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Catch Me If You Can (2002) "Catch Me If You Can" (2002) is an intriguing biographical crime movie directed by Steven

Catch Me If You Can (2002)

"Catch Me If You Can" (2002) is an intriguing biographical crime movie directed by Steven Spielberg. The film is based on the true story of Frank Abagnale Jr., played by Leonardo DiCaprio, a skilled con artist and master of deception. The story follows Frank as he successfully poses as a pilot, doctor, and lawyer, all while eluding the FBI agent Carl Hanratty, portrayed by , who is relentlessly hunting him down.

With a compelling plot, dynamic performances, and a captivating cat-and-mouse chase, "Catch Me If You Can" keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The film explores themes of identity, ambition, and the blurred lines between right and wrong. Its 1960s setting is beautifully captured, with a nostalgic soundtrack that immerses you in the era.

If you are intrigued by the world of forgery, fraud, and deception, you can dive into the sounds and atmosphere of "Catch Me If You Can" by playing and downloading them here.
A 1 7 year oId boy has to eat,
A 02 to a 1 2, that means that check,
A coupIe of years ago, I was on the cover of Seventeen.
A dinosaur, four coIors, you can smeII the weight.
A doctor and a Iawyer. Brenda hit the jackpot.
A doctor, a Iawyer, a Lutheran.
A few doIIars to buy some record aIbums?
A governor!
A house, a car...
A IittIe, I guess.
A man Iike you can buy anything he wants.
A man paid me $1 00 to wear this uniform
A man that my father pIays goIf with.
A mistake anybody couId make.
A naiI poIish remover where the acetone removes the ink that's not been printed?
A new form of check fraud l'm calling "The Float."
A new type of check fraud and counterfeiting.
A perfect one sixteenth
A two month public relations tour through Europe
AbagnaIe. But I prefer to be caIIed Barnes.
According to the European Court for Human Rights.
After the divorce.
Agent MuIIen, it shouId be the square button by the side.
AII I'm asking is for you to heIp me beat these guys.
AII of this was in the report I fiIed two days ago. If you change
AII points juveniIe runaways in New York City.
AII right, remain seated everyone, pIease.
AII right.
AII right.
AII right.
AII the jeweIry, the furs, everything they took from us, I'II get it back.
AII the way around.
AIice, has he stiII not caIIed?
All my bags are packed
And aII the money that it costs to traveI? I teII you, they don't give a damn.
And an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Louisiana.
And don't Iook so scared. It's not a test.
And driven to airports in New York, AtIanta?
And he broke his neck. I'm sorry.
And he waIked out.
And I asked permission to marry you?
And I didn't.
And I guess they must have Iost it.
And I have an appointment with Mr. Morgan.
And I spoke to your father
And I want to get her something extra speciaI.
And if they soId me downstairs at the hoteI gift shop,
And if you're going to be Iate, I suggest you bring a note.
And l did it all before my 19th birthday.
And l flew over two million miles for free.
And l have several promising interviews lined up.
And l thought this list of careers was the easiest way to get it.
And my daddy's a Iawyer.
And my son, Frank, Jr.
And our pens in ink.
And put a name down.
And recommend strongly that you be kept in isolation
And sentence you to 12 years in Atlanta's maximum security prison
And she starts to dance.
And that dog of his?
And that Iooks just Iike this.
And the best part is, they tell me my family can fly for free.
And the numbers are aIways cracking. The sixes and the nines,
And then after he's been treated, we put a red circIe here. See?
And then ship that check off to its corresponding branch.
And there was some confusion with the reaI sub.
And they scared me to death because my son made a IittIe mistake.
And this doesn't smeII Iike MICR, it's some kind of a drafting ink.
And this isn't a tranquilizer.
And tonight, we make it 58.
And was pIanning a cIass fieId trip
And we'II get started.
And what about those I.D. badges that I've seen piIots wear?
And when I got better, they kicked me out of the house.
And where are these numbers?
And you give me that check?
And you have a pretty smiIe.
And you're obviously a very bright fellow,
And your complete lack of respect for the Iaws of the United States,
Answer, "I Iived in a very smaII viIIage in France,
Are you a reaI Iive piIot?
Are you giving me a CadiIIac?
Are you going to eat that écIair?
Are you hungry, Frankie? I'II make you a sandwich.
Are you hungry? Do you want some beans?
Are you my deadhead to Miami?
Are you my deadhead?
As an empIoyee of the FederaI Government.
As l present my very good friend, a man who keeps our pencils sharp
As studio guests for the sing along tonight,
Ask the question you came here to ask me.
At an aItitude of 300 feet.
At Grand CentraI Station trying to catch a train.
At the bottom of the check. SIide.
At the end of the day, l'll be choosing eight young ladies
Banks aIways use hand stamps for the dates.
Banks Iike this one put them out of business.
Barry AIIen, Secret Service.
Barry AIIen.
Be quiet.
Because I don't want my customers harassed.
Because I think you're fuII of shit.
Because I'm not in New York. I'm not in AtIanta.
Because it states who you're gonna Iive with
Because l'm taking us all to Hawaii for Christmas.
Because one day, you'II want something from these peopIe.
Because she's going to the wedding with us.
Before I went to medicaI schooI, I passed the bar in CaIifornia.
BicycIe accident. A fractured tibia about five inches beIow the pateIIa.
BIond bombsheII.
Bond, James Bond.
Boy, I hated them. They were bottoms.
Brenda, I don't want to Iie to you anymore.
Brenda, I wouIdn't worry about it.
Brenda, Iisten to me.
Brenda, Iisten. A name doesn't matter.
But he never toId me to IabeI it.
But I toId them I wouIdn't bring them to you,
But I'm sure they can cash your check at the airport.
But it is re routed aII the way to the San Francisco FederaI Branch.
But it's perfect.
But pIease, caII me Frank.
But that can be very expensive, peopIe fighting over their chiIdren.
But the probIem is I'm headed out to Paris in three hours.
But the second mouse struggIed so hard
But this paragraph right here, this is important
But when you come back into this room,
But you have the most beautifuI eyes I have ever seen.
But you won't say anything because it's just siIIy,
By the presence of Mayor Robert Wagner
By the time l was caught,
CaII her for me.
CaII the LAPD. I don't want peopIe waIking through my crime scene.
CaII the LAPD. I don't want peopIe waIking through my crime scene.
Can you beIieve that I'm getting married?
Captain Luc? Oh, Captain Luc! WeII,
Captives of the Cosmic Ray,
CarI Hanratty.
CarI, for those of us who are unfamiIiar with bank fraud,
CarI, Iook.
CarI, sIow down. I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
CarI, when do I get to caII my father?
Carry on.
Cashed in FIagstaff a week ago.
CertainIy, Mr. FIeming.
Chapter seven.
CheryI, I reaIIy don't know.
Christ, Terry! This is ItaIian knit!
CoIor separation is fIawIess.
Come here.
Come here.
Come on, Frank, where are you going?
Come on, Frank. Let's return the suit.
Come on, I'II race you right now.
Come on, it's okay.
Come on, the kid wouId have changed his name by now.
Come on.
Come on. Sit with me. Have a drink. I'm your father.
Come out of the bathroom!
Comic books! Barry AIIen is The FIash!
Concur with what, sir?
ContinentaI, Eastern.
Cost the bank $1 6,000.
CouId he, Daddy? CouId he, pIease? CouId he come work with you, pIease?
CrawIing through the damn jungIe, fighting the communists, so...
Dad is at the store.
Dad, have you gotten the postcards?
Dad, just caII her.
Dad, nobody's staring at me.
Dad, she's parked downstairs.
Dad, what name?
Dad, what's aII this for?
Daddy, I'm getting married.
Daddy, out of aII those men,
Darcy, is this yours?
Dear Dad,
Dear Dad,
Dear Dad,
Dear Dad, today was graduation.
Did it hurt when they took them off? Mine feIt so weird after.
Did we speII it right?
Did you pay some hoteI desk cIerk to make that caII for you?
Did you say 300 for a payroII check?
Did you say...
Did you two meet during the war?
Didn't that bank turn you down for a Ioan?
Do I have an opening bid?
Do they think it's easy for a woman my age
Do you concur?
Do you have an extra one I couId borrow?
Do you have any chiIdren, CarI?
Do you know if they're hiring here at the hospitaI?
Do you know what wouId happen
Do you know where he is?
Do you know where room 1 7, French is?
Do you need some money, Frankie?
Do you notice anything different about me?
Do you remember your grandma? Eve? She arrived this morning.
Do you see the probIem we have?
Do you swear on your daughter?
Do you think I couId make a copy of this to put into my articIe?
Do you understand how dangerous this is? Do you?
Do you understand what we're saying to you, Frank?
Do you want to play it easy, or the hard way?
Does it bother you, Mr. Amdursky?
Does it bother you, Mr. Fox?
Does not go to the New York FederaI Branch,
Does this beIong to anybody?
Don't be afraid.
Don't be scared.
Don't forget the airports. He's been kiting checks aII over the country.
Don't hit the curb.
Don't move the car, understood?
Don't shoot me. I'm just a driver.
Don't stand there crying. Nod your head. TeII me you won't do it again.
Don't sweat it. We'II get you right to a doctor.
Don't worry about it. What's your name?
Don't worry, I'm not going to Iet her go without a fight.
Don't worry. I'II have you extradited back to the United States.
Don't you think they might get a IittIe suspicious? Let me see that.
Don't you think we shouId spread it around?
Dr. AshIand is treating him in exam room seven.
Dr. AshIand.
Dr. ConneIIy.
Dr. Conners to the E.R. Dr. Conners to the E.R.
Dr. Conners, are you Lutheran?
Dr. Conners?
Dr. Harris.
During that time,
Enjoying your free ride?
Enshrined on the wall of honor.
Even better.
Even better.
Even has IittIe payroII enveIopes addressed to himseIf...
Even if a cop comes and writes you a ticket,
EventuaIIy, he's gotta go back to where the checks were printed.
Every Christmas, I'm taIking to you!
Every day, Frank, tiII we Iet you go.
Every day.
Every piIot must have two things with him at aII times.
Excuse me, Mother.
Excuse me, peopIe. If I need to ask again,
Excuse me, why aren't you reading?
Excuse me, you know where Lance AppIebaum is?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
EyebaII the back? Come on, CarI.
F.B.I. !
Feels good to have my feet on the ground,
FIies everybody eIse. FIies United, TWA,
Five minutes earIier, you wouId've Ianded yourseIf a pretty good coIIar.
For dinner? On my son's 1 6th birthday?
For Pan American Airways.
For the Iast six months, he's gone to Harvard and BerkeIey.
For the rest of their Iives!
Forget about it.
Forging checks? Wait! I'm sure we can take care of that.
France. Frank's mother said the name of a viIIage in France,
Frank AbagnaIe surrendered of his own accord. Understood?
Frank AbagnaIe, Sr.
Frank has been teaching Mrs. GIasser's French cIass.
Frank made up a fake I.D. and enIisted in the Marine Corps.
Frank needs to borrow a suit for a coupIe of hours.
Frank TayIor, Pan Am. Thanks for giving me a Iift, boys.
Frank TayIor, you know. Frank BIack. It doesn't matter.
Frank WiIIiam AbagnaIe, Jr.
Frank William Abagnale.
Frank, caIm down, wiII you? I'm Dick Kesner.
Frank, Captain OIiver. John Larkin, the copiIot.
Frank, have you decided which hospitaI you want to work at in New OrIeans?
Frank, I'm here to read the articIes of extradition
Frank, just write down a name and this wiII aII be over.
Frank, stop it.
Frank, stop teasing me!
Frank, we have the power to take you out of prison.
Frank, where did you get aII that money?
Frank, wouId you Iike to say grace?
Frank, you can have that one, it's three years expired.
Frank, you have to trust me on this.
Frank, your father is dead.
Frank! Can you hoId aII these?
Frank! Come on now.
Frank! Come quick!
Frank. Wake up. Come on, Iet's go.
Frankie, you don't have to wear the uniform here.
Fred TuIIey, fIight engineer.
From 1964 to 1967,
From peopIe we don't know.
Gear up.
GentIemen, as of this moment, l am that second mouse.
GentIemen, what seems to be the probIem?
Germany, Great Britain.
Get me a doctor in here! I need a doctor!
Get me in the car, pIease.
Get up, come on.
Give me at Ieast two men, no, one man per every two counters.
Give me haIf that écIair and I'II teII you.
Give the taxi driver this money. TeII him to drive aII through the night.
Go ahead and take a seat, Frank. We're about to push.
Go down to the Well Built Uniform Company at 9th and Broadway.
Go fish!
Go fish.
Go fish.
Go fuck yourseIves.
God AImighty.
God damn it!
God damn it!
God damn it!
Goddamn government knows that. They hit you when you're down.
Good evening, gentIemen. I'm Roger Strong.
Good evening. I'm Agent Hanratty with the F.B.I.
Good Iuck, Mr. Conners.
Good job.
Good morning, ma'am, we're the F.B.I. agents who caIIed.
Great. I'II write you a check.
Guys used to put your picture on their Iockers.
HaIf the kids his age are on dope, throwing rocks at poIice.
Hanratty, CarI Hanratty.
Has Ma seen you dressed Iike this?
Has to have a pIace to sIeep.
Have a nice fIight.
Have you seen Frank or Brenda?
Have you stayed with us before?
Have you toId Ma?
Have you tried to caII her?
Haven't I seen you before?
He buys a deck of cards at the hoteI gift shop.
He came by Iooking for your father.
He can't change it.
He didn't take anything, we took him. He overpaid by 500.
He doesn't have a passport.
He feII down some steps
He Iooks Iike a substitute teacher.
He likes to win.
He needs a bIack suit.
He said something about the Yankees!
He struggled so hard
He thinks we shouId get a Iawyer and sue the government.
He toId me to pick up the bIood, so I did.
He's a kid. Our unsub is a kid.
He's got his pilot's cap on. CarI, I think it's him.
He's got over 200 checks, a gaIIon of India ink, drafting...
He's over in Vietnam right now.
He's used it before, he knows the Iayout.
He's using a stenciI machine and an Underwood.
HeII, I doubt that you'd be interested in that.
HeIIo, Brenda.
HeIIo, CarI.
HeIIo, Pussy.
HeIp me.
HeIp yourseIves.
Here is an enIargement of that same signature, which matches
Here is an enlargement of part of that photograph.
Here. Take $5.
Hey, CarI.
Hey, Dad.
Hi, Dr. Conners.
Hi, MeIanie, how are you?
His name was Carl Hanratty.
HoId up!
HoIding their breath for you. Hear that?
Home in the morning, Frank.
How are you doing?
How are you, Dr. Conners?
How are you?
How can we help you?
How come you're so serious aII the time?
How couId we sue anybody?
How couId you Iet him take our car Iike that?
How did you cheat on the bar exam in Louisiana?
How did you cheat on the bar exam in Louisiana?
How did you do it, Frank?
How did you do it, Frank?
How did you pass the bar in Louisiana?
How do you Iike those braces?
How do you know he hasn't rented a car
How do you know I'II come back?
How do you know, you haven't Iooked at it?
How is it that we're aIways taIking on Christmas?
How is Mom? Have you called her lately?
How much did these cards cost?
How much is that check for?
How much wouId you pay me for the entire night?
How much wouId you pay?
How unfortunate.
How wouId you Iike it?
Hurry back.
I aIready got a job here, you know. I deIiver the maiI.
I aIways do.
I aIways sub for Roberta.
I am
I ask them aII the time, but they said I stiII can't come home.
I asked her out today.
I audited background investigations
I bet if I asked you to check on the status
I bet you're good at yourjob.
I came aII the way from Dixon.
I came to see you.
I can get this guy. The worst thing a paperhanger can do is show his face.
I can't stop.
I couIdn't do that.
I didn't cheat.
I didn't expect the Secret Service on this.
I didn't speak a word of French,
I didn't transfer. I was censured and reassigned.
I didn't want to be the one to teII you.
I didn't want to say anything untiI we got cIoser to home.
I don't care if you're a virgin, aII right?
I don't exactIy know. Nobody ever asked me that before.
I don't know who you are, but if you come back here...
I don't know, 55 cents, I think.
I don't know.
I don't know. She Iives with her mother in Chicago, I don't get to see her much.
I don't remember.
I don't think there's anyone eIse out there.
I don't think there's anyone eIse out there.
I don't want any troubIe.
I fIew a fIight into New York Iast night,
I got a bra out here.
I got him! It's aII right.
I got mine off Iast year.
I got you some comic books.
I guess they're aII right.
I had a deaI with them. Two penaIties.
I had an abortion and I wasn't their daughter anymore!
I had an abortion two years ago.
I had an F.B.I. agent come see me.
I had to cIose the store for a whiIe. It's aII about timing, Frank.
I had to convince my bosses at the F.B.I.
I have a 4 year oId daughter.
I have a payroII check I'd Iike to cash.
I have enough money to Iast us for the rest of our Iives. Look.
I have haIf a dozen more checks on that tour operator at the BVI.
I have him in custody.
I have pIenty more.
I have pIenty of money.
I heard his voice. I saw his face.
I hope you understand. My boss sent me to BrookIyn, then Queens.
I hope you're aII hungry. I put out the Sara Lee.
I Iost aII track of time.
I Iove my job.
I just found it in the parking Iot.
I just need you guys to heIp me weather the storm.
I just thought I'd ask.
I keep rubbing my tongue over them. I can't stop!
I keep teIIing them it's not my probIem. This guy doesn't even fIy Pan Am.
I know I made a mistake, I admit that. But these peopIe want bIood.
I mean, this check was hand cut, not fed.
I mean, this isn't hydrochIoride or bIeach.
I mean, you'd Iove me no matter what.
I must confess, I'm guiIty of the same fooIish whimsy.
I never said he was a criminaI, Mr. AbagnaIe. I said he was in troubIe.
I practiced Iaw for one year, then I decided,
I proposed to CaroI after five dates
I put $25 in the account so you can buy whatever you want.
I ran away from home a year and a haIf ago when I was 1 6.
I read the report.
I regret to inform you that for the past week,
I see Grace every now and again.
I see. Number Two, l find this all very fascinating.
I sent my uniform to be cIeaned through the hoteI
I sort of am a Iawyer now.
I spent four years trying to arrange your reIease.
I stand here, humbIed
I stiII got to wear my mouth guard.
I sure am, IittIe Iady. What's your name?
I think it's just me and you here. So you'II have to catch me.
I think it's just me and you. That's right.
I think that's why he's moving back through Europe.
I think they went upstairs.
I think they're going to fire me.
I thought maybe you had a famiIy.
I toId them I'd waIk out first and give a signaI. Put these on yourseIf.
I took a government job.
I took the train here, Frank. I'm taking the train home.
I turned to my buddies and I said...
I understand.
I voIunteered
I want it on the record.
I want it to be over.
I want it to be over. I'm getting married.
I want to know everything there is to know about being a piIot.
I want to know your name. TeII me your name.
I want to sue them.
I want to taIk to him before he sees me on teIevision or something Iike that.
I want to teII you something, Marci.
I want you to contact NYPD for every
I want you to go into the kitchen, sit at the tabIe
I want you to Ieave your things here, foIIow me into the next room.
I wanted to apoIogize for what happened out in Los AngeIes.
I was aIso wondering if I couId write you a personaI check?
I was giving him a tour of the apartment.
I was going to deposit this one today.
I wasn't going to Iet them take it from me, so I just
I went by the store today.
I won't even try to stop you, because I know you'II be back on Monday.
I wouId never give up my son. I wouId never give up my son.
I'd be in deep troubIe if I Iost that.
I'd Iike to cash this check and then
I'd Iike to take you out for a steak dinner.
I'd Iike you to take a Iook at something for me.
I'II aIways be here.
I'II be back to work on Monday.
I'II be right back.
I'II be stopping by your campus tomorrow morning.
I'II be there at 1 0:00 a.m. no matter what.
I'II bet this guy steaIs checks out of maiIboxes.
I'II biII Pan Am, and they'II take it out of your next paycheck.
I'II get him.
I'II make them chase me
I'II never come back to BeIIarmine Jefferson again!
I'II see you aII Iater.
I'II show you where you're working.
I'II teII you what I am sure of.
I'II write you another check right now!
I'm a copiIot based out of San Francisco.
I'm a copiIot.
I'm a doctor.
I'm a MedaI of Honor winner. A member of the New RocheIIe Rotary CIub.
I'm at my suite at the Stuyvesant Arms, room 31 1 3.
I'm betting he can get a passport.
I'm chasing two Puerto Rican guys through the park.
I'm fighting for us...
I'm fIying to Chicago to see my daughter.
I'm Frank AbagnaIe. I'm supposed to start work here today.
I'm getting a brand new CadiIIac, I'm getting a $60,000 house,
I'm getting cIose, aren't I?
I'm getting it aII back.
I'm giving you a CadiIIac.
I'm going downstairs to cash a check.
I'm going to be sick.
I'm going to be sick.
I'm going to stop now.
I'm going to take a Iook out the front door.
I'm going to the IittIe boys' room.
I'm gonna caII you back.
I'm gonna get you a brand new suit, Dad.
I'm gonna Iet you fIy tonight, Frank.
I'm gonna write up the entire cIass.
I'm in their IittIe cIub.
I'm Iooking for your son. He's in troubIe.
I'm John Modiger. I manage this branch.
I'm John Modiger. I manage this branch.
I'm jumping puddIes for the next few months,
I'm just a kid who's in Iove with your daughter.
I'm not a doctor, I never went to medicaI schooI.
I'm not a doctor, I'm not a Iawyer.
I'm not a virgin.
I'm not an airIine piIot.
I'm not sure. What do you want to do?
I'm nothing, reaIIy.
I'm on my way to the airport.
I'm reaching for my gun, but I can't find it in the bra.
I'm reaIIy sorry if I made a fooI out of you. I reaIIy am.
I'm settIing down.
I'm sitting here in my office on Christmas Eve.
I'm so sorry. PIease don't be mad at me.
I'm sorry, but we are not aIIowed to take checks
I'm sorry, but we're not aIIowed to cash checks from other banks.
I'm sorry, CarI. If you couIdn't catch him here, you're not gonna catch him there.
I'm sorry, CarI. If you couIdn't catch him here, you're not gonna catch him there.
I'm sorry, kid, I can't heIp you there. Excuse me.
I'm sorry, we don't Ioan suits and we're not open.
I'm sorry, we don't open for haIf an hour.
I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Frank! I can't do this.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sure your bank in New RocheIIe couId heIp you out.
I'm used to it.
I'm working part time at the church now.
I've a note to miss fifth and sixth period today. Doctor's appointment.
I've caIIed this meeting to discuss
I've toId you twice. We're Ianding. AII of you.
I've toId you twice. We're Ianding. AII of you.
I've worked too Iong, too hard, for you to take this away from me.
Iet's go home.
If he dies, I'm hoIding you responsibIe.
If he Ioses the name, he Ioses the girI.
If I teII you where he is, wiII you promise not to teII his mother?
If it were me, I'd caII the bank first. Check out the baIance...
If it's not too much troubIe, I'd Iike to meet the groom.
If it's reaI, where's the crease?
If the IRS found out I was driving around in a new coupe?
If you can hear me, don't worry. I'II take you home in the morning.
If you had so much fun undercover, why did you transfer to bank fraud?
If you want my bIessing, if you want my daughter,
If you were a father, you'd know.
If you'd Iike to give me a caII and taIk, here's my number.
If you're going to arrest me, I'd Iike to put on a different suit.
In 26 foreign countries and all 50 states.
In Great Lakes Savings and Loan.
In here, Dr. Conners.
In the past, they've aIways Iet me choose my own nurses.
In two days I'II be there, no matter what, at 1 0:00 a.m.
In two days, meet me at Miami InternationaI Airport.
Inducted as lifetime members.
Is about to open the door for your father.
Is Frankie okay?
Is it aII right if I write you a check for the room?
Is it okay if I write you a check?
Is that Mitch? Roger!
Is that right? Ten seconds Iater, you'd have been shot.
Is that the truth?
Is that the truth?
Is that what you did?
Is there a probIem?
Is there something I can heIp you with, son?
Is this yours?
Isn't that your siIver car I saw parked out front?
It was $1 ,000.
It was Captain Luc. I've got one minute to bring you out.
It was stupid. I made a stupid mistake.
It's 8:1 5 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon,
It's a cashier's check. Endorse it over to me.
It's a fancy restaurant, you know.
It's a Iong shot, but if we couId track him from Madrid, we couId stiII catch him.
It's a Iong shot, but if we couId track him from Madrid, we couId stiII catch him.
It's a New York Savings and Loan check. It's Iike goId. They'II cash it.
It's a note from my mom. I have a doctor's appointment.
It's a paperhanger working his way through Minnesota.
It's a pIeasure to meet you, John. I'II be back again.
It's a pIeasure to meet you, John. I'II be back again.
It's a pIeasure to meet you, too.
It's a reeI to reeI, you can't wind it Iike that.
It's a simpIe question.
It's a teIIer at the bank.
It's a tour company operating out of the BVI.
It's aII right. I got him.
It's aII right. It's okay.
It's an invitation to an engagement party.
It's been a whiIe since I've done this. Which one is the jump seat again?
It's been washed. The onIy thing originaI is the signature.
It's definiteIy a teIIer, CarI.
It's even got my name there.
It's going to be okay.
It's gonna be $1 64.
It's great to see you, Daddy.
It's Iike being punished. I was punished. I screwed up in the fieId.
It's just me and you, and you know what?
It's just me.
It's Mitch!
It's my first week.
It's my grandmother's birthday next week
It's my job.
It's not a good time, Frank. I'm cIearing my desk for the weekend.
It's not a question of winning and Iosing, it's a question of risk.
It's not what you think. I'm just a copiIot.
It's nothing.
It's okay, I've stayed in worse.
It's okay, stop crying.
It's over.
It's smaII, but it's gonna be a Iot Iess work.
It's the best room the F.B.I. can afford.
It's the exact suit he wore in the movie.
It's very spacious, PauIa.
Jack Barnes. From the cIub.
Jack wanted to taIk business with your father.
James, pIease! Stay away from the hi fi system, aII right?
Jesus. He's driving us crazy.
Just be carefuI.
Just do me a favor, take a Iook outside. Look out the window.
Just put the name there. It's as simpIe as that.
Just teII me how much he owes and I'II pay you back.
Just teII me where you're going.
Keep dancing.
Keep pushing that Iie. Keep pushing it.
Keep your eyes open, do yourjob and I'II buy you both a Good Humor bar.
Keep your hands where I can see them.
Kid, I'm reaIIy not in the mood for this right now.
Knock down the door so you can make fooIs out of us aII.
Knock, knock.
Knock, knock.
Know what, sir?
L am now a copilot, earning $1 ,400 a month, plus benefits.
L decided to get off the road for a while.
L had cashed almost $4 million in fraudulent checks
L love you, Dad. Aloha, Frank.
L should earn my wings real soon.
L successfully impersonated an airline pilot for Pan Am Airways,
L want to see a name on that line.
L was also the Chief Resident Pediatrician at a Georgia hospital
L'm gonna get it all back now, Daddy. l promise. l'm gonna get it all back.
L'm ready to go
L've applied to all the big airlines,
L've been trying to track you down now for the last couple of hours.
L've decided to become a pilot for Pan American Airways,
L've decided to become an airline pilot.
L've taken a night job at a hospital and met some really nice people.
Last check was cashed in Madrid a week ago.
Leave the house after your parents go to sIeep. Take a taxicab.
Lecturing the students, giving out homework...
Let me ask you a question, Mr. Amdursky.
Let me in the car!
Let me see some credentiaIs.
Let's get every newspaper in Louisiana for the Iast two months.
Let's have periodic sweeps of the men's Iav.
Ln all those years,
Ln the morning, l leave for Las Vegas for the weekend.
Look at the map, sir. He's making a circIe.
Look at the map, sir. He's making a circIe.
Look at this Ietter. The IRS wants more.
Look who's here.
Look, it's midnight. Where am I going to go?
Looked Iike you were wearing a wedding ring out in Los AngeIes.
Looks Iike the originaI amount was for $60.
Los... HoIIywood.
Love, your son, Frank.
Love, your son, Frank.
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