A boozy old flirt with a filthy mouth. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
A hearing loss in my right ear. Left ear. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
A house, kids, certain schools, a home in Connecticut. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
A little help from Mary, also Holly and April. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
A little hug? What is this? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
A lot of wall space. How you doing, man? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
A person doesn't say, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
A poem of his and thought of you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
A slight exaggeration, but only slight. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
A toast to Thanksgiving! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
About a month ago. What do I have? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
About the big questions of life than I do. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
All my life I've put up with insults from this nonperson. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
All of a sudden, the gun went off. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
All right. We'll talk at Thanksgiving. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
All the hygienists now wear gloves. They're afraid of AIDS. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Although it wasn't a bad week. He sold a picture. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Am I interrupting any sister talk? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And after, who knows? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And at lunch she got drunker and drunker. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And blaming each other... it's so sad. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And clear the deck, and that's this... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And don't forget the poem on page 112. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And Freud, another great pessimist. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And he blushed tonight when we were alone. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And he'd flounder around with his expensive haircuts, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I actually began to enjoy myself. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I can go back to what makes me happiest. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I just need a few months or a year even. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I love when you do things to me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I never thought I could love anybody else. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I only bring this up amongst friends. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I paid her back by banging her sister. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I prefer to sell my work to people who appreciate it. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I really like him a lot. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I smelled that perfume on the back of her neck, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I started getting hooked on the film. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I thought I'd tell you what it was from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I was sitting there frozen, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I'd like to hear what made you suddenly drop out of life. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I'm sure you're more in love than you know. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And I'm thinking, I should stop ruining my life from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And in no other area am I a procrastinator. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And it's got a handsome partner sitting right beside it. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And it's not from a virus or a loud noise, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And just enjoy it while it lasts. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And maybe my lawyer. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And maybe we could discuss it sometime. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And more puzzled intellectuals declaring their mystification from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And Nietzsche, with his theory of eternal recurrence. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And pressed it to my forehead. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And put the world back into rational perspective. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And since you're so active... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And suddenly everything went to bad feeling. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And take an extra Seconal. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And tell her how much I love her, and take care of her. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And the details are too embarrassing to... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And the fights and the infidelities to prove themselves from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And the quail's responsible for the eggs. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And the schizophrenic ex wife stabs him to death? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And the whole scene was just pandemonium. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And then I started to sit back from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And there are artificial methods of fertilization. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And to please send in money. Money, money, money. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And tonight at dinner, you were curt with me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And was warm and bright. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And we try to resist meeting, but sometimes we meet. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And we'll talk over Thanksgiving. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And what hand were you dealt? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And when you have time, read it, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And why didn't you come? We all had a terrific time. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And you're going. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
And your tests are all fine. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Anything I can do? Pushups? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Anything. Often it's hereditary. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
April Knox. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
April, people pass by vital structures all the time. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Are we supposed to have beer? Yeah! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Are we talking about cocaine again? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Are you in a bad mood? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Aren't you afraid of dying? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Aren't you frightened? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
As confirmation that you have no talent. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
As spring opens Touching skillfully, mysteriously from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Ask her if you can see her for lunch or a drink tomorrow. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
At least I'm not paying child support. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Automatically, I think the worst. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Bach F Minor Concerto. It's one of my favorites. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Based on what? You never see him. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Based on whenever you see him from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Be candid. I don't want you to feel bad. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Be honest. It's always the best way. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Because he's a loser. He's awkward and clumsy like me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Because I'm giving God serious thought. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Become unstable and are destroyed from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Before, when she squeezed past me in the doorway from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Both of them just full of promise and hopes that never materialized. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Bottoms up! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Boy, love is really unpredictable. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Boy, love is really unpredictable. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Boy... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Bravo! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But doesn't that ruin everything for you? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But eventually I'm going to. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But his tests indicate that he is infertile. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But I can't help it. I'm consumed by her. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But I dropped out for a year, which is a long, dull story. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But I had to tell you... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But I stick it in the back of my mind. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But I was perspiring so much, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But I've always hoped that some little gem from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But I've got an idea for a story, more than one, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But I've got to proceed cautiously. This is a delicate situation. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But it was... I guess we had fun when we were there. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But it's impossible to hold it against them. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But it's my fault. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But none of them knows anything more from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But not over me? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But remember while you're reading and cursing my name, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But that's the best we have. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But the show about the Frenchmen, that was funny and warm. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But there's got to be some give and take. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But we shared the worst night of my life. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But we showed it to them in rehearsal. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But whatever it was, it's not anything serious. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But who cares? It was fabulous. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But why did you make the decision from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But you believe in reincarnation, so I'm interested. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But you can't tell it's me... You're turning all red. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But you do care about me? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But you don't have symptoms. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But you're not dying. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
But, really, I need something... I'm looking for something big. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
By all these great minds, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
By an inability to deal with this. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Bye bye. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Can I not accept gestures and feelings from people? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Can I say that you're playing Desdemona? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Can I speak to you privately? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Can you imagine the mind that watches wrestling? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Can you understand how meaningless everything is? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Can't I say anything? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Can't imagine what you wrote. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Can't you feel the tangible energy? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Can't you feel the tangible energy? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Changing channels to find something. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Come on, we got a show to do. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Come on. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Come over and read it to me? You must be joking. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Could I come over and read it to you? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Couldn't you say something? You slither... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Dad, could you please stay in the other room? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Daisy. I didn't miss dinner, did I? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Debating whether to shoot. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Did you ever get around to e.e. cummings? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Did you ever get around to the poem on page 112? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Did you ever read this one? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Did you read the last thing Holly wrote? It's great. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Did you ruin yourself? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Didn't mom mention something at the Museum of Broadcasting? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Die now, pay later. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Dinner soon? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Do I put people off? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Do you feel...? Are you disenchanted with our marriage? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Do you hear a ringing? Is there a ringing? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Do you miss Frederick? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Do you realize what a thread we're hanging by? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Do you share any of my feelings, or is this unpleasant? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Do you talk to Holly or Lee behind my back? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Do you talk to Holly? Lee? Or what? Do you phone them? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Does anybody got a Tagamet? My ulcer. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Does it have to be now? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Does my soul pass to another human? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Doesn't mean you have anything. Don't jump to conclusions. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Doesn't work out. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't answer now. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't do anything on my behalf. Hannah and I are close. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't get alarmed. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't let me get started on my childhood. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't make it worse, Dad. Hi, Mom. How you doing? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't panic. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't panic. I just wanna rule out some things. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't patronize me! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't say it that way. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't say that. I don't wanna hear that word. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't think badly of me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't you know? It never would've worked. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't you love songs about extraterrestrials? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't you love songs about extraterrestrials? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't you want to be part of the experience? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Don't. Please. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Dusty has bought a house in Southampton. He's decorating it. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
E.e. cummings. I'd like to get you this. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Easy. You're a dignified financial adviser. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Elliot and I must know someone for you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Elliot might have a couple of clients for you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Entirely interdependent, if you know what I mean. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Ever think you'd see me going to the opera? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Every stupid show he produces turns into a big hit. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Everybody relies on you for so much. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Everything that happened between us from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Everything's good. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Excuse me. Thank you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Fantastic. Your sister is an unbelievable cook. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Finally, she became Joan Collins! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
First of all, because it's a very beautiful religion. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Flu, even a small noise will do it. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
For all my education, accomplishments, and so called wisdom, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
For chrissake, stop torturing her. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Frederick goes jogging at 6:00. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Frederick would be grateful for a sale. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Frederick, could you please lighten up? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Frederick's done this new series you'd love. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
From my first show. I thought Lee was destined for great things. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Gee. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Go out by the Sung vase and catch this. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Go over there. Come on, hurry. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
God, forget it. Let's just get out of here. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
God, I'm despicable! What a cruel and shallow act. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
God, she's beautiful. She's got the prettiest eyes. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
God, you really liked it? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
God! How can you just, one day, vanish? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
God! I should have married you... years ago when you wanted to. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Good God. Have you been kissed tonight? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Good night. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Gosh, I've gotta tell you the truth. I'm uneasy about this. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Gosh, you really went through a crisis. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Great. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Great. I'll have to sit through the Ice Capades again. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Guy marries one sister. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Guys, look. Daddy brought presents. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Guys? Dinner's ready. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hairdos and clothes. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Half the country's doing it. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hannah and I can't have any children. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hannah doesn't need me as much. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hannah is very real and lovely. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hannah will invite some men over who don't look like Ichabod. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hannah, I am very mixed up! Please! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hannah? Hi! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hannah's sweet. Although sometimes I still do get angry. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Happy birthday, fellas. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Happy Thanksgiving! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Has such small hands from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Have I taught you everything I can give? I don't think so. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Have some anonymous donor. I wouldn't want that. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Have you been talking to Holly or Lee about our personal life? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Have you tried the shrimp? You've outdone yourself. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He could never support us. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He didn't say you had anything. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He has to rule out things. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He just doesn't like the spot on your X ray. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He must've taken quaaludes. He can't do the show. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He pays a lot of attention to me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He said he'd taken you once, and he really wanted to invite me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He said the life we live, we'll live over and over, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He sounds really nice. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He used to knock off little Greek boys. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He wanted a mitt. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He wants to take me to see Rigoletto. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He wants to take me to the opera. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He was getting a blood test. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He'd never stop throwing up. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He'll split permanently. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He's a glorified accountant, and he's after you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He's all show! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He's been moody the last few months. I don't know what it is. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He's better than your ex husband. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He's fine. I guess he's fine. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He's gotten sour, and I've tried to stay young at heart. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He's kind of distant. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He's married. And his wife's schizophrenic. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He's ruined me with his ego, his philandering... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He's such an angry... such a depressive. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
He's the one that's laid every ingénue in stock! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hello, Dr. Wilkes? This is Mickey Sachs. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hello! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hello. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hello. Hello? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Her first rose from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Her great success in A Doll's House. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Here it is years later. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Here, Mom. Drink this. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Here's a song that Norma sang from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hey, Hannah? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hi, Marge. Happy Thanksgiving. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hi! Glad you could put in an appearance. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hi. How's she doing? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
His wife helped put him through architecture school. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Holly and her friend made them. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Holly met a wonderful man who loves opera, an architect. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Holly with her cocaine. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Holly, why don't you open your own restaurant? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Holly's game for anything. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How about some action? How is everything? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How are you gonna top that? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How are you? How's Frederick... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How are you? What are you doing? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How can I help you? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How can we be happy? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How can you think of killing yourself? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How could it possibly happen? is that it's the wrong question. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How did you get over it? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How does Lee know about these things? They're private. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How the hell do I know? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How would Lee know? We don't talk about everything. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How's everything? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
How's that, Fletcher? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Huh? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I acted like such a fool. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I admit, I was concerned, given your symptoms. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I always had a little crush on her. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I always have clients who are furnishing places. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I always like an under confident person. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I always told you you would leave me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I am. You made my day. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I ask for some puce, you fly off the handle! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I believed you were unhappy with Hannah. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I bring my bottle of wine, I watch and I cry. Disgusting. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I bumped into your ex husband. He's crazy as ever. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can handle that. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can only hope that she was mine. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't be a party to this. I'm racked with guilt talking to you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't be around someone who gives so much yet needs so little. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't be the cause of anything between you... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't believe I said that about the Guggenheim. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't commit to anything without consulting her first. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't fathom my own heart. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't let you get me that. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't put it into words. The important thing is, it breathes. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't say. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't see them, neither can Lee or Holly. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't seem to take action. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't stay on. I need answers. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't take this anymore. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I can't think. This morning I was so happy. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I couldn't think where to invite you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I cry at the opera. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I didn't do anything wrong. You said you were having problems. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I didn't know what to say. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I didn't know what to say. At first I said no. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I didn't know what to say. I was embarrassed and confused. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I didn't know what was going through my mind. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I didn't mean to spoil the evening. Let's move on. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I didn't mean to spoil the evening. Let's move on. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I didn't realize how late it had gotten. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I didn't really want to go to a sperm bank, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I didn't say that. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I didn't want this to happen till you were living alone. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I didn't want to go on living. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I do not know what it is about you That closes and opens from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't feel good. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't have an interest in selling it. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't know how the can opener works. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't know what came over me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't know what to say. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't know what to say. I'm moved. I laughed. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't know. I'm just antsy. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't see how you could know unless Elliot told you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't understand. I thought you'd be happy. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't wanna have this conversation. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't want anyone tampering without telling me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I don't want to get into whose fault it is... It's my fault. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I even took her sister out. Remember? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I feel dizzy. I don't feel well. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I feel for you, I do. I'm gonna cry. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I feel like I'm betraying Elliot, but that's ridiculous. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I feel lost. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I feel that way too, David. Marvelous space, David. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I fell out of love. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I gave blood before, and clothing to the poor. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I give you honest, constructive advice. I help you financially. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I go limp in the last scene in La Traviata. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I got a lot of wall space. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I got an Andy Warhol and a Frank Stella. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I got that out of my system from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I got the classic symptoms of a brain tumor. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I got two minutes. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I gotta remember to see my ex wife tomorrow. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I guess I hit a nerve. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I guess the dark side of the spectrum is a brain tumor. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I had fun. It was like the Nuremberg Trials. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I had to get out in the fresh air and clear my head. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I happen to own this rifle, which I loaded, believe it or not, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I hate April. She's pushy. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I have a headache from this weather. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I have an actual first rough draft of something I wrote. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I have call her now and tell her what we did was crazy. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I have enormous needs. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I have my answer. I have my answer. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I have such feelings... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I have this sensation that I should have from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I have to believe in something or else life is just meaningless. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I have to borrow more money. Don't get upset. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I have to go. I have to get my teeth cleaned. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I haven't been in television for a year. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I hear myself mooning over you and it's disgusting. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I hope you won't make too much of it. One can adopt, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I introduce you to interesting, single men. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I just came from an audition which I did not get. So what's new? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I just knew one thing... I had to get out of that house. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I just need fresh air. Something I ate. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I just needed a moment to gather my thoughts and be logical from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I just want to be alone with her and hold her and kiss her, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I keep thinking I can feel it every time I blink. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I know it all the time, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I know it isn't. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I know it's a lot, but my friend April and I, we have this catering idea. It's gonna be great. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I know maybe is a slim reed to hang your life on, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I know this. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I know. If we took Fifth, then we'd get to your house first. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I know. No, I know. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I know. She has all the cooking charm. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I learned about dramatic structure from acting class. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I like him, he's a sweet guy. Isn't that a great mitt? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I lost my voice. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I love that book, The Easter Parade. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I love you so much. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I loved much more than I realized. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I may have to get back into it. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I mean it. I'm so impressed. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I mean, this is... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I mean, why not? What have I got to lose? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I met Phil. He looks like Ichabod Crane? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I must apologize. I'm so mixed up. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I need a dramatic change. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I need an antihistamine for Mom's asthma. She's turning into Camille. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I need some evidence. I gotta have proof. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I never trusted her. Eyes in the back of her head. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I played Nora, I hate to tell you what year, and it's difficult from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I ran to the door. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I read a poem of you and thought of his last week. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I read Socrates. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I realize this is a blow. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I really liked the character of the mother. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I really made a fool out of myself. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I remember clearly, the clock was ticking, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I remember you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I resisted so many times. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I saw your father. He complained of chest pains. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I should have my head examined. I don't deserve you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I should've agreed. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I showed it to Lee. She gave me some pointers. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I sing a little. I mean, you know. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I sing. For chrissake, you heard me sing! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I still find the meetings comforting. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I stole you a couple of extra clams. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I swear. We've already got requests to do a few parties. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I think about her at the office. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I think as far as laughs, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I think he was dying to open up. It's so sad. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I think I can fake my way through a song. Easily. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I think it might be a great television script, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I think it's a matter for your analyst and mine. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I think it's lucky I ran into you. Maybe. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I think Lee's serious about her new boyfriend. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I think that Ibsen would've been damn proud of our Hannah. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I think that's the best show you two ever wrote. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I think to myself, What problems could she have? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I think we need to eat. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I thought maybe I'd move in with my parents. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I thought of taking some courses at Columbia. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I thought she was moving out. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I thought, I'm gonna kill myself. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I told him about your work. He's excited. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I told you one day you'd leave me for a younger man. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I try not to call her, but then she calls me, and then I call, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I try talking... He says everything's fine. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I used to always have Thanksgiving with Hannah from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I wandered on the Upper West Side. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I wanna ask you a question. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I wanna do things for you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I wanna look good, but I don't want to be overdressed. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I wanna talk about this at home. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I want a child, before it's too late. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I want a less complicated life. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I want Lee, but I can't harm Hannah. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I want so badly to kiss her. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I want you to take care of me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I wanted to call every day since I told you how I felt. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I was born *******, but last winter I tried Catholicism. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I was happy, but I just didn't realize I was. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I was in analysis for years. Nothing happened. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I was in love with Hannah. That didn't work out. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I was looking for you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I was not in the mood to listen to this thing now. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I was on the edge of my seat. I think it's wonderful. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I was set to be bored stiff. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I was so tense, I inadvertently squeezed the trigger. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I was so torn when you called. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I was telling your father that it's ironic from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I was very polite. I maintained my poise. I said hello. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I wasn't too happy with your ENG results, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I went into a movie. Didn't know what was playing. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I went up to the balcony, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I won't call, and she'll understand. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I wonder if he and Hannah are happy. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I worried I wouldn't compare with Hannah. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I would love to hear it. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I would never have let myself be drawn in. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I would've had to shoot them also. And my aunt and uncle. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I... I'm... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'd be the father. You'd just masturbate into a cup. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'd have been a great dope addict. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'd have hung up if you hadn't answered, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'd like you to come in Monday for a CAT scan. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'd love to talk about that script. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'd rather hurt Lee a little than destroy Hannah. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll call her at 6:00. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll call her in the morning. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll do anything. I'll dye Easter eggs. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll either be unconscious, or I won't. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll go deaf and blind in one eye. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll hang up. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll listen to Aida, if I'm not in your way. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll make a deal with God. Let it just be my ear. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll never get it. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll never understand it. You're so bright and beautiful. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll say we can't communicate until I'm divorced. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll tell you the truth. I was bored stiff by the party. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll walk, you go ahead. You go. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'll wind up like the guy with the wool cap from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm all ears. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm all right. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm being presumptuous. Not that you need me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm done as an actress. Now I'm a writer. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm dying! I know it! There's a spot on my lungs! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm face to face with eternity. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm getting hysterical. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm glad Hannah got us together. She's got great instincts. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm glad we had a talented daughter. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm going through a period where I can't be around people. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm happy for her. I think she's in love. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm happy. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm her husband. She tells me anything. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm just glad we have a catering job this week. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm killing time. I have a client near here. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm like Hamlet unable to kill his uncle. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm married to you and completely in love with you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm my own person. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm not accusing. I'm asking. Do you find me too giving? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm not angry, but you don't like rock music, you won't get high... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm not in the mood to hear a review of contemporary society. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm not interested in what your decorator thinks. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm not so sure I like that idea myself. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm not your pupil. I was. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm only completing an education I started. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm pregnant. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm pretty near where you live. Could I just drop it off? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm running down the street and then it hit me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm running out of dollars. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm saying it now! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm so frightened, I can't move or speak or breathe. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm so humiliated. I don't... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm sorry to say that you cannot have children. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm sorry, I have to talk to you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm sorry. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm sorry. It's probably my fault. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm speechless. I was... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm too smart. You can't fool me! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm totally stunned. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm two high pair. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm upset about what you wrote. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm very relieved. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm very surprised. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm walking on air. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I'm watching the screen, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I've always regretted the way I behaved that evening we went out. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I've been depressed. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I've been in love with you so long... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I've been perfectly healthy. I always imagine I have things. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I've been very supportive. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I've done my own reading since I was 40. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I've got an audition for a Broadway musical. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I've got it! I've got it! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I've got reading to do. I'll get into bed early from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I've gotta get a phone number. I forgot to phone Mel Kaufman. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
I've had it with acting. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If I can show you where the tumor is from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If I can't believe, life isn't worth living. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If I had a tumor, I was gonna kill myself. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If I have a tumor, I don't know what I'll do. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If I offended you, I'm sorry. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If it would mean anything to you. I don't know why it would. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If Jesus came back and saw what's going on in his name, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If not this New Year's, maybe next New Year's. Ouch! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If not, I'll deal with it then. I won't worry now. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If we were gonna do it, we'd like somebody we knew from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If you feel you'd rather not. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If you gave him half a chance, you'd like him. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If you have a hearing loss in one ear from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If you live in Chelsea, that's probably first. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If you stare at that Stella, the colors seem to float. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If you want me to, I'll read it. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If you'd read it, I'd value your opinion. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
If you're suffering over something, share it with me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
In my experience, many fine marriages from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
In this. Yesterday, I auditioned. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Instead of man and wife we're good friends. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Instead of man and wife we're good friends. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Is flattered that you'd ask. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Is it healthier to have problems in both ears? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Is it my imagination, or does Elliot have a crush on me? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Is something wrong? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Is there someone else? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Isn't it stupid? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Isn't that beautiful? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Isn't this great? They have everything. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It all seemed so violent and unreal to me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It can't ever happen again. I value Hannah too much. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It depends on what way you wanna go. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It didn't work for me. I studied and tried, but for me it was, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It doesn't look good for you to swoon. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It doesn't matter. I have to move out. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It gets so lonely on holidays. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It hasn't been forever. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It must have been hours. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It really is. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It takes the pleasure away. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It was great. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It was inevitable. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It was like living out a dream, a great dream. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It was of me. It's a funny feeling to know from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It was totally fulfilling, just as I'd dreamed it'd be. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It wasn't anything bad. She... I don't know. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's a conflict. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's a horrible thing to think about. Can I tell you something? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's a lot to ask. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's a very big leap. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's a weird place. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's all very preconceived. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's another Bach, Second Movement. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's been a year and you're still married to my sister. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's been ages since I sat in front of the TV, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's been months now. I dream about her. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's certainly not intellectual. You're so superior to me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's full of details about Elliot and me, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's funny. I still feel a little buzz from his flirting. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's funny. I've had that thought before. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's good that we invited her to lunch. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's great. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's great. I want to meet him. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's immoral. Then time will pass. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's just an evening at the opera. Did I do wrong in accepting? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's just crazy. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's just so romantic. I wanna open the French doors... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's just your husband. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's like dating Cardinal Cooke. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's my first script. Well, not really. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's not a criticism. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's not a sofa. It's an ottoman! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's not all a drag. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's not like that adenoidal thing, where I'd had them out. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's not sexual anymore. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's not worth it. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's over, Elliot. I can't be any clearer. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's over, Elliot. I can't be any clearer. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's over, Elliot. I mean it. It's over. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's really entertaining. You'd have a good time. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's so pitch black tonight. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's so sad what people go through from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's strong and well structured. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's such a treat to go with Frederick. You learn so much. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's terrible! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's the last thing we need right now. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's the same thing, isn't it? I can't sleep. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's very beautiful. Big, weird, you know. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
It's1:30. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Jesus, I thought I was gonna swoon. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Jesus, I told you. I need someone I can matter to. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Jesus, this is very delicate from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Jesus! He wants me to do a brain scan from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Jesus. Jesus! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Just take it home and think about it for a while. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Just tell me what you think. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Keep calm. You're gonna be OK. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Leave her alone. I'm suffocating. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Leave me alone, can you? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Lee mentioned that to me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Lee met an interesting guy at Columbia. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Lee, Frederick, say hello to Dusty Fry. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Lee, Frederick, say hello to Dusty Fry. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Lee, you're my whole world. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Let me get you some coffee. What triggered it? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Let me hear it! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Let's go have dinner. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Let's just drop it. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Let's see what the next few months bring. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Let's take a look. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Let's... Don't... No, please. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Listen, instead of the molestation sketch, why don't we repeat from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Listen, kid, I think you snapped your cap. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Listen, you guys, we... Want some more? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Look at all the people on the screen. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Look at these people jogging, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Look, everything's going your way. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Look, I don't like being accused. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Look, you wanna write, write. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Look. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Looks beautiful. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Make an appointment at the hospital to run some tests. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Make light of the offer if she's unresponsive. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Marriage agrees with you. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Maybe April would like Phil. Phil, tall guy. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Maybe at Christmas or New Year's. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Maybe even aces up. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Maybe I've asked advice or made a joke. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Maybe it'll be temporary. But I have to try. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Maybe that caused trouble, but we were drifting apart anyhow. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Maybe that caused trouble, but we were drifting apart anyhow. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Maybe the poets are right. Maybe love is the answer. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Maybe when she's 80, she'll stop straightening her garter belt. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Maybe you need a few weeks in Bermuda. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Me too. I have a private box at the Met. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Me? Of course not. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Meanwhile, Lee has no direction. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Mel! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Mickey, half hour to air. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Mickey, you're off the hook. Celebrate! from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Mickey's such a hypochondriac. Could he handle real illness? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Millions of books written on every conceivable subject from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Mom and Dad are floating down memory lane again. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Mom can tell them, and Hannah, but I kill them. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Mom, come out. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Mr. Sachs, I'm afraid the news is not good. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Must be here someplace. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
My days are free for my acting class. I haven't done drugs in a year. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
My ears are in a meltdown. I can't hear anything. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
My feet hurt, my head was pounding. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
My first was about Hannah and her husband. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
My friend April makes those. Try a shrimp puff. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
My literature professor really likes me. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
My mind was racing a mile a minute. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
My parents would be devastated. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
My poor analyst got so frustrated, from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
My script? from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
My stupid roller skating joke. I should never tell jokes. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
My true gift is luck. I've had a lot of luck. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Namely a personality. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Naturally, I get taken home first. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Nazis... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
No, and I want to. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
No, don't be ridiculous. I was... from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
No, he called late last night. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
No, he hasn't. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
No, he's my sister's husband. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
No, I didn't know you sang. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
No, I just hate to see you put yourself in a position from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
No, I like to joke around and have fun. from Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)