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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) - Season 2 Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not a movie or a song, but rather a popular television

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) - Season 2

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not a movie or a song, but rather a popular television show that first aired in 1997. Created by Joss Whedon, the series follows the adventures of Buffy Summers, a young woman chosen to battle the forces of evil as the Slayer.

Season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer delves deeper into the dark and complex world of the supernatural. It introduces new antagonists and explores the personal growth of the characters. The season has a total of 22 episodes, each filled with action, drama, and witty dialogue.

The cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 2 includes some iconic characters played by talented actors. Sarah Michelle Gellar brilliantly portrays Buffy Summers, the strong-willed and fierce Slayer. Nicholas Brendon plays Xander Harris, Buffy's loyal best friend, while Alyson Hannigan portrays Willow Rosenberg, a shy and intelligent witch. Anthony Stewart Head adds a touch of wisdom as Rupert Giles, Buffy's mentor and watcher.

One of the standout characters of season 2 is Angel, played by David Boreanaz. Angel is a complex vampire with a soul, who falls in love with Buffy. Their forbidden romance unfolds throughout the season, adding an emotional and compelling element to the show. James Marsters joins the cast as Spike, a charismatic and ruthless vampire with a vendetta against Buffy.

The season is filled with memorable episodes, including "Surprise" and "Innocence," which explore the consequences of Buffy and Angel's relationship. "Passion" delivers a heartbreaking twist, while "Becoming" serves as the thrilling two-part finale, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 2 combines supernatural elements, compelling storytelling, and a talented cast to create a captivating television experience. With its mix of action, humor, and emotional depth, the show transcends the typical vampire genre, making it a beloved cult classic.

If you're a fan of the series or intrigued by its premise, you can easily immerse yourself in the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. You can watch the entire season and download its sounds by visiting [insert website], where you can enjoy the show's iconic soundtrack, including the atmospheric theme song composed by Nerf Herder.

So, buckle up and take a journey into the darkness with Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 2. Join Buffy and her friends as they face evil and navigate the complexities of love, friendship, and destiny. With its unique blend of supernatural elements and relatable characters, this iconic series continues to captivate audiences even years after its initial release.
A bunch of girls are missing. The Zeta Kappas may be involved. And Buffy.
A missing girl.
A year in which our bounty overflowed
Accept our offering, dark lord
An anniversary or some other event significant to the killer.
And bless us with your power,...
And don't think sitting there pouting is gonna get to me, because it won't.
And I just feel like a complete dolt meeting you this way, so...
And if he is pleased with our offerings, then our fortunes shall increase.
And on that day, they'll still have more.
And on the tenth day of the tenth month,...
And prove you're as good as the rich guys?
And that goes for the other one, too
And that's what I'm gonna have. Fun!
And the slice of life that still belongs to me from 1:00 to 1:05 in the morning.
And we thought just because we didn't have any money, this'd be a lacklustre evening.
And you laugh at everything he says.
And you never let her do anything except work and patrol.
And you! You're goin' to jail for 15,000 years.
And you! You're gonna live for ever. You don't have time for a cup of coffee?
And you're not.
And your hair... All right, I respect you too much to be dishonest. The hair's a little...
And, to be truthful, I'm not feeling all that well myself.
And, uh, I'll see you in the morning.
And... my mom's not really feeling well and she could probably use my help.
Angel, how do you shave?
Answer me!
Anyway, the deal is they need you to go. And if you don't go, I can't.
Anyway, the, uh, Hulk is gone,...
Are sick. You're right. There's no point in disturbing them until we know more.
Are you going to be prepared if a demon springs up behind you and does this?
Are you wearing make up?
Aren't you supposed to be doing your homework in the library?
Askew means cockeyed.
At your age, I wasn't into grown up things either.
Because I have obligations.
Because of that thing he did with her feet? No, that was personal.
Because you're seeing someone.
Boy, what a long day.
Brittany Oswald, junior at St Michael's, disappeared a year ago.
Buffy, these men are rich, and I am not being shallow.
Buffy, where are we?
Buffy! Did you lose weight?
Buffy's lying? Buffy's going to frat parties?
But do be polite and laugh at the appropriate intervals.
Callie Megan Anderson.
Callie! Callie.
Come on
Come on, Buffy!
Come on, Buffy. It's just a smidge.
Come on, come on, hurry!
Come on, dance, pretty boy! Keep it movin'.
Come on.
Cor, you printing up business cards with your number, or just goin' with a halter top?
Did I sound a little jealous just then? Cos I'm not really...
Did we forget something?
Did... she have a date?
Didn't see you three... creeping about.
Do be interested if someone speaks to you. It may or may not happen.
Do lie to your mom about where we're going. There will be drinking.
Do you see anyone else chained up in here?
Does every conversation have to come round to that freak? Hey, how ya doin'?
Don't do that weird thing with your hair.
Dos and don'ts: don't wear black, silk, chiffon or spandex. These are my trademarks.
Extra foam!
Fair enough. No, I don't.
Feed him?! Oh, no!
Feed, dark lord.
Feel free to ignore him. I do all the time.
For he shall rise from the depths and we shall tremble before him.
From now on, no more pushing, no more prodding.
Get away from her!
God, I love high school girls.
Godzilla's attacking downtown Tokyo!
Good. So, um, you're on patrol
Got locked out dumping the trash.
Great! I'll drive. Buffy, it's like we're sisters with really different hair.
Guys! Buffy! Snake! Basement now!
Have you heard from Angel?
He might come back.
He was there when Buffy found it. We're gonna need all the help we can get.
He who is the source of all we inherit and all we possess.
He won't be upset. Not much paranormal activity lately.
He's the one to watch out for
Help! Help!
Her? Oh, she's not my friend.
Here's a hard fact of life: we all have to do things we don't like.
Hone your skills day and night.
Hop off the outlaw train, before you land us in jail.
How about none?
I can smell it.
I can't believe she lied to Giles. My world is all askew.
I don't feel better now, and we've gotta help Buffy.
I don't think we go to it.
I don't understand. I mean, he likes you. More than likes.
I don't wanna meet fraternity boys.
I drive you too hard because I know what you have to face.
I found this.
I hate these guys. Whatever they want just falls into their laps.
I hear this place, uh, serves coffee.
I I was just thinking,...
I just know your pizza delivery career will take you so many exciting places.
I know she's the Chosen One, but you're killing her with pressure.
I mean, she's 16 going on 40!
I only joined the fraternity because my father and grandpa were in it before me.
I promise to keep our secret from this day until my death.
I promise to keep our secret from this day until my death.
I saw them wearing robes. They went down to the basement. I was gonna sneak in.
I shouldn't be here.
I talk too much. Have you picked up on that yet?
I talk too much. They're really dull parties full of really dull people.
I think it comes to us.
I think she's singing.
I thought maybe you and I should get some... sometime
I told one lie. I had one drink.
I told you to shut up!
I, for one, am giddy and up. There's a kind of hush all over Sunnydale.
I'll let you know.
I'll take an early pass this evening and one later, but for most of the evening...
I'm brainsick. I can't have a relationship with him!
I'm dawdling... with my friends.
I'm going to attack you.
I'm hating.
I'm not going with Angel. I'm going with...
I'm really glad that you decided to come.
I'm talking about Richard Anderson, as in Anderson Farms, Anderson Aeronautics...
I'm Tom Warner. I'm a senior at Crestwood College, and I...
I'm trying to protect you. This could get out of control.
I've got to keep an eye on Buffy. Those frat guys creep me.
I've never been so happy to see anyone in my whole...
If there was a God, don't you think he'd keep it that way?
If you want.
In blood I was baptised, and in blood I shall reign,...
In blood I was baptised, in blood I shall reign, in his name.
In every generation, there is a Chosen One,
In his name
In his name, Machida!
In the basement, as far as I can tell.
Is she dying?
Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?
It had surround sound!
It meant a lot to them.
It's broken in two. I don't know what the rest might have spelled.
It's complicated.
It's gonna be a really special evening.
It's nice to... Blood?
It's not getting to me.
It's the non relationship drink of choice. It's not a date. It's a caffeinated beverage.
Just because the paranormal is more "normal" and less... "para" of late,...
Just need to stop spinning for..
Just, um...
Keep it up, yeah! Come on, keep it goin'!
Let her go, Wormy!
Let me in. I don't wanna miss the, uh...
Let's get out there.
Like you don't have a sick mother, but you'd rather go to a party...
Listen. If we date, you and I both know one thing's gonna lead to another.
Look, I wasn't lying. I was just protecting him from information...
Looks like everyone's gone.
Machida, let our fortunes increase.
Make up, make up. Well, give it your all and keep to the shadows.
Me, too. Let's go.
Missing for over a week.
Mm, history stumps me. I've a hard enough time remembering what happened last week.
My friend invited your friend to a party we're having this weekend.
Never seen him before in my life
New girl!
New pledge! New pledge!
Nice bed.
Nice car.
No demons or vampires to slay. I'm here with my friends.
No one's going home.
No one's seen her. No one knows what happened to her.
No, Richard. I think you're playing easy to resist.
No. I think Buffy's still inside somewhere with Cordelia. Their car's still here.
No. I think you don't know what it's like to be 16, and a girl, and the Slayer.
No. It's...
No. Kent Preparatory School. Just outside of town.
Not during the day, but you could ask him for coffee some night.
Not funny ha ha.
Nothin' happened last week don't worry. I was there.
Now is the time you should train more strictly, hunt and patrol more keenly.
Now, that's entertainment.
Offerings? He's talking about us?
Oh, "and suicides in the boardroom
Oh, an extraterrestrial. So that's how you get a date after you exhausted the human guys.
Oh, are we feeling a little envious?
Oh, Buffy, I don't think so. Frying pan, fire? You know what I'm sayin'.
Oh, come on!
Oh, her? She's happiest by herself.
Oh, I gotta go.
Oh, I wish I could, but...
Oh, me too. Except that I'm a senior and I'm in college.
Oh, my God!
Oh, no, I think I do. I want out of this conversation.
Oh, sorry. The reflection thing that you don't have.
Oh! I told Giles I'd meet him in the library ten minutes ago.
OK, big fun, guys
OK, boots, start a walkin'.
OK, here's what we're gonna do. She should make the rounds again.
OK, let me think. Mm, no!
OK, look, seven days a week I'm busy saving the world.
OK, so tonight, channel 59: Indian TV.
OK, sure, it's hot and bitter, like a relationship that way, but...
OK, that is the guy you wanna party with.
On my oath, before my assembled brethren.
On my oath, before my assembled brethren.
Once in a great while I wanna have some fun.
One day I'll have money, prestige, power
One of them's... different than the others.
One thing already has led to another. It's a little late to read me a warning label.
Ooh, sorry.
Or what it's like to have to stake vampires while you're having fuzzy feelings for one.
People that I'm responsible for... or to... or with...
Please don't.
Richard and his fraternity brother wanna meet you.
Richard explained it to me, but I was so busy "really listening" that I didn't hear much.
Right! Like she's gonna fall for that.
Says here that they've all been sentenced to consecutive life sentences.
See? Dr Debbi says when a man is speaking, make serious eye contact and really listen.
Seen our multimedia room?
Sex, lies, incomprehensible story lines. I'll bring the nuts.
She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness,
She found the bracelet in the cemetery, near the south wall.
She is the Slayer,
She's gonna walk away.
She's here for the pleasure of the one we serve.
She's sad because her lover gave her 12 gold coins. But the wizard cut open a bag of salt...
So did Kelley Percell, sophomore at Grant.
So how does the water buffalo fit in again?
So we have that in common. And I major in history.
So why shouldn't you be here?
So, have either of you seen a pair of girls here? One's about... so high?
So, uh...
So, who's your friend?
So... would you like to come and save me from a really dull fate?
Some guy's attacking Buffy with a sword! Also, there's a big snake!
Some of us are sober louts!
Someone's not seeing me.
Something's going on upstairs. Go! Go!
Sorry. Of course, if if you're not well...
South wall, that's near the college and... the fraternity house!
South wall.
Starve a snake, lose a fortune. The rich really are different.
Stay calm. We'll get out of this
Taking on the undead doesn't do wonders for your social life.
Thank you, Jonathan.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That doesn't make him a bad person... necessarily.
That's exactly where being different comes in handy.
That's for the wig! That's for the bra!
That's not askew, that's cockeyed.
That's where I've seen these bracelets.
The one with the cherry walnut panelling and the two 48 inch televisions?
The party's just gettin' started.
The weirdest things always happen when you're around.
The words "let that be a lesson" are a tad redundant at this juncture.
The Zeta Kappas need a certain balance at their party.
There you go.
There's a guy you wanna party with.
There's blood on it.
There's no comparison between college men and high school boys.
There's something down there and he's gonna throw us down there with it!
Think of the poor people I could help with all my money.
This being Sunnydale and all, I guess we can rule out something good.
This holy hour.
This isn't about fun. This is about duty.
This isn't some fairy tale.
Three of us.
Three stones.
To a telephone, in Hindi.
To maturity.
To my Argentinian junk bonds that just matured into double digits.
To the Delta Zeta Kappas and to Machida whom we serve.
To the Delta Zeta Kappas and to Machida whom we serve.
Tom, you talk too much.
Uh huh.
Uh, hello? "She" is standing right here!
Uh, Lent. Dent.
Um, how did it go last night?
Was it one of those vivid dreams where you could feel his lips and smell his hair?
We call you, Machida.
We come before you with fresh offerings.
We could go to the Bronze, sneak in our own tea bags and ask for hot water.
We don't know that it's concrete. Let's not disturb her...
We got us a crasher.
We have no power,...
We have no wealth,...
We need to know where Buffy found that bracelet.
We were dawdlin' here!
We who serve you,...
We're gonna have a blast!
We're having a get together tomorrow night at the house.
We're not all a bunch of drunken louts.
Well, I'm not a demon.
Well, not that it's any of your business, but I happen to be dating a Delta Zeta Kappa.
Well, thanks for letting me ramble.
Well, that really isn't the point here.
Well, there's nothing we can do about it. We'll help Giles.
Well, why do you think she went to that party? Because you gave her the brushoff.
Well, you see why I have to go?
Went. Kent.
What are you doing?
What are you guys doing here?
What did he do in the dream?
What the hell. I'm tired of being mature.
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?
When he got so mad about you being in danger, and changed into a... grrr,...
When I kiss you, you don't wake up from a deep sleep and live happily ever after.
When you kiss me, I wanna die.
When you live on top of a... a mystical convergence,...
Where are you going?
Which is why you should let go now.
Who needs a social life when you have a hellmouth?
Who's first?
Who's first?
Who's this dork?
Whoa! Since when do they have orgies? Why aren't I on the mailing list?
Why did I ever let you talk me into coming here?!
Why do they park so darn close to you?
Why don't you introduce us?
Why is she singing?
Why? What are they gonna do to us?
Will you be ready if a vampire's behind you?
With Buffy!
With their charmed lives and movie star good looks and more money than you can count...
Word of warning for your own good: I won't be pulling any punches.
Works for me.
Yeah. I was just thinking.
Yes! You have a duty, a purpose. You have a commitment in life.
Yes. And you were very nearly devoured by a giant demon snake.
You are, dollface. Keep on dancing! All right!
You bitch! I'll serve you to him in pieces.
You could belong to a fraternity of rich and powerful men... in the Bizarro World.
You did it.
You don't want her. She's all skin and bones. Half an hour later you'll be hungry.
You guys, I just...
You have hand to hand this afternoon and patrol tonight, so come straight here...
You know what's so cool about college? The diversity.
You know, he's not even really my friend.
You know, in that light,...
You know, people underestimate the value of a good ramble.
You mean like if there are others?
You OK?
You saved us.
You should relax and enjoy yourself once in a while.
You should stay home with your mother.
You speak again, and I'll cut your throat.
You think I'm too mature?
You wanna protect her?
You yawned your way through weapons training. You skipped hand to hand.
You'll go to college someday.
You're 16 years old. I'm 241.
You're big on responsibility. I like that. But there's such a thing as being too mature.
You're going to the fraternity party? What made you change your mind?
You're not seeing someone?
You're now one of us.
You've got all the rich people and all of the other people.
Young men are the only way to go.
Your duty to help me achieve permanent prosperity, OK?
..except what you give us. Except what you give us.
..I'm sort of involved. Oh, sure, of course you are.
..Machida! Machida! possession, except what you give us. Except what you give us.
..that he wouldn't be able to digest properly. Like a corn dog.
A fraternity? Could they be taking these girls?
A whole lot of nothing with Angel. Bummer.
A year? Almost to the day.
And maybe catch an orgy? If it's on early.
And she's not available. Why not?
And there's blood on it. Oh. I didn't see any.
And you skipped three classes. Yeah. And, of course, they flew by.
Angel barely says two words to me. Don't you hate that?
Angel showed up. He could smell it. The blood?
Angel. He's going with you?
Angel. Xander.
Are you a senior here? Junior.
Are you ready for this? I don't know. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
At least Tom can cary on a conversation. Yeah!
Beaucoup babes! Ooh, yeah!
Bent. Sent.
Blood. In Sunnydale. What a surprise.
Brewski time! Party!
Can I do what I want then? Think I don't know what it's like to be 16?
Cheers. # I think she's got her hungry eyes on you
Come on. You know what. Where are they?
Cordelia? Cordelia's much better for you than Angel.
Cordelia. Hi, Richard.
Could I have this dance? Come on!
D'you guys wanna join us? Nah. I gotta digest an' all.
Don't you hate these guys? Yeah.
E N T. I've seen something like that before.
Easy, man. Come on, sweetheart. Yeah!
Easy, man. Dance!
Except for the, uh... Vampire thing.
Excuse me? Oh. I would... I would love to go.
Hey, guys. New pledge.
Hey, Reptile Boy! No woman speaks to him.
Hi, sweetheart. I'm Richard. And you are? So not interested.
How many people your age can say that? We talkin' foreign or domestic?
I don't know. I wanna go home.
I don't think so. No? Well, that's good. That's..
I haven't let my guard down. Really?
I knew this was gonna happen. What? What do you think is happening?
I mean, how many guys can... Angel, Angel, Angel.
I mean, look at that. So, Cor, you're datin' college guys now?
I pledge my life and my death. I pledge my life and my death.
I was just having a little fun. She's not here for your fun, you pervert.
I wasn't doing anything. I saw you.
I'll go. You'll go?
I'll just... I understand.
I'm Buffy Summers. Nice to meet you.
I'm calling Buffy. No!
I'm goin' to the party. What?
I'm just thinking about him so much lately. You two are so right for each other.
I'm sorry. So am I.
I've done the math. You don't know what you want.
In his name! In his name!
It was nice to meet you. Oh. Same here.
It's pretty thin. Probably belonged to a girl. Probably.
Kent! That's it! Her boyfriend's name was Kent.
Killer? We don't know that there's a... No, but this being Sunnydale and all...
Machida. In his name.
Machida. Machida.
Machida. Machida.
New pledge. New pledge!
No. Wanna show me? What about...?
Oh! She's such a little comedienne. What? She likes to play hard to get?
Oh. Is there alcohol in this? Just a smidge.
Party's over, jerkwater. Wait. A friend of mine was here.
Please, let me go. Let you go?
Richard! Welcome, ladies.
Right. You just wanna have coffee. Coffee?
She has a date with Angel! Isn't it exciting? I'm elated.
She lied to me? Well...
She's amazing. She's more like a sister. We're that close.
She's last
Stuff. Oh, stuff.
Thanks for... No.
There's no orgies. I heard wild things go on at frat parties.
They may be involved in a ritual. With the missing girls.
This is more important... I have homework to do.
Tom? Who's Tom? The frat guy.
We can begin our search there. Good idea. Call Angel.
We'll see who the bracelet belongs to. Good idea. She'll patrol, we'll reconvene...
Well, say it. I'm not gonna say it.
What are they, some kind of cult? Yeah. Psycho cult.
What are you doing? Pulling up their school newsletter...
What happened with Angel? Nothing. As usual.
What weird th... Don't interrupt
What're you saying? You want a date? No.
What's down there? Come forth,...
What's happening? What did they do to us? They drugged us.
What's like a relationship? Nothing I have.
When he does, he treats me like I'm a child. That bastard!
Why are you wearing that? I found it in their trash.
Why is she singing? Lover? I thought that was her chiropractor?
Why not? Because Buffy... and her mother...
Ye gods! Cordelia. Cordelia?
You don't want a date? Who said date? I I I never said date.
You dreamed about Angel again? Third night in a row.
You lied to Giles. Cos she will.
You OK? Jeez.
You've gotta do something. It has been a year since our last offering. inordinate amount of nudging.
..and Anderson Cosmetics.
..and get your homework done, and don't dawdle with your friends.
..and let your terrible countenance look upon your servants and their humble offering.
..and now the dancing minions have nowhere to put their big maypole... fish thing.
..and older bones dating back 50 years."
..are suffering from falling profits, IRS raids..." upon you in this holy hour.
..cinnamon, chocolate, half caf, non fat.
..hate you guys.
..he shall be enhungered and we shall feed him. I stand in all my doltishness. his name. no excuse for tardiness or letting your guard down. there! With Cordelia! They went to a party at the Zeta Kappa House. was the most amazing thing I ever saw.'s only a matter of time before a fresh hell breaks loose. place in the world,... you don't have to dance with me. see if there's anything about...
..we who receive all that you bestow,..
..where there's gonna be drinking and older guys and probably an orgy.
..with that wig on an' all,...
..wouldn't it be funny some time to see each other when it wasn't a blood thing?'re still butt ugly!
"A number of corporations whose chairmen are former Delta Zeta Kappas...
"Investigators found the bones of girls in a cavern beneath the frat house,...
# All the guys' eyes are upon her
# Bend, and I'll break you
# Confused and a lot to take..
# If she bends, then she breaks
# If she bends, then she breaks...
# Leave, and I'll take you back again
# She hates you, but then she makes a mistake
# She loves you, but then she takes it away...
# She said she runs with the wolves
# She thinks she runs with the wolves
# She walks into the room...
# Yeah, you
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