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Meet the Robinsons (2010) "Meet the Robinsons" is an animated film released in 2007 that takes audiences on a heartwarming

Meet the Robinsons (2010)

"Meet the Robinsons" is an animated film released in 2007 that takes audiences on a heartwarming and adventurous journey through time. Directed by Stephen J. Anderson, the movie brings to life a futuristic world filled with lovable characters and a captivating plot.

The story revolves around a young orphan named Lewis, voiced by Daniel Hansen, who spends his days inventing extraordinary gadgets. Despite facing numerous setbacks and being constantly rejected by potential adoptive families, Lewis remains determined to find a place where he truly belongs.

One day, a mysterious young boy named Wilbur Robinson, voiced by Wesley Singerman, appears and whisks Lewis away into the future. It is through this time-traveling adventure that Lewis discovers the eccentric and extraordinary world of the Robinsons, a family filled with inventors and enthusiasts of all kinds. Voice talents for the Robinson family include Tom Selleck, Laurie Metcalf, Adam West, and Angela Bassett.

As Lewis spends time with the Robinsons, he realizes that their family motto, "Keep Moving Forward," perfectly encapsulates their unique perspective on life. Together, they embrace failure as an opportunity for growth and celebrate each other's quirks and differences. This heartfelt message resonates throughout the film, reminding audiences of the importance of resilience, acceptance, and the power of family.

In addition to its engaging plot, "Meet the Robinsons" is accompanied by a delightful soundtrack that perfectly complements the story. The film features original songs performed by singer-songwriters Rufus Wainwright and They Might Be Giants. Their enchanting melodies enhance the emotional depth and whimsical atmosphere of the movie.

Fans of "Meet the Robinsons" can now enjoy the film's enchanting sounds by playing and downloading the soundtrack. Each song captures the spirit of the movie, bringing back memories of Lewis' journey through time and his heartwarming encounters with the Robinson family.

Whether it is the touching and introspective tunes of Rufus Wainwright or the playful and upbeat melodies of They Might Be Giants, the soundtrack of "Meet the Robinsons" offers a captivating musical experience. From the emotional ballad "Little Wonders" to the energetic and catchy "Another Believer," these songs not only entertain but also embody the film's underlying themes of hope, resilience, and the power of embracing one's true self.

With its engaging plot, lovable characters, and enchanting soundtrack, "Meet the Robinsons" is a movie that will surely capture the hearts of viewers of all ages. The film's exploration of the importance of family, the acceptance of failure, and the beauty of embracing one's individuality serves as a reminder to us all that no matter the obstacles we face, there is always a bright future waiting for us if we just "Keep Moving Forward."

So, if you want to relive the wonderful moments from "Meet the Robinsons" or discover the magic of this heartwarming movie for the first time, make sure to play and download the soundtrack to enjoy the captivating sounds that accompany this one-of-a-kind journey.
A board of directors for a very large invention company,
A deal's a deal.
A dream of winning a Little League championship,
A dream that was ruined in the last inning.
A hat without a head couldn't really pass off an invention
A mini Doris!
A North Montana man doesn't care about hat hair.
A slave to humankind,
After that, it's all a little fuzzy.
Afterwards, Coach took me aside and told me to let it go.
Ah, that's good joe.
Ain't it crazy?
Alive as can be
All he wants to do is go back in time to meet the mother he never knew,
All it takes is some imagination and a little science,
All of my regret
All of the people in the outfield are all looking around and...
All our hopes and dreams dashed,
All right, all right, all right, all right.
All right, Einstein, you owe Michael big time.
All right, everyone, hold your horses.
All right, everyone, quiet down. Quiet down.
All right, first, you turn this knob twice,
All right, I'm coming.
All right, Lewis, I trust you. Knock 'em dead.
All right, look, old man, I need to get back to the garage.
All right, under one condition.
All right, you bozos.
All right!
All thanks to that pointy haired little kid who forgot to lock the garage door.
All that really matters is, hey, don't forget to invent me.
All you have to do is put Humpty Dumpty back together again,
Allow me to shed some light on the subject.
Allow me to show you how it works.
Alone, rusting in a corner.
And "butterfingers" and "booger breath."
And aligned the ejection mechanism and...
And an army searching
And by "HQ," I mean "headquarters."
And Dad's on a business trip until tomorrow morning.
And don't just say, "Keep moving forward."
And get some quiet time.
And he smells like he hasn't showered in 30 years!
And here it is, right in front of me!
And hide under the covers for a couple years.
And how do you suppose that's gonna...
And I am.
And I built a machine that can retrieve them.
And I can tell you this. It will not be done with mercy.
And I don't know who they're related to.
And I don't mind
And I have little arms.
And I may be always frowning
And I really think you guys should adopt him.
And I wasn't supposed to leave, and these monsters...
And I'll have your dry cleaning delivered directly to your suite.
And I've built this machine to achieve it.
And if one were presenting the invention to, say,
And if she wanted me then, she'll want me now.
And leave the "perp" to me.
And life's rearranging
And lookie there!
And no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't remember it?
And nobody realised you were from the past?
And now all that's left is to return to Inventco,
And now the entire time stream could be altered!
And ruined your project.
And so smartly dressed! Perfect!
And stole the time machine,
And that's it. It's pretty easy.
And the best part is, it's got really comfy headphones.
And the Bowler Hat Guy has the other one!
And the other one was stolen by a guy with a bowler hat,
And there really is this Bowler Hat Guy.
And they all end the same way.
And we can make the world a better place.
And we would have won!
And we would never do anything to hurt you,
And we'll be a family again!
And we'll take you back to find your mommy.
And we're just so excited to have you as a judge.
And what goes better with meatballs than P.B. and J?
And what if I can't fix this? What are we gonna do?
And what makes you qualified to judge a science fair?
And when she gets what she wants, she'll get rid of you.
And where does that leave me?
And while my plan for revenge was brilliant, Doris' was...
And you know how hard it is for a teenager to get adopted.
And you managed to bust this one as well.
And you see me leaving Dressed up as a magician
And you will be back here clean, happy and on time.
And you will be capable of wonderfully horrid things.
And you're not from the future!
Annoying little girl, I don't have time for this.
Another believer
Another excellent question.
Anywho, what's your name, fruit head?
Apparently, you invented her to be a Helping Hat,
Are you crazy? I can't fix this thing.
Are you hurt? Any broken bones?
Are you saying
As its own.
As was that.
As you can see, toasting is an option.
At Inventco Labs,
Bake them cookies, Lucille!
Barium, cobalt, Einstein, Kool Aid!
Because I already have a family.
Because we don't.
Because your future is about to change.
Because, for all those years that I went for Halloween,
Because, unfortunately, time machine number two
Been digging holes all day. Can't find them anywhere.
Behold the awesome power of Mount Vesuvius!
Big hand is on the... Oh, 2:00!
Blowing a horn so you can hear
Bowler Hat Guy!
Bowler Hat Guy!
Bowler Hat Guy?
Boys! Dinner time!
Bring him to me.
But don't blame me. You messed it up yourself.
But he doesn't give up.
But I cannot forget
But I don't just want to sit here.
But I made a very, very important contribution.
But I really am from the future,
But I want to look, too.
But I'm sorry. You have to go back to your own time.
But I've scheduled an interview for you this afternoon.
But it's crazy
But it's finished, Mildred. I recalibrated the headset.
But nobody believes me.
But now it's up to you.
But on the slight chance that I do...
But one day you will see Under the sun and the stars
But that's what happens
But these small hours
But they won't let him. We'd let him, though.
But today, everyone that beat me up called me "puke face"
But what does that have to do with you?
But you don't know what I've lived through.
But you don't look like a Lewis. You look more like a...
But you have no idea what that could do to this future!
But, wow, look at the time.
By leaving the garage door unlocked, you let the time machine get stolen,
Bye bye, now.
Can I at least go back and find my mom?
Can I have one more chance? Please!
Carl, it's me. Let me in.
Carl, the time machine, the travel tubes.
Carl, what are you talking about? We don't have a password.
Children, please! Your mother is trying to take a nap.
Choo chew on this!
Coach, nice to see you, sort of. What are you doing here?
Coach, suck it up, okay?
Come on, Goob. I've got to show you something.
Come on, Pukowski! Feel the pain! Love the pain!
Come on! Let's play some baseball, okay?
Come on. Give it a try.
Come, my dear. Our future awaits.
Coming to you, big girl.
Cornelius Robinson rebuilds Inventco.
Cornelius. I get that a lot.
Cranky? Yes.
Crossies! Doesn't count.
Dad wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.
Dear, Louis Armstrong was a singer.
Did you ever think of that?
Did you find it? Apparently not,
Did you just say, "Excellent," because I said, "Excellent"?
Did you not hear what I said, you idiot? Grab the boy and bring him!
Didn't want to pull rank on you, but you forced my hand.
Ding dong! Pizza's here!
Dinner is served.
Dinner is served.
Do we ever meet her?
Do you have to go now? I mean, you know, it's getting late.
Do you know Sam Gundersen?
Do you understand?
Do you want to be a Robinson?
Don't forget it.
Don't it make you feel alive?
Don't it make you feel alive?
Don't sass me, boy. I know karate.
Don't say it!
Don't tell me. Let me guess.
Don't you know
Doris, get it off! Get it off!
Doris, it's all over.
Doris, what's happening? I don't understand.
Doris, would you be a dear and open the hatch for me, please?
Dr Krunklehorn, I know you're very busy there
Dr Krunklehorn?
Dude, I can't take you seriously in that hat.
Dude, you almost busted my solar system!
Each patch is the equivalent of 12 cups of coffee.
Egads! A very grave matter, indeed.
Emotional commotion
Emotional commotion
Emotional commotion
Emotional commotion
Emotional commotion
Emotional commotion
Emotional commotion
Emotional commotion
Emotional commotion
Emotional motion
Even though you've him, her, me
Even when I'm wrong, I'm right.
Eventually, they closed down the orphanage and everyone left,
Everybody ready?
Everyone will tell you to let it go and move on, but don't.
Except me.
Excuse me. Time travel now, questions later.
Fair enough. Play ball.
Fantastic! Great idea! I'm so glad I have you!
Father of the Future, inventor extraordinaire,
Feel the pain! Love the...
Figured out what?
Filled with emotional turmoil and dinosaur fights,
First, we keep Lewis in the garage, away from everybody.
First, we turn it on.
First, you input the desired period of time on this keypad.
Flying cars? Yeah, that's a good one.
For some reason, no one wanted to adopt me.
For this demonstration, I'll use regular bread.
Forgetting? Oh, right.
Frankie, what have I told you about running away?
Franny, they're gone. Oh, this is terrible!
Franny, where are you? The time machines are gone!
Fritz is married to Petunia, and is she...
From failing, you learn. From success, not so much.
From that wonderful invention of yours.
Game didn't go so well, huh?
Get him!
Get up, you pansy!
Give me the simple life
Give the boy a prize.
Go back in time and steal a dinosaur. Oh, Doris will be so proud of me.
Go show them how special you are.
Goob, I had no idea.
Goob, stop!
Goob! Goob, wake up!
Goob! Hey, I did it, Goob! I finished it!
Good day, madam.
Good idea! Separate and look for clues.
Good idea. You're smart. You fix it.
Good point.
Good. You're a smart kid.
Gosh, you're all so nice.
Got you!
Got you! That's the last of them.
Grandpa, I think I found your teeth.
Guess I was cut out To step out and strut out
Guess we made a pretty good team, huh?
Guess what? You got more than you bargained
Have to get that boy out of the house.
Have you been approached by a tall man in a bowler hat?
Have you ever forgotten something,
Have you seen My peacock feathered hat?
He can't, because he's got bad hat hair.
He goes back to the science fair, fixes his Memory Scanner,
He keeps working and working until finally he gets it,
He stole a time machine, came to the science fair
He stole our time machine, tried to ruin your future,
He wants to build a time machine, so he starts working.
He was just being a good friend.
He was up all night working on his stupid project,
He's a suspect in a robbery.
He's just having a little confidence issue.
Heed my words, Goob. Don't let it go.
Here let me help you get that off!
Here we go again.
Hey, Aunt Billie.
Hey, Goob, wanna come over to my house today?
Hey, Goob, what's up? Cool binder.
Hey, guys!
Hey, hey, Frankie, baby, you gotta tell us one of your jokes.
Hey, I'm not gonna fix that stupid Memory Scanner.
Hey, Lefty, any idea how to get to the garage?
Hey, let go of me!
Hey, ring my doorbell.
Hey, ring my doorbell.
Hey, that's just like...
Hey, what are you doing up here?
Hey, what are you doing? Get your lousy mitts off of me!
Hey, while I got you here,
Hey! Want to see the one I'm most proud of?
Hi, folks. Everything all...
Hi, I'm Lewis.
Him you can eat.
His confidence in inventing is restored.
His motto, "Keep moving forward." It's what he does.
Hiya, Grandpa.
Hold your applause. Thank you very much.
Honey, it's okay.
Honey! Honey, you're just in time.
Hooray! Italian food.
Hope he ain't got rabies.
How can I trust you?
How can I trust you?
How can we not go to the family in this time of family crisis?
How did you end up like this?
How many evil villains do you know who can pull off a name like Goob?
However, you didn't see her true potential.
Hurts so much! Make it stop!
Hypothetically speaking, of course.
I almost forgot what I came up here for.
I am never going to invent you.
I am not crazy.
I am now under your control.
I am so dead.
I am sure that she was only thinking about what was best for you.
I am your friend!
I am, and this is it.
I bet you're glad to see me.
I call it the Memory Scanner.
I call it the Memory Scanner.
I called. He's perfectly fine.
I can't believe I was dumb enough to actually believe you were my friend!
I can't imagine why you're so interested in this piece of junk.
I could actually go back to that night and stop her from giving me up.
I could lose my badge for this.
I did, but I went up the tube, and I ran into your family, and I...
I didn't even know you could do that. It's so cute.
I didn't have time to sculpt everything.
I didn't know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I don't believe in fretting or grieving
I don't care. I just want to ruin your life.
I don't even know what I'm doing.
I don't get it. Why'd you just let her go?
I don't know how to do that.
I don't know what she just said, but this project is unacceptable!
I don't know.
I don't know. He's probably right.
I don't really care about winning.
I don't really need a duck.
I don't think that's possible.
I don't think the garage is in here, either.
I don't want to hear any more!
I fix it, you take me back to see my mom.
I got something to show you
I got something to tell you
I had a feeling you were gonna say that.
I have a big head...
I have no future. No one wants me.
I have to find her, Mildred, and when I do, she'll take me back,
I haven't slept in eight days!
I hope he gets adopted.
I just hope I can stay awake.
I just told him that to buy some time.
I just want to bite his chubby little cheeks!
I just wanted to ruin his future, not this.
I knew you could.
I know everything.
I know what HQ means.
I know what I said.
I know you have a lot on your plate today,
I know you're around here somewhere.
I know! I'll blow it up! Yes! Yes, and... No.
I know.
I know.
I know.
I know. I'm disgusting, but one learns to love it.
I left the garage unlocked, and I've tried like crazy to fix things,
I love baseball. It's my destiny to play that game.
I mean, there's so many things in the world that can be improved.
I mean, this stuff is way too advanced for me.
I mean, who would be a better family for you than us?
I met her.
I must speak with the man in charge immediately.
I need a volunteer.
I need him alive.
I never get around Under the sun and the stars
I never thought my dad would be my best friend.
I never thought of it that way.
I never thought that time travel could be possible in my lifetime,
I never would have made my fireproof pants.
I never would have made the meatball cannon.
I propose a toast to Lewis and his brilliant failure.
I propose they're stored somewhere in your brain,
I says, "Hey, not with my umbrella, you don't."
I show up and give him the pep talk of the century.
I simply wish to crush the dreams of a poor little orphan boy!
I think my wife Lucille's baking cookies.
I think that's it. I did it!
I think you mean North Montana. Hasn't been called Canada in years.
I think you mean our old room.
I think you'll like her.
I think you're just gonna have to get back
I thought she was my friend.
I want a sloppy joe!
I was just gonna say that it's...
I was never gonna do it. I swear!
I wasn't scary at all.
I went to your house, snuck in the garage
I won't exist?
I won't.
I wonder if I should tell Doris.
I wonder, could you lean forward just a little bit, please?
I'd take you back to see your mom.
I'd want them to be just like you.
I'll be there in 30 minutes, or it's free.
I'll give you three good reasons.
I'll hold him while you run for help.
I'll turn him into a duck! Yes! Yes, it's so evil!
I'm a time cop from the future, should be taken very seriously.
I'm afraid this isn't gonna stop otherwise.
I'm assuming that's a joke. I'm ignoring you for time reasons.
I'm calling your father.
I'm done with interviews, Mildred. I'm not gonna be rejected anymore.
I'm from the past. So what?
I'm going for a drive!
I'm just gonna go lock myself in my room
I'm just not so sure how well this plan was thought through.
I'm just not sure...
I'm never gonna remember that.
I'm not allowed to look at this thing, let alone drive it!
I'm not exaggerating. Well, yes, I am, but not the point.
I'm on a very important...
I'm really happy you're safe.
I'm so sorry about this. If you would just...
I'm sorry, Wilbur,
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm trying to catch, like, every one.
I'm working, like, so hard. All the balls are getting thrown to me.
I've cracked the hippocampus!
I've got a feeling You will be reeling
I've got it under control.
I've got you now.
I've gotten tired of it.
I've recalibrated the dispensing conduits
I've seen better.
I've tracked him to this time, and my informants say he's after you.
If he doesn't get P.B. and J...
If I gave up every time I failed,
If I had a family, I...
If I hadn't fallen asleep, I would have caught the ball!
If I prove to you I'm from the future, will you go back to the science fair?
If I'm Wilbur's dad...
If it was only my love and devotion
If it's me you need to turn to
If my family finds out I brought you from the past,
If they don't do it on purpose, it doesn't count.
If this thing ever blows over, I really gotta get away from you
If you aren't up here in five minutes, I'm gonna come down and get you!
If you feel right
If you feel right
If you hadn't kept me up all night working on your stupid project,
If you mess up again, I'll just keep coming back
Impressive, little sister.
In fact, better than I've felt in a long time.
In motion
In the end
In these small hours
Instead, let it fester and boil inside of you.
Is dinner like this every night?
Is everything all right?
Is in the hands of the Bowler Hat Guy.
Is it ever!
Is it gonna work?
Is that a bow tie? I like bow ties.
Is this proof enough for you?
Is within mankind's grasp,
Isn't there like a time machine repair shop
It doesn't pertain to anything in... You know, there's not necessarily...
It doesn't work. Never did.
It was our first real invention.
It was really nice to meet you.
It was then that I realised it wasn't my fault.
It was yours.
It'll be fixed before Dad gets home.
It'll just take a second to get the turbines going.
It's actually a toga, sir.
It's better for you And it's better for me
It's better for you It's better for me
It's better than what everybody Thought it would be
It's better than what everybody Thought it would be
It's in the rule book. Look it up.
It's jammed!
It's just a bruise, Lewis.
It's Ms.
It's my dad's motto.
It's my gym.
It's my pleasure, Mr Willerstein. Hey, you never know.
It's okay. It's gonna work this time. I won't let you down, I promise.
It's plain to see
It's shiny!
It's so exciting. Let her rip, Lewis!
It's the heart that really matters In the end
It's the one that started it all.
It's time to create
It's time to create
It's too bad he didn't get to try a sandwich
It's what he does.
Joe is married to Billie. Lefty is the butler.
Judging a science fair. What's it look like I'm doing?
Just a couple of little suggestions regarding my design.
Just a little tip for the future. I am always right.
Just don't be afraid
Just get back to that science fair, and we'll see you real soon.
Just keep going on
Just keep moving, shall we? Top notch, Lizzy!
Just open your eyes
Just think of it. Moving sidewalks, flying cars.
Just what the doctor ordered.
Just worry about your little science gizmo
Keep going.
Keep moving forward.
Keep moving forward.
Keep moving forward.
Keep moving Keep moving
Keep those tummies tucked.
Kid with science project.
Kid, we'd like to get a story on you for the local paper.
Kid, you're this fair's MVP!
Kind of small.
Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served.
Laszlo, you stop painting my hat, or I'm telling Ma!
Let go of the past and keep moving forward.
Let hate be your ally,
Let him go.
Let it go
Let it in
Let it roll right off your shoulder
Let it shine
Let it slide
Let them fuel your actions.
Let us conduct ourselves in a way that we'll all be proud of tomorrow.
Let your clarity define you
Let your troubles fall behind you
Let's face it, these skinny limbs don't exactly make the teapot whistle.
Let's get that boy!
Let's just say, that was a very important day in my life.
Let's just talk about this, Lewis. Come on!
Let's not anger her or make her jumpy in any way.
Let's see the cowlick!
Let's see.
Let's take her out for a spin.
Lewis and me are looking for the garage.
Lewis is a new transfer student.
Lewis, do you mind?
Lewis, I am so sorry, but you have to go.
Lewis, I told you to stay in the garage!
Lewis, please, don't!
Lewis, tell me this thing is not gonna...
Lewis, this is really not necessary.
Lewis, wait!
Lewis, will you give me a hand and time my race?
Lewis, you have to fix the time machine.
Lewis! Lewis, wait!
Lewis? Honey?
Lewis. Lewis, look at me. You're...
Like my husband always says...
Like so many pieces of a broken machiney thing.
Listen, I know where your head is, but I'm telling you,
Little Doris now sleeps with the fishes.
Lizzy, we talked about the fire ants.
Look at that, boys. We're almost home free.
Look, I messed up.
Look, I told you. It's gonna all work out.
Look, I'm sorry your life turned out so bad,
Look, my dear! Look what I found! It's a stick.
Lucille is married to Bud, and your dad, Cornelius, is their son.
Make it stop!
Make sure you shut that door tight, or else the alarm won't engage.
Mary is short for...
May I remind you, I'm your father, and you have to do what I say.
May it lead to success in the future.
Maybe Lewis could spend the night.
Maybe she wanted to keep you, but she had no choice.
Maybe you've forgotten.
Me? Why me?
Mike Yagoobian!
Miss Duffy, that boy is definitely not right for us.
Miss Johnson?
Mister, you're grounded till you die.
Mom and Dad are gonna kill me,
Mom never goes in there,
Mom, maybe some other time, okay?
Move it! Move it! Move it! Go! Go! Go!
Mr Harrington has a peanut allergy!
Mr Steak, you're my only friend.
Mr Willerstein, I know what went wrong.
Mrs Robinson? Uncle Art? Lefty?
My dad runs the company. They mass produce his inventions.
My friend Lewis is an inventor. He can fix it.
My frogs!
My frogs! They're getting away!
My head is!
My name's Franny, and I teach frogs music.
My name's Mike Yagoobian. People call me Goob,
My old room!
My own mother didn't even want me.
My project didn't work because I'm no good.
My real mom is the only person who's ever wanted me.
My ride isn't here yet, so fire it up.
Need another henchman, something large, not too bright.
Needing a plan to keep you near
Needs a large cheese and sausage thin crust?
Neither do we. Go on.
Next stop, science fair, to fix your Memory Scanner.
Next up is Lewis.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to see that they're branching out.
Nice work, my friend.
No harm done.
No one knows anything about her. No one even saw her.
No worries. I got someone who could help us with that.
No, he's not. He's my roommate.
No, I fell asleep in the ninth inning, and I missed the winning catch.
No, I'll make it a surprise.
No, Lewis is my stupid roommate.
No, no, no, no, ring my doorbell.
No, no, no, no, ring this doorbell.
No, that won't work. Then he'll be dead.
No, why?
No, yesterday, we had meatloaf.
No, you don't. You have to stay.
No. No, I can't.
No. No, I think you're right.
No. No, no, I'm fine. I feel fine.
No. No, this can't be happening! No!
Nobody can doubt
Nobody can doubt
None may enter unless they speak the royal password.
Nope, I've got the caffeine patch. It's my invention.
Not now.
Not the lazy game.
Nothing is set in stone.
Nothing says "adopt me" like a weird invention.
Now the neural circuits will connect.
Now to test it out.
Now you know the big secret.
Now, are you ready to start working?
Now, don't be shy.
Now, enough moping.
Now, give me 20 laps around the gym!
Now, go get that boy!
Now, I know what you're thinking, and my clothes are not on backwards.
Now, I'm going back 12 years, three months and 11 days.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
Now, just give me a date to input.
Now, my slave, seize the boy.
Now, now, don't make me come and bail you out again.
Now, show me how to work this thing.
Now, stop it. You do not know that.
Now, tall man, bowler hat, approached you?
Now, the name?
Now, to lure him out of the house.
Now, what did you find?
Number six, 58,
Of course. Why didn't I think of that?
Oh, 'cause his insurance won't pay for contacts.
Oh, Billie, could you please pass the gravy?
Oh, don't forget the mashed potatoes!
Oh, good idea.
Oh, goody!
Oh, I hope this is it.
Oh, I mean, I'm sorry. I didn't...
Oh, I used to tell that one to my science students.
Oh, Lewis is an orphan.
Oh, Lewis, come on, now.
Oh, Lewis, it's already happened.
Oh, Lewis, it's okay.
Oh, man! It was so cool, Mom!
Oh, my noggin.
Oh, no, Lewis, that's our butler, Lefty.
Oh, no, no, no. That one.
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Oh, no! I'm late! I gotta go!
Oh, no! No, you can't eat him!
Oh, no! Sorry, mister.
Oh, no.
Oh, nonsense.
Oh, nothing of consequence.
Oh, right. Right, okay, I will. Bye.
Oh, so cute!
Oh, wait! I said that already.
Oh, wait. We do.
Oh, well, then, to Lewis!
Oh, yeah, can't see that one blowing up in your face.
Oh, yeah, Captain Time Travel? Prove it.
Oh, yeah!
Oh, yes, Doris, it is a shame.
Oh! He ate Carl!
Oh! I know!
Oh! It works.
Okay, and we are walking in a calm, orderly fashion
Okay, Cornelius is married to Franny, and her brothers are Gaston and Art.
Okay, everybody, it's been a long, hard day
Okay, everybody, this dino's deep dished.
Okay, gang, time for the second course.
Okay, Gaston, my toy train's ready for you.
Okay, it's true. I'm from the past.
Okay, Lewis, I got the blueprints.
Okay, Mr Smarty pants.
Okay, Mr Yagoobian, do you want to be a...
Okay, next up is Lizzy and her fire ant farm.
Okay, now, the time machine is fixed.
Okay, stand back, everybody.
Okay, take me to see my mom now.
Okay, talking frog, not a good minion.
Okay, that should do it.
Okay, you got me. I'm not a cop,
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