A baseball card? from Enchanted (2007)
A friendly hello or even a smile, from Enchanted (2007)
A ha! from Enchanted (2007)
A hollow tree? from Enchanted (2007)
A rat! Get it away from me! from Enchanted (2007)
About yourself. About your interests. from Enchanted (2007)
After a whole day of that, you still want to get engaged? from Enchanted (2007)
Ah, trolls are fine to pass the time, Nathaniel, from Enchanted (2007)
Ah! from Enchanted (2007)
Ah! from Enchanted (2007)
Ah! from Enchanted (2007)
Ah! from Enchanted (2007)
Ah! from Enchanted (2007)
Ah! Giselle! from Enchanted (2007)
Ah! Put me down! You're crazy! from Enchanted (2007)
Ah. from Enchanted (2007)
All I can do is let you in for a minute. Dry off, use the phone if you want to. from Enchanted (2007)
All right, everybody, don't crowd. There's plenty of copies for everyone. from Enchanted (2007)
All right, everyone, let's tidy things up. from Enchanted (2007)
All right. from Enchanted (2007)
All right. Bye bye. from Enchanted (2007)
All these years of troll chasing, trying to keep him from ever meeting a girl. from Enchanted (2007)
All this nauseating talk of true love's kiss. from Enchanted (2007)
Amazing, sire. from Enchanted (2007)
An inspired plan, Nathaniel. from Enchanted (2007)
And all this will go away. from Enchanted (2007)
And find out how she really feels about you. from Enchanted (2007)
And get her there. And make sure it's cheap. from Enchanted (2007)
And I got very lost, until I fell off of the castle. from Enchanted (2007)
And I thought, I'm so lucky. He's sensitive! from Enchanted (2007)
And I would never want to make you unhappy or cause you any trouble, so... from Enchanted (2007)
And I'm afraid nobody's been nice to me. from Enchanted (2007)
And I'm not sure at all where I am. from Enchanted (2007)
And if Pip hadn't been walking by to help, from Enchanted (2007)
And just think. Soon, you'll have a new mother. from Enchanted (2007)
And killed everyone? from Enchanted (2007)
And look. from Enchanted (2007)
And maybe something wonderful will happen. from Enchanted (2007)
And maybe that would reassure her of your affections! from Enchanted (2007)
And one day, you have to wake up and... from Enchanted (2007)
And poor, defenseless Queen Narissa, from Enchanted (2007)
And remember that you guys can come and visit Andalasia anytime. from Enchanted (2007)
And she would lose her throne forever. from Enchanted (2007)
And so they all lived from Enchanted (2007)
And so, she did all in her power to prevent the prince from ever meeting from Enchanted (2007)
And some girl is crying like we're on Oprah. from Enchanted (2007)
And thank you for the nice story. from Enchanted (2007)
And the Valley of Contentment. What is that all about? from Enchanted (2007)
And then I climbed out of this big, round hole from Enchanted (2007)
And then pour your heart out in a beautiful ballad. from Enchanted (2007)
And then she'll know for sure. from Enchanted (2007)
And then that's it! I can't get involved after that. from Enchanted (2007)
And then the old hag told me to... from Enchanted (2007)
And they all lived happily ever after! from Enchanted (2007)
And they both lived happily ever aft... from Enchanted (2007)
And they sparkle just like his. Mm! from Enchanted (2007)
And this beautiful lady is Giselle, the love of my life. from Enchanted (2007)
And we talk about ourselves. from Enchanted (2007)
And when the hands of the clock strike 12, from Enchanted (2007)
And you know how they are. from Enchanted (2007)
And you. It was so nice spending time with you. from Enchanted (2007)
And... from Enchanted (2007)
Another chance? Do you think poison apples grow on trees? from Enchanted (2007)
Apple mar... Ooh! It looks yummy. from Enchanted (2007)
Are you at the edge of your seat, Giselle, from Enchanted (2007)
Are you crazy? They're birds. They don't know where she lives. from Enchanted (2007)
Are you in league with the wicked old hag who sent from Enchanted (2007)
Are you kidding me? It's so romantic. from Enchanted (2007)
Are you sure? from Enchanted (2007)
Around his grandmother's house and she had an axe. Oh. from Enchanted (2007)
As your attorney, Phoebe, from Enchanted (2007)
Aw. Maybe you'd like to snuggle in a nice little nook from Enchanted (2007)
Back to Andalasia, of course. To be married. from Enchanted (2007)
Back up and get ready for the main event! from Enchanted (2007)
Be careful. It's poisonous. from Enchanted (2007)
Because I deal with this every day. from Enchanted (2007)
Because I fell, down, down, down. from Enchanted (2007)
Because I honestly, I just can't handle it. from Enchanted (2007)
Because love... The lovey dovey version that you talk about? from Enchanted (2007)
Before we leave, there's one thing I would love to do. from Enchanted (2007)
Besides, people don't usually bring their children on dates. from Enchanted (2007)
Big trolls, little trolls. Trolls, trolls, trolls... from Enchanted (2007)
Blue? Oh, how did you know? from Enchanted (2007)
But a wish on your wedding day. from Enchanted (2007)
But all my wishes are about to come true. from Enchanted (2007)
But do you think Pip will be OK? from Enchanted (2007)
But dreams do come true. from Enchanted (2007)
But I must have looked very far from Enchanted (2007)
But I really should be going. You see, I'm going... from Enchanted (2007)
But I think she might be a real princess. from Enchanted (2007)
But I'm not. from Enchanted (2007)
But if you could find a way to give me one more chance. from Enchanted (2007)
But it doesn't have to be. from Enchanted (2007)
But lately I'm starting to feel from Enchanted (2007)
But never crazy. Ah! from Enchanted (2007)
But you must hurry. You must hurry. The magic will not work from Enchanted (2007)
But you'll be removed from the throne, Narissa. I will see to it. from Enchanted (2007)
But, not to worry, I'm certain that Edward is already searching for me. from Enchanted (2007)
But, Your Majesty, how exactly did you...? from Enchanted (2007)
But... from Enchanted (2007)
But... but my heart longs to be joined in song. from Enchanted (2007)
By chance, have you seen my prince? from Enchanted (2007)
Can't find this place she comes from. from Enchanted (2007)
Cast me aside like so much royal rubbish! What? from Enchanted (2007)
Catch her, Daddy! from Enchanted (2007)
Certainly. from Enchanted (2007)
Child. from Enchanted (2007)
Come along, Giselle. I don't want you to miss this ending. from Enchanted (2007)
Come here and mess up my route? I'll tear you both apart! from Enchanted (2007)
Come on, it's going to be great. I promise. from Enchanted (2007)
Come on! OK, you mookses, move it! We have got a face to put together here from Enchanted (2007)
Come quickly. Quickly. from Enchanted (2007)
Come to rescue my lovely bride, the fair Giselle! from Enchanted (2007)
Could you...? I'm sorry. But could you just be...? from Enchanted (2007)
Daddy says it's only for emergencies. from Enchanted (2007)
Daddy, why is there a princess on the castle billboard? from Enchanted (2007)
Did help with the sewing. from Enchanted (2007)
Did you see that chipmunk? from Enchanted (2007)
Do I have to give up my bedroom? from Enchanted (2007)
Do we sacrifice all of the good times because of them? from Enchanted (2007)
Do you hear me? from Enchanted (2007)
Do you like it? from Enchanted (2007)
Do you... from Enchanted (2007)
Don't leave me. from Enchanted (2007)
Don't listen to that insane little vermin. from Enchanted (2007)
Don't pay any attention. Go back to your party. from Enchanted (2007)
Don't worry. My friends will do that. from Enchanted (2007)
Don't you have any self respect? from Enchanted (2007)
Don't you roll your eyes at me! from Enchanted (2007)
Don't you think that's a bit melodramatic, dear? from Enchanted (2007)
Doomed to be with another from Enchanted (2007)
Drat! from Enchanted (2007)
Edward has a stepmother. from Enchanted (2007)
Edward is here! from Enchanted (2007)
Edward? from Enchanted (2007)
Edward? from Enchanted (2007)
Every word out of your mouth is no! It makes me so... from Enchanted (2007)
Everybody has bad times. from Enchanted (2007)
Everybody, scatter! from Enchanted (2007)
Excuse me. I'm gonna check on your cars for a second. from Enchanted (2007)
Excuse me. I'm sorry. Giselle? Please? from Enchanted (2007)
Eye! Eye! Eye Eye. from Enchanted (2007)
Falling off stuff? from Enchanted (2007)
Fear not, fair maiden. I am here. from Enchanted (2007)
Fear not, Giselle! I will rescue you! from Enchanted (2007)
Figures. from Enchanted (2007)
Finally. Finally. I'm boiling in here. from Enchanted (2007)
For eternity. from Enchanted (2007)
For some grown up girl bonding time. from Enchanted (2007)
For the nice lady. from Enchanted (2007)
For the night, eh? from Enchanted (2007)
For your bride? from Enchanted (2007)
Forget happily ever after. It doesn't exist. from Enchanted (2007)
Formosus, praeclarus! from Enchanted (2007)
From a secret admirer. from Enchanted (2007)
From my silkworms and I spun it into thread on my spinning wheel. from Enchanted (2007)
Get away from me, Jerry! You disgust me! from Enchanted (2007)
Get back in here! Stop! from Enchanted (2007)
Get dressed, please. For school. from Enchanted (2007)
Get him up. from Enchanted (2007)
Giselle, Giselle, how about this for your statue? from Enchanted (2007)
Giselle, I don't think so. No. from Enchanted (2007)
Giselle, why don't we go home? from Enchanted (2007)
Giselle! from Enchanted (2007)
Giselle! You're back! You're back! from Enchanted (2007)
Giselle? Don't drink that, OK? from Enchanted (2007)
Give her some water. She's fine. from Enchanted (2007)
Go ahead, Pip. from Enchanted (2007)
Good morning, Phoebe. How are you? It's good to... from Enchanted (2007)
Good night, Giselle. from Enchanted (2007)
Good night, Morgan. from Enchanted (2007)
Good night, OK? from Enchanted (2007)
Good night. from Enchanted (2007)
Goodbye! from Enchanted (2007)
Gotcha. Huh? from Enchanted (2007)
Great. We might be in the neighborhood of a settlement. from Enchanted (2007)
Guys, I got it. from Enchanted (2007)
Ha! I don't think so. from Enchanted (2007)
Hang on! from Enchanted (2007)
Happily ever after. from Enchanted (2007)
Have him pick you up, bring his horse. from Enchanted (2007)
He did not accompany this evening to dance the King and Queen's Waltz. from Enchanted (2007)
He is very brave. from Enchanted (2007)
He is. from Enchanted (2007)
He shan't, Your Majesty! I swear it! from Enchanted (2007)
He sings too. from Enchanted (2007)
He was here. from Enchanted (2007)
He was on the bus this morning. from Enchanted (2007)
He's probably eaten some bad nuts. from Enchanted (2007)
He's telling me something! from Enchanted (2007)
Hello, nice lady. from Enchanted (2007)
Hello, please open the door. from Enchanted (2007)
Hello, sir. Destination, please. from Enchanted (2007)
Hello, worthless. Miss me? from Enchanted (2007)
Hello! from Enchanted (2007)
Hello! from Enchanted (2007)
Hello! from Enchanted (2007)
Hello. from Enchanted (2007)
Hello. from Enchanted (2007)
Hello. from Enchanted (2007)
Help! Edward! Prince Edward, we need help! from Enchanted (2007)
Here you go, you get to carry the bag. from Enchanted (2007)
Here's some money. I want you to take it. Call your prince. from Enchanted (2007)
Hey, watch it, will you? from Enchanted (2007)
Hey! from Enchanted (2007)
Hey! Get off the car, you nut! from Enchanted (2007)
Hey! That's cheating! from Enchanted (2007)
Hi. I need a car at 116th and Riverside, please. from Enchanted (2007)
Hmm... Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Honey, do you really think your dream boy exists? from Enchanted (2007)
How come people keep giving you free stuff? from Enchanted (2007)
How could I love a man who doesn't even like himself? from Enchanted (2007)
How did she do that? from Enchanted (2007)
How did you like your hot dog? from Enchanted (2007)
How I never stay the night? Because we both agreed, from Enchanted (2007)
How long do these dates usually last? from Enchanted (2007)
Humph! from Enchanted (2007)
Hurry now. Hurry. Hurry. from Enchanted (2007)
Hurry. Hurry. Yes. from Enchanted (2007)
I can make all those bad memories disappear. from Enchanted (2007)
I can't help my feelings for you, Angela. from Enchanted (2007)
I can't tell you. You have to come see! from Enchanted (2007)
I didn't know that food could taste like this. from Enchanted (2007)
I didn't realize you were worried about crowd control. from Enchanted (2007)
I didn't see what happened. from Enchanted (2007)
I don't dance. from Enchanted (2007)
I don't get it. How can you talk about loving some guy from Enchanted (2007)
I don't know how they found each other, Your Majesty. from Enchanted (2007)
I don't know if I'll make it through today, let alone a lifetime. from Enchanted (2007)
I don't know if it's a country or a city. from Enchanted (2007)
I don't know what melodramatic means, from Enchanted (2007)
I don't know what would've happened. from Enchanted (2007)
I don't know what your deal is, if you're waiting for Prince Charming... from Enchanted (2007)
I don't know where to find a fairy godmother at this late hour. from Enchanted (2007)
I don't like them sad endings. from Enchanted (2007)
I don't need self respect. from Enchanted (2007)
I don't really remember that version. from Enchanted (2007)
I don't talk about it... to Morgan or to anybody. from Enchanted (2007)
I don't want to set her up from Enchanted (2007)
I guess that makes you the damsel in distress, huh, handsome? from Enchanted (2007)
I hate to disagree, but marriages are a success from Enchanted (2007)
I have a meeting. Sam is gonna get you home. from Enchanted (2007)
I have a meeting. Sam is gonna get you home. from Enchanted (2007)
I have met so many kind and wonderful stepmothers. from Enchanted (2007)
I have met so many kind and wonderful stepmothers. from Enchanted (2007)
I have something better than a fairy godmother. from Enchanted (2007)
I have to pick up my daughter. Can we do this around 9:00? from Enchanted (2007)
I just need your lips against mine. from Enchanted (2007)
I just want her to be strong, you know? from Enchanted (2007)
I just wanted to say that, uh... from Enchanted (2007)
I knew it was you. from Enchanted (2007)
I know it's not that fairy tale book you wanted, but this is better. from Enchanted (2007)
I know she's shy. I know she doesn't have very many friends. from Enchanted (2007)
I know what it's like when someone disappoints you. from Enchanted (2007)
I like talking to you. from Enchanted (2007)
I mean, it's the first thing I noticed when we met. from Enchanted (2007)
I never said I couldn't. from Enchanted (2007)
I really do have to go. from Enchanted (2007)
I remember this one time when the poor wolf from Enchanted (2007)
I supposed to eat you. from Enchanted (2007)
I think I need some air, sire. from Enchanted (2007)
I think she's fine. Just leave her. Slap her. from Enchanted (2007)
I think so. Oh, wait! Wait! from Enchanted (2007)
I think you need to take her aside from Enchanted (2007)
I walk in here and find everybody upset? from Enchanted (2007)
I want you to go to bed. from Enchanted (2007)
I want you to sleep in my room tonight. from Enchanted (2007)
I was just thinking about what that girl said about Phoebe's eyes sparkling. from Enchanted (2007)
I was just thinking about what that girl said about Phoebe's eyes sparkling. from Enchanted (2007)
I was on my way to the castle to get married... from Enchanted (2007)
I was taking her out for fresh air. from Enchanted (2007)
I was wondering if maybe you... Whoa! from Enchanted (2007)
I wasn't finished. One more question, please. from Enchanted (2007)
I will not. from Enchanted (2007)
I will stop him! from Enchanted (2007)
I wonder if we might cover more ground separately, sire. from Enchanted (2007)
I wonder who that is. from Enchanted (2007)
I'd do anything for him. from Enchanted (2007)
I'd like to ask each gentleman to invite a lady from Enchanted (2007)
I'd like to find one of them too. from Enchanted (2007)
I'll get it. from Enchanted (2007)
I'll get you to a bus, a train, a plane, wherever, from Enchanted (2007)
I'll never forget you. You know that. from Enchanted (2007)
I'll take care of it. Carl, it's gonna be fine. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm a big boy. I can handle it. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm coming there! And I will kill the little wretch myself! from Enchanted (2007)
I'm fine! Pip wouldn't scratch me! No! from Enchanted (2007)
I'm fine. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm going to really miss her. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm going to the ball, and I'm not sure what to do, or what I should wear. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm going to tonight. I got a present to ease her into it. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm handsome even when I sleep? from Enchanted (2007)
I'm looking for a prince, actually. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm only six. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm so glad to see you. I was so very worried. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm so sorry. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm sorry. Excuse me. I was wondering if one of you from Enchanted (2007)
I'm supposed to be at the ball to wed my true love, from Enchanted (2007)
I'm sure that would lift my spirits so much. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to pry. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm very tired, and I'm scared. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm wonderful. from Enchanted (2007)
I'm... from Enchanted (2007)
I'm... from Enchanted (2007)
I've always been in love with you. from Enchanted (2007)
I've always treated her like a queen, from Enchanted (2007)
I've called every travel agent. from Enchanted (2007)
I've never been this far away from home before, from Enchanted (2007)
I've never met her, but I hear she's just lovely. from Enchanted (2007)
If a relationship has issues at the beginning, from Enchanted (2007)
If I ever see that fat mook's face again, I'm gonna... from Enchanted (2007)
If I'm going to remain queen, I'm going to need from Enchanted (2007)
If Nancy calls me, I need to talk to her. from Enchanted (2007)
If somebody could show me just a bit of kindness, from Enchanted (2007)
If there's ever going to be a happily ever after for us... from Enchanted (2007)
If they manage not to end. from Enchanted (2007)
If we're going to find a perfect pair of lips, from Enchanted (2007)
If you guys are trying to manipulate us, from Enchanted (2007)
If you say nothing happened, nothing happened. I trust you. from Enchanted (2007)
Into a deep and troubled sleep. from Enchanted (2007)
Is anybody there? Do you know Edward? from Enchanted (2007)
Is that a bad thing? from Enchanted (2007)
Is that the only word that you know? No? from Enchanted (2007)
Is there anybody home? from Enchanted (2007)
Is this a habit of yours? Falling off of stuff? from Enchanted (2007)
Is this man party to this evil plot, chipmunk? from Enchanted (2007)
Is this unprovoked attack part of some new trend? from Enchanted (2007)
It appears this odd little box controls the magic mirror. from Enchanted (2007)
It is I! Prince Edward of Andalasia, from Enchanted (2007)
It is magical. from Enchanted (2007)
It really does bring out the worst in me. from Enchanted (2007)
It was Nancy. from Enchanted (2007)
It's a perfect fit. from Enchanted (2007)
It's an advertisement. It's a mannequin. from Enchanted (2007)
It's an unpleasant emotion. Ever heard of it? from Enchanted (2007)
It's been pretty busy around here. from Enchanted (2007)
It's good. from Enchanted (2007)
It's her I worry about, though. from Enchanted (2007)
It's just a statue! from Enchanted (2007)
It's just one bite. That's all it takes. from Enchanted (2007)
It's like you escaped from a Hallmark card or something. from Enchanted (2007)
It's love that makes me act this crazy. from Enchanted (2007)
It's me, Giselle, from Andalasia. from Enchanted (2007)
It's not like she's gonna try and be your mother. from Enchanted (2007)
It's not like that with Nancy and I. from Enchanted (2007)
It's not like that, all right? They're not together anymore. from Enchanted (2007)
It's not like we're talking about, you know, from Enchanted (2007)
It's not possible. It couldn't be me. from Enchanted (2007)
It's not true what they say. from Enchanted (2007)
It's not working! from Enchanted (2007)
It's tempting to see things the way you wish from Enchanted (2007)
It's the brave little princess coming to the rescue. from Enchanted (2007)
It's the most powerful thing in the world. from Enchanted (2007)
It's the most powerful thing in the world. from Enchanted (2007)
It's very cold out here. from Enchanted (2007)
It's very... romantic. from Enchanted (2007)
Just dying to know how it ends? from Enchanted (2007)
Just hang on, honey. I'm going to... from Enchanted (2007)
Just one bite, my love, from Enchanted (2007)
Just so long as you keep thinking about activities that you can do. from Enchanted (2007)
Just sweet dreams... from Enchanted (2007)
Just... Please. from Enchanted (2007)
Keep up with me, dear. It's time to take our tale to new heights! from Enchanted (2007)
Kick what? from Enchanted (2007)
Kind people might direct me to the castle? from Enchanted (2007)
Know what? I don't know if you're kidding from Enchanted (2007)
Knowing this dangerous animal is most likely still alive? from Enchanted (2007)
Lady! Are you crazy? Now you have to pay for all of this. from Enchanted (2007)
Let me go! from Enchanted (2007)
Let me guess. You're, uh, looking for a beautiful girl too. from Enchanted (2007)
Let me see your face. from Enchanted (2007)
Let's begin with the girl who started it all, shall we? from Enchanted (2007)
Let's just walk. Can we walk? OK? from Enchanted (2007)
Look at this. See? Rosa Parks. from Enchanted (2007)
Look out below! from Enchanted (2007)
Look out below! from Enchanted (2007)
Look, sire! Over there! from Enchanted (2007)
Look, uh, Giselle. from Enchanted (2007)
Ma'am! You cannot let your dog do that here! from Enchanted (2007)
Married one day and the next they're not. from Enchanted (2007)
May I sit with you? from Enchanted (2007)
May I? from Enchanted (2007)
Maybe a nearby meadow or a hollow tree. from Enchanted (2007)
Maybe we should do what you would do. You meet, have lunch, and get married. from Enchanted (2007)
Me either. from Enchanted (2007)
Me too. from Enchanted (2007)
Me, too, sweetheart. from Enchanted (2007)
Me? No. No, I hear nothing. from Enchanted (2007)
Milwaukee Braves? His 1954 rookie card. from Enchanted (2007)
Mm. from Enchanted (2007)
Mmm, yes. It won't be difficult. from Enchanted (2007)
Morgan, just because she has on a funny dress, doesn't mean she's a princess. from Enchanted (2007)
Morgan, show her the way, please. from Enchanted (2007)
Morgan's a lovely girl. She's very kind and very sweet. from Enchanted (2007)
Morgan's here, and you have to maintain boundaries from Enchanted (2007)
Morning. Made breakfast. Great. from Enchanted (2007)
Most normal people get to know each other before they get married. from Enchanted (2007)
Mr. N is on the line telling us his sweetie pie is acting distant. from Enchanted (2007)
My apologies. from Enchanted (2007)
My goodness. We sure had a lot of excitement tonight. from Enchanted (2007)
My other half, my one coquette, from Enchanted (2007)
My poor Giselle to this foul place, Arty? from Enchanted (2007)
My prince. My dream come true. from Enchanted (2007)
Name it, my love, and it is done. from Enchanted (2007)
Nancy, wait! from Enchanted (2007)
Narissa! I'm not going to let you take him! from Enchanted (2007)
Nathaniel likes the way I leap? from Enchanted (2007)
Nathaniel, go back to the car. from Enchanted (2007)
Nathaniel, here! from Enchanted (2007)
Nathaniel, please. Let him speak. from Enchanted (2007)
Nathaniel! from Enchanted (2007)
Nathaniel? from Enchanted (2007)
Never fear, my queen. from Enchanted (2007)
Never! from Enchanted (2007)
Next. from Enchanted (2007)
Night night. from Enchanted (2007)
No charge for the beautiful young woman. from Enchanted (2007)
No doubt by morning he'll come and rescue me from this strange land. from Enchanted (2007)
No idea. I'm pretty sure she's from out of town. from Enchanted (2007)
No way you're getting him, Ethan. from Enchanted (2007)
No, he shan't. I intend to make absolutely certain of that. from Enchanted (2007)
No, I don't. I need you to handle something for me, OK? from Enchanted (2007)
No, I haven't. Not yet. from Enchanted (2007)
No, no. It's OK. It's just... from Enchanted (2007)
No, of course. from Enchanted (2007)
No, spiteful, vindictive, very large. from Enchanted (2007)
No, thank you. from Enchanted (2007)
No! from Enchanted (2007)
No! from Enchanted (2007)
No! No! No, no. We're just... from Enchanted (2007)
No! No! No. from Enchanted (2007)
No. from Enchanted (2007)
No. from Enchanted (2007)
No. from Enchanted (2007)
No. Something much better than that. from Enchanted (2007)
Nobody stabs my bus! I'll tear you apart! from Enchanted (2007)
Nobody will tell me. from Enchanted (2007)
Nothing. from Enchanted (2007)
Now if I could only find a place to rest my head for the night. from Enchanted (2007)
Of course. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, a man like that, strong and brave, from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, and what do we look like, garbage? from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, and you with Nancy. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, come on. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, Daddy. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, do it again! Show me! That's wonderful. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, Giselle! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, I don't know. I've never been shopping with my mother. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, I love hunting trolls. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, I wouldn't worry about Pip. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, Morgan. Oh! Morgan, I need your help. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, much better than last year's show. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, my goodness! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, my goodness. Are you all right? from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, my goodness. Your hair is lovely. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, my gosh. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, my gosh. Get out! Out! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, my! Pip? from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, my. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, my. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, my. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, my. Oh, my goodness. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, no you don't, you big lug. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, no, no, no. I can stop the hurt. Yes. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, no. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, no. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, no. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, no. Call 9 1 1. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, no. That's not acceptable. No. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, OK. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, OK. Great. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, Pip, it was such a lovely dream. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, Pip. I know he's out there somewhere. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, pooh. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, pooh. Oh, no. No. This isn't good. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, she is lovely. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, so this is the little forest rat from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, the queen. No, she's not going to like this. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, well... from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, what a lovely bride. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, wonderful. We should go then. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, wouldn't she just love to come crawling back here and steal my crown! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, yeah. Here. Watch this. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, yes. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, you are unhappy. I am so sorry. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh, you shall not prevail, foul troll. That maiden is mine! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! ...look into the well and wish for my heart's desire. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! But it doesn't have to be that way. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! Edward! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! Giselle! We shall be married in the morning. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! Hello, old man! Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! I do wish there was someone who cared enough for me from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! It's not really a dog. They just call it a hot dog here. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! Oh. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! Ooh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! Pip! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! Pip! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! Please? from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! That's too thoughtful of you. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! Where are you going? from Enchanted (2007)
Oh! You forgot about happily ever after. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh? Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh. Ah! from Enchanted (2007)
Oh. I'm not. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh. Shh. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh. This is Edward. He's my, um... from Enchanted (2007)
Oh. Well, we don't have to go right away. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh. You have a lovely smile. from Enchanted (2007)
Oh... from Enchanted (2007)
Oh... from Enchanted (2007)
Oh... Oh. from Enchanted (2007)
OK, look. Look. from Enchanted (2007)
OK. from Enchanted (2007)
OK. There we go. from Enchanted (2007)
Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom known as Andalasia, from Enchanted (2007)
One small bite to drag her down from Enchanted (2007)
Only when you're around to catch me. from Enchanted (2007)
Oops! I'm so sorry. from Enchanted (2007)
Open the door! from Enchanted (2007)
Or a house full of dwarves. I hear they're very hospitable. from Enchanted (2007)
Or a movie, a museum. Or you just hang out and you talk. from Enchanted (2007)
Or being ironic, because chipmunks don't talk. from Enchanted (2007)
Or to the theater? from Enchanted (2007)
Our likes and our dislikes. Our interests. from Enchanted (2007)
Ow! Ow! Ow! from Enchanted (2007)
Oy! from Enchanted (2007)
Perhaps Prince Edward won't find her. from Enchanted (2007)
Phoebe, I'll see you in the morning, OK? from Enchanted (2007)
Pip, you're here! Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Pip! from Enchanted (2007)
Pip! from Enchanted (2007)
Pip. from Enchanted (2007)
Please. from Enchanted (2007)
Poisoned apples, My Lady. from Enchanted (2007)
Praeclarus! from Enchanted (2007)
Preliminary search of the pizza oven did not reveal any rodent remains. from Enchanted (2007)
Prince Ed... Oh! Edward! from Enchanted (2007)
Put on your nightgown and go to sleep. from Enchanted (2007)
Put them outside! Don't put them back. from Enchanted (2007)
Reperio lemma miha! from Enchanted (2007)
Right. from Enchanted (2007)
Right. from Enchanted (2007)
Right. Because the chipmunk told you. from Enchanted (2007)
Right. None of that crazy romantic stuff for you, huh? from Enchanted (2007)
Right. OK, you sure you're all right? from Enchanted (2007)
Robert! Hold on! from Enchanted (2007)
Run to her, sire! Hurry! Not a moment to lose! from Enchanted (2007)
Sad little chipmunk. from Enchanted (2007)
Sam? Sam, please don't tell me Mrs. Banks is already here. from Enchanted (2007)
Sam? This is Giselle. Giselle, this is Sam. from Enchanted (2007)
School! We're late! We've got to run! from Enchanted (2007)
See, the fact is, I was just getting ready from Enchanted (2007)
Selfish and cruel, from Enchanted (2007)
Severely punished for it. OK, look, Giselle? from Enchanted (2007)
Shall we? from Enchanted (2007)
She has no driver's license. No passport. from Enchanted (2007)
She is a seriously confused woman who's fallen into our laps. from Enchanted (2007)
She just couldn't save them. from Enchanted (2007)
She lived in fear that one day her stepson would marry, from Enchanted (2007)
She seems to have swooned. Oh, leave her, darling. from Enchanted (2007)
She sent the girl here. She poisoned her! With my help, from Enchanted (2007)
She told me it's just beyond the Meadows of Joy from Enchanted (2007)
She was a remarkable woman who dedicated her life to research... from Enchanted (2007)
She's a lot like the women in your book. from Enchanted (2007)
She's gonna take you to school tomorrow, just you and her, from Enchanted (2007)
She's... Well, she's... from Enchanted (2007)
Shh, shh, shh. from Enchanted (2007)
Shh. Stay there. from Enchanted (2007)
Shh. Yes. from Enchanted (2007)
Shut up. from Enchanted (2007)
Silence! You lying, murderous wretch! from Enchanted (2007)
Sir? from Enchanted (2007)
Sire, may I suggest we seek elsewhere from Enchanted (2007)
Sire! Oh dear, oh dear. from Enchanted (2007)
Sire. from Enchanted (2007)
Sleep tight. from Enchanted (2007)
So in lieu of taking advice from a forest rodent, from Enchanted (2007)
So is this what it's like? from Enchanted (2007)
So straightforward. Not a hint of irony. from Enchanted (2007)
So, uh... from Enchanted (2007)
So, what's the deal, this prince of yours? from Enchanted (2007)
So... from Enchanted (2007)
Some sort of story when I go back. Hmm. from Enchanted (2007)
Sounds like building a bridge. Have you told your daughter? from Enchanted (2007)
Speciosus, formosus, praeclarus! from Enchanted (2007)
Speechless in my presence. from Enchanted (2007)
Sure. And if you ever come to town, from Enchanted (2007)
Sweetie... from Enchanted (2007)
Ta da! from Enchanted (2007)
Take me home, and the two of us can share in true love's kiss. from Enchanted (2007)
Take these flowers to Nancy, please? from Enchanted (2007)
Tell me magic mirror, what is this awful place? from Enchanted (2007)
Tell us, how does it feel from Enchanted (2007)
Thank you for taking care of my bride, peasants. from Enchanted (2007)
Thank you very much, kind sir. from Enchanted (2007)
Thank you. from Enchanted (2007)
Thank you. from Enchanted (2007)
Thank you. from Enchanted (2007)
Thank you. from Enchanted (2007)
Thank you. from Enchanted (2007)
That precious little pretender to my throne from Enchanted (2007)
That thing's loaded with disease. from Enchanted (2007)
That was a nice story about your chipmunk friend and all. from Enchanted (2007)
That would be lovely. from Enchanted (2007)
That's enough from you, you viper. from Enchanted (2007)
That's mine! Bring that back here! from Enchanted (2007)
That's the most magical of all. from Enchanted (2007)
That's too bad. from Enchanted (2007)
That's very kind of you, from Enchanted (2007)
That's very kind of you. from Enchanted (2007)
That's what I'm trying to tell you. It's complicated. from Enchanted (2007)
That's what this gets down to is a baseball card? from Enchanted (2007)
That's why I don't encourage the fairy tales. from Enchanted (2007)
The answer to my love's duet. from Enchanted (2007)
The moment it's over. from Enchanted (2007)
The most powerful thing in the world. from Enchanted (2007)
The one special maiden with whom he would share true love's kiss. from Enchanted (2007)
The people that you met. from Enchanted (2007)
The shower. The shower is wonderful, Nancy. from Enchanted (2007)
The steel beast is dead, peasants. I set you all free. from Enchanted (2007)
Then keep a wary eye out, Arty. from Enchanted (2007)
There lived an evil queen. from Enchanted (2007)
There you go. There it is. from Enchanted (2007)
There's a rodent on the table! Can we get some help here? from Enchanted (2007)
There's dancing and music. from Enchanted (2007)
There's no reason not to be reasonable. from Enchanted (2007)
There's no way of helping her. She's done for. from Enchanted (2007)
There's only one left! You are out of chances! from Enchanted (2007)
There's this whole other side to her, like I don't even know her anymore. from Enchanted (2007)
There's this whole other side to her, like I don't even know her anymore. from Enchanted (2007)
These are exquisite. Where do you find live doves in New York City? from Enchanted (2007)
They can go as long as you want, really. from Enchanted (2007)
They can just keep going and going, from Enchanted (2007)
They date. from Enchanted (2007)
They were dressed all freaky. Then this chipmunk... from Enchanted (2007)
They'll creep up on you. I'd be careful. from Enchanted (2007)
They're only after one thing. from Enchanted (2007)
They're separated forever. from Enchanted (2007)
This animal's still out there. from Enchanted (2007)
This is definitely an emergency. from Enchanted (2007)
This is Edward. from Enchanted (2007)
This is Morgan. And Robert. from Enchanted (2007)
This is so unprofessional. from Enchanted (2007)
This isn't love. This is infatuation. from Enchanted (2007)
This just won't do. from Enchanted (2007)
This was so yummy. from Enchanted (2007)
Those people got married on a crazy romantic whim. from Enchanted (2007)
Time is of the essence. from Enchanted (2007)
To a place where there are no happily ever afters. from Enchanted (2007)
To be able to face the world for what it is. from Enchanted (2007)
To believe in this dreams come true nonsense. from Enchanted (2007)
To go after him. from Enchanted (2007)
To live happily ever after forever and ever. from Enchanted (2007)
To never be with the one you love. from Enchanted (2007)
To take a very serious step forward. from Enchanted (2007)
To think that in a few moments that Edward and I... from Enchanted (2007)
Today is free caramel apple day. from Enchanted (2007)
Tomorrow is free beef... jerky. from Enchanted (2007)
Tomorrow morning would be great. 7:30? from Enchanted (2007)
True love's kiss? from Enchanted (2007)
True love's kiss. from Enchanted (2007)
Uh huh. Nathaniel... from Enchanted (2007)
Uh oh. Whoo! from Enchanted (2007)
Uh, a friend. No, she's an acquaintance, actually. from Enchanted (2007)
Uh, well, the water comes from the pipes. from Enchanted (2007)
Uh, you by yourself, and me with it. from Enchanted (2007)
Um... from Enchanted (2007)
Unless you take a bite before the clock strikes 12. from Enchanted (2007)
Unnecessary problem with Nancy that I now have to resolve. from Enchanted (2007)
Usually you send those e mail cards with the digital flowers. from Enchanted (2007)
Wait, sire! Go back! Go back! Please! from Enchanted (2007)
Wasn't this fun? from Enchanted (2007)
Watch very carefully. I'm gonna put it in this hand like that. from Enchanted (2007)
We all get along. from Enchanted (2007)
We can't risk my stepson bringing the girl back. from Enchanted (2007)
We have our own bedtime to stick to. Let's go. from Enchanted (2007)
We just don't talk about it every minute of the day, but she knows. from Enchanted (2007)
We should all get together for dinner. from Enchanted (2007)
We should put him down for his own good. from Enchanted (2007)
We understand each other's strengths and weaknesses. from Enchanted (2007)
We understand each other's strengths and weaknesses. from Enchanted (2007)
We're coming to the end of our story now. from Enchanted (2007)
We're going to need a lot more help. from Enchanted (2007)
We're just friends. from Enchanted (2007)
Well, at least I did. from Enchanted (2007)
Well, folks, it's that time of night. from Enchanted (2007)
Well, I don't think they'd hear you from here. from Enchanted (2007)
Well, I have to say, I really think that went well. from Enchanted (2007)
Well, I hope you don't forget. from Enchanted (2007)
Well, I think I'd prefer to be in Andalasia. from Enchanted (2007)
Well, it's always nice to make new friends. from Enchanted (2007)
Well, no wonder she's angry. from Enchanted (2007)
Well, now she's got it in her mind that you and I... from Enchanted (2007)
Well, of course it does. Oh! from Enchanted (2007)
Well, strictly speaking, he's a chipmunk. from Enchanted (2007)
Well, thank you. from Enchanted (2007)
Well, usually someone catches me. from Enchanted (2007)
Well, you're welcome. No, I'm glad you liked them. from Enchanted (2007)
Well! This has been a splendid date. from Enchanted (2007)
Well... from Enchanted (2007)
Well... from Enchanted (2007)
What a terrible accident that brought you to this terrible place from Enchanted (2007)
What about taking Morgan? Some grown up girl bonding time. from Enchanted (2007)
What if a giant, vicious beast showed up from Enchanted (2007)
What if it was no accident, us meeting her. from Enchanted (2007)
What if it wasn't chance? from Enchanted (2007)
What is going on here? Who's she? from Enchanted (2007)
What is it you want to say? from Enchanted (2007)
What is this? from Enchanted (2007)
What is this? from Enchanted (2007)
What kind of an operation are you running here? from Enchanted (2007)
What say you, sir? Don't try my patience. from Enchanted (2007)
What villainy is this? from Enchanted (2007)
What, so you can have some grown up girl bonding time? from Enchanted (2007)
What? from Enchanted (2007)
What? from Enchanted (2007)
What? from Enchanted (2007)
What? from Enchanted (2007)
What's a date? from Enchanted (2007)
What's not to like? from Enchanted (2007)
What's wrong? Are you OK? from Enchanted (2007)
What's wrong? Are you OK? from Enchanted (2007)
When we return home, Andalasia shall know of your treachery. from Enchanted (2007)
When you meet the someone who is meant for you from Enchanted (2007)
Where are these people coming from? from Enchanted (2007)
Where are you going? Please, if you could just point me to the castle? from Enchanted (2007)
Where are you going? Please, if you could just point me to the castle? from Enchanted (2007)
Where do you suppose I should look? from Enchanted (2007)
Where does the water come from? from Enchanted (2007)
Where, my most adored queen, where did you send her? from Enchanted (2007)
Where'd he go? from Enchanted (2007)
While it's still ingrained in her subcranium. from Enchanted (2007)
Who thinks she can steal my throne. from Enchanted (2007)
Whoa! from Enchanted (2007)
Whoa! from Enchanted (2007)
Whoa! from Enchanted (2007)