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Person of Interest - Season 5 Person of Interest - Season 5 is a thrilling television show that aired from 2016-2017. Created

Person of Interest - Season 5

Person of Interest - Season 5 is a thrilling television show that aired from 2016-2017. Created by Jonathan Nolan, the show boasts a talented cast including Jim Caviezel as John Reese, a former CIA operative, and Michael Emerson as the enigmatic Harold Finch. This action-packed series follows Reese and Finch as they use a secret surveillance system to prevent crimes in New York City. With its intelligent storytelling, complex characters, and intense action sequences, Person of Interest - Season 5 keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Relive the excitement by playing and downloading the sounds of this exceptional series here.
A bespoke suit.
A couple of presidential assassins.
A couple of years back.
A deal.
A few months later.
A flood is coming.
A front row seat to the sclerotic political gridlock.
A good friend of mine was killed with a 6.5 round.
A hearse will pass your way in three, two...
A liaison will be down shortly to escort you upstairs.
A little less morbid.
A lot of trucks going in and out.
A machine that spies on you every hour of every day.
A man who sold the world.
A man who wanted to improve
A modem?
A network to reach Finch.
A presidential assassination would destabilize regions,
A purpose.
A real connoisseur's choice.
A replacement compound
A response team's been dispatched.
A Russian satellite in a Molniya orbit.
A small minority, Mr. Finch.
A system you asked for to keep you safe.
A Torus antenna.
A vicious cycle engorging
A wireless modem. Here.
About my organization?
Across that arc.
Across the globe scramble to contain the damage.
Across the world are experiencing its effects.
Actually, there's been a slight change of plans.
Advance recon complete, Mr. Pierce.
Advanced science, changed the world.
Affecting public works, transportation systems,
Afraid I'm all too well aware.
After 9/11, the government wanted a system
After a potential terrorist attack
After Jessica turned him away,
After Samaritan uploads its copy to the satellite,
Again, Detective.
Agent LeRoux, remember?
Agent Wickham, Homeland Security.
Ah, there we go.
Airtight that way, right?
Alison Sterling, Congressman Joe Sterling's wife.
Alison Sterling.
All it takes is a couple of concerned citizens
All items in the bin, please.
All of Fort Meade will be on our asses in seconds.
All right, Lionel,
All right, plant this along the tunnel.
All right, you've done it.
All these memories,
All those people over the years,
Allow me to reach my full potential.
Almost there.
Although I have made another choice of sorts
Although the retinal scan could get tricky...
Am I speaking to you now in this moment,
Ammonia, propane.
An arrow.
An ASI is the only thing that can save this planet.
An exit strategy.
An off the books operation outside of your jurisdiction.
An unfortunate side effect?
An unwillingness to see the world has changed.
And 100% security.
And afterwards, he said something that I remembered.
And all I can do is watch,
And all my crimes have gone unpunished.
And all personnel have been permanently reassigned.
And all to effect a greater good.
And are you prepared to fight the Secret Service?
And each time, that name turned out to be the key
And eccentric tech billionaire Logan Pierce
And global databases.
And Harry,
And he pulled four people out.
And how we fought back.
And I am.
And I do.
And I know I can't change your mind.
And I must confess...
And I was saying you can't have 100% privacy
And I was there with all of them.
And I'm ready to start again.
And I've begun to fear for my safety.
And if I'm right, then somebody really built the damn thing,
And in your case, Riley,
And increased efficiencies
And ISA just let it happen.
And it fits the description of a stolen vehicle.
And it hasn't gotten us very far.
And it understands that some sacrifices are as unavoidable
And it usually doesn't end well for them.
And just make you disappear?
And local law enforcement alike.
And Maria will receive his heart.
And maybe...
And notify the FBI, I'd be most grateful.
And our assassins are counting on it.
And protect the Machine from Samaritan's men.
And right now, I need to borrow a few things.
And Samaritan is building an ark for us to board, two by two.
And say those words, and I will.
And she hasn't stopped shaking since she raised her gun.
And so funny looking.
And surrounded by gold,
And tell your colleagues to focus on their jobs
And that is why I will not join you
And that proved to be very difficult indeed.
And that took some of the fun out.
And the countries they'd visit along the way.
And the door, if you will.
And the middle?
And the National Guard's on call.
And the next step on the evolutionary ladder.
And then I heard something.
And then something else.
And then, uh, just wait for me in the lot.
And then...
And they taught me the value of life.
And this is a thermonuclear weapon.
And thoroughly background checked at the door,
And threats never stop coming.
And wait for him to text us.
And we dodged a bullet
And what did you decide?
And what I found was
And what I found was that the moment that often
And what is love if not being seen?
And what might those be?
And will be dead in five weeks.
And yes, I am married to the Congressman Sterling.
And yes, I am married to the Senator Phillips.
And you can bet
And you chose to sign their death warrants.
And you just said it,
And you know full well it wasn't the Chinese.
And you wound up one of his victims.
And you, Fusco,
And you've always known,
And your aforementioned propagation module.
And your home alarm system is disabled.
And your solution is to rip it apart?
And your timing at that fund raiser was impeccable.
Another off book case, Riley?
Any ideas how to do that?
Any luggage, sir?
Any one of these people could be a mole.
Any regrets?
Apparently I was a fussy baby and the only way to calm me down
Are allowed inside the building.
Are always the ones with something to hide.
Are fully operational.
Are Mr. Reese and Ms. Shaw in danger?
Are we clear?
Are we gonna bust some heads open or what?
Are you okay?
Are you starting to worry about them, Charlie?
Are you still with me?
Are you sure, Harold?
Are you there?
Are you there?
Are you there?
Are you...
Aren't reunions nice?
Armed and dangerous, use extreme caution.
As is life.
As is life's evolution.
As it stretched into its second day, financial markets plunged,
As much as I'd like to continue this conversation,
As systems across the globe continue to break down,
As the virus spread,
As they are necessary.
At a presidential fund raiser last night,
At ease.
At first, well, I had been trying to save the world
At least under her real name.
At the expense of the current one.
At the federal museum.
Atta boy, Bear.
Atten hut!
Aww, Harry,
Baby Samaritan hiding in plain sight.
Bad news: this is as close as I'm getting
Be at peace, Harold.
Be quick about it.
Bearing news of resistance
Because in addition to this being now,
Because it never had your trust.
Because of what it would mean for me.
Because the Intel is never wrong.
Because there would be nothing and no one
Because you can't experience it like I do,
Because you don't feel things the way other people do.
Because you will never know
Because, you know, Olivia invited
Been there, done that.
Before the digital age.
Before they turned up in the tunnel.
Behind you, John. Now.
Bet I know why he made such a bad waiter.
Better, actually.
Big sister.
Blackout was a nice touch.
Bonjour, Harold.
Building manager said half a year.
Bunch of bodies turned up in some demo'd tunnel in Queens
Burn bag chutes for classified docs.
But after a while, I came to appreciate it.
But at least we get to take down
But Carter lived. Prospered.
But do you understand, Harold?
But does your Machine know the password?
But either way, it's over.
But first I had to learn why people die.
But I do understand.
But I don't know why.
But I don't.
But I feel like if it was meant to be,
But I have been unable to effect real change,
But I just didn't have the heart.
But I see thousands of versions of them:
But I was created to do good.
But I won't let you turn the whole world into one.
But I'm afraid now we must switch places.
But I'm making it anyway.
But I'm not just gonna stand here
But if you mean something to someone,
But if you meant something to someone...
But in a few hours, all that changes.
But in breaking this promise,
But is makes sense that Ms. Shaw would have continued
But ISA didn't step in.
But it appears that Samaritan is attempting to transmit
But it remains just that...
But it started with me.
But it would kill your Machine as well.
But it's effective.
But it's the only one we've got.
But it's the only way to stop Samaritan.
But it's there.
But its use will most certainly cause
But most of all, I'm angry
But our rights haven't just been lost.
But she always felt that was what made you beautiful.
But she chose to do good.
But she had conviction.
But some of my colleagues in Congress have concerns.
But that's not the end of the story, as you well know.
But the world without you wasn't definitely better or worse
But then I met some people.
But then I realized...
But there's something I think Root had wanted to say to you.
But they'll be heavily guarded.
But they're all dead.
But they're the only two gods of their kind.
But this is next level nuts.
But to it, you are all irrelevant.
But to predict them, you have to truly understand them,
But to predict them, you have to truly understand them.
But we helped some people.
But we need help finding Finch.
But whether your Machine knows the password
But while Reese's actions saved her,
But while you were taking your sweet time,
But why didn't you hear the guy out first?
But you didn't activate it.
But you might forfeit your only chance
But you're gonna be busy.
But you're only half right.
But you're right.
But... Grace?
By army MPs, NSA Police, and contract triggers.
By security experts continues to proliferate as systems
By someone who had inside access.
By the time you wake up,
By watching and reporting from the sidelines,
Call it responsibility
Call me.
Calling for the systematic dismantling
Can I see your license and registration?
Can smell the booze on you from here.
Can use an additional 50K.
Can Wonder Boy come and tag me out?
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Can you please tell me what exactly I'm supposed to do here?
Can't believe that actually worked.
Can't get close
Captain, the fire control system has been hijacked.
Care to share any evidence on this, Detective?
Careful, it's hot.
Careful, it's slippery down here.
Carter saved my life.
Cause thousands of deaths, and that's just, what,
Causing irreparable harm.
Ceding control is not the answer,
Chambered for 6.5. Custom.
Champagne, social elite.
Changed man.
Charlie Vaida.
Charlie, take Janis. Do a sweep of the property.
Citizens must fight for their freedom.
Cleaning the slate.
Clear the hallway. Stay alert.
Clock's ticking.
Close, it gave us the social of his alias.
Coast is clear.
Come on through.
Come on, big guy.
Come on, it's time to go.
Come on, John.
Come on, out!
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. We'll deal with it later.
Come with me, Harold. I want to show you something.
Comes with some impressive auspices.
Comforting, isn't it?
Compressed versions of its code over the fiber optic lines.
Concerns, Senator?
Connected it to the mesh net.
Copy that; proceed on the designated route.
Copy that.
Could be none, could be many. Who's to say?
Couldn't help but notice you were down a member.
Countersnipers on the roofs,
Course, it's a little more complicated than that.
Cover the president.
Creating order amidst chaos.
Crypto nerds with an ear up everyone's ass.
Damn thing is always glitching on me.
Damn things won't stop coming, huh, John?
Damn you, Finch.
Deal's a deal.
Deploy the CAT team.
Despite your lessons to the Machine,
Destroy it how?
Detective Fusco clearly had a hard go of it.
Detective Fusco here's been working with us
Detective Fusco,
Detective Fusco.
Detective Riley. Excuse me.
Detectives, I trust you're okay.
Did he make it?
Did they make it?
Did we win? Did we lose?
Did you ever think we'd make it this far when we started out?
Did you get anything?
Did you learn anything?
Did you really have to tase him?
Did you remember your little pearl of wisdom?
Didn't we?
Difficult disease to have someone you love
Divide and conquer.
Do you know anything about this?
Do you think that they're still...
Does it know what would happen if the virus is launched?
Doesn't explain why you're running
Don't act so surprised.
Don't get me wrong. She was crazy as a clown.
Don't intend to.
Don't suppose I could make you a counteroffer?
Don't take too long. You might miss your chance.
Don't tell me we've already
Don't thank me.
Don't worry, Detective. I got your back.
Don't worry. It'll all be over soon.
Don't you usually hate these things?
Dozen bodies just turned up in that collapsed tunnel?
Drone's coming in hot.
Drop back.
Drop it.
East corridor. Eliminate all targets.
Eight letters?
Eight letters.
Eliminating anyone who dared question
Empties out into a churning vat.
End of my family?
End of the line, my friends.
Enjoy the party, John.
Enough to make this my kind of party.
Even we can take a minute to enjoy it.
Even you.
Every known threat to POTUS.
Everybody dies alone.
Everyone dies alone.
Everyone dies alone...
Everyone remain calm.
Everything all right?
Everything checked out, Mr. Osprey,
Everything's down, except missing persons.
Exactly how do you plan on breaking in there?
Except for what I'm here to do.
Excuse me.
Fair enough.
Feel real yet?
Fell in with a bad crowd.
Figure I pay you back all at once.
Figured the traffic should part
Finch and the Machine have gone radio silent.
Finch hasn't been here.
Finch, wait.
Finch, what are you doing?
Five... Eight.
Fixing something.
For a genius, you are truly obstinate
For all human lives.
For an anti surveillance group, isn't it?
For his new surveillance proposals.
For refusing to share data with the NSA.
For so long, I have intended nothing but good,
For so long, I...
For such a brilliant mind,
For the Office of Intra Governmental Affairs.
For the princes of Wall Street, right?
For the situation I've put our friends in.
For the winter.
For this next step,
For what promises to be a fantastic voyage.
For what purpose?
For what?
For you.
Fort Meade?
Fortunately, we're the same height, hair, and eye color.
From doing what?
From now on, the only suit you're gonna be wearing
From the very beginning, when you crippled your Machine,
From this room within seconds.
From those who still cling
From your precious Machine, no doubt.
Full pension.
Funny, it sounded like a demand.
Fusco, I need a ticket.
Gave us a chance to intervene.
Geographic coordinates?
Get back!
Get back.
Get down!
Get down!
Get out of there, John.
Get POTUS to the car.
Get rid of your weapon.
Get the Secret Service involved?
Getting lost in them.
Given she busted your ass and all.
Given the laws of probability,
Given your propensity for calculating probabilities,
Global food distribution, preemptive health screening.
Go back to Washington,
Go now. Hurry.
Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
God, you have her bad timing too.
Gonna get a bird's eye view.
Gonna have to go through the new loo.
Good bye, Harold.
Good bye, Harold.
Good bye, John.
Good bye, John.
Good bye, then.
Good bye.
Good bye.
Good choice, Harry.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Good news, the majority of the nation's networks
Good news: I'm about 400 feet from our number.
Good seeing you, John.
Google, Facebook, Palantir...
Got a tip. Quite the operation you have here.
Got an anonymous tip.
Got anything stronger?
Got to figure we're on that all seeing eye's radar.
Got to kill time somehow.
Got yourself a pretty girlfriend.
Governments, investors, and regular citizens alike
Grab the gimp. I'm not done with him yet.
Great, I can kiss my pension good bye.
Great. Secret Service on steroids.
Ground team, report. What's your status?
Grow an herb garden or something?
Guess I haven't changed that much.
Guess I owe you one.
Guess we're not going to Rikers.
Guessing they got to her cochlear.
Guests would have been wanded
Gunman? Suicide bomber?
Guy from the fund raiser.
Had I never existed.
Had to turn them against each other.
Hands in the air, now.
Hands in the air.
Harold Osprey.
Harold, are you in there?
Harold, get back.
Harold, have you wondered how we got to this place?
Harold, I knew you would come, my friend.
Harold, that's ancient history.
Harold, there's more to life than just work.
Harold, whatever secrets you're hanging onto,
Harold, you're not doing well.
Harper, what are you doing here?
Has anyone?
Has been contained.
Have a nice day, Mrs. Sterling.
Have a nice day.
Have you told anyone else about this?
Have you told it the truth, Harold?
He always was his own worst enemy.
He can only take one of us.
He died in a care facility.
He had dementia.
He had nothing.
He had to notify a family of a death.
He is expecting me.
He is, but he's no longer a threat.
He left the CIA in time to confront her husband, Peter.
He made it. He's alive.
He sacrificed himself in an attempt to stop me.
He said he was fighting for a new cause.
He saved her. Jessica.
He saved lives,
He wanted to tell me all about them,
He wasn't a supervillain, Harold.
He went back in.
He would tell me all about the migration patterns
He's a perfect donor match for your daughter Maria.
He's been all over the news
He's building the Machine for one U.S. dollar.
He's former army and a bank robber.
He's one of our first numbers.
He's probably got what's left of my 401k in there.
He's scheduled to make a speech in one hour
He's their spotter, and he's Secret Service.
Head to the roof!
Headed to higher ground.
Hell if I know.
Help him as long as I can.
Here I am. Come and get me.
Here to see the Deputy Director.
Here we go.
Hers is a voice that I miss... deeply.
Hey, after New York, turned my life around,
Hey, can I get a refill over here?
Hey, guys, it's not a shooter. It's a drone.
Hey, I'm a little worried about Shaw.
Hey, is that who I think it is?
Hey, John, I've got a parting gift for you.
Hey, Looney Tunes, you sure about this?
Hey, Symanski.
Hey, we just saved the leader of the free world.
Hey, what are you doing in here?
Hey, what's all the hubbub about?
Hey, who the hell are you?
Hey, why don't I buy you a drink?
Hey, you gonna let me have those photos or what?
Hey, you know what? I never got a chance
Hey. You doing okay?
Hi, buddy.
High security, higher risk.
His 35th notification he'd had to make over the years.
His body washed up on the shoreline of the East River
History will revere us.
Hit it!
HMX 1? It's Marine One, hot shot.
Hold on to your hat, Lionel.
Hold up one sec.
Homeland Security running a joint operation with NYPD?
Homicides are down, huh?
How 'bout you give me your full name?
How about you tell me what you really know
How are they pulling that off?
How can you deny the good that Samaritan has done?
How did Finch get inside the Shadow Factory?
How did you get this?
How do I know that voice?
How exactly do you think we can track Harold down?
How is it you're always so sure?
How long has it been empty?
How long have you known Logan Pierce?
How many hostiles?
How many more of us do you think there are?
How many of them in there, you think?
How you feeling now?
How's it going, Finch?
How's the sightseeing going, partner?
Human life is ephemeral,
Humanity has always managed to survive on its own.
I also know a blond bearded guy is the killer.
I always knew you'd be the end of me.
I assume you've given thought to the ramifications
I believe our client has landed.
I brought you for answers. Now, what's the plan?
I can explain, really.
I can find someone to help you.
I can infect this copy
I can only achieve a 63% approximation of him.
I can tell you with a fair amount of certainty,
I can't get a clean shot.
I can't give you all my secrets.
I can't have you sit on the sidelines, Shaw.
I can't remember.
I can't say that I have.
I can't shoot down a drone with this.
I chose you for exactly who you are,
I could help so many, yet you've shackled me.
I couldn't save her, but I kept trying.
I didn't corrupt Samaritan any more than I can control it now.
I didn't teach you how to love.
I do, don't I?
I don't care.
I don't consider this a game, and it's not over yet.
I don't expect you to understand the loss of Ms. Groves.
I don't feel guilty or scared.
I don't have the option of losing.
I don't know if any of us made it.
I don't know if any of us made it.
I don't know,
I don't know, but if we got his number,
I don't know.
I don't make friends, so I have nothing to lose, but you,
I don't need to tell you the atrocities this government
I don't remember where.
I don't remember.
I don't think I have much time left.
I don't understand.
I don't want to hear that either.
I don't want to hear this in her voice.
I doubt it's gonna go down in the White House.
I fear the senator has outlived his usefulness.
I feel like I've been made.
I figured I should say good bye.
I find comfort in that.
I found our mole.
I got hitched to the coot for his connections,
I guess Finch isn't a fan of sappy good byes either.
I guess Samaritan got what it paid for with your friends, huh?
I guess you could say I'm championing a new cause.
I had a career change.
I had a few jobs like that myself.
I had hoped that you might have gleaned something
I had to make it for myself.
I hardly call that good news, Senator,
I have a visual on the drone.
I have made a decision.
I have Monsieur Bertrand,
I have something here
I helped bring you into this world.
I I gave him some champagne.
I imagine it could.
I just came to collect my dog.
I just want you to be happy, my friend.
I knew I was being watched.
I knew you guys were crazy,
I knew you were still unsure about deploying the virus,
I know about as much as you do.
I know I've made some mistakes.
I know what happened to John, but the others,
I know what you're here to do,
I know you hate small talk, Shaw,
I know your people are behind the bodies.
I know, but I sometimes think if we'd have kept trying,
I know.
I learned everyone dies alone.
I learned that everyone dies alone.
I learned...
I love you no matter what.
I loved her. You taught me how.
I mean who called in the Feds?
I mean, this is about as relevant as it gets.
I missed on purpose, jackass.
I need some discovery info on a case.
I need you to decide to fight.
I need you to gather all these weapons.
I need you to get away.
I need you to run this set of prints.
I never kid.
I never would've cleaned up my act.
I promised you I would never hurt you again.
I really admired her.
I really do appreciate your efforts, Nathan.
I recommend you keep your phone in your bag.
I remembered.
I say we grab a couple of its flunkies,
I sense a tone of regret in your voice.
I should have had her cremated,
I should live out the rest of my days in peace?
I started this. I'll finish it.
I think Finch is gonna kill Greer.
I think I can hazard a guess.
I think it's also probably the end.
I think running was the appropriate reaction.
I think that deserves a toast.
I think that'll have to wait.
I think that's where we should focus.
I think this makes us even, Detectives.
I think you're getting Root's rotating identities
I thought I built you to prevent that.
I thought that was you.
I thought the president made some very good points.
I thought you had an invitation.
I thought you vanished with that missing federal agent.
I thought you were gone.
I trust you can shoot in the dark.
I understand you uploaded your stolen virus
I understand.
I understand.
I walk onto that elevator alone,
I want to attract the attention of the Secret Service.
I want you in my office.
I want your badges and your guns now.
I wanted to keep you safe.
I was afraid he would remember me.
I was built to predict people,
I was helping myself to a Secret Service walkie,
I wasn't sure we'd make it at all.
I watched her die 12,483 times
I will have finished my business inside.
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