Alan if you wanted to scare the kid you could've pulled a gun on him yeah I know kids from Guns Quotes Soundboard
And he put a pistol in his mouth that year or so I read from Guns Quotes Soundboard
And remember this gun is pointed right at your heart that is my least vulnerable spot from Guns Quotes Soundboard
And your word of death it's here in my pistols and there in your rifles from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Babe put away the gun this is radio not television from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Be careful with that gun this ain't no cartoon you know from Guns Quotes Soundboard
But the boy's gotta learn sometime that guns aren't necessarily bad depends on who uses 'em from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Check out my new weapon piranha gun! oh yes! fires live piranhas from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Come on throw away that chickenshit gun you don't just want to pull a trigger from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Couple of big bold bad men gettin' scared to death by a six bit cap pistol from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Do I take it sir that you are threatening a brother officer with a gun from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Dog you strapped you know it from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Don't fool around with the women their husbands carry guns from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Don't play god just because you've got a gun from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Every gun makes its own tune from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Get my gun! get my gun! give it to him maybe he'll shoot himself from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Gun ready sir stand by fire! from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Gun! from Guns Quotes Soundboard
He's got some amusing anecdotes for you here's a gun so you can blow your brains out you'll thank me for it from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Hey you put down the gun and i'll lead the way out from Guns Quotes Soundboard
I don't dig it did they rob the bank what's the gun for what's going on from Guns Quotes Soundboard
I don't want no teenage queen I just want my m14 from Guns Quotes Soundboard
I got you dead on sonny i've got witnesses and i've got your prints on that gun we found from Guns Quotes Soundboard
I have two guns one for each of ya from Guns Quotes Soundboard
I know one thing major I drew and fired straight at it capped off 200 rounds in the minigun full pack from Guns Quotes Soundboard
I like to keep this handy for close encounters from Guns Quotes Soundboard
I put a special tape on the trigger and the butt here try it from Guns Quotes Soundboard
I say we go back to the evil lair grab some ray guns hold him sideways and just go all gangsta on him from Guns Quotes Soundboard
I was gonna be busy all day I had to drop off some guns at jimmy's to match some silencers he had from Guns Quotes Soundboard
I'm gettin' tired of your gas nowjerk that pistol and go to work from Guns Quotes Soundboard
I've been looking for you for eight months whenever I should've had a gun in my right hand I thought of you from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Is it a hugging gun from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Is that a flash gordon ray gun or are you just happy to see me from Guns Quotes Soundboard
It didn't stop them guns tanks bombs they're like toys against them! from Guns Quotes Soundboard
It's no fun when the rabbit has the gun is it from Guns Quotes Soundboard
It's time to hear that pop from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Just watch out for the guns they'll get you from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Let him go or or what or i'm gonna find out what this weird looking gun does from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Let me tell you something if I ever catch you with a gun in your hand i'm gonna break your tail you got that from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Look if you had the gun what would you do with it stick up a filling station from Guns Quotes Soundboard
My beams are focused on your blasters gentlemen from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Nah nah man look I don't know nothin' about that gun bein' down there nothin' I ain't lyin' from Guns Quotes Soundboard
No no pistol amigo it won't do you any good there are three of us from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Now I have a machine gun ho ho ho from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Now there's a new game us old players are gone but you can see our story on music videos with prop guns and fake champagne from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Now why doesn't somebody pull out a 45 and bang settle it from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Oh! hi cannon oh I think you and I have met before cannon maybe on a ballistics report on my desk do you suppose from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Okay so what do you need besides a miracle guns lots of guns from Guns Quotes Soundboard
On second thought take the gun from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Once you get the gun anchored you got a solid base you'll see when we get to it this gun's got a heavy recoil it won't stand still from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Packs everything including a gun from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Point it at the commander aim right between the eyes from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Say hello to my little friend! from Guns Quotes Soundboard
See this this is my boomstick! from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Shoot it off! shoot with a gun that's what the bullets are for you twit! from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Six perfect number isn't three the perfect number yeah but I got six more bullets in my gun from Guns Quotes Soundboard
So what's the procedure when you got a gun at your head huh from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Still got the flash of that gun in my head man that white light and it was like that light man was sayin' you're dead from Guns Quotes Soundboard
That gun makes me nervous mister i'm not gonna be a hero you can put the gun away from Guns Quotes Soundboard
That is the second time you pointed a gun at me! there will not be a third from Guns Quotes Soundboard
That sounded like gunshots not the kind that you hear in war movies but gun shots real ones they're gonna kill us from Guns Quotes Soundboard
That's what happens when you sit behind a desk you forget things like the weight in the hand of a gun that's loaded and one that's not from Guns Quotes Soundboard
The cannon is pointing at him and he stands there sipping a martini hmm from Guns Quotes Soundboard
The cannon's just for status I mean like ain't no uptown mama gonna fat mouth a brother who's packing a magnum under his vines from Guns Quotes Soundboard
The gun went off I don't know why i'm cool I promise you from Guns Quotes Soundboard
The minute this gun was loaded one of you brave boys might decide to go for the ride just to fire it from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Them guns don't scare me 'cause without them guns you ain't nothin' but a skinny lunger from Guns Quotes Soundboard
These guns are locked onto your genetic signature they won't shoot anyone but you from Guns Quotes Soundboard
They got missiles automatic weapons and enough plastic explosives to orbit arnold schwarzenegger from Guns Quotes Soundboard
This is the gun from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Tommy gun stinks no accuracy no punch might as well use a revolver from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Touch that gun i'll burn you down from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Use your gun in a threatening manner from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Wait 'til I get a real one colt 45 pop won't let me have one yet will you pop not 'til you're twelve son from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Watch it he's meaner than a rattler and twice as fast with them pistols! from Guns Quotes Soundboard
We gotta get outta here I gotta start packing only essentials we gotta travel light bring the guns the weapons the knives from Guns Quotes Soundboard
We have the gun and the bullets food and the radio from Guns Quotes Soundboard
We're all scared and why shouldn't we be what do you think we use in war water pistols from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Well there's no problem if you had a gun shoot 'em in the head that's a sure way to kill 'em if you don't get yourself a club or a torch beat 'em or burn 'em they go up pretty easy from Guns Quotes Soundboard
What are you looking at i'm a bitch with a gun two! from Guns Quotes Soundboard
What's going on I don't know it sounded like machine guns from Guns Quotes Soundboard
When you've got a gun you are a sort of god if you had the gun i'd be the chump and you'd be the god the gun gives you the power of life and death from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Without the gun i'm nothing and I never had anything before I got one first time I got one in my hands and killed a man I got some self respect I was somebody from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Without the gun you would never have spit at me you would never have even noticed me but because of the gun you'll remember me as long as you live from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Y'all can't afford them guns from Guns Quotes Soundboard
Yes chris listen to me put down the gun and let the marching band go we'll play it off as a prank from Guns Quotes Soundboard
You can't just walk in here and put a gun in my face i'm trying to get a manicure from Guns Quotes Soundboard
You can't really blame him any bloody fool can pull a trigger from Guns Quotes Soundboard
You going to pull those pistols or whistle dixie from Guns Quotes Soundboard
You kids today ain't nothing but punks sissified so quick to pick up a gun you scared to take an ass whipping from Guns Quotes Soundboard
You need to get that gun off my face from Guns Quotes Soundboard
You poor guys always confusing your pistols with your privates from Guns Quotes Soundboard
You really don't have to be out here like this broadcasting all your fuckin' porno shit and takin' your pictures puttin' your guns in the air man from Guns Quotes Soundboard
You see in this world there's two kinds of people my friend those with loaded guns and those who dig you dig from Guns Quotes Soundboard
You with your gun and me with the belt and the ammo feeding you jack from Guns Quotes Soundboard
You're wrong about god and the guns sheriff from Guns Quotes Soundboard