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The Meaning of Life (1983) al "The Meaning of Life" is a British comedy film released in 1983 by the comedy group Monty

The Meaning of Life (1983) Musical

"The Meaning of Life" is a British comedy film released in 1983 by the comedy group Monty Python. Directed by Terry Jones, the movie features the iconic comedic talents of John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin. Known for its satirical take on various stages of life, this irreverent masterpiece explores the absurdity and meaninglessness of existence. If you're looking to revisit the witty soundtrack of this movie, you can play and download these delightful sounds by following this link [insert link here].
A new bucket for monsieur.
A once proud family firm recently fallen on hard times,
A potentially positive learning experience that can...
A search party. Much better idea.
A sun that is the source of all our power
A thousand pardons, monsieur.
A tiger in Africa!
A tiger in Africa? Hmm?
A totally irrational feeling of depression, PN D, as we doctors call it.
A very wonderful and warm
Actually, I think there is one there somewhere.
Actually... Yes?
After you've done your scripture prep,
Against other perhaps more aggressive ideologies,
Ah, hello, dear. Do stand up when my wife enters the room, Carter.
Ah, hello, dear. Do stand up when my wife enters the room, Carter.
Ah, well, it's probably escaped from a zoo.
Ah. Well, as we all know all about foreplay,
All mixed up together in a bucket?
All of us? All of you.
All right, just one. Just the one, monsieur.
All right, lads, battle stations!
All right, settle down, settle down.
All right, we will eat the cake. They're right.
All right! Off you go!
All right.
All this killing, bloodshed. Bloody good fun, sir, isn't it?
ALL: (SINGING) O Lord, please don't burn us
ALL: A tiger?
ALL: And barefaced flattery.
ALL: Fantastic.
ALL: Ooh! You are so big.
ALL: So absolutely huge.
Allow me.
Amen, Reverend. Amen.
Amputate a leg and run away with it?
And a double Jeroboam of champagne. '45.
And ask you to guess where the fish is.
And by wearing a rubber sheath over my old fellow,
And emotional moment for all of us.
And fat, bloated merchant banks.
And finally, here are some completely gratuitous pictures of penises,
And get the machine that goes "ping."
And get the most expensive machines in case the administrator comes.
And harden.
And have been since before I was born
And have stamped its triumph in the furthest flung corners of the Empire.
And hold my head up high and say, in a loud, steady voice,
And I don't want to start bleeding all over the seats.
And I'd like to sing a song,
And it has to be medical experiments for the lot of you.
And it went wherever I did go.
And it went wherever I did go.
And it went wherever I did go.
And Jaws I, II and III
And just what
And make sure he moves your clothes down onto the lower peg for you.
And mine
And of the genus Felis Horribilis.
And one so hates to use words like soul or spirit...
And our galaxy is only one of millions of billions
And our galaxy is only one of millions of billions
And people are stupid, obnoxious or daft
And perhaps a hose.
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space
And Protestantism doesn't stop at the simple condom. Oh, no!
And sail the wide accountancy
And skirt the shoals of bankruptcy
And so the Midianites went forth to Ram Gilead,
And Spadger and I had already got the other one.
And that way, it comes under the monthly current budget and not the capital account.
And the domination of alien Episcopal supremacy.
And the latest video games
And the Library of Congress you'd have thought would hold some key,
And the little lamp, sir? Yes.
And the one thing they say about Catholics
And the sanctity of the sacrament, the indivisible oneness of the Trinity,
And then announce quite casually that we're all dead.
And there, slew they the goats,
And these are the Portland Smythes, Jeremy and Fiona.
And things seem hard or tough
And though I may be down right now,
And we call these guys philosophers.
And we escaped by making this skin out of old used cereal packets.
And we escaped by making this skin out of old used cereal packets.
And we have a train to catch.
And we've had sexual intercourse twice.
And what are you doing this morning? It's a birth.
And what sort of thing is that?
And what we've come up with can be reduced to two fundamental concepts.
And you can find out all about the birth when you get home.
And you feel that you've had
And you won't come back
And you, put the kettle on. Aye, sir.
And, of course, to cause the man's penis to erect
And, of course, tonguing will give you the best idea
And, well, just so super.
Angela, I'd like to say this, please.
ANGELA: Honestly, darling, I'm so embarrassed.
Answer the question. Oh, we were just...
Any headache? Bowels all right?
Any idea how it happened?
Any other problems I can reassure you about?
Anyone got anything they'd rather be doing,
Are moving at a million miles a day
Are we just yolks
Are you sure you wouldn't like some sherry or...
Aren't you lucky?
Arthur Charles Herbert Runcie MacAdam Jarrett,
As England languished in the doldrums of a ruinous monetarist policy,
As fast as it can go at the speed of light, you know
As fast as it can go The speed of light, you know
As for me...
As orthodox Christianity teaches.
As right as rain in a couple of days.
As the sun set slowly in the west,
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
At a dinner party is social death.
At least I don't work for ****.
At least it'll give me a reason to wind up the staff meeting.
Baby sitters being stabbed with knitting needles by gay presidential candidates,
Battled on until,
Be quiet!
Be quiet! Englishmen! You're all so fucking pompous!
Became apparent.
Because every time they have sexual intercourse, they have to have a baby.
Because we don't believe in all that Papist claptrap,
Before he donates his liver.
Before we stampede towards the clitoris, Watson.
Before you write your letter home,
Behold Paradise.
Best bit so far. Fantastic! Really great!
Better than staying home, isn't it?
Better. Better?
Bitten, sir. During the night.
Blackie! Blackie!
Blackitt! Blackitt!
Blame the Catholic Church
Bloody army. I don't know what it's coming to.
Bon appetit.
Bon, and the usual brown ales?
BOY LEAF: Mummy! GIRL LEAF: Mum, where are you?
Boy, move over there. I'm warning you.
BOY: Speak up!
Bugger off. Oh, sir, just, just one.
But 400 years later, thanks to him, my dear,
But also to enhance the stimulation of sexual congress.
But believe me, me mind's made up.
But Blackitt would be out there,
But don't take it out in public or they will stick you in the dock
But I can go down the road anytime I want and walk into Harry's
But I can't be really sad,
But I think we'd better get to cover...
But I'm not having my hair cut today, so do I move my clothes...
But I've never been one of them
But if you think you know, don't keep it to yourselves.
But it didn't do me any good at all.
But it didn't teach me nothin', I recall,
But it didn't teach me nothing about life's mystery.
But it didn't, and neither did the Bodleian Library.
But it's nice and warm and everyone
But it's the same with us, Harry. What do you mean?
But no matter where or when there was fighting to be done,
But of course. Avec des oeufs frites.
But out by us, it's just 3,000 light years wide
But there's a lot of seriously wounded in the compound...
But when one considers the meaning of life,
But you're so strong,
By a process of guided self observation.
By Shor Ethra Regalion,
By the supporting feature.
C division wiped out. Signals gone.
C'est a dire, little quails' eggs on a bed of puréed mushrooms.
C'est le sens de la vie
Can I ask you a question? What?
Can I just finish, please? DEBBIE: Mr. Death.
Can I just say this at this time, please?
Can we have your liver, then?
Can we take our glasses? Good idea.
CAPTAIN: Full speed ahead, Mr. Cohen!
Caption, I expect.
Certainly. Hat sales have increased,
CH ILDREN: (SINGING) Every sperm is sacred
Children continue to multiply everywhere.
Collect his note before lunch,
Come along!
Come along. Come along.
Come along. Jump on it.
Come in, my little loves. I've got no option but to sell you all
Come on, Private. Making up a search party.
Come on, sir. Don't muck us about. Hey, hey, hey!
Come on, Tooley. This way!
Come on! Come on!
Come on! Grab it!
Come on! Move it! Move it! Move it!
Come on.
Come on. Come along. Spread round there.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Don't be shy.
Come on. Out you go.
Come with me. WAITER: I was saying that...
Corporal Sturridge got this for you as well, sir.
Could we have a window open, please, sir?
Couldn't Mummy have worn some sort of pessary?
Couldn't you have your balls cut off?
Cup of tea, dear? Hey, Captain!
Darling, you didn't use canned salmon, did you?
Dear, if you could just wait, please...
Did you hear that? He's been sacked.
Do all philosophers have an "S" in them?
Do come in. Come along.
Do come in. Please.
Do get Mr. Death a drink, darling. MAN: Yes.
Do vaginal juices?
Do you think it's all for the good of the country?
Do you think it's all for the good of the country?
Do, please, share your little joke with the rest of us.
Does Nietzsche begin with an "S"?
Doesn't sound very likely to me.
Don't braise or bake or boil us
Don't come following me.
Don't fricassee or roast us
Don't know. Sorry, sir.
Don't mind me, Spadge.
Don't put us on the barbecue
Don't shoot. Don't shoot. We're not a tiger.
Don't skimp on the pâté.
Don't stand there gawping,
Don't worry, dear. I'll get it.
Down, down.
Drips up. Injections.
Et maintenant, would monsieur care for an aperitif,
Every single day
Every single day is...
Every sperm is fine
Every sperm is good
Every sperm is good
Every sperm is great
Every sperm is great
Every sperm is great
Every sperm is great
Every sperm is needed
Every sperm is needed
Every sperm is needed
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is useful
Every sperm is wanted
Everybody else happy with my little plan,
Everybody else quite content to join in
Excuse me, sir. Yes, Chadwick?
Excuse me.
Excuse me. Could you just sign here, please, sir?
Eyes down for a full house!
Family entertainment? Bollocks. What they want is filth.
Fish, fish, fishy, oh!
FISH: Could've guessed it.
Follow me. Now.
Follow. Follow me.
For all of you.
For Arthur Jarrett is a convicted criminal,
For Christ's sake, forget it, man.
For each sperm that's spilt in vain
For millions
For more, you mean?
For not letting me wear one of those little rubber things.
For scientific experiments.
For the ladies. Afterlife mints.
Forgive us, O Lord, for this, our dreadful toadying.
Frank was just asking what's new. Was he?
French Ticklers, Black Mambos, Crocodile Ribs...
Frogs' legs amandine or oeufs de caille Richard Shepherd.
From all of us, sorry about the blood, sir.
From the tiniest little tadger to the world's biggest prick
Fuck off.
Gaston? A bucket for monsieur.
Get the plates and knives, Walters.
Give her a kiss, boy.
Go read your book then.
God gets
God gets quite irate
God gets quite irate
God gets quite irate
God has blessed us so much I can't afford to feed you anymore.
God shall make them pay
God shall strike them down
God told us to do it.
God told us to do it.
Good afternoon, sir, and how are we today?
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Good evening. This is Mr. Death.
Good evening. Would you care for something to talk about?
Good Lord.
Good man. And there's a card, sir.
Good. Take her into the fetus frightening room.
Goodbye. Goodbye.
Gosh, we're all really impressed down here, I can tell You.
Gosh, we're all really impressed down here, I can tell you.
Greet the visitors and report to Mr. Viney
H ELEN: Humphrey, I hope you don't mind.
Had not proved to be disastrously wrong.
Hang on, 68.
Hard to starboard!
Hard to starboard!
Hardly surprising in this weather.
Hardly worth it, is it? Yes. Better safe than sorry.
Hark, hark, those church bells ring
Has anyone noticed that building there before?
Have always been trademarks of the British Army.
Have they got my leg?
Have you got one? Have I got one? Well, no,
He didn't know about the others.
He gives blood, does cold research, all that sort of thing.
He goes down to the public library, sees a few signs up,
He has to be, well, dead, by the terms of the card,
He may not have realized the full significance of what he was doing
He was fast asleep, and someone or something came in and removed it.
He writes the lyrics. Burt just writes the tunes.
He'd see through such a cheap trick.
He's come about the reaping? I don't think we need any at the moment.
He's coming!
He's cute. Yeah, real understanding.
He's donating his liver, madam.
He's normally so reliable.
He's right. You see, we believe...
Helen? Now, penetration and coitus,
Hello and welcome to The Middle of the Film,
Hello, good evening and welcome to The Middle of the Film.
Hello, there.
Hello! This way.
Hello? Come on.
Hello. Don't leave him hanging around outside, darling. Ask him in.
Hello. Now don't you worry. We'll soon have you cured.
Hello. Welcome to heaven.
Here endeth the lesson.
Here it comes.
Here she is. DOCTOR: Bring it over here.
Here, now. Come on, boy.
Here, they give you a gun and show you what to do, sir.
Here, they'll give me a fucking medal, sir.
Here. We got a search party. Leave that alone.
Here. What's going on?
Here's a little number I tossed off recently in the Caribbean.
Here's the theme music. Good night.
Hey, I didn't even eat the mousse.
Hey, look.
Hi. And his wife, Debbie.
Hindu, Taoist, Mormon
Hip, hip, hip, hip hip hooray
Hip, hip, hip, hip hip hooray
Hip, hip. ALL: Hooray!
Hmm? Hmm.
Hooray for your one eyed trouser snake
Hordern, Spadger and I will go for the gun post.
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
How can we all have died at the same time?
How's it feel?
Howard's being eaten. Is he?
However, this is rarely achieved, owing to man's unique ability
I am Death.
I am Death.
I am not of this world.
I am the Grim Reaper.
I can live my own life in my own way if I want to.
I can wear French Ticklers if I want. You what?
I can wear whatever I want on my John Thomas.
I can't keep you all here any longer.
I could ensure that when I came off, you would not be impregnated.
I could, if I wanted, have sexual intercourse with you.
I don't mean to be ungrateful.
I don't see it that way, Geoff.
I don't seem to be able to find it, sir, be in number four trench.
I don't think it's quite the moment.
I had no idea we had a racist working here.
I haven't got the final figures,
I hope monsieur was not overdoing it last night.
I just kept getting older, and it got more difficult to see.
I know it's Friday. Watching the football, are you?
I know you don't like them, but I couldn't make another excuse.
I love it here, darling. Me, too, Marvin.
I may decide to set an exam this term.
I mean, at home if you kill someone, they arrest you.
I mean, I killed 15 of those buggers, sir. At home, they'd hang me.
I mean, I was wonderin'...
I mean, obviously, something frightfully funny's going on.
I mean, what's it all about? Beats me.
I mean, will you stay on your own?
I mean, you try getting butter to melt at 15 degrees below zero.
I mean...
I once worked in the library in the Prado in Madrid,
I said we'd be there by 8:00.
I said we'd be there by 8:00.
I see you have the machine that goes "ping." This is my favorite.
I should think about 150 men altogether, sir.
I suppose so. Biting the neck.
I think I'd better come clean with you about this.
I think it's a little early to start imposing roles on it, don't you?
I think we'd better get to cover now.
I think you'd better be selected to play for the boys' team,
I thought she'd never ask.
I told the Garfields we would dine with them tonight.
I used to work in the Academie Française,
I want to end it all!
I wonder where that fish has gone.
I worked there from 9:00 till 6:00, read every volume through,
I wouldn't know about that, madam.
I'd just like to say it's been a real privilege fighting alongside you, sir.
I'd like to make that clear,
I'll be all right, sir. There's just one other thing, sir.
I'll bring two, sir, in case one gets crumpled.
I'll have the lot.
I'll see you about 7:00? Righto, son.
I'll tell you something, Mr. Death... You don't...
I'll tell you what.
I'll thank you properly later on.
I'm a Roman Catholic
I'm afraid Perkins got rather badly bitten during the night.
I'm most dreadfully embarrassed.
I'm not talking to you.
I'm so sorry.
I'm too old for that sort of thing. I'm past my prime.
I've given this long and careful thought,
I've got a book I'd quite like to read.
I've had a team working on this over the past few weeks,
I've no intention of going through this all again.
If a sperm is wasted
If a sperm is wasted
If a sperm is wasted
If we'll ever discover the meaning of it all,
If you want to know what I think, I'll show you something.
If you're not getting your hair cut,
If you're not getting your hair cut, unless you've got a younger brother,
If you've got this man's leg.
In a few moments now, he will be killed,
In a moving picture.
In a Rotissomat
In all of the directions it can whizz
In an outer spiral arm at 40,000 miles an hour
In fact, I will personally make sure you have a double helping.
In the British Museum, I hoped to find some clue.
In the life of the school, but I would remind you
In the rugby match against the masters this afternoon.
In the standard way.
In the universe, there are many energy fields which we cannot normally perceive.
In this amazing and expanding universe
In this amazing and expanding universe
In your neighborhood
In your neighborhood
Into the school cormorant.
Is God really real
Is it a boy or a girl?
Is it about the hedge?
Is it in the cupboard? AUDIENCE: Yes! No!
Is it the chicken and the egg time
Is life just a game
Is mankind evolving or is it too late
Is some multi cellular life form
Is there an afterlife?
Is there something wrong with the food?
Is they'll take you as soon as you're warm
Is this because he took out one of those silly cards?
Is this true?
Isn't it a lovely day today?
Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong
Isn't this nice? How are ya?
It bulges in the middle 16,000 light years thick
It bulges in the middle 16,000 light years thick
It can be manly in insurance
It doesn't matter why they're dressed as a tiger.
It has always been the calm leadership of the officer class
It has to be brought into existence,
It is a most elusive fish.
It is a struggle between alternative viewpoints of life itself.
It really is embarrassing. I mean, to serve salmon with botulism
It was all sort of misty before.
It's a bit bare in here today, isn't it?
It's a hundred thousand light years side to side
It's a large glandular organ in your abdomen.
It's a lovely thought. Thank you. Thank you all.
It's all tax deductible We're fairly incorruptible
It's all very well to laugh at the military,
It's an ocarina, sir. Bring it up here.
It's available on BetaMax, VHS and Super 8.
It's Christmas every day in heaven.
It's Christmas in heaven
It's Christmas in heaven
It's fun to charter an accountant
It's hardly the time for that, Sergeant.
It's just that I felt...
It's just that we have to go. I'm having rather a heavy period.
It's not a virus, I'm afraid.
It's not as simple as that, Nigel. God knows all.
It's one of the little men from the village.
It's only wafer thin.
It's orbiting at 19 miles a second so it's reckoned
It's orbiting at 19 miles a second, so it's reckoned
It's sort of a specialty of the house, you know?
It's swell to have a stiffy It's divine to own a dick
It's Swiss. Well, now, that is thoughtful, Sturridge.
It's too good a cake not to eat.
It's truly a real honorable experience to be here this evening,
It's very delicate, very succulent.
Item six on the agenda, the Meaning of Life.
J EREMY: Hear, hear. Yes, we're so delighted
Jolly good.
Jolly good.
Jolly good. Marvelous.
Jolly good. Well, must be off.
Just because it is mixed up with all the other things,
Just lie there, sir. It won't take a minute.
Just one moment. I'd like to express on behalf of everybody here,
Just remember that you're standing
Just testing. Sorry.
Keep warm, plenty of rest and if you're playing football or anything,
Kneading the buttocks and so on and so forth.
Knowing you were coming after it.
Laura, Alfred, Nigel, Annie, Simon, Amanda...
Lay in ruins,
Leave it all to us. You'll never know what hit you.
Leave it to us. What's that for?
Left, right, left.
Legs up.
Let me tell you what I think we're dealing with here,
Let the heathens spill theirs
Let the pagans spill theirs
Let us praise God.
Let's not give him the cake. I don't want any cake.
Lights! Amplify the ping machine.
Like Nietzsche.
Like you've never seen the hand of God before!
Listen, I can't give it to you now. It says, "In the event of death."
Live organ transplants? What's that?
Live organ transplants.
Look after yourself.
Look at him! He worked on that cake like no one else I've ever known.
Look at them. Bloody Catholics. Filling the bloody world up
Look, I couldn't eat another thing. I'm absolutely stuffed.
Look! To starboard!
Looks smart and wears a tie
Lovely, lovely. Jolly good. That's better.
Madam? Perhaps we should be going?
Makes you feel so, sort of insignificant, doesn't it?
Makes you think, doesn't it? Hmm.
MAN 1: Morning, Mr. Pycroft. MAN 2: Mr. Pycroft.
MAN 2: Have you thought of the drawers in the bureau?
MAN 2: I demand to see my lawyer!
MAN: Come on, Buster!
MAN: It's behind the sofa! Where can that fish be?
MAN: Terrible. Really terrible.
Marching up and down the square not good enough for you, eh?
Martha, Andrew, Thomas, Walter, Pat, Linda,
Masks up! Suction!
May God strike me down were it to be otherwise.
Me and the lads realize that, sir, but, well, we may never meet again, so...
Me and the lads, we've had a little whip around, sir.
Measure it, blood type it and isolate it.
MEN: (SINGING) Up, up, up your premium Up, up, up your premium
MEN: In your neighborhood
Merci, Gaston. I haven't finished.
Method, names of famous philosophers.
Mind the machines! Sorry, Doctor.
Mind the stairs, all right?
Mine And mine
Mmm mmm mmm. SOLDIER: Sir! Sir!
Morning, Ainsworth. Morning, Pakenham.
Morning, gentlemen.
Morning, sir. What's all the trouble, then?
Morning! Good morning! Morning!
Morning! Morning!
Morning. I came as fast as I could. Is something up?
Morning. Morning.
Morning. Morning.
Morning. Morning.
Morning. Morning.
Moules marinières, pâté de foie gras, beluga caviar,
Move your own clothes onto the lower peg,
Moving the penis up and down inside the vagina.
Mr. Death is a reaper.
Mrs. Moore's contractions are more frequent, Doctor.
Mum, Dad, I'm off out now.
Must be that hole in the bloody mosquito net.
My God! It's huge!
My younger brother's going out with Dibble this weekend, sir.
NARRATOR 2: Democracy and humanitarianism
NARRATOR: A financial district swollen with multinationals, conglomerates,
NARRATOR: And so, heartened by their initial success,
NARRATOR: And so, The Crimson Permanent Assurance
NARRATOR: In the bleak days of 1983,
NARRATOR: Middle Age.
NARRATOR: Part one. The miracle of birth.
NARRATOR: The Meaning of Life, part 6B. The meaning of life.
NARRATOR: The Meaning of Life, part five. Live organ transplants.
NARRATOR: The Meaning of Life, part seven. Death.
NARRATOR: The Meaning of Life, part six. The autumn years.
NARRATOR: The Meaning of Life, part three. Fighting each other.
NARRATOR: The miracle of birth., part two. The third world.
NARRATOR: There it lay, the prize they sought.
NARRATOR: This man is about to die.
Nasty wound you've got there, fella.
Nearly there now.
Need we say more? No.
No doubt you can tell me what the purpose of foreplay is.
No one has ever had their liver taken out by us and survived.
No, fuck off. I'm full. Oh, sir.
No, honestly, sir.
No, I'm fine.
No, it's more of an attempt
No, just a moment, sir.
No, no, I'll get the tablecloth.
No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no. We're doing it for an advertisement.
No, no, no. I mean, why we're here, on this planet.
No, no, no. What is this one here?
No, no, that's the way it is, my loves.
No, no! Let me! Let me! Okay, Kane.
No, no. I mean because we are members of the Protestant Reformed Church,
No, of course not, Humphrey.
No, sir. No, sir. No, sir.
No, the food was excellent.
No. Burt Bacharach writes it.
No. Children, I know you're trying to help,
No. Obviously not.
No. Oh, maybe Schopenhauer writes her material.
None whatsoever. Complete mystery to me.
Not at all. That's what I'm here for.
Not at all. Very attractive woman.
Not if we're going to remain members
Now did I or did I not
Now don't argue!
Now look here.
Now look, have you or have you not got his leg?
Now look, we're just asking you
Now some of you may feel that the cormorant does not play an important part
Now the time has come.
Now two boys have been found rubbing linseed oil
Now whose teatime is it? ALL: Mine!
Now, all these forms of stimulation
Now, before I begin the lesson, will those of you
Now, Carter.
Now, did I do vaginal juices last week?
Now, Harry, you've had some thoughts on this.
Now, look... All right, all right.
Now, look... All right, all right.
Now, sex.
Now, this afternoon, we have monsieur's favorite, the jugged hare.
Now, today we're going to do marching up and down the square.
Now, Vincent, Tessa, Valerie, Janine,
Now, what about the rest of you?
Now... Sir?
O Lord. ALL: O Lord.
O'er mountain, hill and plain
Of course, madam.
Of how the juices are coming along.
Of just how much there is still left to own.
Of marching up and down the square a bit?
Of self replicating DNA
Of self replicating DNA
Of the crime of first degree making of gratuitous sexist jokes,
Of the fastest growing religion in the world, my boy.
Of the galaxy we call the Milky Way
Of the Papacy in the mid sixteenth century,
Off their fucking arses and back in the sodding cinema.
Oh, and while you're at it, you'd better get a doily.
Oh, better make it five. Tablecloth, sir?
Oh, blimey, no.
Oh, bloody hell.
Oh, come in. Come on in, all of you. That's it. Jolly good.
Oh, come on. I mean, do we look like
Oh, come on. They've gotta say something.
Oh, dear. I have trodden in monsieur's bucket.
Oh, do pay attention, Wadsworth!
Oh, get it, would you, Deidre? All right, Mum.
Oh, good. There's a lot of it about. Probably a virus.
Oh, I'm sorry, sir. We do have one today that's not on the menu.
Oh, leg! You're looking for a leg!
Oh, Max. Really!
Oh, monsieur, I assure you,
Oh, my Christ! You bastard.
Oh, no, sir!
Oh, no, sir! I'm afraid so.
Oh, no, that's not it.
Oh, no, this is really going too far.
Oh, nothing, sir.
Oh, pardon! Gaston?
Oh, people aren't wearing enough.
Oh, please don't lightly poach us
Oh, putting them on a lower peg, sir.
Oh, quick. Go and get the others in, Gordon.
Oh, righto.
Oh, shit! It's Mr. Creosote!
Oh, sir, it's only a tiny, little thin one.
Oh, sir! Sir!
Oh, thank you very much.
Oh, that sounds fine.
Oh, that sounds real interesting.
Oh, that sounds wonderful.
Oh, that would be wonderful.
Oh, the vulva's dilating, Doctor. Oh, yes, there's the head.
Oh, they've done some wonderful things in their time.
Oh, was it taking your clothes off, sir?
Oh, we did it for a laugh. Part of a spree. High spirits.
Oh, we're just fine.
Oh, well, that'd be very nice. Thank you.
Oh, well, yes, there is.
Oh, what a frightfully witty song.
Oh, why, why, why?
Oh, yeah. Been in the wars, have we?
Oh, yeah. He's the one that begins with an "S."
Oh, yes, Harry.
Oh, you folks want me to start you off?
Oh! And that's what we're talking about.
Oh! Fishy, fishy, fishy, fish!
Oh! Fishy, fishy, fishy, fish.
Oh! How 'bout that? Lovely.
Oh! I never knew Schopenhauer was a philosopher.
Oh! Well, it... I don't know what to say.
Oh! Yes, of course. We have a train to catch
Oh. Does that mean Salena Jones is a philosopher?
Oh. Thanks for the reassurance, Doc.
Okay, Blackitt, Sturridge and Walters, you take the buggers on the left flank.
Okay, show's over.
Okay! Well, look.
Okay. Thank you.
On the dusty ground
On the horizon?
Once proud financial giants
One by one, the financial capitals of the world
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