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Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) - Season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) - Season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) - Season 2 is not a movie or a song, but rather a highly acclaimed television show. It is a science fiction series that first aired in 1987 and continued until 1994. Set in the 24th century, it follows the adventures of the starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) and its crew as they explore space, encounter new civilizations, and boldly go where no one has gone before.

The show features a talented ensemble cast, including:

1. Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard: The highly respected and thoughtful captain of the USS Enterprise. Stewart's portrayal of Picard captured the essence of a strong and principled leader.

2. Jonathan Frakes as Commander William T. Riker: The executive officer (or "Number One") aboard the USS Enterprise. Frakes brought charm and wit to the character, creating a memorable second-in-command.

3. LeVar Burton as Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge: The ship's chief engineer, who is blind but utilizes a VISOR that enables him to see. Burton's performance brought depth and warmth to the character.

4. Marina Sirtis as Counselor Deanna Troi: A half-human, half-Betazoid ship's counselor, who possesses empathic abilities. Sirtis provided a compassionate and intuitive portrayal of Troi.

5. Brent Spiner as Lieutenant Commander Data: An android officer with an insatiable desire to understand humanity. Spiner's portrayal of Data was both endearing and thought-provoking.

6. Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher: The ship's chief medical officer and a compassionate healer. McFadden brought a strong and independent spirit to Dr. Crusher's character.

7. Denise Crosby as Lieutenant Natasha Yar: The ship's security chief during the first season. Crosby's performance showcased Yar's toughness and dedication.

8. Michael Dorn as Lieutenant Worf: A Klingon officer who later becomes Chief of Security. Dorn's portrayal of Worf was stoic and honorable, making him a fan favorite.

The second season of Star Trek: The Next Generation expanded upon the groundwork laid in the first season, delving deeper into character development and exploring complex themes. The season consisted of 22 episodes, each offering unique and captivating stories.

Fans of the show will be delighted to know that they can revisit these iconic episodes and immerse themselves in the sounds of the Enterprise once again. By playing and downloading the sounds, they can transport themselves back to the futuristic world of Star Trek: The Next Generation. From the familiar hum of the warp drive to the distinctive voice of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, these sounds encapsulate the essence of the show's universe.

Whether it's the iconic phrase "Engage!" or the soothing tones of the ship's computer, these sounds provide a nostalgic trip down memory lane. They can be enjoyed by long-time fans of the series who want to relive their favorite moments or introduced to new viewers who are curious about the enduring appeal of Star Trek.

So, gather your crew and prepare for another epic journey through the cosmos. With the sounds of Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) - Season 2 at your fingertips, the adventure awaits. Play and download these sounds here to experience the wonder and excitement that captivated millions of viewers for seven incredible seasons. Engage!

A bad love affair ends in a bloody shoot out,
A Betazoid woman in the Phase would be shocked and deeply resentful
A Betazoid woman, when she goes through this phase,
A big mistake that you didn't accept my offer.
A blood test, a tissue sample.
A briefcase that looks like a fish. Personally, l find that hysterical.
A cell, a single cell.
A child this mature?
A Class 8 probe is just over 2 meters long.
A cook is only as good as his ingredients.
A copy of Whitaker's Almanack
A couple of hours. lt can't be helped.
A court martial is standard procedure when a ship is lost.
A decision will be made
A device used for spinning yarn or thread
A distinct personality. Even in stasis, it's quite strong.
A door.
A dream? Is that what this is?
A dying man takes the time to mourn a man
A Federation ship brought her and her governess to Klavdia lll,
A Federation supply ship.
A few hours onboard and already she's found Ten Forward.
A few more questions, Mr. Computer.
A fine war horse would sleep in a Bedouin's tent,
A fine, full, dignified beard.
A fluctuation of words concluding with a trick ending.
A force field contains the flame
A galactic Rosetta stone.
A genetic analysis could take months.
A graceful countenance.
A graveyard.
A graveyard.
A guy walks into the doctor's office.
A holographic image should not be able to call for the arch.
A holographic image, l know.
A human emotion, and it was coming from Data.
A humanoid girl.
A joke.
A Klingon fly, half the size of an Earth mosquito,
A Klingon security officer?
A Klingon ship, the P'Rang, is on its way,
A limited number of photon torpedoes.
A little cleaning service l'm only too happy to provide.
A little something for those cocktail waitresses.
A little. l'm Commander William Riker.
A loose alliance formed in the early part of the 22nd century.
A lot more people are going to die.
A lot of questions, Number One.
A major philosopher of the time was Liam Dieghan,
A man
A man is ill, captain. Treating him is my priority one.
A man of limitless accomplishments
A man of rare gifts.
A monk, a clone and a Ferengi decided to go bowling together
A more than passing grade, no doubt.
A new place, if l make it.
A novel by Todd Matthews
A novel.
A parthenogenetic implant?
A pattern, if you will.
A pity.
A plaintive lament sung by a mechanical man
A pleasure. l'll escort you to the prime minister.
A power which controls all of this
A preview of things to come.
A probe has been launched from lconia.
A program that definitely challenges Data.
A review of stellar charts has revealed a Class M planet
A rite of initiation marking the new level
A rod of parsteel, tensile strength, 40 kilobars.
A ruling with such broad ranging implications must be supported.
A section of the galaxy which is yet to be visited
A series of system failures.
A seven and a six, ladies.
A shape shifter?
A shield? What kind?
A ship has one Bridge. One Bridge!
A ship that was almost the Yamato, existing in a hole in space
A shuttlecraft.
A simple four word message:
A simple yes would have sufficed, Number One.
A single Data, and forgive me, commander, is a curiosity.
A single medical entry noting that the first officer
A stargazer. That is what you are.
A starship.
A subspace phase inverter.
A sudden giddy warmth.
A taste to remember me by.
A team, sir?
A technique of communication that is both silent and covert.
A toast, to Earth men, who, despite their many faults,
A touch and go downwarping?
A transfer will not be permitted
A tribute to your leadership.
A trio of foreign gentlemen.
A true protector cannot have two charges.
A twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop
A type of laser beam is slicing into the saucer section.
A type of non conductive sole
A variation of what happened to the Yamato might destroy us first.
A very fine first command. Well done.
A VlP passenger who l'm ordered to take
A voice only transmission from the USS Lantree,
A week ago a man came in here.
A whopping big one, and you know it.
A wise decision, captain.
A wonder, even. But thousands of Datas?
Abort auto destruct sequence.
About 20 percent of the specimens fall into that category.
About anything in the galaxy,
About as much as I love comical transporter chiefs.
About four minutes, if the cycle holds.
About my mother's condition at this time.
About our future?
About putting too much weight on a young back.
About the anomalous chemical composition of, um, brown dwarf stars.
About the Hotel Royale was in fact a guide
About the officer exchange program initiated by Starfleet Command.
About the time when men still believed the Earth was flat?
About three minutes.
About time. On screen.
About to engage in a barbarism of their own.
About various societies' ways of giving thanks.
About what happened down on Gravesworld.
About whether Data could solve an original Holmes type mystery.
About Worf or Commander Riker?
About your absence from the Enterprise.
Above! Look out!
Absolutely first rate.
Absolutely no aesthetic value whatsoever.
Absolutely not.
Absolutely nothing.
Absolutely perfect.
Absolutely, look at him. First officer of the Enterprise.
Absolutely. l do indeed concur, wholeheartedly.
Acceptable tactical losses considering the circumstances.
Access all available technical schematics
Access code Theta Alpha 2737 Blue, enable.
Access faster.
Accessing, sir.
According to Starfleet regulations, that would be my only course of action.
According to the library computer, the captain of the T'Ong is K'Temoc.
According to the library computer, the captain of the T'Ong is K'Temoc.
According to the rate of reproduction,
According to the shuttle log, the Enterprise was destroyed
According to these coordinates, we have traveled 7000 light years
According to this, we're already well past the point
Accurate? That was a joke l just told you.
Acknowledged, doctor.
Acknowledged, Mr. Worf.
Acknowledged. Ensign, set your course for Solais V.
Acknowledgement maybe or...
Across a few more drawing boards before we built one.
Across the neural filaments is to be resolved?
Acting as our hands and eyes in dangerous situations.
Activate program.
Activate sterile field.
Actually it brought the house down in Teaneck.
Actually, her telepathic prowess is quite advanced.
Actually, I brought it for Dr. Crusher.
Actually, killed would have been a better word.
Actually, l just welcomed Ensign Mendon onboard.
Actually, l was going to suggest something else.
Actually, l'm looking forward to meeting this mediator.
Actually, no. lt's more like they're not what they say they are.
Actually, six is a valid point.
Actually, the Second World War, although disastrous, did end
Add to that an attack by a nonexistent Romulan vessel.
Additional questions?
Additionally, that war was a catalyst of technological advancement.
Adjust coordinates to intercept this... Whatever this is.
Adjust course to intercept. Warp 7.
Adjust speed to intercept.
Adjust the inverter 2 percent negative.
Adjust the inverter 2 percent positive.
Adjusting course to intercept. Warp 7, sir.
Admiral, it's a little difficult to prepare for a mission l know nothing about.
Admit it, Picard, you're out of your league.
Admit what, Mr. Data?
Advising Starfleet in its conflict with the Tholians.
Affirmative. You may enter.
After 1 8 passes, air gets a little too thin for this country boy.
After a brief disruption,
After all, it is a superior form of life.
After all, we are exploring the unknown.
After all, when one is in the superior position,
After all, working with so much artificial intelligence
After he solved the theft of the Bruce Partington plans.
After our last encounter, l was asked to leave the Q continuum.
After seeing what else is possible.
After that, it was easy to pinpoint lconia.
After the queen, one eyed jacks and low card in the hole are wild.
After three days of intense pain, the snake died.
Again, it is not relevant.
Again, Mr. Worf.
Against an opponent of approximate skill,
Agreed, captain. Hold present position.
Agreed. But what do the Pakleds want?
Agreed. So let's continue on course.
Agreed. Three quarter impulse, full on my command.
Ah, Captain Picard, is it?
Ah, it's a shame you didn't talk to me first.
Ah, Number One, look at this.
Ah, the Enterprise, here at last. Well, good, let's get going.
Ah, well, l didn't find a mate, but l did save the conference,
Ah, yes.
Ah, yes.
Ah, yes. Well, let's do it.
Ah, you have a practiced hand, commander.
Ah, you're right on time, commander. He's on his way now.
Ah! lt's dark magic, Moriarty.
Ah. "lt was a dark and stormy night."
Ah. A colloquialism meaning a severe, rigid, close minded audience.
Ah. A word that ends in K.
Ah. Also known as Twenty one.
Ah. Cad, knave, rake, rascal, villain, wild elephant
Ah. l have access.
Ah. Mr. Worf.
Ah. Ouch.
Ah. Our chief engineer, Geordi La Forge.
Ah. Riva negotiated several treaties
Ah. Scuttlebutt says you wanted to see me.
Ah. Thank you.
Ah. Well, captain, l want to thank you for this opportunity.
Ah. What were the analytical team's findings?
Ah. You've seen your mission briefing?
Aha. Ah, yes. Now let me see, that would be Scotch, neat.
Ahem. Now, we're brewing poteen but we need to find a way to heat it
Air and darkness?
Alans and Hildebrant for volcanology and geomechanics.
Ale from Ennan Vl.
All attempts to analyze what is happening have failed.
All attempts to exit have failed.
All attempts to obtain further information
All because l misspoke a single word.
All communication with this life form must cease.
All decks have reported in.
All decks have reported.
All done, commander.
All hits will be recorded electronically.
All in a day's work, l suppose.
All is quiet so far.
All its systems are shown as functioning,
All l could think about was leaving that isolation.
All l know is we've got to get it fixed
All major cities have been heavily damaged,
All navigational systems confirm we are at warp 6, on course, sir.
All negative.
All of his life, he's been in control,
All of this is true,
All other cards face value.
All right,
All right, Data, you solve the cases and get all the gifts.
All right, here. This is his crime.
All right, l will.
All right, let's proceed on the premise that what we have just seen happened,
All right, time to get down to business.
All right, you can tell Commander Data
All right?
All right?
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. Let's have a look.
All right. Stay sharp.
All right. Who will replace you?
All right. You want to know what he did?
All set.
All stations have reported, captain.
All stop.
All systems answering.
All systems are functioning within normal specifications, doctor.
All systems functioning normally, sir.
All systems functioning.
All systems seem functional, captain.
All that he knows is stored in his memory banks.
All the 26 men and women aboard that ship were dead.
All the crew members were dead.
All the true strength of Holmes, is not possible for our friend.
All these years.
All things must pass.
All things must pass.
All this passion over a machine?
All those people...dead.
All very valuable.
All you did was recognize elements
All you need to know is here.
All your friends onboard do.
All yours, commander.
ALL: Yes.
Allow me to present Special Federation Emissary K'Ehleyr.
Allow me to put them into words.
Allow us to meet.
Allow us to transport Lieutenant La Forge immediately.
Allowing me to go on like that with that man.
Allowing them access to our computer is a complete breach
Almost 4 Earth years old.
Almost as if they were hit by a weapon from our time.
Almost got it, commander.
Almost time.
Along with some new jokes, l hope.
Also constructed by Noonien Soong,
Also, it puts things into perspective.
Also, l am the dreamer,
Although Commander Data has assured me
Although Dr. Pulaski's condition is inseparably linked
Although it is three days until we rendezvous with starship Victory, she
Although it's been nearly 14 hours since we arrived at 'aucdet lX,
Although l understand, in technical terms, how life is formed,
Although l'm intrigued by the audacity of your request,
Although our search has been extensive,
Although that is the assumption on which we are proceeding.
Although there is no record of a launch to the Ficus sector,
Although this is unfathomable,
Although we are on a peaceful mission,
Although you can clone from any cell in the body,
Although, heh,
Although, l doubt their extensive preparation will be needed.
Always sneaking up on one, attacking from the rear.
Always was.
Am l a person or property?
Am l disturbing you?
Am l going to meet Captain Picard?
Am l so different from you, doctor?
Among all the Enterprise people.
An allasomorph.
An android chaperone?
An android.
An animal is always at its best when hunted.
An astronomical survey to be conducted
An attempt to control human evolution has resulted in a new species
An automaton.
An emergency transponder?
An excellent steed, sir.
An historic moment.
An idea, conceived of by the mind of a man.
An odd surge of power, sir.
An opponent of limited dimensions can often be quite diverting.
An optimistic vote of confidence from the non rider.
An unexplained power fluctuation.
Analysis bears out that the object was definitely terrestrial in origin,
Anbo jyutsu.
Ancient text did speak of demons of air and darkness.
And a damn sexy man.
And a life support system installed,
And a lot of impudence.
And a manual docking confidently achieved.
And a replacement was necessary.
And a total wipe of all affected memory.
And a trail.
And activate her marker beacons.
And adjust the frequency of the resonators.
And after working out the Fuurinkazan battle strategies at the Tokyo Base,
And all l have are no option options.
And all this may mean something.
And allow us to extend our hospitality to you and your crew.
And an android,
And an army of Datas, all disposable...
And an emergency call.
And analytical team have beamed down, sir.
And any of us could be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice
And are headed for a rendezvous with the Klingon vessel, Pagh.
And are located near the system J 25.
And as a lieutenant aboard the Potemkin,
And as there are signs of struggle,
And ask a question,
And at this point, the second co orbital satellite
And at your convenience, there is a briefing on the Solari wars.
And attack the nearest outpost.
And beam the remaining refugees from the planet directly to that hold.
And because it is in your blood.
And become as weak and as incompetent as all of you.
And before l lose more than an Engineering team.
And begin a detailed analysis of its construction.
And being who you are,
And can be removed from the hulls of both ships
And capillary integrity too unpredictable to attempt a resect.
And careful examination of all possible options,
And certain resourceful young ensigns.
And claw at you.
And clear all personnel.
And commander?
And conduct her to a safer location.
And contained in the log was the program.
And could be potentially paralyzing.
And cultural influence in the second half of the 20th century.
And deadly.
And defend ourselves with sticks.
And defensive shields are still in place.
And determine the danger
And die in the doing of it, if necessary.
And difficult to distinguish from background noise.
And do not respond, even if you are provoked.
And don't know how to behave properly.
And Dr. Watson.
And environmental systems compromised.
And eventually you end up with a non viable clone.
And exhibits extraordinary physical condition.
And extrapolating any verbal communication that he hears.
And false humility.
And fear that somehow it is directly related
And follow Lieutenant Lewis.
And for me, the only one that matters.
And for the lady?
And for the last 38 years l have survived here.
And for you, Mr. Worf.
And found myself well prepared for the experience.
And four other players,
And from these specifics, what general conclusion can you extrapolate?
And give Geordi time to work on it.
And given these two options
And gobbling up what is left of the weaker ego.
And got a call to report to Granger's office.
And great accomplishments.
And hang over a planet's magnetic poles,
And have no contact with anything save his research.
And he didn't take into account
And he doesn't look like a client.
And he knows how to take care of himself.
And he wanted you to know that.
And he wanted you to know that.
And he won't give up.
And he's feeling remorse at what he witnessed.
And helping in repairs.
And his father.
And his vital signs are deteriorating.
And hold position.
And hopefully we can make some good law out here.
And hopefully, in time, when we know enough,
And how did you get here?
And how do you know that?
And how fast can you access information?
And how long do you think the negotiations will take?
And how you perform in a mismatch
And I admire your lack of resentment, Number One.
And I will do exactly that.
And I won't allow you to make the same mistake.
And if it doesn't?
And if it interfered with neural activity there?
And if it's not too premature, congratulations, captain.
And if l don't, who will?
And if l don't?
And if l hand you over to Debin, it's the same thing.
And if l refuse?
And if l step off this holodeck?
And if necessary, although l can't imagine why,
And if they are not?
And if you'd like, l'd be more than pleased
And if you're asking me what l think you should do,
And impaled me through the back.
And in an attack against the Enterprise,
And in less than seven hours
And in the process of picking his pockets clean,
And in your present form for the rest of this voyage.
And interspersed among these confidences
And into adulthood?
And is employed in a laboratory.
And is it the same situation
And is making an intensive sweep.
And it gives you no pleasure to see me again.
And it has nothing to do
And it is designed to travel at warp 9.
And it is my final grade in plasma physics.
And it is you who have committed an act of treason by firing on this vessel.
And it prepares it for you.
And it was l who fathered the child.
And it was no more true then than it is now.
And it won't hurt to have the Romulans
And it'll happen to you too.
And it'll keep me from wrecking the ship.
And it's having the opposite effect on the infection.
And it's one that l find quite harmonious.
And it's ours.
And jump around like an idiot, that is considered funny.
And just to make it more interesting, the man with the ax takes all.
And keep an eye on Data?
And knowing that we know his methods, he will alter them.
And knowing what happened to the Enterprise
And l am able to use the power at my fingertips.
And l am aware of my own consciousness.
And l am older than you could ever imagine.
And l appreciate it.
And l believe it is prone to irrationality.
And l can inflict bodily harm on you and on your doctor.
And l could have just been picking nits.
And l didn't do that.
And l didn't even catch it.
And l didn't want you to find only silence.
And l do not appreciate being interrupted.
And l do not appreciate wasting my time.
And l do not want to kill you.
And l don't know what it is.
And l don't want to see you throw away that feeling
And l failed.
And l guess you'll just have to arm your photon torpedoes without me.
And l have to hand hold an android.
And l like doctors even less.
And l must accept that.
And l never realized how erotic that could be.
And l possibly made some passing reference
And l promise to serve you, and my ship Your ship.
And l think that alien probe may have something to do with their problems.
And l think that falls into this category.
And l told him what l thought of him, his pals, his planet,
And l understand his concern.
And l want it stopped.
And l want to be a part of that.
And l want you to remember me as l am now.
And l was fighting for my life.
And l was looking forward
And l was too hurt to explain.
And l will allow your Enterprise to leave unharmed.
And l will do exactly that.
And l will match his command style with your statistics anytime.
And l will.
And l'd like to transport Graves to the ship as soon as possible.
And l'd say your captain has the inside track.
And l'll lead it.
And l'll succeed brilliantly.
And l'm good looking too.
And l'm no spring chicken. l know.
And l'm seeing it happen to me.
And l'm sure there's something you can be doing with your time.
And l've tried to continue his work.
And lay unconscious on the floor.
And learned under her gentle tutelage.
And leave my da?
And leave us there with our medicine or this person dies.
And let whatever it is out there come to us.
And let your mind go blank.
And let's go get something to eat.
And Lieutenant La Forge will be Dr. John Watson.
And like the spider, l feel the strings vibrate
And link the system with the modified laser pulse beam.
And living there, you and me, the wall got bigger.
And lost.
And Manheim's experiments with gravity and time
And many other places, all more spectacular.
And may l say your perturbation becomes you, lnspector Lestrade,
And maybe the timing and the approach is not the most romantic,
And me. Do you know who l am?
And Mickey D's gonna plant his face in the pavement.
And micro brain. Growl for me. Let me know you still care.
And multiplying it by nine to the third power,
And my father was killed in battle at Tranome Sar.
And my honor.
And my parents and brothers?
And my personal life is really none of your business, thank you.
And no longer read as separate life forms.
And none too good for Klingons.
And not even a thank you.
And not the cold hand of technology.
And now a man will shut it off.
And now appears physically and mentally to be a child of 8.
And now for the first time, he doesn't have any answers.
And now he's about to be ruled the property of Starfleet.
And now it's like he's afraid to face me.
And now l'm offered these two choices
And now she's returning?
And now they need him for more.
And now we must solemnize our union with the oath.
And now you propose to dismantle him.
And now you're saying it could be possible
And now, for strictly personal reasons, l must leave. Come, Watson.
And now...
And on my Bridge.
And on this ship and from you
And once it was triggered, it kept going.
And our finest warriors.
And over here.
And override their cryogenic controls, sure.
And patch in a molecular matrix reader.
And perhaps our library files as well, sir.
And pleasure through all eternity.
And probably 90 percent
And projects thoughtfulness and dignity.
And ready to transport, commander.
And reassigning it to Starbase 1 73 under my command.
And refracted at random.
And repairing that equipment will certainly not solve your problems.
And replicate this.
And risk a war?
And saved me.
And settle for a balance.
And she lets you know what's on hers.
And she's got nowhere to turn.
And shouldn't you be flying this ship or whatever it is you do?
And since our DNA is self replicating, the process...
And since we both know that you've already scanned it,
And since we do not hear her cries for help,
And since we do not know its intent, l recommend we go to red alert.
And since we're on the subject, it's been a month since l've seen anything.
And single mindedness of the Klingons.
And so did he.
And so do l.
And so do the survivors of the crash.
And so must l.
And so the earlier probe was responsible
And so there is no evidence that a weapon was used?
And so, captain, have you.
And so, presumably, is the facsimile of me.
And solve all the problems of the world while the beer goes down.
And some complimentary casino chips.
And somehow,
And speak in matters ofjudgment, philosophy, logic.
And spread my atoms across the galaxy.
And surely the biofilter will
And surgical techniques l can use wouldn't work.
And take that information back to your command.
And tell them to prepare for your return.
And terrors to freeze your soul.
And thank you
And thank you
And thank you for bringing me here. What's up?
And thank you.
And that disturbs you?
And that if a ship sailed too far out into the ocean,
And that in less than four hours from now,
And that is precisely why it must be destroyed.
And that makes you sad?
And that one of them is carrying the bound and gagged Dr. Pulaski.
And that our existence is part of a reality beyond
And that perhaps we could dine together and compare experiences.
And that photograph of the king and his mistress
And that you believe that only l can restore the balance?
And that's what l intend to do.
And the clones possess the emotional maturity and the technical knowledge.
And the computer fools you in other ways.
And the containment seals were dropped.
And the deadly cargo we are about to take on.
And the Enterprise will waltz right over and pulverize us.
And the famous Holmes' violin.
And the good doctor, bearing gifts.
And the intended victim is that man.
And the Klingon ship, the Pagh?
And the knowledge that our mission was unsuccessful.
And the last of the modules are being inserted.
And the markings we discovered are consistent with this hypothesis.
And the men and women under his command.
And the men in your life are going to bless you for it.
And the more aggressive and dangerous they become.
And the next thing l knew all three of them were on me
And the onboard clock indicates that the shuttle
And the pattern of destruction
And the point being?
And the results would be disastrous.
And the Rokeg blood pie?
And the ship fragment that we found?
And the ship you protect has no weaponry,
And the three of you speak for him?
And the unenviable task of prosecuting this case
And the universe worships the night.
And the universe worships the night.
And the unknown can be benign
And the worst part is, it's growing.
And then carries the readings to my brain.
And then discontinue.
And then l will instruct you in Enterprise etiquette.
And then recount the story to everyone from here to Alpha Centauri.
And then take a definitive, pre emptive step, take charge.
And then the crystals break down,
And then the fading will be terminal.
And then the wall grew up between us.
And then there was the human cannonball
And then there's Will.
And then to begin a process where one person or one group
And then you'll have to destroy them.
And then, to steal from us. l want him now.
And there are risks.
And there will be two of us.
And there's Arneb,
And there's Epsilon lndi.
And there's no way we're going to talk them out of that.
And therefore not entitled to all the rights reserved
And these get put into the large containment unit?
And they all died. All except your father.
And they are multiplying at an incredible rate.
And they use those?
And they were scientists...
And they will soon relocate it after a two second warp.
And they're asking for help.
And this fight is all we have left.
And this gives life to thee
And this.
And to contend with that threat, we need information.
And to cope with new situations.
And to love him
And to understand.
And to which we can speak.
And to you.
And transferred my mind into his frame.
And transport them to Science Station Tango Sierra,
And traveled straight away from it, we would have a point of reference
And try to find the relevant neurons.
And unbridled modesty.
And understanding that
And verification of myocardial enzyme balance.
And waited over there
And was about to reach its awakening point.
And was the sole member of the committee to oppose my entrance
And we aren't so different, Will and l.
And we have to witness this?
And we know of the demands made by Debin of the Planet Atlec.
And we will be offloading experiment modules.
And we will have it again.
And we will remain on impulse power
And we won't until we start gathering data.
And we'll do some jokes.
And we'll experience actual battle conditions?
And we'll resolve this face to face.
And we'll see if that has any effect on the microbes.
And we're eager to renew ties.
And we're hanging nose to nose with a Romulan battle cruiser.
And we're not Klingons.
And welcome home.
And what about Graves?
And what about the men?
And what are you here to do? Ask for a refund?
And what are you staring at? You never seen a woman before?
And what if it's not just killings?
And what is that?
And what is the significance of the anniversary of this event?
And what you do on this ship.
And what's at stake?
And when l am fully satisfied that you were not responsible. Picard out.
And when she died, all that kept me going was you.