Main Content
A guardian gives everything they've got
A world without my sisters isn't worth saving
All I get is attention I was hoping for obsession
All stars burnout eventually
All that sparkle and still no personality
Alright they're all going to be cosmic dust
Bad choices make the best stories
Before you judge remember I am your future
Being a good girl can get you killed
Being bad feels pretty good huh
Burning bright has a price
But showing what we're made of starlight
By the first star I will totale punish you
Call kiko you can dance on the corpse of the next one
Change is coming
Charmed i'm sure
Chase the light and you're going to get burned
Chester rebel without a cause
Chico here tells me you're full of it
Chico spirit dash
Chico such language
Come closer
Come here you little rascal
Come on and fight like a girl
Come on kiko time to play
Come on kiko we are the life of the party
Could by kygo
Crashed it
Cut it out
Destiny can't catch me
Destiny is crueler than you can imagine
Don't lose your sparkle
Don't worry i'm way out of your league
Done look ha ha
Everyone sparkles i'm just a tiny bit brighter
Eyes on the prize
Falling in love that's how a star falls
Fight for each other nothing else matters
For the last time the sparkles are for star guardians
Go ahead eat your heart out
Go get 'em kiko
Good girls get even
Ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Hashtag killing it
Haters gonna hate
Have you ever been in love kiko
Heavenly body coming through
Here kinda cute when you're losing
Here's a twinkle in your eye
Hey let's start late in my eyes is up here
Hey the stars called they want you dead
Hey there
Hey you're crazy is showing
How about a line I haven't heard then i'll be impressed
How embarrassing for you
How tragic
I am stronger than starlight
I can't help it if I woke up like this
I can't help it if i'm a natural leader
I do not have time for this
I don't accept destiny I defy it
I don't mean to tease it's just so easy
I don't think that is your color
I don't want to think about the past or the future
I fight for love justice and beauty but mostly beauty
I guess you couldn't hang with the cool kids
I just can't even
I know that was totes unfair
I love the sound you make when you shut up
I think I need a new orbit
I totally meant that
I was voted most likely to kill you
I will defend the stars
I'll be nicer if you get smarter
I'm a little busy can I ignore you later
I'm always chasing the moment
I'm going to kill you that's what the fox says
I'm just too magical for this later 's
I'm not doing this for you
I'm playing on nothing but heart
I'm smiling because i'm going to hit you in the face
I'm so over this
I'm the first and last star you'll see tonight
I'm the girl your team told you not to worry about
I've totally got this
If I throw a stick will you leave
If looks could kill you would already be dead
Innocence is going to get you killed
It can be a burden to shine so bright
It takes more than stardust to get this right
It's hard to be humble when you've got this much sparkle
It's not the big lies that tear us apart jenna it's the little secrets
Jealous much
Jealousy is an illness hope you get better soon
Just a fox on the run
Just one more
Keep trying you'll get there
Kick out
Learn to take a hint
Let me guess hammer
Let's be young forever
Let's light em up
Let's light up the sky
Let's pretend this is love
Let's show him starlight kiko
Looks like someone forgot how to be awesome
Lots of details 'cause this box isn't listening
Love and hope spring forth from the stars that's worth fighting for
Love will tear us apart if the creatures from an alternate dimension don't first
Loving too deeply that's how a star falls
Magical girl makeup tip moisturize with the tears of your enemies
Maximum sass achieved
Maybe I like you maybe not
Me looking for trouble is like you chasing my tail
My bad
My fight isn't over
My soul is in the sky
Mystery did have its charm just not enough
Next time burn brighter
Next time i'll try caring I promise
Nice planet you've got here lux
No I don't like you
No I totally just tide that
No one controls me
No regrets
No sad face just kidding
Not everyone has what it takes
Not everything is starshine and rainbows
Nothing personal sarah
Now kiko they dressed that way on purpose
Of course they look up to me half the time i'm flying
Oh did you want my attention
Oh that's sweet
Oh you're cute what a waste
OMG it can speak
Overreact much
People follow stars kiko but what do stars follow
Play starlight
Put your game face on girls
Put your heart into it
Quit kiko
Read stardust maybe then you can be pretty on the inside
Sacrificed was always in your destiny
Say hello to your teen dream
Seize the day starlight doesn't last forever
Shine on
Sing bad does have its charms
So pure so bright
So there's a black hole where your personality should be
Some like me i'll try to remember to cry about it later
Some stars have it some don't
Some stars were meant to fall
Someone tutor me in algebra while we slay this dragon
Sometimes we have to change the stars
Sorry sister
Speed of light no problem
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Ahri - League of Legends Sound
Star guardians are in it to win it
Star guardians gotta stay hydrated
Starlight binds us
Starlight is my spotlight
Starlight reflection
Starlight will prevail
Stars don't quit where reborn
Starshine makes everything better
Start us power activate
Stop trying to make fetch happen
Suck it up starlight
Tales don't lie
Teddy is so close to pretty just not close enough
Tell them I tried
Thanks sir over sharing
That was amazeballs
That was so much fun
That was totally worth it
That's not swagger that sparkle
The best defense is a good offense
The darkest night makes for the brightest stars
The first star doesn't control my destiny I do
The front of me of my enemy is my friend something like that
The stars see everything
There are no good girls gone wrong just bad girls found out
There's more at stake than glitter bombs
They want to kill me or beanie either way it's kinda all about me
This is how you know I like you
This star follows her own path
This will make your heart goes supernova
Time for a fox I view
Time to grow up starboy
Time to ignite some stardust
Time to save the world
Time to supernova
Too bad so sad
Total dragon breath
Totally worth the calories
True stars defied darkness
Twenty times over baron
Wanna see something cute
We're not sisters just strangers with memories
Well I heard you I just don't care
Who's afraid of a little fighting I survived gym class
Why yes I did just fall from heaven
Winning first kiko and then ice cream sundaes
Yeah keep chasing stars see where that gets you
Yes i'm the popular one
You can touch a girl just by how she looks except for me of course
You can't throw shade on a star
You look like one of those girls who hang out under the bleachers
You need to lighten up
You want to know a secret too bad
You were never alone
You were telling my twinkle
You're going to fight me wearing that
You're going to need to turn the psycho way down
You're such a show off kiko
Young love never lasts
Your boyfriend called again
Your inner star is an ugly color
Yum strawberry
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