A basketball scholarship to George Mason University. from Coach Carter (2005)
A dress code, and they have to sit in the front row in class? from Coach Carter (2005)
A foul, ref! from Coach Carter (2005)
A lot of things. Especially us. from Coach Carter (2005)
A team that only won four games last year... from Coach Carter (2005)
A team that's had a media worthy season as well. from Coach Carter (2005)
A win like that means nothing. They can't play anyway, you feel me? from Coach Carter (2005)
Academic progress reports, young men. from Coach Carter (2005)
Act like a champion? from Coach Carter (2005)
Actually, I was on the bottom, Coach. She was on the top. from Coach Carter (2005)
After all the things that my son has been through for your team... from Coach Carter (2005)
After you lose a son... from Coach Carter (2005)
Against the surprising Richmond Oilers. from Coach Carter (2005)
Ain't nobody thinking about you, Worm. from Coach Carter (2005)
All day, baby. Can't stop that. from Coach Carter (2005)
All game long. from Coach Carter (2005)
All I gotta do is just think about you. from Coach Carter (2005)
All I see is you on TV getting famous, eating that shit up. from Coach Carter (2005)
All of you. from Coach Carter (2005)
All of your players sign a contract before they could join the team. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right, baby, it's all us now. It's all us. Let's go. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right, gentlemen, give me two lines. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right, I want seven passes before you shoot. Seven. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right, keep riding on somebody. Don't get lost in there. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right, Lyle. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right, Myles, here we go. Gotta cool off a minute. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right, one four. Linda. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right, so? from Coach Carter (2005)
All right, take control of this game. Who's gonna win this game? from Coach Carter (2005)
All right, that's 500 pushups. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right, that's it for today. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right, you heard it here first, the only Ty Crane. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right? Keep your head up, baby. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right? Let's go. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right. How about LaQuisha if it's a girl. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right. Huddle up. Mr. Carter, you're in. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right. I got him. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right. Set up the one four. Run Candy. from Coach Carter (2005)
All right. Take a deep breath, guys. Come on. Deep breaths. from Coach Carter (2005)
All season long we played our game! from Coach Carter (2005)
All the work I did with those boys... from Coach Carter (2005)
All we gotta do is push them off. We're gonna run Candy. from Coach Carter (2005)
Almost two years ago now... from Coach Carter (2005)
And 1,000 suicides. from Coach Carter (2005)
And a bucket for 99 cents, with some toilet paper. from Coach Carter (2005)
And according to your contract... from Coach Carter (2005)
And as we let our own light shine... from Coach Carter (2005)
And besides, you know you don't have the time. from Coach Carter (2005)
And champions hold their heads high. from Coach Carter (2005)
And for now, the lock remains on the gym. from Coach Carter (2005)
And forced them to meet you in the library? from Coach Carter (2005)
And hold him up. from Coach Carter (2005)
And how many days do I have to consider this offer? from Coach Carter (2005)
And I do appreciate you putting your trust in me. from Coach Carter (2005)
And I have great SATs, I can go to any college in the country. from Coach Carter (2005)
And I hope I have your support the rest of the season. from Coach Carter (2005)
And I promise to get caught up with my classes, sir. from Coach Carter (2005)
And I promise you... from Coach Carter (2005)
And I promise you... We're closed. from Coach Carter (2005)
And I see exactly how I don't wanna live. from Coach Carter (2005)
And I'm definitely keeping that promise. from Coach Carter (2005)
And I'm worried about how I'm gonna feed it, pay for this and that. from Coach Carter (2005)
And I've committed to 50. from Coach Carter (2005)
And in an unprecedented move, Coach Ken Carter canceled practice... from Coach Carter (2005)
And living with the consequences. from Coach Carter (2005)
And look at your parents' lives and ask yourself, Do I want better? from Coach Carter (2005)
And Miss Nyugen. from Coach Carter (2005)
And most importantly, we control the tempo of the game! from Coach Carter (2005)
And my cousin, don't be trying to diss her. from Coach Carter (2005)
And of those that do graduate, only six percent go to college. from Coach Carter (2005)
And offered me the coaching job at any school in the state of California... from Coach Carter (2005)
And play ball and do your thing. from Coach Carter (2005)
And remember, ties and jackets tomorrow. from Coach Carter (2005)
And Richmond takes the lead for the first time in the game. from Coach Carter (2005)
And signed by you. In this hand... from Coach Carter (2005)
And sit in the front row of those classes. from Coach Carter (2005)
And telling them I think this is bullshit, son. from Coach Carter (2005)
And that the players must attend all their classes... from Coach Carter (2005)
And that's a shout out to the rest of you. from Coach Carter (2005)
And that's what I counted on. I'm trying to count on myself now... from Coach Carter (2005)
And the Bayhill Cougars take the lead with nine seconds left. from Coach Carter (2005)
And then I ran all those sprints. I did all that shit. from Coach Carter (2005)
And they must be completed by Friday. from Coach Carter (2005)
And until we all meet the terms of this contract... from Coach Carter (2005)
And when you're around me, I don't wanna hear that shit. We clear? from Coach Carter (2005)
And would you like to go for the grand prize of 1,000? from Coach Carter (2005)
And you became men. And for that, I thank you. from Coach Carter (2005)
And you can. Our next faculty meeting is in two weeks. from Coach Carter (2005)
And you get the privilege of joining Mr. Battle... from Coach Carter (2005)
And you gonna do every last one of them. from Coach Carter (2005)
And you gotta put your hands under his arm. from Coach Carter (2005)
And you have Fremont this Saturday, the biggest game on your schedule. from Coach Carter (2005)
And you will earn every minute of playing time. from Coach Carter (2005)
And you will have my respect until you abuse it. from Coach Carter (2005)
And you will sit in the front row of those classes. from Coach Carter (2005)
And, gentlemen, winning in here... from Coach Carter (2005)
And, gentlemen... from Coach Carter (2005)
And, most importantly, you will be winners. from Coach Carter (2005)
Any unexcused absences, any other disciplinary issues at school... from Coach Carter (2005)
Anybody still think Coach bluffing now? from Coach Carter (2005)
Anyway, I got something for the baby today. from Coach Carter (2005)
Are you crazy? from Coach Carter (2005)
Are you crazy? from Coach Carter (2005)
Are you some country church ******, with your tie on and all that? from Coach Carter (2005)
Are you some preacher man or some shit? from Coach Carter (2005)
As a teacher, I was offended when asked by a coach... from Coach Carter (2005)
As Coach White said, they're on the wall there behind you. from Coach Carter (2005)
As head basketball coach. from Coach Carter (2005)
As I've told you, it's time for me to step down. from Coach Carter (2005)
As of now, you are a sir. from Coach Carter (2005)
As of now, you're suspended. from Coach Carter (2005)
As we are liberated from our own fear... from Coach Carter (2005)
At the end of the game, we will be there! from Coach Carter (2005)
Baby. Hard biz. Know what I'm saying? from Coach Carter (2005)
Bad call ref, that was a jump ball, damn it! from Coach Carter (2005)
Ball. from Coach Carter (2005)
Ball. from Coach Carter (2005)
Basketball practice starts at 3:00. As of 2:55, you are late. from Coach Carter (2005)
Basketball's a team sport, sir. from Coach Carter (2005)
Battle! from Coach Carter (2005)
Because I don't. from Coach Carter (2005)
Because if there's one thing I know, it is this: from Coach Carter (2005)
Because you gave such a good answer and gave the coach attitude... from Coach Carter (2005)
Before I could sit down. from Coach Carter (2005)
Before I help you leave. from Coach Carter (2005)
Before we get into that, let's warm up. from Coach Carter (2005)
Before you can play on this team, you owe me... from Coach Carter (2005)
Bel Air? from Coach Carter (2005)
Big ups to everybody who came out to the Richmond High winter dance. from Coach Carter (2005)
Bitch ass. Pinole, right? from Coach Carter (2005)
Blue ball! from Coach Carter (2005)
Boyed? from Coach Carter (2005)
Bring it in, guys. from Coach Carter (2005)
Bring it in. from Coach Carter (2005)
Buoyed by Junior Battle's 19.Rebound a night numbers. from Coach Carter (2005)
Buoyed. The word is buoyed. from Coach Carter (2005)
But I do have a budget meeting I need to run to. from Coach Carter (2005)
But I need to hear that from Junior. from Coach Carter (2005)
But I'm on my own. You're never here. It gets crazy. from Coach Carter (2005)
But she is fine as hell. Her name is... from Coach Carter (2005)
But she was the devil. That girl was evil. from Coach Carter (2005)
But some players were in big trouble academically. from Coach Carter (2005)
But that doesn't have to be your life. from Coach Carter (2005)
But the idea of junior college had never even occurred to my son. from Coach Carter (2005)
But what did we do in practice? Mr. Stone? from Coach Carter (2005)
But you gotta be patient on the weak side screen. from Coach Carter (2005)
But you have to perform in the classroom to have that chance. from Coach Carter (2005)
But you know what? I'm gonna watch y'all play. from Coach Carter (2005)
But you men played like champions. from Coach Carter (2005)
But you're right. And because you're right... from Coach Carter (2005)
But you've done such a great job with these boys... from Coach Carter (2005)
But, gentlemen, just because you deserve this... from Coach Carter (2005)
But, Kenny, you know the deal here. from Coach Carter (2005)