A bunch of us were working all night. She wanted to hang out. from The Holiday (2006)
A good book, a great film, a birthday card, I weep. from The Holiday (2006)
A little Arthur and the knights. from The Holiday (2006)
A night with me. from The Holiday (2006)
A wedding was privately announced earlier today... from The Holiday (2006)
About 15. I love it. from The Holiday (2006)
About six hours ago. from The Holiday (2006)
Absolutely never remember to call after a date. from The Holiday (2006)
Actually, he has made some small comments like that recently. from The Holiday (2006)
Actually, l've been dating a beautiful actress for about five months. from The Holiday (2006)
Actually, Maggie, I'm a bit tied up at the moment. from The Holiday (2006)
Actually, my first job was as a Western Union messenger. from The Holiday (2006)
All right, I'll be there. from The Holiday (2006)
All right. from The Holiday (2006)
All right. Yeah. I could play spin the dreidel. from The Holiday (2006)
All the time. from The Holiday (2006)
All the usual symptoms. from The Holiday (2006)
Alone, alone. from The Holiday (2006)
Also when he's not with her, we talk on the phone. from The Holiday (2006)
Although her ass wasn't so bad, either. from The Holiday (2006)
Although I may not appear it, I am in fact lris'... from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda wasn't looking for love... from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda Woods is proud to present Her Life. from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda Woods... from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda, are you by any chance at all into hot chocolate? from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda, can I borrow your napkin, please? from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda, guess what. from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda, I am so sorry. from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda, this is my daughter Sophie. from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda, you cut 75 trailers this year. from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda, you know how I feel about you. There's nobody like you. from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda, you're gonna love this. from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda! from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda! from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda? from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda. from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda. from The Holiday (2006)
Amanda's in England, actually, on holiday. from The Holiday (2006)
Amandawoods? Is that all one word? from The Holiday (2006)
Amazing! It finally looks like a hit. from The Holiday (2006)
An enchanting oasis of tranquility in a quiet English hamlet... from The Holiday (2006)
An ex boyfriend who just got engaged and forgot to tell me. from The Holiday (2006)
And a letter from the Writers Guild of America, West. from The Holiday (2006)
And after all that... from The Holiday (2006)
And all that fuzzy stuff... from The Holiday (2006)
And also, I have never checked my e mails more. from The Holiday (2006)
And anyway, I mean, honestly, we hardly know each other. from The Holiday (2006)
And bonus, real terrorists actually became part of our lives. from The Holiday (2006)
And did you always know this was what you wanted to do? from The Holiday (2006)
And how in the hell, for that brief moment... from The Holiday (2006)
And I am deeply sorry about that. I have nothing to say for myself... from The Holiday (2006)
And I guess what I was feeling... from The Holiday (2006)
And I have willingly loved... from The Holiday (2006)
And I know you don't wanna deal with that, but we have. from The Holiday (2006)
And I never thought l'd feel this way again, so that's pretty phenomenal. from The Holiday (2006)
And I realize I come with a package deal: from The Holiday (2006)
And I suppose there's... from The Holiday (2006)
And I want you to be the first to report on this particular union... from The Holiday (2006)
And I was thinking of going out for dinner tonight. from The Holiday (2006)
And I'm about three years late in telling you this... from The Holiday (2006)
And I'm not gonna have a conversation about sex... from The Holiday (2006)
And I'm not sure I can handle complicated right now. from The Holiday (2006)
And in the meantime, I sent her Christmas gift to Santa Fe yesterday. from The Holiday (2006)
And it's hard to detect how you even do it... from The Holiday (2006)
And little pieces of your soul will finally come back. from The Holiday (2006)
And make "Christmas Day" twice as big... from The Holiday (2006)
And maybe it won't get any better than this. from The Holiday (2006)
And my dad moved out that night. from The Holiday (2006)
And not because it feels good to feel this way. from The Holiday (2006)
And not that it matters, but l've never said anything like that in my entire life. from The Holiday (2006)
And now the weather. First, Nort.hern England and Nort.h Wales... from The Holiday (2006)
And Olivia's... from The Holiday (2006)
And on top of that, there's the old standby: from The Holiday (2006)
And one night after dinner, my parents sat me down... from The Holiday (2006)
And she's never explained anything to me that well. from The Holiday (2006)
And somehow it turned into a Hanukkah thing. from The Holiday (2006)
And sometimes you can even convince yourself... from The Holiday (2006)
And that doesn't make things complicated? from The Holiday (2006)
And that is why they pay you the big bucks. from The Holiday (2006)
And that makes this complicated. from The Holiday (2006)
And that's my tragic little story. from The Holiday (2006)
And that's why they pay me the big bucks. from The Holiday (2006)
And then I found out that he was also seeing this other girl, Sarah... from The Holiday (2006)
And then I realized that l'd better toughen up. from The Holiday (2006)
And then I thought, maybe this isn't so complicated at all. from The Holiday (2006)
And then let's say in six months we hit a wall. from The Holiday (2006)
And then there's another kind of love. from The Holiday (2006)
And then what's left? Two miserable people... from The Holiday (2006)
And then, after a long, tearful... from The Holiday (2006)
And they both go to the same men's pajama department. from The Holiday (2006)
And we start to feel the tension. We know this isn't gonna work... from The Holiday (2006)
And what I want... from The Holiday (2006)
And when they're gone, I get to be somebody... from The Holiday (2006)
And where is she tonight? from The Holiday (2006)
And you acted like somehow it was my fault... from The Holiday (2006)
And you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again. from The Holiday (2006)
And you're funny, which is, like, a bonus. from The Holiday (2006)
And you're his...? from The Holiday (2006)
And, well, I got through it and sort of haven't cried since. from The Holiday (2006)
And, you know, maybe I could go with you. from The Holiday (2006)
And: from The Holiday (2006)
And... from The Holiday (2006)
Anything can happen. from The Holiday (2006)
Anyway, how would you propose to get me in shape? Seriously. from The Holiday (2006)
Anyway, I'm bringing the music. I mean, I really wanna be there... from The Holiday (2006)
Are you embarrassed By this game I've start.ed to play? from The Holiday (2006)
Are you free to do that? from The Holiday (2006)
Are you married? Tell me fast. from The Holiday (2006)
Are you watching the movies I recommended? from The Holiday (2006)
Aren't you? from The Holiday (2006)
Arthur Abbott is maybe the last of the great Hollywood writers... from The Holiday (2006)
Arthur has requested... from The Holiday (2006)
Arthur, don't you want to open that letter you just threw in the bin? from The Holiday (2006)
Arthur, have you always been this feisty? from The Holiday (2006)
Arthur, l've been going to a therapist for three years. from The Holiday (2006)
Arthur, this is a big deal. from The Holiday (2006)
Arthur's theme. I think this is really good. from The Holiday (2006)
As a matter of fact, he is. A huge schmuck. from The Holiday (2006)
As a matter of fact, I'm... from The Holiday (2006)
As, like, your date or something. from The Holiday (2006)
At your end. ...phone call... from The Holiday (2006)
Attention passengers, this is the final boarding call... from The Holiday (2006)
Back then, there were only six houses on this block. from The Holiday (2006)
Bad? from The Holiday (2006)
Barbara Stanwyck is dazzling. from The Holiday (2006)
Be seeing you. from The Holiday (2006)
Because I did not sleep with her. from The Holiday (2006)
Because I didn't remember... from The Holiday (2006)
Because I just don't usually tell women about them. from The Holiday (2006)
Because I'm running out of reasons why we shouldn't. from The Holiday (2006)
Because it's way too complicated to be who I really am. from The Holiday (2006)
Because you already smell so good. from The Holiday (2006)
Because you asked me to. from The Holiday (2006)
Before pictures had special effects teams. from The Holiday (2006)
Ben needs you. from The Holiday (2006)
Berry Kiss. from The Holiday (2006)
Bet you're glad you knocked on this door. from The Holiday (2006)
Better go. from The Holiday (2006)
Better. Thank you. from The Holiday (2006)
Blinked. from The Holiday (2006)
Bloody cold in here. from The Holiday (2006)
Bollocks! I must have lost him. from The Holiday (2006)
Bora Bora. from The Holiday (2006)
Brother? Oh, my God. from The Holiday (2006)
Brother. from The Holiday (2006)
Brutal, but brilliant. from The Holiday (2006)
Buried in that little place we found in Covent Garden that time. from The Holiday (2006)
Busy guy. from The Holiday (2006)
Busy? Honey, I haven't been busy since 1978. from The Holiday (2006)
But as problematical as this... from The Holiday (2006)
But can we talk about you some more, please? from The Holiday (2006)
But could you just for now... from The Holiday (2006)
But for some reason, you're behaving like the best friend. from The Holiday (2006)
But I actually know how you feel. from The Holiday (2006)
But I always see you two together. from The Holiday (2006)
But I think what l've got is something slightly resembling... from The Holiday (2006)
But if you work too much, maestro... from The Holiday (2006)
But it always surfaces and this is what happens. from The Holiday (2006)
But it's just a little confusing... from The Holiday (2006)
But now our generation is also not getting married. from The Holiday (2006)
But on the rare... Or lately not so rare occasion... from The Holiday (2006)
But since this wasn't a date I guess I'm off the hook. from The Holiday (2006)
But that's how I got confused. I didn't recognize one house. from The Holiday (2006)
But the thing is, I'll never be able to turn this around at the other end. from The Holiday (2006)
But then, of course, love can also be found. from The Holiday (2006)
But we are going to try and get by this week... from The Holiday (2006)
But what about the rest of us? What about our stories? from The Holiday (2006)
But what if I wanted to call you? from The Holiday (2006)
But you waltzing in here on my lovely Christmas holiday... from The Holiday (2006)
By myself at Christmas. from The Holiday (2006)
By myself depressed at Christmas. from The Holiday (2006)
Call me old fashioned... from The Holiday (2006)
Came home, and had a bit of a kiss and cuddle. from The Holiday (2006)
Can I call you back? from The Holiday (2006)
Can I help you with that? from The Holiday (2006)
Can you go any faster? from The Holiday (2006)
Can you hold for a sec? Hold on. I really wanna talk to you. from The Holiday (2006)
Can you please stop being so bossy? from The Holiday (2006)
Can you tell him I'm good and that I'm just walking Charlie in the village. from The Holiday (2006)
Can't believe how many times I'm saying it. from The Holiday (2006)
Chariots of Fire. Loved it. from The Holiday (2006)
Christmas Day. from The Holiday (2006)
Classic, right? from The Holiday (2006)
Coffee cups. from The Holiday (2006)
Come and tell me all about your Christmas presents. from The Holiday (2006)
Come here. from The Holiday (2006)
Come here. from The Holiday (2006)
Come in. from The Holiday (2006)
Come inside. from The Holiday (2006)
Come on, nobody has time for sex. from The Holiday (2006)
Come on. from The Holiday (2006)
Come on. from The Holiday (2006)
Congratulations on this much deserved honor." from The Holiday (2006)
Could we start. with a less complicated question? from The Holiday (2006)
Cute dress. from The Holiday (2006)
Dad, do Mr. Napkin Head. from The Holiday (2006)
Dad, take her coat. from The Holiday (2006)
Daddy, can we still have hot chocolate, please? from The Holiday (2006)
Daddy, who is this? from The Holiday (2006)
Darling, I don't actually have my gift with me. from The Holiday (2006)
Darling, I've just arrived at Soho House. from The Holiday (2006)
Deal. from The Holiday (2006)
Deception. Christmas Day. from The Holiday (2006)
Definitely. Also, for the record, your ex boyfriend is, in my opinion... from The Holiday (2006)
Delectable. It was really fun hanging with you. from The Holiday (2006)
Did he ever actually tell you that he loved you back? from The Holiday (2006)
Did I beg at one point? from The Holiday (2006)
Did someone tell you I do his laundry? from The Holiday (2006)
Did we...? I mean, did we...? from The Holiday (2006)
Did you join a temple since I last saw you? from The Holiday (2006)
Did you read that article in The New York Times last Sunday? from The Holiday (2006)
Did you say, am I happy? from The Holiday (2006)
Did you sleep with her? from The Holiday (2006)
Do l? from The Holiday (2006)
Do you have anything a little bit stronger? from The Holiday (2006)
Do you mean that? I mean... from The Holiday (2006)
Do you think you could...? from The Holiday (2006)
Do you wanna come in for a sec? from The Holiday (2006)
Do you want some company? from The Holiday (2006)
Do you, by any chance, know how to be on a date? from The Holiday (2006)
Do you? from The Holiday (2006)
Doesn't quite have that ring. from The Holiday (2006)
Don't blow away. from The Holiday (2006)
Don't blow away. from The Holiday (2006)
Don't listen to them. They're nuts. from The Holiday (2006)
Easy. from The Holiday (2006)
Esophageal spasm. from The Holiday (2006)
Ethan? from The Holiday (2006)
Ethan. Look, it's over. from The Holiday (2006)
Even if just for the night. from The Holiday (2006)
Even when you don't have it, the not having it makes things complicated. from The Holiday (2006)
Every time she comes through and surprises you, she wins you over... from The Holiday (2006)
Every year, they tear another one down... from The Holiday (2006)
Everyone, can I have your attention, please? from The Holiday (2006)
Exactly. from The Holiday (2006)
Exactly. from The Holiday (2006)
Exactly. from The Holiday (2006)
Excellent timing. from The Holiday (2006)
Excuse me. from The Holiday (2006)
Excuse me. from The Holiday (2006)
Excuse me. from The Holiday (2006)
Finished, kaput. from The Holiday (2006)
First of all, can you please calm down? from The Holiday (2006)
Five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. One a.m. in London. from The Holiday (2006)
For others... from The Holiday (2006)
For some, quite inexplicably... from The Holiday (2006)
For years, I read these reviews, I buy the books, but I never read them. from The Holiday (2006)
Forgive me. The last time I had a date, this is what we did. from The Holiday (2006)
From a little town called London, England. from The Holiday (2006)
From the moment I met you, it's been an adventure. from The Holiday (2006)
Gas company, phone bill. from The Holiday (2006)
Get in the... Get in there. Okay. from The Holiday (2006)
Glass of water? Tea? from The Holiday (2006)
Go ahead. from The Holiday (2006)
Go on, go for it. from The Holiday (2006)
Go on. from The Holiday (2006)
Go right at the bridge, and then just keep going. Way down there. from The Holiday (2006)
God, I loved that line: from The Holiday (2006)
God. Okay... No. I'm okay. God, why would this happen? from The Holiday (2006)
Good girl. from The Holiday (2006)
Good morning. from The Holiday (2006)
Good. Then that makes one of us. from The Holiday (2006)
Good. Where's that? from The Holiday (2006)
Graham? from The Holiday (2006)
Great writing. from The Holiday (2006)
Great. from The Holiday (2006)
Great. I met a really nice guy. from The Holiday (2006)
Greatest laugh. from The Holiday (2006)
Had to. from The Holiday (2006)
Hans. very unexpected. Do you remember how great it was? from The Holiday (2006)
Happy Christmas. from The Holiday (2006)
Happy New Year! from The Holiday (2006)
Hate it. from The Holiday (2006)
Hate my horrible life. from The Holiday (2006)
He amazes me. from The Holiday (2006)
He cheated on you, but you stayed friends? from The Holiday (2006)
He cuts a nice suit. from The Holiday (2006)
He did great. from The Holiday (2006)
He had to take her off the market. from The Holiday (2006)
He hasn't exactly come right out and said it... from The Holiday (2006)
He is so fantastic. from The Holiday (2006)
He knows whenever he wants back in your life... from The Holiday (2006)
He needs me. from The Holiday (2006)
He told you that? from The Holiday (2006)
He took electronic scores to a new level. It was groundbreaking. from The Holiday (2006)
He's really cute. I feel great when I'm with him... from The Holiday (2006)
He's so modest. He gave me this long list of old movies he said I had to see. from The Holiday (2006)
Hear, hear. from The Holiday (2006)
Heart. pounding, throat thickening, absolutely can't swallow. from The Holiday (2006)
Hello, my name is Mr. Napkin Head. from The Holiday (2006)
Hello! Which totally makes the line. from The Holiday (2006)
Hello? from The Holiday (2006)
Hello? from The Holiday (2006)
Hello. from The Holiday (2006)
Hello. from The Holiday (2006)
Hello. from The Holiday (2006)
Hello. Can I offer you a lift home? from The Holiday (2006)
Hello. Hi. from The Holiday (2006)
Hello... Hello? from The Holiday (2006)
Her loss is our gain. from The Holiday (2006)
Here we go. from The Holiday (2006)
Hey, I got you something for Christmas. from The Holiday (2006)
Hey, I got you the best drink in town, but I didn't know... from The Holiday (2006)
Hey, you know, let's just take off for a few weeks. from The Holiday (2006)
Hi there. from The Holiday (2006)
Hi! from The Holiday (2006)
Hi. from The Holiday (2006)
Hi. from The Holiday (2006)
Hi. from The Holiday (2006)
Hi. So I was home doing nothing and thinking of you... from The Holiday (2006)
Hold on, let me just check the kitchen. from The Holiday (2006)
Hold on. Don't... Don't go. from The Holiday (2006)
Holy shit. from The Holiday (2006)
Honestly, l've never thought about anything less. It's very unlike me. from The Holiday (2006)
How are you? from The Holiday (2006)
How do you feel about foreplay? from The Holiday (2006)
How do you remember my little red bikini? from The Holiday (2006)
How many of his movies are on that list of his? from The Holiday (2006)
How's that for hard to relate to? from The Holiday (2006)
How's that for something to admit? from The Holiday (2006)
I ain't falling for this. from The Holiday (2006)
I also haven't thought of that packed suitcase maybe ever. from The Holiday (2006)
I also wrote one that sounds like you. from The Holiday (2006)
I am Daddy. from The Holiday (2006)
I am sorry I didn't invite you in this afternoon. from The Holiday (2006)
I am, actually. from The Holiday (2006)
I am. from The Holiday (2006)
I apologize for not having mentioned this earlier. from The Holiday (2006)
I apologize for the blunt delivery. from The Holiday (2006)
I assure you it's not. from The Holiday (2006)
I assured her that there were not. from The Holiday (2006)
I believe I do, yes. from The Holiday (2006)
I bet you didn't know that was all written for the movie. It was a score. from The Holiday (2006)
I came here because I had to see you. from The Holiday (2006)
I came here on a stupid whim. from The Holiday (2006)
I came to Hollywood over 60 years ago... from The Holiday (2006)
I can do this. from The Holiday (2006)
I can drive on the wrong side of the road... from The Holiday (2006)
I can use some Iris. from The Holiday (2006)
I can't believe that you have had sex with the woman staying in my house! from The Holiday (2006)
I can't believe you had sex with Amanda! from The Holiday (2006)
I can't even... Just promise me you'll rent it and listen to it. from The Holiday (2006)
I can't figure out the mathematics of this. from The Holiday (2006)
I can't imagine anyone being a bigger hit with my children. from The Holiday (2006)
I can't. I can't today. from The Holiday (2006)
I did, didn't l? from The Holiday (2006)
I didn't mean that. You get me nuts sometimes, I say things I don't mean. from The Holiday (2006)
I didn't realize I was. I think you make me nervous. from The Holiday (2006)
I didn't realize you own the company. from The Holiday (2006)
I didn't think we'd get a chance to do this this year. from The Holiday (2006)
I do not know what she sees in me, but I'm the luckiest guy in the world. from The Holiday (2006)
I do recall you promising me you wouldn't fall in love with me. from The Holiday (2006)
I don't do his laundry. from The Holiday (2006)
I don't know what that means. from The Holiday (2006)
I don't know what that was about exactly... from The Holiday (2006)
I don't know what to say about it. Totally brill. from The Holiday (2006)
I don't know. It sounds God awful. from The Holiday (2006)
I don't know. What time could you be there? from The Holiday (2006)
I don't remember that. I just know I hated when you were gone. from The Holiday (2006)
I enjoyed our meet cute. from The Holiday (2006)
I feel awful now. from The Holiday (2006)
I feel like I'm on a job interview. from The Holiday (2006)
I gotta get all the way to Silver Lake, but I'm gonna try to be there. from The Holiday (2006)
I guess since I am leaving in a week, l... from The Holiday (2006)
I happen to know the answer to this. You're hoping you're wrong. from The Holiday (2006)
I hate it that we can never talk. from The Holiday (2006)
I have a cow in the back yard. from The Holiday (2006)
I have another scenario for you. from The Holiday (2006)
I have found almost everything ever written about love... from The Holiday (2006)
I have no defense. Except that until I get to know someone really well... from The Holiday (2006)
I have no idea how to date and be this. from The Holiday (2006)
I have the girls New Year's Eve. from The Holiday (2006)
I haven't been on a first date in a long time. from The Holiday (2006)
I haven't done it before, but friends have." from The Holiday (2006)
I haven't had that much to drink in... from The Holiday (2006)
I just have to say, this is one of the best Hanukkahs l've ever had. from The Holiday (2006)
I just know I love you. from The Holiday (2006)
I just want to check this with Amanda's assistant. from The Holiday (2006)
I just wanted to get away from the people I see all the time. from The Holiday (2006)
I knew she wasn't good. from The Holiday (2006)
I know it must mean something awful. I know, but... from The Holiday (2006)
I know it's hard to believe people when they say, "l know how you feel." from The Holiday (2006)
I know that you're the only one who can really help me. from The Holiday (2006)
I know you have a very high opinion of yourself, but this isn't all me. from The Holiday (2006)
I know you're gonna look hot in it. from The Holiday (2006)
I know you're leaving and absolutely not interested... from The Holiday (2006)
I know. from The Holiday (2006)
I know. from The Holiday (2006)
I know. from The Holiday (2006)
I know. He told me that his friends wrote Casablanca... from The Holiday (2006)
I know. I'm a tad overdressed. from The Holiday (2006)
I learned everything working in this place. from The Holiday (2006)
I like corny. from The Holiday (2006)
I like the company. from The Holiday (2006)
I like your eye shadow. from The Holiday (2006)
I mean, how bad could I be? from The Holiday (2006)
I mean, it was great meeting you and everything. from The Holiday (2006)
I mean, just Maggie. Not "my" Maggie. from The Holiday (2006)
I mean, no, I'm not married. from The Holiday (2006)
I mean, not "thank God," but just thank God. from The Holiday (2006)
I mean, that's gotta mean something, right? from The Holiday (2006)
I mean, this is what a vacation's supposed to be. from The Holiday (2006)
I mean, up until I showed up and ruined your night. from The Holiday (2006)
I mean, you didn't exactly ask me out... from The Holiday (2006)
I mean, you screw up every relationship you've ever been in. from The Holiday (2006)
I mean, you should just know that. from The Holiday (2006)
I mean... from The Holiday (2006)
I mean... You know what I mean. from The Holiday (2006)
I must say... from The Holiday (2006)
I need a drink. from The Holiday (2006)
I need a vacation. from The Holiday (2006)
I need to get out of town. from The Holiday (2006)
I promise I won't be drunkenly banging on your door any time soon. from The Holiday (2006)
I promise you will never lay eyes on me again. from The Holiday (2006)
I remember when nine movies would open in a month. from The Holiday (2006)
I saw a couple today. They were fantastic. from The Holiday (2006)
I screwed up. Miles, haven't you ever screwed up? from The Holiday (2006)
I sew and I have a cow. from The Holiday (2006)
I should know how to do this. from The Holiday (2006)
I should probably be going. from The Holiday (2006)
I shouldn't have just... Oh, man. from The Holiday (2006)
I spend my weekends buying tutus. I'm learning to sew. from The Holiday (2006)
I stood in line at FedEx to make sure she got it on time. from The Holiday (2006)
I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. from The Holiday (2006)
I suppose so. from The Holiday (2006)
I suspect it's somewhere in my car, want to know what it is? from The Holiday (2006)
I take this very seriously, and I'm telling you the truth. from The Holiday (2006)
I think if the obvious response... from The Holiday (2006)
I think it's called Berry Kiss. from The Holiday (2006)
I think it's overrated. from The Holiday (2006)
I think there's a bottle of brandy. Fancy a glass? from The Holiday (2006)
I think we just went way past complicated. from The Holiday (2006)
I think we should go back to the original cut on the end. from The Holiday (2006)
I think you should get dressed. from The Holiday (2006)
I thought I was just someone you had sex with once and slept with twice. from The Holiday (2006)
I thought that if I was somewhere else... from The Holiday (2006)
I thought they were kidding. from The Holiday (2006)
I told you never to get rid of your house. from The Holiday (2006)
I used only the good notes. from The Holiday (2006)
I volunteered for the job. The next day, I was on the payroll. from The Holiday (2006)
I wanna eat carbs without wanting to kill myself. from The Holiday (2006)
I wanna read a book. Not just a magazine. An actual book. from The Holiday (2006)
I wanna read a book. Not just a magazine. An actual book. from The Holiday (2006)
I was 17 years old. from The Holiday (2006)
I was a writer. from The Holiday (2006)
I was head over heels, you know? Everyone knew. from The Holiday (2006)
I was here before conglomerates owned the studios. from The Holiday (2006)
I was right there for three years! Remember? Square peg, round hole? from The Holiday (2006)
I wasn't expecting "l love you." from The Holiday (2006)
I wasn't expecting you. from The Holiday (2006)
I will send you your things. from The Holiday (2006)
I wish you could just accept knowing how confused I am about all this. from The Holiday (2006)
I won't. from The Holiday (2006)
I would take you proudly, my darling, but I'm not going. from The Holiday (2006)
I... Thank you. from The Holiday (2006)
I'll be back in England by New Year's Eve. from The Holiday (2006)
I'll be gone before you even wake up. from The Holiday (2006)
I'll call her back. from The Holiday (2006)
I'll do it. from The Holiday (2006)
I'll see you later at the Writers Guild. I mean, if you can still make it. from The Holiday (2006)
I'll take you up, Mr. Abbott. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm a full time dad. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm a guy who reads parenting books and cookbooks before I go to sleep. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm a working parent. I'm a mother and a father. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm absolutely overwhelmed... from The Holiday (2006)
I'm actually serious. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm Amanda Woods. I'm staying here. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm Amanda. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm coming to get you! from The Holiday (2006)
I'm constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm fine, thank you. How are you? from The Holiday (2006)
I'm gonna test you on this later. Okay. Driving Miss Daisy. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm Graham. Iris' brother. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm having some real problems with a section of my book. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm here! from The Holiday (2006)
I'm impressed. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm just tired. I think I'm gonna take a nap. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm making him a CD of this tune. Every time he hears it... from The Holiday (2006)
I'm meeting some friends for drinks. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm Miles. I work with Ethan. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm miraculously done being in love with you! from The Holiday (2006)
I'm Mr. Napkin Head! from The Holiday (2006)
I'm not feeling this because you're leaving. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm not going to fall in love with you, I promise. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm not very good at this. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm on some kind of constant overload and it helps... from The Holiday (2006)
I'm so sorry. I'm new at the gate thing. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm sorry for my profanity. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm sorry. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm staying here while she's away. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm sure it's an awesome workout. I'm sorry. I'm trying not to picture it. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm terribly sorry. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm trying to figure out how to open the gate. Oh, fu... from The Holiday (2006)
I'm trying to figure out why you didn't tell me about them. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm trying to find the right thing to say. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm very normal. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm wondering if your house is available this Christmas. from The Holiday (2006)
I'm wondering why a beautiful girl like you... from The Holiday (2006)
I'm... from The Holiday (2006)
I've been sleeping with her. She's in love with me. She's young. from The Holiday (2006)
I've been working out with Arthur. from The Holiday (2006)
I've got a life to start living. from The Holiday (2006)
I've got something for you. from The Holiday (2006)
I've had too much of the Manischewitz. I'm gonna have to be cut off. from The Holiday (2006)
I've lived here 47 years. from The Holiday (2006)
I've never met a guy who talks as much as me. from The Holiday (2006)
If I had known this was going to happen, l'd have worn my good suit. from The Holiday (2006)
If I work a little bit too much, I never stop hearing about it. from The Holiday (2006)
If it's corny, or if it's going to ruin your outfit... from The Holiday (2006)
If you heard that, I'm sorry. from The Holiday (2006)
If you want. from The Holiday (2006)
If you'll have me. from The Holiday (2006)
In fact, I probably mislaid it, but I know I got you something. from The Holiday (2006)
In the cupboard, on top of the Scrabble. from The Holiday (2006)
In the world of love, Ethan... from The Holiday (2006)
Iris lives next door from The Holiday (2006)
Iris, if you were a melody. from The Holiday (2006)
Iris, in the movies we have leading ladies... from The Holiday (2006)
Iris... from The Holiday (2006)
Is it fun having a brain that works that fast? from The Holiday (2006)
Is it okay that I'm calling you? from The Holiday (2006)
Is that a trick question? from The Holiday (2006)
Is this the guy who sent you pages from his novel? from The Holiday (2006)
Is, to this day, a very important editor at Random House. from The Holiday (2006)
It changed my world. from The Holiday (2006)
It doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get... from The Holiday (2006)
It is Christmas Eve, and we are going to sit out on that patio... from The Holiday (2006)
It is officially crazy weather. from The Holiday (2006)
It just comes from a totally different place. It's like... from The Holiday (2006)
It sounds like him. from The Holiday (2006)
It was better. from The Holiday (2006)
It was driving me crazy that I wasn't hearing from you. from The Holiday (2006)
It was Shakespeare who also said, "Love is blind." from The Holiday (2006)
It's a first edition. from The Holiday (2006)
It's a pleasure. Absolutely. from The Holiday (2006)
It's all good. Don't worry. from The Holiday (2006)
It's beautiful. from The Holiday (2006)
It's called unrequited love. from The Holiday (2006)
It's just that this whole... from The Holiday (2006)
It's Maggie. from The Holiday (2006)
It's Miles. Am I in trouble? from The Holiday (2006)
It's not like we're never going to speak or e mail or... from The Holiday (2006)
It's not, "Will she ever change" but, "Does she want to?" from The Holiday (2006)
It's not. They want to arrange some kind of tribute to me. from The Holiday (2006)
It's okay, just stop. from The Holiday (2006)
It's okay. from The Holiday (2006)
It's okay. It was pretty funny. from The Holiday (2006)
It's so funny. I mean, you'll fall off your chair, it's so funny. from The Holiday (2006)
James Franco. from The Holiday (2006)
Jasper. from The Holiday (2006)
Jasper... from The Holiday (2006)
Jasper... from The Holiday (2006)
Just a couple of minutes. Thank you. from The Holiday (2006)
Just like you knew they would. from The Holiday (2006)
Just look! There. from The Holiday (2006)
Just put me out of my misery. from The Holiday (2006)
Just say it. from The Holiday (2006)
Just stay focused. from The Holiday (2006)
Just tell me if it is. I don't wanna mess you up. I'll... from The Holiday (2006)
Just tell me. from The Holiday (2006)
Know when she'll be back? Supposed to pick up things. from The Holiday (2006)
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Arthur Abbott! from The Holiday (2006)
Legend has it, when the Santa Anas blow... from The Holiday (2006)
Let me help you with that. from The Holiday (2006)
Let me try this. from The Holiday (2006)
Let me. from The Holiday (2006)
Let's get this embarrassment over with. from The Holiday (2006)
Let's say we just make this happen. from The Holiday (2006)
Let's see? It looks good on you. from The Holiday (2006)
Let's see. Cotswolds. from The Holiday (2006)
Like, I can't constantly be away from work... from The Holiday (2006)
Like, possibly, what a complete ass I am. from The Holiday (2006)
Listen, I reckon that with a little bit of exercise... from The Holiday (2006)
London? from The Holiday (2006)
Loner, loser and complicated wreck. from The Holiday (2006)
Long distance relationships can work. from The Holiday (2006)
Look at me. I'm down here sweating like a pig. And look at you. from The Holiday (2006)
Look at you. from The Holiday (2006)
Look for them, will you? And have some fun today, okay? from The Holiday (2006)
Look for them, will you? And have some fun today, okay? from The Holiday (2006)
Look, he's half dead, and he's still interested. from The Holiday (2006)
Look, I did the best I could. Is anybody good enough for that job? from The Holiday (2006)
Look, I don't wanna... I'm not gonna... from The Holiday (2006)
Look, I'm sorry about the intrusion. from The Holiday (2006)
Look, I'm sort of a mess in this area myself. from The Holiday (2006)
Look, may I just say again... from The Holiday (2006)
Look, this is not a proud moment for me. from The Holiday (2006)
Lose me? from The Holiday (2006)
Louis B. Mayer's office boy? from The Holiday (2006)
Love some. from The Holiday (2006)
Love to. from The Holiday (2006)
Low point. from The Holiday (2006)
Low point. from The Holiday (2006)
Madam! from The Holiday (2006)
Madam? from The Holiday (2006)
Madam? from The Holiday (2006)
Maggie! from The Holiday (2006)
May I introduce the newly engaged Sarah Smith Alcott... from The Holiday (2006)
May l? from The Holiday (2006)
Maybe if I closed my eyes. from The Holiday (2006)
Maybe the best ever. from The Holiday (2006)
Maybe the fact that I'm leaving in 8 hours... from The Holiday (2006)
Maybe venice. from The Holiday (2006)
Maybe we can see one together. from The Holiday (2006)
Maybe when I stop having visions of you two together... from The Holiday (2006)
Maybe. from The Holiday (2006)
Me neither. from The Holiday (2006)
More importantly, I was in love with him, truth be known. from The Holiday (2006)
More than any woman you've ever met. from The Holiday (2006)
Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other. from The Holiday (2006)
Must pay better attention. from The Holiday (2006)
My dad's a writer of historical fiction. from The Holiday (2006)
My parents broke up when I was 15. from The Holiday (2006)
My place is nice, but it's a little bigger than yours. from The Holiday (2006)
Nearly there. Nearly there. Nearly there. from The Holiday (2006)
Neat freak. Healthy. Non smoker. from The Holiday (2006)
Neither would l, okay? from The Holiday (2006)
Never been there. Always wanted to go. from The Holiday (2006)
Never. from The Holiday (2006)
Never. I married very young. from The Holiday (2006)
Nevertheless, may I just...? from The Holiday (2006)
Nevertheless, the guy that I lived with mentioned it once or twice... from The Holiday (2006)
New York? from The Holiday (2006)
Nine movies are opening today. from The Holiday (2006)
No matter what you think... from The Holiday (2006)
No need to go on. Right. from The Holiday (2006)
No such thing as a Blockbuster or DvD. from The Holiday (2006)
No such thing as a Blockbuster or DvD. from The Holiday (2006)
No, gents, sadly I am not. I'm just a one woman at a time kind of guy. from The Holiday (2006)
No, I didn't. I wish I did. from The Holiday (2006)
No, I don't see a box or anything. from The Holiday (2006)
No, I hadn't forgotten. I've just been busy, that's all. from The Holiday (2006)
No, I'm not, actually. from The Holiday (2006)
No, I'm sorry. Amanda's not here, I'm afraid. from The Holiday (2006)
No, it just looks like it's the smoke from my cigarette. from The Holiday (2006)
No, it's just down that lane. from The Holiday (2006)
No, it's not that. I just... No... from The Holiday (2006)
No, it's not that. It's just that... from The Holiday (2006)
No, no, no. Amanda... from The Holiday (2006)
No, no, take your time. I can wait till you're finished. from The Holiday (2006)
No, no. I'm still a little intimidated by it. from The Holiday (2006)
No, not at all. from The Holiday (2006)
No, not in there. from The Holiday (2006)
No, really. from The Holiday (2006)
No, she doesn't. You each have five. from The Holiday (2006)
No, she listed this cottage on a home exchange website and I found it. from The Holiday (2006)
No, we're not. from The Holiday (2006)
No, we're not. from The Holiday (2006)
No. from The Holiday (2006)
No. It was just a backwards way of asking if you were married. from The Holiday (2006)
No. My neighbor knew I didn't know anyone here. from The Holiday (2006)
No. No, it's not. from The Holiday (2006)
No. No, no, that's okay. from The Holiday (2006)
No. They keep writing me about the same thing. from The Holiday (2006)
No. Well... I mean... from The Holiday (2006)
No. What I meant was, do you give massive notes, or...? from The Holiday (2006)
No. You know what? I'm all right. from The Holiday (2006)
None were written by him, of course. from The Holiday (2006)
Not do his blooming laundry. from The Holiday (2006)
Not exactly something hot... from The Holiday (2006)
Not like the way other people do. from The Holiday (2006)
Not much. But in a little bit... from The Holiday (2006)
Not really, but that's easier. Do you go there often? from The Holiday (2006)
Not when he's with her, of course. from The Holiday (2006)
Now a picture has to make a killing the first weekend or they're dead. from The Holiday (2006)
Now let me ask you. Have you seen this? from The Holiday (2006)
Now smoke! from The Holiday (2006)
Now what? from The Holiday (2006)
Now, before some of you rush off on holiday... from The Holiday (2006)
Now, this affects lris. from The Holiday (2006)
Now, we're not officially closed, as you very well know. from The Holiday (2006)
Of course, this isn't quite that cute, but... from The Holiday (2006)
Of that, I am an expert.. from The Holiday (2006)
Of... No, that's fine. Sure. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, also, I should warn you. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, dear. Clumsy me. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, God, I can be such a jerk. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, God, it's a big one. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, God, just the sight of him. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, God. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, God. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, God. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, here. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, I am well aware we've had problems for the last year. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, I see. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, it's freezing. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, Jasper, I really don't understand this. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, Jasper! I'm just reading your pages. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, look at that. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, man. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, man. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, Miles. Hi. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, my God! from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, my God! from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, my God. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, my God. I thought I was talking to Graham! Can you just hold, please? from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, my God. Okay, this one? You have to check this out some time. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, no, I just... from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, no, is he lost? from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, no, no. Like, a half hour. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, no, not yet. Down to the wire. Sorry. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, no. "Gate"? from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, please do not hit me! from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, she's an actress? What's she been in? from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, suitcase. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, thank God. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, that's intense. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, that's mine. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, well, I'm a film composer, too, like Ethan, but... from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, yeah. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, yeah. You know, I gotta get going in a few minutes myself. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, yes. from The Holiday (2006)
Oh, yes. There it is. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, bye. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, here it is. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, I hate this. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, I'll say it fast. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, I'm sending you the pages tomorrow. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, l've got a question for you. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, let me translate that. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, my palms are starting to sweat. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, Norman, you are calling me for pinochle. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, seriously, do not worry about this. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, so we're done. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, so you're telling me you were not a ladies' man? from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, that'll be interesting. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, the last thing I remember was coming in here last night and... from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, then. Well... from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, this is seriously cool. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, this was a really... from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, well, the workout's not that great, but the conver... from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, where do I wanna go? from The Holiday (2006)
Okay, your mail. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. Hold, please. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. I believe my time is up. Your turn. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. I'm gonna try to be myself. It's never easy, but I'm gonna try. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kiss you twice... from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. It's not a library. I can go loud. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. Moving on. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. My brother wants to know how you are. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. Nicely put. Thank you. from The Holiday (2006)
Okay. We are on for two weeks... from The Holiday (2006)