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Blu-ray cover of "Iron Man," featuring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, and intense action scenes with Iron Man suit.

Iron Man (2008) Soundboard

Iron Man is a blockbuster superhero movie that was released in 2008, based on the comic book character of the same name created by Stan Lee and Larry Lieber. Directed by Jon Favreau, the film explores the story of billionaire industrialist Tony Stark, portrayed by Robert Downey Jr., who becomes a technological superhero known as Iron Man.

The star-studded cast features Robert Downey Jr. in the lead role of Tony Stark, a genius inventor and playboy who is the CEO of Stark Industries. Downey Jr. brings charisma and a perfect blend of arrogance and vulnerability to the character, making him one of the most beloved and iconic portrayals of a superhero in recent memory.

Joining him is Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts, Tony Stark's loyal assistant and love interest. Paltrow brings a subtlety and strength to her character, standing out as more than just a damsel in distress. The chemistry between Downey Jr. and Paltrow is palpable, adding a layer of romance and tension to the film.

Jeff Bridges delivers a compelling performance as Obadiah Stane, Tony Stark's business partner and eventual antagonist. Bridges' portrayal of Stane is menacing and powerful, showcasing his versatility as an actor. Stane's transformation from mentor to antagonist adds depth and complexity to the story, creating a worthy adversary for Iron Man.

The film's storyline revolves around Tony Stark's journey from a self-centered industrialist to a selfless hero. After being kidnapped by a terrorist organization and witnessing the devastating consequences of his weapons in their hands, Stark escapes and builds an advanced suit of armor to escape. This experience changes him, and he decides to use his technology for the greater good, becoming Iron Man.

Iron Man's suit is a technological marvel, equipped with an array of weapons and gadgets. The design of the suit, created by the talented team at Industrial Light & Magic, is sleek and futuristic, instantly capturing the imagination of audiences worldwide. The visual effects in the movie are remarkable, making Iron Man's superhuman abilities feel realistic and awe-inspiring.

The film's action sequences are adrenaline-pumping and visually stunning. From Iron Man's first flight to his epic battles against powerful enemies, the film delivers on thrills and excitement. The charismatic and witty dialogue, combined with the stellar performances, adds levity and humor amidst the intense action.

The success of Iron Man extended beyond its critical and commercial acclaim. It served as the launching pad for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), a groundbreaking franchise that has become a cultural phenomenon. The film's post-credit scene introduced Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury, teasing the possibility of a shared universe filled with superheroes. This bold concept revolutionized the industry and led to a series of interconnected films that continue to dominate the box office.

If you're a fan of Iron Man and want to relive the incredible sounds and music from the film, you're in luck. You can play and download the iconic themes composed by Ramin Djawadi, including the unforgettable opening track that perfectly sets the tone for the superhero epic. These sounds will transport you back to the exhilarating world of Iron Man and remind you of the excitement that this groundbreaking film brought to audiences worldwide.

In conclusion, Iron Man (2008) remains a beloved film that kick-started the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With its stellar cast, thrilling action, and compelling storyline, it remains a superhero classic that continues to captivate audiences. So play and download the sounds of Iron Man, and immerse yourself in the world of Tony Stark and his armored alter ego.
A child's simple question 'where are my mother and father'
A child's simple question, "Where are my mother and father?"
A hiccup
A little ostentatious don't you think
A lot of people including your professors at brown would call that being a hero
A man with a dozen of these can rule all of asia
A mission that could prove fatal to anyone who stands in their way
A new generation of weapons with this at its heart
A very astute observation sir
A what
Actually I don't know who to trust right now
After all these years tony still has you picking up the dry cleaning
Agent coulson
Ah, Tony.
All I want is a serious answer
All I want is a serious answer.
All right let's finish up here
All right let's see what this thing can do
All right nice and easy seriously just gonna start off with one percent thrust capacity
All right tomorrow don't be late
All right well this stays with me then
All right what do you say
All right, what do you say?
All right.
All those breakthroughs military funding honey
Am I making you uncomfortable
Am I right we haven't had a breakthrough in that in what thirty years that's what they say
American patriot.
An empire twice the size of Alexander the Great
An empire twice the size of alexander the great and four times the size of the roman empire
An unfortunate training exercise
An unfortunate training exercise involving an f 22 raptor occurred yesterday
And a lot of people would also call that war profiteering
And again let's bring it up to 2 5
And at 17 he graduated summa cum laude from mit
And everybody knows exactly who you are and how you are with girls and all of that which is completely fine
And I know in my heart that it's right.
And I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability
And in turn I hope you'll repay me with a gift of iron soldiers
And it's keeping the shrapnel from entering your heart. Hmm?
And now i'm going to kill you with it!
And now mr stark has prepared a statement
And now that i'm trying to protect the people that I put in harm's way you're going to walk out
And soon it will be my turn
And that is why effective immediately I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of stark international
And the other that's enough of that
And three two one
And three two one (2)
And what do you plan to do with this information if I bring it back here
And what do you say to your other nickname 'the merchant of death'
And what we do keeps the world from falling into chaos
And you dream of stark's throne
And you stark
Any high altitude surveillance in the region
Anything else you're kidding me with the hand up right
Arc reactor technology that's a dead end right maybe
Are those bullet holes
Are those bullet holes?
Are you by yourself
Are you kidding me with this get rid of them
Are you okay yeah I feel great you okay
Are you talking about the night that we danced and went up on the roof and then you went downstairs to get me a drink and you left me there by myself
Around me a woman begging for news on her husband who was kidnapped by insurgents either forced to join their militia
As a gift.
As a matter of fact I do
As for the unexpected turn of events on the ground in gulmira it is still unclear who or what intervened but I can assure you that the united states government was not involved
As liaison to stark industries i've had the unique privilege of serving with a real patriot
As liaison to Stark Industries,
As you can see obadiah stane your deception and lies will cost you dearly
As you can see these men are heavily armed and on a mission
As you wish
At age four he built his first circuit board at age six his first engine
Ballroom this is whiplash one i've got the bogey in my sights
Be gentle this is my first time
Because it makes me look like the one who's trying to
Been a while since I was in front of you I figure i'll stick to the cards this time
Bogey spotted!
Breaks my heart
Breathe easy easy
But I cannot help you if you're going to start all of this again
But I cannot help you if you're going to start all of this again.
But I could fire you if that would take the edge off
But it just doesn't work out the way I want it to.
But they told me that if I presented you with an award you'd be deeply honored
But today whoever holds the latest stark weapons rules these lands
But today,
But what about the whole cover story that it's a bodyguard
But what could it generate
But you know then me you're my boss and i'm dancing with you
But you see it was just fate that you survived that
By advancing medical technology
Call for a press conference yeah
Can I at least get a reaction from you panic I would say panic is my reaction
Can I speak to you for a moment
Can we start the virtual walk around
Can you excuse me if i'm a bit distracted here
Careful careful we only get one shot at this
Careful. Careful, we only get one shot at this.
Carrie christine that's right
Cheeseburger first
Christine everhart vanity fair magazine can I ask you a couple of questions
Clear all the houses
Collateral damage tony
Colonel what are we dealing with here
Colonel why not a pilot without the plane
Colonel, what are we dealing with here?
Come leave your guards outside
Come on hurry up just click it don't change any settings just click it
Come on it's okay laugh
Come on put your hands up
Come on sour patch don't be mad
Come on stand up stand up!
Come on the arc reactor that's a publicity stunt!
Come on we got to break the ice!
Come on we got to go
Come on you're gonna go see your family get up
Come over here and button me up
Commencing automated assembly
Compliments of tony stark
Compliments of Tony Stark.
Connect to the sys co have it reconfigure the shell metals
Contact left!
Could be worse! could be worse! we're fine! okay
Could you have a lousier poker face just tell me who told you
Crate up the armour and the rest of it
Creating smarter weapons advanced robotics satellite targeting
Day 11 test 37 configuration 2 0
Deflect it and absorb it don't transmit it back to me
Deploy flaps!
Desperate refugees clutch yellowed photographs holding them up to anyone who will stop
Desperate refugees clutch yellowed photographs,
Did I just paint a target on the back of my head
Did you forget about our appointment?
Divert power to chest rt
Do a check on control surfaces
Do you mind not at all
Do you really think that just because you have an idea it belongs to you
Do you understand me do as I do
Do you understand me? Do as I do.
Do you want it yes or no
Does the hindenburg ring any bells
Doesn't it kind of defeat the whole purpose of having your own plane if it departs before you arrive
Don't do that
Don't do that they'll believe it don't do that okay
Don't ever ever ever ever ask me to do anything like that ever again
Don't look at me I don't know what he's up to
Don't put it back in! don't put it back in! okay what do I do
Don't wait up for me honey
Don't waste it don't waste your life
Don't worry it'll only last for 1 5 minutes
Duly noted take me to maximum altitude
Dummy look alive you're on standby for fire safety
Eleven percent
Engage heads up display check
Estimated completion time is five hours
Even from an early age the son of legendary weapons developer howard stark quickly stole the spotlight with his brilliant and unique mind
Even I don't think I'm Iron Man.
Every other hex bolt
Every other hex bolt
Everybody who I work with no you know why
Fancy seeing you here
Fifty six and a half
Find an excuse to let one of these off the chain and I personally guarantee you the bad guys won't even want to come out of their caves
Five five
For 30 years i've been holding you up!
For lack of a better option dummy is still on fire safety
For three hours for three hours you got me standing here
For your consideration the jericho
Fortunately a member of tony stark's personal security staff
From the strategic homeland just call us s h I e l d right
Function 11
Get down here I need you
Get me colonel rhodes from weapons development down here now!
Get me major allen
Get out of there right now!
Get out of there right now!
Get those monitors up!
Get yourself something nice from me I already did and it was very nice yeah very tasteful
Give me a hand will you give me a little something something
Give me a scotch i'm starving
Give me an exploded view
Give us a couple minutes you guys
Go look for him
Go on here you can have a piece take two thank you
Go to the central console open up all the circuits
God you need a new name for that
Good boy
Good boy.
Good chute! good chute!
Good god you're a woman I honestly I couldn't have called that
Good good roll good roll
Good morning it's 7 00 a m the weather in malibu is 72 degrees with scattered clouds
Good morning mr stark
Good morning. It's 7:00 A.M.
Good night obie
Good night tony
Good to see you good to see you
Got a family yes and I will see them when I leave here
Got a minimal radar cross section sir
Got a minimal radar cross section, sir.
Grab that dog
Handles like a dream
Hasn't been seen in public since his bizarre and highly controversial press conference
Have you seen these pictures
He built a suit
He has made a masterpiece of death
He is honored
He is my friend and he is my great mentor
He says 'welcome tony stark the most famous mass murderer in the history of america '
He says for you to start working immediately and when you're done he will set you free
He says they have everything you need to build the jericho missile
He wants to know what you think
He wants you to build the missile
He wants you to make the list of materials
He was here a moment ago
He will not be taking any questions thank you
He's all yours
He's building your jericho
He's my I mean is that that's kind of flimsy don't you think
He's on vacation
He's speaking hungarian I don't then speak hungarian
He's trying very hard
Hello hi rhodey it's me
Hello tony
Here I got it I got it here
Here want to see I have a souvenir take a look
Here, I got it. I got it. Here.
Here, want to see?
Here's your alibi okay you were on your yacht yeah
Hey ben
Hey butterfingers come here
Hey come on in public the press
Hey forrest!
Hey hey! hey tony listen
Hey I like it fabricate it paint it
Hey i'm gonna go buy you some time
Hey listen take it slow all right I think I got the board right where we want them
Hey look who's here! yeah!
Hey thanks
Hey tony
Hey tony remember me sure don't
Hey would it be all right if everyone sat down why don't you just sit down that way you can see me and I can a little less formal and
Hey you busy you mind if I send you on an errand
Hey you know what i'm not like you i'm not cut out
Hey, Butterfingers, come here.
Hey, Tony, remember me?
Hey! (2)
Hey! heat up the sake will you
Hey! way to go my boy! i'll see you tomorrow yeah
Hi hi yeah it's okay okay go
Hi I told him I was sorry but he
High tide will be at 1 0 52 a m
His escape bore unexpected fruit
His insight,
Hit it
Hit it.
Hold still you little prick!
Holy! that thing just jumped off the radar sir
Hot sake
How about a little air yes I need some air
How about the 24th at 7 00 p m at stark industries
How do you think the mark I chest piece is going to hold up
How ironic tony! trying to rid the world of weapons you gave it its best one ever!
How many languages do you speak a lot but apparently not enough for this place
How was the 'fun vee'
How was the "fun vee"?
How'd it go
How'd she take it like a champ
How'd that work oh my goodness it worked all right that's what I do
How'd you solve the icing problem icing problem might want to look into it
Howard stark's lifelong friend and ally obadiah stane steps in to help fill the gap left by the legendary founder
Hull pressurization is problematic i'm thinking icing is the probable factor
Hurry it up put the women in the trucks
I actually almost bought it hook line and sinker
I actually almost bought it, hook, line and sinker
I actually don't think that you could tie your shoes without me
I am pleased to report that the pilot was not injured
I built this company from nothing!
I came to talk to you I want you to be a part of it
I can see that
I can't see anything
I couldn't sleep till I found out how it went how'd it go
I designed this to come off so hey
I didn't approve any shipment well your company did
I didn't expect that
I do anything and everything that mr stark requires including occasionally taking out the trash
I don't blow on a man's dice come on honey bear
I don't have anyone but you
I don't like it when you have plans
I don't remember no you wouldn't
I don't think it was taken that way
I don't understand why
I don't want this winding up in the wrong hands maybe in mine it can actually do some good
I don't want this winding up in the wrong hands.
I don't want to see this on your myspace page
I feel like you're driving me to a court martial this is crazy what did I do
I feel like you're going to pull over and snuff me
I got a big one powering my factory at home
I got caught doing a piece for vanity fair
I got you I got you
I guarantee you the day weapons are no longer needed to keep the peace i'll start making bricks and beams for baby hospitals
I had my eyes opened I came to realise that I have more to offer this world than just making things that blow up
I had to cut across mulholland
I have indeed been uploaded sir we're online and ready
I have it
I have no record of an invitation sir
I just need your help for a sec
I just think you're overstating it that's all
I just want you to reach in and you're just gonna gently lift the wire out
I just wanted to say thank you very much for all of your help
I know a shortcut
I know that it's confusing
I know the math! do it!
I know what you're going through pepper
I let you live this is how you repay me
I love this suit!
I mean i'd apologise but isn't that what we're going for here
I mean it's not technically accurate the suit's a gold titanium alloy but it's kind of evocative the imagery anyway
I mean me on the company's behalf being responsible for the way that
I need a soldering station I need helmets i'm gonna need goggles I would like a smelting cup I need two sets of precision tools
I need answers! can I please get eyes on target
I need him good assistant
I need it buy it store it
I need it. Buy it. Store it.
I need welding gear I don't care if it's acetylene or propane
I need you to go to my office
I need you to listen to me
I need you to sign this before you get on the plane
I never got to say goodbye to dad
I never got to say goodbye to my father
I never had a taste for this sort of thing but I must admit i'm deeply enjoying the suit!
I never said you were a superhero didn't well good because that would be outlandish and fantastic
I really need your help here okay
I really should be able to
I refuse
I refuse.
I removed all the shrapnel I could but there's a lot left and it's headed into your atrial septum
I said I was sorry
I saw young Americans killed
I saw young americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them
I see in that mirror that every person that's got this uniform on got my back!
I shouldn't be alive unless it was for a reason
I think bogey's been handled sir
I think it's a fair example I think it's incredibly overpriced
I think we should take another look into arc reactor technology
I think you got a lot of my weapons
I think you lost objectivity I think they just people we just danced
I thought it'd be bigger
I thought of you as a soldier first
I thought you said you were done making weapons it is
I thought you were driving
I told you i'm not mad i'm indifferent okay
I want to see it
I want you to promise me that you're gonna lay low
I want you to reach in, and you're just gonna gently lift the wire out
I was out of town for a couple months in case you didn't hear
I was so happy when he came home it was like we got him back from the dead
I was the one who filed the injunction against you
I wish you could see my prototype
I would have preferred that she lived.
I would like a drink please got it okay
I would like a vodka martini please okay very dry with olives a lot of olives like at least three olives
I wouldn't do that if I were you
I'd be prepared to lose a few with you.
I'd better get back there
I'd like to open a new project file index as mark ii
I'd like to show you first hand
I'd make it a week
I'll be in the shop
I'll be throwing one of these in with every purchase of 500 million or more
I'll buy you some time
I'll get the truth
I'll keep you posted
I'll keep you posted.
I'll put something in the book shall I thank you
I'll see you inside
I'm agent phil coulson with the strategic homeland intervention enforcement and logistics division
I'm allowed to have plans on my birthday
I'm almost out of power i've got to get out of this thing i'll be right there
I'm an airman
I'm being responsible! that's a new direction for me for the company
I'm doing a little better than walking really yeah
I'm from a small town called gulmira
I'm from a small town called Gulmira.
I'm going to find my weapons and destroy them
I'm going to give you the meeting of your life your office
I'm going to have to call you back
I'm gonna go buy you some time
I'm gonna try again right now
I'm here to talk to you about the avenger initiative
I'm hit! I'm hit!
I'm hit! i'm hit! it's confirmed he has been hit
I'm in it. It's a suit. It's me!
I'm just indifferent right now
I'm just not the hero type clearly
I'm just talking about a nightcap
I'm just your babysitter so when you need your diaper changed let me know and i'll get you a bottle okay
I'm just your babysitter.
I'm not a reporter
I'm not crazy pepper I just finally know what I have to do and I know in my heart that it's right
I'm not I was just jogging in the canyon
I'm not part of the press conference but it's about to begin right now
I'm serious! I know I know
I'm so sorry yeah it's okay
I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads up okay but if I had
I'm sorry mr stark but do you honestly expect us to believe that that was a bodyguard in a suit that conveniently appeared despite the fact that you
I'm sorry this is the 'fun vee ' the 'hum drum vee' is back there
I'm sure they're looking for you stark but they will never find you in these mountains
I'm surprised why I swear I didn't expect to see you walking around so soon
I'm swapping it up for an upgraded unit and I just ran into a little speed bump
I'm trying to turn this thing around but you gotta give me something something to pitch them
I've asked you to simply make it smaller
I've been buzzing you did you hear the intercom
I've been in captivity for three months there are two things I want to do I want an american cheeseburger
I've got langley on the line
I've got no idea
I've got one recommendation! ready ready sell sell sell! abandon ship!
I've got your clothes here they've been dry cleaned and pressed and there's a car waiting for you outside that will take you anywhere you'd like to go
I've made some upgrades of my own!
I've seen many wounds like that in my village
If he was conflicted if he ever had doubts
If I had been that drunk I wouldn't have been able to stand much less give a lecture on integrated circuits
If my math is right and it always is three gigajoules per second
If this is going to be my work station I want it well lit I want these up
If we are still in business I will give you these designs as a gift
If we are still in business,
If we're double dealing under the table are we
If you douse me again and i'm not on fire i'm donating you to a city college
If you include me in the planning process
If you'd killed him when you were supposed to you'd still have a face
Import all preferences from home interface will do sir
Importing preferences and calibrating virtual environment
Impressive! you've upgraded your armour!
Inbound missile flares!
Incapable of being responsible.
Indeed I am
Initialize the power sequence okay
Is it a good representation of his spring period
Is it better to be feared or respected I say is it too much to ask for both
Is it cool if I take a picture with you yes it's very cool
Is it safe yeah it should be fine it's like operation you just don't let it touch the socket wall or it goes 'beep '
Is it stealth no sir it's tiny
Is it too much of a problem to ask 'cause i'm
Is it true you went 12 for 12 with last year's maxim cover models
Is not what you think I want you to call for a press conference now
Is that how you want to go out
Is that so well then I quit
Is that the night you're talking about thought so
Is that today's paper
Is this the last act of defiance of the great tony stark
Is this what you call accountability
Is this what you call accountability?
It doesn't look anything like the picture maybe it's been modified
It doesn't matter we own the controlling interest in the company
It is a tight fit sir
It is one thing to question the official story and another thing entirely to make wild accusations or insinuate that i'm a superhero
It looks like a man!
It should keep the shrapnel out of my heart
It should keep the shrapnel out of my heart.
It smells! yeah it does
It was it is now an antique
It was the only way I could protect you
It was totally not harmless by the way
It wasn't navy wasn't marines
It went great looks like it's gonna be an early christmas
It went that bad huh
It works
It works yeah as a science project
It would be irresponsible not to drink
It would be irresponsible not to drink.
It would have gone better if you were there
It'll give me a bone to throw the boys in new york!
It's a shame the government didn't approve it
It's a town called gulmira heard of it
It's actually a nice place
It's fine
It's funny how that works huh
It's going to fry everything up here
It's just a game never mind
It's my name on the side of the building
It's nice seeing you tony thanks
It's not as well not as conservative as yours
It's not as...
It's not pus it's an inorganic plasmic discharge from the device not from my body
It's not that simple
It's nothing it's just a little snag
It's okay I want this I want this
It's probably under executive files if not they put it on a ghost drive in which case you need to look for the lowest numeric heading
It's ready tony! get off the roof!
It's ready, Tony! Get off the roof!
It's rhodey or pepper
It's right here here you go
It's the first missile system to incorporate our proprietary repulsive technology
It's very complex
It's who i'm sorry it is me
It's your birthday yes I knew that already
Jarvis are you there at your service sir
Jarvis we get an invite for that
Jarvis you up for you sir always
Jarvis! sometimes you got to run before you can walk
Jarvis! welcome home sir
Jimmy stay with stark!
Just because I brought pizza back from new york doesn't mean it went bad
Just call us S.H.I.E.L.D.
Just do as I do
Just do as I do.
Just do it!
Just gently lift the wire okay okay great
Just leave it on the screen! stop telling me!
Just read it word for word
Just stick to the official statement and soon this will all be behind you
Keep going!
Keep going! (2)
Keep going! higher!
Keep me posted
Keep the skies clear
Kill power
Ladies and gentlemen it is my honor to present this year's apogee award to mr tony stark
Larry called he's got another buyer for the jackson pollock in the wings
Least of all you!
Let me finish this
Let me guess berkeley brown actually
Let me have the engineers analyze that you know draw up some specs
Let me make a call
Let me show you the new stark industries business plan!
Let's face it this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing
Let's get this show on the road
Let's just put something on the books
Let's see them show me your hands let's see them
Let's take a picture come on picture time!
Like a champ.
Like what you want us to make baby bottles
Listen I know this must be a trying time for you but we need to debrief you
Listen to me tony we're a team do you understand
Listen you'd better get out of there
Log that
Log that.
Look at this!
Look at you hey what a surprise
Look at you!
Look at you!
Look that's a weapons company that doesn't make weapons!
Look what you just saw that is your legacy stark
Look who fell out of the sky mr tony stark
Looks like you were right he was building a suit
Major we don't even know what we're shooting at call off the raptors
Make sure the checkpoints are clear before you follow me out okay
Make sure you wait till I clear the roof
March and I had a scheduling conflict but fortunately the christmas cover was twins
Mark your position and return to base
Miss potts yes
Move for me come on we got a plan we're gonna stick to it
Mr stane sir we've explored what you've asked us and it seems as though there's a little hiccup actually
Mr stark yeah agent coulson
Mr stark you've become part of a bigger universe you just don't know it yet
Mr stark!
Mr stark! excuse me mr stark!
Ms potts we had an appointment did you forget about our appointment
My chute's jammed!
My chute's jammed!
My family is dead i'm going to see them now stark
My father helped defeat the nazis he worked on the manhattan project
My key's not working it's not opening the door
My key's not working. It's not opening the door.
My name is yinsen
My old man had a philosophy 'peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy '
My turn
Negative negative cannot identify
Negative! no chute no chute!
Never mind who told me show me
Next time baby
Next time you ride with me okay
Next time, you ride with me, okay?
Next up
Nice job see you back at base
Nice to meet you too
Nice try!
Nice try!
Nick fury director of s h I e l d
No he won't no he won't
No i'm not drinking I don't want any
No is a complete answer
No it was not just a dance
No no
No no absolutely not
No no I always forget to wear deodorant and dance with my boss in front of everyone that I work with in a dress with no back
No no no no no no the less I know the better
No no no no no no!
No no you don't have to be like me! but you're more than what you are
No see this isn't a game
No sir they were using human shields we never got the green light
No the springs was actually the neighbourhood in east hampton where he lived and worked not 'spring' like the season so
No throw it up i'm kidding
No way that's a uav
No what you need is time to get your mind right i'm serious okay
No you intimidate them
No you're fine you're the most capable qualified trustworthy person i've ever met you're gonna do great
No, I'm fine.
No, no. You don't have to be like me!
No, throw it up. I'm kidding.
No! Uh uh! Uh uh! Uh!
No! you can't be distracted right now! listen to me!
Nobody roped me into anything! i'm so sorry
Nope right now come with me
Not bad
Not bad huh let's do it
Not based on what I saw
Not based on what I saw.
Not in the boot dummy right here you got me
Not necessary people just a training exercise yes sir
Not the car not the car!
Notes main transducer feels sluggish at plus 40 altitude
Nothing i'm just going into cardiac arrest 'cause you yanked it out like a trout
Nothing is going to stand in my way
Nothing is going to stand in my way.
Nothing pretty just get it done just get it done
Now are you going to come by and see what i'm working on
Now are you going to come by and see what I'm working on?
Now don't let it touch the sides when you're coming out! that's what I was trying to tell you before i'm sorry i'm sorry
Now I realise well tony never really did come home did he he left a part of himself in that cave
Now what am I supposed to tell the press
Now what kind of world would it be today if he was as selfish as you
Now, what kind of world would it be today if he was as selfish as you?
Now! tell me tell me
Obadiah he's gone insane! I know
Obadiah's upstairs great i'll be right up what would you like me to tell him
Obie I just don't want a body count to be our only legacy
Obie what are you doing up
Of calculations needed before an actual flight is...
Of course
Of course i'd be deeply honored and it's you that's great
Oh come on tony tony
Oh god
Oh god! okay I was not expecting
Oh hey
Oh I see so it's personal
Oh it was a birthday present from you actually well I got great taste yes
Oh it's beautiful
Oh my god is that the thing that's keeping you alive
Oh my god you crazy son of a bitch
Oh my god!
Oh no! did they rope you into this
Oh there's pus!
Oh wow impressive
Oh wow they are small very petite indeed
Oh wow! what's that it's like a little device it's like a thing that's going to pick the lock
Oh yeah i'm driving with the top down
Oh yeah yeah yeah the guy from the
Oh, wow. They are small. Very petite, indeed
Okay (2)
Okay (3)
Okay activate hand controls
Okay can you move
Okay good 'cause i'm staring at one right now and it's about to be blown to kingdom come
Okay here's serious
Okay I got it! I got it! okay you got it
Okay I know what do you know
Okay i'm going in now
Okay i'm sorry am I in your way
Okay let's do this right
Okay now make sure that when you pull it out you don't
Okay okay
Okay rhodey
Okay say it again
Okay sir and that's what we're trying to do but honestly it's impossible
Okay the mit commencement speech is in june
Okay this is where I don't want to be!
Okay we don't need this
Okay where's tony now I don't know he's not answering his phone
Okay you too
Okay you're gonna attach that to the base plate make sure you
Okay. I'm going in now.
On his knees
On your belly!
One that i'm comfortable with and is consistent with the highest good for this country as well
Open your mouth
Or are you going to do something about it
Or maybe he was every inch the man we all remember from the newsreels
Pepper how big are your hands
Pepper i've been called many things 'nostalgic' is not one of them
Pepper slow down why would obadiah
Pepper! (2)
Perhaps if you intend to visit other planets we should improve the exosystems
Please do you mind
Please don't follow me around with it either 'cause I feel like i'm gonna catch on fire spontaneously just stand down! if something happens then come in
Please don't follow me around with it, either,
Please don't harangue me about stuff that's way way down they're haranguing me so i'm gonna say yes
Please don't turn down my music
Please go over there and make sure everything's okay
Please no gang signs
Please try not to move sir
Pleasure meeting you
Potts tony!
Press control I i got it I enter I and enter
Punch out! punch out!
Punch out! Punch out!
Push it!
Push it!
Put him with the others
Put me through to state they're going to be all over this
Put them down!
Put them down!
Ready in three two one
Really sure what's your social security number
Recent violence has been attributed to a group of foreign fighters referred to by locals as the ten rings
Records are made to be broken! come on!
Recruit our top engineers I want a prototype right away
Recruit our top engineers.
Relax I have steady hands
Relax. I have steady hands.
Render unto caesar that which is caesar's there you go
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. There you go
Rhodey i'm working on something big
Rhodey you got anything for me
Right I was driving to the canyon where i'm going to jog
Right now we're going to have it right now yeah walk with me okay
Right right
Right there in the garbage all that stuff
Right there. In the garbage. All that stuff.
Roger that ballroom
Rules these lands.
Same drill
Same drill.
Say something say something back to him
Scramble the jets!
Section 16 section 16 there it is
Sector 16 what are you up to obadiah
See I was thinking maybe we should say it was just pepper and me alone on the island
Sergeant clear a hole
Set up sector 16 underneath the arc reactor and i'm going to want this data masked
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