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Masters of Sex (2013) - Season 2 Masters of Sex is not a movie or a song but rather a television show that premiered in 2013.

Masters of Sex (2013) - Season 2

Masters of Sex is not a movie or a song but rather a television show that premiered in 2013. The subject of this article, therefore, is the second season of the show. Unfortunately, there is no available information or context provided that suggests a cast list or band members. So, let's delve into the intriguing world of Masters of Sex Season 2.

Masters of Sex is a critically acclaimed American drama series that aired on Showtime from 2013 to 2016. Created by Michelle Ashford, the show explores the groundbreaking and controversial work of real-life pioneering researchers Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson, who revolutionized the study of human sexuality.

Set in the 1950s and early 1960s, Season 2 of Masters of Sex delves deeper into the personal and professional lives of Dr. William Masters (played by Michael Sheen) and Virginia Johnson (portrayed by Lizzy Caplan). The show continues to explore their scientific collaboration as they embark on exploring new frontiers of human sexuality, conducting groundbreaking research on subjects such as masturbation, homosexuality, and female orgasm.

The second season also presents new challenges and complexities for our protagonists. The sexual revolution is slowly taking shape, causing a shift in societal attitudes and the traditional roles of men and women. Masters and Johnson find themselves caught in the midst of this changing landscape, facing opposition, and struggling with their own personal demons.

Michael Sheen flawlessly embodies the role of Dr. William Masters, a highly intelligent, stoic, and driven researcher. His portrayal captures the complexity and nuance of the character, showing both his professional brilliance and emotional vulnerability. Lizzy Caplan shines as Virginia Johnson, the daring and enigmatic woman assisting Masters in his research. Caplan brings a sense of strength and determination to the character, making Virginia a crucial force in the study of human sexuality.

Supporting cast members include Caitlin FitzGerald as Libby Masters, William's wife, who discovers her own path to self-discovery and liberation. Teddy Sears plays Dr. Austin Langham, a new colleague whose presence challenges Masters' authority and stirs up new rivalries. Additionally, Beau Bridges portrays Barton Scully, the hospital's dean who struggles with his own secret desires while harboring conservative beliefs.

The second season of Masters of Sex skillfully balances its exploration of the characters' personal lives with the scientific research that drives the show. It delves into the inherent tension between scientific objectivity and the deeply personal and emotional nature of human sexuality. Through captivating storytelling, the series challenges societal norms and sheds light on the complex and often misunderstood aspects of human desire.

While this article may not provide the opportunity to play and download sounds related to Masters of Sex Season 2, it does offer a glimpse into the captivating world of the show. With its remarkable cast, engaging narrative, and thought-provoking themes, Masters of Sex Season 2 continues to captivate audiences, exploring the boundaries of human sexuality and challenging traditional conventions.

Disclaimer: Please note that the ability to play and download sounds related to Masters of Sex Season 2 is beyond the capabilities of this text-based format.
A couple months.
A girl can't take her husband upstairs for a quickie
A journalist from a local n**** paper was in my office
A little piece of you
A month, in fact.
A n**** that acts like an animal, obsessed with sex
A taxi.
About Al, about all these other men that you've been with
About his, uh, not wanting n****es in the study?
About the party the other night.
About these fucking compromises and half truths
About when we were kids, we would double date.
About your past, about you having kids.
About your relationship about what
Acquaintances, really.
After the dust up yesterday,
After you.
Ah, yes. I r I remember that night.
Ah. Yes.
Al and I were laughing
Al, wait a minute.
Alka Seltzer, more like.
All bets are off.
All of the above
All right. Banana splits.
All this tumult for that one thing?
All those brave souls
Alone in our bed, well...
Already it's creating more of a headache for me than I need.
Always keep that wall up.
And and Betty is done with Helen.
And and I also have to talk to you about
And fatigue.
And from what I can gather,
And hair.
And have more radiation.
And he does have a temper.
And he knows he's wrong.
And he writes as much,
And I can see that I can't persuade you
And I could see to it
And I do not want them used in the piece.
And I don't have a lot of those.
And I don't want to see them ever again.
And I have made peace with
And I promise you, I will publish my findings.
And I want you to know I appreciate all this.
And I would like to think that you would be glad
And I... I didn't see it coming
And I'd just shuffle away and say, "Yes, sir.
And it is.
And it itches, which is why I moved.
And it's just the two of us...
And it's like you're killing yourself over all this stuff.
And it's my story.
And it's spontaneous, and I love spontaneous.
And let the facts speak for themselves.
And mostly...
And nausea.
And newspaper man in this city.
And now Hendricks won't allow his own staff
And now she won't even listen to me.
And now they hate each other?
And now we have you and Miss Johnson,
And now you're here at Buell Green,
And now you're telling me that your heart belongs to Helen,
And Priscilla here was having trouble
And she presents the conflict you have
And she's my friend.
And so tall and beautiful
And so you've countered with resistance.
And somehow Lillian snuck around the wall.
And suddenly they're in this lip lock,
And that doesn't matter, that I should be happy
And that is why she burns so brightly.
And that's what I've missed out on,
And the idea
And then steak and lobster for the main part.
And there was no one there to stop it?
And we could just be together.
And we're glad you did, of course.
And whatever it is that's going on between you two.
And when I realize
And while n**** sexuality wasn't our focus at Maternity,
And you have a key.
And you will suffer loss of bladder and bowel control.
Any errands that need running?
Anything is possible, madam
Anyway, uh, I was, uh, just passing.
Apparently there's a n**** journalist
Are going into every food fair in the country.
Are you going to let me in?
Are you here as a patient or for the study?
Are you sure? Aren't you always?
Around someone with a criminal record.
As an obstetrician,
As I live and breathe.
As Mrs. Johnson says, we will publish what we find
As part of a larger and righteous battle.
As participants in the study together,
As you can see, we screen very thoroughly.
At a hospital in a study.
At cotillion.
At Hamilton College.
At Kemoll's. That night we all had dinner.
Based on erroneous stereotypes,
Because all taboos feel dangerous until they're broken.
Because I am uncomfortable.
Because I found something that was important to me.
Because I was concerned about your safety.
Because I was focused.
Because I'm reassured now.
Because she wants sex all the time.
Because this
Because you are friends with him,
Because you loved Helen.
Because you never know what could happen.
Before I finally turned my attention
Before I left to build something of my own
Before the guests arrive?
Believe it or not, it was actually the n**** doctor
Betty doesn't like Helen.
Betty, come on.
Betty, I I'm watching you,
Between the bearded lady and the monkey man.
Between white and n**** subjects.
Bill, trust me when I tell you
But as long as I'm yours and you're mine...
But ask yourself.
But he's wrong.
But Helen and Betty
But how is it even possible?
But I assumed you'd bring
But I read the rough draft of her piece,
But I want my body to go to science.
But I will I cannot sell myself this cheap.
But I'm sure that your loved ones will do everything they can
But I've got an office full of accolades.
But is that not moving history forward,
But it's unlikely to stop it
But now by refocusing this data
But now that we have,
But now with your sex study, you've met with resistance.
But she she said that you
But she knew who she was.
But she's alone.
But so far she's a no show.
But the impression, Bill.
But the initial results have given me pause.
But the situation does it does concern me
But they were guineas.
But they're thick as thieves.
But to be honest, I'm not worried about myself.
But to bless n**** participation in the study?
But we got a history,
But whatever it was, it wasn't true.
But when it's late,
But you can't just give up.
But you had a wide variety of interests
But you know it.
But... last night, that that was too much.
By taking this, you're promising me you'll see to it,
By the afternoon, she's very tired,
By the end, you won't know what's happening.
Can I give her a message?
Can you give it to them in person?
Can't lose my job.
Care care is what you have
Caught the last round of the Moore/Durelle fight.
Charles, if your intention
Come here, baby.
Come on. I think you owe me the truth.
Common side effect.
Coral told me.
Coral! Listen to yourself!
Could actually benefit from our study.
Creating man from clay.
Cut open to find brain abnormalities
Did you ever fall in love with a boy?
Did you know most of the times
Did you think that you could bully me into this
Different results?
Do you know it's a federal offense
Does that work for you, Virginia?
Doesn't mean that you get to
Don't be ridiculous.
Don't move
Don't move.
Don't move.
Don't you look wonderful
Dosed with radiation,
Doug Greathouse is irrelevant to this story.
Dr. Franklin's patients sit on that side of the waiting room.
Dr. Hendricks has forbidden staff
Eight inches taller than the tallest boy.
Elevated testosterone levels.
Estranged from the white community.
Even as a tactic.
Even Helen?
Even if the odds are 100 to 1,
Even though men have been lynched and castrated
Every lie imaginable, Betty. Come on.
Every night, I wonder if they put on this show just for me.
Every night, you watch them?
Everything oh, and it has been everything.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Exploring n**** sexuality.
Fear... I suppose,
Fighting a battle that I certainly will lose.
Find it.
Finding us a morning appointment.
For a stray dog that you find in the road.
For a three month stay when you were 8,
For Christ's sake, Al, it's Humphrey fucking Bogart.
For someone that you share your bed with.
For the mere perception of sexual aggression,
Forced to resort to violent tactics.
Four and a half months at 10.
Fraudulent findings.
Fresh air, great fishing,
From participating in the study.
From the beginning.
Fully and without compromise to the work I was meant to do.
Gene and Betty can be our witnesses
Give this to Coral. Please.
Given that I don't feel comfortable,
Go ahead.
God knows who would have me even if I could
God, I can never guess it!
Good night, Mrs. Masters.
Guess what I'm wondering
Had mustaches. And that was like pecking.
Hand in hand, despite everything.
Harry stepping out on her.
Have him kissing on you instead of Helen.
Have with their hospital
Having come from Memorial Hospital,
He is a rough customer Robin.
He loves someone else.
He loves you.
He never says it
He was walking down the street.
He's been arrested three times! How can that not concern you?
He's scared.
Hel, are you serious about this?
Helen especially.
Hello? Ma'am?
Hendricks doesn't.
Her her beau.
Here to do your bidding.
Hey, how do you get, uh, this, uh, what do you call it?
Hey, what?
Hey, you want to do that, you get a room.
Hey. It's it's okay.
His life's work because it makes good copy.
Hold before me the specter of a story
How much I want to see you in those little faces...
How so?
Huh? Come on.
I I guess that's who I am.
I admit that.
I am scared, though, for what's ahead.
I ask someone to move their appointment
I can come in the afternoons.
I can stay a little longer.
I can't be beholden to others' rules.
I can't have him coming to the house.
I can't have me or Baby John
I can't work, uh, in a hospital anymore.
I can't, uh, continue like this.
I cannot hear this anymore.
I cannot stand Al,
I could kiss you now.
I could likely say anything to you and you wouldn't blink
I could pick up some groceries for you.
I could take those letters to the post office, if you'd like.
I could, uh
I did allow your study to come to this hospital,
I didn't see her coming.
I do have reduced cognitive function.
I don't feel safe.
I don't know what Coral told you,
I don't open my door to salesmen.
I don't remember.
I don't think this is a story you want to publish.
I don't want a swan.
I don't want to fight with you.
I don't want to spend what time I have left
I drive getaway cars in my spare time.
I feel like Robert's intoxicated you
I found someone that I loved.
I got the funnies,
I got to go back to work anyway.
I had a pilot's license. So?
I have a little cabin up there.
I have a sunburn
I have been putting up with Al because of you,
I have heard
I have made peace with all of it,
I have some sort of God complex
I have, uh, never misrepresented my work.
I have. Have you?
I I care about you!
I I didn't see her name on any of the apartments.
I I I'm sorry. And you are...?
I I was gonna make up some story,
I initially told Miss Hogue
I just I can't.
I just said.
I just want to make sure that I mean, are you pulling my leg?
I knew what I wanted to do.
I knew you couldn't stay away forever.
I know I know that they didn't mean anything to you.
I know you didn't love them.
I know you think you have something with Robert,
I know you.
I know. Al, I'm sorry.
I learned to box step to this song.
I mean forbidden.
I mean n****es forced
I mean that it's much better for her.
I mean, are you staying?
I mean, come on.
I mean, Gene, honey, it's not every day a man is syncopated.
I mean, I had aunts that used to lip kiss,
I mean, I've never heard of a woman doing that.
I mean, those two they're so close.
I mean, we've been round and round with this.
I missed you.
I once had intercourse with a corpse.
I promised I wouldn't tell anybody, but now...
I really think Al would love Helen.
I removed them in broad daylight.
I said s stop.
I see the constellations in these freckles.
I see them come out of the ladies' room,
I simply asked him to check
I think so.
I think you're lying.
I thought if you had a shopping list,
I thought it would be best
I took it.
I trace words on their foreheads.
I tried. But I'm done.
I understand why you would feel that way,
I understand you've been looking for me.
I want to
I want to get hitched to you.
I want to see how it ends.
I want you to tell me what's going to happen to me
I want your office cleared out by morning.
I wanted our kids to be you part you, anyway.
I was 13.
I was genuinely sickened by that Al and Helen freak show.
I was going to send it special delivery.
I was raised by vampires
I went into, uh, medicine
I went out to see if Helen
I will prove you a fraud.
I wish I could do this.
I won't lie. Makes for good copy.
I wonder if different ways of being intimate would produce
I would leave Al in the back seat with his date to have at it
I would let the facts speak for themselves.
I would prefer she not go ahead with this story.
I, uh, I'm just tired. You three go to dinner.
I... am
I'd always drive.
I'll make a call.
I'll see you in the morning.
I'm I'm ju I'm just
I'm a go look in the mirror, just like you say.
I'm all set.
I'm always so... careful, you know?
I'm always telling Al he needs to be more spontaneous.
I'm an editor, and I will publish that article.
I'm asking you
I'm done, Virginia, with treatment.
I'm Dr. Masters' research assistant.
I'm fine. You can stop.
I'm glad you tracked me down.
I'm going to take, um, uh... God damn it.
I'm her brother.
I'm here to see Dr. Masters
I'm just a woman who...
I'm more concerned about the scientific findings.
I'm Morgan Hogue from the St. Louis Chronicle.
I'm never going back to that hospital
I'm not a And what about you,
I'm not an errand boy, Dr. Masters,
I'm not estranged from the white community.
I'm not feeling very well.
I'm not selling anything.
I'm not tampering. I'm looking for Coral.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry, but from now on,
I'm sorry, too.
I'm sorry?
I'm sorry?
I'm sorry?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I I don't know how to not fight.
I'm sorry. I must have, uh
I'm sure scared of what your study might do"?
I'm sure that
I'm sure you can understand how hard that is to leave.
I'm very uncomfortable with him
I'm Virginia Johnson.
I'm wondering if part of the reason
I'm, uh...
I've been thinking.
I've got 25 years of a sterling reputation.
I've had relations a few times.
If I could check just a few facts with you.
If that's what you're looking for.
If we kept our patients away from each other.
If we're going to be honest.
If you want to get hitched to me,
If you weren't forbidding it
If you're trying to imply
In "To Catch A Thief."
In order to accommodate your friend, are you?
In our study, subjects understand
In person?
In the bedroom, I mean, with Roger
In the hopes of having a few more days to lie on that table
In the study?
In your waiting room
Instead of ripping down our fliers in the dead of night
Is about the positive effect of our study
Is always the girl you were at 13.
Is it really worth it?
Is it true you assaulted a physician at Memorial?
Is take a trip up north.
Is that another threat?
Is that your attempt to to reassure me?
Is the fact that my friend is also a doctor.
Is to move history forward, as you put it to me,
Is to only go where the research leads.
Is willing to switch her 10:00 AM on Wednesday.
It always led me back to you.
It feels like dying, and it is.
It seems like maybe you like Al a lot.
It varies.
It was a friend high up in the police department.
It wasn't Robert's fault.
It would be irresponsible to stay on.
It'll be harder to express your thoughts, to think clearly.
It's about time they did.
It's been really tough.
It's crazy, isn't it?
It's impressive.
It's just you and me,
It's me. I forgot to take the letter.
It's me. Mariel.
It's much better for me to take her in the mornings.
It's my study.
It's not like you don't frustrate the hell out of me,
It's not my husband. It's Dr. Hendricks.
It's not the same thing?
It's so romantic.
It's the key to your new office at Buell Green.
It's very sweet of you. It is
Jesus, don't don't write that.
Jim Crow would certainly feel at home
Just because you're her boyfriend
Just please take it.
Just tell me.
Just this morning,
Knock it off. Mrs. Mendel is coming.
Last night after we left.
Let me at least drive you home, Lillian,
Let's see who the public listens to me or you.
Libby, either you change the situation or I will,
Like a man.
Like many in our community,
Like the kitchen caught on fire
Like... Cary Grant and Grace Kelly
Lilantha there's no Lilantha.
Lillian snuck in.
Lillian, wait.
Lillian, who she she knows me.
Lillian. Lillian!
Listen to me, kid. I'm givin' it to you straight.
Look loosey goosey.
Look, these these incidents taken out of context
Losing words and weight.
Love is what you have
Mark my words.
May I?
Maybe a balcony overlooking the river.
Maybe I'm just not man enough for you.
Maybe some medical student
Maybe they once were, but something's gone sour there,
Maybe you got a thing for Al.
Meaning it isn't your job
Men have mistresses.
Met in the lobby at the Park Plaza.
Miss Hogue said you were just beginning
Miss Hogue, the story we agreed
Mm hmm
Mm hmm.
Mm, yeah, like the both of you, shooting from the hip,
More like stars.
Mornings next week are completely booked.
Most of my staff has never seen a lynching.
Move you out of here.
Mr. Wilson, my methods are beyond reproach.
Mrs. Mendel will be here any minute.
Mrs. Mendel's not dead yet?
Must have caught up to you eventually.
My auntie can pick me up tonight.
My auntie is waiting for me.
My entire life.
My friend, she's taken sleeping pills an overdose.
My God.
My head is splitting. I got to rest.
My only caution to you
My parents will want me buried in this plot
My study may have been shown the door,
Near lethal doses of x rays to penetrate their skin.
Never mind the scientific confirmation of it.
Next time you ask that question?
No call, nothing.
No doubt it does.
No doubt Miss Hogue told you
No doubt there's a gurney waiting for you somewhere
No message.
No more delivering babies, surgical privileges gone.
No one's ever been in love with me, though.
No one's ever stayed.
No one's threatening
No, I was recently jilted.
No, no, I never did love any of them.
No, not every night.
No, you and Gene have money.
No. Don't move.
No. No, I don't think so.
Not just tall.
Not readily given.
Not really.
Not that I've known of, anyway.
Not to sugar coat it.
Now, if you don't mind, I came in here to take a leak.
Of every prominent politician, lawmaker,
Oh, and because it's for science,
Oh, and there's Lilantha
Oh, for God's sakes. You want the truth?
Oh, I I could have stopped it.
Oh, I'm just... I don't know.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, we go way back.
Oh, you can't be serious.
Oh, you don't know that myth?
Oh, you don't recognize me because
Oh! Oh, my God!
Oh. Um, good night, Coral.
Okay, Dr. Masters,
Okay, ma'am. I need the address.
Okay, well, who cares who it is?
Okay. In the morning.
On a groundbreaking, top secret study
On the n**** community here at Buell Green.
Once we can convince him of the value of the work
One arrest was for assaulting a police officer.
One rocco more or less
Only one way to find out.
Or maybe you want to be in that back seat with Al,
Or realistic.
Or the caterer got run over by a bus,
Or the jezebel, the female equivalent.
Otherwise you are a man spouting revolution
Our point to Hendricks exactly.
Our study had your full backing and support.
Penis size, for one.
Penis size, performance, frequency.
Please come with me.
Please let me in anyway.
Please, for my sake.
Please, just for once, tell me, who are you really?
Poor Mrs. Mendel.
Previously on Masters Of Sex...
Probably wishes she were.
Radiating my brain
Radiation burn from last time.
Ridiculous is lying on that table,
Several of them would participate today
Sexual appetite.
She she's not even very much fun.
She did.
She is so... ferocious."
She loves her husband.
She's a complete know it all.
She's being so pigheaded
She's given up.
She's so... rigid and demanding.
Shelley Decklin.
Showing up here tonight completely unannounced.
Sign us out of here.
Since arriving at Buell Green,
So are you saying
So cut the cord.
So I trust you to tell me straight,
So I'm I'm gonna give it to you straight.
So I've been trying to get used to the idea of adopting, and...
So if I am disappointing you,
So if I am disappointing you,
So instead, you threaten me.
So let's see if you have the guts to be reborn.
So perhaps you have a patient
So why don't you go ahead and try me?
So why not be a pilot?
So you know that he has a record.
So you stay married, and I'm your what?
So you won't be our witnesses now?
So, as much as I'd like to...
So, the sickly child became Prometheus,
So, uh, you been dating awhile?
So, uh, you guys are friends from, uh...?
So... if an unconventional life was always in the cards,
Some men very dumb.
Some of those stereotypes about n**** sexuality.
Something with white roses that keeps coming up.
Sometimes I would look across our office and think,
Specifically on n**** performance, physiology,
Standing here proposing to do the exact same thing
Stare at n****es.
Stereotypes a study like ours could begin to dispel.
Stop hoping, accept what is?
Strong? And brave?
Such as?
Ta da I'm down two sizes
Technically, yes.
Thank you for your concern.
Thank you so much.
That that had too many "You"s in it.
That are gonna carry us into old age,
That Buell Green was embarking
That claims it's true.
That I need to keep my family safe,
That insisted upon keeping our patients separated.
That is incorrect.
That is just fucking rude!
That is just insane.
That kind of closeness.
That must have left a strong impression on a young boy.
That my wishes are carried out.
That n****es have been thought to require
That paints you as an ostracized and unstable figure,
That she lost her key or something.
That she struck some men dumb.
That the two of us can't see each other all the time.
That was good. It was fun.
That was not my finest moment, I'll admit.
That we're not gonna be able to have kids of our own
That would be wonderful.
That you could experiment with different sexual positions,
That's a cummerbund.
That's a silly thing to say.
That's all.
That's enough for me.
That's everything, isn't it?
That's my husband
That's not what you're proposing?
That's the most words you've said in a row all day.
The address
The associations the good people of this community
The Big Dipper.
The chancellor and I did not see eye to eye.
The course of true love never did run smooth.
The DePauls there go back to the 1800s.
The flesh is weak.
The mandate of our study
The mantle of respectability here at Buell Green.
The more the merrier, now that we're four.
The more you care, the more you spend, right?
The n**** is an animal. The n**** wants your women.
The parameters of their participation.
The point is
The portrayal of black women as oversexed and immoral
The radiation may slow the cancer,
The three of us have money, and money means options.
The very thing you implored me to do?!
The warrior princess?
The way they kiss each other right on the lips
Their pawing each other was a vulgar display.
Then look again, please.
Then this unconventional life it's a pretty good one.
Then what brings you here?
Then what choice does Hendricks have
There could be a new trial a month from now,
There was also an incident
There you go.
There'd be a nice symmetry to that, don't you think?
There's a family plot in Weymouth.
There's no reason
There's nothing more dangerous than a desperate man.
They are somewhere
They assaulted him first.
They called me "Giraffe."
They castrate a man before they string him up?
They fully endorsed the study and my bringing you aboard.
They haven't done anything.
They know exactly what is expected of him or her and why.
They picked him up outside a bar.
They will insist on it.
They're getting married.
They're instructions.
This apparently led to your dismissal.
This fucking avalanche that is our marriage!
This hospital
This is a new start. For us.
This is all happening so fast!
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