A lot of people pleased to learn that at least somebody... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
All of whom, I think, can play basketball at the college level. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
All right, Richmond on three. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
And find one of your little girlies to freak with. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
And I agree with them. I'm not here to argue with your rules. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
And I look in your classrooms, maybe only one student... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
And I'm all right and shit, it's just... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
And the team, it's so bad. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
And they got a box full of ties for 50 cents apiece. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
And your job is to educate these kids. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
As soon as the season is over, I will be here for you. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Ball, Damien. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Ball, man! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Ball! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Basket's good! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Before you can go. That's everybody. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Benson Chiu. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Bitch! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Box out. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
But I think that... I think you should go to school... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Can we all just get along? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Come on from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Come on. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Cruz. In for Kenyon. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Dad, I'm a freshman! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Damien Carter. Get your ass out of that pool from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Defense. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Don't be no punk. Say what you gotta say from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Don't forget that these projects are due at the end of this week. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Don't you have someplace to go? Something to do? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Dummy and dumb and dumber. I mean, what the hell... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Exactly. I don't have any time. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Excuse me. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Finds the host team, Bayhill, trying to win the championship... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
First of all, if you need to know my credentials... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
For you to go and lock up this gym like this... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Force him left. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Four months ago, when I took the job at Richmond, I had a plan. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
From what I can see, a very confused and scared young man. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Gentlemen, report to the baseline. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Gentlemen, this is a new player, Damien Carter. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Get back. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Get on him! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Give me five. Five. Push. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Go on. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Go Richmond. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Go to war, Miss Margaret, this is a tight one. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Good shot, baby. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Got some paper for you. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Got something for me? That's what I'm talking about. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Guys, now, listen. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Guys! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
He's in the car. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Hello? I passed the pregnancy test, Kenyon. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Holler! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I am so proud of you. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I came to teach boys... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I can't believe this, man. He was just standing there. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I can't get parents involved. And I'm done chasing kids... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I cannot teach you the game of basketball... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I don't have it this week, man. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I don't know. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I don't see Junior Battle in this class. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I dropped a 20 piece. Kobe played his game. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I got it. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I had my boys sign contracts... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I have scouts coming to watch my boy play. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I mean, one of the top in the whole school... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I remember once she tricked me into stealing brownies... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I took this job because I wanted to effect change... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I took this job with the understanding I could do it my way. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I want the other coach back! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I will do everything in my power... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I wish you would. Yes, ma'am, I'm here all week. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I'll do some, too. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I'll knock all of y'all off. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I'm not gonna stand here and say I know how it feels to lose a son... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I'm sorry, ma'am, but I don't agree with you. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
If the answer is yes, I'll see you here tomorrow. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
If you were any bigger, you'd be my bigger ******. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
In the fourth quarter and Bayhill up by six. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
It ain't even like that. Some girl just danced up on me. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
It doesn't change our plans for your future, all right? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
It's Malcolm X from St. Francis. Malcolm. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
It's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be a long road. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Junior, get back! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Just open up the gym, man. Let them boys play. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Ken Carter. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Kenyon's mom tonight from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Knock his bitch ass out. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Kyra, what are you thinking? You can't drink. You're pregnant, girl. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Ladies from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Ladies and gentlemen, I now present the 22nd Annual Bayhill Tournament... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Let's go, guys! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Let's go! Linda! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Let's go. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Let's go. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Let's go. And call out them picks. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Let's see how many you can do in... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Linda is smart, she's political. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Look, I appreciate everything you do. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Look, me and Coach been talking, and he thinks I can play college ball. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Man! I can't keep this shit up, man. I can barely walk. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Matter of fact, she still is. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Maybe Junior will kick your dumb ass out. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Move your feet! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Mr. Carter, is there anything you need from us? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Mr. Carter, Richmond graduates 50% of its students... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Mr. Gesek tells me he doesn't see you in his classroom very often. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Mr. Lyle. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
My father's in jail, sir. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
No, ma'am, I have no idea. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
No, one more pass. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
No. Take some, please. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Nowhere in my contract does it say that I have to do so. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Of the sports section tomorrow. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Oh, and here's the best part: Your second favorite man was MVP. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Okay, cool. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Okay, young sirs, we're gonna take it to the next level. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Okay. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
On the real, Hercules is weak, and y'all barely beat them. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
On the real, that was the worst game I've ever seen in my life from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
One of you is gonna get arrested. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Or algebra? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Pick him up. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Piggyback! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Please! Quiet, please! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Put him back on the bench. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Rafeca, I see you looking. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Ref, you gotta call that. This is my house. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Renny! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Richmond uses their last time out with 1:20 remaining... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Right here. Get this dude right here. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Right there! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Right wing, Kenyon. Wing! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Run it back. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Run motion. Motion 44. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Saturday is a long way off. We'II see what happens from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Say, Hi, Uncle Kenyon. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Settle. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
She was always in my face. So when I call Diane... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Since when is winning not enough? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
So do you. Considering. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
So give it up for the new kings of Richmond, y'all! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
So look at the guy on your left. Now look at the guy on your right. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Somebody help me! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Stay with your man. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Still cares about the concept of the student athlete. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Sub, for five. Let's go. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Tell everyone out there what it feels like to be the next LeBron James from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Thank you, sir. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
That's a charge! Driving! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
That's good. I wish I could go with you. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
That's great. Great school. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
That's me, baby. I did that! I drew that up! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
That's right, 16 0. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
That's right. We 1 0, bitch. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
That's some bullshit, Cruz! I'm gonna visit you in County, dog from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
The ball's coming to you Kenyon. Run Linda from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
The basket counts and the Cougars have tied the game. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Then I guess we'II have new leading scorers this season, huh? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
There he is from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
There is no more baby. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
There's a Goodwill and a Salvation Army store... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
They're standing on the edge of a cliff... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
This is bullshit! We won those games, not you. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
This isn't about losing games, Kenny. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Time, ref. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Time, sir. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
To win that state championship, sir. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Ty Crane outscored our whole team by himself. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Until your conditioning is at a level that allows me to do so. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Was negated when they ended the lockout. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Watch him. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Way to go, Lyle. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
We don't even know if there's a baby yet. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
We have six players failing at least one class. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
We still in this game. Come on, fellas. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
We too good to shop at the Goodwill and Salvation Army? Is that it? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
We're gonna play straight man to man pressure defense from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first round of the CIF playoffs. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Well, I'm looking for my son. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Well, losing is hard, sir. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Well, when... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
What are you doing? Give me. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
What's up? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
With trash talk and taunting? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
With you in your bikini. I can't take that job. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Worm! No, sir. Look at your defensive posture. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, baby. Yeah! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Yeah! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Yeah! Give it up, baby. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Yes, sir. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You can't guard me, can you? What you gonna do? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You don't want me to have this baby. You wanna leave Richmond? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You got everything figured out, right? So tell me what comes next. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You guys coming? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You guys were awesome! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You know, everything's been crazy, with the lockout. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You know! Y'all gonna wanna see the look on the faces... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You loved me when it came to that. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You might think I'm wrong But she's got these thongs from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You must pay an exit price of 50 made free throws... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You owe me 80 suicides and 500 pushups. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You promised to take your girlfriend to Mexico in January. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You put a lock on the gym... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You require 10 hours of community service... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You tell me how it's gonna be, how we'II make it. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You win the bonus prize of 500 pushups! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You'II get it. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
4, 3, 2, 1. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
All right, I got you. Yeah. See you later. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
and act like punks? Coach, they were jawing, too. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Ball! Run it. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
But, Coach, he's a freshman. You wanna coach? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Come inside. Come on. Everything was good, Coach. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Come on, man. Hurry up, man. All right. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Crane. Great game. Thanks. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Damien, are you drunk? No. I don't drink. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Delilah! Defense! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Good game, Coach. Good game. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
He ain't finishing that by Friday. He ain't making that. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Here, take some. I'm all right. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Hey, Lyle. Let me get a coochie juice. I got you, dog. I got you. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Hey, son. Hey. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
How you gonna call that on me, ref? Good call, ref. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I see you. I see you, too. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
I'm all set. Ray, would you see that Mr. Carter.. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
it seems wrong to just... Look. No offense, ma'am... from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Jump! Yeah, Jason. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Just get your man. I knew it. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Let's go. Good work today. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Nice to see you again, Mr. Carter. You too, ma'am. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
One, two, three, Richmond! Richmond! from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Probably 90 degrees. We don't have bathing suits. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Push, push. Can we get a call? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Ref, come... That's his fifth foul, Coach. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Renny! Oh, shit. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Right here. Run them up. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Run? Correct again. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Run. That's right. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
So you ain't got no boyfriend? Maybe. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Stay out of my way, bitch. I own you. Hell, no from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Switch it up. We got it, come on. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
That's what I'm talking about. I know. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Tight pass, baby. Nice pass, dog. It was all you. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
Watch your back. Come in. Take your time. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
We're going swimming? Yeah. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
White ball. Palms up, move your feet, right? from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard
You sure? Yeah, I'm good. from Coach Carter (2005) Soundboard