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Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse Now is a masterpiece of American cinema directed by Francis Ford Coppola, released in 1979. This war film is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential movies ever made, exploring the insanity and brutality of the Vietnam War. Inspired by Joseph Conrad's novel "Heart of Darkness," the film takes viewers on a mesmerizing and haunting journey into the depths of human darkness and the horrors of war.

The cast of Apocalypse Now features a stellar lineup of actors who deliver remarkable performances. The legendary Marlon Brando portrays the enigmatic and disturbed Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, the film's central figure. Martin Sheen leads the ensemble as Captain Benjamin L. Willard, a troubled and experienced Army intelligence officer assigned to hunt down and assassinate Kurtz. Other notable actors include Robert Duvall as the charismatic Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore, Dennis Hopper as the crazed photojournalist, and Harrison Ford as Colonel Lucas.

The movie's soundtrack is as iconic as its storyline, composed by the talented and innovative musician, Walter Murch. Murch masterfully combines a blend of music, sound effects, and dialogue, creating a rich auditory experience that fully immerses the audience in the film's chaotic and surreal atmosphere. The sounds of helicopter blades whirring, loud explosions, and the ominous notes of a synthesizer accompany the characters' perilous journey up the Nung River, reinforcing the madness and disorientation of war.

Fortunately, you can now experience these captivating sounds firsthand. By visiting the official movie website or various online platforms, you can easily access an extensive selection of sound clips from Apocalypse Now. Whether you want to hear the chilling whispers of Captain Willard or the booming voice of Colonel Kurtz uttering the famous line "The horror... the horror!" these downloadable sounds allow you to relive the intensity of this cinematic masterpiece.

Apocalypse Now is not just a war film; it is a profound reflection on the human psyche and the moral complexities of warfare. Coppola artfully presents the relentless violence and the psychological impact it has on soldiers, blurring the lines between good and evil. The film delves deep into the darkness of the human soul, questioning the notions of honor and sanity in a war where neither seemingly exist.

Furthermore, Apocalypse Now explores themes of imperialism and the dehumanizing effects of war on both the conqueror and conquered. The film dissects the power dynamics between Western societies and those they colonize, drawing parallels between the atrocities committed during the Vietnam War and the heart of darkness that lies within each of us.

While Apocalypse Now might not offer a solitary solution to the horrors of war, it serves as an impactful reminder of its devastating consequences. The film engages viewers with a thought-provoking narrative that transcends time and continues to resonate with audiences today.

So, if you're ready to embark on an unforgettable cinematic journey that will both shock and captivate your senses, make sure to check out Apocalypse Now. It's not just a movie; it's a haunting exploration of the human psyche set against the backdrop of one of the darkest chapters in modern history.

Don't miss the chance to immerse yourself in this mesmerizing experience. Play and download the sounds of Apocalypse Now today, and allow yourself to be transported into a world of madness, darkness, and profound introspection.

A bad hand, there. Are you wounded?
A cook school, that did it.
A diamond bullet right through my forehead.
A great saucier.
A humanitarian man.
A junk boat, Captain. We're gonna take a routine check.
A man of wit and humor.
A mistake? A voluntary mistake! Voluntary!
A piece of paper would fall.
A spear.
A tough motherfucker. He finished it.
A two of spades, three of spades, four of diamonds,
A type of plastic patrol boat, a pretty common sight on the rivers.
About 200 miles.
About six months ago,
About the only thing that's holding his guts in, sir,
Absolutely goddamn right.
Ain't you?
Air strike?
All glory and honor is yours, Almighty Father. Amen.
All I wanted to do was fucking cook!
All of it, boiling it. I looked inside, man. It was turning gray.
All of us lined up, looking at it.
All right, Captain.
All right, Chef, just wait a minute. Wait a minute, Chef.
All right, let's see what we have. Let's see what we have.
All right, now. Let me take care of this. You all right? Get that out of here!
All right, son, let her rip.
All right, take a gunship back to the division.
All right, that's great, you motherfuckers. Yeah.
All right, then. But if you could hang around just 20 minutes...
All right, this is Fox Five. We're going in.
All right, you men, put down your weapons.
All right!
All right. All right.
All right. Come on. Let's bring it over.
All right. Damn.
All right. You got a destination? I need a destination.
All soldiers know they are already dead.
All that matters is that you are alive.
Almost eight hours.
Along the edge
Alpha Tango Tango. Echo Tango Alpha...
Am I gonna be the one that's gonna set them straight? Look at me. Wrong!
American civilian. It's all right.
Americans, six.
An American civilian. Hi, Yanks.
And a voice, a voice...
And about a mile out, we'll put on the music.
And after that,
And at the same time, who are able
And blew his ass clean off of the dock.
And bring me my Yater Spoon, the 8'6".
And bring your heinie home all in one piece
And dedicated by the fire team at An Khe to their groovy CO...
And every minute Charlie squats in the bush,
And follow every order, however ridiculous.
And for my sins, they gave me one.
And good does not always triumph.
And he is still in the field, commanding troops.
And he said to me,
And he was a good man, too.
And he'll just walk right by you and he won't even notice you.
And I have lost a husband.
And I remember,
And I said to him,
And I think the light and space of Vietnam
And I thought, "My God, the genius of that. The genius."
And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it.
And I wasn't even in their fucking Army anymore.
And I'm supposed to kill him.
And if he'd pulled over, it all would have been forgotten.
And if his story is really a confession...
And if I were to be killed, Willard,
And if you understand me, Willard, you will do this for me.
And it will be such until we are all dead.
And mutilating the centerfold and all kinds of shit like that.
And now, here's another blast from the past
And one day, the gook took his magazine from him and wouldn't give it back to him.
And people starving during the war.
And practical military necessity.
And surviving.
And terminate the Colonel's command.
And that was okay.
And that your methods were unsound.
And that's who he really took his orders from anyway.
And the Marines! And the sailors!
And the more I read and began to understand, the more I admired him.
And the Playmate of the Year, Miss Carrie Foster! Yeah!
And the sergeant said, "You better not do that to her.
And the water was flowing back into the jungle.
And then I realized
And then I realized, like I was shot,
And then suddenly he'll grab you, he'll throw you in a corner and he'll say,
And then when your wife get them back, she'll be mad with me.
And they call me an assassin.
And they couldn't talk him out of it.
And they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm.
And they only do that to be dead with their friends.
And things started to slip.
And this ain't the Army. You are a sailor!
And this is something that you never understood, you Americans.
And this old man came running after us, and he was crying, he couldn't see.
And to prove it, we're gonna give you some entertainment we know you're gonna like.
And turned the LZ into a beach party.
And very obviously he has gone insane.
And watch out. Those goddamn monkeys bite you, I'll tell you.
And we have an important message for all GIs
And what would his people back home want,
And when it was all over, I walked up.
And when it was over, I'd never want another.
And with a whimper, I'm fucking splitting, jack.
And you can get any place up that river that suits you, young Captain.
And you got the cigarettes. And that's what I've been dreaming about.
And you must make a friend of horror.
Any man brave enough to fight with his guts strapped on him
Any more than being back in Saigon was an accident.
Anyhow, do the right thing, stay out of the way of the bullets,
Are my methods unsound?
Are you an assassin?
Aren't you curious about that?
Army after army.
Arrested for murder.
As if the boat were being sucked upriver
As you can see...
Assume attack formation.
At first, I thought they handed me the wrong dossier.
At first, we lose in Second World War.
Battle stations. Lance, up front! On the .60, Clean!
Beautifully marbled.
Because I took his picture.
Because it's judgment that defeats us.
Because life sometimes is very cruel.
Because there's a conflict in every human heart
Because there's nothing that I detest more than the stench of lies.
Because we love you very much. Love, Mama.
Because you don't know where the hell you're going, do you?
Between good and evil.
Between the rational and the irrational,
Beyond that, there was only Kurtz.
Big Duke Six to Eagle Thrust, put on heading 2 7 0.
Big Duke Six to Eagle Thrust, put on psy war op, make it loud.
Big Duke Six, clear the area. I'm coming down myself.
Big Duke Six, roger. Dove One Three, stand by.
Big Duke Six, this is Dove One Three.
Big Duke Six, this is Eagle Thrust Seven. We've got it spotted.
Blow them into the Stone Age, son!
Blue Three, Blue Four, hold out over position...
Board it and search it.
Bring her on board. We're taking her to an ARVN.
Bring in all your ships.
Bring them in. Clean, on the .60. Chef, get a .16.
Brought it up to me like room service.
Bubba, you can't die, you fucker!
Buddha time, here.
Bummer for the gook, though, ain't it?
But after the press got a hold of it, they promoted him to full colonel instead.
But don't tell her, because that's our secret.
But for about five miles, you'd think that heaven just fell on the Earth,
But here, we don't lose.
But I couldn't connect up that voice with this man.
But I felt like I knew one or two things about Kurtz
But I really didn't know what I'd do when I found him.
But I think he would have shot us if he saw me taking his board.
But I think I killed them all.
But if you'll eat it,
But it didn't happen. I was in there with him for days, not under guard.
But now, fuck.
But one look at you, and I know it's gonna be hot, wherever it is.
But out there with these natives,
But the man's...
But the smell, you know, that gasoline smell...
But the thing I felt the most, much stronger than fear,
But then I got orders for my physical.
But they were supposed to be waiting for us another 30 km ahead.
But this time it was an American and an officer.
But we must kill them.
But when he threatened to resign, they gave it to him.
But you are both.
But you don't judge the Colonel.
But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me.
But you're feeling fit? You're ready for duty?
By whatever means available
Calling PBR Street Gang. PBR Street Gang, this is Almighty.
Can drink from my canteen any day!
Can I get a medevac?
Can I speak with the chef?
Can you guys push ground and put it down there?
Can't see nothing. We're stopping.
Captain Richard Colby,
Captain Willard reporting, sir.
Captain Willard, are you in there?
Captain Willard!
Captain, accept the flag of Tyrone Miller on behalf of a grateful nation.
Captain, have you ever seen this gentleman before?
Captain, I don't know how you feel about this shrimp,
Captain, where you going?
Captain, you've heard of Colonel Walter E. Kurtz?
Captain? Just how far up this river we going?
Charlie didn't get much USO.
Charlie don't never see them or hear them, man.
Charlie don't surf!
Check the yellow can. She was sitting on it. What's in it?
Chef, Chef, on the .60.
Chef, knock it off! Give him a break!
Chef, on the bow.
Chef, open up! Fire!
Chef, pick up that weapon! Pick it up! Pick it up!
Chef, she's moving behind you. She's alive. Check her out.
Chef! Chef, it's okay. Quit firing.
Chicken time. You ain't shitting, bro. They're motherfucking...
Chief, my mission's got priority here.
Chief, tell them to hold their fire!
Chief, you were right. Never get out of the fucking boat.
Clean, get on that .60!
Clean, Mr. Clean, was from some South Bronx shithole,
Close enough to blow their last breath in my face.
Colonel Kurtz is about to be
Come here, Lance.
Come here! Come here!
Come on down to New Orleans, Bubba, and I'll get you fixed up, you prick.
Come on, baby! Come up here now.
Come on, Captain. Let's take a shower.
Come on, Captain. You still have a few hours to get cleaned up.
Come on, Clean, God damn it. Give me a hand.
Come on, man! Move! We don't have time. One hour. That's all.
Come on, man. Listen to the music, man.
Come on!
Come on! Hurry up, motherfucker! Move it!
Come on. Let's get high.
Come on. Move it! Move it! Move it!
Communist traitors at home.
Confused out there.
Could we talk to Colonel Kurtz?
Could you hold up a minute?
Counterintelligence with COMSEC, I Corps.
Cow after cow,
Crawl along the edge
Crawling, slithering
Cut it out! Quiet!
Damn gook names all sound the same.
Damn! Fuck!
Damned if I know.
Dave, come here and give me a hand. We got a dead one.
Dialectic logic is, "There's only love and hate."
Did they say why, Willard?
Did you check the tank?
Did you not assassinate a government tax collector,
Did you not work for the CIA in I Corps?
Dien Bien Phu is a trap.
Dien Bien Phu was an error, you know? A military mistake.
Dien Bien Phu...
Do Luong bridge was the last Army outpost on the Nung River.
Do you know that the man,
Do you know what the man's saying?
Do you know who's in command here?
Do you know why you can never step into the same river twice?
Do you read me? Over.
Do you think he would have shot us?
Do you wanna go on?
Do you want a cigarette?
Do you?
Don't go without me, okay? I wanna get a picture.
Don't look at the camera.
Don't look at the camera. It's for television. Just go through!
Don't look at the camera. Just keep... Go on! Keep going.
Don't smoke.
Don't these people ever give up?
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry, Lance. He won't follow us too far.
Don't worry.
Don't you think it's a little risky for R&R?
Don't you understand?
Don't you worry.
Dove Four, this is Big Duke Six.
Duke Six, Duke Six, we've got wounded down there.
During the next few months, he made three requests for transfer
Each time I looked around, the walls moved in a little tighter.
Eight bucks for that...
Enemy activity in his old sector dropped off to nothing.
Eva can't picture me in Vietnam.
Eva's not sure if she can have a relationship with me, you know?
Even Aunt Jessie and Mama will come to celebrate your coming home.
Even the jungle wanted him dead,
Even the opinions of yourself?
Every man has got a breaking point.
Every minute I stay in this room, I get weaker.
Every time, I think I'm gonna wake up back in the jungle.
Everybody wanted me to do it, him most of all.
Everyone gets everything he wants.
Everything I did. Everything you saw.
Everything I saw told me that Kurtz had gone insane.
Excuse me. I have to go. Captain, good night.
Expected you here a little sooner. This is mail for the boat.
Expecting us this time?
Far out, man. All right. I've been waiting for this one.
First of the Ninth was an old cavalry division
Fly down to Vung Tau for the evening glass.
Follow it, learn what you can along the way.
For those who lie.
Four of diamonds.
Freedom? Bullshit.
Freedoms from the opinion of others?
From the beaches south of LA.
Fuck me.
Fuck you. Fuck him.
Fuck, man, this is better than Disneyland.
Fucking A.
Fucking Airborne!
Fucking ARVN, man. They should have killed the fuck.
Fucking Vietnam mission!
Gave that little zero a long burst straight through the Playboy mag
General, Chief of Staff, anything.
Get down, Bubba!
Get down, Bubba!
Get down!
Get it out of here! And tell my guys I want my board!
Get it out. It's just a flare. It's all right. It's just a flare.
Get out of here! Come on!
Get out of here! Give me that canteen.
Get out of here! I'll kick your fucking ass!
Get out! I got it! Yeah! I got it!
Get that light off me.
Get you a case of beer for that.
Get your goddamn hands off of my girl!
Get your people back and heads down. This is gonna be a big one.
Getting softer.
GI, fuck you!
GI, fuck you!
Girls! Let's go!
Give me that dog!
Give me that RT, soldier.
Give me the fucking dog, asshole!
Give me those shorts.
Give us this day our daily bread...
Go bust them!
Go in there. Put that right skid right up her ass.
Go through! Just go by! Keep on going!
Go! They want to forget you. Look at them.
God damn it! I want that tree line bombed!
God damn!
God. I'm asleep.
Going down pretty good, huh?
Going out to big Sam who's all alone out there
Good boy.
Good morning, Vietnam. I'm Army Specialist Zack Johnson on AFVN.
Gook said, "You shut up. I have you court martial."
Gooks. What the fuck you think I'm shooting at?
Got a stump.
Got a vehicle on the bridge, 50 caliber onboard.
Got slopes on the wire, man. Do you hear them?
Got some pretty heavy ordnance.
Gotta be a mango tree here somewhere.
Granny and Dad are trying to get enough money
Grease my gun!
Guess he must have hit the right four people.
Gunner's Mate Third Class L. Johnson, sir!
Had one of them cocky gook asshole lieutenants and shit.
Hang on, Lance!
Has it been eight hours?
Hau Phat. You ever been up here before, Chef?
Have you ever considered any real freedoms?
Hawk One Two, Dove One Three, roger.
He and his men were playing hit and run, all the way into Cambodia.
He broke from them, and then he broke from himself.
He can be terrible, he can be mean, and he can be right.
He could have gone for General, but he went for himself instead.
He feels comfortable with his people. He forgets himself with his people.
He gets friendly again. He really does.
He gets stronger.
He had only two ways home, death or victory.
He had to apply three times and he put up with a ton of shit.
He joined the Special Forces.
He joined the Special Forces. And after that, his...
He just picked up his iron, flipped it to rock 'n' roll and...
He just wanted to go out like a soldier. Standing up.
He killed a lot of our people!
He knew more about what I was going to do than I did.
He likes you 'cause you're still alive. He's got plans for you.
He likes you. He really likes you, but he's got something in mind for you.
He loved his boys and you felt safe with him.
He reads poetry out loud, all right?
He received no official clearance. He just thought it up and did it.
He said, "Give me my magazine back."
He said, "If you take my picture again,
He split from the whole fucking program.
He started sticking pinholes
He wants water. He can drink paddy water.
He was 38 years old.
He was being groomed for one of the top slots in the corporation,
He was brilliant. He was outstanding in every way.
He was close.
He was dug in too deep or moving too fast.
He was one of those guys that had that weird light around him.
He was real close.
He was regular Army, too.
He was with Kurtz.
He was wrapped too tight for Vietnam.
He would rage and he would cry, my lost soldier.
He wouldn't have shot us on the beach,
He'd like you to hang your laundry up indoors instead of on the windowsills.
He's a determined motherfucker!
He's a poet warrior in the classic sense.
He's close, man.
He's dying, I think. He hates all this. He hates it.
He's fighting the war. He's a great man.
He's gone away. He disappeared out in the jungle with his people.
He's moving across to resupply the weapon.
He's out there operating without any decent restraint,
He's real close.
He's really specializing in busting my balls.
He's the first one to admit it.
He's underneath the bodies, man.
Hell, a six foot peak.
Hell, he's probably got them all over the river with that recording.
Hell, I joined the Navy. Heard they had better food.
Hell, man, out here, we're all his children.
Hell, you wouldn't even be in this part of the river if it wasn't for me.
Hello, all you paratroopers out there!
Hello, Almighty, Almighty, this is PBR Street Gang.
Hello. Hello...
Here comes that Colonel guy again.
Here I am, 13,000 fucking miles away,
Here, you take the radio, and if I don't get back by 2200 hours,
Hey, Bill, don't get me wrong...
Hey, Bubba!
Hey, Chef, put the cover on that.
Hey, Chief, get a good whiff.
Hey, Chief, I'm gonna go get those mangos now, okay?
Hey, Clean, look at that. She was here, man.
Hey, Colonel, I think one of those sailors is Lance Johnson, the surfer.
Hey, GI, fuck you!
Hey, Jesus, Clean, you ain't gonna believe this. Look.
Hey, Lance, man.
Hey, Lance, the chef's a slope.
Hey, Lance.
Hey, listen, would you guys like some seats, some press box seats for the show?
Hey, lover! You want us to come over?
Hey, man, you don't talk to the Colonel. Well, you listen to him.
Hey, man! They're picking up the boat!
Hey, soldier,
Hey, they're gonna play music!
Hey, you know that last tab of acid I was saving?
Hey! What's this?
Hi, American.
Hi, tiger! Bye, tiger! Goodbye!
Him! Colonel Kurtz.
His family and friends couldn't understand it,
His idea of great R&R was cold rice and a little rat meat.
His ideas, methods,
His report to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Lyndon Johnson was restricted.
Hold on.
Horror and moral terror are your friends.
Horror has a face.
Hot potato! Hot potato!
How come all you guys sit on your helmet?
How could I fucking forget, man? Beautiful.
How did that happen? What did he see here that first tour?
How far are you from the river?
How long can you possibly stay here?
How many people had I already killed?
How you doing out there? I said, "How you doing out there?"
Hubert, his wife and two sons.
Hueys over there. Lots of Hueys.
Humping it over that course.
Hurry up!
I accept your apology.
I ain't afraid of all them fucking skulls and altars and shit.
I ain't coming in there! Them bastards attacked us!
I ain't risking no more lives.
I apologize for my family, Captain.
I apologize. It's not my fault.
I began to wonder what they really had against Kurtz.
I can see on your face.
I can take that point and hold it just as long as I like.
I can tell you something, like, the other day he wanted to kill me.
I can't do a goddamn thing without a destination.
I carry priority papers from COMSEC Intelligence, II Corps.
I carry priority papers from COMSEC Intelligence, II Corps.
I collected every picture of her since she was Miss December, Chief.
I couldn't believe they wanted this man dead.
I couldn't fucking believe that one.
I couldn't see him yet, but I could feel him,
I cried. I wept like
I did it when I was 19 and it damn near wasted me.
I didn't come here for this.
I didn't get out of the goddamn eighth grade for this kind of shit!
I didn't steal it!
I do hate them.
I do like cognac, but I don't want any now, thank you.
I don't care where it goes, as long as it ain't here.
I don't follow, sir. Murdered who?
I don't fucking need it! I don't want it.
I don't know, kid.
I don't know. Maybe in the future
I don't say that you Americans win, but we lose.
I don't see any method at all, sir.
I don't think.
I even wrote to the cunt. She didn't write me back.
I expected someone like you.
I felt like he was up there, waiting for me to take the pain away.
I got another one, got a box from Eva.
I got something for you now!
I got you, Chief.
I had a little fishing accident on R&R, sir.
I had heard his voice on the tape and it really put the hook in me,
I hardly said a word to my wife until I said yes to a divorce.
I hate that. Every time I hear that, something terrible happens.
I hate them.
I heard he shot himself in the head.
I hope you brought a good appetite, Captain.
I just wanted to learn to fucking cook, man!
I knew the risks, or imagined I knew.
I know that we can stay. We can stay.
I know where I'm going. I'm going to the White House
I know. I'm really sorry, Colonel, but I'm afraid that does it.
I like your cutback, too. I think you have the best cutback there is.
I lost a few recon ships in there now and again.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
I make a nice mango cream pudding,
I mean, he never was hurting for pussy.
I mean, I thought you were going in to blow up a bridge
I mean, I'm not afraid to surf this place! I'll surf this fucking place.
I mean, if tomorrow the Vietnamese are communists,
I mean, perfect.
I mean, that's crazy. No army in the world can do that.
I mean, this cat, when the thing arrived, he was there to meet it, man.
I mean, this is our home, Captain.
I mean, we fight for that.
I mean, what's the matter with you? You're acting kind of weird.
I meet Raquel Welch.
I needed the air and the time.
I never do something wrong to the people here.
I never have gotten used to a light board, and I can't get used to one.
I never want to forget.
I noticed that you have
I noticed you had no wine at dinner.
I remember when I was with Special Forces.
I said I can't see a thing, Captain. I'm stopping this boat.
I see you is right on target.
I think I see a vehicle down in the courtyard.
I thought all the young guys like lighter boards.
I thought we'd have a bite of lunch while we talk.
I told you to stop fucking with me, didn't 1?
I took a man who was going up past the bridge at Do Luong.
I took the mission. What the hell else was I gonna do?
I understand Nha Trang has briefed you on the requirements of my mission.
I used to prepare a pipe for my husband.
I used to think if I died in an evil place,
I wanna see how rideable that stuff is. Go change.
I want my men out.
I want my wounded out of there and in the hospital in 15 minutes.
I want some 20 Mike Mike Vulcan right along those tree lines.
I want to see you do your stuff in them out there. Okay?
I want you to meet some guys. This is Mike from San Diego.
I want you to stay awake up there, man. You got a job to do.
I wanted a mission.
I wanted to tear my teeth out. I didn't know what I wanted to do.
I was being ferried down the coast in a Navy PBR.
I was free. But he knew I wasn't going anywhere.
I was going to the worst place in the world and I didn't even know it yet.
I was sent here from Nha Trang with these three days ago, sir.
I was sent on a classified mission, sir.
I watched a snail
I went down that river once when I was a kid.
I will not hurt or harm you.
I will not hurt or harm you. I will not hurt or harm you.
I wish I had words, you know? I wish I had words.
I wonder if that's the same chopper.
I worry that my son might not understand what I've tried to be.
I would want someone to go to my home and tell my son everything.
I'd know what to do.
I'd never seen a man so broken up and ripped apart.
I'd wake up, and there'd be nothing.
I'll cover for them. And bring a board for Lance!
I'll do anything to get out of this joint.
I'll go up with Lance and scrounge around, check the place out,
I'll go with him.
I'll have a lot of grandchildren to love and spoil,
I'll see about my men and...
I'll tell you one thing, this boat is a mess, man.
I'll wait for him.
I'm a little man. I'm a little man. He's a great man.
I'm a photojournalist.
I'm a soldier.
I'm an American. Yeah.
I'm asleep and dreaming I'm on this shitty boat.
I'm Bill Kilgore. I'm a goofy foot.
I'm curious. I'm very curious. Are you curious?
I'm from Ohio, sir.
I'm gonna get that dink bitch. Get over there, Johnny.
I'm gonna need you to wait here, Chef.
I'm gonna take a look.
I'm here a week now.
I'm here, baby! I'm here!
I'm hit! Mayday! Mayday! I'm going in. My tail rotor's out. I got control.
I'm in command here, God damn it. You'll do what I say.
I'm not going! I'm not going! I'm not going!
I'm not here.
I'm not presently disposed to discuss those operations, sir.
I'm ready to... baby!
I'm really sorry about tonight. It's really bad around here.
I'm short and we gotta go up there so you can kill one of our own guys?
I'm so glad you decided to join...
I'm sorry, Captain. Was just a little story about Paris
I'm sorry, sir. There are gooks out there by the wire,
I'm sorry, you know, but the communists at home have never been traitors.
I'm still only in Saigon.
I'm sure about it, you know?
I'm taking fire. I'm taking hits all over...
I'm the fourth tank commander. I got five tanks broken down.
I'm walking through the jungle gathering mangos.
I've admired your nose riding for years.
I've been in Laos, Cambodia and Nam.
I've covered the war since '64.
I've had the whole goddamn fucking shit, man!
I've seen the horrors, horrors that you've seen.
I've spotted a large weapon down below. We're gonna go down and check it out.
If I can find a way.
If I had 10 divisions of those men,
If I say it's safe to surf this beach, Captain, it's safe to surf this beach!
If I want to play with a prick, I'll play with my own!
If I was still alive, it was because he wanted me that way.
If it did, in fact, exist, sir.
If that's how Kilgore fought the war,
If the generals back in Nha Trang could see what I saw,
If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared.
If they ever learned just how far from them he'd really gone?
If this tape is any good, I will have Dad and the family
If you could have heard him then, God... You're gonna call him crazy?
If you could have heard the man just two days ago.
If you joined the Green Berets, there was no way you'd ever get above colonel.
If you like, we can have some cognac.
If you're French, American, that's all the same.
In 1964, he returned from a tour with advisory command in Vietnam
In Dien Bien Phu, we lose. In Nigeria, we lose.
In Indochina, we lose.
In the form of gardenias.
In this war, things get
Insult me again and I'll kick your ass.
Is it gonna be hairy?
Is that you, Lazzaro?
Is there a Captain Willard onboard?
It belongs to us.
It has been such for 70 years.
It keeps our family together.
It might have been my mission, but it sure as shit was the Chief's boat.
It must be a temptation
It must've been a gardenia plantation or a flower plantation at one time.
It seems a thousand centuries ago.
It smelled like
It smelled like slow death in there.
It was a good board, and I like it.
It was a lie, and the more I saw of them, the more I hated lies.
It was a real choice mission.
It was no accident that I got to be the caretaker
It was the air cav, First of the Ninth.
It was the bombs causing a vortex with the wind.
It was the morphine he took for the wounds he suffered in his heart.
It was the same in the eyes of the soldiers of our war.
It was the way we had over here of living with ourselves.
It wasn't gonna be the way they called it back in Nha Trang.
It wasn't just insanity and murder.
It's a fucking puppy.
It's a fucking puppy.
It's a pretty wide delta, but these are the only two spots I'm really sure of.
It's a tiger!
It's a very cruel poem for children, but they need it,
It's about 82 degrees in downtown Saigon right now, also very humid.
It's all goddamn beach break.
It's all in there.
It's all right! It's all right! It's all been approved!
It's all wild and overgrown now,
It's beautiful.
It's blowing on shore! It's coming on shore. It's gonna blow this place out!
It's classified, Chief. I can't tell you.
It's clear, Chief.
It's gonna be all right. Never get out of the fucking boat.
It's impossible for words to describe
It's just a fucking boat. There ain't nothing on it, Chief.
It's just tube city.
It's my nightmare.
It's really hairy in there, sir. That's where we lost McDonald.
It's still pretty hairy out there, sir.
It's the goddamn napalm! That's what's doing it!
It's too bad he didn't get no medals or nothing.
Jesus! The whole goddamn thing just...
Jim, it's here. It really is here.
Just give me back the board, Lance.
Just give me back the board, Lance. It was a good board, and I like it.
Just go by like you're fighting. Like you're fighting.
Just keep moving.
Just keep running by. Run for television.
Just like that cat in the delta.
Just so the generals can say the road's open.
Just some baskets and some ducks, fucking bananas.
Just some pigs. Look, mangos.
Just take it easy. Take it easy. Slow down and take it easy.
Just take this over to the man at the supply desk and you got it.
Just wait 20 minutes!
Keep going. Don't look at the camera. Go on. Keep going.
Kid, come on. Get down. Come on.
Kilgore had had a pretty good day for himself.
Kind of spread it around on us.
Korea, Airborne, about 1,000 decorations, et cetera, et cetera.
Kurtz got off the boat.
Kurtz had ordered the execution of some Vietnamese intelligence agents.
Kurtz knew what he was giving up.
Kurtz orders assassination of three Vietnamese men and one woman.
Kurtz staged Operation Archangel! with combined local forces,
Kurtz's patrols in the highlands coming under frequent ambush.
Lance, fire!
Lance, get down!
Lance, go with Mike and let him pick out a board for you,
Lance, I'll bet you can't wait to get out there.
Lance, keep your hands away from the guns.
Lance, on the .50s.
Lance, on the forward .50s, was a famous surfer
Lance, take the .16 on the bow.
Lance, the wind!
Lance, we'll come in low out of the rising sun,
Lance, what's with all the green paint?
Lance! Chef!
Lance! Get down here!
Lance! Hey, Lance, what do you think?
Lance. Lance, check out Clean!