A little wriggling, then two bubbles, and then a big bloop from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
A real constitution! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Admiral General from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Admiral General Aladeen and his new bride, Zoey. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
After you've paid me my 30% finder's fee, of course from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Ah, America! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Ah! Supreme Leader! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Aladeen addressed his nation today from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
ALADEEN: Let me in! I have 85 rooms at this hotel! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
ALADEEN: Well done, Nadal. This beard is perfect. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
ALADEEN: Yeah, right, and not in a good way. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
All right, I don't care from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
All right, I'm going in. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Allow the girls to use their many talents from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
ANCHORMAN: Breaking news now from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
ANCHORMAN: With that speech, today, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
And bailing them out when they gamble and lose. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
And explain to me how this bomb from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
And I accept your job offer as general manager from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
And I'd love to see the fireworks over the Statue of Liberty. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
And make some sort of a nice display? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
And many who did. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
And sign it in five days, on Wadiya's Independence Day. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
And then rip up the constitution in front of the world's media. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
And three of those will be untranslatable. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
And? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Anyway, let me give you the grand tour. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Are you guys friends of the deceased? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Are you having a boy or an abortion? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
As U. N from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Believe me, sir, if I could make the device even a little more pointy, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Boring! Do you sell any assault rifles? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Can you take it out? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Clean it! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Clip his nails, file his teeth, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Come on! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Come on! Come with me! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Definitely not. I must be going. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Democracy is flawed! She is not perfect! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Democracy, I will make you one of my wives. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Democracy... from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Dictatorship forever! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Do it for your country. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Do you have anything in your pockets? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Do you have nuclear weapons? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Does he have worms in his shilshul? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Dropped your belt. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Efawadh. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Eh, Eddie Norton, next time, you pee on me. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Etra, is this because you're the only virgin guard from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
For a moment like this from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
For a moment like this from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
For people of all or no genders. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Gentlemen. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Good bye, old friend. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Great! Let's get you to work! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Ha ha! Bingo! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Hairy Potter! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Hard and spiky on the outside, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Have you seen You've Got Mail Bomb? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
He is almost as dumb as the real guy. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
He is dumping the urine on the Israeli delegation. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
He is now drinking his urine. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
He is protected by 30 female guards, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Hello, Lancaster! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Hello! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Hello. I am Admiral General Aladeen from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Here is the plan. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Hey, Sub Saharan! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Hiding from that lesbian hobbit. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
His bill goes around to the back of his head, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Hurry! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I am pretty proud of it. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I am very proud to be an American. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I can't wait! I can't Wait! (LAUGHING) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I come before you today from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I don't want to be tortured from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I don't want you to worry about anything. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I dread to think what kind of jungle you have on your malawach! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I guess you don't want me to play black then. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I mean, I know there's nothing more annoying from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I prefer it with goats. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I said you were nice! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I think I'm starting to get you from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I threw in some carob covered goji berries, just as a treat. Enjoy. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I tricked you, Wolverina. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I wasn't the best student, but... from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I... Believe me when I tell you, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I'll be back with help! J.K.! Just kidding! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I'm getting a lot of this and not much of this... from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I've come here to apologize from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I've fooled them. Job done from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
If you hate Aladeen and you like good food, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Imumoccupancyu One hundred and twenty. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
In the lesbian bathroom, right there from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Israel from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
It's a girl. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
It's still attached! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Jachnoon, President Prime Minister Aladeen. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Jerking myself totally off. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Just this. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Just this. This pours hot fire out on you. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Katy Perry said she got a diamond Rolex. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Let me introduce you to my beautiful wife. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Let's just agree to disagree, my friend from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Like, honestly, zero people. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Listen, everything is gonna be just fine from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Look, I've got two fingers now. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Look! One of the customers left a tip of from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
MIKE: Drinking from the pitcher of water directly, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
MIKE: This is an historic moment. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
My calculations were very precise. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
My Speech. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
NADALI Hurry! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Need I remind you of the Menudo incident? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
No, but you cannot hold your eyes! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
No, don't. Don't. Don't. Please, don't! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
No, it's not. He's not a musician. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
No, Nadal, it must be real hair. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
No, no, no... They're totally biased against this. They hate us. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
No! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
No! Democracy? Never! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
No! It's not Aladeen! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
No! You said Professor Popeye this... from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Nobody is going to think you're Chinese American from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Nobody touch the minibar! It's a fucking rip off! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Now the guy won't leave. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Now, let's go back to the palace from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Oh from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Oh, I hope that didn't come off like a cultural stereotype. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Oh, my God! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Oh, my God. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Oh, my God... from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Oh, that's a good one. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Oh! Sorry. Oh, no. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Okay. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
One that is simple enough to be manipulated completely. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Ooh, Bin Laden? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Or any guy. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
People of Wadiya, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Plan B was to have coffee and regroup, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Right, Are you sure you don't want to stay for some cuddles? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
See you in 15 minutes from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Shave your under the arms! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
So, how are things back at the Palace? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
So, we, um, we're opening 300 Women's Centers, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
So. Secretary General, your soldiers will weep... from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Some of your information about bombs is coming from cartoons. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Sorry! Old habits die hard. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Sorry. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
SPECTATORS: (CHANTING) Aladeen! Aladeen! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Stop that. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Supreme Leader, I took the liberty of hiring some extra security. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Thank you from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
That I left a virgin? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
That is a "C" in your window. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
That will undoubtedly change the political landscape from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
That would make sense. He's wiping the mustard off his face and chest. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
That's my finger. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
That's your beard? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
The brutality? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
The first democratic constitution in the history of his nation. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
The international community is asking one question: from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
The weapons inspectors will bathe in their own blood! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Then unpopulate them. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
There has been a regime change! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
There is a new model, you know. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
They seemed to be having a pretty good time. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
This is the missile in Wadiya, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Those blue tree hugging queers in A vatar. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Thrust into power at age seven, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Uh, I'm in the Lincoln Tunnel. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Uh... How do I put this? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
USHER: Hello? Somebody in here? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Very good, sir. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Wait a minute. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Wait, wait, wait, no! There you are, cousin! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Wait, wait. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Was there a duck who, when the explosion is happens, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
We begin a new era. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
We're trying to erase that country off the map! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
We've actually already met from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
We've got this wellness center downstairs in the basement, from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Welcome to the Death to Aladeen Restaurant. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Well, the darker races are less choosy. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
What? No, no, no, no! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
What? No. Why would I do that? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
What? Why? No! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
What's yours? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Which I know you people eat a lot of. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Who he maintains are virgin from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Who is Tamir? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Why are you guys so anti dictators? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Why did I do that? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Why did you chop off his head? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Why me? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Will end the dictatorship... from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
With the help of the U.M., from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Yes, but do you want to stay the night? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
You could gas the Kurds with that stench. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
You don't have to spend any Rolexes. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
You foolish man! There is no earthly fire that could ever light... from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
You just put it in my asshole again! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
You just want me to say compliments all the time. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
You need to focus up right now and be prepared from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
You said Plan B! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
You texted me, like, seven times. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
You will realize the true meaning of terrorism. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
You've lost me from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
ZOEY: The police here are such fascists! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Don't eat it from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Go on, get out! Get out! Come on, Montzi! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I see what you're doing. That's how they walk. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
I'm *******! What? from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
LOOK! AUDIENCE: Oh! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Oh! 911, it's the best! (BOTH SPEAKING WADIYAN) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Oh. Mmm from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Oh. Watch this. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Really? Yes, look, I'm still wearing it. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
What? You're hurting me! Out. Come on. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
Who is it'? Nadal. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
ZOEY: No. She taught me. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(SOBS) That's good. That's good. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
.. from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
"Aah!" from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
"Listen, I'm not going to play by your rules. " from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
"Thank Aladeen, I am oppressed at last!" from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(ALL BOOING) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(CELL PHONE PLAYING FUNKYTOWN) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(CELL PHONE VIBRATING) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(CHUCKLES) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(CROWD CHEERING) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(GRUNTS) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(GRUNTS) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(GUNFIRE ONSCREEN) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(HYPERVENTILATING) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(INAUDIBLE) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(LAUGHS) Whoo! from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(MOANS) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(PAINFUL SCREAMS) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(PEOPLE TALKING INDISTINCTLY) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(SCREAMS) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(SIGHS) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(THE NEXT EPISODE PLAYING IN ARABIC) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(WOMAN GRUNTING) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(YELLS) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard
(ZOEY MOANING) from The Dictator (2012) Soundboard