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The Hateful Eight (2015) The Hateful Eight is a captivating film directed by Quentin Tarantino, released in 2015. Set in

The Hateful Eight (2015)

The Hateful Eight is a captivating film directed by Quentin Tarantino, released in 2015. Set in Wyoming during the post-Civil War era, the movie follows a group of dangerous and dubious characters trapped in a remote snow-covered cabin due to a blizzard. The tension grows as trust dwindles when they realize that not everyone is who they claim to be. The stellar cast includes Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Walton Goggins, and Tim Roth, among others.

While we can't provide you with the sounds of this thrilling film, you can certainly immerse yourself in its intense atmosphere by watching it. So grab some popcorn, get comfortable, and prepare for a riveting experience.
A accident, but ya' can't just shoot 'em.
A bastards work is never done, huh, John Ruth?
A bunch of losers gone loco, you bet I do.
A large black dog.
A letter from Abraham Lincoln wouldn't have that kinda' effect on me.
A lyin' bitch, who will do anything...
A no damn good murdering bitch, that's who.
A woman
About fifteen minutes has passed, since we last left our characters.
About forty minutes ago.
About frontier justice is it's very thirst quenching.
Abraham Lincoln The President of the United States...
Acts as a symbolic representative of...
After you Major.
Ain't just gonna' kill you and that ******.
Ain't love grand. Y'all wanna' lie on the ground and make snow angels together?
Ain't never been cold as your boy was that day.
Ain't no way I'm spendin' a coupla' nights under a
Ain't no way we gonna make it all the way to Red Rock 'fore it catches us.
Ain't who they say they is. And if it's you,
All right, bitch.
All right, follow me.
All right!
All right.
All right.
All right.
All them fella's came up here sang a different tune,
All they found was me.
All three of you fellas' headed to Red Rock, when the blizzard stopped ya', huh?
Allow me to assist you, madame.
Allow me to properly introduce myself.
Along takin' trips to the north side.
Altough I whish there were more hours in the day....
Always said that Davis was a courages man.
Am I in it?
And a pen pal's...
And about the men standin' next ta' ya' would be responsible.
And after busting down that door, they drug you out
And at some point, y'all intented to bushwhack John Ruth and free Daisy.
And both of y'all murdered Minnie,
And Chester Charles Smithers,
And Chris I'm tellin' you, you ain't done anything yet, we can't forgive.
And don't move 'em.
And don't you say nothin' and I mean nothin'
And every member of his gang is wort at least ten.
And from the look of those three frozen fuckers up there,
And he's gonna have her in chains.
And he's gonna have my sister with him,
And her to Red Rock to get paid, ain't ya'?
And him not understandin'
And I believe...
And I don't know who you are. So...
And I don't mean snwoy mountain in Wyoming cold. It was colder than that.
And I don't mean to unduly imply intimacy. But...
And I expect you, O.B.,
And I figure you're taking them three dead bodies into Red Rock to get paid?
And I get Oswaldo and Joe Gage?
And I know who I got my money on. Yeah that's right Joe Gage I'm lookin' at you.
And I made them trees, Mannix.
And I say, shootin's to good for her...
And I'm gonna' enter my town in bounty hunters chains? No Sir!
And I'm Jody.
And if all those things end up taking place,
And if you lyin, which you are,
And if you shoot this un armed old man I guarantee
And if... he went to the north side....
And it always tasted the same, no matter the meat.
And it hung over that Bar every day till she
And it was fulla' blood, so it was warm.
And it's a little bit more then my theory.
And it's men like you that will make a difference...
And least of all Northern ******s.
And left it in hands of a Goddamn Mexican?
And make tomorrow "No Hat Day"?
And Minnie, these are the passengers.
And my wrist is gonna' stay cuffed to hers, and
And no matter the meat, it always tasted like Uncle Charly's stew.
And on that cold day,
And sit out the snow with Daisy and Grou
And Sweet Dave and whoever else picked this bad luck
And Sweet Dave inside?
And that ain't gonna' be so easy. Cause I doubt you can drive a four horse team.
And that dispassion is the very essence of
And that how we kill this bitich.
And that wagon out there is too heavy for a two horse team.
And that's all I need to know.
And that's when you blow the top of his head off.
And that's when you get your star.
And that's why they drummed your black ass outta'
And the fact that Erskine Mannix's little boy
And then start unhitching the horses and get 'em in the barn and get 'em fed.
And there was another fellow on the plantation, Uncle Charly.
And there won't be a stick left in that town unburnt.
And these motherfuckers did it.
And they got 'em coupla' days. So all they gotta' do
And this should interest you Warren, imparticular emancipated blacks.
And this?
And waited for John Ruth and Daisy's Stage to arrive.
And what do you got to say about all this?
And what's gonna' happen when that sun comes
And when he get's here.
And when I knew me I had the son.
And when The Hangman catches ya', you don't die by no bullet.
And why is her hanging proper, so important to you?
And with all them horses, in that snow,
And with that deep snow after a blizzard,
And you all by your lonesome, you're gonna be a mite poky.
And you best belive I ain't look back till I crossed The Northern Line.
And you gonna' run smack dab into The Domergue
And you keep that other hand where I can see it.
And you need to get your ass out there and
And you need to understand, you just killed the only
And you was in that story, General.
And you watched him do it.
And you watched me pork up and didn't say shit...
And you'll never leave this mountain alive.
And, if... you're found guilty,
Anybody else wanna' make a deal, huh?
Anyway she sent me out here to help Charly, she wants to talk to you.
Are you actually accusing me of murder?
Are you callin' me a liar?
Are you killed yourself your share of
Are you sure you're not just being paranoid?
Are you the jelly bean salesman around here?
Around in the snow in the middle of Wyoming.
As a matter of fact, you did.
As my first and final act as the Sheriff of Red Rock,
As your saving my life an' all,
Atlanta boy, and a Augusta girl.
Auckland, what the fuck is an Auckland?
Back off.
Battle of Baton Rouge?
Because I definitely am a...
Because when that snow melts, the rest of Jody's
Beggin' for his life.
Behind me pluckin' that chicken is Gemma.
Better now I see your ugly face.
Black dudes dingus in his mouth.
Blink if you're calm.
Blink if your gonna' remain calm?
Bob enjoyed an manzana roja.
Bob's real name is "Marco The Mexican".
Bounty hunter's ****** friend in the stable?
Bounty of fifteen thousand dollars on my head.
Bringing desperate men in alive, is a good way to get yourself dead.
Buffalo Bill?
Burining up the same time, bleedin like a stuck pig.
But back then to battle hard rebs, five thousand just to cut off a ******s head,
But because we're all gang members, The Jody Domergue Gang!
But don't you feel just the least little bad 'bout hangin' a woman?
But fourty seconds before that, something equally
But he sure enough led over there dead now, though, ain't he?
But I still haven't done it yet.
But I strongly suggest we don't restage The Battle of Baton Rouge,
But I think if I'm put all my weight on my right foot
But if I'm not disturbing, I like to watch?
But in the brains department,
But it's alright.
But it's the stew that's got me thinking.
But Jody's worth fifty thousand, what 'bout his body?
But John Ruth was The Hangman...
But John Ruth's trying to hang your woman,
But mi n**** amigo, I think you already know this.
But not cause they got butterflies in their belly 'bout me.
But not one Colored Trooper made it to a camp, did they?
But O.B. wasn't hangin' nobody.
But one of 'em is.
But only one of you poisoned the coffy.
But that little lady,
But the way John tells it, you weren't just some
But there was no fortune to be found.
But there's one thing left we do have a say in.
But they never did get 'em the right ****** head, did they?
But they sure did think it out loud, didn't they Major?
But this time he wasn't begging to go home.
But ultimately what's the real difference between the two?
But waiting for an oportunity, and knowing it's the right one, isn't so easy.
But with a partner, eighteen's a whole lot better.
But you ain't the killer who poisoned that coffy.
But you believe that's exactly what we're gonna do.
But you didn't count on the blizzard and you didn't count on the two of us.
But you got no idea, what it's like being a black man facin' down America.
But you had a surprise waitin' for you on The Northern Side, didn't ya'?
But you leave those pistols over yonder with the driver.
But, I always respected his resolve.
But, I bet even when it was five thousand,
By then the reward was so, five thousand and bragging rights.
Call it what you want,
Called ******s no more. They find it offensive.
Calm down.
Calvary with a yellow stripe down his back,
Can I get ya' some coffy?
Can I play that guitar over there?
Can't be too strong on this mountain, thank you.
Can't catch me sleepin' if I don't close my eyes.
Captain Chris Mannix dawn the dead Generals coat and
Captain Chris Mannix, Mannix Marauders.
Catch 'em here.
Catch 'em here.
Cause I'm the only Judy you've ever seen that could drive a six horse team?
Cause if you don't throw one up here in the next two seconds we gonna' kill this bitch!
Cavalry tends to look kindly on that.
Chapter Five The Four Passengers
Chapter Four Domergue's Got a Secret
Chapter Two Son of a Gun
Chris Mannix, come over here on this side.
Chris Mannix, I may have misjudged you.
Chris Mannix! Your ass ain't nailed to the floor!
Chris you're makin' the biggest mistake of your life!
Christ almighty, what that Mexican fella' do, soak his ole socks in the pot?
Christmas with Mother? I mean...
Circumstances caused us to take the long way around. My horse couldn't make it.
Circumstances force me to, take...
Close together like for a few days,
Col. Something Warren, right?
Come across you,
Come home and spend time with my mother for Christmas.
Come on ahead.
Come on let's go!
Come on let's go!
Come on, Chris.
Come on.
Comin' straight here for us! Tell 'em Grouch!
Comin'. But other people, maybe not so much.
Coming home for Christmas to spend time with mother type.
Comitted to stopping me`...
Considered stupid animals firends, which I don't.
Considerin I'm one half of them fellas, yeah...
Considerin' all the thing I done for money, I ain't one to judge.
Considering there's a blizzard goin' on,
Considering there's a blizzard going on and all,
Could you come down here and join us?
Course it was.
Crackers And that means kill 'em anyway I can.
Currentrly I'm a servant of the court.
Damn, what she do? Kill Lily Langtree?
Day to visit Minnie's Haberdashery this morning.
Deal, thank you.
Dear Marquis...
Did a hellva' lot better than my no good brothers, that's for damn sure.
Did my daddy talk about you.
Didja' know my son?
Dirty son of a gun's gonna come in here.
Do I know about the thirty thousand dollar reward
Do we collect the bodies and chuck 'em in the well out there?
Do you got it on you?
Do you know that ******, Sir?
Do you know who he is?
Domergue, however,
Domergue's Got a Secret.
Domergues death march, you got it?
Don't even know your name?
Don't get any ideas, I ain't goin' soft on ya'.
Don't mind me gentlemen, I'm just watching.
Don't practice in poison need to think about that.
Don't talk to my prisoner. I talk to my prisoner, that's it. You got it?
Don't test me, bitch.
Don't wanna' share it.
Don't worry about my comfort. Shit! I can't feel my ass no more.
Don't you say anything about my daddy,
Don't you see that ****** and John Ruth put you smack dab in the middle of danger?
Done what he could, but he couldn't make it.
Drag her stikin' ass up this goddamn mountain, just
Drop a big ole' rock on their head.
Duplicitous fella' ain't as cool a customer as Daisy here.
During a blizzard in Minnie's Haberdashery.
During the next four hours, Jody and the boys chuck the bodies down the well.
During war time makes me wanna horse laugh.
Earlier That Morning.
Eight months.
Eight thousand dollars a lotta' money for a ******.
Especially to professionals open for business.
Even after all he did, and he did everything I asked.
Everybody get your back sides up against that back wall over yonder.
Everybody keep your mouth shut and do like I say.
Everybody turn around and put your hands on that wall.
Everybody, this is Minnie, and this is her place.
Everybody's got a mother.
Fair enough, General.
Fella in the wagon.
Fella' in the basement!
Fella' in the wagon he paid for a private trip. And i'm here to tell ya'...
Fella' warmin' himself by the that pot by the stove is a hell of driver named O.B.
Fever took her, started this last winter.
Fifteen minutes ago Major Warren shot General Smithers in front of everybody.
Five of you?
For no more a reason then to give a ****** a run for the trees,
For now.
For the first time in my life I,
For the next two days...
For you to break her neck on the ouskirts of town.
Forgive me sir.
Forty seven men... burnt to a crisp.
Four measly bulltes and there goes Senior, Bob.
Four months.
From doing that?
From the stable to the front door, and from the front door to the shithouse.
Fucked up his leg, an' had to put 'er down.
Fucking hold it low.
Gang all fifteen of 'em that were waiting,
Gang and agin Grouch, how many is that?
Genaral Sandy Smithers...
General Sandy "Don't give a damn" Smithers!
General Smithers, don't you listen to him, he didn't know your boy!
General Smithers, he said that he was also in Baton Rouge.
Gentlemen, since we may be trapped here,
Get 'em outta this cold, before that blizzard hit's 'em.
Get 'em outta this cold, before that blizzard hit's 'em.
Get in there.
Get or don't get, Joe Gage. It's up to you.
Get up!
Get warm by the fire, get some coffy in you. I'll introduve you to Minnie.
Get your hand outta' there.
Gimme that fucking gun!
Gimme that guitar!
Gimme the key!
Give me my pistol!
Give O.B. fifty dollars when ya' get to Red Rock, and he'll help ya'.
Go ahead, sing it.
Go take away them rags, let's see some faces let's hear some names.
Go to the outhouse.
God damnit, Daisy it's comin'.
Goddamit to hell, I'm already regretting this!
Goddamn it!
Good for you, sister.
Good idea.
Good luck, mate.
Got 'em, Ed.
Got both my arms.
Got both my legs.
Got me on that stagecoach, didn't it.
Got room for one more?
Had ever corresponded with Abraham Lincoln,
Had the desired effect of disarming white folks.
Had vigorous debate about the legality of self defense murder they just transpired.
Hand me that little bucket.
Hang on, Daisy. I wanna watch.
Hardly, no.
Hasn't moved from her spot at the community dinner table since John Ruth uncuffed her.
Have you ever spent two days or more locked up with one of your customers?
He adds something, not much, but something.
He ain't sheriff of nothin'
He came out here to the hills of Wyoming,
He came up here to do a little ****** head huntin'.
He damn sure is you sons of bitches.
He damn sure would.
He did.
He died out here a few years back.
He got old.
He just heard, tell why you here is all!
He knew he'd never see his home again. And he wasn't beggin' for his life neither.
He knew he'd never see his home again. And he wasn't beggin' for his life neither.
He like a man who took a high dive in a low well.
He made stew too and like my mama's.
He paid a pretty penny for privacy. So if you wanna' go to Minnie's with us...
He says they ain't here. He's lookin' after the place while they gone.
He says they ain't here. He's lookin' after the place while they gone.
He spoke highly of his mama too.
He won't have the leather patience it takes to just sit here and wait.
He'd a come home.
He'll try and create his opportunity. And that's when Mr.Jumpy reveals himself.
He's a big bad cat. He's worth fifty thousand dollars.
He's a fell' been sittin' in the Red Rock jail about a month now.
He's a southern renegade. He's just talkin' his self outta' freezin' to death, is all.
He's absolutely right.
He's got a ****** bounty hunter firend in the stable.
He's in cahoots with this one that's what he is.
He's just a sneaky ****** tryin' to getcha to go for that gun!
He's taking her into Red Rock to be hung.
He's the fella who shot the fella' who was sheriff 'fore me.
He's worth twelve thousand dollars.
Hear this.
Hell no. I like whippin' this old man's ass in front of a audience,
Hell yeah, kinda of a stupid question.
Hell yeah, we did.
Hell, you know what, you can have mine.
Hello old timer.
Hello, thank you, good night and...
Help Charly with them bags and get Ed in here.
Her paw' was the owner of the breedershit where I brought of my ponies.
Here is ya'? I mean maybe up there with O.B., but
Here they come.
Here two days and Minnie wants him outta here.
Here we are everybody, Minnie's Haberdashery.
Here we go General.
Here, last piece.
Here's the problem Daisy.
Hey Mister Ruth?
Hey Ozzy, hey you got the right idea.
Hey, boy!
Hi Minnie!
Him shakin', him cryin'
Hold it black fella'!
Hold it Warren.
Hold it, mi n**** amigo.
Hold out your hands.
Hot on our asses we tryin' to beat to shelter!
How 'bout you Oswaldo?
How about me what?
How about we forget about the hats today,
How is it?
How long you say Minnie been gone?
How long you say you been working for Minnie's?
How many burnt prisoners they end up findin'?
How many ****** towns did y'all sack in your fight for dignity in defeat?
How many peppermint sticks I get for a nickel?
How ya' doin' dummy?
How you doin' old boy?
How you like the sound of them bells, bitch?
How you like you that? You bushwhacker castrator!
How'd she make the stew this morning?
How's life since the war?
How's the coffy?
Howdy ******!
However, I hope you all understand,
Huh bitch?
I ain't dead yet, you black bastard.
I ain't got another pistol!
I ain't got no gun, sheriff.
I ain't in the mood, Chris Mannix. Leave me be from your horseshit.
I ain't never going out in that shit ever, ever again!
I almost died out there!
I am workin with all three of them fella's...
I ate his stew from the time I was a whipper,
I believe when it comes to what's left of The Jody Doe ming grey Gang...
I belive they accused you
I bought him a symbolic plot
I call it a dirty fuckin' trick.
I can do another one.
I can imagine you probably don't like to take
I can see you ain't got mixed emotions 'bout bringing a woman to a rope.
I can see you already got another one up in here.
I can see you already got another one up in here.
I can't imagine Sweet Dave liftin' his fat ass
I can't just take your word.
I didn't give it to her, I gave it to you!
I didn't say they could prove it.
I didn't say you poisoned the coffy. I said you didn't make the stew.
I didn't wanna'.
I didn't,
I don't feel so good.
I don't know 'bout all that.
I don't know some old man.
I don't know that ******.
I don't like taking it in an'out of the envelope that much.
I don't think so.
I don't think that was the original idea, but...
I don't wanna' work that hard.
I don't want no trouble.
I done did it.
I done had him for a bit.
I feel kinda' naked without it.
I figure that's where you headed, right?
I figure you're a bounty hunter open for business.
I fuckin' knew it!
I get it, haberdashery,
I got back from a long drive and...
I got I got. Jolly good.
I got it.
I got it.
I got my warrant, Oswaldo.
I got paperwork on 'em in my pocket.
I got to believe in those fifteen extra gang members waitin' it out in Red Rock.
I had nothing to do with it.
I hang you in red Rock, I move on to the next town, I hang someone else there.
I have a laissez faire attitude about the hats.
I heard you gave those Blue Bellies sweet hell.
I help you protect your eight thousand, you help me protect my ten?
I hope this letter finds you...
I hurt your feelings?
I joined the war to kill White Southern
I just got through putting the horses away.
I just met these people. I don't give a damn about them, or you, or your sister,
I just need to get warm.
I just put those other horses away. You need it done fast, you need to help.
I just wanna' ride. I'm freezin to death.
I just want to let you know, you're in my thoughts...
I know Americans aren't apt
I know the day he died, do you? No.
I know we'll get there...
I know you too.
I know,
I made him strip.
I mean we did just kill Minnie and Sweet Dave.
I never did give your boy that blanket.
I never knew Minnie had a mother.
I realize that!
I said the army of North Virginia would have been used in very different way.
I said way above your hat, god dammit.
I said, there's another fella' on foot, up here on the road!
I sentence you, Domergue,
I still got, what?
I suppose I could let you read it again.
I suppose this blizzard counts as a stroke of luck as far as you're concerned?
I suppose you were there.
I sure as hell hope so.
I sure hate to interrupt y'all! But we gtta' cold damn blizzard,
I think I'll just look out this winda'
I think I'm gonna die.
I think they thought, thirty seven white men for one ******
I think we all felt the same way, but were a little too polite to say something.
I tole' you jackass to Hee Haw somewhere else.
I took my big, black, pecker outta' my pants.
I use to raise Kentucky horses.
I walked his naked ass for two hours, 'fore his cold collapsed him.
I wanna' hear her neck snap with my own two ears.
I want us to work out a signal system of communication.
I was a goner, and y'all saved me.
I was a partner.
I was riding to Red Rock and my horse stepped in a gopher hole in the snow,
I was sitting on that side of the room. Playing Silent Night on the piano.
I will hang you by the neck until you are dead.
I will perform the execution.
I'd sure appreciate seein' that again.
I'll be a goddamn dog in the manger.
I'll be dealing with his gun after I deal with yours.
I'll be dogged, you black fella' i know.
I'll be fine.
I'll bite... why?
I'll bust you in the mouth right in front of these people, I don't give a fuck!
I'll do my best.
I'll feed and water the horses. You go inside and get some hot coffy.
I'll give you he got guts.
I'll help protect your eight thousand,
I'll protect you.
I'll put a bullet right in your goddamn throat.
I'll tell a' what The Cavalry didn't look kindly on.
I'm afraid the same applies to you too, Mr.
I'm Bob.
I'm doing fine...
I'm fine.
I'm gonna sit back on that wagon wheel watch and laugh.
I'm gonna' cut you loose while we eat.
I'm gonna' kill that fella' and turn my sister lose.
I'm gonna' pull this whole pot of coffy, down that bitches goddamn throat.
I'm guilty.
I'm here to advise the stone maker on his headstone.
I'm just bein' sarcastic I don't give a fuck about your leg.
I'm just tellin' you what she said.
I'm lookin' at 'em, right here right, right
I'm not sayin' I'm gonna' make a deal with her, we're just talkin'. Calm down.
I'm not trying to tell you how to run your business.
I'm Oswaldo Mobray,
I'm pretty goddamn sure that chair's be going with him.
I'm real sorry about this, son.
I'm sorry, honey.
I'm sorry, I heard somebody in your party had a
I'm sorry, I heard somebody in your party had a
I'm suppose to apologize for killin' Johnny Reb?
I'm the new sheriff.
I'm the only black son of a bitch you ever met, so I'm gonna' cut you some slack.
I'm tryin' to get a coupla' of bounty's to Red Rock.
I'm very proud everytime I hear new of you...
I've been called worse.
I've got some stew cooking. Should be done soon.
If he can't handle it, he'll stop waiting.
If he did all that, the Cavalry woulda' shot him.
If he had done what he came here to do,
If he is a goddamn sheriff, I'm a monkey's uncle.
If I die in the next two days, which is more than likely, you can have me.
If I don't hear a confession from one of you
If I remember it correctly, that was one of them Bar of Iron rules,
If she were dead?
If the relatives and the loved ones of the person
If we couldn't kill John Ruth and free Daisy here.
If you had any brains, you would be.
If you really want all that Domergue Gang bounty money,
If you say so, John.
If you was a cat what just happened here
If you would have been here two and half years ago
Ignore the ****** that killed your boy,
Ignoring how I made him suffer?
Ignoring how I made him...
In Baton Rouge.
In good health and stat...
In order for me to be scared of your threats,
In possession of all of our dead bodies, they
In Red Rock are comin' here.
In the Red Rock cemetery.
In the snow and hung you up by the neck, that,
In this snow it sure 'nuff warms your ass up.
Including shittin' out fifteen extra gang members,
Inform the ****** in the Cavalry officers uniform
Inform this old cracker that I was in Baton Rouge also.
Is always in danger of not being justice.
Is just so much to do...
Is sit tight and wait for a winda' of opportunity.
Is that Genaral Sanford Smithers I see?
Is that the way ******s treat their ladies?
Is that you Chris Mannix?
Is there anybody here...
Is when white folks is disarmed. And this letter,
Isn't it Major?
It ain't so far fetched, Senior Bob.
It certainly isn't Buster.
It dosen't have latch you gonna' hammer up a board.
It in an'out of the envelope all that often.
It took him too long so I done for him.
It was after he served his service.
It was cold the day I killed your boy.
It's a letter from Lincoln to him.
It's a letter from Lincoln.
It's a pleasant surprise to find such a warm
It's a wonderful thing.
It's already cold enough in here.
It's hot and it's strong and it's good. And
It's kinda' pretty.
It's my favorite.
It's still all on that ******.
It's where I'm from, it's our biggest city.
It's why I ain't too anxious to be handin' out rides.
Jesis Christ, that door's a whore!
Jesus Christ, that's awful!
Jody's got fifteen men waitin' in Red Rock.
Joe Gag volunteered to take Smithers dead body outside.
Joe Gage get your ass over and shut this trap door.
Joe Gage or Grouch Douglass whatever the fuck his name was....
Joe Gage.
John Ruth coulda shot her anywhere, anytime along the way,
John Ruth says you gotta' a Lincoln Letter?
John Ruth wants to take you back to Red Rock to stand trail for murder.
John Ruth was one mighty, mighty bastard.
John Ruth,
John Ruth, I hate to be the one to break it to ya' but nobody in Minnie's Haberdashery,
John Ruth?
John Ruth.
John Ruth.
John Ruth.
John Ruth. I'm bringin' in this one to Red Rock to hang.
John Ruth...
Joined Oswaldo in lighting the candles and lanterns.
Just like Erskine and his boys did their part.
Just make yourself comfortable.
Just open the door we tell you to come up!
Just seein' if you do.
Just steer clear of my prisoner.
Justice. For justice delivered without dispassion,
Keep your hands flat on that table.
Keepin' you at a disadvantage, is a advantage I intend to keep.
Kick it open!
Kidnapping this woman without a warrant in your possession?
Kill 'em.
Kill in cold blood, I'm sure I don't know.
Kinda curious about her sales pitch, humor me.
Kinda rule, she'd want kept up in her absence.
Kinda' like those uniforms the union issued those colored troopers,
Last Chapter Black Man, White Hell
Later today,
Least of all, that ****** there.
Legality of what just transpired, ignored them
Let me hear you say: "I got it."
Let me see their paperwork.
Let's get ready.
Let's go back a bit.
Let's just say I don't like to cheat the hangman. He's gotta' make a living too.
Let's light this place up.
Let's slow it down.
Let's slow it way down.
Letter from Abraham Lincoln, I assumed it was you.
Lick, all over my Johnson?
Like I said friend,
Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive.
Like I said, anybody does anything. And I mean, anything.
Like I said, it was a few years back.
Like I said, molasses like.
Like I said, nothing personal. Just a precaution.
Like me god damnit.
Like to rip my goddamn arm off!
Listen why don't you take the passengers inside, introduce them to Minnie.
Listen, I'm just a cow puncher I just...
Little jumpy, ain't you?
Look I just started working here.
Look, I know you gotta' be real careful with it and all.
Lookin' for me and fortune.
Looks like Minnie's got her a full house.
Lovley smile, that Gemma.
Made a pretty penny and, eh....
Maj. Marquis did more than bust out.
Maj. Marquis had a bright idea. So bright...
Major Marquis Warren, this here is Daisy Domergue.
Major Marquis Warren.
Major Marquis.
Major ******, General Smithers wishes me to inform you... I heard 'em hillbilly.
Major Warren please let me sent this ugly son of a bitch to hell.
Major Warren?
Man here, comitted to gettin' you to Red Rock alive.
Mannix the coffy!
Mannix's Marauders that's what.
Marquis Warren who is supremely confident about the
May I join you?
May I see it?
May I sit down, Sir?
May I sit in the chair?
May I suggest a possible solution?
Maybe you might of heard tell 'bout the price on her head.
Maybe your name, but that's it.
Me an' ole Lash rode a lotta' miles together.
Me and my boys did our part.
Me and one of them fella's is in cahoots. And
Me laughin'
Merci beaucoup Mademoiselle, Minnie.
Minnie and Sweet Dave in there?
Minnie and Sweet Dave went to visit her mother on the north side of the mountain.
Minnie dosen't smoke a pipe.
Minnie hung that sign up the day she opened this Habadashery.
Minnie still serve food?
Minnie's house and you don't even know why!
Miss Minnie? Would you roll me a cigarette?
Molasses like.
Most find it a mite too strong.
Move 'em down snowshoes.
Muchas gracias.
Music time's over!
My bounties never hang,
My boy.
My daddy led an army, he led a renegade amry, fightin' a lost cause!
My faire share, Black Major.
My life story.
My lord, is that really the real head of Major Marquis, lookin' at me now?
My mother.
My pistol plays a tune.
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