you could be our mascot.
You all right?
You ask me if there'll come a time
You buy shoes
You can't do that.
You can't do that. I paid for those.
You caught me Baby, you taught me
You don't have the baIls.
You don't. And this is bullshit, anyway. I didn't cheat on you
You know what, Birdman,
You look so tired unhappy
You should come to tryouts on Tuesday.
You think you have all the time in the world,
You will when you have to support yourself.
You wonder if this heart of mine
You're changing your schedule?
Your dress is nice, too, Amber.
Your feet are on fire. They're on fire.
Your hands clean?
Your T shirt?
'cause it looks like Slaya's about to get a rainbow special.
'Cause when I get up on the mike I just release my spell
(CHUCKLES) Johnny.
(RAPPING) I gotta make no errors, mistakes or blunders
(SINGING) I found the greatest love
(SINGING) She's a punk punk, a punk rocker
(SlNGING) ...I need you tonight, tonight
(WHISTLE BLOWS) And they're off.
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