Main Content
Are you kidding me
Are you kidding me 2
Aww damn it
Aww god damn it
Below the microphone
Blue neon whre
Both buttons make him go backwards
Come here
Come on
Come on 2
Come on 3
Come on 4
Come on 5
Come on damn it
Come on I need that
Come on Pooh
Damn it
Damn it 2
Dog shit
Don't go backwards you idiot
Don't touch my fing ball bro
Doubles again
F me I got a flat tire
Fing feed your cat dkhead
Fing finally holy shit
Fing goddamn block
Fing hit the goddamn road
Fk 2
Fk 3
Fk 4
Fk 5
Fk 6
Fk 7
Fk 8
Fk 9
Fk off
Fk this shit
Fk you
Flip over
Gavin are you serious
Gavin no
Get fked on Boardwalk 4 eyes
Get off the wall idiot
Get out of the way
Get out you little btch
Get the bubble
Get the f away from my food
Get the fk out
Go 2
Go down
Go fing forward
Go fk yourself
Go for that stupid
Go go man
Go to jail
Go up or down
Go you fk
God damn it
God damn it 2
God damn it 3
God damn it 4
God damn it 5
God damn it FK
God damn it that is fing gruesome
God mother you
Hand motions rambling
He binked my bonk again
He did a fing flip
Headbutt motherfker
Here's the fk you button
Hey asshole you got a fing leak
Holy fk
Holy shit
Holy shit 2
Holy shit 3
Holy shit come on
How did I still fall through
How did you miss
How did you miss one
How do you go forward
How is there more
How the fk do I do that
How'd this little shit win
I already signed in
I am a human
I can't fing beat Pong
I can't move past the fing starting line
I can't stop him from doing a starting backflip
I died immediately
I died in the house
I don't even know where to go here
I drowned instantly
I gotta do that are you serious
I just want the dog
I wanna fing kill him
I wasn't bankrupt
I'm fing dead
I'm fing screwed
I'm losing all my fing food here
If he fing leaned in that goddamn direction
It went right through his fing face
It won't let me get off the top
Jesus Christ what the hell
Jesus fing Christ
Just go
Luca no god damn it
Made it
Michael lets out anger
Michael screaming
Michael throwing a fit
Motherfker 2
Motherfker 3
Motherfker oh shit
Motherfking double spikes
My dk fell off right there
My guy was doing the worm
No 2
No I almost had it
No I don't want this guy
Nope nope
Now I know why people wanted me play this shit
Oh fk
Oh God
Oh my god NO
Oh my god SCREAM
Oh shit
Oh shit now we're doing this
Oh shit what the fk
OMG I was right there
OMG Jesus Christ
One for fing 11
Or I'm going to outer space
Pew pew pew
Pick it up
Put your fing finger away
Santa Claus
Scream chanting
Show my ass
Suck my lumps
The fing cloud killed me
The fk does that mean
The fk is this
The flag you fool
The game wasn't even over
This game sucks
This guy I swear to god you motherfker
This is bullshit
This isn't a boxing match
Throw it John Madden
Too soon
Two doubles in a row
Use your fing legs you fk
Wait wtf
We already fing did this
We're falling
We're on the same track
Wear ballet flats ya moron
What a sad sack of shit
What are these hand motions
What are we watching
What are you doing
What is fing happening
What the fk
What the fk 2
What the fk 3
What the fk 4
What the fk are you GAAAH
What the fk is happening
What the fk is your cat doing on the kitchen table
What the fk just happened
What the fk was that
What the fk was that 2
What the hell am I d Aah!
What the hell do I do here
What the hell was that
What the shit
Whoa whoa whoa
Why did I die last time
Why did you bounce off the road
Why do you jump like you're on the fing moon
Why do you need two spoons
Why is there clouds in the water
Why the fk am I going last
Why'd you make this two players
Yeah this is gonna end great
You are getting spayed right after this
You can't just decide that
You fing rat piece of shit
You fing son of a btch
You have 5 fing meters
You little fing pink fk
You motherfker
You motherfker that's bullshit
You son of a whre
You stupid fk
You stupid fk 2
You stupid fk 3
You're 1 for 10
You're bogus
You're going backwards what are you doing
You're scoring yourself you dumb bonk
You're too bad
Your hands don't go in your head or in your pants
8 in this room
9 fing dollars
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