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Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 1 Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 1, created by Gene Roddenberry, is a

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 1

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 1, created by Gene Roddenberry, is a television series set in the 24th century and serves as a sequel to the original Star Trek series. This groundbreaking science fiction show debuted in 1987 and ran for seven successful seasons.

The cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation includes a talented ensemble of actors who brought their characters to life with exceptional skill. Patrick Stewart leads the cast as Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the wise and commanding leader of the starship Enterprise. Joining him on his intergalactic adventures are Jonathan Frakes as Commander William Riker, Marina Sirtis as Counselor Deanna Troi, Brent Spiner as the ever-curious android Data, LeVar Burton as Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge, Gates McFadden as Doctor Beverly Crusher, Michael Dorn as the honorable Klingon officer Worf, Denise Crosby as security chief Tasha Yar, and Wil Wheaton as young prodigy Wesley Crusher. This talented group of actors created a remarkable chemistry on screen, making the show a beloved part of science fiction history.

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 1 explores the vast unknown of space, presenting intriguing and thought-provoking stories. The crew of the Enterprise encounters new alien civilizations, engages in intense battles, and navigates ethical dilemmas that challenge their moral compass. With each episode, the show delves into complex themes such as the nature of humanity, the pursuit of knowledge, and the importance of diplomacy.

If you're longing to relive the interstellar adventures of the USS Enterprise, you're in luck! You can now play and download the iconic sounds of Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 1. Immerse yourself in the familiar humming of the warp drive, the subtle yet dramatic swoosh when doors open, the playful beeps of the console, and the unforgettable voice of Majel Barrett as the ship's computer.

Whether you’re a lifelong fan or discovering this groundbreaking series for the first time, the sounds of Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 1 will transport you to a future where exploration, camaraderie, and the pursuit of knowledge unite humanity. So, grab your tricorder, engage the warp drive, and boldly journey into the final frontier once again.

Remember, you can play and download these incredible sounds here to embark on your own thrilling adventures alongside Captain Picard, Commander Riker, and the rest of the crew of the USS Enterprise-D. Enjoy the immersive experience and let the Star Trek universe inspire you!

A common mistake, sir.
A comparison modern scholars have drawn from Earth history
A few seconds too.
A force like that cannot possibly come from an image, Lutan.
A genius who made music not only to be heard, but seen and felt,
A good game needs rules and planning.
A guardian of the Tkon Empire.
A highly structured society, and they're exceedingly proud.
A human female, Letek?
A lead ball propelled by gunpowder.
A man goes to a store to buy some kidneys.
A marshal of France?
A mere change of direction hardly justifies mutiny.
A most interesting conclusion.
A most thoughtful gift. We are pleased.
A mystery is only a mystery as long as it remains uninvestigated, sir.
A plea to his former captain.
A pleasure to meet you, sir. I appreciated receiving the specs.
A priceless, life giving vaccine.
A principal pan' of this warp formula
A private consulting investigator, Data, who solves crimes.
A resignation from this command
A ship's engines should be the concern of a ship's captain.
A statement of what you seek?
A sunset, sunrise.
A test of intelligence, then?
A theft which automatic scanners recorded,
A thousand meters short of the planet's surface.
A vaccine which has been found to be an effective antidote
A warrior's reaction.
A woman?
Aberrant behavior.
Aboard the Enterprise, First Officer William T. Riker
About 100 meters apart.
About Ligonian armaments.
About someone taking a shower in his or her clothing.
About that, sir, did the doctor believe I was boasting?
Absolutely not.
According to our medical readouts, there's still nothing wrong with him.
According to Starfleet's report, they will simply run tests
According to the instruments, sir,
According to the Ligon code of honor, Lutan has done what he set out to do,
According to the Tkon use of the galactic motionary startime charts,
Accursed planet!
Achieve recognition for being daring and bold.
Acted on the brain like alcohol.
Acting captain?
Acting ensign.
Actually, they think very highly of us, Tasha.
Actually, you reveal yourselves best in how you play.
Additional information.
Admittedly a victim of the Tsiolkovsky infection,
Affirmative, Number One.
Affirmative. Make it a ship wide search, lieutenant.
After Bastu came Cimi, Xora, Makto
After Farpoint, I returned to where we exist, the Q Continuum.
After meeting with the senior officers, Dr. Crusher and I have decided
Against your dreaded Anchilles fever.
Against your keeping out of humanity's path forever.
Agreed, Daimon Tarr.
Agreed, sir.
Agreed. It must be someone from either alien delegation.
Ah, but you are also a man of great importance and wealth.
Ah, good, Data
Ah, I see where you're going.
Ah. A game.
Ah. A human proverb.
Ah. How touching.
Ah. The body Geordi discovered.
Ah. The nature of politics.
Ah. The redoubtable Commander Riker, whom I noticed before.
Aikido, one.
Aikido, vanish.
Alkaloid base. Lethal.
All approved and described in the Starfleet communications.
All dead.
All decks, all stations.
All decks, all stations.
All decks, I must have your full attention.
All equipment online and functioning
All free.
All I have is a vague memory of reading somewhere
All I'm saying is that you removed something
All language forms, sir.
All my land and all my goods, all I have is yours to rule.
All power is restored.
All power online.
All right, gentlemen,
All right, he stays.
All right, here we go.
All right, lieutenant, you just stay right there.
All right?
All right.
All right. Helping is more important.
All right. Let's bring the away team back.
All stop.
All stopped, sir.
All systems ready, captain.
All the engines are off line.
All the galaxy's a stage.
Almost all of the peace delegates answered our questions with lies.
Almost right.
Along the same principle as that which is draining energy from our ships.
Also any other signs of drugs, hallucinogens,
Also traveling at warp speed, sir.
Also, he's arrogant, overbearing, self important
Although, as you understand the concept,
Amazing power.
Amusing, human. Trust each other?
An accidental explosion has devastated a mining operation there.
An excellent thirst quencher.
An interesting view of our mystery, I believe.
An old Chinese philosopher from ancient Earth history.
And 0700 this morning.
And a marshal outranks even an admiral.
And a very interesting animal.
And absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And allowing Kosinski to take credit for what you did?
And an untimely visit from Q.
And are impressed.
And are maintaining combat readiness around the clock.
And are these scholars saying that the Ferengi may not be unlike us?
And at the instant of death, Lutan, a mating agreement dissolves.
And at the moment, it is all pure speculation.
And be careful, Number One.
And beam them up to Cargo Bay 6.
And become anything you want to be.
And capable of actually moving stars.
And communication now restored to Engineering.
And complete them as we achieve warp 4.
And different intermix formulas.
And elates us.
And familiar settings, that sort of thing.
And force them to wear clothing.
And from Starfleet has been appropriately recorded.
And have you noticed how you and I are now on a first name basis?
And having him say he wants you...
And henceforth, a dessert course
And here.
And how badly the vaccine is needed. Yes, sir.
And how Dr. Crusher brought her back.
And I am looking forward to hearing all about it, but not right now.
And I calculate that at maximum warp, sir,
And I don't like who I'd have to thank.
And I don't yet know how far they go,
And I fervently hope the rules of that contest make it possible.
And I know I can win this challenge.
And I regret, Daimon Tarr,
And I remember there was talk of an entity,
And I'm gone.
And I'm surprised you have to ask,
And I'm very much against that idea.
And if any does occur, let me assure you,
And if the Ferengi also realize
And in order to satisfy this curiosity,
And in trade, you would give us your information.
And is draining our reserve power too.
And it fits Lutan's personality profile as well.
And it is against Starfleet orders to accept a surrender otherwise.
And it very much regrets the accidental death of Engineer Singh.
And it weakened him in some way,
And it will be most important that those aboard
And it's only natural the crew's concentration will shift
And its unique similarity to an ancient Earth culture we all admire.
And joy.
And learn ways to destroy you.
And let's credit his science teacher too.
And light, as if they were made for women to use.
And listen to this.
And love.
And may your cloak bring you all you deserve.
And more, perhaps.
And more.
And more.
And my security officer, Lieutenant Natasha Yar.
And necessary defensive weapons too.
And not a collapsing star, as in this case.
And nothing shameful in a strategic retreat, either.
And now, according to the customs of your ancestors,
And now, attempt to concentrate completely on your duty of the moment
And now, Lutan,
And on that charge, you tried us
And open treaty negotiations to acquire this medicinal substance.
And others of your kind have the same ability?
And our Engineering section has been commandeered
And our only chance of returning to the known universe is a dying alien
And our position reads exactly what it was
And perchance for interest's sake, a deadly game?
And proud that we have something of great value to offer you,
And provocative.
And ran a controlled test on them.
And recognizing you as sentient beings, it pleaded for help,
And recover a T 9 energy converter which the Ferengi stole
And scooped one of you from your home world.
And severe emotional upset.
And should concern you the most.
And since the captain won't let me on the Bridge,
And so it became that.
And speaking as a mother, of course,
And subject to its being acceptable.
And such musical genius as I saw in one of your ship's libraries.
And that angered you, did it? “Seized my vessel, seized my vessel."
And that is, ironically, what this is about.
And that they selfishly withhold vital technology from backward worlds.
And that won't be known until combat begins.
And that's not all.
And the custom requires that Lutan should die rather than violate that.
And the duty of men to protect and rule it.
And the game should reflect that.
And the German nation, red, black and gold.
And the instruments of this vessel, which allow all that to be play
And the neutralizing counterforce of the Ferengis.
And the world of ideas is somehow intermixed.
And their vessel which attacked us without provocation.
And then discovering the computer intelligence
And then full examination and observation when they're here.
And then we accomplished this.
And then we got him down to Sickbay so Dr. Crusher could examine him.
And then, to your astonishment, nothing happened.
And there is even more.
And there was a rather peculiar limerick
And there's nothing there I don't understand.
And they can't find one of the delegates
And they shamelessly clothe their females.
And they're headed this way.
And they're not holding us, who the hell is?
And to complete our business here,
And under these circumstances, Lutan considers himself heroic,
And unfortunately for us,
And us so badly?
And used for many other things too.
And very sure of himself and his ability.
And we all have reason to hate the Selay.
And we are willing to do whatever is required,
And we can't get past to get to the computer.
And we can't.
And we must be upwind from the Anticans.
And we offer the lives of our second officers
And we report our observations how? To whom?
And we still have more faults.
And we will become a combined energy pattern of our life forms.
And we will happily destroy the human criminals
And we will make the antidote available to all who need it.
And what else than nature are the elementals of space and time?
And what he might say with irony, I say with conviction.
And what I want now is gentleness.
And what is a swap?
And what profit is in this, Picard Captain?
And when you grow to like it too much?
And where does she go?
And whether that rank becomes permanent, Mr. Crusher,
And who is more trustworthy, Mordoc?
And with that order dawns a brave new day for the Enterprise.
And you can see it in the precise, ritualistic way they do things.
And you have to admit that these could kill.
And you should know that even though these contests are rare,
And you would win all the bargaining points you need.
And you, my friend, I know what you want.
And you're telling me that there are no explanations for these malfunctions?
And your hair always looks so nice.
And your names will be forever linked with mine
And your ships. But something confused me.
And, captain, this must be a special thrill for you.
And, um, I'm pretty busy right at the moment,
Animal things?
Answering all stop, captain.
Any commission rank? Even ensign?
Any or all, captain.
Any readings of matter there?
Any stellar material it threw this way,
Anything on that design, Data?
Apologies, captain.
Apparently our captain wasn't meant to be here with us.
Apparently, some of them
Are actually energy collectors.
Are beaming over to conduct tests
Are demanded by the Ferengi.
Are overworked and possibly suffering hallucinations.
Are there any others?
Are there other options that you wanna analyze?
Are these truly your friends, brother?
Are we millions of light years away from where we were?
Are you all right, sir?
Are you all right?
Are you aware that you are behaving strangely?
Are you certain, captain?
Are you certain? Yes, of course you are
Are you conscious?
Are you familiar with the intricacies of what is called here music?
Are you making demands, captain?
Are you now calling us thieves?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you one of their assassins?
Are you prepared for that many, doctor?
Are you saying that's why I feel so hot? So strange?
Are you searching all frequencies? ls there any message?
Are you strong enough to refuse to use that power?
Are you suggesting otherwise?
Are you worried that I won't be able to say no to it?
Aren't the separate things they appear to be?
Armed with ancient ball and powder muskets?
Arranging that will be my first officer, Commander Riker.
As a sign of respect, perhaps.
As an energy pattern, free of the limitations of matter,
As Holmes would have pointed out, during the time in question,
As I said,
As I've already informed my crew, a phenomenal surge of power
As if a great claw had reached down
As in folklore, or an historical allusion, or tribal memories
As many of you suspected,
As much as you can, immediately.
As on your vessel, you have only to name
As requested, captain,
As required by the Ferengi code.
As second in command, it's still in your corner
As soon as it's convenient, captain,
As soon as we are secure with this rescue operation,
As the power grew, I applied the energy asymptomatically.
As though something hit him.
As though there was something else inside you.
As touching an enemy with a stick in battle,
As Troi pointed out to me, I'm attracted to him, but that's entirely different.
As you fight with it, it learns, and before long
As you know, Ferengi technology is estimated
As you lean over him to take the specimen?
As you see, we're still doing some fine tuning.
Ask for her?
Assistant Chief Engineer Shimoda, report to Medical.
Assuming this place even exists.
At a banquet I have arranged in your honor.
At ease, lieutenant.
At Farpoint, we saw you as savages only.
At least all has not been lost.
At least in a physical sense.
At least out of our existence.
At least we won't begin with weakness.
At least, sir, all the department heads have reported the damage repaired.
At our first meeting you seized my vessel.
At Starbase G 6 for a shuttle visit home,
At the earliest opportunity, your entrance application
At what you say is the end of the universe?
Attention, all decks.
Attention, Ferengi starship.
Attention, Ferengi starship. This is Captain Picard.
Au contraire, it's the human future which intrigues us.
Avoid random thoughts that might change the reality
Aye, aye, sir.
Aye, I have.
Aye, sir
Aye, sir?
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir. Downloading.
Aye, sir. On the board.
Aye, sir. We should be getting those readings soon.
Back into a position where he may make another?
Back online, sir? They were never off.
Barbarians, all.
Battle stations
Be you barbarians?
Beam him back as what? He's nothing but energy now.
Beamed immediately to safety if her life should become endangered,
Beautiful human ways.
Because I must immediately lock a tractor beam
Because I need this vessel to get us to Parliament.
Because I should tell you I do admire the hospitality you offer here.
Because I'm willing and waiting.
Because I've been given unusual powers,
Because no one has gone this fast. Reverse engines.
Because ship captains control their own vessels, young man.
Because you have lost the capacity for self judgment.
Because, sir, I assumed, at first,
Before this sleigh ride began, sir.
Before you begin, there are some questions.
Begin the pass.
Being delivered by someone in the shuttlecraft bay.
Betazoid blood is also practical, captain.
Between slow reverse impulse and top warp speed?
Beverly, can you hear me?
Beyond the understanding, the ability of others.
Biped. Excellent.
Both for yourself and them.
Both have remained constant.
Both of us quite normal now.
Boy, don't ever say that again.
Boys will be boys, captain.
Bridge from Engineering.
Bridge from transporter chief.
Bridge to Captain. You're needed here immediately.
Bridge to Engineering, stand by.
Bridge, engage engines.
Bring Lieutenant Yar.
Bring us in closer, La Forge.
Bring us right into the edge of it, La Forge.
Bring us to within 10,000 kilometers and hold us there.
But after all, unimportant, except for the land they own.
But all I sense from him is confusion
But almost exactly the same conditions as here
But are the result of the actions of an unknown adversary.
But as they say, sir, you're the captain.
But both have also applied for admission into our Federation
But change into what? That's the question.
But confused.
But considerable energy in changing patterns
But did we tell them anything they wanted to hear?
But do you understand the basis of all this nonsense between them?
But every instrument says he's not.
But first, I request a moment with the captain, alone.
But he has not been showing any overt unusual behavior
But he still won't let me on the Bridge.
But I am a Starfleet Academy graduate.
But I ask if you take it as incontrovertible
But I believe I can handle it from here, Mr. Crusher.
But I concede your Enterprise is superior.
But I don't learn nearly this much in school.
But I feel something, if only a presence.
But I have no place for it in my life now.
But I have seen my share of death.
But I never wanted to compound one illusion with another.
But I show insufficient power to fire them.
But I survived.
But I suspect that Commander Riker is probably perfectly safe,
But I warn you, if you get hurt, I'll put you on report, captain.
But I would like to run, uh, one or two more tests on you, lieutenant.
But I'd be glad to embarrass her.
But I'm afraid we're going to have to find our solution
But I'm always with you. You know that.
But I'm in a penalty box.
But in ways you couldn't understand.
But inorganically materialized out of patterns used by our transporters.
But it all seems so vague.
But it becomes unstable when we try to replicate it.
But it furnished it enough
But it hasn't been approved by the chief engineer or by me.
But it is hardly a weapon by our standards.
But it needs risk.
But it puzzles me, if you feel like that for Tasha,
But it shows no life form readings.
But it was a thrill.
But it will feel real when it hits you.
But it won't be boring.
But it would never be so to me.
But it's easier, boy. Listen to Riker.
But it's still very close to the formula from the old Enterprise records.
But it's what you've always wanted, Data. To become human.
But maybe we should sit and wait them out.
But more isn't better.
But Napoleonic equipment on an alien planet,
But not in civilized behavior.
But now that the moment has come, I find that I cannot part with her.
But one final roar from Portal convinced them.
But only the captain.
But possessing the technology they now have, they're very dangerous.
But shouldn't these be connected?
But since it doesn't show where they went, we're still in the dark.
But stay concerned, please.
But that does not mean identical, however.
But that would be foolishness.
But the captain's orders on this are very clear
But the combination wasn't possible out there.
But the contaminant we brought back from the Tsiolkovsky
But the female...
But the Ferengi whips were working when we first arrived.
But the force holding us has closed down all engines
But the only thing is, uh..
But the solution eludes me.
But the Tsiolkovsky's research records will no doubt predict the time
But the vaccine is important in this case, sir.
But their history has remarkable similarities to ours.
But then again, you're what?
But there is no velocity
But there seems to be nothing we can do, at least within regulations
But there were 80 people on that ship, Number One.
But there were the same huge shifts in gravity.
But these things are not at all unusual with us.
But they say we must bring it to them alive.
But this is a subject far out of my experience,
But this is witchcraft, Yareena.
But this one first.
But to become a part of you?
But uses the Heglenian shift
But visual communication is against our custom.
But we can hardly hate what we once were.
But we have seen humans eat meat.
But we intercepted them.
But we will finish it.
But we're behind schedule for Parliament already.
But what I do here is not the end of the process.
But what I said was a statement of fact.
But what if they never learn, Riker?
But what is the answer to my challenge?
But what's inside of them isn't human at all.
But whatever it is, she's got it.
But when I was a child.
But where is this place?
But with a physiology sufficiently different from our own
But with Lutan, I felt something else.
But with the equally lovely intricacies of time, energy, propulsion
But you accepted me as such.
But you already see better than I can.
But you are warned that any further trickery on your pan'
But you have now committed what our laws regard as an attack upon us.
But you, Riker, and I remember you well,
But you're right in something else, he is just a boy for now.
But, captain, isn't firing on us an act of war?
But, sir
But, sir, you don't do it yourself.
But, sir...
By all means, demonstrate your gifts of affection.
By anyone,
By cooperating in a joint exploration of the planet surface.
By our standards, the customs here, their code of honor,
By the time we reach Parliament, Mr. Singh.
By this energy draining force field from the planet.
By young Wesley Crusher.
Called "counting coup."
Can any of you stay alive?
Can anything he's proposing damage our system?
Can either of you suggest any other suspects?
Can I do something to help?
Can I help you, sir?
Can I see you in your Ready Room? It's a private matter.
Can we now beam the vaccine aboard?
Can you do it again?
Can you get us home?
Can you provide more information, sir?
Can you release it?
Can you short out the power?
Can you tell me where my ship is? What is this place?
Can't you see, Riker?
Captain James T. Kirk commanding."
Captain Jean Luc Picard.
Captain Picard
Captain Picard ordered me to escort you to Sickbay, lieutenant
Captain Picard wanted no risk of our communication being overheard.
Captain Picard, come in.
Captain Picard, faced with a critical need
Captain Picard, I presume.
Captain Picard, you are now relieved of duty.
Captain to
Captain to Security, come in.
Captain to Security.
Captain, another 41 minutes will see the information
Captain, anything further?
Captain, can you allow a man who has made one mistake
Captain, captain. We need your help.
Captain, do you hear me?
Captain, getting unusual readings now from the dwarf star.
Captain, I believe we have the answer to what happened over there.
Captain, I have a schematic from the explosion site.
Captain, I must speak to you privately, now.
Captain, I seek only transportation
Captain, I think you had better see this.
Captain, I was just
Captain, I'm picking up a force field out there of some kind. It's almost...
Captain, I'm your counselor.
Captain, if I may recommend,
Captain, if I may,
Captain, Main Engineering is ready to proceed.
Captain, no one has ever reversed engines at this velocity.
Captain, something is completely immobilizing us.
Captain, something seemed to move us aside at the last minute.
Captain, the ship's engines are cutoff from the Bridge.
Captain, there is a malfunction in this station.
Captain, this shouldn't be.
Captain, tractor beam. We just locked onto the Tsiolkovsky.
Captain, we are now at warp 9.1, sir.
Captain, we are showing that same hole in time again.
Captain, we have more information from the briefing studies on Ligon.
Captain, we're here.
Captain, we're passing warp 10.
Captain, we've just dropped to impulse power.
Captain, what are our options really?
Captain, what we've just heard is impossible.
Captain, you better look at this.
Captain. Deanna.
Captain's log, stardate 41209.2.
Captain's log, stardate 41209.3.
Captain's log, stardate 41235.25.
Captain's log, stardate 41249.3.
Captain's log, stardate 41249.4
Captain's log, stardate 41263.1.
Captain's log, stardate 41263.2.
Captain's log, stardate 41263.3.
Captain's log, stardate 41263.4.
Captain's log, stardate 41386.4.
Captain's log, stardate 41386.5.
Captain's log, stardate 41590.5.
Captain's log, stardate 41591.4.
Captain's log, supplemental.
Captain's log, supplemental.
Captain's log, supplemental.
Captain's log, supplemental.
Captain's log, supplemental.
Captain's log, supplemental. We are downloading
Captain's log.
Captain's log. Any time entry is meaningless.
Captain's orders too.
Care to lend a hand? Sit at Ops.
Careful, commander. They are much stronger than
Careful, Yareena!
Cargo 1.
Cease red alert.
Certainly not until you've learned control.
Certainly she can offer you much more.
Certainly you can't bring her back to life.
Certainly you must understand that, at this moment,
Change course to make a close sensor pass.
Change is at the heart of what you are.
Chief engineer, report to the Bridge.
Chief engineer, report to the Bridge.
Chronological age?
Colors representing countries at a time when they competed with each other.
Combatants, hold your positions.
Come and have a cup of tea.
Come here.
Come in.
Come off the main lead, split off at the force activator,
Come on, big guy, on your feet. Here we go.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, Data, hurry.
Come on, not again.
Come on.
Come on. I'm getting you to Sickbay
Come to the Transporter Room, please.
Coming, Riker?
Commander Riker has told me
Commander Riker will join you in a moment.
Commander Riker, a duty schedule for Mr. Crusher.
Commander Riker, it's too soon for this.
Commander Riker, Lieutenant Yar.
Commander Riker, perhaps you and Counselor Troi will demonstrate?
Commander Riker, report to the Bridge.
Commander Riker, what's going on?
Commander Riker.
Commander William Riker, ship's counselor, Deanna Troi,
Commander, I'll make my preliminary adjustments at warp 1.5
Commander, wait.
Comment is invited. Counselor?
Conference evaluation.
Confident, yes, perhaps even innovative
Confirmed, sir.
Confirmed, sir.
Confirmed, sir.
Congratulations, sir.
Conn, where are you headed?
Consider yourselves my honored guests.
Considering the power demonstrated by Q the last time,
Consorting with lower ranked females, captain?
Continue, commander.
Continuing our appraisal of Ligonian technology,
Correct, sir.
Correct, sir. Outposts.
Correction, Data, I should have said proverbial needle in a haystack.
Correction, Number One.
Correction, sir. That's "blown out."
Could be aligned even more efficiently
Could this be human joke number 663?
Could this planet have escaped that?
Could your VISOR device have malfunctioned?
Counselor Troi has admitted that she believes he's capable of killing.
Counselor, it's not actually an infection.
Counselor, you're the last person I'd expect to argue
Counting coup could be something as simple
Cover the ship as planned. Move out.
Criminal detection can be a fascinating exercise
Crusher here.
Crystalline. Mostly inert.
Damn it to hell!
Damn it, I can't even make a log entry.
Damn it.
Data could assemble them back faster.
Data, consult the charts on this planet. See what we've got on it.
Data, do you have any information touching this on any file'?
Data, download this information to Medical immediately.
Data, especially important is an analysis of their combat capabilities.
Data, go to Lieutenant Yar, take her down to Sickbay.
Data, I need help in locating some library computer information.
Data, if you've got a theory about what's happening...
Data, intoxication is a human condition.
Data, please repeat the file.
Data, signal Parliament we'll be delayed.
Data, this ship is less than a year out of space dock.
Data, we've eight or nine minutes at most. Can you finish by then?
Data, what are you doing?
Data, what are you suggesting?
Data, what distance have we traveled?
Data, what do you read over there?
Data, what does the legend say about the end of the Tkon Empire?
Data, who's that?
Data, you have the helm.
Data, you were going to show us something?
Data. Geordi. Tasha.
Deanna needs your help.
Deanna, what?
Dear Tasha must give the box up to you.
Decades ago. Light years away.
Deception is the way of the humans.
Deflector shield failing.
Deflector shield power weakening, captain.
Demonstrate it.
Depends on you.
Desperately going from person to person
Desperately need our help.
Desperately. What is it'?
Destroy their ability to sustain this force field, sir.
Destructive to discipline, they say.
Did he say "Wesley"? The boy?
Did he say when?