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Wonder Woman (1975) (1975) - Season 1 Wonder Woman (1975) is a widely acclaimed television show that first graced the screens

Wonder Woman (1975) (1975) - Season 1

Wonder Woman (1975) is a widely acclaimed television show that first graced the screens in 1975. With a dynamic and empowering storyline, the show became a monumental success and left an indelible mark in television history. Starring the remarkable Lynda Carter in the titular role, Wonder Woman (1975) Season 1 captivated audiences with its thrilling action, delightful humor, and thought-provoking themes.

Lynda Carter shines as Wonder Woman, effortlessly embodying the strength, compassion, and grace of this iconic superhero. Her portrayal of Diana Prince, an Amazon princess who leaves her utopian home to fight for justice in a world plagued by turmoil, is nothing short of extraordinary. Carter's charisma and on-screen presence captivated viewers, making Wonder Woman a beloved and empowering figure for generations to come.

The show takes place during World War II, as Wonder Woman teams up with government agent Steve Trevor, played by Lyle Waggoner. Together, they battle nefarious forces seeking to disrupt the balance of power and threaten peace. The chemistry between Carter and Waggoner is palpable, adding a layer of romance and intrigue to the action-packed storyline.

Wonder Woman (1975) Season 1 masterfully blends action and adventure with social commentary, addressing pressing issues of the time. The show fearlessly tackles topics such as gender equality, discrimination, and the consequences of war, providing a thought-provoking narrative that resonates with audiences even today. By highlighting the strength and capabilities of a female superhero, the show shattered stereotypes and championed female empowerment.

The supporting cast also deserves recognition for their outstanding performances. Beatrice Colen portrays the endearing and loyal Etta Candy, helping to create a strong sense of camaraderie among the characters. Additionally, Richard Eastham brings gravitas to the role of General Blankenship, instilling a sense of authority and commanding presence.

Wonder Woman (1975) Season 1 is not only a visual delight, but its audio elements also contribute to the overall experience. The show boasts a memorable soundtrack composed by Charles Fox, capturing the essence of Wonder Woman's heroism through captivating melodies. The theme song, composed by Fox and Norman Gimbel, remains iconic to this day, instantly recognizable and evoking a sense of excitement and empowerment. Listeners can now indulge in the nostalgia and fantasy of the show by playing and downloading these incredible sounds.

Viewers are immersed in a world where Wonder Woman fearlessly battles evil utilizing her superhuman strength, the Lasso of Truth, and her bulletproof bracelets. With each episode, the show offers thrilling action sequences, breathtaking stunts, and daring rescues that keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

Wonder Woman (1975) Season 1 truly triumphs in highlighting the strength, intelligence, and compassion of its titular character. Lynda Carter's portrayal of Wonder Woman remains iconic, inspiring countless fans and paving the way for future female superheroes. By breaking barriers and shattering stereotypes, the show became a symbol of empowerment and a beacon of hope for all those who believe in justice and equality.

Play and download the sounds of Wonder Woman (1975) Season 1 to relive the excitement, heroism, and timeless charm of this groundbreaking television show. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Wonder Woman and embark on an unforgettable journey filled with strength, love, and the triumph of good over evil.
A genuine American hero.
A man? Here on our island?
A most untrustworthy associate.
A secret from even you, herr kapitan, until the last minute.
A tournament.
A wire, herr oberst.
A woman. A woman. Let's hear it. Thank you, ma'am.
About this man
Advise them of the alteration.
Ah ah ah ah!
Ah, here's another man now.
All right, let's plug him, get out of here.
All right? Thank you, Steve.
All right.
All we know is that a woman dressed
Along with the submarine that was to pick up these men
Am I allowed to ask why?
An allied pilot, the devil.
And 2 Amazons are now tied for the honor.
And 33 to the left.
And a princess.
And a terrible blow to ours.
And any civilization that does not recognize the female
And crucial.
And everything will be fine.
And fire away.
And have her inform the u boat off long island.
And he has sharpshooting medals.
And he is attached to the air corps intelligence division
And heil Hitler.
And I am comfortable with.
And I have to fill out forms.
And I said to myself:
And it will put them behind at least a year
And learn the secret of your mission.
And lots of it.
And marcia.
And money.
And most likely aspirant for the assignment.
And next time, lady, try to con somebody else.
And of wonder woman.
And orders are that you stay in bed, Steve.
And our island.
And ours.
And remember that in the world of ordinary mortals,
And she must be found and stopped.
And sisterhood is stronger than anything.
And so is the norden bombsight.
And some people don't.
And that the bullets in these guns are not blanks,
And the coliseum in L.A.
And the norden bombsight destroyed.
And then return to paradise island.
And this is your golden lasso.
And this wonderful woman in the bathing suit stopped them.
And to preserve our paradise.
And to think that Steve Trevor was fooled by you.
And unfemininely pushy.
And what do you get out of this?
And you couldn't say it.
And you must answer every question.
And you won't get away with whatever you're doing.
Another gentleman, nice big hand.
Answer me.
Any other information besides this?
Any person can make.
Anything that makes you comfortable, go right ahead.
Apparently some woman is responsible,
Are you kidding? You are the greatest!
Are you ready?
As a matter of fact, there are many uncharted islands in the triangle.
As this wicked axis tries to dominate the world,
As well as can be expected, sir.
As you wish.
Ashley Norman, you are certainly one man who is not to be trusted.
At least keep a few memories.
At least the Nazis won't know if he was shot down or taken by the elements.
At the Navy yard with a superior plane,
At the same time that the bank robbery story hits the front page.
Away from paradise island.
Be gone.
Because I sense what might happen between you and that man.
Because, you fool, he is the key
Before it ever gets near the states.
Besides being made of an indestructible material,
Bless you, son. Bless you.
Bounced right off, ladies and gentlemen.
Brenda, you have something that would be perfect for a figure like hers.
Bullets and bracelets.
But all the girls will want that task.
But don't...
But he wanted to get back to the war, so I let him.
But he wouldn't give it to us under any torture.
But here is your goal.
But I came to the United States
But I owe you my life, how can I ever repay...
But I'm the one that's getting shot at.
But if you insist.
But in the advertising you say she she would face any weapon,
But in the advertising you say she she would face any weapon,
But most of all,
But no one's yet had an explanation for the lost planes.
But nobody can be at 2 places at the same time.
But paradise island is still secret, your majesty.
But she's duller than a fat lapdog after dinner.
But stay asleep.
But the allies do not know that.
But the third reich will never be through.
But to complete your mission myself, successfully.
But unfortunately
But what's it doing here, on paradise island?
But why bother?
But why now?
But why, mother?
But will we be all right?
But will we be all right?
But you never tested it,
But you'd better be prepared to evacuate the Navy yard
But, mother!
But, surely, some men can be trusted.
By comparison to what we had before the war.
By God, it was fascinating!
By my triumph over the skies of New York before the week is done.
By the earth's clock.
By what standard?
By which I alone shall determine the strongest, nimblest,
Call me.
Can't you go any faster?
Capable of mass destruction.
Capable of penetrating the U.S. borders,
Capitol 6732.
Carl? Marcia.
Coast to coast? Yes.
Come in, Von blasko.
Come on, have we a Hardy soul here tonight?
Come on, rena.
Coming along. How's everything there?
Contact Washington, inform agent "m"
Containing the norden bombsight plans.
Continues to ravish what is left of free Europe.
Costs over $1 these days? It's disgusting.
Could I help you, please?
Could I serve as his nurse?
Destroy this one factory,
Did you get any further information on that, uh, wonder woman?
Did you see her divert those bullets?
Did you see that, ladies and gentlemen?
Do you have any idea of your age?
Do you know that a good steak dinner
Do your best, boy.
Don't bother fighting it.
Don't I always?
Don't say that, herr oberst.
Drangel has failed.
Drangel was not in the air over 10 hours
Drangel's disaster will soon be mitigated
Dropped him off at the hospital.
Even if he should wake up,
Even if I do have to earn some money first.
Even our x.V. 12 cannot carry enough explosives
Excellent. Excellent.
Excuse me, but that's very rude.
Excuse me, Mr. Norman, but that's my money, too.
Far be it from me to criticize, but with winter coming...
Fire at will.
First name, wonder. Right?
First, prepare the hypodermic.
For his safety
For old glory?
For only women have the necessary speed and coordination
For scientific study.
For secrecy's sake,
For their tardiness with their lives.
For your route in your bomber.
From an altitude far beyond
From now on, I'm going to have an ordinary looking secretary.
Gather the allies in defense of the free world,
General blackenship's gonna go through the roof.
General, I can only do my best.
General, now you never told me, but, uh,
General, warm up my new plane.
General, we're gonna have to get that plane
General, what are you going to do?
Get back in there, and you won't get hurt!
Get down here to Washington right away.
Get out of here, broad!
Go ahead, fire at wonder woman.
Go ahead, go ahead, sir, choose your weapon
Go ahead.
Go in peace, my daughter.
Go, my daughter.
God bless America.
Good luck, Steve.
Good night, gentlemen.
Good thinking.
Good. I've had it up to here with pretty girls.
Goodbye, nickolas.
Goodbye. Goodbye.
Got to make my rounds. See you later.
Gun and real bullets. Now watch this.
Half the money?
Have disappeared in that area without explanation.
Have they found out anything more about
Have you got a second, lady?
He and the x.V. 12 have gone down
He should rest now.
He will respond to my voice under the drug.
He wouldn't know where he was.
He's a real soldier.
He's almost dead, rena.
He's been hurt.
He's quite ill and needs immediate attention.
Heil Hitler!
Heil Hitler.
Heil Hitler.
Heil Hitler. Heil Hitler.
Hello, hello,
Hello, marcia? This is Carl.
Hello, Steve, darling. It's marcia.
Hello, Steve, how are you?
Help me lift him. Be careful.
Here comes the shot.
Here you are, choose your weapon.
Here. Just read the rest of the reviews,
Herr oberst at the same time
Herr oberst, I am always excited
Hey, lady.
Hey, Mike, the guy in the back of the truck, he's startin' to stir.
Hi. What seems to be the problem?
His doctor wanted him to stay several more days,
His over trained and blindly obedient army
His x.V. 13 is at the bottom of the Atlantic
Hmm, just a moment, please.
Hold your fire.
How how right you are. How right you are.
How about a squadron to intercept them?
How did you get here? What happened with the plane, Steve?
How is he?
How much longer will it be until my x.V. 13 will be delivered?
How useless that gun is against me.
How would you like to accumulate a bundle of money?
How? No one knows.
Hurt you?
I I...
I already got an advance on Madison square garden, New York,
I am not used to firearms, but I was just wondering...
I am your daughter.
I assume that that is supposed to impress me.
I believe I can handle them, mother.
I can avoid that bullet faster than you can shoot, Mr. Norman.
I can't do it.
I can't understand it, nickolas.
I can't.
I cannot risk my only begotten child, our princess,
I could make a star out of you, lady, if you play your cards right.
I designed it myself,
I did it for you, mother.
I do it because I love my people.
I don't know who you are, but get this chair off my back.
I don't need a gun to take you, wonder woman.
I don't think so.
I don't understand his reasoning.
I feel things, things I've never known before.
I gave him the shot.
I had hoped to undertake this mission myself,
I have a chiropodist's appointment this afternoon.
I have a gun that I have fired
I have planned a tournament of athletic games
I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about.
I heard the greeks and romans say the same thing.
I just gave him a potion of special serum.
I knew it was you all the time.
I know in my heart you will return.
I know you can.
I know.
I look forward to participating in the games myself.
I love my mother.
I love my queen,
I m must obey.
I may be older than I look.
I may use it?
I momentarily blanked on this one, marcia.
I must be dreaming.
I must have died and gone to heaven.
I named this island paradise for an excellent reason:
I need your help, fast.
I prefer not to soil my hands on female flesh,
I promised myself it would never happen again.
I really have to go now.
I saw you through the window
I say we kill the pig now.
I shall not fail, herr oberst.
I should be at the air base within half an hour.
I should be there at 1600 hours.
I think he's gone.
I think it's called a parachute.
I think, nickolas, that this is one of them.
I tried everything I could to stop her, but it didn't work.
I want someone with him at all times,
I was nuremberg judo champ!
I was trying to intercept a Nazi plane
I will fly it myself.
I will leave only my pigeons and my good friend...
I will make you proud of me
I will not, herr oberst.
I will shoot at this metal wall
I would have expected
I'll be back in a moment.
I'll be near, watching over you.
I'll be there an hour later.
I'll bet you were surprised to see Steve again, weren't you?
I'll make you proud, I promise.
I'll send a car to take you out to the base.
I'll try to nail him over the Bermuda area
I'll warm up a squadron of p 38s right away.
I'm a theatrical agent.
I'm a woman.
I'm going to have to get accustomed to men and devious women.
I'm going to leave my patient in your hands.
I'm gonna have to get him before he reaches the American mainland.
I'm his personal nurse. Take good care of him.
I'm just going outside for a little drink of water.
I'm sorry, mother, but it was the only way.
I'm sorry, Mr. Norman,
I'm sure we will.
I'm told there could be a gravitational whirlpool that pulls the boats down,
I've got to get back. I've got to try.
I've looked all over the hospital for him.
I've never seen a man in the flesh before.
I've never seen that before.
If he's flying that mission himself,
If I do get back in time, we'll take him with us.
If I shortcut along the Georgetown road,
If I'm not back from the office by midnight,
If I'm not there by then, he'll be killed.
If our intelligence is correct about the Nazis being able to take anything
If the American people ever found out the Nazis had a plane
If the Nazis bomb the continental United States,
If the Nazis bomb the continental United States...
If the Nazis should defeat you?
If the others are late, they will pay
If there's one thing Ashley Norman knows about,
If we do that, the gestapo will have us killed.
If you fail..
If you should ever leave here,
In a red, white and blue uniform
In a thousand years,
In Argentina about an hour ago.
In case he wakes up long enough to answer questions.
In that so called devil's triangle.
In the devil's triangle.
In the tradition of our tournaments,
In their long range bomber, the x.V. 13,
In their war effort.
In your office now, Steve.
Into the allied bombers,
Is already headed for the states.
Is doomed to destruction.
Is he all right?
Is that being manufactured
Is that not so?
Is that your final decision?
Is the most difficult sacrifice
It also carries with it the power
It could be anyone.
It had to happen, eventually.
It is that sensitive
It is the symbol of Amazon supremacy.
It is up to you, wonder woman.
It took me 5 years to gain his complete confidence.
It will be delivered to Berlin within hours.
It will be, herr oberst.
It will go on a thousand years.
It would be a great boost to their ego
It would be a great boost to their ego
It would destroy what's left of their pride.
It'll take the measure of anything we can put in the air.
It's a man.
It's a miracle he's alive, with all the wounds he's got.
It's a secret.
It's a strange area, all right.
It's a woman's mind
It's also dangerous.
It's called the norden bombsight.
It's just for a few days.
It's really you. Shh.
It's that big marble building down on "d" street.
It's very basic, as I see it.
It's very important that we get into the safe
It's you!
It's you.
It's, uh, difficult to find words at a time like this.
Its over, marcia. You're through.
Ja, heil Hitler.
Just a drink in his honor, that's about it.
Just a flick of the wrist and the bullets slipped off. Yes.
Just a minute. If I do this bullet trick,
Just give me the combination and I'll take care of it.
Just help me get him out of this contraption.
Just nose your plane down to the closest airstrip
Just say it.
Keep the pack.
Ladies and gentlemen, you saw this with your own eyes!
Ladies, give a nice big hand for grandmother here
Latitude 40, 45, 06.
Least of all a woman.
Let me know if there's any change in his condition.
Let me try another tack.
Let the tournament begin.
Let's find out what it is.
Let's get him back to the apartment, schnell!
Let's go, marcia. There's nothing more we can do here now.
Let's hear it!
Let's hear it! Let's hear it for this beautiful creature!
Let's kill him and get out of here.
Like the United States of America.
Longitude 73, 59, 39.
Look, I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll just leave it here,
Look, I've got to get out of here.
Look, why don't you sit down, take it easy.
M m my apartment.
Machine gun, that's something else. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Maj. Steve Trevor? But he's dead.
Maj. Trevor. He's not in his room.
Major, United States air corps.
Make it collect, please.
Make sure they have that plane gassed up and ready to go.
Mankind is being threatened by these despicable villains.
Marcia, Steve is alive!
Marine, go ahead!
May I shake your hand?
Me? I never shot a woman before, except in self defense.
Millions of people?
Millions of people.
Mmm hmm.
Much more important than this.
Murryhill 3667.
My God, Trevor, that must be it.
My name is kaye beasley.
My old friend the agent, we meet again.
My people will send more agents.
Nazis are a group of evil men
Nein! Nein!
Neither have I.
Never knowing that it would be worn by my own daughter.
Nice big hand. Who else? Who else? Do we have a 3rd?
Nice to meet you, Diana.
No money, no dress.
No one can stop this mission,
No one has ever discovered us.
No single Nazi plane can knock out all the ships that we have there.
No, but as soon as he regains consciousness,
No, I wouldn't want to chance that.
No, it isn't.
No, it's more than that, much more.
No, just the route timing and the single plane identification.
No, no, no, no, marcia said to wait until 1:00.
No, no, no, there's no time. I'll catch a cab.
No, no, they wouldn't have a chance.
No, not me.
No, nothing, except that she was strangely dressed,
No, there isn't. The Brooklyn Navy yard is safe,
No, you're not.
No. The Nazis don't care about their women.
No. You're the princess.
Nor do they know that your goal
Nor I.
Not a thing. She vanished as quickly as she appeared.
Not so good.
Not to care for the needs of the sick.
Not with that bit you had with the bullets and the bracelets.
Nothing less from my own daughter.
Nothing more about her?
Now give me the combination.
Now if that bombsight is being manufactured there,
Now if those of you who are interested will now step on stage,
Now wait a minute.
Now we may lose it forever.
Now, I like that.
Now, to prove that this is no trick
Now, what number do I call on this instrument
Now, what's your story, lady?
Now, you are going to tell the truth.
Nurse buck. Yes?
Nurse, how is he coming along?
Oberst, they are warming up the airship, no?
Of course, I understand.
Of course, your timing must be flawless.
Of course.
Of the approximate time of my bombing,
Of the United States.
Officer, those men robbed our bank.
Oh, a joker, huh?
Oh, and who's going to stop me?
Oh, believe me, I am, general blankenship.
Oh, he's good lookin' and single, too.
Oh, it's beautiful, mother.
Oh, j just a minute, general, um,
Oh, left Argentina already?
Oh, marcia?
Oh, mother, how can you think that way?
Oh, no, grandma.
Oh, no, no, you better move fast, lady.
Oh, sure, marcia.
Oh, sure, well, I understand.
Oh, thank you, but I'm really just
Oh, well, this is downright stingy
Oh, you don't know how surprised.
Oh, you of all people should realize
Oh, your highness, doctor.
Oh! Look at the time. Will that be all, Steve?
Ok, I'll wait at the apartment.
Ok, I'll wait at the apartment.
Ok, ok, so I failed. You want me to follow her?
Ok, stand back. Stand back.
Ok, suppose we start with your name.
On a mission in behalf of the life of a a savage.
On an hours notice, just in case.
On its way to bomb the U.S.
On the beach, near the cave.
On the off chance that someone might be listening
One of our agents in Washington
One of our young Amazon girls
One of you will win for the glory of all
One year on tour, and we will be on easy street.
Only if necessary.
Operator? I'd like to place a long distance call, please,
Or we're going mess up that pretty little soldier suit of yours.
Our Argentine source reports that a top Nazi
Our civilization is perfection.
Out to rule the world.
P pardon?
Particularly if they've developed some kind of a dreadful new bomb,
Peace, sisterhood.
Perhaps I'll go on retreat, to the summer palace.
Perhaps it was one of the mechanics on the airstrip.
Perhaps men are now different.
Perhaps they've come to think as much of peace as we do.
Person to person, to Mr. Carl hoff,
Plans changed.
Please put those guns down.
Please, don't don't hurt me.
Please, mother.
President Roosevelt and prime minister Churchill
Put away the knife. Idiot.
Put him in a cell and throw away the key.
Randall, you will find the complete maps
Read what they said in the papers, huh?
Remember: There's nothing deader than yesterday's news.
Rob banks? Who needs to?
Room 451, hotel Bennett, New York City,
Run ahead to the hospital, and let them know we're coming.
Say, dear miss, um...
See you later, marcia.
Set of plans for the bomb sight,
Shall we get back to the problem, major?
She is not afraid.
She was the leader of the pack, Steve.
She's comfortable with that little gun that she...
She's waiting for you in your office right now.
Shoot her, nadzeel.
Since the year 1900, over 50 ships and 60 planes
Sit down, Steve.
So I personally interviewed 15 prospective secretaries.
So long as you wear it,
So you are excited, ja?
So, Mr. Norman,
Some people get caught up in the smell of greasepaint,
Something wrong, herr oberst?
Somewhere off Bermuda,
Sort of a tropical paradises.
Sort of, uh, captivated by her, were you?
Speak English, if you don't mind, herr kapitan,
Stay right where you are, fly boy.
Stay right where you are, wonder.
Steve Trevor is alive.
Steve Trevor knows the combination to the safe
Steve wouldn't have wanted a long eulogy.
Steve, it's me, general blankenship.
Steve, the whole country is depending on you.
Steve, what about the morale factor?
Steven Leonard Trevor,
Story? Well, I know a few myths but
Sure thing.
Sure, marcia, go ahead.
Sure. That's the last name: Woman?
Take a letter to, uh...
Take care, Steve.
Telephone the factory.
Tell me the combination, Steve.
Tell them to redouble their efforts to complete the x.V. 13.
Terrific. You knocked 'em dead.
Than all those people in their jungles out there.
Thank you very much for the dress.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, you're very kind. You're very kind.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
That dress is $6.95, marked down from $10.
That is a problem. Hey, taxi!
That is most becoming, my dear.
That is most becoming, my dear.
That lasso compels you to be honest,
That man must be returned to his own country.
That unusual woman who dropped him off?
That was a command, not a request.
That you are bombing the Brooklyn Navy yard,
That's 2:00 A.M.
That's a wonderful idea, mother.
That's it, I'm through.
That's right.
That's right.
That's show business.
That's the same hour that the Brooklyn Navy yard will be bombed
That's the way it goes,
That's what I'm gonna need: Good luck and a good plane.
The 2 most exciting words in show business today:
The 3rd axis power plunders across the pacific.
The academy theater is all booked.
The ads will hit the paper in the morning
The American is already aboard.
The Americans are manufacturing a new bomb sight.
The Brooklyn Navy yard.
The delightful little lady you've all come here to meet,
The dresses are half the size.
The effective range of our anti aircraft.
The end of freedom for mankind.
The estimated time of departure now 0200 hours.
The events have been tallied,
The fuhrer wishes me to be right here by his side.
The general needs the plans to the norden bombsight.
The instant he returns to civilization the world will know about us.
The invisible plane is waiting.
The last thing I remember
The man is unconscious. His eyes are bandaged.
The material is indestructible.
The norden bombsight,
The one I chose was a Navy wave
The only hope for freedom and democracy is...
The onslaught of the third reich continues
The skirt can be discarded if it should prove cumbersome,
The story of how you caught those crooks will be in the papers tomorrow.
The sub doesn't answer, something's wrong.
The whole country?
Their barbaric, masculine behavior.
Their greed, their hostilities,
Then I'd rather not stay for the tournament.
Then on to the the Navy yard?
Then secrecy must be kept.
Then the target must be more than the Brooklyn Navy yard.
Then where will we be?
There are even some women there
There are many things you don't know about the world of men.
There are no men on it.
There are several times in a man's life
There are so many things you don't know.
There are some things that are better not known.
There is a leak here somewhere,
There is only one way to break the deadlock:
There must be a leak somewhere here at the airfield.
There should be no publicity.
There were orders on the plane.
There's a lot we have to ask him.
There's a spy plane on the way to
There's another gentleman, right there.
There's nothing to discuss.
There's something missing, mother.
These days are dark enough already.
These days, what with all the rationing,
They didn't teach you to fight fair.
They have all confessed.
They kill anyone who doesn't agree with them,
They let you fend for yourself.
They steal money,
They will be able to pinpoint targets
This is maj. Steve Trevor. He's very ill.
This is the golden belt.
This location has always been perfect for us.
This man is a top Nazi spy.
This one, small, building right here.
This report just came in this morning from Berlin.
Thousands of years have passed.
Thus completely destroying their production capability.
Thus, it is free of their wars,
To American intelligence activities.
To attempt bullets and bracelets without the loss of life.
To bring that plane down quickly and quietly.
To compel people to tell the truth.
To destroy the entire installation.
To do something very important.
To forestall any ill feeling,
To freedom and democracy.
To reach your apartment?
To Steve Trevor,
To the fatherland.
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