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Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Brooklyn Nine Nine (99) - Captain Holt Soundboard
More Boards:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Captain CJ
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 2
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 5
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013) Season 6
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 4
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013) Season 5
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 1
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013) Season 8
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 3
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013) Season 7
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Ultimate
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Amy Santiago
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Charles Boyle
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Doug Judy
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Gina Linetti
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Hitchcock
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Jake Peralta
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Kevin
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Rosa Diaz
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Scully
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Terry Jeffords
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Jake Peralta
💬 Pete Davidson TTS Computer AI Voice
Moo Moo
💬 Michael Patrick McGill TTS Computer AI V…
Agreed from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Bingpot from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Birds stop singing
Birds stop singing from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Bold personality
Bold personality from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Bold personality
Bold personality from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Bone from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Bone from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Booone from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Booooone! from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Boost my bottom
Boost my bottom from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Boost my bottom
Boost my bottom from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
BRB time
BRB time from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Brb time
Brb time from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Brooklyn 99 Bingpot
Brooklyn 99 Bingpot from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
But if you're here
But if you're here from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
But if you're here
But if you're here from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
But why%3F
But why%3F from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Captain Ray Holt
Captain Ray Holt from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Charbonnay from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Chocolate and nuts
Chocolate and nuts from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Constipated from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Cowabunga from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Cowabunga from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Crazy Cupcakes
Crazy Cupcakes from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Cute little secret weapon
Cute little secret weapon from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Cute little secret weapon
Cute little secret weapon from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
D-D-D-D-D-D-Derek from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Derek from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Derek jeter
Derek jeter from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Dirtbag from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Dirtbag from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Dismissed from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Dismissed from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Don't ever bup-bup-bup me again
Don't ever bup-bup-bup me again from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Everything is garbage
Everything is garbage from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Everything is garbage
Everything is garbage from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Forced laughing
Forced laughing from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Funky Cold Medina
Funky Cold Medina from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Funky Cold Medina
Funky Cold Medina from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Funniest story
Funniest story from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Get some
Get some from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Get some
Get some from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Get to work
Get to work from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Gina Linetti spagheti confetti
Gina Linetti spagheti confetti from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Goat from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Hello Sexarella
Hello Sexarella from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Hello Sexarella
Hello Sexarella from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Here at the fun zone
Here at the fun zone from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Holt laughing
Holt laughing from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Holt-Marshmallow from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
HOT DAMN from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
HOT DAMN from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
How dare you
How dare you from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
How dare you
How dare you from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Huh from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Huh from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I am your superior officer
I am your superior officer from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I am your superior officer
I am your superior officer from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I gained 3 pounds in Paris
I gained 3 pounds in Paris from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I gained 3 pounds in Paris
I gained 3 pounds in Paris from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I have zero interest
I have zero interest from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I have zero interest
I have zero interest from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I just erased everything
I just erased everything from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I was hula hooping
I was hula hooping from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I was hula hooping
I was hula hooping from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I'd like to play
I'd like to play from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I'd like to play
I'd like to play from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I'm from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I'm from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I'm a Curd-mudgeon
I'm a Curd-mudgeon from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I'm a Curd-mudgeon
I'm a Curd-mudgeon from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I'm diffusing a situation
I'm diffusing a situation from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I'm diffusing a situation
I'm diffusing a situation from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I'm here
I'm here from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I've heard you saying that 162 times
I've heard you saying that 162 times from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I've never been happier
I've never been happier from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
I've never been happier
I've never been happier from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Idiot from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Is everything OK
Is everything OK from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Is everything OK
Is everything OK from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Is everything okay (brain)
Is everything okay (brain) from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Kase from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Kwazy cupcakes
Kwazy cupcakes from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Let's break into the FBI
Let's break into the FBI from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Let's get that punk!
Let's get that punk! from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Let's get that punk!
Let's get that punk! from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Let's unleash hell
Let's unleash hell from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Let's unleash hell
Let's unleash hell from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Made no I birthed her
Made no I birthed her from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Made no I birthed her
Made no I birthed her from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Marco polo
Marco polo from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Marco polo
Marco polo from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Marshedmallows from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Moment savored
Moment savored from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Never love anything
Never love anything from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Never love anything
Never love anything from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Nice burn
Nice burn from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
No from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
No one will ever believe you
No one will ever believe you from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
None of your business
None of your business from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Nothing 1
Nothing 1 from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Nothing 2
Nothing 2 from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Now put on a smile
Now put on a smile from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Now put on a smile
Now put on a smile from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Oh damn
Oh damn from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Oh damn
Oh damn from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Oppsie Doodle
Oppsie Doodle from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Oppsie Doodle
Oppsie Doodle from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Painnnn from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Painnnn from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Peralta you're a genius
Peralta you're a genius from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Peralta you're a genius
Peralta you're a genius from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Please from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Punk from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Raymond Holt
Raymond Holt from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Raymond Holt
Raymond Holt from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Replaced with butt
Replaced with butt from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Right now
Right now from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Robot from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Robot from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Shake what your mama gave ya
Shake what your mama gave ya from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Situation diffused
Situation diffused from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Situation diffused
Situation diffused from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Some of the rices I love
Some of the rices I love from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Stage 5 dumbass
Stage 5 dumbass from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Stop playing this inane garbage
Stop playing this inane garbage from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Stop playing this inane garbage
Stop playing this inane garbage from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Stop talking
Stop talking from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Talking raisin
Talking raisin from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Talking raisin
Talking raisin from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
That is without question the funniest story i've ever heard
That is without question the funniest story i've ever heard from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
The full bullpen
The full bullpen from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
The full bullpen
The full bullpen from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
This bitch
This bitch from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
This is
This is from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
This is Balthaazar
This is Balthaazar from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
This is Balthaazar
This is Balthaazar from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
This is my John McClane moment
This is my John McClane moment from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Time for the nest level
Time for the nest level from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Time for the next level
Time for the next level from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Time to make daddy proud
Time to make daddy proud from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Time to make daddy proud
Time to make daddy proud from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Unleash the beast
Unleash the beast from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Velvet Thunder
Velvet Thunder from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Velvet thunder
Velvet thunder from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Very cool
Very cool from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Vindication from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Vindication from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
What from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
What are you doing at Razzmataz
What are you doing at Razzmataz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
What are you doing at Razzmataz
What are you doing at Razzmataz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
What the hell is going on
What the hell is going on from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Where is my dog
Where is my dog from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Would you like to talk
Would you like to talk from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Wuntch meat
Wuntch meat from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Wuntch sounds like lunch
Wuntch sounds like lunch from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Wuntch time is over
Wuntch time is over from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Wuntch time is over
Wuntch time is over from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Yabba dabba doo
Yabba dabba doo from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Yabba dabba doo
Yabba dabba doo from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard
Yas queen
Yas queen from Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Captain Holt Soundboard