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Dramatic poster of "Sling Blade" (1996) featuring a close-up profile of the main character with a bridge silhouette.

Sling Blade (1996) Soundboard

Sling Blade is a critically acclaimed film directed and written by Billy Bob Thornton. Released in 1996, it captivated audiences with its unique storyline and unforgettable characters. This haunting drama explores themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the complexities of human nature.

At the heart of Sling Blade is Karl Childers, brilliantly portrayed by Billy Bob Thornton himself. Karl is a mentally challenged man who was institutionalized at a young age for committing a horrific crime. Released into a small Southern town, he struggles to adapt to society and find his place in the world. Thornton's mesmerizing performance earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor, showcasing his incredible talent and commitment to the role.

The film also features an incredible supporting cast, each contributing to the story's emotional intensity. Dwight Yoakam plays Doyle Hargraves, a cruel and abusive man who torments those around him. Yoakam's menacing presence adds a layer of tension to the narrative, as Doyle's actions spur the events of the film forward.

The remarkable John Ritter portrays Vaughan Cunningham, a compassionate and caring friend to Karl. Ritter's character provides a stark contrast to the harsh realities of the small town, offering a glimmer of hope and humanity. Unfortunately, this was one of Ritter's final film roles before his untimely death, showcasing his immense talent and the loss the film industry experienced.

The exceptional supporting cast continues with Lucas Black as Frank Wheatley, a young boy who befriends Karl. His innocent portrayal adds a touch of warmth and innocence to the film, forming a heartwarming bond with Karl that brings moments of joy amidst the darker themes.

Sling Blade's sound design and music score also play a vital role in enhancing the overall experience. The haunting soundscape created by Daniel Lanois perfectly complements the film's somber atmosphere. Lanois, a renowned musician and producer, creates a hypnotic and atmospheric soundtrack that immerses viewers in the world of Sling Blade.

If you are a fan of the film's music, you can easily access and download the sounds of Sling Blade through various platforms. Websites that specialize in movie soundtracks or streaming services often offer the film's original score, allowing fans to enjoy the haunting melodies at their convenience.

In conclusion, Sling Blade is a cinematic masterpiece that explores the complexities of life and human nature. Billy Bob Thornton's remarkable performance as Karl Childers, navigating the difficulties of integration into society after years spent institutionalized, is unforgettable. Supported by an exceptional ensemble cast and an atmospheric soundtrack, Sling Blade delves into themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the power of human connection. Released in 1996, this critically acclaimed film continues to captivate audiences with its haunting storyline and timeless performances. If you wish to relive the experience or explore the film's rich sound design, you can easily play and download the sounds of Sling Blade through various platforms.
A blister sure can hurt mm hm yeah
A boy or a girl it was a little old boy
A damn good song weren't it doyle you like that song all right
A mercury is a real good car that was the car I was driving that day
A quilt or two to put down there mm hm
Actually the hand that we've been dealt in life
Ah well it's not too big in here is it huh huh
Ain't that sweet what am I gonna do about supper while you're out running around with that fag
Ain't you got no mom and daddy to tend to it
All I can do is talk to him see what he says
All I want you to promise me is that you are capable of being around frank and linda you know
All right
All right hey get some extra gravy ok
All right i'm a witness I heard you threaten her
All right ok i'm gonna leave now fuck me!
All right then
All right then (2)
All right then (3)
All right then (4)
All right then (5)
All right then (6)
All right then (7)
All right then (8)
All right then (9)
All right then (10)
All right then (11)
All right then all right then
All right then i'll see y'all later
All right then i'll see y'all tomorrow
All right then i'll see you bright and early
All right then one large french fries
All right then well i'll see you later
All right y'all wanna go with me
All right, then
All right, then.
All right, then.
All right, then. I'll see y'all later.
Also melinda please don't tell anyone at the store that albert was here tonight ok
Also, Melinda, please don't tell anyone at the store
Although I do sense a little tension in you time to time
Amen johnson
And coming into the damn bedroom at four in the morning carrying hammers and shit.
And finally I realized through a lot of therapy that I was wasting my energy on hating him so now I just don't care
And frank you know frank really likes you a lot he says you make him feel calm
And from across the great divide in the distance I saw light
And her dead as a doornail laid out on a gurney
And how's the rest of the team looking this year pretty good pretty good we expect to do well
And how's the rest of the team looking this year?
And I don't mean to be so damned well asshole ish I guess would be the word
And I pulled the mercury right up alongside and I rolled down the window see by electric power
And I told him that there couldn't be any pictures.
And I wanted you to meet karl he's my new friend but it seems like i've always known him I thought you should meet him
And I wanted you to meet Karl. He's my new friend,
And I...
And if you ever hit me again you little bastard I swear to god i'll make you sorry your daddy ever squirted your ass out you hear me
And loves french fries the son of a bitch can eat four larges and won't so much as even belch
And one of the boys was from california and one from arkansas
And one of the things he had was this beautiful young bride sarah
And she had a lot of hair on her arms I like hair I like hair a lot it means a big bush I like a big bush
And she had this leather skirt on
And she says to me how much do you wanna spend and I said whatever it takes to see that bush of yours 'cause I know it's a big one and she says to me 25 dollars
And she'll give us anything we want her to candy or something
And some soap in the bathroom for cleaning up with.
And that we could..
And the first rule is you don't speak unless you're spoken to you got me
And the other thing I say is your buddy karl here's going
And the world'll be shut of you
And then like in country songs you know in parenthesis it says
And then, like in country songs, you know, in parenthesis it says:
And there before me lay this thin crooked uncircumcised penis
And um I came up with a tune just a hummin'
And wherever I go and whatever I do darlin' I love you
And wwhatever! Do
And wwherever! Go
And you know these folks don't want you here?
And your food's in the oven warming over
Anyhow I reckon that's all you'd need to know
Anyhow they seen fit to put me in here and here i've been for a great long while
Anyway it's hard to live gay that's the right way to say it in a small town like this
Are you scared of him scooter no I don't guess so
Are you sure you can drive you've really had a lot of alcohol
As a matter of fact for years I prayed every night that my father would die
Aw come on you'll like her she's real nice
Aw I don't want to me and karl's got things we need to do
Bathroom's out there in the hall
Before that I was thinking I could use me another six or eight cans of that potted meat if you got any extra
Besides karl here's liable to bust a spring he's already off balance
Besides that's the way friends do one another
Besides we have a garden full of flowers
Besides, Karl here's liable to bust a spring. He's already off balance
Better go get your things
Bible says the same thing about killing others too
Bible says two men ought not to lay together
Bible says two men ought not to lay together but i'll bet you the good lord wouldn't send nobody like you to hades
Bill cox he generally gets me a box lunch
Bill Cox is going to a funeral for a Mr
Bill cox is going to a funeral for a mr turner tomorrow and closing up shop early mm hm
Bill i'll see you ok stop back by
Brother john have you seen the homeless daughters standing there with broken wings
But doyle is going to make your life hell
But frankie i'm sorry i'm sorry I hit your momma
But he don't wanna have nothing to do with me.
But he still don't help momma out with any money though
But he was one of these young men we run across in life i'm sure you've run across 'em who didn't deserve what he had you know
But he's not able to do anything to doyle
But I ain't your daddy you just act like I am
But I can't complain other than that wouldn't do any good if I did
But I don't reckon there's no need for it if all you're gonna do is sit there in that chair
But I fixed that washing machine so that boy ain't gotta tote that laundry no more.
But I had me a hole dug out to lay down in
But I reckon he can lay off of doing it tomorrow mm hm
But I reckon what you is a wantin' to know is how come me to kill somebody so I reckon i'll start at the front and tell you
But I tell you what i'll give a couple of cans for free to the right kid
But I tell you what, I'll give a couple of cans for free to the right kid.
But I wasn't scared 'cause as long as daddy was driving I thought nothing could happen to us
But i'll catch you next week with that 327
But just for a while
But old man dixon he had a boy his name was jesse dixon
But she said..
But since you do exist and i'm gonna be the head of the household then you're gonna learn to live by my rules
But that washcloth I put in her mouth I held in place with a real fat piece of duct tape kept all her complaining down to a minimum
But what I see before me is a gentle simple man
But you see you and I are a lot alike as strange as that may seem
But you're gonna start at the defensive end
But, uh..
Bye bye sweetie
Can he talk oh yeah
Can I ask you a question if he's so troubled why are you letting him out what if he does it again it happens all the time
Can I help you sir
Can I help you sir can I help you sir
Can I see him sure
Can we get some candy and pop sure thing go ahead come on
Can we play every saturday if I ain't too stoved up I ain't like you i'm old and give out
Can you go with us now with me and karl
Can't you see i'm trying to relax
Coffee kinda makes me nervous when I drink it mm hm
Coffee makes me a mite nervous when I drink it
Come here you little prick come here you fucking prick!
Come on have a seat in here
Come on karl
Come on karl go with us
Come on karl let's go to the garage
Come on let's go
Come on let's kick off to 'em all right then
Come on man
Come on morris you fucking genius get the fuck up and get the fuck outta here goddammit!
Come on now she wants to talk to you don't just sit there
Come on sugar
Come on there's a lot of retards running around ain't locked up in the nut house think about it linda
Come on vaughan this'll be fun
Come on you motherfuckers! get the fuck out!
Come on, Frankie.
Come on, Karl, let's go to the garage.
Come on, now, she wants to talk to you. Don't just sit there.
Could I have some of that ham oh yeah i'm sorry thanks
Could you give it a try I reckon
Couldn't you have done something karl I would have I wish i'd had him he'd still be right here now living
Couldn't you have done something, Karl?
Daddy can I be excused to go to bed
Daddy don't you think one of us ought to stay up all night and kind of guard or something
Daddy's dead he got hit by a train
Darlin' lord above me
Darlin' you're so damn sweet don't forget the milk
Darlin'. You're so damn swweet
Did karl go to bed
Did Karl go to bed?
Did live up there in the state hospital
Did vaughan go home
Did you check them points no no I didn't
Did you check them points?
Did you ever think about killing yourself on purpose like daddy did i've studied about it some the bible says you ought not to says if you do that you go out to hades
Did you have any brothers and sisters growing up to play with
Did you have fun? Did you make any acquaintances?
Did you like that vaughan
Did you want me to go through the whole list
Didn't I tell you to get moved outta here
Didn't pay my daddy too much of a wage just barely enough to get by on I reckon but I reckon he got by all right
Didn't treat his employees very well didn't pay 'em too much of a wage
Didn't treat his employees very well. Didn't pay 'em too much of a wage.
Didn't you go to sleep at all karl you been sitting there like that all night yes sir
Different ones. One of 'em's the Bible. Mm hm.
Do they know about you
Does everybody like the food yeah it's good oh good I haven't decided yet if i'm a good cook
Don't be a pussy vaughan we all gotta work tomorrow come on
Don't do that linda i'm calling the police!
Don't go vaughan if you don't want to
Don't keep doing this to yourself you's a sweet boy
Don't make me knock the piss outta you
Don't talk about my daddy
Don't tell me what to do
Don't tell me what to do linda
Don't tell me what to do linda leave!
Don't worry about your boy now he's doing good
Don't you have anybody down there to help you out no sir
Don't you have anybody down there to help you out?
Don't you have anybody no sir
Don't you live somewhere
Don't you say nothing about that boy
Don't you tell me what to do lin
Don't you touch her
Dots look good on paper you don't sing 'em anyway you're just showing your true aries color now
Doyle is a monster not just a closed minded redneck but a monster a dangerous person
Doyle said besides sending the police you might want to send a ambulance or a hearse thank you
Doyle wouldn't really kill you would he
Doyle you're awful you shouldn't be that way
Doyle's had a real hard life it's just about run him crazy I think
Doyle's had a real hard life. It's just about run him crazy, I think
Doyle's invited his music playing buddies over to get liquored up pick fights and make a bunch of racket out on the patio
Everybody has something in their past
Everything's bothering me i'm hurting linda
Exactly the point my young levelheaded friend
Fact of business don't you say another word to me I ain't listening to you no more
Flowers is purdy i've always thought that mm hm me too
For somebody like you you sure can run fast
Frank don't talk that way
Frank I just like you as a friend and only at the secret place I can't go there now i'll see you later
Frank told me about your situation frank loves company
Frank we'll be back in a little while i'll bring you back something
Frank why don't you and karl go on out in the garage and fix him up a place play a game or something
Frank why don't you come back here with me for a minute
Frank why don't you go off and play in your room if doyle's gonna talk nasty
Frank's just crazy about him he likes the way he talks
Frankie don't say nothing about our little spat to your momma now
Frankie get some more salad
Frankie go help your mom
Frankie you be a good boy now you hear me
Frankie you be quiet we're talking the adults are talking
French fried potatoes yep french fries how much you want for 'em
Frostee Shakes, Creamy Bars.
Fuck it i'm calling 'em up
Fuck me! i'm gonna go home and sober up
Get away from us!
Get away from us! goddammit!
Get it
Get it that's a good 'un that is a good one
Get out retard
Get out! all of y'all! now get the fuck out!
Get some of their coleslaw too ok
Get the fuck out!
Get you some magazines and some hard candy something to keep you busy at night
Go ahead and kick her off johnson!
Go home!
Go on get outta here go on out to the garage leave me be go on
Go on then
Goddammit I wanna talk to him
Goddammit scooter come on let's go
Goddamn you you little prick!
Goes something like this
Good job karl we got a touchdown
Had to turn me loose
Have you knocked on the door yet no sir I ain't
He ain't no account if he's mean to you and your momma
He ain't no good he's mean to her
He ain't threatened me with a killing or nothing
He does make some funny noises
He don't like me at all momma says it's 'cause he's jealous 'cause I belong to my daddy instead of him
He don't wanna play in his room baby just let him sit here let's all just be a family
He don't want to doyle
He got laid off at work and started working odd jobs
He helped him carry home the clean laundry
He I don't think he'd ever hurt anybody he don't look much like he would
He just wanted to go off and play I reckon
He lets momma off any time she feels like it 'cause they're best friends
He likes me
He oughta not talk that away to you neither
He runs the place says that you can work here and stay out back
He said that quite a bit from time to time when i'd be down there at the schoolhouse
He spends the night over at our house sometimes and he's got his own house
He stands alone anyhow baking the cookies of discontent by the heat of the laundromat vent
He sure is nice though he's from st louis
He threatened to kill her if she ever left him
He used to go to church with me
He used to make quite a bit of sport of me when I was down there at the schoolhouse
He used to say that my mother was a very pretty woman
He used to take advantage of little girls there in the neighborhood an' all
He was having his way with her
He works construction so he makes a pretty good living
He would have had fun sometimes.
He'll be around for a long time and I hope you will too so
He'll be here in a little while he's taking me to get an ice cream
He's a nut ain't he
He's a regular whiz it's all he's done since he was a kid
He's been in the state hospital a long time there must be something wrong with him
He's been treated and re evaluated and doesn't show any signs anymore
He's carrying me to look for work down in millsberg where I was born mm hm
He's crazy sometimes I think it'd have been better off if I wasn't even born
He's crazy. Sometimes I think it'd have been better off if I wasn't even born.
He's free his time's up that's the rules
He's funny you know not funny ha ha funny queer he likes to go with men instead of women
He's got a key here to come and go as he pleases
He's got it out for you tonight I got me a feeling too
He's in a bad way again with that drinking and a bein' mean to folks
He's just mentally retarded I guess
He's lying momma he'll never do better I know honey
He's mentally retarded poor thing he just got out of the state hospital I know
He's pretty quiet except for them rackets and breathing things he does
He's real honest he wouldn't steal nothing
He's retarded's all
He's taller than he was then
Hello freddy freddy
Hello, Freddy.
Here give me the flowers i'll do something with them now you better go
Here I want you to give that to that miss wheatley it ain't much but there might be a little something there to help out
Here take this key it'll get you in and out of here at night
Here we go one two one two three four
Hey bill good to see you man it's been a long time
Hey boy hey
Hey frank you shouldn't be coming over here my parents really don't want you to
Hey frankie
Hey freddy how about you
Hey honey don't rush everybody off yet
Hey I saw your picture in the paper catching that big ass bass yeah she was a big 'un
Hey is this the kind of retard that drools and rubs shit in his hair and all that
Hey jerry how's it going
Hey karl come along with us
Hey karl guess what momma said you can stay over with us out in the garage our car won't fit in there anyway it's real neat
Hey karl how did you know I was in the garage
Hey karl how'd you know to come out here
Hey karl let's go come on
Hey karl there's somebody out here to see you some gal holding a nice bouquet
Hey karl!
Hey linda
Hey linda call up vaughan and get him over here
Hey man I ain't doing nothing wrong
Hey momma hey vaughan
Hey morris what you doing boy
Hey sheriff
Hey sweetheart what you up to
Hey there I thought I heard somebody on the porch
Hey there karl come unload a generator for me
Hey vaughan
Hey vaughan I was just going on with you just joking around you know buddy
Hey vaughan you know what I heard
Hey y'all come on in
Hey you know better than that you oughta not say that word
Hey you're the one that wanted to major in journalism
Hey, Linda, call up Vaughan and get him over here.
Hey, Morris.
Hey, there. I thought I heard somebody on the porch.
Hey, Vaughan. I was just going on with you.
Hey, you know better than that. You oughta not say that word.
Hey, you're the one that wanted to major in journalism
Hey! (2)
Hey! ain't anybody gonna come and get me
Hey! goddamn you frankie
Hey! I said get outta my house!
Hey! what in the goddamn hell are you doing karl what the fuck are you doing up in the middle of the night
Hey! you get the fuck out now! leave!
Hi hi
Hi karl i'm on my lunch break these were on sale 'cause they're not fresh
Hi karl pleased to meet you
Hide that between your legs for me will you
Him staying here working out well he's gone to staying over with that wheatley boy and his momma over at their garage
His daddy taught him how to be a pussy
Hold your plate up for me frankie
Homosexual I like men sexually
Hospital shoes might be the answer nurse's shoes or the kind old ladies wear who work in the school cafeteria same difference
How about you doyle
How about you jerry how are you bill
How about you karl karl did you like that
How am I going to conduct an interview if I can't ask him any questions
How am I going to conduct an interview if I can't ask him any questions?
How are you coming along with that garden tiller
How are you coming along with that garden tiller?
How are you doing, boys? I'm glad y'all came back.
How are you karl oh tolerable I reckon
How come he would do that reckon
How come her to still be girlfriend an' all with him if he mean to her
How come her to still be girlfriend an' all with him if he mean to her?
How did your momma die
How do you know
How does a fella go about getting hold of the police you use the fucking phone I guess which numbers do you put in
How far are you going with them sacks full of wash half a mile I think it is
How far did you say you wanted to go
How long are you gonna be staying here
How long have you been standing here
How you doing boy
I aim for you to have 'em
I aim for you to have these books
I aim for you to have these books
I aim to kill you with it
I ain't a stayin'. I need to ask you for a favor.
I ain't got no boy
I ain't got no boy (2)
I ain't got nothing but them books better go get 'em
I ain't never used no hatchet that I remember mm hm
I ain't never used no hatchet that I remember. Mm hm.
I ain't no account but daddy always said he was proud of me when I threw the ball or ran with it
I ain't no account, but Daddy always said he was proud of me
I ain't saying it's right i'm just telling you it's the damn truth
I always get nervous when I hear that doorbell
I always get nervous when I hear that doorbell i'm ok walking over here but there's something about that dang doorbell
I believe the dot dot dot come between medulla and oblongata
I bet he don't he likes me I know he does
I bet he don't.
I bet I know you want a whole bunch of candy and a pop right yeah that stuffs gonna rot your teeth don't you know that
I borrowed one of your books you ain't mad are you
I can help you tote it if I don't give out first
I can't go to sleep I have to be at work in three hours
I can't work the fields of abraham and turn my head away
I care about y'all though I do really
I care for you a good deal I care for you more than anything else there is you and me made friends right off the bat
I care for you too but you'll be around don't say that
I could not feel for the fear in my life
I could not see for the fog in my eyes
I could sure use some
I didn't have no floor out there
I didn't know how to care for no baby
I didn't know how to care for no baby
I didn't mean to say nothing bad about you you're good you don't mean no harm
I do, too
I don't believe this store used to be here
I don't get it
I don't guess I give a shit 'cause I mean I ain't here that much anyway
I don't I don't mean physically or even mentally really but well emotionally
I don't know he said he'd eat out there
I don't know if y'all realize the pressure a man like me's got on him
I don't know if y'all realize the pressure a man like me's got on him.
I don't know karl she just ain't catching fire
I don't know whether or not that's enough for your newspaper or not mm hm
I don't know why you're so weirded out
I don't like homosexuals and she goes out and buddies up with one so now I gotta deal with that
I don't like little wimpy ass kids or mental retards and she's got one of each living with her
I don't like potted meat daddy used to say they was made out of lips peckers and intest
I don't mean to say nothing bad about you but why don't you stop doyle when he's being that away you're older than him you're strong too
I don't really like people you know who talk all the time I like to do all the talking
I don't really like people, you know, who talk all the time. I like to do all the talking.
I don't reckon
I don't reckon I know boy I ain't never found no way to not be nervous
I don't reckon I know nobody named jerry
I don't reckon I know, boy
I don't reckon I thought about it too much
I don't reckon i'm gonna be out there in the garage no more
I don't reckon I'm gonna be out there in the garage no more.
I don't reckon i've got no reason to kill nobody
I don't reckon that you have to go with women to be a good daddy to a boy
I don't remember
I don't see how you can eat all that stuff with them insides it's made out of
I don't think i've seen you here before
I don't think nothing bad oughta happen to children
I don't think that's right
I don't understand the meaning of the words
I don't wanna go play in my room
I don't want her worrying about your ass
I don't want you going over and staying with that Doyle.
I done ate just a little bit ago mm hm
I feel sad about karen cross too
I figured i'd play ball with you you will for sure yes sir
I fixed it it's working pretty good now mm hm
I get real mean when my feet hurt it's the only time I don't like checking out customers when my feet hurt
I got a feeling today reckon what kind of a feeling like something different I don't know
I got a momma she's at work over at hoochy's dollar store
I got a real short attention span you know yeah
I got all worked up and one thing led to another
I got hired on to work for a mr bill cox fixing lawn mowers and whatnot mm hm
I got some of that potted meat and soda crackers left over if you want some
I got something even better I just put potted meat on special four cans for a dollar they're not moving very well
I gotta change the light in here for karl
I guess he went to the garage
I guess he wouldn't want to help you out any would he
I had one there for a little bit but uh it didn't get old enough for me to play with it mm hm
I had one there for a little bit,
I hate you you little prick! no I don't no I don't I love your momma
I have a boyfriend now you know and we're pretty serious he gave me a ring
I have a lot of cars yeah different kinds a lot of different kinds of cars
I have seen flaming swords there over east of eden burning in the eyes of the maker
I have wondered though why was it was it like a nervous breakdown or
I have wondered, though.
I heard you been putting it on old albert sellers works over at the funeral home
I hit him two good whacks with it that second 'un just plumb near cut his head in two
I hope you can still see to write
I indeed baptize this my brother in the name of the father and the son and the holy ghost amen
I just feel sorry for the poor thing
I just I can't explain what goes on
I just make like to myself that she loves me
I just want all of you to know that I care about each and every person at this table
I just wanted to get your momma outta the house for a few minutes so we could talk
I just wanted to stop by and give y'all some little piece of happiness today
I killed my mother and an old boy named jesse dixon
I kinda like walking from time to time
I kinda wanna put my arm around you for a minute then i'm gonna get up and leave outta here ok
I know albert we're friends
I know better though but it just feels good when I imagine it
I know better, though,
I know that you're a real card all right
I know what i'd do tonight
I know what I'd do tonight.
I know you are i've seen it myself
I know you could've scored that touchdown by yourself instead of just throwing it over to me
I know you wouldn't hon
I knowed you'd be out here
I learned to read some I read the bible quite a bit I can't understand all of it but I reckon I understand a good deal of it
I like frank he's a good boy me and him's made friends
I like grease on everything I like fried chicken fried okra biscuits and gravy it'll kill you
I like it on the nights he ain't at our house I ain't so nervous then
I like the way you talk well I like the way you talk
I like them french fried potatoes mm hm
I like your garage
I like your garage.
I liked walking with you I got a blister the size of a quarter on one heel
I lived out the back of my mother and father's place most of my life in a little old shed that my daddy had built for me
I lived out the back of my mother and father's place most of my life,
I looked in the window there and I seen my mother laying on the floor without any clothes on mm hm
I love you boy I love you too
I love you well I hate you!
I made you a little old book marker and put it in there in that book on christmas
I mean don't hurt his feelings or anything but it'd be good to know
I mean I can't say that she enjoyed her stay
I mean I was never bent that way I was bent the other way you know so
I mean we all gotta get along I guess no matter what our differences are
I mean you've been in lockup so long you don't need me keeping you locked up you need to come and go as you please
I mean, we all gotta get along, I guess, no matter what our differences are.
I met him at the laundromat
I might even surprise you honey and pop the question
I mostly just sat around out there in the shed tinkered around with a lawn mower or two
I never was no good with history mm hm
I never would hurt you or that boy i'd lay my hand on the bible and say the same thing mm hm
I oughta not worry your momma with company
I picked up a kaiser blade that was sitting there by the screen door
I play cards with jd shelnut chief of police so kiss my ass you old bastard!
I promise we're gonna get away from him the time has to be right that's all
I reckon
I reckon I can just walk around till morning time and sit and read a book somewheres mm hm
I reckon I could use a little something or other to eat at noon time
I reckon I don't care nothing about being a free man I don't know how to go about it mm hm
I reckon I understand a great deal of it.
I reckon I wouldn't mind having a little supper mm hm
I reckon i'll have me some of the big 'uns
I reckon i'm gonna have to get used to looking at purdy people mm hm I guess you will
I reckon i'm gonna have to get used to them looking at me too
I reckon that didn't quite satisfy me
I reckon that made me madder than what jesse had made me
I reckon the reason i'm in here is 'cause i've killed somebody mm hm
I reckon what you is wanting to know is what i'm a doin' in here
I remember that old boy too kind of retarded or something back in school
I remember that real well he cut those folks to pieces his momma was one of 'em
I see it in his eyes i'm very in tune maybe even psychic
I see it in his eyes. I'm very in tune, maybe even psychic.
I seen jesse dixon a layin' on top of her
I seen that door cracked open a little bit
I seen that door cracked open a little bit and I figured you was in there fooling around mm hm
I seen you following me mm hm
I shouldn't have told you about that a boy your age ought not to hear such things it just kinda come out
I spent up some of it a ridin' on the bus and eating french fried potatoes mm hm
I stand on the hill not for a thrill but for a breath of a fresh kill
I stand with arms wide open i've run a twisted line
I started for that barrel and I opened up the towel to see what was in there 'cause there was a noise and something moving around in it
I started for that barrel, and..
I stay on my feet all the time at work I just can't find shoes that's comfortable
I taken the little fella and put him in the box buried him out there in the corner of the yard that seemed more proper to me I reckon
I talked to your sponsor or teacher or whoever he is and I told him that there couldn't be any pictures
I tell you he's mentally retarded but he's a whiz with small engines
I tell you the lord works in mysterious ways
I tell you you couldn't have been more right about him fixing things
I tell you, the Lord works in mysterious ways
I think all the old bad things ought to be saved up for the folks that done growed up that's the way I see it mm hm
I think everybody at the store already knows they're always talking about it
I think it'd be good for you too you're gonna be seeing all kinds of people when you get on the outside
I think that little boy's adopted him damn near like a mascot
I think there must have been a little mix up
I thought he took care of us just fine
I thought I told you to get outta here leave me alone
I thought they were doing wrong
I told you I ain't got no boy now why don't you get on outta here and let me be
I told you i'll see you later
I told you three times already the law's on my side
I understand jerry's gonna take you someplace else tomorrow
I used to come here with karen cross she's kind of like my girlfriend or used to be
I wanna be baptized
I wanna come back and stay in here
I want him to be here I wanna show him a good time
I want him to be here. I wanna show him a good time.
I want you to give me your word on it
I want you to give me your word you'll do it
I wanted to bring you some flowers they're pretty good ones they're from the dollar store i'm not an idiot
I was about your boy's age
I was about your boy's age
I was born and raised here up till I was 12 year old
I was going over to the secret place
I was just telling linda we were uh thinking that things would be a lot better if I spent a lot more time over here and that we could oh hell i'll just start over
I was kindly wanting something or other to eat mm hm
I was sittin' out there in the shed one evening not doing too much of nothing just kinda staring at the wall waiting on my mother to come out and give me my bible lesson
I was thinking I might wanna take me some of these potatoes home with me
I was wanting to talk to y'all too come over here and sit down come on sit down
I wasn't but six or eight I reckon I didn't know what to do
I wasn't thinking about nothing else just like you told me i'd do
I will fucking kill you if you talk to me again
I wish he liked to go with women
I wish me and you and momma would just run away but she said wherever we went he'd find us
I wish me and you and Momma would just run away,
I wish you'd all lay off for tonight! I can't hear myself think with that racket
I won't tell her about you being in the state hospital for killing come on let's go
I would have. I wish I'd had him.
I wouldn't know what to do without him either
I wouldn't know what to do without him either.
I wouldn't let it get to you
I wouldn't never hurt them
I'd better tell bill goodbye and head on back
I'd better tell Bill goodbye and head on back.
I'd have me a chicken leg or two mm hm
I'd like to kill that son of a bitch I hate him
I'd love to show them that damn karl they'd get a kick out of him you know they would
I'd rather him be momma's boyfriend than doyle
I'd rather him get tired of me and leave me then he wouldn't wanna hurt me he wouldn't care then
I'd rather not have stole. I could take those home with me.
I'll be back in a little bit then
I'll be dog
I'll be paying all the bills so that means you're stuck with my ass
I'll be!
I'll be!
I'll call you tomorrow
I'll get melvin to walk y'all out
I'll have to tell him about your history
I'll let you off while it's still daylight
I'll let you off while it's still daylight.
I'll make some coffee start cleaning up this mess
I'll see you later all right then
I'll see you sometime, I guess
I'll take you down first thing in the morning
I'll tell you what we need we need some paying gigs
I'll whip the dog shit outta you vaughan
I'm a stranger in the eyes of the maker
I'm calling the police!
I'm closing the door now
I'm gonna get on back over to the job site, lock up some stuff over there.
I'm jerry woolridge nice to meet you i'm marsha dwiggins and this is theresa evans
I'm just give out doyle
I'm just going to say it i'm gay does that surprise you that i'm gay
I'm just gonna reach
I'm just i'm just gonna put it right out on the table
I'm just kidding really about that
I'm just kidding you welcome to our humble home buddy
I'm just now getting around to telling you but I fixed that washing machine so that boy ain't gotta tote that laundry no more
I'm just trying to do my job you follow me
I'm just trying to make these two feel like they're part of it baby
I'm kinda hungry ain't it about time to eat
I'm not a stranger in the hands of the maker
I'm not gonna lie to you he did get into that trouble but then he was young
I'm pretty handy I reckon on lawn mowers and whatnot mm hm
I'm proud of you
I'm proud of you
I'm proud to have him
I'm real tired you know that a boy my age shouldn't be tired of things
I'm real tired, you know that?
I'm sorry honey I said i'm sorry linda
I'm sure it's nothing he seems real sweet
I'm the only sane son of a bitch here!
I'm three or four times as old as you are
I'm tired too
I'm your boy
I'm your oldest boy name of karl
I've had a few glasses of wine and that tends to make me a little emotional but i'm gonna say it anyway it came over me in a rush
I've had a few glasses of wine, and that tends to make me a little emotional,
I've had a lot of bad thoughts since daddy died sometimes I wish I was still real little and he was still here
I've heard it said that away yes sir
I've heard that one a bunch.
I've killed doyle hargraves with a lawn mower blade
I've learned to read some took me four years to read the bible I reckon I understand a great deal of it wasn't what I expected in some places
I've slept in a good bed for a great long while
I've studied on killing you I studied about it quite a bit
I've tinkered around on 'em a little bit mm hm
I've tinkered around on 'em a little bit. Mm hm.
I've told linda that one day that man is going to hurt her and that boy maybe even kill them
I've wanted to leave many times but because I love linda frank and a certain other person I they've kept me from leaving
If he steals anything i'm gonna take it out of your pocket anyway
If he was your brother.
If I was to put my neck out for you with him do you think you could work it if he'll hire you
If i'm gonna throw my life away doing what I want to come live with y'all we're gonna get some shit straight
If it was up to me you could come back here and stay if you wanted to
If it works out maybe we'll get you a key so you can get out at night if you need to
If it's self defense. Was it self defense?
If y'all don't shut up i'm gonna go outta my mind
If you even think about leaving me linda I told you i'm gonna kill you deader than a doornail
If you wanna hear about more details I reckon I can tell 'em to you
If you wanna play you can come on over 'cause we ain't no good either
If you wanna play, you can come on over, 'cause we ain't no good either.
If you want a retard living out in the garage I guess that's your business
If you're going to live in the wheatley garage you you need to know it's not going to be easy
In a few minutes we're gonna be in a room with a killer that doesn't bother you
In fact she was more like the picture I had in my mind than any woman i'd ever seen
In fact, she was more like the picture I had in my mind than any woman I'd ever seen.
In some circles this is considered a piece of automotive art
Is everything gonna be ok are you all right
Is that right
Is that right yes sir
Is that right?
Is to talk to you about something that's on my mind.
Isn't bubba don't say ain't
It ain't got no gas in it
It ain't got no gas in it
It ain't right for me to keep from telling you how come me to be in the state hospital
It ain't the truth he shot himself with a shotgun on purpose
It came over me in a rush
It don't make no difference where I was to be we'll always be friends can't nobody stop that
It don't matter to me about us losing does it to you no sir
It don't mean I don't care for you.
It makes me sad too I wish there was something I could have did about it
It takes your mind off everything else and when you're running real fast trying to score a touchdown that's all you're thinking about
It was a little old baby not no bigger than a squirrel
It was alive yes sir right then it was
It was fun anyhow
It was fun anyhow.
It was raining so hard we couldn't see the road
It was still alive when you buried it I heard it a cryin' a little through that box
It wasn't the colonel but it was a chicken stand nevertheless
It wasn't the Colonel, but it was a chicken stand nevertheless.
It wouldn't matter to me if you did do violence on somebody I ain't scared of shit
It's a little old white house on the corner of vine street and some other street
It's all right if you're looking out for yourself if it's self defense was it self defense
It's been here 17 years you live here before or something
It's good to know you karl thank you
It's good to see you too how's everybody doing
It's just a nut house most of these people don't even know where they are
It's just that i'm jealous of her I don't like her life or how she lives it
It's none of my business why you were in the state hospital
It's not your house doyle it's linda's
It's on we're gonna rock
It's Sunday. You go on back to bed, now.
It's supposed to be like an article or a story something like that isn't that right
It's the best it's gonna get i'm sorry
It's what I made a fixin' lawn mowers and whatnot for bill cox
It's what the highway boys use to cut down weeds and whatnot
Jean baptiste walking to me with the maker
Jeff bailey's boy you know him got a good arm a little slow
Jeff Bailey's boy, you know him. Got a good arm, a little slow.
Jerry why didn't you give him bubba's room his sister's is a little girly isn't it
Jesse was really more cruel than his daddy was
Jesus is calling
Just 'cause I ain't gonna be around no more maybe it don't mean I don't care for you
Just digging I ain't ever gonna be happy now not with that son of a bitch moving in for good
Just don't tell her folks that i'm here
Just get the fuck outta my house now!
Just how retarded are you
Just like I am about antique furniture and midgets
Just remember what I said we'll bide our time
Karl (2)
Karl (3)
Karl are you sure you wanna go stay with these folks
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