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Murder, She Wrote (1984) - Season 1 Murder, She Wrote is a classic American television series that captivated audiences

Murder, She Wrote (1984) - Season 1

Murder, She Wrote is a classic American television series that captivated audiences with its intriguing mysteries and heartfelt storytelling. The show first premiered in 1984, and its first season left an indelible mark on television history.

Set in the picturesque town of Cabot Cove, Maine, Murder, She Wrote follows the adventures of amateur sleuth Jessica Fletcher, played exceptionally by the talented Angela Lansbury. Jessica is a widowed English teacher turned successful mystery novelist who becomes entangled in real-life murder cases. With her sharp mind, keen intuition, and knack for uncovering clues, Jessica unravels the truth behind the crimes that occur in her seemingly idyllic hometown.

The first season of Murder, She Wrote captivated audiences with its well-crafted storylines and engaging characters. Joining Angela Lansbury in this thrilling series are talented actors like William Windom as Dr. Seth Hazlitt, Tom Bosley as Sheriff Amos Tupper, and Michael Horton as Jessica's nephew, Grady Fletcher. Together, they form a brilliant ensemble that brings each episode to life.

The show's success can be attributed to its unique blend of mystery, drama, and gentle humor. Each episode presents audiences with a complex murder case that keeps them guessing until the very end. Whether it's a suspicious death in a small-town café or an eerie murder aboard a luxury cruise ship, Murder, She Wrote never fails to deliver captivating stories that leave viewers on the edge of their seats.

The appeal of Murder, She Wrote lies not only in its gripping mysteries but also in its relatable characters and their genuine interactions. Jessica Fletcher's charisma and her ability to connect with people from all walks of life make her a beloved character. Viewers are drawn to her astute observations and unwavering determination to seek justice for the victims.

If you're a fan of Murder, She Wrote or simply want to dive into the timeless world of captivating mysteries, you can still enjoy the soundtracks from the first season. With our website, you can play and download these enchanting sounds that bring back the nostalgia of this iconic show. Immerse yourself in the melodic tunes that accompanied Jessica Fletcher's investigations and relive the thrilling moments that made Murder, She Wrote an unforgettable television series.

So, grab some popcorn, dim the lights, and indulge in the captivating mysteries of Murder, She Wrote - Season 1. Available for your enjoyment, you can now embark on a journey that combines suspense, drama, and the enduring legacy of this iconic show.
A 97% occupancy rate.
A background investigation on a dame named Priscilla Daniels.
A bad rap from Sam Garver could finish either one of them.
A better name would be mufflers. You can't completely silence a gun. There's always some noise.
A Broadway show?
A broken ampule.
A burglar came in.
A cat? I must be losin' my mind.
A closer friend?
A couple of hours ago, we were out sunning on the deck.
A couple of hundred yards along a rocky path to leave the beach.
A daring young lady who took it all off on the flying t****ze.
A day hasn't gone by that I haven't thought of revenging her death.
A defenseless widow.
A device I rigged up so you can monitor yourself while you ride.
A downward trajectory.
A dozen more cancellations already this morning.
A dozen times over the last couple of years.
A drug induced attack, that simulated a heart seizure.
A few minutes later, the boyfriend saw another man going inside.
A few months ago, she came to me looking for a job.
A few months ago, we were involved in an auto accident. She was drunk. It was her fault.
A football team?
A fortuitous turn of events. Couldn't have worked out better if we'd planned it.
A fourth candidate who's not on the passenger list...
A freshly fired pistol in his right hand.
A friend of a friend of a friend used to work with Zack Bernard.
A friend of yours was hurt.
A genius.
A gold button with a very interesting design. Only I didn't lose it. I found it.
A grave error. Oh, please, no!
A great big cookie jar they can just dip their mitts into...
A guy gets out. He walks up to me. I can't see his face. His headlights are right in my eyes.
A ha! What's that?
A heel of a shoe wedged into the rocks down by the beach.
A hundred dollars!
A hundred million dollars is a whale of a motive.
A hypothesis...
A late model dark blue sedan?
A left handed smoker.
A little added something from Ben Coleman to say, "Thank you, New Orleans!"
A little checking confirmed my hunch.
A little Chopin, huh? [Belle] Oh.
A little more coffee for the lady, and then bring me a check, if you will.
A little?
A lot of cash withdrawals in the last couple of months. They total $85,000.
A lot of these guys, they think a seat in Congress is like a free ride,
A lot together.
A major piece.
A man who'd rather frighten aphids than kill them?
A man with Kellijian's power and money...
A man'd be a fool to sell a gold mine like this, right, Barbara?
A mean, pitiful wreck of a man.
A memory lock, if you will.
A might too gabby for my taste.
A minute and 30 seconds left on the clock,
A movie from that piece of commercial trash you're holding.
A nationally known firm involved in the packaging of foodstuffs. Why is he reading his speech?
A new Diego Santana painting? That's a very handsome gift.
A one way airline ticket out of the country.
A painting by a living artist is one thing.
A painting by a living artist is one thing.
A panoply of blood and gore, chills and thrills,
A party? That's a brilliant idea.
A perfect recipe for a murder of passion.
A personal services contract, which is now null and void. That's right.
A pet name. At least, that's what I thought I heard.
A place where I could work and commune with my God.
A pleasure, Jessica. I'm constantly delighted by your books.
A plot from one of your... dreadful books.
A psychiatrist? No, that's not necessary.
A quick check with the Soviet Consulate revealed that Leo Peterson of Cabot Cove, Maine,
A real brain. Can't figure what he's doing working around here though.
A real sailor would've tied a square knot.
A relative? No, but he sure would like to be.
A sailor has to know how to take care of himself and his mates.
A secretary? Oh, Mrs. Fletcher, I'd be delighted to help.
A shadowy figure. A quick glimpse as I leaped out of the way.
A Sheri Diamond.
A single man at the ballet, with an accent no less, would be much too conspicuous.
A stimulating relationship ending before it's had a chance to begin?
A stranger? Cora, he's lived in Cabot Cove for six years.
A stupid mistake on my part. Good bye.
A sword concealed in a shaft.
A thousand bucks a day and I'm fine.
A thousand bucks a day, and I'm fine.
A trance?
A t****ze act? What kind of a t****ze act?
A trumpet player with a group that Kramer's got tourin' the Orient...
A very unhappy man. Oh, I'm sorry.
A wasteful, extravagant shame.
A watch.
A week ago, a private detective came nosing around the campus asking a lot of questions.
A yah.
A yah. I like these local buses.
A young woman is married to a very violent and jealous young man.
Aah, same to you, fella!
Aaron Kramer? Lady, that man can't get you... Aaron tries.
Aaron Kramer? These are federal officers.
Aaron wanted to see him.
Aaron. Before he told anybody...
About 20 minutes, ago he and Miss Nan started heading out for the church.
About a crooked political campaign in Valentine's home state.
About a dozen years ago. [Chuckles]
About a year ago he and Nan were engaged, and he just walked out of her life.
About a zillion of 'em... you remember? Well, of course I do.
About last night?
About putting one over on Milo Valentine.
About six months ago in New York City, which is where Howard comes from, I believe.
About the job. Oh. Oh!
About the kid. Yeah.
About this telex, did you check it out?
About what? I wish I knew.
About what? My umbrella.
About you, me, our marriage. What did he learn?
Absolutely, and thank you.
Absolutely, Dan. Absolutely.
According to the director, they left together soon after they heard the police siren.
According to witnesses, you and Post had a fight at the cocktail party.
Accusin' one thing, winning's another.
Act? What kind of act?
Actress Patti Bristol, remains in critical condition.
Actually confessing to shooting him,
Actually what I had in mind was a remembrance of my marriage.
Actually witness a murder and can't tell me a thing.
Actually, I just jog usually.
Actually, I thought that Morley was out in Hollywood,
Actually, I was hoping that he had mine.
Actually, I was looking for Miss Barbara Stevenson. She works in the business office.
Actually, I was wondering, would it take long to mount those lenses in different frames?
Actually, it belongs to my doorman, and I want to return it to him.
Actually, it's going to be a very simple wedding, intimate.
Actually, it's not that bad. It's a beginner's story about a teenage girl...
Actually, it's quite to the contrary.
Actually, Miguel is the expert.
Actually, my fifth wedding anniversary's this Friday.
Actually, no one's read it yet. That's the only copy.
Actually, no.
Actually, she was more than my associate.
Actually, that isn't true, Barry.
Actually, uh, no. It's a pencil sketch.
Admirable. But I'm not sure what there is to do around here.
Adrian Winslow, Lucinda Lark and many others.
Adrian Winslow, the author.
Advertising worth seven figures that don't start with no measly "one."
After all, the the attacker could only have been me, Belle, Elaine McComber,
After everybody else was gone, he went to the den.
After everything she'd put up with.
After his speech they had a drawing for the big TV set?
After I've sifted through the testimony and had a chance to make up my own mind.
After Laurie and Horatio fought and she left, Carlson showed up.
After Marta's death, we were sure that the police would be looking for suspects,
After Miguel's mother died... Liana, my first wife...
After our visit to the hospital, I have got another stop to make.
After the cocktail party.
After the party to discuss my future.
After what I'd been through, I figured I deserved it. At least, that's what I thought until I talked to him.
After you were alone, you changed the reed.
After you've gone to the top riding on her coattails.
Afternoon, Eddie! Oh, Mr. Hawley.
Afternoon, folks. This is the local bus to Boston.
Afternoon, ma'am. Help you with your luggage?
Again, thank you all for giving your best...
Again, the latest word from West Side Hospital is that the victim,
Against the wall. Hands flat. Feet back.
Agnes, I'm sorry. I can't talk right now. I am in the middle of a crucial chapter.
Agua. Thank you. [Laughs]
Ah, but that remains to be seen, doesn't it?
Ah, but unlike you and Sir John,
Ah, come on, fellas.
Ah, come, come, Professor. It's a little give and take.
Ah, ears like an elephant.
Ah, he won't talk about it.
Ah, here we are.
Ah, here you are. [Speaking Chinese]
Ah, here's something. "During the thieves' escape attempt,
Ah, I'd be delighted. Good.
Ah, ladies. Good evening. Hi. Miss Carroll and Miss Raymond.
Ah, let me see... today's lecture.
Ah, Miss Katska, and Mr. Fleming.
Ah, see? I know you better than that.
Ah, signora, excuse. Oh, Ramon, really. We're very busy right now.
Ah, that's very nice. Thanks.
Ah, that's your privilege. May I look at your file, please?
Ah, the phone company, that's security.
Ah, well, no matter. Uh, you two wander along without me.
Ah, what difference does it make? My passing career's finished anyway.
Ah, why should I complain? I could have gone to work for the phone company.
Ah, yes. Table 31. Ah, listen.
Ah, you get a little old, get a little heavy,
Ah, you're a dear.
Ah! It seems the last of my guests have arrived.
Ah. Come with me, Jessica.
Ah. He was equipment manager. I was a player.
Ah. It's time to call New York.
Ah. No good. Phone's still out.
Ah. She is incredible.
Ah. That's okay. Thanks, Katie.
Ah. Then he's in breach of contract.
Ah. We reached the same conclusion.
Ah. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
Ah. Well, I'm so happy for them and for you.
Ah... Look, I'll explain later.
Ah... Poetic.
Aha! [Chuckles]
Aha. His overcoat and the book.
Aha. Well, that's my office persona.
Aimed at the now woman trying to cope in a man's world.
Ain't gonna be a part of nothin'. Eubie, we're right in the middle of settling it now.
Ain't nobody can say that Ben Coleman didn't pay his dues.
Ain't you got no place to go?
Al, we gotta talk.
Alan Collyer. I'm an intern at Queen of Mercy.
Alexander also sends a message.
Alexander and Natalia are missing.
Alexander and Natalia are not onstage. Check in their dressing room, quick!
Alexander and Natalia Masurov... [Knocking Continues]
Alexander didn't kill anyone!
Alexander Masurov is once again the prime murder suspect.
Alexander Masurov?
Alexis, my darling. I I wasn't expecting you.
Alibi? Well, why should he? He hardly knew her.
All better? Oh, much better. [Chuckles]
All carefully planned to make his wife look like she's deranged... out to kill your niece...
All he has to do is stay with the team and just show up.
All he wants is the girls. Now get these guys out of here before I get my head handed to me.
All his key people, but I don't know where he kept them.
All I could see was my picture on page one, getting busted in a dress.
All I ever get to do is proofread.
All I got left are Philip and a couple of cousins in Alaska.
All I know is that my budget is in desperate trouble,
All I'm asking for is the benefit of the doubt.
All I'm sayin' is, don't sit back and watch. Jump in.
All knotted up inside, worried about his money,
All of them. Where are you going?
All right, all right. But I'm only doing it for you.
All right, bring him out of it. We've heard enough.
All right, children. Would anyone like cakes and cookies? [Chattering]
All right, Ethan!
All right, it's true. I took the bus in order to meet Stoner because I wanted my father's share of the money.
All right, Jessica. You track down your lead,
All right, lady. From here on I take the gloves off.
All right, Leo. Take them back to Cabot Cove.
All right, let's start with your original theory.
All right, Lynchfield, let's stop shadowboxing!
All right, miss. I'll bet with you.
All right, now just relax.
All right, you dumb clods! Get over here!
All right, you got me. [Panting]
All right, you guys.
All right? Now, try to remember.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. Against the car. Assume the position.
All right. All right. I'll make it simple.
All right. I'll buy that. Now, explain to me how somebody could get through the security system.
All right. I'll drive you back to Boston.
All right. I'm almost positive I didn't do it. Now what can I do to help?
All right. Knock it off! Please. Oh. I feel as if I've been responsible for all this.
All right. Let's do it. Go to number one positions.
All right. Listen, he's got a point.
All right. Nobody stop in this.
All right. Now the day of the picnic, after the car chased Woodley across the ballpark,
All right. Quiet people, please. For rehearsal.
All right. Ralph, you go with him. I don't want anybody to be left alone right now. You understand.
All right. Search him, Brody. You can't search me. I didn't do anything.
All right. Stick around.
All right. Thank you.
All right. Thank you.
All right. They spotted a large moving van...
All right. Who is the idiot who rearranged the props so that I would kill myself?
All set, Uncle Dan. Here we go!
All taken with a telephoto lens.
All the better. Now you can both hear my speech.
All the same, I think it would be better if you handed it over.
All these police. People are nervous.
All this construction, you know. It's right this way, ma'am.
All this talk about Woodley is givin' me indigestion.
All those patents and designs?
All those years I could have used it, all those chances I had, here and in Hollywood.
All those years of taking his orders...
All through, ma'am. Mr. Harker's got that seal, so I best catch me a ride over there.
All together now.
Allan Gebhart successfully kicked drugs but is still having a problem with alcohol.
Allan Gebhart's battle with alcohol and drugs, Ross Haley's financial status...
Allow me to help you with your bag. Oh, thank you.
Alma, anything she needs... Okay. Don't worry, Ray.
Alma... You can forget the coffee for me, Alma.
Almost 5,000 people...
Along with an innocent bystander, a woman.
Along with my statement and whatever, uh, evidence that we might have.
Along with one of the criminals, Everett Pascal. " Gibbons?
Along with practically everybody else connected with the case.
Also, do you have anything returning here this evening?
Also, Mr. Comstock, you are aware that a very valuable manuscript...
Also, we're broke. That's somethin' ain't likely gonna change real soon either.
Also, who owned that other room key?
Although it's more noticeable among male employers.
Always will be. That's why we've enjoyed such a marvelous divorce.
Am I right? Well, of course I'm right.
Amateurs. For help, we've got amateurs.
Amazing what computers can do nowadays.
Amazing. You didn't choke, and you hardly blinked an eyelash.
Amelia, despite what you may think, I'm not a rival.
Amelia, for God's sake... why?
Amelia, I know how you feel, and I feel just as shocked as you are.
Amelia, ignore this call.
Amelia, Lila didn't mean anything to me.
Amelia, where is he? I've got to talk with him.
Amos finally tells us where he really thinks the car is. You're gonna love this.
Amos had us chasin' all over creation.
Amos thinks she's a Swede from Minnesota.
Amos Tupper, I'm the local sheriff. Yup.
Amos was having fits of divine inspiration.
Amos, are you sure? Yes, ma'am.
Amos, be quiet. Let her talk.
Amos, don't you think it's about time you called in the state police?
Amos, excuse me, but there is something that I seem to remember.
Amos, his suitcase is missing.
Amos, I am... I am so sorry.
Amos, I know this isn't under your jurisdiction, but, I mean, the situation's obvious.
Amos, it might be helpful to establish just where everyone was.
Amos, obviously, whoever took Stoner's suitcase was looking for something.
Amos, what's wrong? Well, they sure missed you at the banquet, Ms. Fletcher.
Amos. Oh, good afternoon, Ms. Fletcher.
An accident? Really? Someone local?
An actor who just happened to pull his first job in this place at this time?
An actor without a previous record?
An affair started.
An article by you will be a major coup. Thank you, Mrs. Daniels.
An attraction that isn't quite working right?
An empty head is almost as bad as an empty belly.
An experienced mystery writer wouldn't overlook, right?
An iced tea.
An immediate coroner's inquest so that the reins of leadership can pass quickly on to his successor.
An innocent bystander was killed, a young woman named Julie Gibbons.
An old book?
An unfaithful mate is the oldest motive in the world.
An unresolved mystery.
And a double breasted blazer later on in the party.
And a fella down at the docks said you might have a spare to sell me.
And a hell of a guy. Not very pretty.
And a little simple subtraction...
And a philosopher to boot.
And a small announcement.
And a very good bye to you too, Mrs. Fletcher. Good bye, Scott. Good luck.
And according to his confession with the police,
And admit that what we're really doing is a high school production.
And Adrian said he'd tell everybody I'd been with him and not to worry.
And after that, I'm gonna show it to the captain.
And after that, you've had it!
And after the lecture, I'm going to put in a long evening writing.
And all of a sudden a huge wave hit the side of the boat, and he was washed overboard instantly.
And all of a sudden I realized...
And all things will be as I said they would be.
And also a birth certificate from the hospital.
And Amos... bless his pointy little head...
And And there's a door that leads to the outside from the bar and one in the kitchen.
And another thing. Why did you tell him Joyner was coming?
And as far as we know, he's been hospitalized ever since.
And as for politics, any rumors you may have heard are simply that.
And as soon as you get outta here, I'm going to bed.
And as such, he okayed the article that Cagliostro tricked Michaels into writing.
And aside from inviting him to the performance, what was your participation?
And ask them to seek asylum for Natalia and Alexander.
And asked her if she might be willing to jump into Patti's role.
And away from Mrs. Daniels.
And Barry, he's had such horrible luck.
And became obsessed with the idea...
And before we go holding an inquest, I want to see that body.
And brings to justice the misguided betrayers of the homeland.
And by the way, neither did my wife.
And by the way, when can I expect to testify for Mr. Endicott?
And Callie? Could she have killed him?
And can you believe it? That money guy...
And clout is fueled by information.
And considering the condition of your hands,
And Daddy. We'd been at sea for three nights, Mrs. Fletcher.
And Daniel's mind is all in the future.
And didn't want interference until he had located it.
And disguised your voice and lured me to Lowery's office so that you could...
And do you know what will happen to those young, innocent people if they are sent back to Russia?
And doling out dollars to get you to vote his way.
And don't forget, I got you later for sightseein'!
And double checked when the visitors arrive.
And drove that screwdriver down into his neck.
And each one stolen from Diego Santana.
And ever since, she's been seeing a psychiatrist for a severe case of acrophobia.
And every year, we go someplace together.
And finally, on your wrist is the imprint where a watch used to be.
And firing twice.
And for believing in our dream.
And for what, love?
And for what?
And Frank was furious. And you wanted to help Frank.
And get this one. The cop on the case went nuts six years ago.
And good conversation...
And got propositioned by a gorgeous hunk who runs a zipper factory.
And half the time there's no hot water.
And he asked me up to his hotel room...
And he didn't take off his shirt in 200 pages.
And he looked like 10 miles of bad road.
And he says, " Does that mean you're not coming over?" [Laughs]
And he turned poor Maggie into nothing but a dull hausfrau.
And he was always meddling in Nan's private life.
And he was not swept overboard.
And he was terribly upset when he realized someone else was on the line.
And he's got a personality like an anchovy.
And he's pretty sure that it was the blow that was the cause of death, not the gunshot.
And hear the words that are written for you in the book.
And heaven knows...
And his... his threats earlier that evening,
And hold up the product, Harold. [Harold] Okay.
And how it was done.
And I am an ardent admirer of the woman and her work.
And I am following you in the hopes of maybe finding out...
And I am mired in this insignificant little speck on the map!
And I am mired in this insignificant little speck on the map!
And I am more than a little bit curious about how that man was killed.
And I am not horning in on that charade.
And I am very angry about it.
And I can be very persuasive.
And I can prove he didn't kill that woman.
And I can tell you about my... I mean our...
And I do care, very much.
And I don't blame Lapinski for killing him.
And I don't plan to get myself in the same condition.
And I eat this stuff fast, so I don't have to taste it.
And I finally found a copy of the contract with your original publisher.
And I guess it just sort of got in his blood.
And I had to walk all the way down there.
And I have reason to believe they are hidden in the Tunnel of Horrors.
And I hope you enjoy your stay with us, Mrs. Fletcher.
And I just lost my temper.
And I just... I just don't have the time, okay?
And I knew I would be at the top of the list.
And I knew if I didn't give it a shot, a real shot,
And I know a publicity stunt when I see one.
And I know my way around Boston very well.
And I most certainly do not chat with strangers in public restrooms.
And I run into three of his pals who try to use me for a trampoline.
And I said to the D.A., I said,
And I saw Lisa going towards Father,
And I saw the current mileage.
And I suppose Ms. Fletcher also saw this car had no driver.
And I thank you. Is it you? Oh, oh! Oh, I am honored!
And I think I picked these up by accident.
And I think it was a little past midnight.
And I think it's high time you started putting something back.
And I thought that you might've gotten it.
And I thought you'd want to know that a fabulously famous author is staying in the hotel,
And I want you to help that poor girl out.
And I wanted to find out where before we had any more cops nosing around.
And I wanted to give you a chance to explain first.
And I was also pretty sure that Marta had been murdered by the person she was working for.
And I was dying to get away.
And I was hoping to make it public on Jonathan's show.
And I was wondering if you would read it and tell me what you think.
And I went back and worked on the damper, waiting for him to be alone.
And I won't hesitate to have you arrested on charges of forcible detainment.
And I would appreciate it now if you would leave my bridge.
And I you. You know, I was enjoying the writing.
And I'll take a rain check. Wh...
And I'll trace Archie's footprints around that college.
And I'll write. I promise. Now you be sure to do that.
And I'm going to prove to you that I'm not dotty.
And I'm gonna turn this county upside down till I find it.
And I'm not just talkin' about wearin' those dresses either.
And I'm pressing assault charges against this gum ball.
And I'm quite sure it's the same person who killed Archie Miles.
And I'm supposed to be at station WDBX...
And I'm sure that Alma will have left.
And I'm sure that some digging around will turn up a connection with Cagliostro.
And I'm sure you ran a nitric acid test on Howard's hand to determine whether or not he fired the gun.
And I'm sure you'll give Sheriff Tupper their names when he asks for them.
And I'm tellin' you there wasn't any murder. Those nice little girls couldn't murder anyone.
And I'm tired, and I got too many cases,
And I've been sober ever since the night Wendell died. So what?
And if he doesn't stay out of my way, he's gonna have cleat marks all over his face.
And if he doesn't?
And if he had gotten caught, it could have ruined everything for everybody.
And if he was going right to bed, why was his body found right here?
And if not? If not, we will simply wait until tomorrow morning!
And if someone were to call in on 1998 and the line was busy,
And if that were the only consideration, I would vote for it without any hesitation.
And if you repeat it outside this office, I'll deny every word.
And if you'll excuse me, I need to be alone.
And if your leg starts to swell, I want you to let us know immediately.
And if your show is going to stay on the air, I'm gonna have to make good my boast to that Mr. Turnbull.
And in return, you'll pass along to me what?
And in the meantime, I'll arrange for the family to tour the rest of the park.
And in this case, it may be justified.
And in your desperation, you picked up Alexander's dagger.
And instead, you got into a knockdown, drag out fight.
And it is "Dr. Sam."
And it seems to me you've got your hands full right here.
And it sure is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
And it was a partnership?
And it was a phone call that alerted airport security to search his luggage.
And it was also you who called my hotel room...
And it was Leslie in the van, controlling the car.
And it would be a great boon for people like you, Jess... people who don't drive.
And it's Mrs. Fletcher.
And it's not even noon yet.
And it's not signed. May I see that?
And it's something an ordinary killer in a big hurry to get away probably wouldn't think about.
And just how busy was that?
And just which fabulously famous author would that be?
And l I gave him the key so he'd remember my room number.
And last night, during the storm...
And later tried to kill Margo in the shed was right handed.
And left the same way that he'd come in.
And Lieutenant Novak thinks they were trying to kill me,
And made his getaway through an oak door sealed shut by a six inch steel bolt?
And made his getaway through an oak door sealed shut by a six inch steel bolt?
And Margo tells me he has a small raft...
And Marta Quintessa? Oh. She used to be Jerry Lydecker's mistress...
And Marta Quintessa's relationship with Jerry Lydecker.
And maybe a book?
And maybe a few of Howard's friends.
And maybe a little hungry, and they've got this terrific restaurant right around the corner.
And maybe I am,
And maybe Tolliver was waiting for her, not to rob her, but...
And Michaels didn't work for at least a year.
And most important, her current whereabouts.
And Mr. Fleming. Mrs. Fletcher, you must help me.
And my beautiful, talented sister...
And my friend. She's also my friend.
And naturally we're all very relieved that Maggie has been cleared.
And naturally, you didn't care that he reneged on his promise to sell you the club?
And no one at that party could have killed Kreuger except Farrell...
And nobody cares that he fought on the side of the British in the Revolutionary War?
And nobody knows the difference.
And nobody's supposed to know this, but Mike was trying to buy the club from Mr. Drake.
And not even a last cigarette.
And not one of them can tell us what happened.
And nothing you or anybody else can do is going to change that.
And now for my announcement.
And now it's...
And now that Merrill is dead, what happens?
And now you think it was meant for Mr. York.
And now you think... Jessica, I swear to you. I didn't harm that woman.
And now, if I may, I have a little surprise for one of you. [Ringing Bell]
And now, just sit back... [Powering Down]
And now, the moment we've all been waiting for,
And now, volunteers, when I clap my hands,
And of course, the list of suspects is legion.
And only by one person.
And only then if I had charge of the ropes.
And our bus driver is named Ben Gibbons.
And Parmel and Dixon...
And perhaps a murder to solve? [Laughs] Oh, please. No.
And perhaps those locations are no longer as convenient...
And perhaps we could play back the part where he brings the people out of the trance.
And pin it on me. Only after the fact.
And please give my regards to my nephew Norman,
And put a few dollars in their pockets when they weren't working.
And put my attacker on guard? No, Jessica.
And recently, big offers were coming in for Freddy.
And right now that's a little more important.
And right now, l...
And Rita, she's great. Both of them.
And rumor has it that it's so bad, you won't even allow your publisher to read it.
And sacrificing whatever kind of life she might have been able to make for herself.
And second, that the body has not been in the water for anywhere close to three days.
And seemed genuinely surprised that I cared.
And send my bio and a photograph over to Frank over at the Times.
And several unreturned phone calls.
And she could be crimping my act.
And she is deriving intense pleasure from her newfound notoriety.
And she scratched his face while Alexander stabbed him in the back.
And she turned at me with this...
And she was good for him.
And she's not gonna embarrass the New Orleans Police Department... See how sparkling Dento Gliss...
And since I am the current record holder,
And so am I. Leaving us one small question to be resolved.
And so do you if you think about it.
And so will a jury, if it should come to that.
And someone whose keys would have made that sound.
And somewhere in the fine print...
And speaking of Daniel, where the hell is he?
And speaking of way back, I ran into a new lead last night.
And spent the rest of the night celebrating. [Sighs]
And squeezed the trigger. [Gunshot]
And stabbed him to death with a steak knife from the restaurant.
And suddenly you are overwhelmed by these pangs of filial remorse?
And suddenly you decide not to seek office.
And swung onto Cagliostro's balcony and killed him.
And tell him that I wasn't the least bit intrigued with this character of Cagliostro and flew back to Maine.
And thank you. No, no. We're We're fine.
And that D's alibi is so suspect that it would be worthless.
And that his body was moved.
And that includes you, Sir John. Look here, boy...
And that is how they discovered Garver's body.
And that never will be shot.
And that song in the second act...
And that they would figure out what had happened.
And that would have been reported.
And that you were talking to a lawyer about divorce proceedings.
And that's how long this bottle has been in that chest.
And that's how the gardener and the pool man got in?
And that's why all this talk about Allison Brevard is so much nonsense.
And that's why we're all gonna stay out of Harry McGraw's way.
And that's why we're all gonna stay out of Harry McGraw's way.
And the blackmail threat?
And the bullet that killed him entered his body at a 45 degree angle.
And the captain wants to talk to you, Jess.
And the cleaners told you a button was missing?
And the companionship of this favorite aunt? My sister Jessica.
And the computer would take you there.
And the disappearance of two Russian ballet stars remain a mystery today.
And the evidence is on that tape.
And the granduncle of Natalia Masurov.
And the knowledge that nothing short of murder could prevent it.
And the motive? How about the old reliable?
And the name is Jessica. And I really appreciate the suit, Jessica.
And the other one was 555 9044.
And the pass is complete.
And the rest. The rest?
And the sc****s and bruises on your hands.
And the shootin' starts.
And the victim, that villainous blackmailer Haskell,
And the way he sees it, you didn't like what Lydecker was doing to your book.
And the wine? Well, it seemed all right.
And the young man with me was a newspaper reporter.
And then after that, everything is kind of a blank...
And then by the time he realized that his scheme would work just as well...
And then he got himself into the makeup business almost by mistake.
And then he slipped out of the building.
And then it happened. A way to get the novel back.
And then Manny had to go and blow it.
And then Michaels and his bureau chief were fired.
And then ran onto the stage to cause her disturbance.
And then run 50 straight balls at a pool table.
And then send you a check to Cabot Cove.
And then she couldn't say anything either way.
And then she killed him. Rubbish.
And then some. You know, I remember the...
And then suddenly, behind me, I heard a sound of someone at the window.
And then they will be executed. You can call off your manhunt, Major.
And then watched as a man climbed in through the window with a viola case.
And then we heard later that he was coming out with his own Vietnam novel,
And then we'll go out in back. Good.
And then we've got to make some new arrangements.
And then when she died, l...
And then you planned it so that after Patti died,
And then, having failed, committed suicide.
And then, I will give you my personal tour of this magnificent city!
And then, nothing since. [Sighing] Oh, yeah.
And then, she walked away.
And then, uh, she picked up Congressman Keppner at around 9:30...
And then...
And then... [Chuckles]
And then... Oh, very clever, Mrs. Fletcher.
And there's an exciting air of mystery about his past,
And these late breaking stories on the 11:00 report. Amarillo: Two sets of triplets born...
And they all have Daniel O'Brien's name on them.
And they asked if... if maybe you wouldn't mind bending the truth just a little.
And they just kept askin' me the same questions over and over again.
And they're going to be asking some pretty sharp questions.
And they've got developing facilities on board, and I've got some extra film in your bag.
And think you know them intimately.
And third, the term is 'boin', not hoboin'.
And this bein' New York, it's not a great idea to get involved anyway.
And this is a murder investigation.
And this is Mrs. J.B. Fletcher... Jessica to her friends.
And those with motives couldn't get inside.
And threw the balance of power to Kreuger.
And to each of you, thank you.
And to give you a chance to do your thing.
And to make amends, I would, uh...
And to the other who's been saving it for years,
And to those who arrive tomorrow, Jessica Fletcher and my valued colleague, Sir John Landry.
And tomorrow she appears with Dana Burns and then in the afternoon, she's gonna meet the mayor.
And traces of Berensky's flesh were found under her nails, as you suggested.
And trust me, my friend. I can do it again. [Director] Cut! There's no pause there!
And try to put everything back together again. I am so glad.
And until such time, I have no intention of detaining George Reed...
And very clumsily too.
And very frankly, nothing you or anybody else can do is going to change that.
And wanted a quarter of a million dollars to keep quiet.
And was gonna use it to force me off the team.
And watch this show fold up, so I took a wild chance.
And we all suddenly realized at the same time that Father was still topside.
And we are gonna party!
And we have a "WDBX clusive."
And we have a "WDBX clusive." You can't show that!
And we knew there was a storm approaching, but we thought surely...
And we should have it fixed for you in a jiffy.
And we would really like a table.
And we'd go to jail.
And we'll get along just fine if we don't get in each other's way.
And went on stage.
And what about Natalia and Alexander Masurov?
And what about you, Major? Have you ever thought of living in peace?
And what about your fight with Ben Coleman? Was that about drugs?
And what did Valentine do about that?
And what do you think? Well, l... I know Zak.
And what else? Bunch of dead crabs, some rusty beer cans?
And what kind of transfusion led him into life insurance?
And what led you to that brilliant deduction?
And what time did he get to your room?
And what time was that... when the officer arrived? 11: 15.
And what was all that about? Or did you merely have a speck of dust in your eye?
And what was her motive? He checked the airlines.
And what was his motive? Defection.
And what was that?
And what was the plan? To make her life so miserable that she'd quit?
And what you and he decide to do with it afterwards is up to you.
And whatever else was brought in, obviously poison was too.
And when are we to see this latest tome?
And when I came out, there she was.
And when I confronted her with the idea of reenacting the crime, she freaked.
And when I got to the top,
And when I say "talk," I mean get his John Hancock and a retainer. You got me?
And when I surprised him, he shoved me aside and ran out the door.
And when I tried to tell Callie, Callie didn't believe me either!
And when Michaels's career was destroyed,
And when people move bodies, I ask myself why.
And when we got there, she wrote out a check... God's truth... to pay for a brand new car.
And when you come back after finding nothin',
And when you got to Daniel's?
And when you return, you've got 60 seconds to punch in the right code to deactivate. And if you don't?
And where's Miss Bascomb? Yeah. She never leaves until he does.
And while I have no sympathy for a neurotic anticommunist,
And while they struggled, Alexander plunged his dagger into Berensky's back,
And why he faked the evidence to get the acquittal.
And why put the body in the pond in the first place?
And why would the Masurovs be here or at Mr. Peterson's house, for that matter?
And why? Because the owners walked away from them...
And with a death threat hanging over him, he felt he had to run.
And with Miss Valerian, we might have more than a chance.
And worth at least a thousand words.
And you always make your killers more interesting than your cops.
And you are? Oh. Jessica Fletcher.
And you can account for your whereabouts last night?
And you can't reach it without using some kind of a tool...
And you expect me to risk my career on your suspicion...
And you invited him to the house? Twice.
And you just... wouldn't let it alone.
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