A few clicks from where you were being held captive. from Iron Man (2008)
A little less formal and... from Iron Man (2008)
A little ostentatious, don't you think? from Iron Man (2008)
A lot of people, including your professors at Brown, from Iron Man (2008)
A lot. from Iron Man (2008)
A man with a dozen of these can rule all of Asia. from Iron Man (2008)
A mission that could prove fatal to anyone who stands in their way. from Iron Man (2008)
A new generation of weapons with this at its heart. from Iron Man (2008)
A very astute observation, sir. from Iron Man (2008)
Abandon ship! from Iron Man (2008)
Absolutely, we're... I'm going to have to call you back. from Iron Man (2008)
Actually, I don't know who to trust right now. from Iron Man (2008)
After all these years, Tony still has you picking up the dry cleaning. from Iron Man (2008)
Ah, come on. The arc reactor, that's a publicity stunt! from Iron Man (2008)
Ah. from Iron Man (2008)
Ah. What a masterpiece. Look at that. from Iron Man (2008)
All right, let's finish up here. from Iron Man (2008)
All right, let's see what this thing can do. from Iron Man (2008)
All right, nice and easy. from Iron Man (2008)
All right, well, this stays with me, then. from Iron Man (2008)
All the mistakes I've made, from Iron Man (2008)
All those breakthroughs, military funding, honey. from Iron Man (2008)
Alone on the island. from Iron Man (2008)
Am I making you uncomfortable? from Iron Man (2008)
And a lot of people would also call that war profiteering. from Iron Man (2008)
And again, let's bring it up to 2.5. from Iron Man (2008)
And at 17, he graduated summa cum laude from MIT. from Iron Man (2008)
And caused damage to the arc reactor. from Iron Man (2008)
And discern its outcome, or a pilot's judgment. from Iron Man (2008)
And everybody knows exactly who you are from Iron Man (2008)
And four times the size of the Roman Empire. from Iron Man (2008)
And has been bedridden for weeks. Whatever the case may be, from Iron Man (2008)
And he's healthier than ever. from Iron Man (2008)
And her interests around the globe. from Iron Man (2008)
And how you are with girls and all of that, which is completely fine. from Iron Man (2008)
And I get real frustrated from Iron Man (2008)
And I just ran into a little speed bump. from Iron Man (2008)
And I saw from Iron Man (2008)
And I, like, take my time from Iron Man (2008)
And I'm going to want this data masked. from Iron Man (2008)
And I'm not on fire, I'm donating you to a city college. from Iron Man (2008)
And if they don't, I'll probably be dead in a week. from Iron Man (2008)
And in turn, from Iron Man (2008)
And is anointed the new CEO of Stark Industries. from Iron Man (2008)
And is consistent with the highest good for this country, as well. from Iron Man (2008)
And it's contacting the socket wall and causing a little bit of a short. from Iron Man (2008)
And it's headed into your atrial septum. from Iron Man (2008)
And it's worked out pretty well so far. from Iron Man (2008)
And Logistics Division. from Iron Man (2008)
And nothing. from Iron Man (2008)
And now that I'm trying to protect the people from Iron Man (2008)
And now, Mr. Stark has prepared a statement. from Iron Man (2008)
And soon, from Iron Man (2008)
And soon, this will all be behind you. from Iron Man (2008)
And sworn statements from 50 of your guests. from Iron Man (2008)
And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down from Iron Man (2008)
And then I'm wearing this ridiculous from Iron Man (2008)
And then you went downstairs to get me a drink, from Iron Man (2008)
And then, like, I try hard to do it from Iron Man (2008)
And there's a car waiting for you outside from Iron Man (2008)
And three, from Iron Man (2008)
And three, two, one. from Iron Man (2008)
And time can be a factor with these things. from Iron Man (2008)
And we'll get back to you with the follow up. from Iron Man (2008)
And what a joy it is to receive this very prestigious award. from Iron Man (2008)
And what do you plan to do with this information if I bring it back here? from Iron Man (2008)
And what do you say to your other nickname? from Iron Man (2008)
And what we do keeps the world from falling into chaos. from Iron Man (2008)
And when you're done, he will set you free. from Iron Man (2008)
And you dream of Stark's throne. from Iron Man (2008)
And you left me there, by myself? from Iron Man (2008)
And you, Stark? from Iron Man (2008)
And? from Iron Man (2008)
Any high altitude surveillance in the region? from Iron Man (2008)
Anything else? You're kidding me with the hand up, right? from Iron Man (2008)
Anyway... from Iron Man (2008)
Arc reactor technology, that's a dead end, right? from Iron Man (2008)
Are you kidding me with this? Get rid of them. from Iron Man (2008)
Are you talking about the night that we danced and went up on the roof, from Iron Man (2008)
Around me, a woman begging for news on her husband, from Iron Man (2008)
As a descent into hell, into a modern day Heart of Darkness. from Iron Man (2008)
As a matter of fact, I do. from Iron Man (2008)
As for the unexpected turn of events on the ground in Gulmira, from Iron Man (2008)
As you can see, these men are heavily armed and on a mission. from Iron Man (2008)
As you wish. from Iron Man (2008)
At age four, he built his first circuit board. from Iron Man (2008)
At age six, his first engine. from Iron Man (2008)
At minimum. from Iron Man (2008)
At spring break. Just remember that, spring break, 1987. from Iron Man (2008)
At Stark Industries last night. from Iron Man (2008)
Ballroom, this is Whiplash One. I've got the bogey in my sights. from Iron Man (2008)
Be gentle. This is my first time. from Iron Man (2008)
Because it makes me look like the one who's trying to... from Iron Man (2008)
Because it takes about a week for the barbs to reach the vital organs. from Iron Man (2008)
Been a while since I was in front of you. from Iron Man (2008)
Before I get you out of the door. from Iron Man (2008)
Breaks my heart. from Iron Man (2008)
Breathe. from Iron Man (2008)
Brown, actually. from Iron Man (2008)
But apparently, not enough for this place. from Iron Man (2008)
But fortunately, the Christmas cover was twins. from Iron Man (2008)
But I can assure you that the United States government was not involved. from Iron Man (2008)
But I could fire you if that would take the edge off. from Iron Man (2008)
But I must admit, I'm deeply enjoying the suit! from Iron Man (2008)
But if I were Tony, I would tell you how honored I feel from Iron Man (2008)
But it just doesn't work out the way I want it to, from Iron Man (2008)
But it just doesn't work out. from Iron Man (2008)
But it's about to begin right now. from Iron Man (2008)
But it's kind of evocative, the imagery, anyway. from Iron Man (2008)
But they will never find you in these mountains. from Iron Man (2008)
But what about the whole cover story that it's a bodyguard? from Iron Man (2008)
But what could it generate? from Iron Man (2008)
But you're more than what you are. from Iron Man (2008)
But, you know, then me, you're my boss, from Iron Man (2008)
But, you see, it was just from Iron Man (2008)
By ensuring freedom and protecting America from Iron Man (2008)
By the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them. from Iron Man (2008)
Call off the Raptors. That thing just took out an F 22 from Iron Man (2008)
Can I ask you a couple of questions? from Iron Man (2008)
Can I at least get a reaction from you? from Iron Man (2008)
Can I speak to you for a moment? from Iron Man (2008)
Can we start the virtual walk around? from Iron Man (2008)
Can you excuse me if I'm a bit distracted here? from Iron Man (2008)
Check. from Iron Man (2008)
Christine Everhart, Vanity Fair magazine. from Iron Man (2008)
Collateral damage, Tony. from Iron Man (2008)
Colonel? from Iron Man (2008)
Come on, put your hands up. from Iron Man (2008)
Come on, sour patch. Don't be mad. from Iron Man (2008)
Come on, stand up. Stand up! from Iron Man (2008)
Come on, we got to break the ice! from Iron Man (2008)
Come on, you're gonna go see your family. Get up. from Iron Man (2008)
Come on. Hurry up. Just click it. Don't change any settings. from Iron Man (2008)
Come on. We got to go. from Iron Man (2008)
Come over here and button me up. from Iron Man (2008)
Come. Leave your guards outside. from Iron Man (2008)
Commencing automated assembly. from Iron Man (2008)
Connect to the sys. Co. Have it reconfigure the shell metals. from Iron Man (2008)
Could be worse! Could be worse! We're fine! Okay. from Iron Man (2008)
Could you have a lousier poker face? Just tell me, who told you? from Iron Man (2008)
Crate up the armor and the rest of it. from Iron Man (2008)
Crazy about me. from Iron Man (2008)
Creating smarter weapons, advanced robotics, satellite targeting. from Iron Man (2008)
Damn! from Iron Man (2008)
Dari, Pashto, Mongolian, Farsi, Russian. from Iron Man (2008)
Day 11, test 37, configuration 2.0. For lack of a better option, from Iron Man (2008)
Deflect it and absorb it. Don't transmit it back to me. from Iron Man (2008)
Deploy flaps! from Iron Man (2008)
Despite the fact that you... I know that it's confusing. from Iron Man (2008)
Destroy it. from Iron Man (2008)
Did I just paint a target on the back of my head? from Iron Man (2008)
Displaced from their lands by warlords from Iron Man (2008)
Divert power to chest RT. from Iron Man (2008)
Do a check on control surfaces. from Iron Man (2008)
Do you mind? from Iron Man (2008)
Do you really think that just because you have an idea, it belongs to you? from Iron Man (2008)
Do you want it? Yes or no. from Iron Man (2008)
Does the Hindenburg ring any bells? from Iron Man (2008)
Doesn't it kind of defeat the whole purpose of having your own plane from Iron Man (2008)
Don't ever, ever, ever, from Iron Man (2008)
Don't look at me. from Iron Man (2008)
Don't wait up for me, honey. from Iron Man (2008)
Don't waste it. Don't waste your life. from Iron Man (2008)
Don't worry. It'll only last for 15 minutes. from Iron Man (2008)
Dress, and then we were dancing like that and... from Iron Man (2008)
Duly noted. Take me to maximum altitude. from Iron Man (2008)
Dummy is still on fire safety. If you douse me again, from Iron Man (2008)
Dummy, look alive. You're on standby for fire safety. from Iron Man (2008)
Easy, easy. from Iron Man (2008)
Either forced to join their militia... from Iron Man (2008)
Emboldened by a new found power. from Iron Man (2008)
Engage Heads Up Display. from Iron Man (2008)
Estimated completion time is five hours. from Iron Man (2008)
Even from an early age, from Iron Man (2008)
Ever ask me to do anything like that ever again. from Iron Man (2008)
Every night in front of the mirror before bedtime. from Iron Man (2008)
Everybody who I work with... No, you know why? from Iron Man (2008)
Fate that you survived that. from Iron Man (2008)
Find an excuse from Iron Man (2008)
Flares! from Iron Man (2008)
Flatten them out and look. from Iron Man (2008)
For 30 years, I've been holding you up! from Iron Man (2008)
For the Firefighter's Family Fund from Iron Man (2008)
For three hours. For three hours you got me standing here. from Iron Man (2008)
For you, sir, always. from Iron Man (2008)
For your consideration, the Jericho. from Iron Man (2008)
Fortunately, a member of Tony Stark's personal security staff... from Iron Man (2008)
From the Strategic Homeland... from Iron Man (2008)
Function 11. from Iron Man (2008)
General. from Iron Man (2008)
Get me Colonel Rhodes from Weapons Development down here now! from Iron Man (2008)
Get me Major Allen. Scramble the jets! from Iron Man (2008)
Get those monitors up! from Iron Man (2008)
Get yourself something nice from me. from Iron Man (2008)
Give me a hand, will you? Give me a little something something. from Iron Man (2008)
Give me a Scotch. I'm starving. from Iron Man (2008)
Give me an exploded view. from Iron Man (2008)
Go on, here, you can have a piece. from Iron Man (2008)
Go to the central console, open up all the circuits. from Iron Man (2008)
God, you need a new name for that. from Iron Man (2008)
Good assistant. from Iron Man (2008)
Good chute! Good chute! from Iron Man (2008)
Good God, you're a woman. from Iron Man (2008)
Good night, Obie. from Iron Man (2008)
Good night, Tony. from Iron Man (2008)
Good roll. Good roll. from Iron Man (2008)
Good to see you. from Iron Man (2008)
Good to see you. from Iron Man (2008)
Good. from Iron Man (2008)
Got a family? from Iron Man (2008)
Handles like a dream. from Iron Man (2008)
Has become the place to be for L.A.'s high society. from Iron Man (2008)
Hasn't been seen in public from Iron Man (2008)
Have been driven from their homes, from Iron Man (2008)
Have you seen these pictures? Huh? from Iron Man (2008)
He has made a masterpiece of death. from Iron Man (2008)
He is honored. from Iron Man (2008)
He is my friend and he is my great mentor. from Iron Man (2008)
He left a part of himself in that cave. from Iron Man (2008)
He says for you to start working immediately, from Iron Man (2008)
He says they have everything you need to build the Jericho missile. from Iron Man (2008)
He says, "Welcome, Tony Stark, the most famous mass murderer" from Iron Man (2008)
He wants to know what you think. from Iron Man (2008)
He wants you to build the missile. from Iron Man (2008)
He wants you to make the list of materials. from Iron Man (2008)
He will not be taking any questions. Thank you. from Iron Man (2008)
He worked on the Manhattan Project. from Iron Man (2008)
He's all yours. from Iron Man (2008)
He's always working. from Iron Man (2008)
He's been through a lot. I think he'll be all right. from Iron Man (2008)
He's my... I mean, is that... That's kind of flimsy, don't you think? from Iron Man (2008)
Here's your alibi. from Iron Man (2008)
Hey, from Iron Man (2008)
Hey, hey! Hey, Tony. Listen. from Iron Man (2008)
Hey, I like it. Fabricate it. Paint it. from Iron Man (2008)
Hey, look who's here! Yeah! from Iron Man (2008)
Hey, thanks. from Iron Man (2008)
Hey, Tony? from Iron Man (2008)
Hey, would it be all right if everyone sat down? from Iron Man (2008)
Hey, you know what? I'm not like you. I'm not cut out... from Iron Man (2008)
Hey! from Iron Man (2008)
Hey! from Iron Man (2008)
Hey! Heat up the sake, will you? from Iron Man (2008)
Hey! Way to go, my boy! I'll see you tomorrow, yeah? from Iron Man (2008)
Hey. from Iron Man (2008)
Hey. Listen, take it slow, all right? from Iron Man (2008)
Hey. You busy? You mind if I send you on an errand? from Iron Man (2008)
Hi. I told him I was sorry, but he... from Iron Man (2008)
High tide will be at 10:52 A.M. from Iron Man (2008)
Higher! from Iron Man (2008)
His escape bore unexpected fruit. from Iron Man (2008)
Hmm? from Iron Man (2008)
Hmm? from Iron Man (2008)
Hmm. from Iron Man (2008)
Hold still, you little prick! from Iron Man (2008)
Holding them up to anyone who will stop. from Iron Man (2008)
Holy! from Iron Man (2008)
Hooked up to a car battery, from Iron Man (2008)
Hot sake? from Iron Man (2008)
How about the 24th at 7:00 P.M. at Stark Industries? from Iron Man (2008)
How come it didn't show up on the radar? from Iron Man (2008)
How do you think the Mark One chest piece is going to hold up? from Iron Man (2008)
How ironic, Tony! from Iron Man (2008)
How many languages do you speak? from Iron Man (2008)
How'd it go? from Iron Man (2008)
How'd it go? from Iron Man (2008)
How'd she take it? from Iron Man (2008)
How'd you solve the icing problem? from Iron Man (2008)
Howard Stark's lifelong friend and ally, Obadiah Stane, from Iron Man (2008)
Huh? Am I right? We haven't had a breakthrough in that in what? from Iron Man (2008)
Hull pressurization is problematic. from Iron Man (2008)
I actually don't think that you could tie your shoes without me. from Iron Man (2008)
I already did. from Iron Man (2008)
I am Iron Man. from Iron Man (2008)
I am pleased to report that the pilot was not injured. from Iron Man (2008)
I built this company from nothing! from Iron Man (2008)
I came to talk to you. I want you to be a part of it. from Iron Man (2008)
I can see that. from Iron Man (2008)
I can't see anything. from Iron Man (2008)
I couldn't sleep till I found out how it went. How'd it go? from Iron Man (2008)
I designed this to come off, so... from Iron Man (2008)
I didn't expect that. from Iron Man (2008)
I do anything and everything that Mr. Stark requires, from Iron Man (2008)
I don't have any of those floating around. from Iron Man (2008)
I don't have anyone but you. from Iron Man (2008)
I don't know what he's up to. from Iron Man (2008)
I don't know what to tell you. from Iron Man (2008)
I don't know. He's not answering his phone. from Iron Man (2008)
I don't like it when you have plans. from Iron Man (2008)
I don't want to see this on your MySpace page. from Iron Man (2008)
I feel like you're driving me to a court martial. from Iron Man (2008)
I feel like you're going to pull over and snuff me. from Iron Man (2008)
I figure I'll stick to the cards this time. from Iron Man (2008)
I got a big one powering my factory at home. from Iron Man (2008)
I got caught doing a piece for Vanity Fair. from Iron Man (2008)
I got you. I got you. from Iron Man (2008)
I guarantee you, the day weapons are no longer needed to keep the peace, from Iron Man (2008)
I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I have more from Iron Man (2008)
I have a souvenir. Take a look. from Iron Man (2008)
I have indeed been uploaded, sir. We're online and ready. from Iron Man (2008)
I have no record of an invitation, sir. from Iron Man (2008)
I honestly... I couldn't have called that. from Iron Man (2008)
I hope you'll repay me with a gift of iron soldiers. from Iron Man (2008)
I just finally know what I have to do. from Iron Man (2008)
I just need your help for a sec. from Iron Man (2008)
I just wanted to say thank you very much for all of your help. from Iron Man (2008)
I knew that. Already? from Iron Man (2008)
I know the math! Do it! from Iron Man (2008)
I know what you're going through, Pepper. from Iron Man (2008)
I know, I know. from Iron Man (2008)
I know. We're working on it. from Iron Man (2008)
I love this suit! from Iron Man (2008)
I mean, I'd apologize, but isn't that what we're going for here? from Iron Man (2008)
I mean, it's not technically accurate. from Iron Man (2008)
I mean, me on the company's behalf being responsible for the way that... from Iron Man (2008)
I need a soldering station. I need helmets. I'm gonna need goggles. from Iron Man (2008)
I need answers! Can I please get eyes on target? from Iron Man (2008)
I need him. from Iron Man (2008)
I need two sets of precision tools. from Iron Man (2008)
I need welding gear. I don't care if it's acetylene or propane. from Iron Man (2008)
I need you to go to my office. from Iron Man (2008)
I need you to sign this before you get on the plane. from Iron Man (2008)
I never got to say goodbye to Dad. from Iron Man (2008)
I never got to say goodbye to my father. from Iron Man (2008)
I never had a taste for this sort of thing, from Iron Man (2008)
I never said you were a superhero. from Iron Man (2008)
I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. from Iron Man (2008)
I really should be able to... from Iron Man (2008)
I removed all the shrapnel I could, but there's a lot left, from Iron Man (2008)
I respectfully disagree. from Iron Man (2008)
I say, is it too much to ask for both? from Iron Man (2008)
I see in that mirror that every person that's got this uniform on got my back! from Iron Man (2008)
I shouldn't be alive, from Iron Man (2008)
I swear, I didn't expect to see you walking around so soon. from Iron Man (2008)
I think bogey's been handled, sir. from Iron Man (2008)
I think I got the board right where we want them. from Iron Man (2008)
I think it's a fair example. from Iron Man (2008)
I think it's incredibly overpriced. from Iron Man (2008)
I think we should take another look into arc reactor technology. from Iron Man (2008)
I think we're gonna be fine. Color me up, William. from Iron Man (2008)
I think we're gonna be selling a lot of newspapers. from Iron Man (2008)
I think you got a lot of my weapons. from Iron Man (2008)
I think you lost objectivity. I think they just... People... We just danced. from Iron Man (2008)
I thought it'd be bigger. from Iron Man (2008)
I thought of you as a soldier first. from Iron Man (2008)
I thought you said you were done making weapons. from Iron Man (2008)
I thought you were driving. Right, I was driving from Iron Man (2008)
I told you, I'm not mad. I'm indifferent, okay? from Iron Man (2008)
I want a prototype right away. from Iron Man (2008)
I want it well lit. I want these up. from Iron Man (2008)
I want this. I want this. from Iron Man (2008)
I want you to promise me that you're gonna lay low. from Iron Man (2008)
I was out of town for a couple months, in case you didn't hear. from Iron Man (2008)
I was so happy when he came home. from Iron Man (2008)
I was the one who filed the injunction against you. from Iron Man (2008)
I will give you these designs from Iron Man (2008)
I wish you could've seen my prototype. from Iron Man (2008)
I worried that I was from Iron Man (2008)
I would have asked him how he felt about what this company did. from Iron Man (2008)
I would like a drink, please. Got it, okay. from Iron Man (2008)
I would like a smelting cup. from Iron Man (2008)
I wouldn't do that if I were you. from Iron Man (2008)
I'd be out of a job with peace. from Iron Man (2008)
I'd better get back there. from Iron Man (2008)
I'd like to open a new project file, index as Mark Two. from Iron Man (2008)
I'd like to show you first hand. from Iron Man (2008)
I'll be throwing one of these in from Iron Man (2008)
I'll put something in the book, shall I? from Iron Man (2008)
I'll see you inside. from Iron Man (2008)
I'll start making bricks and beams for baby hospitals. from Iron Man (2008)
I'll tell you, in my experience, from Iron Man (2008)
I'm agent Phil Coulson, from Iron Man (2008)
I'm allowed to have plans on my birthday. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm almost out of power. I've got to get out of this thing. I'll be right there. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm an airman. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm doing a little better than walking. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm fine. How are... from Iron Man (2008)
I'm going to find my weapons and destroy them. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm going to give you the meeting of your life. Your office. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm going to see them now, Stark. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm gonna try again, right now. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm just not the hero type. Clearly. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm just talking about a nightcap. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm kind of having a hard time not looking at you now. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm not a reporter. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm not crazy, Pepper. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm not drinking. I don't want any. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm not going to be a part of it. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm not part of the press conference, from Iron Man (2008)
I'm not, I was just jogging in the canyon. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads up, okay? from Iron Man (2008)
I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, but do you honestly expect us to believe that from Iron Man (2008)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm sure they're looking for you, Stark. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm swapping it up for an upgraded unit, from Iron Man (2008)
I'm thinking icing is the probable factor. from Iron Man (2008)
I'm trying to turn this thing around, but you gotta give me something. from Iron Man (2008)
I've asked you to simply make it smaller. from Iron Man (2008)
I've been buzzing you. Did you hear the intercom? from Iron Man (2008)
I've been in captivity for three months. from Iron Man (2008)
I've got Langley on the line. They want to know if it's us. from Iron Man (2008)
I've got no idea. from Iron Man (2008)
I've got one recommendation! Ready? Ready? from Iron Man (2008)
I've got your clothes here. They've been dry cleaned and pressed, from Iron Man (2008)
I've had the unique privilege of serving with a real patriot. from Iron Man (2008)
I've made some upgrades of my own! from Iron Man (2008)
I've seen many wounds like that in my village. from Iron Man (2008)
Icing problem? from Iron Man (2008)
If he was conflicted, if he ever had doubts. from Iron Man (2008)
If I had been that drunk, I wouldn't have been able to stand, from Iron Man (2008)
If I presented you with an award, you'd be deeply honored. from Iron Man (2008)
If it departs before you arrive? from Iron Man (2008)
If my math is right, and it always is, three gigajoules per second. from Iron Man (2008)
If not, they put it on a ghost drive, in which case you need from Iron Man (2008)
If this is going to be my work station, from Iron Man (2008)
If we're double dealing under the table... Are we? from Iron Man (2008)
If you'd killed him when you were supposed to, you'd still have a face. from Iron Man (2008)
Import all preferences from home interface. from Iron Man (2008)
Importing preferences and calibrating virtual environment. from Iron Man (2008)
Impressive! You've upgraded your armor! from Iron Man (2008)
Impressive. from Iron Man (2008)
In front of everyone that I work with in a dress with no back. from Iron Man (2008)
In public. The press. from Iron Man (2008)
Incinerate it. from Iron Man (2008)
Including, occasionally, taking out the trash. from Iron Man (2008)
Indeed I am. from Iron Man (2008)
Inside a legal no fly zone! from Iron Man (2008)
Involvement in this latest atrocity. from Iron Man (2008)
Involving an F 22 Raptor occurred yesterday. from Iron Man (2008)
Is all about, and our partnership. from Iron Man (2008)
Is in June. Please, don't harangue me about stuff that's way, way, down... from Iron Man (2008)
Is it a good representation of his spring period? from Iron Man (2008)
Is it better to be feared or respected? from Iron Man (2008)
Is it cool if I take a picture with you? from Iron Man (2008)
Is it too much of a problem to ask? 'Cause I'm... from Iron Man (2008)
Is it true you went 12 for 12 with last year's Maxim cover models? from Iron Man (2008)
Is not what you think. I want you to call for a press conference now. from Iron Man (2008)
Is right here at the Disney Concert Hall, from Iron Man (2008)
Is that how you want to go out? from Iron Man (2008)
Is that so? from Iron Man (2008)
Is that the night you're talking about? from Iron Man (2008)
Is that today's paper? from Iron Man (2008)
Is that weird? Come on, it's okay, laugh. from Iron Man (2008)
Is this the last act of defiance of the great Tony Stark? from Iron Man (2008)
It allowed the great Genghis Khan from Iron Man (2008)
It is a tight fit, sir. from Iron Man (2008)
It is one thing to question the official story, and another thing entirely from Iron Man (2008)
It is still unclear who or what intervened, from Iron Man (2008)
It is. from Iron Man (2008)
It looks like a man! from Iron Man (2008)
It was like we got him back from the dead. from Iron Man (2008)
It was the only way I could protect you. from Iron Man (2008)
It was totally not harmless, by the way. from Iron Man (2008)
It was. It is now an antique. from Iron Man (2008)
It went great. Looks like it's gonna be an early Christmas. from Iron Man (2008)
It went that bad, huh? from Iron Man (2008)
It will be my turn. from Iron Man (2008)
It works. from Iron Man (2008)
It's a shame the government didn't approve it. from Iron Man (2008)
It's a town called Gulmira. Heard of it? from Iron Man (2008)
It's actually a nice place. from Iron Man (2008)
It's always been your Achilles' heel in this part of the world. from Iron Man (2008)
It's an imperfect world, but it's the only one we've got. from Iron Man (2008)
It's confirmed. He has been hit. from Iron Man (2008)
It's fine. from Iron Man (2008)
It's fine. from Iron Man (2008)
It's funny how that works, huh? from Iron Man (2008)
It's going to fry everything up here. from Iron Man (2008)
It's just a game, never mind. from Iron Man (2008)
It's like I concentrate on it real hard from Iron Man (2008)
It's like Operation. You just don't let it touch from Iron Man (2008)
It's my name on the side of the building. from Iron Man (2008)
It's nice seeing you, Tony. from Iron Man (2008)
It's not pus. It's an inorganic plasmic discharge from the device, from Iron Man (2008)
It's not that simple. from Iron Man (2008)
It's nothing. It's just a little snag. from Iron Man (2008)
It's nothing. It's just a little snag. from Iron Man (2008)
It's okay. from Iron Man (2008)
It's probably under Executive Files. from Iron Man (2008)
It's the first missile system from Iron Man (2008)
It's, like, a thing that's going to pick the lock? from Iron Man (2008)
Jarvis, we get an invite for that? from Iron Man (2008)
Jarvis, you up? from Iron Man (2008)
Jarvis! from Iron Man (2008)
Jarvis! Sometimes you got to run before you can walk. from Iron Man (2008)
Jimmy, stay with Stark! from Iron Man (2008)
Just because I brought pizza back from New York from Iron Man (2008)
Just do it! from Iron Man (2008)
Just do it! from Iron Man (2008)
Just read it, word for word. from Iron Man (2008)
Just stand down! If something happens, then come in. from Iron Man (2008)
Just stick to the cards, man. from Iron Man (2008)
Just stick to the official statement, from Iron Man (2008)
Keep going! from Iron Man (2008)
Keep going! from Iron Man (2008)
Keep me posted. from Iron Man (2008)
Keep the skies clear. from Iron Man (2008)
Kill power. from Iron Man (2008)
Killing the golden goose. from Iron Man (2008)
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor from Iron Man (2008)
Lady! from Iron Man (2008)
Largely public. from Iron Man (2008)
Larry called. He's got another buyer for the Jackson Pollock in the wings. from Iron Man (2008)
Least of all you! from Iron Man (2008)
Let me guess. Berkeley? from Iron Man (2008)
Let me have the engineers analyze that. You know, draw up some specs. from Iron Man (2008)
Let me know and I'll get you a bottle, okay? from Iron Man (2008)
Let me show you the new Stark Industries business plan! from Iron Man (2008)
Let's face it. This is not the worst thing you've caught me doing. from Iron Man (2008)
Let's get this show on the road. from Iron Man (2008)
Let's just put something on the books. from Iron Man (2008)
Let's see them. from Iron Man (2008)
Let's see them. Show me your hands. from Iron Man (2008)
Let's take a picture. Come on. Picture time! from Iron Man (2008)
Like what? from Iron Man (2008)
Like your father and I. from Iron Man (2008)
Listen to me, Tony. We're a team. Do you understand? from Iron Man (2008)
Listen, I know this must be a trying time for you, but we need to debrief you. from Iron Man (2008)
Look at this! from Iron Man (2008)
Look at you. Hey, what a surprise. from Iron Man (2008)
Look who fell out of the sky. Mr. Tony Stark. from Iron Man (2008)
Look, that's a weapons company that doesn't make weapons! from Iron Man (2008)
Look, what you just saw, from Iron Man (2008)
Looks like you were right. He was building a suit. from Iron Man (2008)
Major, we don't even know what we're shooting at. from Iron Man (2008)
Make one of them dirty, will you? from Iron Man (2008)
Make sure the checkpoints are clear before you follow me out, okay? from Iron Man (2008)
Make sure you wait till I clear the roof. I'll buy you some time. from Iron Man (2008)
March and I had a scheduling conflict, from Iron Man (2008)
Mark your position and return to base. from Iron Man (2008)
Maybe in mine, it can actually do some good. from Iron Man (2008)
Maybe. from Iron Man (2008)
Might want to look into it. from Iron Man (2008)
Mmm hmm. from Iron Man (2008)
Move for me, come on. We got a plan. We're gonna stick to it. from Iron Man (2008)
Mr. Stane? Sir, we've explored from Iron Man (2008)
Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe. from Iron Man (2008)
Mr. Stark! Excuse me, Mr. Stark! from Iron Man (2008)
Mr. Stark? from Iron Man (2008)
Ms. Potts? We had an appointment. from Iron Man (2008)
Much less give a lecture on integrated circuits. from Iron Man (2008)
My family is dead. from Iron Man (2008)
My father helped defeat the Nazis. from Iron Man (2008)
My name is Yinsen. from Iron Man (2008)
My turn. from Iron Man (2008)
Negative! No chute, no chute! from Iron Man (2008)
Next time, baby. from Iron Man (2008)
Next. Up. from Iron Man (2008)
Nice job. from Iron Man (2008)
Nice to meet you, too. from Iron Man (2008)
Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. from Iron Man (2008)
No one expects an appearance from him tonight. from Iron Man (2008)
No unmanned aerial vehicle will ever trump a pilot's instinct, from Iron Man (2008)
No way that's a UAV. from Iron Man (2008)
No, he won't. from Iron Man (2008)
No, he won't. from Iron Man (2008)
No, it definitely is not us, sir! from Iron Man (2008)
No, it was not just a dance. You don't understand because you're you. from Iron Man (2008)
No, no, no, no, no, no, the less I know, the better. from Iron Man (2008)
No, no, no, no, no, no! from Iron Man (2008)
No, see, this isn't a game. from Iron Man (2008)
No, see, this isn't a game. from Iron Man (2008)
No, they were using human shields. We never got the green light. from Iron Man (2008)
No, you intimidate them. from Iron Man (2008)
No, you're fine. You're the most capable, qualified, from Iron Man (2008)
No! You can't be distracted right now! Listen to me! from Iron Man (2008)
No? from Iron Man (2008)
No? Tony, you have to from Iron Man (2008)
No. from Iron Man (2008)
No. No. from Iron Man (2008)
No. No. I always forget to wear deodorant and dance with my boss from Iron Man (2008)
No. The Springs was actually the neighborhood in East Hampton from Iron Man (2008)
Nobody roped me into anything! from Iron Man (2008)
Non responsive, sir. from Iron Man (2008)
Nope, right now. Come with me. from Iron Man (2008)
Not bad, huh? Let's do it. from Iron Man (2008)
Not bad. from Iron Man (2008)
Not in the boot, Dummy. Right here. You got me? from Iron Man (2008)
Not necessary, people. Just a training exercise. from Iron Man (2008)
Notes. Main transducer feels sluggish at plus 40 altitude. from Iron Man (2008)
Nothing, I'm just going into cardiac arrest 'cause you yanked it out like a trout... from Iron Man (2008)
Now I realize, from Iron Man (2008)
Now, don't let it. from Iron Man (2008)
Now, what am I supposed to tell the press? from Iron Man (2008)
Obie, I just don't want a body count to be our only legacy. from Iron Man (2008)
Of course I'd be deeply honored. And it's you, that's great. from Iron Man (2008)
Of course. from Iron Man (2008)
Of Stark Industries' Freedom Line. from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, Agent Coulson? from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, God. from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, hey. Fancy seeing you here. from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, I see. So it's personal? from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, it was very nice. from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, it's beautiful. from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, my God, is that the thing that's keeping you alive? from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, my God, you crazy son of a bitch. from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, no! Did they rope you into this? from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, not the car, not the car! from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, there's pus! from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, Tony, this is your Ninth Symphony. from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, wow! What's that? It's, like, a little device? from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, wow. from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, yeah, I'm driving with the top down. from Iron Man (2008)
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The guy from the... from Iron Man (2008)
Okay, good, 'cause I'm staring at one from Iron Man (2008)
Okay, here's serious. My old man had a philosophy, from Iron Man (2008)
Okay, I'm sorry, am I in your way? from Iron Man (2008)
Okay, let's do this right. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay, now make sure that when you pull it out, you don't... from Iron Man (2008)
Okay, say it again. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay, sir, and that's what we're trying to do, but honestly, it's impossible. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay, this is where I don't want to be! from Iron Man (2008)
Okay, we don't need this. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay, where's Tony now? from Iron Man (2008)
Okay, you, too. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay, you're gonna attach that to the base plate. Make sure you... from Iron Man (2008)
Okay? Can you move? from Iron Man (2008)
Okay. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay. Activate hand controls. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay. All right. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay. I know. from Iron Man (2008)
Okay. The MIT commencement speech... from Iron Man (2008)
On my private server? from Iron Man (2008)
On the freeway and the rooftop... from Iron Man (2008)
On your belly! from Iron Man (2008)
Once was the pinnacle of weapons technology. from Iron Man (2008)
One. from Iron Man (2008)
Or are you going to do something about it? from Iron Man (2008)
Or here in the remnants of an old Soviet smelting plant. from Iron Man (2008)
Or kept from starvation with our intelli crops? from Iron Man (2008)
Or maybe he was every inch the man we all remember from the newsreels. from Iron Man (2008)
Panic. I would say panic is my reaction. from Iron Man (2008)
Pepper, I've been called many things. "Nostalgic" is not one of them. from Iron Man (2008)
Pepper, slow down. Why would Obadiah... from Iron Man (2008)
Pepper. How big are your hands? from Iron Man (2008)
Perhaps, if you intend to visit other planets, from Iron Man (2008)
Please don't turn down my music. from Iron Man (2008)
Please go over there and make sure everything's okay. from Iron Man (2008)
Please, do you mind? from Iron Man (2008)
Please, no gang signs. from Iron Man (2008)
Please, try not to move, sir. from Iron Man (2008)
Power reduced to 19%. from Iron Man (2008)
Put me through to State. They're going to be all over this. from Iron Man (2008)
Put the balance of power in our hands. from Iron Man (2008)
Quickly stole the spotlight with his brilliant and unique mind. from Iron Man (2008)
Ready? In three, two, one. from Iron Man (2008)
Recent violence has been attributed to a group of foreign fighters from Iron Man (2008)
Records are made to be broken! Come on! from Iron Man (2008)
Referred to by locals as the Ten Rings. from Iron Man (2008)
Refugees who can only wonder who, if anyone, will help. from Iron Man (2008)
Rehearse that much? from Iron Man (2008)
Relax. from Iron Man (2008)
Repulsors offline. Missiles offline. from Iron Man (2008)
Rhodey, I'm working on something big. from Iron Man (2008)
Rhodey, you got anything for me? from Iron Man (2008)
Right now, and it's about to be blown to kingdom come. from Iron Man (2008)
Right. from Iron Man (2008)
Roger that, Ballroom. from Iron Man (2008)
Say something. Say something back to him. from Iron Man (2008)
Screw it. Don't even move. from Iron Man (2008)
Section 16. Section 16. There it is. from Iron Man (2008)
Sector 16? What are you up to, Obadiah? from Iron Man (2008)
See you back at base. from Iron Man (2008)
See, I was thinking maybe we should say it was just Pepper and me from Iron Man (2008)
Sell, sell, sell! from Iron Man (2008)
Seriously, just gonna start off with 1% thrust capacity. from Iron Man (2008)
Set up Sector 16 underneath the arc reactor, from Iron Man (2008)
Shake him off! Roll! Roll! from Iron Man (2008)
Shall I render using proposed specifications? from Iron Man (2008)
Shall I store this on the Stark Industries Central Database? from Iron Man (2008)
She'd be a wreck, 'cause she'd always be worrying from Iron Man (2008)
She'd be wildly conflicted, which would only make her more from Iron Man (2008)
She's fine. She's with five agents. from Iron Man (2008)
Simple farmers and herders from peaceful villages from Iron Man (2008)
Since his bizarre and highly controversial press conference. from Iron Man (2008)
Sir, I have a question to ask. from Iron Man (2008)
Sir, I've got a visual on the bogey. from Iron Man (2008)
Sir, the more you struggle, the more this is going to hurt. from Iron Man (2008)
Sir, there are still terabytes from Iron Man (2008)
Sir, you're not going to believe this. That thing is back. from Iron Man (2008)
Small aircraft have such a poor safety record. from Iron Man (2008)
So this is how he did it. from Iron Man (2008)
So this thing just appeared out of nowhere? from Iron Man (2008)
So you're a man who has everything from Iron Man (2008)
So, what are we going to do about this? from Iron Man (2008)
So, when you need your diaper changed... Thank you. from Iron Man (2008)
Some claim he's suffering from posttraumatic stress from Iron Man (2008)
Something to pitch them. from Iron Man (2008)
Sometimes I try to do things from Iron Man (2008)
Son of a bitch! from Iron Man (2008)
Sounds like someone stepped in and did your job for you, huh? from Iron Man (2008)
Speed bump, what does that mean? from Iron Man (2008)
Stane! from Iron Man (2008)
Stark has perfected his design. from Iron Man (2008)
Stark Industries! from Iron Man (2008)
Stark. from Iron Man (2008)
Start listening in on ground control. from Iron Man (2008)
Stay here! from Iron Man (2008)
Stay put. Nice. from Iron Man (2008)
Steps in to help fill the gap left by the legendary founder, from Iron Man (2008)
Stick to the plan! from Iron Man (2008)
Stick to the plan! from Iron Man (2008)
Stop telling me! from Iron Man (2008)
Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. from Iron Man (2008)
Take care. from Iron Man (2008)
Talk to me. Tell me when you see it. from Iron Man (2008)
Tears of joy. I hate job hunting. from Iron Man (2008)
Tell me when you see a progress bar. from Iron Man (2008)
Tell me you never think about that night. from Iron Man (2008)
Tell me, do you plan to report on the millions we've saved from Iron Man (2008)
Tell you what. Throw a little hot rod red in there. from Iron Man (2008)
Test complete. Preparing to power down and begin diagnostics. from Iron Man (2008)
Thank you, Rhodey. I know a shortcut. from Iron Man (2008)
Thank you. from Iron Man (2008)
Thanks. from Iron Man (2008)
Thanks. from Iron Man (2008)
That ability to look into a situation beyond the obvious from Iron Man (2008)
That bogey just went supersonic. I got a lock! from Iron Man (2008)
That chest piece was never designed for sustained flight. from Iron Man (2008)
That could run your heart for 50 lifetimes. from Iron Man (2008)
That doesn't look like a Jericho missile. from Iron Man (2008)
That I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability. from Iron Man (2008)
That I put in harm's way, you're going to walk out? from Iron Man (2008)
That I was going to die, from Iron Man (2008)
That is an excellent question. Yes and no. from Iron Man (2008)
That is your legacy, Stark. from Iron Man (2008)
That it would just wait for me to get there. from Iron Man (2008)
That should ensure a fuselage integrity from Iron Man (2008)
That thing just jumped off the radar, sir. from Iron Man (2008)
That was a bodyguard in a suit that conveniently appeared, from Iron Man (2008)
That will be all, Miss Potts. from Iron Man (2008)
That will take you anywhere you'd like to go. from Iron Man (2008)
That? from Iron Man (2008)
That's a great line coming from the guy selling the sticks. from Iron Man (2008)
That's a new direction for me, for the company. from Iron Man (2008)
That's because it's a miniaturized arc reactor. from Iron Man (2008)
That's being handled. He's on vacation. from Iron Man (2008)
That's from the door, fork right, 33 steps, turn right. from Iron Man (2008)
That's funny, I thought with it being my plane and all, from Iron Man (2008)
That's how Dad did it. That's how America does it. from Iron Man (2008)
That's it, Obie. Forget it. from Iron Man (2008)
That's it, Obie. Forget it. from Iron Man (2008)
That's my exit. from Iron Man (2008)
That's my phone, that's a picture of me and my dad. from Iron Man (2008)
That's not bad. from Iron Man (2008)