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Major Payne (1995) "Major Payne" is a hilarious and action-packed comedy film that was released in 1995. Starring Damon

Major Payne (1995)

"Major Payne" is a hilarious and action-packed comedy film that was released in 1995. Starring Damon Wayans in the title role, this movie follows the story of a tough and no-nonsense Marine Corps officer who is assigned to oversee a group of unruly young cadets at a military academy. Directed by Nick Castle, "Major Payne" delivers a perfect blend of humor, heart, and memorable performances.

Damon Wayans gives a standout performance as Major Benson Winifred Payne, a highly skilled and decorated Marine who finds himself out of place in civilian life. With his military career coming to an abrupt end, Major Payne is reluctantly assigned to the Madison Academy ROTC program, where he becomes responsible for molding a group of delinquent misfits into disciplined soldiers.

The chemistry between Damon Wayans and the young actors in the film is amazing. Albert Hall, known for his role in "Apocalypse Now," plays Colonel Bragg, the stern and by-the-books Academy headmaster who clashes with Major Payne's unorthodox methods. Karyn Parsons takes on the role of Emily Walburn, a kind-hearted woman who becomes the love interest for Major Payne and provides a touch of romance amid the chaos.

The movie is filled with laugh-out-loud moments as Major Payne uses his unorthodox tactics to whip his cadets into shape. From hilarious boot camp drills to unconventional motivational speeches, the film serves up a barrel of laughs while delivering an underlying message of self-discipline, perseverance, and leadership.

The soundtrack of the film perfectly complements the story with a mix of upbeat, catchy tunes that add to the overall entertainment value. Unfortunately, the names of the band members or the exact songs featured in the movie are not available, but you can easily find and download these sounds online.

What sets "Major Payne" apart from other comedies is its ability to balance humor with genuine emotion. As the story progresses, the layers of Major Payne's tough exterior are peeled back, revealing his vulnerability and humanity. Wayans masterfully transitions between intense military drills, comedic timing, and heartfelt moments, making Major Payne a relatable and lovable character.

The film's success lies not only in its humor but also in its inspiring theme of personal growth and finding one's purpose. The cadets, once defiant and aimless, gradually transform into motivated and confident individuals under Major Payne's guidance. Their journey towards self-improvement is heartwarming and serves as a testament to the power of mentorship and belief in oneself.

Overall, "Major Payne" delivers a delightful mix of comedy, action, and heart. With its exceptional cast, witty dialogue, memorable moments, and a touch of nostalgia, it has become a beloved classic. Whether you're looking for a movie to laugh out loud or seeking inspiration, "Major Payne" is sure to entertain and leave you with a smile.

Remember, you can play and download the sounds from "Major Payne" to take a trip down memory lane and bring some laughter back into your life.
Actually, I think the party just begun.
After you torture him, so he don't have to go through life with a colostomy bag?
Agh ! My finger ! My finger !
Ah, heh heh heh.
Ah, heh heh heh.
Ah, heh heh heh.
Ain't no need for name calling.
Ain't you gonna dance ?
Alex ! Alex !
Alex, where are you going ?
All I want you to do for me is give it to me when you get home
All I'm askin'
All I'm askin' is for a little respect when you come home
All of a sudden, Charlie was all over the place !
All right ? And then his chest cavity exploded.
All right, Fox. Keep goin'.
All right, gentlemen. Let's look alive here ! We got trophies to win !
All right, good bye.
All right, knock it off!
All right, ladies !
All right, ladies.
All right, my little patch of Brussels sprouts,
All right, we're takin' out Payne tomorrow !
All right. I got a surefire plan to get rid of that son of a bitch.
All that hard work they did, they did for you.
America needs you.
And ain't gonna leave until you do !
And all I'm askin' in return, honey
And all that other bullshit that you taught us ?
And already I'm startin' to get the itch.
And be back here pronto !
And blood and guts and spit and ass was everywhere !
And blood and snot was drippin' out his eye sockets.
And Bubba come crawlin' out the back door,
And business is good !
And have his brains mailed back to his mother.
And I call it neutering !
And I call you an insecure, overbearing, psychopathic,
And I don't know why
And I had no other alternative...
And I looked down,
And I said, "Bubba, it's 30 miles to the nearest town.
And I want you to have that.
And I'm 'a put it 'cross the left side your face.
And I'm bad to the bone
And I'm bad to the bone
And I'm here to tell you, honey
And I'm stuck like glue
And if he's still in there, he ain't happy !
And if I'm sick, I'm gonna start throwing up.
And kick it around on the ground.
And killin'.
And let the boy grow up.
And stop babyin' him !"
And stop eatin' all that damn candy, you fat pig ?
And them little bloody nubs was kickin' real fast, like this here.
And they gazed in wide wonder
And until you win those games,
And what is your damage, muscle head ? You stupid ?
And what the hell is that ?
And when a man gets to eyeballin' me,
And when you saw it, did you want it ?
And you will pay the price.
And you will respect me.
Any man that'd leave you oughta be monkey stomped...
Anyway, I called my dad. I'm leavin' this stupid school.
Apparently he pissed all over the front of his pants.
Arms, hut ! Left face !
As long as you keep them out of my hair.
As of 0800...
As of this moment, you are reinstated in the United States Marines...
As your commanding officer !
At ease, Payne.
At the joy they had found
At the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Atten hut !
Aw, boy, get on outta here with that "I'm scared of the dark" crap.
Aw, phooey !
B B B B B Bad
B B B B Bad
B B B B Bad
B B B B Bad
B B B B Bad
B B B B Bad B B B B Bad
Baby, I got
Back to killin'. You wanna come ?
Back to the sweet smell of mustard gas...
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bam ! "I saw what you did to my friend !" Bam !
Base admin is cutting your discharge orders right now.
Be disqualified from the final competition !
Because the hard reality was...
Bee a good listener.
Bee sensitive to their needs."
Before my nose starts to bleed.
Before that man jump out the closet and chop your little head off.
Bend over and spread 'em, girl
Bend over backwards, make me shout Work that body in and out
Between us, I don't care what you do with those boys,
Boom ! An explosion happened.
Boom ! Heh heh heh.
Both legs missin'.
Boy, I am two seconds from bein' on you...
Boys like us are becoming dinosaurs.
Break it down
Break it on down
Break it on down Break it on down
Bringin' to the man more satisfaction
Bust a move !
But by the end of the day today, we will honor the finest of you with a trophy.
But enough about me, woman. What's your story ?
But is there anything that you like that doesn't have to do with battle ?
But it's not a life or death situation.
But nothin' I did would prepare me for this newest assignment.
But to blast my way out.
Butt's so tight he can't pass gas
Butt's so tight he can't pass gas
By her husband, played by Mr. Shipman.
Bye. Have a good time.
Cadets, order arms !
Cadets. I'm pleased to announce the two top rated squads...
Can you read lips ? Let me break it down.
Can't you see I'm eatin', turd ?
Carry on.
Causin' instant death and simultaneous bowel evacuation.
Charlie rigged a bridge with plastic explosives...
Chugga, chugga, chugga. Chugga, chugga.
Chugga, chugga, chugga. Chugga, chugga. Toot, toot !
Chugga, chugga, chugga. Chugga, chugga. Toot, toot !
Combat killin' machines.
Come again ?
Come again ?
Come on ! Let's move it ! Move it !
Come on ! Wait ! Hold on.
Come on ! You can do it !
Come on, bacon boy ! Come on !
Come on, guys ! Maggots !
Come on, guys ! What, are you crazy ? It's just a dummy grenade.
Come on, guys ! What, are you crazy ? It's just a dummy grenade.
Come on, he can't do it ! Leave him alone.
Come on, people ! Mo o o ve !
Come on, Tiger. Nice meeting you, Major.
Come on, Williams ! Let's move it. Get a hop on it, boy !
Company ! Atten hut !
Concentrated dithiazanine.
Count 'em out ! Let me see that belly roll !
Damn skippy. He just kept chuggin' along.
Deep, deep in the jungle,
Dictatorial, egomaniacal, frigid, lunatic asshole !
Did I give you permission to sneeze, Opie ?
Did I say you could touch my bed ?
Did you ?
Did you want it ?
Do I have any more volunteers ?
Do they have to earn their bathroom privileges too ?
Do you accept it ?
Do you know what positive reinforcement means ?
Do you like the movies ?
Do you really think that this approach...
Do... not... attempt...
Doin' tricks to make us holler
Doin' what they did to turn us out
Don't all run at once.
Don't move !
Don't never... hit... her... again.
Don't push the "maybe," baby.
Don't you ever make no jokes about me behind my back,
Don't you feel dumb ?
Don't you sass me like your mother.
Don't you walk away from me.
Don't you watch Oprah ?
Dotson !
Dotson, take these men for two hours of P.T. !
Drill team leader: Private Kevin "Tiger" Dunne.
Drop down, give me 25 pushups now !
Drop down, give me 30 situps right now ! Let's go !
Dwight Williams, but the boys call me "D," sir.
Excuse me ? What did you say ?
Fall in ! Move it, you idiots ! Let's go !
Fall in, everyone ! Fall in ! Let's go !
Fee fi fo fum.
Five, sir. Six, sir. Seven, sir.
For speakin' out of line !
For the science fair judging.
For two hours of weapons drill.
For your convenience,
Forward march
Four, sir. Five, sir. Six, sir.
Four. Five.
Fourth place: Taggert.
Freaky girls with plenty of class
From Iraq to Haiti,
From my heart. Left ventricle.
From now on, my little group of scrotum sacs,
From now on, you are no longer turds.
From this day forward,
Full of fun and adventure.
Games ? Payne, I fought to get you reinstated.
General on deck.
General, are you tryin' to tell me in all this man's military...
Get down and get funky and you don't stop, what, do dat, do dat
Get down, do dat, do dat Go, Tiger, do dat, do dat
Get in.
Get off of him !
Get used to the sound of that word !
Giddyap, let's go !
Gimme a little salute.
Girl, you know you look so cute
Give me your hand.
Go change your Huggies, boy,
Go lead your men into victory.
Go on back to your bunk, son.
Go on, now. Git !
Go tell Mama bring my field knife.
Go, go, go ! This is your last chance, Dotson.
Go, Tiger ! Go !
Go, Tiger Do dat, do dat
God, I'm hungry.
Good boy.
Good day, Miss Walburn.
Good man. I'll see you in Washington.
Good night, princess.
Good night.
Good shot, Williams. I got nothin' to say to you.
Good. Now hold it.
Got a little attitudinal problem needs some readjustin'.
Got no worries Got no care
Got no worry, got no stress
Got no worry, got no stress
Gotta earn my right to be called a man
Gotta earn my right to be called a man
Grab a rack and settle in.
Grab a rack and settle in.
Great. What happened to unity and family...
Guess I just had that one a comin'.
Ha ! Look at that baldy !
Have you been reading the book ?
He hit me !
He look up at me. He said, "Payne !
He makes us squat when we piss
He was chuggin' his way across the enemy line.
He'll be makin' beef stool 'til graduation.
He'll hang you with it ! Ha ha ha !
He's coming ! He's coming !
He's gotta be joking.
He's in there ?
He's just trying to show you some affection !
He's mine.
He's my blind seein' eye dog.
He's still there !
Heathcoat !
Heck, bein' with you is almost better than cleanin' my gun.
Heh heh heh.
Heh heh heh.
Heh heh. That's another rhyme.
Hello, cue balls ! Welcome to the house of Payne.
Hello, gorgeous. Welcome to my party.
Hello, Miss Walburn.
Hello, Miss Walburn.
Hello, Mr. Denial.
Hello, there, fella. You know what you're havin' ?
Here are your tickets.
Here, gimme your hand.
Here. I would like you to consider an alternative approach.
Hey ! Hey, dummy !
Hey ! Your head's shaped like a bowling ball !
Hey, Corporal !
Hey, Dumbo ! You should be able to fly through those tubes...
Hey, Dunne. You missed all the fun.
Hey, guys ! Don't start without me !
Hey, Heathcoat, your parents comin' today ?
Hey, hey, hey, Major. Where you goin' ?
Hey, Williams ! You tell Marlee Matlin's son...
Hi, I'm Emily Walburn, the school counselor.
Hip hop, hip hop hip hop, ho
Hip hop, hip hop hip hop, ho
Hit it
Hit me in the face.
Hit me with a one, two, three, four
Ho ho ho. Heh heh heh.
Ho ho ho. Heh heh heh.
Hold it. Okay.
Hold on, guys. Wait Oof !
How about you ? Was there ever a Mrs. Payne ?
How hard Hard like a rock
Huh, huh, huh, huh
Hungry for action.
Hup. Hup. Hup. Hup.
Hustle, hustle, hustle ! Let's go. Giddyap !
Hustle, move it ! Let's go !
I acted alone, sir.
I ain't frigid.
I ain't gonna do you wrong 'cause I don't wanna
I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone
I ain't never
I ain't never no, no
I am replacin' Major Frankfurt...
I asked to leave. Them boys are makin' me soft.
I can barely do it. It's slippery out here.
I can't believe he actually left.
I can't do it. I'm too little.
I can't feel my legs."
I can't lose my edge.
I demand that the Madison squad...
I did somethin' bad.
I didn't do that to come back and be conquered by no woman and a bunch of kids.
I didn't mean to offend you. Do you speak sign language ?
I didn't stutter.
I didn't think so.
I didn't want you to be brother !
I don't call it babying. I call it nurturing.
I don't know, sir.
I don't like it.
I don't see no problem. You made it to the finals, didn't you ?
I don't suppose you dance.
I got somethin' to say to you.
I gotta get a job.
I gotta keep my strength up. I gotta maintain discipline.
I guess I'm uptight
I guess nobody's responsible.
I guess you should probably expel me, sir.
I had a really nice time tonight, Benson.
I have eight weeks to turn you gaggle of maggots...
I have good news for you, assholes.
I have to go to the bathroom.
I heard your mother was so fat she played pool with the planets.
I just came by to let you know that Wuligar has a slight temperature,
I know all about it.
I know where I'm gonna shave him ! Damn Major Payne !
I let you do these things to me
I like to hang upside down blindfolded,
I look like Curly from "The Three Stooges."
I love you.
I might have glanced at it once or twice.
I mighta made a little anonymous call.
I never said families don't break up.
I said hold it, or I'll break that off...
I said, "Bubba, they ain't there."
I said, "Do you want me gone, soldier ?"
I said:
I see we have a sickly boy on our hands.
I suggest we get this party started.
I think I'll wait a moment. My stomach's a little upset.
I thought we had a little talk about this kind of negative reinforcement.
I took it out myself with a field knife.
I toured 11 separate engagements.
I understand you've been placin' last, eight years runnin' in the Virginia Military Games.
I wanna get that trophy, sir.
I wanna get that trophy, sir.
I wanna know who's responsible.
I wanna tell you about it baby
I want names.
I want that man arrested !
I want that trophy.
I want you to have this book.
I wanted children. He didn't.
I wanted it.
I was back in uniform, back in the Corps.
I was told it would be my greatest challenge.
I was told you were on an important assignment.
I will be... sensitive...
I will put my foot so far up your ass,
I will resign my command.
I wrestle with these kids all day. This one's usually my big helper.
I... am not...
I'd like for you to think of me not only as your commanding officer,
I'd like to be the first to welcome you...
I'd like to make a suggestion.
I'll tell you, ladies, you're the purtiest unit ever underneath my command !
I'm 'a teach you how I rhyme military style !
I'm a baldheaded son of a bitch without hair
I'm a baldheaded son of a bitch without hair
I'm goin' put my foot in your ass ! Is that clear, dummy ?
I'm gonna fix that up quick, fast and in a hurry.
I'm gonna go out there and win that stupid trophy.
I'm gonna make you boys strong !
I'm just plain ol' hungry.
I'm not gonna chase you.
I'm not gonna salute you.
I'm not sure he's familiar with my medical history.
I'm sorry, Major, there's no one left.
I'm surprised you ain't dropped about 12 puppies by now.
I'm the one that's blind, you idiot.
I'm writin' you up, buddy ! That's it. No more of this !
I'm writin' you up, buddy ! That's it. No more of this !
I've been known to cut a little rug...
I've toured 11 separate engagements...
I've trained 20,432...
If he don't get across that rope, I'm gonna hang him with it !
If I poke your stomach will it make you go
If I'm the new squad leader, my first order is to screw you, sir !
If these men win the Virginia Military Games,
If they happen.
If they lose,
If you are discovered, I will deny all knowledge...
If you don't answer me when I speak to you,
If you don't believe battle us and you will see
If you really want it, I'll show you how to earn it.
If you turds can bring me that trophy,
In fact, I heard you couldn't cut it...
In fact, I'd love to talk to you about that story.
In my day.
In the emotional growth and development of these little ones ?
In the real man's military !
Into a well disciplined cadet unit.
Is a failure to communicate.
Is a family environment.
Is a sadistic father figure scaring the life out of him.
Is for you to pop your titty out his mouth...
Is Major Benson Winifred Payne !
Is one minute, twenty seconds !
Is that all ?
Is that anything like where you take a P.O.W. and you snap his neck...
Is that okay with you, Colonel ?
Is the best way to gain the trust of these boys ?
Is to give me my propers when you get home
It make my Agent Orange act up, and I get the urge to kill !
It make you feel good to see a black man runnin' things, huh ?
It was a trap.
It was about achievin' your objective.
It was just me and my sidearm.
It was me, sir. I hired him.
It was sure to be a living hell.
It wasn't until...
It'll be because you failed them.
It'll be because you have led them to a victory.
It'll draw them close together, make 'em a team.
It's a bullet.
It's all about the trophy ?
It's been two whole weeks since I killed me a man,
It's civilian life, sir. I had a minor setback.
It's from my heart.
It's not great, you understand, but it gets you back in the military.
It's Parents Day, and I am your legal guardian.
It's so damp. What about my allergies ?
It's somethin' special.
Just a little bit
Just a little bit louder now.
Just as the little engine was makin' his way across the trestle.
Just do any effect to turn us on Them girls got it goin' on
Just like ?
Just shut up.
Just work that body all the way out
Kill !
Kings and queens step aside
Knock it off ! Knock it off !
Know this: Killin' is my business, ladies,
Know what I heard ?
Ladies and gentlemen, Madison Preparatory School.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Wellington Academy Drill Team.
Ladies and gentlemen, Wellington Academy.
Left face !
Let me be more direct.
Let me give you a little history on Kevin Dunne.
Let me take a look at that.
Let me tell you all somethin': War has made me very paranoid !
Let me tell you that story.
Let the games begin !
Let's go, let's go, let's go ! Come on !
Let's go, maggots. Follow my lead !
Let's go.
Let's move it, you turds !
Let's move it.
Let's move out.
Let's win them games.
Lieutenant, I can only disqualify the cadet who started the disturbance.
Like Little Red Riding Hood ? Them three little pigs ?
Like what ?
Like white on rice and a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm !
Listen, Heathcoat. Over the wall. Go ! Go !
Listen, I made some calls, and I got an assignment for you.
Listen, Payne or no Payne,
Little did I know what awaited for me.
Lived in the Chelsea orphanage 'til 1991 when the school adopted him.
Look at you, though.
Look, it's been four hours. He hasn't blinked.
Look, woman.
Love my barracks night and day
Love my barracks night and day
Loved a man the way
Lula May's baby boy !
Madison is a loser.
Madison Preparatory School.
Madison, present arms !
Major Payne just terminated that bad man with extreme prejudice !
Major Payne reportin' for duty, sir !
Major Payne, could you please help me to understand...
Major Payne, sir ?
Major Payne, sir.
Major Payne, sir.
Major Payne. The new commandant ?
Major Payne. What are you doing here ?
Major Payne's a major dis
Major Payne's a major dis
Major, I have news so good I've decided to deliver it personally.
Major, Major ! It's okay !
Make me feel all funny.
Makes us squat when we piss
Man, get in there.
Man, you sure about this ? He looks awake to me.
May I make a suggestion ?
Maybe I didn't come back for you.
Maybe I told myself that I want to see you win first place...
Maybe I'll have to change my name...
Maybe what he need...
Maybe... I like ya.
Maybe... I like you a lot.
Me ? Nothing. I'm great.
Meet me on the parade ground, 1700 hours.
Mister... Payne ?
Mmm. Mmm.
Mo o o o ve !
Most of the body heat travels through the head,
Move it ! Saddle up that horsey and ride !
My friends keep tellin' me
My name is Major Benson Winifred Payne !
My name...
My parents said they'd come, but they said they got allergies.
My skills as a trained killer.
My... authority !
Nah, of course not.
Nazi, fascist pig !
Needless to say,
Negative. I figured if the Marines wanted me to have a wife,
Nice meetin' you, Miss Ma'am.
No !
No one ever lets you do anything when you're too little.
No, I checked on that.
No, let me guess. You Snoop Diggety Dogg.
No, siree, Bob. He just kept chuggin' along.
No. Actually, he left.
No. I didn't, actually.
No. I'd like to see my men.
Nobody does the robot anymore.
Nobody's leavin' here until the average for this squad...
Nope, but I can clean your colon out quicker than...
Not even when they climbed aboard the train and popped out the eyes of the conductor,
Not everything can be about war.
Not like others but above the rest
Now all the blood is shed in the halls of Congress.
Now drop down, give me 20 squat thrusts now !
Now drop down, give me 25 more...
Now here we are together
Now I didn't go through all that to come out empty handed.
Now I'm gonna ask you nicely, please return to your vehicle.
Now let's win this thing !
Now on the day I was born
Now put your head on his shoulder.
Now you get on outta my face 'fore I pick you up and toss you out that window !
Now you salute me.
Now, be advised, ladies,
Now, now, now put your arm around him.
Now, what I'm goin' do is take this right foot...
Now, you may feel a little bit of pressure.
Now, you may feel a little... pressure.
Of livin' a civilian puke's existence,
Oh h h h but they don't know
Oh, children.
Oh, he's upset about this morning. Apparently he had a little accident.
Oh, heh heh heh.
Oh, heh heh.
Oh, I gotcha now !
Oh, I saw it.
Oh, I see you and your friend Cujo here...
Oh, that's great !
Oh, that's my little incentive program.
Oh, well, that's very good ! I'm very proud of you, Major.
Oh, yeah, here we come Here we come, here we come
Oh. Right. You're in charge of the green boys.
Oh. Thank you.
Okay. I'll go get ready.
Okay. I'm sorry you're just a little turd...
Once upon a time,
One !
One Mississippi. Two Mississippi.
One more time, you maggots.
One of them burritos with extra guacamole sauce.
One of trust and understanding.
One, sir.
One, sir. Two, sir. Three, sir. Four, sir.
One, two, three Get down on the hip hop
One, two, three.
Only thing he knows is slit your throat.
Ooh !
Ooh, your kisses
Oooh. Looks like...
Or even dig in your butts without my say so !
Order arms
Order arms !
Otherwise I stomp you in the ground !
Over the mountain to the 2063 Battalion.
Ow !
Pack your bedding, your kit and your clothes ! Let's go !
Payne, what happened ? You've only been out one week.
Payne'll never get off the can.
Payne's gonna kill us. You know I have a heart condition.
Payne's not here He's in our ass
Payne's not here He's in our ass
Perhaps over dinner ?
Philly stomp
Play that butt and don't you quit
Pop that coochie
Pop that coochie Hey, pop that coochie, baby
Pop that coochie Hey, pop that coochie, baby
Pop, pop that coochie, baby
Pop, Pop that coochie, baby Pop, pop, pop that coochie
Present arms !
Problem is I ain't got nothin' to scratch.
Pull !
Put up a white picket fence ? Adopt Tiger and become the lovin' male role model ?
R E S P E C T Find out what it means to me
R E S P E C T Take out T C P
Rank, rest !
Read it. Apply it.
Ready to do whatever
Really ?
Really ? Well, where'd you get it ?
Regular little soldier man.
Relax. Do you know why you're here ?
Right face !
Roamin' to the music and shakin' real fast
Said leave this one alone
Second place: Madison Preparatory.
See ? He's dead to the world.
See now, what we have here...
See you later, loser.
Sensitive, sensitive.
Seven 23 hour days...
Shake it, don't break it It took your mama nine months to make it
She could tell right away
She's tryin' to give me a shot !
Shouldn't let 'em go to waste.
Show me those cultured pearls
Shut up.
Sir, I think I speak for everyone when I say that this place is...
Sir, no, sir !
Sir, squad is formed, sir.
Sir, the major will be there, sir !
Sir, the squad is formed, sir !
Sir, yes, sir !
Sir, yes, sir r r r !
Sir, yes, sir.
Sir... yes, sir.
Six. Seven.
Slippery, he say !
So after two and a half weeks...
So disgusting...
So do l. Heh heh heh.
So how 'bout it, guys ? You with me ?
So it's true. You're just gonna leave.
So perverse,
So stand back and step clear Madison cadets are the ones to fear
So that's it ?
So what is it, exactly ?
So why'd ya come back ? We don't need you.
So you might not want to torture him this evening.
Somebody's gonna answer for this blood from my lip.
Sort of.
Spike Lee ? Or them Little Rascals ?
Squad !
Squad ! Atten hut !
Squad ! Atten hut !
Squad, atten hut !
Stapleton, present arms !
Stone. You are now cadet sergeant.
Stop that cryin' ! You'll get no pity from me !
Sweeter than honey
Taggert, present arms.
Take my gun apart and put it back together...
Take off those dresses. Head to your barracks. Fold 'em up neatly.
Take your mind off that arm ?
Than somewhere that would allow me to employ...
Thank you, Benson.
Thank you, Major.
That a boy. Sit.
That bad man ain't gonna bother you no more.
That boy know the drill like the knob on the back of his head.
That can't hold your liquid out in public.
That damn Payne's already starting to get on my nerves.
That I was bad to the bone
That is my deal.
That is the key word in "unit," without the y.
That Phillips will have no choice but to fire him.
That was almost a really good thing...
That you ain't no good
That's a mighty fine handshake you got there.
That's it ?
That's not enough ! Look at 'em !
That's not me. It's not Payne !
That's not what I asked !
That's where you'll find my sympathy !
The dog ain't blind.
The fighting is no longer done on the battlefields, Payne.
The Glee Club...
The green boys.
The head nurse spoke up
The man who lives in my closet.
The nurses all gathered round
The promotion board report came out last week.
The R.O.T.C. program.
The rest of the squad was unaware of my activities.
The rest of you garbage,
The rest of you men feel the same way ?
The squad that lives together, wins together.
The trophy of a champion.
The water on my knee will quench your thirst.
Their hairdo, that is. Heh heh heh.
Them boys need you !
Them some mighty fine vittles.
Then blow me a freaky kiss
Then bring me my trophy.
Then I guess I gotta dig further into my repertoire.
Then let's win it, you bruised up turd !
Then we gotta show you the hatch.
Then you get out there and you toot that horn, boy.
Then you meet me outside the R.O.T.C. buildin' at 2100 hours.
There gotta be somebody need some killin'.
There is no room left for a trained weapon of destruction ?
There was a little engine that could.
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